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Blue Print Bodybuilding

Transcript of TheBLUEPRINT2.0


WARNING: The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease or any medical condition, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as a substitute for medical advice. The Blueprint for Big Muscle Building is presented for informational purposes only. Neither the author, RSR Musclemass, LLC, associated promotional websites nor any of their subsidiary companies, websites, personnel, publications or any media resource either known or unknown assume any liability for the information contained herein. The information contained herein reflects only the opinion of the author and is in no way considered required practice. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed health care practitioner PRIOR to beginning this program and before beginning ANY new diet, exercise or training program. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and referenced food supplements are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Undertake this program or any part thereof at your own risk and benefit..


OBJECTIVE In this course, I'm going to reveal some very different, very radical and above all else very effective ways of manipulating your physiology. These methods are far different than the haphazard shot gunning of supplements and “winging it” in the gym that you may be familiar with. Although that approach can yield results, at times, the long term success rate is poor and a new roadmap is needed. The objective of The Blueprint then, is to provide you a framework within which to work that keeps you in a high state of what I call "organic anabolism". This state is similar to the greenhouse effect every newbie goes through during their first 6 months of weight training. Yes, the good old days are coming back. I'm confident I've succeeded. You will be too after putting these facts into practice.

PERSPECTIVE Some of these ideas require an open mind as they have seldom been discussed. Be assured however, that they represent nearly twenty-five years worth of research, testing and refinement on my part. The integrated training and dietary protocols discussed here squeeze out every last bit of efficacy from your efforts and are rock solid insofar as delivering results. What began as a deep study on my part into the optimal use of a supplement category (ecdysterone based adaptogens) revealed that the environment they were used in was very important. So important, that key trainers and scientists interviewed considered their use a waste when not following the right "blueprint". Let's be up front about this; The Blueprint protocol is what is at the forefront here, not the supplements.

If you do choose to use adaptive supplements, this protocol will maximize their impact and accelerate your results. Indeed, ecdysterone in particular needs to be positioned appropriately to reap the unique benefits they convey and this is what Blueprint was designed for. It is a happy coincidence the plan also works well without it. Adaptogens and their functional properties differ from every other class of compound currently being sold and thus, dictate a new, optimal use paradigm. As you'll soon see, the western application of adaptogens began with a false premise. It stands in direct contrast to the findings of their founding fathers, the former Soviet scientists and athletes that refined their use in sport. Let's take a look now at how my adaptogen curiosity led to The Blueprint...


I was fascinated with one adaptogen in particular, that being ecdysterone and its functional analogs derived from various botanicals around the world. That meant only one thing: I had to get a hold of Mark Thierman (no easy task). Mr. Thierman was the mastermind behind the first truly effective adaptogen analogs in the U.S., those being Amino Discounters "Mesobolin" and the long gone, ZOE Discoveries "Zebutol" and "Hexandrolone" products. He dropped lots of frank and revealing insight during our discussions, but one thing in particular stood out. When I asked what the single biggest mistake people were making with valid adaptogens that prevented them from seeing the stellar results cited in the former Soviet studies... his reply was curious: "Adaptogens are the ammunition, but people aren't firing the gun". What Mr. Thierman went on to explain and what I eventually learned after speaking to multiple other adaptogen authorities was eye opening. The former Soviet strength coaches had undertaken extensive testing (blood and other objective tests) of their athletes to identify distinct physiological states their athletes were passing through. It was found that a fundamental requirement to making continuous progress was passing through each state on a repeated basis. That is, they were activating, amplifying and extending the growth state. Take note of each phase as the first and most important is being skipped by many people using ecdy today, which I'll expand on a bit later. In order to get to the growth state, they were doing something very "different" and completely contrary to what we've all been taught.

