
Post on 02-Apr-2018

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-r^TnROVE FEMALE SEMInary.atV^...a .r Term of tb. Oak G eve Fem.le\W- Tit f£t l»e NY "HI c .mm.nee o_ the FIRSTto**!!7'?*.MAY OrcuVe. fe ly seetiBg terms. Ac,BarDaY m f*A* -^VfTLi_lir »r at the Bookstore of

»'^;.« '

WM. C. FOOI-. Prtndpal.¦JS,!w*> -

%1R \CTiCAL BOOK-KBEPING.-CWi. maBSH loss known « City.eoBtineea hie

_JU?4_S"f *'lae tract." sad rtudy of B^kMa->< 4*V .d-aT trat Seer, np stairs I et those

*t» Circulars, with trr^a.r.rareecae.kc-fT*tf»hvh,'t w.-i.i «a frt*>k-keemeg, well Uowa ia

ST W, "ties «f the tuited State.. Mevlre BoutnWeal lAttiee. -Speai.h and English, for sale


_fXCEI-SIÖri.--Parenti wishiri? to findFi an lT,>tnttt)A_ taaakia-h rr«d order ie ¦»^»'».d h7iTkiLdr m aad ramd improvement, secured bydh-roigBCbT-, !-**" Ho s'eaatd a-id served at the C>mraereialyt-UaaieaJ School.N*J^y/^gR, Principal



JJiano-^orleo.ian(»-r ortes..hazelt» «n 6.BBOTHB8I .A Ion« experitace in the MlsBllBiil

£g|lui ,»1 D.,artn,ent* baa prepared »».¦''^/i*.. ifayVriart tkeir r\nnos ia svsri respect. HAZ'CLTONS,¦e.tiS ('euro »'.. t»«ar Graad._

P"HÄ"Nu-fortes..T. h. cham-BEKS'S Warerooat.No SSi Broadway,ft. Y._

r-fES'S KS. lighte «V NEWIHME inIfI t «i ,;e:«e of the increased ¦lenaaad.aad aar>v» od*Lhn . .i*tb».r prANfVKOKTE3.b»»»»rto» ]t.d their

tants*. and ..eaed » Wareroom ia Broadwav. Wo-eo.

VMef; ., 3 al? ¦ eetaaUy Veep a ebome seleekoa otugJava. Frt.v. ft.,.. 6* to 7, »J^V^Jtm-wttk »'i:he latest itnrjwrreJ patterns We fhsB aisoc«d

«Vstto ,.f. . rall ^..ortment of "aaUooenUateerMsatlEtary si d v arateaaas, No tt Canal st. at^FartasgsjearMruufait'iieare warranted m saaay»aBSSSS. rtm

Sw-rv. Amateure, sad thoee «vho tn'-tc.pata pares-£g.Sa^taspeetfaJJ; invited to tail awl examine. All orders

from ti e city r r/ entry poaetaaHy oxeeatea._

TV* W pi I \o-forte warerooms11 -LI NOCLH A THOMPSON. B*_Metyat thewarn-t . ,r.,r a r'o baveop*r:td ron at no. «11

Si!:: »h.'ra n .y be found a complete assortment of

LarTlT set -mlÄ. *. »»;° * 5_ H?"*-SC . Atss! paaaoe to let. We tkall he haopy to aee

«ai fiiei.dsssabt.TO.and laritethe residents af tibi I ty...d *»eA_M bseaU sad exaniine our st.-k of .«pofw in-

¦T,u,iel',' _A. B. THOMPSON.

.OOSTON piano-FORTES.-.It ig %

JTb treat sdrantsys in pnrchaains; Pianos to ristt aa

e*n> '.rt i.O'i ne can e vannre, in the time iw n.

riun tn't of Co d.ilerent relebratid tualteia. This * Jfo< to la the rase at No sot* Bromlsray. The au!>-

etnibsrs sie the sole agents, in this city, for the sale of BV-atrvr. tntt frctn tie following weB known Piano-FortenssteMo' B. aloe: Hallet A Allen (successor*to Browak Pal -.t »V y ^watd K Brown. V.'ni f Bi .ers-iB, saida v. 1 BAFFORD fc BROlilCR.

No.369 Broad war, Ne .»-York

LMOVAL .n. p. B. CURTlllSIms__, I#/,^ve<l from N». 423 Broadway to the epao.miwaren >r. T O i! > A A Co . No 447 Broadway, wherepj^. ),. Batata assortnient of new and second-l«jd I u Tag subscribers are tele sgtats for the taleof tke ce'ebrated American Patent Action Piaro-Porte of

a Bottoa. Alao hare a full supply of T.Silba ' fc .c^l^d^rlrei K .> an Pianos, al! of whichaieoiie-,d <'>r t .1* es f e most teatcaableteima.

N. P B CCBT1S8 A CO.. No. 417 Broadway.

Fred piano-fortes..NoBtCRB KIRINO .Yen can buy a Piann Forte, of

aar maker r> ple&je.snd pr y ttmdl monthly intttll'nentsGossd set a Prospect'is of the Second Piano-Porte Aesodato a, l-i bo had gratis at the office, in the bookstere o

Adrntit, oh'-.-J-an-Co , No 2 Astor House.* A »1 JOCKLYX. Tre^n-. r

PIAN(^f0rtes..Persons about pmehasmg Pisnot will And it to their advantage to ;a<l

atfi Olm k f' ¦'». Manofaetory, No. lDtPultar. st-lwettof fr.adwat ) A g«aeral aaeoitir.ent ol mahogwiy andruts-'.o.h| 1':hoi>s conttantly baud, whtch will basoldlow for rath or approved paper, nealsrssuppbod on libe-aal terms. B OI.BNN b CO., No. lMFultonsC

Fl A NO-FORTES BBd MELODEON8FOB SALE-Perrons about p-.rc.hastng Pianos or

BfeloCoas, are invited to call at BENNETT k CO '3War*- or .Ho IS$Fnlton st.. second flt>or, (east side olBroadway.1 where thev w ill And an aatortment of'.he rood-era style of r eewoad Piano-Forte, and Melodeona Everybtstrunier.t whi.-ai.ted for two yesta, and when doubts areexprraaed aa to the quality, the payment may br withheld¦atj) such doubts are remi ved. Old Pianos received 1«

Cr. - k' for asrw eaea Haw aka seatsad-aand Pianoslet_Pianos for Salt» and to Hire, at No. 8

Bali lay-st., asxt door to ihe Astor Honse, from 6<) to7 octaves, is rotewood sad mahorany rasea .

JAS THOMPSON, Iste 1 allman k Randall

F. HARRISON has removed "his"o Hariufar.torv and Wareroom* from No. 23 CaoaFst.

to No S7 To v t- »t, near Grand st., where may be foundaspired <l assatta ent of Ptano-Poites.

t%,G. I iSCHER. Qxto NciatB & Fis-e ruta.) M&anftetory aud Wareroom, No. 170 Gre'>o-

wleh-st coiner of Pey-at. PIANO FORTFS warranted,With raveite bridge aud patent tobe, well calcalnted forkeeping in ttaie. Piaao-Furteg tuned, repaired and ex-.hsnger!

rvvtt-noional Xoticc«.

[ S. PASSPORTS for all parte^t-ee world.ii,, iaaeaasaWate travelers.inaued by

J. 11. NONES. Notary. No, M Broadway.

¦0L7ALDBTE1N ,t BECKEl*-.Thev f aathjekl -pii -u» fron. Germany, bavo removed

from fn ui No 4lgt» No. 4)1 Broadway. Having tottedlatu ski I ia asai.ting imperlert or impaired vioinu, we areable to t,,e i» warmly ia its favor. Their teletoopes, ini-enaec'. . opera ilasses, spoctacles, Ac, are un.nrouesed


OKTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE..F Dr. CAKPENTER coatinue. the prartice of I'hvsieand t- .; a* nsnal. at his old «sia»lisii«d oiiics, thePnek-sliti Dit cuswy. No. 4 Perk-tl p. near Fearl.

s. Carpenter, m d.

RB. NÄPOLEON PRETERRE~&I) 8 I.OtiNMikKRY. Dentists, have removed theiraaVe fr u No 313 Broadway to No. 383 Broadway, he-tween White sad Walker-ata , where they will continuethe practice of their prefeaaiea ia all its van. u* branr.hee.

CJEOROE FT SCIIAFFER, nentist,J will ;i an ve ou Mar t firm No. Ti Warren-tt. to No.

SM H'ii'.n u-.1 a iew doors above Rioome at.

]\U JAMES T. STRATTON, DIN-P T18T,will TOtiCTt on the lat of May fiomNo.MS

Ctakd a: to N<> in 4th-av.,corner of ltttt at.

SB SHAW,Teal E7tate,:Mori^Indo l-»nr,.nc, \reut, flevoland, Oliw, cortinues to at

bastltetkeeaseaad urrl»«e it Red Fatale and Stockt,

Jhe loa. 'it of Monty and the collection of De its inI' rtbi

Ä»i3rel!nneott9 QaütieTtificnicnt«.

C'AI II RNIA PASSKNGElINFOai.I al.aTlON OFFiCti.No. («13 Bnadway. New Yaik.

.Tt < »u '.« > .¦<..! *r,l up in .1.' ii..i i 1 I.«ianger* shatetd instruct ail to call oa the undersigned aud>. ..«ti.m where, when and how to atrare rellah'eihr«».'it . . i raouiue stamp and at the lowest tales,r«aiii.:. »-ei. irrbnily or by Utter f. I $1. Passage, via<Strar> at nVtau ran he secured, to tail the Ji'th f.Ao rd,list cabin, $t>a); seovndcsbin SIM; eteerate,Slti.


iLÜMJL FRIDAY..Het Cross Buns on__ *»' :..M \' Apr.I !>.fr-ti.Tiia ere-

JjJJrr7l r kYLOB'aVHe. 337 BxoaUway.oj pMatto the Tai>

"LM KMHRE-A Urge and valuableAt v^V.": VrVB,o°/c,V.' deeeripti at may be had at the at .re

1 v ^Ol- k CO. No Ml Hudsoa-sl.. mBajge or >:t nil qy aatities. wholesale and retail. f.rcuahear ajpr, v,(| iiotos Hoeewowd. mhh'uroiiy. black walnutend piou>r» tnt s. for parlors and bed-rooma. iu greattranvty StrsM aud priees to tint the Persoas in

. 1 »ho with to f irmrh, are requestedta «al. sad r>a:mne the stock e .ataiue.. u t.

.yi n.ldiug,. rb la the 'vaeat aid moot vuluado*' ' u' .. iw-.iy years >; v«t.r« of ererrSMtma ca band abo made to order. Ca'itoima and »thsr

fj BNRYL. .SMITH, Heuse and Si^rV.1 'M.Olaaias. Ac No l.»W Bamdway, near

tend .v I a* execute.! wi;hWdTai »Wutiiul and .tunble srtiele of close cr

ssnaiLb^ s'.l."^ 1 "f ; l»"t»}'<'«" of Wods aud Mar--ffaaaht.VTw '.l* " t?« Ac Proiu»u-.u,!saaw aear... > f worko.anahip »cd excellence of material¦»»*wod ... .,-.,,, . ,v,.

^J't'SS-CASKS of Silver; (ierman Sil-

\\ x.' papers by thramtL C ^fONLY -The la. reet and moot «u^xl, .aa!aMttaei.: m tt- DN1 n 1» ST «\TE^ f r saabv**"

_aJlEOB W.^IBLD B CO^Ne" t cintnt._Pat eg made easy.IRXEE'S BAKING POWDERS..

aafcttfaaff?^^ "d «»»?.«.«t er-he».»-.k "a cook can altraya deaead uooaW.^;Tr,,f'« ^ratatc beat and ssoet tewaarVtaSaaTsmf "i"*a- ^"f' *c . Ac . imaxia «ble. Trv E-ae^peu wall tot be eassppolated Sold by the grocers (omW

fr*ft^ht CARS.-60 naan^WaaBtllBglef taa |^'"',l.*r*. Et**' .* ,h» >»oet thorough maaaer,aWher-T .".Vi^* *"4 ooastrueuea. lad.a-

"Tr;-¦_ GORDON McKAY, Agent.

.JIM?? DooaTod num..*»t «f Kt f\*," «*-«e largaet and moot varied as .rt--Taed^ Naatber*^.^*U^ C*ure»IK«1^!*!'^'! l-^r.. Ac are

4 LCOHOL.100 bbls. 95 pet cent suit-/» ab)« for making bunting!fluid, fnr »alt by tha rnaatr

lueturer, JOHN &. LOUN8BERBY. No. M Bwl:ng-alii>.

GENERAL TAYLOR'S HEAD*QUARTER*. No. 76 Fulton ft . conioroi u«dd_wt.

. An ei»**nt assortment ol Sprang sad PuimneT Clo«hii *\

P L ROGERS. No. 7« Fulton-it , corneroi W" »..wbolssal* and retail dealer in Clotbtn.-. »V, i" Genera! Taylor'« Headquarters. ' \,,the varment*oeeesiaty iortUrEaaaMsM of a Ml «man s

w»td.ot e...-t rice, tha' n o f*T b»jnBdt»«re^asaMaa «y employing u mm other ifcaa .¦?«rl" *"^",t».T. s*naVedto'hJa»tof th»w<U a. the uniurpit.od "gS*.Jߣr rtntent of Cloth*. Cvtin^ea * »»^.Jk*_J '2i' "

tli***irehl* style*, avad b*v* be.n,aabwand*i h i

view of combining beanty. e«gaire, ec u .a.r.aad dura-

b!Mr J SOUDER still rerraia* ia chart* of the cti*-f'~*ruvvmM*. mhett i , bas rBartered him*elf so

with datable and ^ffi N^Ta^alt«^, t*». Oaäd.j'sOL'DER, Superintendent

». w _ i large sad eicllien: suurtiuent cf yoat'.a an«

childreaV Clothing always oa haad, wmch wfl] be soldat correttxaa^giyjo*_C\ REAT BARGAINS in FEATHERS,

> BEOS. MATTRESSES. Ac. at CBAW BUCK'S,No J5»Graad at.,ld door east of Ewu-tt, New-York .

Chi*" Upholstery aid Feattar store. The a'.tentu.u offamilies aooat purchasing is respectfully mrued to thelarge sid beantifil a**«rtnisiit of beds, mattresses, Pail¬lasses, bedtteads. est*, etc . a" of which bare been pur¬chased *t low cash ptfeaa, and will bes'dd at such prices as

to male it an inducement for all to call and examine theabove stock previous to making theii purchases. Goodsseat to any ran of the city, Bro. kljn or Willimisburghfree of cartage. Old beds and mst'rostei renovated aalmade over. W. CBA WBUCit, No. 348 Gr .id at.

td diwr eut <jf Eun .! , N Y.

REMOVAL..The subscriber respect¬fully if fortes his friends and the puMie that ne has

rcniored his Tailoring Establishment from No. 10 Liberty-at to his new «loro, No. 453 Broadway, Vtwea Spring a idPrince-eta._ISAAC P. «yial*_S~H A DE PAINTER S ! SHADE

PAINTERS'-All Shade Painters in this city ar delsewhere are most respertiul ly informed that my inanu-

factory is the only one it. the Veiled Statee -» nere paial*are »round by stcau expre-tly for Shade Painters, whichenables me to sell the choicest colors, of t,.e very oestquality, at the following reduced prices:Terra de Sienna,burned..24 caaltperlb.Terra de Sienna,raw.-.1TJ cents par lb.TJmber.boTTed_._.._lt{ Cei ts^per lh.Umber,raw._.14 cent* per!b.Chionie Yellow.._._...24 cent* per lb.Pans Green.-....3Ii cents per ;b.Chii n - Green. No.1._Jit Out* per lb.Chrome G-eea, No.2.24 cuts per ib.Prussian Blus..>?} r*'ll« P«r lh.Cb'neseBlue.- .filj cents per lb.Everything requited by the Painter kept constantly ou

hand. Goods tent free of charge aad ba sai* conditioatoany part of th* city. S 8CHOONMAKEK,

Noa. 5 L'tiathauwq and 8 Cui'iatioe-st., N.T.

?fLNC PAINTS.WsnrallaaW. Pure..d The NEW-JERSE j ZINC CO , Wareh itce, N<.

14 Uey-fct, are pit paired to suppig tA«i/ Zinc at thefollowing pricee :No. 1 Whit*, ground in oil, 9c. r»r ft.No. I Whit*, gioonl in oil, Be. per .1».No 1 Whi'*. »round id oil, 7c. ;;*r lb.Brown and Black, ground in oil. 4gc. per t>.Dry Wbit* of Zinc. (..- per lb.

WHITE ZINC P*.INT-Aiter thoro lgh test in Eur p* and the tVoJted 8tat**. haa

he>-a fouad to retain it* beauty arid protective g ;diti«tloneer tliaa any other print. For whiteness and bnPWa yu is anrivaled ; it is free from all puisououa prooertiee aacommon and dangerous in other pigments; will coror.

equ*J|wetght.from 40 to ltO per cent more ;paca than le-n,aad is, therefore, mii'h cheaper to the coisamer. As an

inside paint, it will not turn yellow, ltou when erposed tethe a ilidiurons gases of coal fires or the foul air of akipe.Their White Zinc »round in ramish produce* ths puree-u. ni- Their^ BROWN AND BLACK ZINC PAINTSIn a few hour* form a hard and solid metallic coating uponwood brick, iron and otner metallic surfaces, and are rs-uarkuld* for their fire-proofpropertiet. They area neciallyadapted fur marine purposes, having been found to resistthe corriHliirr action of salt water, so Jestr *ctiv* to otL*rpaiaU. Deular* rui'plied on liberal terms by

MANfilKG a 3QUIKB, A'ents.

_No. 4ADey-«t.. N. T.

IFRENCH WHITE ZllsC.-^oTcMk.8njw and I'c'ver White Paint; 2N casks Gmy secoud

quality, of tie Vieille Mtutague Ccnipauv's nunuf-cture,for sale to tne trade by M^CALL a SIKONG,

No. 24 Williani-st., Agents for th* Upjted Slates" O would «ome power the eifn- ».<.. xjTo tee oaiseivea aa others et* us.

THOMPSON, the Daguerreiun Artis.,No. S15 Bror.dway, po.<testet that power praernl-

neidly.and erercites it at low pnees. A perfect likenett,neatly incloaed in a handsome morocco Cose for 4<0c.,(orup-ward.) by J. W. THOMPSON. Darue.rieian Artist, No.S14 Broadway, first door below the H wpital.

f^IIELSEA MILLS.NÖ72j! wesTirth-»t. Depot No. id Beeliman-st. The 9Bbcril-ere are

cow prepaied to furnish Fretit Ground Flour, Gr<shamFl< ur, white and yellov Com Meal. Hornmony, wheatenGrits, and Fauna, Grain and feed .if all k'eds ground toorder; ordeis seived iu any part of the City, free ofcharce. For tale cheap, a io ncrse Steam ICrc/ipe andBoiler in complete runmn»;order MUNSON ta WILLIS.

EWS AND BOOK PRINTIN G~PA*PERS.Constantly on band aril made toorder, by_CYRl» W. > JKL» a Gi). No. 11 Cliatftt.


Wsithi ase, No. 442 Bioadaay, cast titto.neHr i.rand-st.Manufactory, No. 49Grecne at MATHEWSi(.ll.l.lE8.iiiannfaclaiers of Enameled and Cittaue Furui urc. r«>

s:>e>ctfu']y call the ntientiou of thehr format i"U ns, andthe public s;eneiul)y,to their eatsiitive and unrtvnled stockof Fuililnrr.M k Ü. feel conndet* in assert ne that an oxnmiaatiorj

rf their r.»w st rtj >r tl lea or Baajnaled an>' Cottage Kur-mjui* ix all that ia rrquin i to itl-ure, if pessitde, Stillgreater demands en us than in (' umBI teertAll Frrnitore offered at lhis ra'abiisbiuent is made under

oer own special tupeivisiou an t WBlltBlMdJ t« be of thefirst wr,u d here snguest that aa we n.ant.frcftre a'l onr

own artir?es we are uta> led t> seil much li.-.ver thaii ttitacv ho I'urcliase oi the Btaker ta 'ell againMattrent*. Pai'lasies, Piilov-s ttc.rarBiti re carefully boxed at.i ordnrt fi led for all part*

a! the Union MATI'KWS A GILLIE <,No. 441 Bioadway, tear Gian l et, east siae.


TRACTORS .Sealed ntals for the gn.dinr and ma¬

sonry of twpdivisioas of the line of the IIartfont, Provi-d*nc* or.d Fi8bk.ll ettetming from Piovi-dti ce to WiEin ai.tic, the other lYom B. lit. 1 to the Nauga-t'ick Valley.will he leceived at tha Compaay't o/ticeiaHaitioid, up lo the ?'Jth ilk!. Plans, i rt.iilei and I < idea,tu in will 1 u\. Jv fir -x uuiaatii i. on ij.' aAci tin gJdhaai at tha aame place, aad infori rardingtberoateinay be cbiaiued at the Company '« BxSaaa la Pr ividstice,Williuiaatic o>»! Bristol, as well as at the < Bgineer't iffl "'

inHatiford. The Directors will require secun'e for fie

laitbful exscutii n of the work, wh:i h is ti l a sUrtd d ialitctioBi ofcenreiiieBl Itngtli. Thn Li recicr* a's r>. terve

the rieht t*» IW li propostl* at iu ty Ui iy consider uu-.atitlactoiy..liaC'ord, Ai hi 2. 1P42.