What was found was that a repeatable cycle existed of establishing a "norm" for the body, setting in motion a brief disruption of that norm, hyper-adapting to it with ecdysterone and re-establishing a new norm with more muscle tissue. That cycle was then repeated on a monthly basis to literally make the Soviet sports machine and their athletes the best the world had ever seen. And yes they used steroids too, but adaptogens were key during certain periods of time in between and when the athlete could no longer tolerate the drugs. Conventional training, diet and supplementation techniques do not respect these states, nor do they map out for you how to manipulate them. This situation is actually beneficial for flavor-of-the-month supplement companies, gyms, trainers and common workout course sellers - but not for you! You see, when you've hit a plateau you get frustrated. That frustration leads to action, usually manifested in the form of buying that latest-greatest super machine or supplement. It's a classic problem, reaction, solution play. Nutritional supplements alone aren't powerful enough to generate the needed shift in your physiology, nor is the new routine or machine in Muscle & Fitness. There, somebody finally said it! It's like driving a car with a standard shift. If you can't shift, you eventually get stuck. You don't need an oil change, you need to learn how to shift. It's that simple. By learning to shift, you're now in a place where YOU take control of these physiological states and can start reaping the benefits of intelligent, measured use of your time and money!

THE 4 PHYSIOLOGICAL STATES Right now, there are only 4 physiological states that you can possibly be in: Homeostasis, the alarm state, the resistance/growth state and finally the state of exhaustion. Let's take a closer look at each: Homeostasis is characterized by a state of "normalcy", where neither muscle growth nor muscle loss exists. This is the guy sitting on the couch watching Sports Center. While he isn't losing any muscle, he surely isn't gaining any either. There simply isn't anything going on to tip the scales of anabolism or atabolism in either direction and thus, he stays the same (or worse).

The Alarm State is characterized by the introduction of a new stress. This is the guy who has just started a new training or dietary program which the body recognizes as "different" and needs to be dealt with. The body really hasn't

begun laying down any new muscle yet to cope with the demands, but it IS mobilizing itself to do so. Properly managed, a brief burst of progress awaits. The Resistance/Growth State is where the "money" is and where you want to spend the majority of your time. This is the same guy as above but now the body

is adapting to the alarm state which set in motion the muscle and strength gains we are all after. Most trainees fail to recognize when they're about to exit this state and even fewer know how to "milk" it for all it's worth by amplifying and extending the results. Stick with me, you're about to learn how. The Exhausted State. This is characterized by the body fully adapting to and now "protesting" that new routine (which isn't new anymore) by virtue of halting all progress. Again, this is our same guy who just days ago was in the growth state but doesn’t know he needs to change gears. He's already losing ground and digging a deeper hole. Most trainees reside here, unknowingly content to keep up the same old routine, continuing to clock up gym hours showing little to no progress. Even worse, some trainees will reason additional work should be added, leading to injuries and a depressed immune system. I call it the body yawn, and it's an easy trap that many of us have fallen into.


IN AND OUT OF EACH STATE WITH POSITIVE TRACTION Now that you know what's "going on", let's take a look at how people react to this dynamic in the real world. Your typical gym rat will find himself in the exhaustion phase, making little to no progress. I've been there, it's frustrating. He begins to read bodybuilding magazines, looking for an answer to his problems. He reasons that he needs a new supplement or routine to break the plateau. I'm afraid I have bad news; neither is going to do it. The "trap" he falls into is identifying what supplement is hot, orders up a month's supply and begins shot gunning it and "hoping" something will happen. He may gain a couple of pounds but quickly finds out that really isn't cutting it. So then it's on to the next pro’s routine and more money is gone and time lost. There simply are no supplements or double-split routines that can over-ride the exhausted state and now he's in a long term, no win situation. Alternatively, he may turn to steroids. These drugs ARE strong enough to override the exhausted state because they initiate a series of events that "alarm" the body again and can lead to substantial muscle gain. But at what cost? Artificially extending a pathological state of exhaustion has its consequences. One of these consequences is robbing him of understanding how to re-establish a growth state and growing healthy, drug free muscle over and over.