8 .MJ KL a IHI UBNKR, Cbiaf Tri

VvTaDiAN sha iiK-* ..

- a ii- j ¦

. f »Mirely Lew as oriment Of VI VQnw gH 1DEIfor th* 8;mng Trade, tow ready for sale. Alto, a beauti^üaie. rip.ent ot Bulf and Whre Lioee». \.iih Blltherequi.tito nionrtints C'sttnere. by catuagatour Stu-e.cansvru-j \U n selves thut tbi r can do better than it soyorber establishment, as we ure exclusive Manufacturers.Store Sba'i« » mede to older, wi > eatr.css ui

N. P..bluet attention paid to farnishine hotels, salooae,ja. AB. G. K RJKKRer CO ,No. UiCbaiham-Bt.

PALM ERS! GlXziERS ! SASÖ-MAKEKS! I'UII DE KS ,.nd others iutereattal Ba

men b*J that 8A.MUEL BCHOONM AKER, N). 6 Chat-V rn iquare, oiTeiiior laJet'.every Ut»t .jitlriei of kreuch*Bd Americas GLASS, of hji »jzrg, fr.m exttolaitd.althe veiy lowest caiii i nctn. Pa liters ia particular ybtar m mmd that by the aid ol four t-tteveivo sicam-iioworpa nr n.ills. kept constantly in operation, I Bag enabled :otell loiter article! ef Paint, at lower prices, thka Blmaiufacturer in the Uafted Stetee. Paiatt, eiil*. Putiy,Brushes, and every art c!e in the line m n |ua< I

bAMUEL aCHOONiVIAKEes,No. J Chatham-square, and No 8 C Jthaiiue St.. N.Y.N.B.-Purcl asert will have their t) ds de1i^ -i-t d in safe

condition and nee of charge te any part of the city.


Paper Hacgu «t trjua» e f r p r'ors, id.u uis, hiÜs. rjiu-iBg-roous, sc.; sprieg hair moat aad < ra-kaet atatu***>e*. padasie. aid Aa.her Ireui.all of the beet quality-wiadow c.'ruca* at tu/ta n material*. »Jute and I idlinen, painted aid tilt border thadei, eld furniture row

i . « B«.> Up d nie u 1. I t' -l i, li.itworkraea teat to are part of th* c run" >y._IT LIV* >E> A CO No TM Bj adway, near Rh it.


Ttrreii Bo;.*. Ol« Paper*, and ail other Paper Makers's«*ck, by CY'aWS W a I ELD A ft)

_No. M Baekman-at.

PLANK ROAD LUMBER.--Tat« »ab-serioe- would be tluü te fn;nt»h 'ue or t ^o ibiIIiob

feetci Hamioc* Plank R td Lumber, to be delivered ^tJToy. Aioaay or New York or aar intermediäre laaditig*.The Plank aie rant BUtted, flora a taperioi qutht cf».Bilock, and will be fureul ed on thort aotaee at thera .atr*t»onahi* Forritrtharpar'ioalaea mumrcof


NOTICE .ProiiOMils will be received atNo. 6* Ma-de.i-lai e. uutdthe 12th f April, for al! lh*

Blummarwon ren^uired in tha tew Ward Sch ? ; Nr> ID ia2Uli si..betv.«eu7'.hatdUh avi. Likewiie, onv tal*Lrth* gTaJi'Bg of all the wood work of said School

_THO* CHRISTY.Truetee.

REMOVAL..COLTER & DUGARDM .> bav* ttihiitil Boat the foot uf 14»h st an 1 are nowicctttd. aad hare in full operat.m their bow steam Saw.Will, loot of is-h-ir., North River. A coat nuii.c. of pat-rooago isiolieii*d Fvsrv dercnption oi White Oa* Gtor-na lrce aid White Pine tiaibei can be supplied at ihoit


IT S. BOUNTY LAND OFFICE, No..sot a^.'3 Chatham et., ob Charabsr* st .NOTICE..If

! ..*'?.« 9mnlmi wbo Mnr»d ln *». U 9 An»T »* »¦*eCJS ^resi B,d|u>1 '* 1812-13 14 '14. be living, or ifaaV i ,n*«»h«ire or legal represenUtives will call atSs^fiSl U,T. W,U noU itta-.heir ailvaut^ge.riz: Joe.H.

" ^'"..Antruit'iiCoUias. Wil.'iam Mareball. IsaacaÄ^7iso*ff?*»Ä, Job Lttetl. AB'.boay/l^yy?SMg'kwHmt. Joka Hend.lct.fohi WelaU.ts*ort. Leatar. Jtba Haas a d Haurv^lm th

_NICHOLAS HAlt,lir. golicitir.

pi HARNETT & Son. MwraQco Hat«


CYRT7S W. FIELD & CO., No. II Cliff,et.. New-York,are sole Agents ta tbs Uaits 1 St.tee lowM ntprat. s superior Bleaching Powder.Victoria Mill. celebrated Wrtt:ng Pa.ers.Rossel- Will* flue Wntiig Paper*.Cowan A C* 's Enrlith and Sootra Wrttuit Papere.Hawhns English Tissa« Parere.Geneaee Mills PnuM at Papers

They are aiao Agent* far the principal paper rflaamfarvtnrera in thi* country.

IMPERIAL BURNING FLUID . Inbtvl« an I half-bbl* for enle u* the n at.-n't-.torer.

_JOHNS LOCN3BERRY, No It Burliag-slip.

WINDOW SHAD KS, wholesale and" " retail, by WOODFORD k CO.. manufacturer*.No 66 Catharine at. AI»o, n large aaeortmeat of BarfHolland* at 1 table Oil Cloth* of their own iciportatien,which, torether with their large sfork of Shade*, ther of¬fer at pricee that cannot be eqtteled in thin market. Deal¬er* are requeued to call, as we feel confident in »ayinfou r pricea cannot tie beat. P. B. Cord*. Use*!*, Bras***,he, in any aaaatity.

7yÄÄlPHENE.--Trirjlo Refined Cam." pher.e, in bhls. and half bbit.; alao, put up in caaea,.uiuble for lonr voynres.fnr sa'e by the maaafaeturer._JOHN S. LOUNSBERRY. No S3 BurUng-siip.

PAPER MA NUFACTDRERS' MA.TF.RJALSl-The meat extensive aasortment in this

country, for sale by CYRUS W. FIELD fc CO.

_No. UClaF-ot.

WRAPPING PAPER..5,00elveamsRae and Straw Wrapping, for sale byJAS TL DSHRICKSON k CO., No. laj Faltnn-ed.KLLY'S Haif-Price ENGRAVINGK and PRINTING Office, ill Fulton-st., N. Y..Wed-

d-i r v Addrees and At r-r ..-.,« Card*, in tu«. t«-f Heat

style; Cake Boxes, Euveiopi, fcc. fcc, and engraved Plateand 50 Cards f>r 10 »hillicgs.

FURNITURE, CARPETS, &c, fopSALE .Pmic Bed-rooat Carpet*, Oil Cloth, Window

Shades, an elegant Pier Glass, Ac . f r sale low. Apply atNo. icc East 14th tt.,fn mlJtoJP M.


90 nnn Havana cigars.Re-eaVVrevPa fa r raised per bark Isla da Cuba. Pur ralelow; price 816perM. WM.C.VALENTINE, 31 South-St.

ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted iatbe best papers In other cities and to»n* at T. B.

PALMER'S AdvertisingA gsi.ey. T^bune Buildings.

T JGlTTnd TOUPEES..The best andcheapest in the city can be fmr.d at BATCH2-

LOB*8 celeb, rted Whig Victory, No. 4 Wall-*t.wIIGNTJM VITjE..For sale in lots, as

i wanted, a quan'ttv of Tdgnma Vitsv mall sizes, andvery handsome. J. MOÄTIMEh HA LL. No. 14 South-*;.

BROIDERY.N«edlewoTk tor w>M A der-rlr.vcs and stampiagdoaein thevrry best maaner,at L. HE* RKR'S, No 101 SufJolk-st., near Rivingtca-st.

TONS CHINA CLAY in store andfor aale by JAS. T. DEUBICKSON fc CO..

Ho. 105 Fulton-st.

LUM, SODA ASH and UltramarineBlue on hand, und for sale byJAS T. DF.RRICKSON fc CO., N.>. 105 Falton-rt.


ROYAL NATIVITIES..Anton* theNa'ivv.ies cast cy Dr. C. W. KOBACK, previous to

his arrival on these thoret, were thoie of B«3rnad<Kte,Kingof Sweden; Louts Phillippe. Kinr of the French ; CharlesAlbert, King of Sardinia; Emeit Aucust'is, Kiugof Han¬over. These m «narcha are all dead, but in Sweden, France,Pit rtrtiont and Hanover, the documents are sow exiting toshow that tlinr destinits,.it foreshadowed in the Na''-'ilbtidby Dr. ROBACK.weio literally falrilled.It won't) be idle «u the face of the immens« mar* of uoam-

1 earhable evidence in Dr. H.'* pussussmn, to deuy that heiii rites ('¦(..lit kniwled.'c from some so arm That sourceis the Stars. By birth.for he ;s desrendod from a low, liasof ominetbasfrclogcre.and b> study,tor,is entitled'." liecalled the great high prir-tt of modern aatrr logy. A nativi-ty drawn by him is worth its weight in gold. Itteeche* 'hereceiver what to do and w hat to that tbe m idifi-cation of his destiny is bl hit own hands. Letters, postpaid,Laming tha d-y, place, and, if p'.skih e, tiia hour n thowriters birth, and inci sing the necessary fee ($3or $3,accoidirgto the .mount of ^formation desired,) will hoattrnded ro and Dr. R. may be consulted personally atNe C White st . New-York.

wrJlLOW GROVE WATER CURE,w OBaki under the direction of a very experieuco 1

iVatav Znu.GROVE WAT

inder the direction of t.

Fhystrm, a'discijde of tha celebra'ed Dr. Raus«»e. AihlrsssDr. henry f. MKIEjI. Willow v,mve, Most ;omery Ca.,Pa , or Philadelphia, No 13 South Ibth-st.

CCHOOLEY'S MÖU NTAIN WATERrw CURE..The abi ve Ii sti«niion will be opeae«! for thereception of InvajV*. by the middle of April. WILLI hMJ. TAYLOR, M. V.. WILLIAM J MOORE. M. D.,Phj ticiM * aud Propiietors, Schooley's Mountain. MarrieCounty. N. J._

HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE..Dr. TI.V LL r ceive* patients at the eommodio is

city entablithnieni hjo u Lurht tt. A spesial depiat-n.ent for tbe meobai'ieaJ and aurgical treatment of FemaleDueaset, is ai.dsr the Large of Drs. Trail and Harsford.

WATER CURE..Dr. SHEW,~(the? v earliest Aneritan Hydropathic author and prao-

t" nar.J retei -es patieu'a for treatment, either with orwi.lo.ut hoard, at his eomino.lioas Establishment, oornerr.l llth-st a. il Ui^vP'-O'tK » att« ti?to torver,

¦» i

Py BROWN S ESSENCE ofJAMAICAe GINGER..Traveiera leaving for California are

reooameaded to ri«>vide themti Ire* with this valuableea-renre. s« it etltctaelly prevents the bad effecis of chansecf aster, r lunate, fcc., to which they are exposed. Notiave'er should go without it.Cai noil..Peraaaa desning su article that can be relied

tptra, prepared to.ely from pore Jamaica Ginger, sfcouldrtkalsr to tin for "Brcwn's Essence of Jamaica

Ginger," »huhis warranted to ha what it is represented,nod is air I PRE DERICK BKOWN, and fursalu at h * Iirug ami Chemical Store, nortn east corner of.')ih at d Caavaat-ate., Piii adelohia aud for sale m Nen-V« . tiy A J. De'atour. No IJy Wall-sV: Rushton, Clarkefc I* o ,Ho 110 Broadway,No 10 Atter House, and No. 37JIrvtrg Haute. N Y ; J«m Milhau, No. 103 Broad war ; F.C. Wel;» fc Co., No. «7 ijth av.

D~mJGS..GREENXEAF 61 KINS-LEY, N'». « VE'KY-tT., WiioLSeiAB Duvanimrt,

call the attention of «11 to their stock ofFKJu-'H aou RFLIAKLK GOODS of their ownSl-E-

C1AL SELECTION, wiiach tney cflerfor .ale ca hboaaäteems particularly toSrutrgtsts, Country Merrhante, Grocera,Perrumert, Coniectionera, Bakers,D, e* i.iera, Kestuuratenrs, Dyers,Bli ihera, Calii: e:-iuaaora, Hatters,Jewellers, Book btadi re, Barbers,Mtu.hJriirts. Pyroiec/cuists. Gilders,Btraw, Leitihs-, Cltth and Caber Dressers, and to aP other1.1 re n (Ui'aii; Diag Mtrjhaudi>s.

WLE'f fc KIN! LET, Wldetdc Druggigta.No. 42 Ve»ey-et., 5 doors above Greenwich,Av il r Fcient ßc W( udi r

.THREAT CURE fur DYSPEPSIA.¦ « Dr HOUGIiTON S PEP'IN-The true DIGEST¬IVE FLUID, or GASTRIC JUX*«!, prepared from R'.u-net. or the fourth fctr.i isch oi tlio Ox, knot ilieiilhaat of

L I ii .-mat Pliyt. ^U al ( ';e.tii>«, 1 y J. 8.HOI GliTON, M.D. Philadelphia Pa. This is a trulywokdwjM remedy for Indigestion, Dyspsptia. Jaundice,1 iver Couiplaait, Constipation nod Debility, caring,

Nutnic's own luethi« 1, by Natute'* own agent, theOa*t ijc Jrtira. Half a t«as;««a>nful P.-.-sin, iktu^*d inWater, will digest or dissolve .Ire pound*, of raut heelin si out, ere hour*, out of the stomach.BeHratifk Evidence.Baron Liebig, in his oelebrated

vert Sk Annual Chemistry, says: " .VnartiricittlD gest-its Ptord,;tnajeeyjaatotht Gaatrfa J'nco, may be reelily

i pi red from t:lie muco is mri.'.hraue of the stomach ofs i x, mvhirh various articles of food, as meat and

ti.:*, will be vottened, che tgrd arid digehted, jnst in thei-. itra th.y w.-u i'eiuth« niiian sio-.uaoh.''

a :t the Ageut and grr a descriptive Circnlar. gratis,giving a Nrge amount of scientific evidence, similar to the

hir srRh ri »rrsof reniarkabla cures from allI kin 11 <: e United States. Tobe had, wholesale nsd re-

tat1 at No. 3t>7 Broadway.

"LTURTIieTevTpENCE of"the greatB viitue of DR. HOOF LAND'S CELEBRATEO

:.A^ BITTERS, prsnartd by D:. C.M.JACKSON,Ne I« A-.-h t Ph .aJelphia.SrorfsWerAfi shid. Augusts: "Tr H«otla«l's Oermin

Bitt.ra. rinrub.ciuird by Dr. Jackson, are now rec-iat-o . i fed by I at" of the m it pmu.jeut member* of thet ltv, a* aa aitiCif ot much erticacy in cases «f tVi.aleweSaanWt At sa ti is the cose, we would advise all mo~thera to obtain a bottle and thus save themselves muchtirkaaea. Penone of desMlltated constitutions will findtnete Bitter*(udvant&geonB to health, aa we kuow from ex¬

pert*rce the salmnry erfect they have upon weak sys¬tems."

2 f,t Daily Sun says: " It is oue of tbe best medicines oftbe age for Jaund.ce and Liver Complaint."Nial's Guifire iays: "Dr. HooCaad's German Bitters

ae kiuwtc t e an ejoellent article, fulnllinr iu every te¬

st, »et a hat is clain ed 'o: it by the Advertiser."a i< Kvttana ßi.-'.etm sat a: "The celebrated German

Pitters a s ir«d ti bean invaluable remedy for Jaundice,Dyttej m .. i.,d >e. vou* Complaints."Ttr 1 ct/* N'Tfr, July 21, savs: ' A MlMcWB.We speak

of Dr Hi- '..d's Ge'Can Bitters, %vh.^n we say it is a

bliraii g or thai age: and iu diasaaea of tbe biliary, digce-tive atd r erv us tistemi, it'has Lot, we thiua. aneqaal.It it a vegetable preparation, and made without Alcohol,trd'ov LvihJswe ihouid recommend it as worthy oftheir r. niidei. i


Tic/;..', «. i a taya : " As a medicine f r Liver Corrplaiiit,JautdKe, Nervous D.-tulity, and DyapoDSia, it hss beenf nod u.vgiualls, stttu ng cu.-es, aaiu thoroughly eradicat-in* duerre, wie« all o'her medinnts have failed."

1 H it ¦ 11 retpecfabie dealers throughout the i-rrnntry.Wb e . ad retailbj A B bD. SaND3, Paltoa and

Waharn .:t , atd C H RING, No. IBJ Broadwav. New-Yota Mi». Iii HAVES, Brooklyn. WM. H PIERCE.Part Cbeilti_, .oURAUIi'S LIQUID HAIR DYE isv-E 4 oeitively, without exoeptien or reeenrataon, the veryeei ever lavcLied Dr. Gnaraod's esvabbsittd is^utaCoaai t Istr cal Fbilosopber, ts a guarantee that it la so.

rtit Dye ksvsr stams the akin, requires no drying in tke

*er no trouble, aad inoreaver a. seess< * tbe tinaaisr prop¬

erty ef 5» unsbing the hair, making it soft and nJt^. Eoaallfrenrwned S Goiiraad'* ITALIAN MEDICATED 8ÖAP,(or aritigtan.pimplo*. frecklee.saJl iwneae.^ari.cracxs,- «ta'es, aai' all akm dsformitiea. POUDBH STBTlLh up-

¦ nair from * ^oiei.eads. apper tipe. or auv part m la*>

Hr LIQUID ROUGE far pUecheekeaad Lpa. «A1BGl CHS snd LH T WHITE F >oad at Dr. OOURAUD 8old »»tab.isbed Lsbiratorv e7 ^ siksr-et, aear Brcadwar.

A I C H E L Ü R ' S LIQUID HAIRVr -BaTCHFLOB'S Lioaid is so celebratedI sad

i*w* at r» .» S'titrn* the r ipidiV of a baet of lis-


]U ESSRS. CARLETÖN & CO.Wing«¦¦, d-r sold their eati.-* ptrtuerehip estate aad3f|" ABRAHAM H FHOTHlrN" GHAM. the businesswill bereifter be l -cducied by him. and all debte dne oriw!n,,50( lr:#to» * Co are to he paid to him.- New- Tnrk,reb is NBA GAELETON A CO.The rum of F \EI.KTON A CO. haa thie day die- by catoal eoaetat.-New-Y <ik, Feb. II. ma.CHARLES O CARLETO.N,CHARLES CROflBY.HE-TRY J. OK AM Alt,





. TL CK Y.i BONOS..Messrs Gilbert A Johns, n, Insmnee Buildings. Wil-"*ffi_»l ."«er tor aa.e Two tiun.ired Th oisaaid 0>U*raoIthe Btx jar C*:.t. of the above Conntiea andCi'y,with wtereet coupota, payable aemi aunun'iy, m the Cityof New-York.The Bond* are lay 11.( M «ach, the principal rmnibarsakieto IB81. to the City ot New-York.Theae Bonda were lesm Uto the MsvrviJJe and Lexington

Ratlr »ii Company in payment of st-icit .ijhecn ti me totust r-iad, made by th* above Counties and City by author-

It T?L* of !h* Poorle.unarsimoujly to the City of Msy»-nl!e. und by henry majorities a the Counties.The Ruad to which the Bond* are issued ii *ixty el? it

.de» l°o« end connects the Cities of Mavsviils oa theOhio River, and Lexangton in Payet'e County. The esti¬mated root ef too work in fl.GO.Otiu, and Ute atoca sub-cnption* are mreedy $1.013,411.The Counties of Bonoon, Fnye'.'s and Muvo, are ail

p-ipnJons and w ealthy. The eotl i* uinnrparae.i iu fertilityin any coan.ry, and the population is luleiliaent, ladastri-01« and lOhittnEtial. The Aaditor'a B-oort for 18.1!. exhib¬it* the fciloxuit etatiawe < f w. tltn and populaii a

. Taxable Property. Population.BoBrbcn....._$11 911.797 1?,9U4Pavett*._.lT,73S.7fiJ X5.I7SMason,._._. 9,154,6(8 21.881