Let's be clear: the 10-15 lbs drugs can deliver is chump change compared to the 30-50 lbs you can and will pack on by working with your body. And this is the kind of muscle that sticks around.

The Blueprint For Big Muscle Building allows you to precisely maneuver in and out of each physiological state and, more importantly, repeat the growth state, over and over again on a consistent basis for years. Gone are the days of hit and miss training where you MAY be lucky enough to hit this window once or twice a year for a few weeks at a time. NOW you'll know exactly how to create, amplify and "milk" the growth state for all it’s worth on a regular basis. That means constant, meaningful progress that doesn't stop! Before I reveal The Blueprint nuts and bolts, let's take a look at today’s top dog adaptogen and how the Soviets integrated forerunner products into their training and dietary templates. As we'll see, these adaptogens were carefully positioned subsequent to and used only during two of the states we just discussed.

Kre-Anabolyn is an authentic, full spectrum Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract. Rhaponticum is but one of four ingredients in Kre-Anabolyn designed to work with your metabolism. It is however, THE adaptogen the Soviets worked with so successfully and dictates our optimal use paradigm. To clarify, an adaptogen is usually a plant based compound that allows the body to better adapt to a physical, mental or emotional stress. Please stop and read that again. This is not the case with supplements like creatine powder, pro-hormones, amino acids or protein powder. The results adaptogens deliver are dependent upon, and reflective of, the particular environmental stress the organism (you!) are challenged with. It’s a pivotal distinction. As you'll see later, Kre-Anabolyn expands the scope of adaptogens. But for now, just understand that the primary mechanism of action is fundamentally different than any other nutraceutical. It is only logical then that it be employed differently.

RUSSIAN ROULET? NYET! HOW ADAPTOGENS WERE REALLY USED IN SPORT Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract first appeared in Soviet pharmacopia in 1961. It was initially used as a natural organic remedy for overcoming fatigue, improving physical/mental performance and for shortening recovery time after illness. Notice that its use as a medicine was positioned subsequent to a

specific, environmental stress challenge. It didn't take long for enlightened trainers and athletes to put two and two together.. The Soviet sports program did not "guess" when using adaptogens. They tested, re-tested and refined to arrive at an optimal use paradigm for athletes. During their testing, a discovery and subsequent distinction was made. Different than drugs, valid adaptogens were found to exert their effects only when activated by coupling two very distinct physiological states. Significant change in weight training/diet is perceived by the body as an “alarm“. Adaptogens were used to extend the resistance/growth phase subsequent to this stress, allowing the body to reach ever higher and higher performance. Alternately, steroids were identified as best at extending performance when entering the "exhaustion" phase. It turns out the roids were added only when certain metabolic measures dropped (the end of phase two). Chief among these was resting heart rate. Other than actual blood tests, this was the most accurate measuring tool they used. More importantly, it was specific to each athlete. Here's precisely how they did it: 1.) Immediately upon wakening (before getting out of bed), the athlete recorded their heart rate (beats per minute). That gave them a baseline value given where they were in their current training/dietary cycle. As few as 3 days is adequate to arrive at a representative average. 2.) They then initiated their "Alarm phase" course of action. During this time, they continued to measure waking heart rate, focusing on getting to a point where it was elevated at least 8 beats per minute over baseline. 3.) Upon achieving this, they immediately switched their training/dieting to enter the growth state. Adaptogen supplements were then introduced to magnify and extend gains realized in this state. We'll get into the specifics a bit later, but I present it here as an accurate, inexpensive tool to use while monitoring each state you're passing through. Now, here is where The Blueprint diverges from what the Soviet sports machine was doing: Once the adaptation/growth state had run its course, the athletes were taken off of adaptogens and steroid drugs were introduced to maintain that progress. The athlete could now over-ride his physiology and keep pace with the prescribed loading pattern, thus bypassing exhaustion. Please note however, that this artificially places the body into an extended state of exhaustion. Under normal circumstance, your body will tell you to stop either through overtraining burnout, injury or illness. The drugs mask this. It's like running your car without oil. The deeper you get into this state (i.e. the longer you stay on the drugs), the more damage that is done. Eventually, those sins come home to roost as mother nature isn't fooled forever.