Tr.e abore Counter are entirely out of debt, exce; tingfor their recent Railroad enbecnpti ma, amounting to$1,850,0(0, for -.vbichthey hold an eqial amooaitof Htdroadsteck. Ihsaty of Mayanlle hie a popelation of aboat15.000, and taxable j- roierty to the amount of Sl.e iO.OOO. It athe point, on the Ohio Rirtr, in toe County of Mu m. oftranebipment for thewh>.le north eastern BoayioaofB>ea>tack v. of merchandise aad produce going iuward aad out¬ward.anil uncer the intlnei ce of the ay stem of roads nowconverging upon it, ami form ns connection! with ail therw b centra! regions of Kent 11 ky, atd with the principallines sf Railway running scutii and north, the city mustrapodrj rise in bneto***, population asr! wealth. Mayirilleowes now a deb: of $70 O06, bit has means to ths amountof $70 000. and a revenue ef $32 000, Sxeluefve of :he taxfor Railroad prrpo*e*. This indebtedness is based on acapital ef $40.451,24«, aeethibited fcythe Assessor's books,winch does not give more than two-iaird* of the aotuaifairst.The Censtitutiopa'ity ef the is»u* o' the«e Bands has

been afflroied by the Circuit Cart.and Court of Appeals ofthe State of Kentucky, <*hich forever settles that question.The Court of Appeals decided that their collection can beenforced by writ 0/ mandainns. aad tbs ludividual propertyof get rv citizen sabiected to the na. mot.t.The Keuttckr members of Consve.a«certify to the per'ect

security of thise Betds, and Mr. Clay iidda baa testimonyto their value. He says:Then* thr.e counties are t r.t the richest, I believe;

excluding J flornm they are the thro richest la thatState. TneBondsaie eteru'ed under the a.iharity of teaLegislature, aid i'spower to grant that authority haa betarecently alfimed by *.he higoeat judicial tribunal in Kea-tncky. I entertain no deans that the price,pal and interestof the Boi ds, respective'y, will be punctually paid as theybecome due Such is my cont.denre m ths safety of invest¬ment to these Benda. that if my property were tUl c. nrerte4into them, I shooni feet perftbtly sec ire

I am, with high respect your otif dient servant,H CUT.

A full t rited eahibit may be had at tfco oflice of tie un¬

dersignedThese B.'ids r.fTrr one of the best perfectly stub avenues

of now lielore the public.G1LBEI.T k JOH>'SON, Lnsuracee Buildiugs,



is located to Grat.* Valley, the focus of (Quartz Mining mt .rma. Btotor, Slio.dOO.shares, 119deach. ThieCom-

tuny is in tne poesession of eitraorrftoaiy advantages. ItI an rich and extensive rfsresr.ous or " .".aims " Its ma¬chinery will be of the most iiniirovod pattern, and of thelargest size. adequate to the reduction of 100 tuns per day.Most of its Trutteei have been practically engaged laQuartz Mtoiig For further particalars, see loiurailver-t, »1 ..t on paga R of Th' Dai'y Tribune of M iren fl.Stock to the anir nnt Of jiT'i Cji) is now oil'ered for sal0 at

the Office of the Company. No. 2f R Broadway, N Y. City.Lettera ordering Steck and c .tiUining Bask Nates or

Drtif:», addressed, pettpaiH, to JOHN A roLLINS.aaabove, will he iii-.'-verea l<y rcturu mail, with the lunouatofBtock ". the charter sf the C'on.patjy, mil

the laws of California np<>n Qtartz and Quarts Micm ,,

can be hail at the Office, or by addressing as above, prst-pait', :oid lnclasu.g twti t sfare stamps.JohN A. COLLINS, PresidentBoracs Grefisy. SecrHtary.BP" Office hears from 10 o'clock A. M., to 3 P. M.

ETROPOLl I'AN "lUNK. .At anelectioabcld at the Banking-House, oa Monday

the 3th April, the following persons were unanimouslyelected Directors for the ensuing yearJf mesMcCall. George RobetH, John Steward, Jr.,Henry Snydam, Jr.,Horate B. Ciatltn, Jona'a H. Ransom,WnV.n C. Hun:, Danici 3. Miller. Charles H. 8 mtb,WuiV. Str ne, Edw irj Fiile, A R »at. Walsh,,Hi -.i B. Sherman Um« O Wilson, Thomas Smull,Hctry C. Bowea. H«ary L. Pierson.At the same time aud place, the following peraona were

unaiuiiuosli elected Inspectors of the next aiinualeleeti'n: _

De.niel Parish. James Freeland, Kuftii L. I^ord.At n meeting of Directors he'd at the Bank on Tue* lay,

Ss^efoaTTiawnsafa^iwffeff :kVi';''A'L'1-' "**. aaanxtaaeaaajr r*-* ** (,S.»"o*d.7 "j.' E^WILLlAMS, Cashier.iVsif-yorA, Aprrl b, 185*.

IRVlNTTsÄriNGS INSTTI^TiiTiN,No. 379 GrAtnwieb-st .This Inititatsaa. orgsoixsd

under aa Act of it... Legislature of the State of New-York,is now open daily at No. 370 Oreenw ich a*. between Cham¬bers amlWsrren »ts from 4 to 7 o'clock in the aftornooa.Interest at six per cent, j er annuiu will be allowed on all

suit a I >t exceedu g SiOO.This Institution to ores to minors audio for-des, married

or unmarried, the full and exclusire right to all m inios to-vested therein m their names

oftkf.r«.CALEB 8 WOODHU1.L Presnisat.VAN DI RIHLT L BCXTON, 1st V,ce-PresideotWILLIAM M PULLIS, 21 Vi'.e President.

Jonr> Thi hso.n, V. H. bibth01.k, Senretary.

TR I'STK SB«C. 8. Woodhull, Reuben B Wo.'d, Charlee Jenktot,Henry R. Conktui, Henry I. Hart. George H. Bell,WliÜani RaJford. E.Tilden H:odgert, David Morrison,A 01 Hi a Wakem 'B, Mason Tht meou, Kimnnd Griffia,Alex. H. ßchulti, Thrrssu Carnly. William Flagg,V. L Buxtoa, Wm. M. Pui'is, Abr'm Frazse,David B. Moses, Alsx McKenzie, Horatio N Ferrte,V m 8 Qregory, Warren Chaomaa, Rach'd F. C^raiaa,Joh». Anders«, Hoary J.Allen, Juan Ron er.

Narw-J>*sBT Man Comfakt, 1Transfsr Oil.ce,iNo. 31 Liborty-tt. (

NOTICE.. \n ami ndment to the char¬ter of the New-Jersey Exploring and Mining Co. has

passed the Legialatnre of New-Je sev, and been accsptedby the Daectors. The title, by the act, is changed to" New Jersev Zinc Company."The New-Jerter Bxr.loring and M'umg Companr stock,

and the stock of the Sussex Zinc and Copper Mining andMsaiui'acttinng Company, will be exenanged for the new

stock (Nsw.Jersey Zmc Ccmpan' ) upon e- niicatian at thisoffice. JAMES L. CURTIS, Preahtcnt.New-Tork. March 10.18JS._O 1. ;.. i'F ISA a>Ti«VR* t SS RtUBOAD CO., 1

CaSas;>aigia, March 32, lOdA J

FOURTH I-NSTALMENT-NOTIC E..A etil of$'0 on each share of ths unfilled stock

of this Cent'-any has been made by resolut: m of the Baarlof Directors, payahle* on the 3uvh April next.Pnvmtits may bo made to the credit if CHAS. 8EY-

MOUB, Treaiurer. at tl.o offices of Messrs Duncan, Sher¬man A CO., New-York ; Messrs. J. E. Thayer A Brother,Boston; Bank of Syracuse, Bsa.k cf Aubura, the Roches¬ter Citv Bank, or at this officeCeit:-catcaof De; site made to the abore-rumod offices

to be f irw ardvd to th£» fffirs.CHAB. SEYMOUR, Tremoer.

L~~A NiT^VARI^NTS theLaw cf 1851. bought byE-W. CL ARK, DODGE B CO..

C«rner Wall and William- ste.


a iMk SHANK i-F tiTCA, (Fredt-aia;. has this darla this office, a notice of the appointment of Nr.L-

SuN ROBINSON, Esq. of the City of New-York a* agentfor ths redemption of its circulating notes, together with a

r. atnai 01 the appointment ol Drew Robiaaaa at Co.,cf the same city, as auch agects, agreeable to the act ou-

t.tled "Anact to amend the eevsial acts relatiogto la-I-, ..rated Back«. Banking Associations and IndividualBanks;», "pastn1 torti 17,1831.

_DANIEL B. ST. JOHN,8ai>eiintendent.


\ OHK SECURITY UANK haa this day fUed in this 1 ret of the a^poiittnent ef SATHER A CHURCH, ofthe l ily of Hew-Yeik, asagetiretortheredeuiptita of itacirculating aolee. together with a revocation of the atipoiiitment of Washbura It Co, of Albany as sunn

ageaas, agreeable to the act entitled '* An act to amendthe eaveial acts re atiag to Inoeri >ra*ed Bi uis BtntmaAsacciatioBs atd Iudividnal Bankira," pasaed April 17,1841. DANIEL B. ST JOHN, Sor^riateadent.

BANK DEPARTMENT, 8TÄTI ofN E W -Y O R K.Albaist. April 5. 18J2 .The

FARMERS' HANK n HAMILTON COUNTY, ban thisttav filed iu tins office, a no«ice of the appointment oglie. BN AK .j K CKOMMBLIN, of the Lity of New-York, as events for the redernuti. n of its circmatuor notes,t gill er wnh a revocation of th* appointment eg Wasn-burn JiCo ,of Albany, as » ich arenta. agreeable to theac entitled " An act to amend the several acts reiafar.g toIi 11 rpora'ed Baaaa. Banking AseociatioBS aad Individualbajaers," paessu April 17. 1841. ...»

DANIEL B. ST. JOHN. SuponnUndeat.

B""ANK DEPAanfMK^t^ o(NEW-YOKK -ALDAAT, April 1,1653. Ths NEW-

YOBK BANK. (Saratoga County.) has this dar filed in

this office, a notice of tbe appoiatmeat of BEI.KNAF AJAMES, ef tho City of New-York, as agnate for the re.

demptinn of its circulating notes, togsther with arevoca-tioa of the appointment of Phetpe si SeoyiL of Al¬

bany, ss inch agents, sgreesbls to the act sntitlsd " An act

to ametd the several acts relating ta Incorporated Banks.Backing Associations aad Individual^Bayers, paasrdApril IT. DANIEL B. ST. JOHN.Iupt.

BANK DEPARTMENT, STATE ofN EW-YORK -Albastt, April 1, 1852.-The MER¬

CHANTS' BANK. (Washiagtoa Courly ) baa thiscsvOred in tha odlce. a sotice of tat)Jefjaaataaap 01

TiLKNAP A JAMES, of the City of New-York, as

*g*ct foMhe redemptioa of r?a c reelsting notes, tore'her«1 b a rsT.ieatioB of the aspoiaisteat of Fr-.e pe a

S<uvel. if AhanT 11 »ab agen'i, aareeab e ta theaei eatitled - Aa act tn atee«d f¦> »ever»l acts reUtiag to

lteorporatedBanitt. Hank: »mar. .-d ladivid-iaJ

BANK DEPARTMENT.SATE ofFARMERS' BANK (cf Mm»-) baa tai. i,, tied ia^'»**¦.. *-"'.<.« o' !6« .-.J. '.it ent rf \Ma-\ s v H.TER, of New-York, vj »»t.t f i the reeicirca »tue aotet. t«>ct'h> r wr.n * revvi f*a of the ep.[¦nir.irr-1.1 of U Co , of Aib»i? as sac* state.agreeable to lb* ac. entitled ¦ An »et to tn« at ruraleetare'atine to loe irp-rated Banks. Rank>n Association*aid ladividaal Bankers, passed Apri 17, i«M_

DANIEL b St JOHN.SmtrarnJent,

Bank departm b n l\ 8 I \ \ b 7t, ^...^BW-YOPK _Ai.: ini, April*. U41-TheN.iHTHJ-.RN FXi ilt.Vi;.; 30 V has thradav rV.d a thia

* jot'** of the ar-oeianneat o' HoU.;HfiV u.CO., of U* eil» of N*w York, at *«*nts for the redemp¬tion of is cncolatiag aotea. t¦¦trtn*r witn a revoeattia ->flh* appointment of WnUum 4 Co Albane, a* sichigents agrtesllie to lb* taw entitled " au vi to amend tb*.er«raJ acta rela-inr to |>,-.r .¦ 1 Baak*.ateawewioDi and Individual Bank ere.' Mated April' 7. IUI*4 St DANIEL b. BT. JOhNV^r^eadeBt:RANK department. SI VTE ofEKN PANK. (VasbingUa Ccaatr.) baa tbm dar died aBAniKBAi BoUc" '¦'the appointment of OMOBROBINSON HMU for the redeciplson of ttt ^^rc«lr.ll.s;r> '<*. i re:h*r with a revocation of the'.' ant >¦(Bmceft \.jLg. at Albany.aa such agenre. arr**ir.le toth* si t art led " An ict to arxend the ture-ulacti r« attagto locor,. raed Bank*. Banfcts* Astoc at., us aad Individu¬al Lirksr»." paiier* April 17 '(91*4 <t DANIEL B ST. JOHN S perintan.Unt.

RANK departmen^stXTE üfrrZ.^^' YORK-ALiaNT Af-nl M843-Th* FR4NK-LIN bank, oi chadraci«ib county, b** ttn* d iyS&iU&J"?*! H »otl(* .»* »PPO'Oimiat ^f JOH.VTHOMPSON, of the Citv of New- York, is ateutfor 'be ri -

tamptir.n Bs ita .'irculaiing not**, u gether with a r*» <¦

tii'b jf the appointment of Th* N«w-Vor.. k»<-n». .«n«nk aa inch ageute agreeable to the net entitled ' to intend the leverij acta r«l i'.nt to IacrigporatedBania, Bankiir AauciUons and Iadivadaal IhaJt*:*.''patted April 17 1141.

DANIEL b. ST. JOHN, Superintendent.

If n IJ: k e r B O Ö K e r lAYINGS% BANK, giii-tv., ooruerof »3d-«t.Ooeu deny frou

IS. A. M., to a P. M..The charter of thi* Institution ee-curee to minors and females, married or nnruamed.* control of a'l mo.".«ys depoeittd 'U*.b.«ir names


Assott U u.Lis, Secretary.



San Fiacciteo, in tumt to tuit. For tal* by_AMOS R. ENO. No 71 Broadway.

*al If I lan d WaRRA nts wa v rSDMvHF-of »h» Floridt and !3U Wart :«.d als.ioftheMexican War. for ivhlehtbekjfh»Meaah price wiMha ? id;Hl.o Llineii Paten'i of the War of 73-J. hi O G *AJiTr_FFLDT, No 3 N'attun it , S doon fiem Wail-it.. basa-nieM.

BBROKEN BANK NOTES BOUGHT..*.Jaruea Bank. 90 centa : New Roehedle, eenteA'.laa. 7n cenri; Araboy. N. J., JO conti;Penple'l Back, Patorion. 14 cute, Saliabiirr, Md.. 10centi, by C A l.W THWINO. No W Wa'l-it

JAMES~I>A.^ K KOTE8......M.er00.Bark nf New-H,«.en ..ircial Bash riala. flmhoy .

Pe"|i|»'t Batk of Pa'erton._.14c.Bark of Paiiirm-y. Md.m.10*

BoBtAt at the abo.-o prtrei ,-er dcl ar, htBATHEH k CHURCH, rto. 1M Nawt i-rt.

RAFTS on the BANK^IRELAn.)Payable at tight in all part* of Ireland.for tale by

th- Im.!. Anusiraii'. b<.ci*tr. N J] Ck uabara at.GREGORY DILLOV, Prer.dwt.

JaAftti STt'AAY. Treasurer.




OflT* No. 18« lr.«adwav. enter of J.ah'i-at,Thia Compaav, having it* Caottal all paid in. la m>w

reidy to take rng* biuidiu^j, uatrJaa^ite.aad propertypaajatta, StRHCTOKR.James VnrM, Wm. B. Dougl**, Wm. BtrtotL,

Van 8cf ic.V, Wm. H. f-ni'tb, Heuiy 3alatbg07DttBti * Gilbert. George M'-mtt, D. H. Arnold,B.F.Wh**lwriijiit,Ji'*tuh Stuart, John Randall,Jacob Harten, Wm H Applet* a, r H Sovdam. Isaac N. Phelpe, W. R Yn ou! *B,Jarnas Stokee, Calvin Unit, H. M L. kadt,P. W Enge. Somoel Cii'tto, John Michx. H. Hetrich, John J Puclpt. M. L. ?eyti >ar,i H Ow*b, Norutn Whit*. S ephoa -l.d^ir.

JAMSS WRIGHT, Prtetdoat.Joan Bakm. Seeretarr._


Bocki of 8Bbtcript:on totbe Capital Stock ofthit Coonpanyare now o( fu PetaoBA wiahiaf ta aubtenbooan ap/i, atthe HANOVER BANK,or to either of tl.e nBderaitne 1:Feler Ba'en 186 Front-it N. E. Jarriae, S3 C Ifl «.

J. F. fioutuwoith, cor. Cueu- C. M. Livingttou, Hancvertiei-s'i!) and Water it Bank.

Amot How*. 93Pnarl st. 8 M. Bsard.Sdl Froat-Bt.Lamaion Riegs.36 Wali-st. F. H Abb ,tt, til Fr^ul-st.T. W. Bayaud. 1^0 Pearl-*t. Lewit Roberts. II Biuth-it.B H. How*U, 2J7 Front st. H. D..liner, 141 Fr -nt st.C T. Goodwin. IM Pmth-Bt S D .Soarkman, 11:1 Wator-at.Win. Depew, 124 Frent-st. CP Freeinan,Iii Hroarlway.Iituc Otit. Jr., cor. Old-iiipE H. Tracy, U. iBroadway.ard Frciit-it. Chat Trace 71 Heaver st.

T. H. Chetver,7t Front it. gp.ncer D C. Vai. II. kaolin,A liwlnsy BaTter, 9 0!d llip. 31 Front it.

^aij^.yfteWh'vyWü*J H Drake. 31 Water-it. J. A Daveaport. 84 Bro:id-st.W H Goodwin, 2t 9 Water-it. Joel 8eymour, 63 Pearl it.J. H. W)Cki 0, 111 Piarl it. C Pitt.28t. .Ma'ki-place.Oan Ch.tUBcev, Living st. n- P W. BBfB, 111 Brookl] Cha«. J Fog, ojr. King and

D Kiuwltoo. M Front-st. Wait st*.D U Insersoll. 6a Bearsr-st. Jaa. Stuart. 18 William at.

J. N. WYCOFF, President, No. Ii7 Pearl it.O. V. Habkiott.Si ciutary._At Atlantic Fue Intaraaoe Co.. No. 7i WaD st.


aer of PearUn.CAPITAL 1200,000.

At an election k*id tbi* day. th* following gentieaieawere choaan director* of thia Company for the eoanrag

Bnmpsou Moiira, Motee Tay.. », Oeorg* Elder.Tlouj B., M-ishail Pop x.-n,° FjtBstOU Sklddy.Peter Mkartm, Alex. H. Grant ChitrleaBurkhaiter,Ru^St<iry, Am 8. Porter. James B. Wiltoj,Heury Ede*. Iuac C. Taylor, William R. Foster.At a itihaetjaent r.e.tirg of th* Board, SAMPSON

MOORE. Esq., waa unammouily reelactc<l President ofth* Company. J. MILTON £MIiH.3tcrcUs7.New-York. Feb. 1. .1N. D .Th'* Company contmnet tolnsure BuildBia*. Met

ebandise, Housan .ld Furuitcre, Veesaia in Port, tut., onthe moat farortW* tsrms. All loesee prsmpsly adjustedaad pad.


having 1.ten tiproved by the Attnrne'-Oeue.-a!, sod li'edv-itb tne Secretary sfStale, the 0 re ra-on named la 1 aidCharter her*!» give notice that tue Books f babecriptionto the Capital Stock of aaid Comp Any will b* penid at theHan, ver Bark ob the 4th intt., at 1') A. M und will bekept open at that place from it A. M. to 3 P. M., on UtaMi and gth init.sUll u< eiit. .'the,. .. .I.ii ,1 <il t .'..,, mi 01 |.-i;i--

ing tbe subscriptions .Ca cd New York, Apill 3, II >l.

C>n ZENE* FIRE INSURANCEC03iPANY.-Offoe« No. T7 Wall-*t .sxdffl now*vy.

Th!e Coin|.aBy with a eaah sapitalof 114 ,C j, and % i»igatatplaa, securly lureet. d. c\'.uu»b to Insnre againat Loa*or Vw:r.*a by y.rt) on Dwelling Houies. M -rcr» heHoueebold Yujutnre. and all deaeripti'ja of persouai pro;>.eity ob farorabie tea. 1.

IiIABCTOUi.raaie'iPurtactt, Ribert B trkiey,Jeremiaü Johnson, Willi a *i A7 U. *

A'ontj A. Alvird. Francil A Palmer,sfame* C. BaMwia, Wm J Valentin«,Jav Jarvis, Jaeoi<Mdi«r.John 8. Histtu, Jsme* M Waterhury,

J.iha Rodin*.JaMB* W MtLlA«.8*c . DANIEL BUBTNMTT, Pre*.