The optimal training conditions for adaptogen use then, had been identified: They were optimally employed during a distinct biological state. This state was carefully monitored and athletes were taken off of adaptogens when it was observed that they were exiting this state. Adaptogens were never intended to be used indiscriminately for months on end in the haphazard fashion they are usually espoused in the U.S. They were deemed a waste to use in the exhausted state or in the absence of an alarm phase that "set the table" for use.

FALSE TRANSFERENCE Another fundamental flaw during the introduction of adaptogens into the U.S. market has been the flawed 6-8 week "cycle". As you can imagine, this line of thinking was influenced by steroids. The error in this thinking is the assumption that one can transfer what works well with a hormonal product to a non-hormonal product, “magically” transforming it via a completely different mechanism. Further, it ignores the fundamental requirement that an alarm or resistance state be present first and places the adaptogen in a foreign environment. This has led to the sub-optimal use of adaptogens and consequently, sub-optimal results. So what have we learned? Employing adaptogens optimally is dependent upon your body being in an adaptive state. If there is no condition to adapt to, adaptogens perform suboptimally. Unlike hormones, a 6-8 week "cycle" is not required to see results.

ANABOLICS vs. ADAPTOGENS: MECHANISM OF ACTION Rhaponticum Carthamoides and ecdysterones in general have been incorrectly positioned as steroid alternatives. While several attributes have been found to be similar (glycogen storage, protein synthesis, etc) its mechanism of action is completely different and requires a catalyst in order to obtain the desired effects. Anabolic steroids work by increasing the entire protein turnover cycle. They do this via steroid receptor binding and DNA transcription, a message to the cell nucleus to "turn on" your cellular protein machinery. That is, they accelerate both protein breakdown and protein synthesis, obviously in favor of the latter. It’s something rarely discussed or pointed out, but very significant. Further, it is well established that steroids do not work well (or certainly as well) in a caloric deficit. Why? Less insulin. In a caloric deficit less insulin is generated

by reduced food intake. Insulin slows protein breakdown. With less of it being generated, you end up with less net muscle gained. The point is, anabolics will artificially accelerate both protein breakdown and synthesis, with gains being largely amplified by insulin. By contrast, a catabolic environment is necessary for adaptogens to excel, subsequently accelerating assembly of new muscle proteins via increased ribosomal translation. Yet gains are hampered in this state by the fact less insulin is present to slow muscle breakdown. Amino acid pools normally used for growth are diverted to support energy needs due to insufficient calories from other sources (carbs/fats). The athlete then runs adaptogens in a calorie maintenance or surplus state, skipping the critical step of introducing the biological stressors needed for valid adaptogens to exert their full effect. So what's the solution? I believe being in a caloric surplus is a mistake when preparing your body for the use of adaptogens. Rather, a caloric deficit should be used to create protein breakdown and thus, the catalyst needed to activate the protein turnover cycle.

SIGNS IN CYBERSPACE: CLUES Sifting through thousands of logs, I noticed an interesting trend: People using adaptogens on a low calorie or "cutting" diet were consistently reporting better results. They retained more muscle, more strength and had greater energy. But why?

A low calorie diet is seen by the body as a challenge or "stress"!