84* 0*0 witk power to iacieate to SiCO ooo .OiUoa, No. 18Wali-st .Th t Company insure Live Btoeat, teih as ba ses,catt'e, ftc. from death oectti -a*d e ther rr«a naturalcsus**, ue accidant, or disease of ar y description whatso¬ever. dire'TCFl*.Thorr*« Kendr.'ek, J. Lewis Taylor. A'fre 1 Tfldwards.JchnBaitoB, Wm W Keudrvk.N»tkui.ielThu,i».;e,

R ». Tio»hr Bt*THOMAS KENDBICK, Pres.iUn?

GIOBGI T. BET^0LU». Secret try.

C-flai iVtjUrcs.SUPREME COURT..In the matter ofkj tht application of th* Mayor A!uarmen aad (lommoa-a'ty of Hie Citv of New York, relttive to tbe OPENINGof the ELEVENTH-AV.. ft-: st. m 144thn .iatte I y of Nsw-Y'lk .Pc.üc r.rtlce is hereby given, Oythe Ma'or. Al'.'t .< .'.- >-r ¦' Sr

Yon portaiat to ate i0"- ¦:» i-:n <¦>.* mv'» sad provided,thrtth* md Aiiycr, Aideraieu ami Cotaw-anty of theCity of New-York iuteud'o make aoplicatu 1 in it*1 Su¬preme Court ol the Stat* 01 New-York,at* la»eaal r«rmof tl.e r* d Couri. t., 1^ held at tne City Hall, in the Cityof New-Ytrt.oii 8»taruay. it* tnh day of April. 1*4», atth* opening of th* Cc irt oa that .1 iy. or aa loon t sgas en iBsel caa b* h*ard, for the ap^iinlre«nl of C -mmj-

iirrertof Eitimate aad Ais«i«m«ai in 'he abore outitledna ter; that 1 je naiare ami *a'ent of tk* impruvwionthertby intended, kttBa SBSBftg of the Eieven'.n av beatK*th it. to iiath it., in th* Cur uf New Yon, aa ltd itjtSB) the map or plan of the Cut ft New-Y.irk, under sotby nrtn» of an act of th* Legislatur* of tr.e State of N. m.

Y*rk. entitled " An Act i«'anve totmproreuiants. lo".'.o\ out of s r*eta aad loan1* la tte City of N>r-Ynrt/aad for ether parpotet,'' pasted Ap'ii J. 1807 .New-YorkiAroUl.U-t riENRY E. DAVIE?.ai toll Coansel 1 > lb* Corporauoo.

.aJUPREME COURT, Richmond County.?^.John C. Th'.mpaon tgafnt*. Ittac And*too,-8im-mBA for tunnel demand oa c*ntr*ct..<C in n it sarv )To isaac ANDKRSON.deftn.tant Y.ia are he'eiytomacned ard« d to answer the a met d«d c->«»*i'1'bj tkn aelioa. which will be &l,d ib tb* office of theqat*cf tk* Ceumy of his oßi^e in tb« L >an r «

Richn.otd SB tte 7th day ofAriifl, 1842. and to t*rve a^eoay«f yoer aaiaee to the laid c >au!aintoa he to*avjnoer. n»

h'ioffce.No 4iN.M.ut. New Yo,k i^.^^radan after the le-nrt ef ten. rt-nmoas .'^*.,Tlh\Mh. d.» of such .ervier, and il r»««»"'^'a,Ji tt a plam arMtra ihe luae rfhtj>mU, ».

""i"^ Ts1 dUB:J^aT^'Ä c«uhViV n'e ,ht kctdr.. 1 ad j :»'^**ovr'1 4w.ibinitrest from thet-*4t«i*thrtay r,.'»l

.sad «.gki huncltas. .a-«1...-Dm*d N«w:teek.Ar-;.

Cl'PREME COURT.-kth«, matter«*<*;&* ay pliratroa of the Way<w,.»Ule~mea «ad Oimmoa

of too Cr.» of New-Yort. relativ« tu im oaea.astof» t nciiM) ST., fiftia *h iv lafch-av. mikeCit?

N«» ><rk The subscribers. < 'oom »». oears af Ceti-0 l« and AiMapiftl ta the seov* retailed tastrer, daly*W .¦».*by . ra!a »f th* anpresse Ceart, irva eotiee. pur-ta»*t to i»,. requaiemeot of aa a* ef the *'»,¦» o»-T-lü?*'* ' » "< Hew V 'h. «nttti.j " «« «citoaa rt a aa entiued aa »et to r.csy-e several Uvi ra-

<h.< :« f 'aa V ra. o«« art,> -aed Apr!' to. Ifta, that tu. ab-

3 he .* ».*»»".«¦ * '. .'¦> <¦» the 'Wh¬

at. *! ^ i»* ""^"J? ¦¦...¦ore af airrh lata aa tae*

«ma. tathaa>*v»aaf tha Com«»:,.»««,,,, tsweta.r w.thnck m... th« aa>o«at of .^»»«1.1«Vb.thew ra?itaMMoi S ,tDt«. »ad alaa .il%^at*,.^!,a.S^ai?ttd. ta«; .... tuch war« ..j ^v.*,^:»m k,r.8 vhau r«pon. kav« Uaa/aaa^...dTTthaStrse. f. g c . OHc. «f tfc, tVaJaWtaVOHew ,or» for tba meoectiou of »iiosnaeever,» ^aZ?tviijL, taste to remain for mm tut) aajä*». n roiea.i.rer» rraae tt.eir r» -rt to taa nu4 £Zpreae Cosy t, «i ta« time aad p »ra bar» aalte» aieutaesätTAtd iL« laid *s .- tn 'urtn. t «iv« aotaw,aaaaaaaäito (he t.ia *e- ee.t «. th« A t «amad ' Ab »et to aaaaaAin Aet entitled aa Act in relation to 'be e»il«c-.ioa of Ae-tessn.uuls aaiü Tatesia th* City and Co uty of X«w-Y rtaad for other purpose*, parse* M .» H 1319." passed NBf7, ltll. U» ihr u»l»- ur oaun a-ciptrl or ercupeaiaafal ho'iae«, .sd improved or aaimaii '«d Uriels, s.'reetedth*rch|. hjat mtf kav« completed then E'tim'.te and Aa»se»»aieBt. and mat all persons i * .i.'atee;»vrssjf»<:tedth-iehy. and who may te oppore-J t 'aa ka im ara reaaeet-esl to treser; i.eir ohteest.a« :n writisg 11 Henry Baak-aian, e14.. Uta Chairman of th« raid (' mmaaiourra, at

" Co to the Cotpora-sioa, Ifoa* CttTHa L in th« Cv.:y cf N«w Y «ra. »uhm thirty dar« ftoattkodäU«!. thia »ota«, and that the lirrait« «mbraoodhv th« MM a*iva>a<enta ai« aa W oara: that 1» to aar.all that pibc. w parrel of land. J«e« o«4 aad rralaialaaksM na* »hat 11 : aiy.all ti.atr.Mt or a.r.y aeoaaS^at.

' a .-t .. t..e *.«..r.» aid* >i b'n;b-ae<udiUiiii»r'»i«!«iii h; »tiUi a« , *i>d «Jao «II tmat cer-tain other alaeo nr parte! of land hoarded on tke went bytte ea>ter.r tide f iirhth av oa the eat: by the «reaterly..'ten' «. f fifth av, on the north hy the lice ifthecer*.ter eftbeb!oc> >tt»eea Siitj-eeeortd et aad Six y-third-at., en t> e ¦oath by the tlae of the center of the bio.-» be¬tween 8'tty-e*coad< it andStity Srar at., excepthht tkeea*fioui all tu..te aveurj . or parte of avanaee lateraeeuaa lieaaid Suty aaan ad at. And era, the aaid Coaam:«sioneri, dof'lriuarriva notice, tlnu oar r«p -t ta tke ahme ee;itledm-lter «rill b« man« and pres«ntr£ to .h« atapram« Court01 tLeSvue >f Neat Yark, at a 1 >«cial tanu of the «at4Court, ta beheld at th« City Hall or the Ci'y ot N«w-York,tetdata lay ot M»y, Hal. at tha opening «I tkeCoarr oa tuat da« or ae e>» a lueroatter aa oooa»-l eaa taabeard ; and that thoa an 1 there a naoti' a will he ma>le thata«>d rtport be cotlrmed -Dated, New-York. Marek a.llii. HI..NRY 111'1''.MA1»,>%

iMli.iH.r '¦ Of H V.SCommiarloaera.MOS :>' 'Al; cox )

Hmt £ r-ivite Atto ner atd USmyGUFREME tho mattAU of

1 « HiieMayi't,Ald«iiu«iiandCotum»B-a-¦ f the Ciry of New Tor», r< itia« to th« OPKNIN9;>» k'tkl v-e K<r fl frtna ith-av. to the Hacioa1. ..v N.->.-', t ran «c.Si r.Ver». C-m-mue.oaere of Kettmate and Aaaeer aent ta the aSore entt-Uetl a'.tsi.daly »v >Oir'.ed by ara.e o'the Supreme Court.r.?* a Uci poxanaat to tl .. -«sr, tü,,i:.Li of an Aet ofDieLu.. .a fthepai pie of the state of New Ycrk.ea-titUd au Act to amend an Art entitled an Aet le reduce)aa- ami awe reU'.iat pimou!a>N t the '."it, of New- York,ii' ana A ct, paaeed April». Uli." pa.eel A an) at ivja,