Such environmental stress causes your body to go into survival mode, up regulating all of the enzymes, hormones etc. necessary to build and preserve muscle tissue. “RCE” was working well here, far better than in a bulking environment. Elsewhere, there were other clues. Studies performed on chickens, pigs and cattle all pointed to greater "feed efficiency" in livestock. Feed efficiency refers to greater muscle mass gained from the same or a lesser amount of food. Looking closer, I noticed another interesting pattern. Both people and animals using adaptogens during the transition from the alarm phase (triggered by dieting and intentionally overtraining) to the resistance phase (accelerated by re-feeding and de-loading) put on astounding muscle. Far more so than controls who weren't using adaptogens. Alarming the body, then re-feeding with

adaptogens triggered, accelerated and extended the anabolic window, as the Soviets found. All of this was beginning to add up. I began researching ways to better trigger, amplify and extend these states. Staying in this zone packs on muscle at a much faster rate than any other method ever encountered. In the short run, results are only exceeded by anabolic steroids. In the long run, it legit beats the drugs. In fact, typical Blueprint customers regularly report 8-10lbs of muscle gained during their very first run. This is over a time period of about 4 weeks max, so it is VERY significant and comparable to androgen/prohormone type gains.

GETTING INTO THE ZONE - AND STAYING THERE It is clear then, that a zone exists for the optimal use of adaptogens. After years of studying Soviet loading patterns, speaking with experts and conducting athlete trials with these principles, I arrived at the following conclusions of where and when adaptogens like ecdysterone exert their maximal effects:




MOST PEOPLE and their training has them running in the red zone or exhausted state. Occasionally, a new program will be started which will dip them into the alarm state. In the course of doing so, they transiently pass back through the growth state. However, due to poorly planned training cycles and non-use of adaptogens, the time spent in this state is limited and sub-optimal. Worse, when that new stimulus isn't new anymore they soon find themselves in the exhausted state and making no progress.

AND NOW, THE BLUEPRINT We're going to get pretty detailed, but before we do let's sketch it out big-picture:


FEAST PHASE 30 - 42 days

CRUISE/SOLIDIFY NEW GAINS PHASE 14 - 21 days REPEAT Ideally, a state of maximum anabolism is induced where your anti-catabolic machinery is in high gear. This state is characterized by adequate insulin being present to slow muscle breakdown, while the adaptogen/ecdysterone accelerates assembly of new muscle proteins. This is THE best way to grow new muscle fast. The catch is, this window is limited in duration. What we've done is manipulate certain variables to amplify and extend the window where muscle packs on at an astonishing rate. The best part? The phases are flexible and can be repeated over and over.



For five days we are going to create a brief state of controlled catabolism and body detox. That's right, we're going to do everything possible to intentionally not build muscle. Keep your calories at 8 times bodyweight and drink plenty of water. What we are doing here is what androgens do but adaptogens do not; initiate a mild state of muscle tissue breakdown in order to accelerate the entire protein turnover cycle. During this time, your diet will consist of largely fruits and vegetables, leafy greens and some nuts. If you're not into the math, I recommend you leave each meal a bit hungry. In fact, you should find yourself quite hungry during this entire 5 day period. You should attempt to cut out as much protein as you can during this time. Like to party and stay out late? Now is the time to indulge. Further, we are going to accelerate physical stress by ramping up training workloads. I had originally suggested an every day training format in Blueprint V1.0. This was based upon the research I had compiled about high level atheletes and real world testing on same. Many of these athletes had access to recovery methods most of us don't such as massage, sauna, accupuncture, etc. These same athletes also took great care to monitor overtraining symptoms prior to beginning Famine. In practice, many early customers were so eager to begin they simply jumped into it over-trained. As a result, traction in the Feast Phase was slow going. It eventually caught fire but a week or more of lost time isn't acceptable in

my book. So in 2.0, I offer the following 3 workout protocol for Famine: Push/Pull routine, to be performed on alternating days. Pick 2-3 exercises per bodypart focusing on maximally depleting the muscle and all energy substrates therein:

Monday Legs, Back and Bi's with 2 minutes of rest between sets, 3 total sets for each movement in the 4-6 rep range. These should be structured as jump sets in the following fashion. Legs/Back - Squat OR leg press (feet close, high on platform) supersetted w/seated cable, Tbar or 1 arm dumbell rows - Seated cable rows, Tbar rows or Dumbell rows supersetted with chin up or pulldowns *Care should be taken with the lower back and exercise selection planned accordingly. Biceps - Biceps should be placed after legs/back. - I suggest you pick 3 movements, 1 set of each: Standing barbell curls, incline dumbell and preacher curls - 3 total sets with 2 minutes of rest between each. Select a weight that puts you in the 4-6 rep range Wednesday Chest, shoulders and tri's with 1 minute in between sets, 4 total sets for each movement in the 8-10 rep range. Jump set pairings should be as above on Monday with the following suggestions: Chest/Shoulders - Wide grip bench press, incline and decline press supersetted with shoulder presses

- One superset of each, resting 1 minute between sets Triceps - Decline close grip bench presses, skull crushers/lying tricep extensions and cable pressdowns - One set of each, resting 1 minute in between sets Friday Repeat Monday's workout but with this time with 5 sets and just 30 seconds between sets. - Select a weight that puts you in the 12-15 rep range. - This is absolutely brutal but it gets us to where we need to be in the specified 5 day timeframe.

Famine is a good time to utilize some isolation movements for muscle groups or otherwise make use of Strive, Universal or Cybex machines that balance the weight for you. As an added bonus, the CNS isn't taxed like in free weight movements for same. Speaking of which, you may find nutrient intervention useful for the CNS during this time in order to keep it fresh for the upcoming Feast rebound. Specifically, lecithin granuals. These can be obtained very cheaply at a local supermarket or online. The NOW foods brand makes a nice product for this purpose. A few tablespoons in your yogurt, smoothie or otherwise goes a long way. Supplementation in general should be very minimal during this time, except perhaps for detox teas and the like. It is a difficult but healthful and necessary exercise. The combination of a caloric/protein deficit coupled with radically increasing physical demands sends a strong alarm signal to your brain. During this time your body will attempt to stop muscle loss by up-regulating every muscle building and preservation mechanism that it has. It's mother nature's way of keeping you alive. What you've just done is thus far what no prescription drug has been able to accomplish; de-activate the ATP-dependent proteolytic pathway. At the end of day 5, you will be in a state where both catabolism and anabolism are very low. The beauty of this is that anabolism is now primed to be accelerated, while catabolism will lag and be kept to an absolute minimum (via increased insulin from over-feeding). The key is understanding how to enter into and amplify this state, where results pile up like a muscular landslide.


After activating your body's anti-catabolic machinery, you are now primed to take maximum advantage of the unique properties adaptogens convey. You're going to spend the next 14-28 days re-feeding lots of carbs, protein and fats to those hungry muscles. I recommend a minimum of 3 and up to 6 Kre-Anabolyn caps per day (1 with each “meal“) during this phase if possible. This will deliver the scientifically established 5mg/kg oral dose of Rhaponticum Carthamoides (established in rat studies with values adjusted for and subsequently validated in humans). For the first 72 hours, focus on eating and sleeping. Calories should be slightly above maintenance, or 12-15 times bodyweight. Again, if you're not into the math you should leave each meal with a "full" feeling. Consume plenty of carbs, fats and make sure protein is at 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. In addition, add a few shakes of salt to each solid food meal. Nothing drastic, just enough to facilitate transport into the muscle cells for those nutrients that are sodium dependent (creatine is just one). The early protein loading too, is very important. In fact, the more protein consumed during these first 72 hours the faster the ATP-dependent proteolytic pathway will be peaked. After 72 hours are up, begin the following program. It is predicated on the 1 set to absolute failure approach, meaning your 1 work set detailed below will be an all out effort: Workout 1 - Bench press for as many as you can get in the 8-10 rep range - Immediately perform a set of heavy dumbell pullovers* (8-10 reps). - Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement. * Should be performed on a SLIGHT incline bench. If using an adjustable bench, incline it one notch. - Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 8-10 rep range - Followed immediately by a set of stiff legged or Dimel deadlifts (8-10 reps). - Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement. That's your whole workout, so put 100% into your work sets!