(. r. lue anitraii of tlie eetiiuale and aaaaeainaiil of the)CoiiitnttwioKei» id the above matter, «eutaiaiaf the owaeiaof the lota aaaeeeod the aumbero of au<th.ota aa they appear oa the htapeof the t'otamueioeere to-t 1 wtih inch mape and the amount of aaeeaemsat,wneiuer for da ,age or benefit; and mm all the affldavlta,. tiratateg, isJ athet documents wuich were ised by thaC »mutia»; oara at I «ing the..- resMsrt, have been depositedla tseStreetCommuwioaer'sOSice of the City aadCouatfilKna-Y-i.,; r taa iaepeeti«>n of whorasoevsi u maycoa-era; there to remaiu tor at least atttv days before the)Coiam ssio.aers at.ake their reuert to the said SaareatfCourt, at the lime and place heremafter mentinned Andlthe > u.l Coinmisetoners fuitaer glvs a roe, pursuant to the)reqmren'.tnts of the at, eatiUed Aa Act to ercead aa Act

an Act in relatlPa to the ivt'eciioa of AaaaaaasfiB» idTsanslatnaCttj andCouatvoiNew-Vork.aatlforotaef

r| res. passod May It, lev*, peered Mav T, ltll, to the)1- or ewneia, Kcupant of «ocntiaat» of ail houses, sadv»0 or ummerove,' lauds affected thereby, rhtt they

bhvecompleted t *ir Fa.timateaa'1 Ass<)s»meat;audthstauorsons « boss utteresta are affeoteO taereby, and who mar

oe »p-K/sed to the same, are resetted preeeat their ob-(ecliuesin .anting, tc MOSES M AYNAKD, Jr. Ksu ,taaCl.iirt-.auof the laid Co iin;»si.'u*rs, at taeoffce of iaatat8. Saudf 'id Bat].,Ho 78 Broadnsy, in the (My of Nevr-Yark. withat than v days from the date of this notice. Andtut the iiouU enibra-ad by tb-s meeastneat srs as fodowt,that is to aay: AU the lots, pieces or panada of land in thaCity Ol New-York, described and bounded aa foUowa,aawit: O Ute e.avt, by the weateil* line or side af

v.- cn the west, bv the easterly line or stda01 llth-av. on ms aortA, by the line of the oeatercl the bloak betweea list st aad Md-et. j and oa the)s nth. by tha lu e af me ranter of the aloes betweea 51st-»: -.iidiS'h kt And also all the 1 1«, or parcels ofland s^usvta.jysaa and b-u.g ia send City, dsaa nbml and

rtadc-J tue »aet liy the westerlfline or to'c ol H'.h-rtv ; on tho west, by the easterly line)ortidaof ltth-av.,aasSby the lane of high-water-mark oathe H'id-i « River; on the north, by the Una of thacciter of toe blies hv.weor 51»t-at. and Jtd-st.; andoa the south, by the line tf the center of the blocRbe?steer SiSt-st. and StHB-al Arid the ss.d CoranUa*»'1 nrrs furthel give auiice, that their report ia the)al /a sntiiied matter will bo mar.a atd presented to tag)S»i 1rams u-; o'" thb State of Ne-w-York, at a >fpe«ialreran of the said f. jart, to be held at lh« City Hall of thaCttv of New-York, on Sszurday, the STtnday of Harea,ItML a*, the ipeamg of the Conet on that d»T, >r as soontharestftar u Counsel can bo heard, and that then aadlh*»e a raoth will »-e n.wlo that» kid Rtp -t be m airmed.Dated New-York. Jan.g. 14JJ

MOm:h m ^ yn aRD, Jb., )\ Jl KB H sanf'IRD. J CoirintlsetOBor.YIIXIAU B. OBBtKrllY.J

la^tBT E Daviks. Attoraay. llltMeT

SUPREME COURT..Ii the miUer of*^ the m of the Mayor, Aldernaea and Com-r, ,.. .i,> , ihn C'i f ol Nea-York, relative to the OCEIY-INO ai.d BXTEAtDINfJ of ALfiAVY 8T. from tiieost-wich at. to TriDit;/-placs,ia lbs ruty of New-York.Tke undersigueö. Cooimissionersol Estimate and Assess-

ti'.snt in the abore eu'it'ed matter, hereby give notice, pur-soau' Iber q 1:.rota ,.fan Act kl ibo Lrgialat'ire ot tho^eo^,:e ,! the btato of Now Yors, entitled. " An A t to

'. t.Jtii'itled an Act to rednce several laws re-lating panicularll i il (lit of Hew-York, into one Att,"passed Apnl 2u, 18jj : and ai*o the Act eatitled "Aa Aet

¦Be *.ct entitled an Act n reia'.iou to tha colleo-f Afseeimeata and Tares in the City end Couuty of

Haw-Yelk and lor ether p.irposss, passed May It, ltM,"paseed May T, !!!t!. to theowaer or owuore, occupant orsecasaats of all homes. ar.d tmprnvad or nairuprovodlatds. alfrcud tbeiehy, that they hav-e completed theirSerapion i: <J V. tin ale aad Assessment 'u tb« above eatl-

.a'ter and that ell perseos wh wo interests are af-:>< sd thereby, and who opixMod-to trie tame, araretitteatad t- preson'. their oajectioae ia wiitmg to Wuliamf>.'!fe. E>- .Chairman af the sai l Coiiimlsssoeers. at thaedtea ol Charles K. Tayb r, V<q , the Citri, of the saidr ram »», at bis oltlce. No. 6a Cheteam St., in IbaGity f Uevr-Yorh, within thirty days from the date of thia., 1 ; and ti...: th? hiia'a embraced by the ktupplemeatalEstimate aid Assessment are as follows, that is to say :A I the lota, pieces or par0« Is ot land, la) lugor fiautlai

on ooth siilesof rtiainee-st .between the westerly vide ofBieealv. ay ».ml the easterly side of Ti mity place; toiathet

'i the lots fron'isg or lying on lo/tb sides of Athaarr-¦t., sxtendiag on me nortln riy sn'o of Aioai...-»t. toIhamtü »t i.etween the wustertr side of Trim j p'aeoand tbeettsteriy side of West-st Alst, all the lotslyisf orfi tlaaoa the sssteriy «nie of West st , the I »te on bothsides ot Washington-st, and the la's on the wester.ysidoof Greenwich at., 1-1 .¦¦»*u rh» noilherlv »nie of Rector*St. and siJo of Cedar st ; all the lots on thocarterly aitle t< iieun wieh-st , hetween the northerly sideof Rer t m bs *< n'asly side of Tiiames St. ; a I tho1 tu on both ti 'ts ol Carlisle »t, between Greeawich at.ead West-si tl.c lots on the wsiterly side of Triaity-pl 'cs, froji T'iam«s-st. t<> ..< ¦' r-»t., tu« Uud on thaeasterly aide oi Trin.ty plaee. <r hector at ..¦ Iotanoinbera 1C md 8 Thames «t.. eeiig on Ueetor-B*. Ill feetin inehes, and! tl froutiur oa Tea-nee st ; 110 feet Stinches, und lote aomheie It, It ani la Thame*et.. aadki.owa on »nid C«mmis»ioners' map by the numbers 89.0tand 91; and lots on Temple it known da said Com¬missioners' map as numbers 97 and 98 and ai litml 112 Brcsawa/l arid the lot at the cirner ofThames ai d Brcadway, known as So. Ill Broadway.AndtaentiJ Coinmissioi ere iurt'ier rtva notice, that thes-ipplementvl abstract of the said (>aans*reeoaesra, contaia-uh the caiues f tue owusrs of the iota assessed, the num¬bers of th'. said lois as they a ipear on the uiaft of the saidConiinissionere Ugstker with such mape,aad 'hs anioaat0' the as«.-»ei-i> tit. whether fur ilsiusge or benefit: aadalso, all th« ..t'ldan'.». estimate*, end other docurneatawhii h were med by tw Ooaaananseawr* in un-'"g toekrPuppi a-ej.tai Eat 111;ate and A»»* asm-nt, have been de-u<site<!in the 8'reet Comrnreeiiieer*' Office, of th* City ofNew York, the'e to remain for at least thirty diysheierothe smd Comoussiouers make their ¦¦ippl*niental the tiu e »u J piece beretaaftpr mt.tiouest. Au I ihssaidCommissici ra further give n. ti« a, tuat the said Sopple-iiieiira! Report will he preeeaLed to the Supreme Court ofthe State of n"e« York, at a Special T«r:ri of the eesdCoort, toe.e held at the fity Hail, in the City of Near-fork, on Baturdsr. tBj .lay ai nr nett, at too opeaaaBof the Court oa that oay; and that then aad tnere. or aasoon thereafter as Counsel can be aeard, a motion will bomilde mat trie raid Supjileeiaatal K«poit.fia;ttb*r with thao' ».r,iil Rerxirt of Hie Comiaissueeie 10 tbe alxireeatitlain attrr, be c aaii 1 ed. And ni t ce 1* furthur given,that tha. .. i-.iiiiai esarta, eharaes and diibaraemente ia thae ove «atBted matter,wiiloe tsxed by 'he Hon HearrF.Edaaids; < r in case of his a'jaem-e, hy one of the otherJinnss'.f thesaidCouit. at the Nprvrfse f'oeit C»>am-bere, in th* Ci«r Hall, in the Cttr of New-York, on Teee*das the Jith day of April, lavunt, '.1 o'clock m the fore-

-Dat« New V ,rk. April 3. 18ig.WILLIAM DODGE. )C- AKi EStilfJARl. >C- iram^ioaere.WILLIAM S GREGORY, )

HniT E. Daviis. Attoraey._I N PL'KSUANCB of aa order of the8 Sum-gii* of the County of New Tork, n.t:ce is here¬by given to a;! persiia* havag clu a < agamst wlLl lABfIf. BOGARLCM late of the OtjA-f New-York,Coun.'elloe-et-Law, drreasad, to ptssmit the same, with raaciieea«'«Te /i sabei rib ir, at the office of Anthotry L 80a-rr-.v r. in, U Wi.lmm striet. in the fur of Neay-v M aeioie the twe.fth day 01 Ju-*» uext.-Datod Wevr-

Yerk, the mn.h day of»**^» j^rebTSOH,Alt lawomWed_Exa^uetw.aW^IN PURSUANCE of a* order of «he «u£I rosat. ef the County - N.wJ^b^M20rveu la al' persoia* bavms el »a»»am, ln


SMITH, tat* oMheOty ^.sÜr.AÄ»entthe sm ...withtheNo. ,y rr-mt-rt nth*,1 *"*TJl^:2ott-" GioW day rd May noxt.-( .tv New Y.'Tk. '* of , let,-her I8J1.[llmpmymf^^^ HERR1MAN. Eas^at*

]\ PURSUANCE of ao order .( thd»San ^f o' *. ^0"*«» .< How. Yrrk. aemeo

mmt* aB per*««* kavam rlaina agmnst THOM3IAj.rut. Ute .1 the <'07 Vi Ne- Ttjl¦^'^^^Tm\ine same -.'-^' ^H'»W^^,..,V S t" O^f'Now?

iVoTNT i» ht-r^rir (ii»»B, according^it ,,w tcatl pere-os having claims »«Mgiel DANTElr ( I Afikt i»'* of the Ci'.y »f Bna-k ;«. Kiaga Coaa«-l ., li.stthev are require! Meihjl t

,., .1..- -..f. 10 the ruWi.W. « the store

lytasjw. Hi". C/de tt Co.. No iS Nasaan at » '!'» Citya >i.rt.^rrfh.e»,e.,eambd.yo/APn^

-.«;»« MCLBN al. CLABH.