Workout #2 - Bench press for as many as you can get in the 4-6 rep range - Immediately perform a set of heavy dumbell pullovers (enough weight to get at least 4-6 good reps). - Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement. - Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 4-6 rep range - Followed immediately by a set of stiff legged deadlifts (enough weight to get at least 4-6 good reps). - Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement. Workout #3 - Bench press for as many as you can get in the 2-3 rep range - Immediately perform a set of heavy dumbell pullovers (enough weight to get at least 2-3 good reps). - Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement. - Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 2-3 rep range - Followed immediately by a set of stiff legged deadlifts (enough weight to get at least 2-3 good reps). - Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement. Workout #4 - deload! - Bench press for as many as you can get in the 6-8 rep range - Immediately perform a set of heavy dumbell pullovers (enough weight to get at least 6-8 good reps). - Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement. - Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 6-8 rep range

- Followed immediately by a set of stiff legged deadlifts (enough weight to get at least 6-8 good reps). - Focus on maximally stretching the muscle at the bottom of the movement. Workout #5 Shoot for a new 1RM on BP! Finish with a good, clean set of pullovers for a 5 rep max Shoot for a new 1RM on SQ! Finish with a good, clean set of stiff legged deads for a 5 rep max If wanting to establish a new 1RM via doubles, triples etc., I offer the following handy tool for such use:

This works for many exercises but in particular the big 3 (Squat, Bench and Deadlift). One set to failure, high intensity training is best positioned AFTER a volume oriented protocol. The gains are oftentimes stunning, and I have no doubt you'll see that here.

Upon completing this 5 workout high intensity program, you'll have established a new 1rep max for use with the following. This particular loading pattern has been carefully chosen for its ability to radically increase your strength in a VERY short period of time. I find two workouts a week during this phase optimal. You'll notice it is the exact opposite of the loading pattern used above. It originated in Germany of all places, and I've found it to be the perfect "short cycle" to use with adaptogens. NOTE: Don't be concerned if you can't complete every rep listed in every workout. Unlike other % based systems, this does NOT require that every rep be hit on every set. Still, many of you will be able to and you should strive to complete each workout as prescribed.


Designed to be used in concert w/the big barbell life of your choice Code: % of new 1rep max x reps format. Workout 1: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 54%x8, 61%x8, 66%x8, 73%x8, 78%x8

Workout 2: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 61%x8, 66%x6, 73%x6, 78%x6, 85%x6 Workout 3: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 66%x8, 73%x6, 78%x4, 85%x4, 90%x4 Workout 4: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 73%x8, 78%x6, 85%x4, 90%x2, 97%x2 Workout 5: 5 sets as follows- 50%x10, 76%x8, 82%x6, 88%x4, 94%x2 Workout 6: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 64%x5, 76%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, 105%x1 NOTE: In practical terms, it takes a 300lb 1RM bench to 315lbs in six workouts! - Rest intervals between sets should be a minimum of 3 minutes. Some do best w/5 minutes or more - Stretch position movement should be performed in superset fashion. Dumbell pullovers are preferred - The rep range targeted for weighted pullovers or other such movements should in the 6-8 rep range - Stretch position movements (i.e. weighted pullover are NOT be taken to failure. This "feast" phase then represents the absolute peak of your body's supercompensation capability. During this time, the nutrients in your diet combine with the nutraceuticals in Kre-Anabolyn to cram your muscles full of glycogen, amino acids, creatine and intramuscular triglyceride. While it takes the body 14-28 days to adapt and up-regulate gene expression to normalize muscle growth, you slip in under the radar and reap the benefits. The combined effect of this protocol literally cultivates the "perfect" anabolic environment and one in which adaptogens/ecdysterone excels.

Here's how Kre-Anabolyn amplifies and extends this state:

Rhaponticum Carthamoides: Accelerates production of new muscle proteins and maximizes glycogen and ATP storage.

L-dopa: Optimizes natural GH, IGF-1 and Testosterone brought by over feeding. Kre-Alkalyn Creatine: Provides supercharged levels of adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP), a cellular energy source.

4-hydroxy isoleucine: Ensures the optimal level of insulin secreted per meal and sensitizes muscle cells to ensure greater uptake of stored glycogen. Also a very strong stimulus for creatine uptake into the muscle cell. I've tested this protocol with and without various adaptogens and results are roughly double when Kre-Anabolyn is used. Once you try this I think you'll agree the stuff is tailor made to maximally leverage the protocol I've laid out. There is no other product that addresses cellular energy substrate/glycogen storage, ribosomal protein assembly and neuro-endocrine function in one shot. Creatine alone can't do it, Nitric Oxide products can't do it, not even pro-hormones. Kre-Anabolyn is unique and stands alone at the top of today’s adaptogen category. It is the sole and proprietary ecdy formula on the market that cleverly leverages RCE's superior glycogen and substrate storage properties.


The Blueprint takes advantage of a very over-looked property of Ecdysterone, it's ability to activate a very rapid state of cyclic GMP. Briefly, cAMP is associated with muscle loss. If you've been following along you'll note this is reflective of the Famine/Feast phases respectively. I was aware of cAMP/cGMP for some time but hadn't put the full picture together until reading the following book while toying with "The Warrior Diet". His companion book (below) is a superb read and should be on your bookshelf. "Maximum Muscle, Minimum Fat: The Science of Physical Perfection" by Ori Hofmekler. Ori is also the author of the Warrior Diet. You can order the book here: There was one chapter in particular that was instrumental in my formulating of The Blueprint: Chapter 2 focusing on: The Combustion Engine Principle 19 Under and over-feeding modulate cyclic AMP (cAMP) and cyclic GMP (cGMP) respectively. Cyclic GMP (cGMP) is associated with muscle growth. Turns out switching back and forth (from famine to feast) potentiates the effect of both.

Now, here's something else almost everyone has overlooked: Ecdysterone is a known amplifier of cGMP and it decreases cAMP shortly after administration. "A rapid increase of cGMP and a decrease of cAMP levels in mouse plasma, together with a decrease of PKA activity in liver were described 40 min after an intraperitoneal injection of 10 µg 20E (Catalán et al., 1979a&b, 1982)." 20E as referenced is 20-hydroxyecdysterone, found in Kre-Anabolyn and Adaptogen N. This clue was buried deep in LaFont's excellent paper, Practical uses for ecdysteroids in mammals including humans: an update R. Lafont1,3 and L. Dinan2,4. See page 16 of 30, under sub-heading: Rapid membrane effects Accordingly, your dosing of ecdysterone is positioned in the Feast (not the Famine) phase where it would work against the cAMP state we're trying to create. I'm going to put a finer point on that now and recommend that you ingest Ecdy 60-90 minutes prior to your workouts due to the cGMP info cited here. Although 40 min is the timeframe given for "a rapid increase of cGMP and a decrease of cAMP", it must be noted that this was via injection. Oral ingestion will understandably, result in a greater lag time. You can see now why I recommend ecdysterone be used during select phases of The Blueprint and in combination with other variables to maximize its impact.

ONE OTHER, VERY IMPORTANT POINT Remember those stretch position movements I call for during Feast? Well, there's a method to that madness... When using ecdy for building new muscle tissue, it is important to focus on maximally stretching the fascia/muscle in the eccentric or lowering part of the movement. Why? Recent research is zeroing in on the true mechanism of action for ecdysterones/Kre-Anabolyn: The PI3K-AKT pathway. In a recent study, administration of high dose ecdysterones demonstrated much improved protein synthesis in both mouse and human muscle tissue. But when scientists added a known PI3K-AKT inhibitor, administration of ecdysterone failed to improve protein synthesis as seen in the earlier experiment. That begs the question: what

else might activate the PI3K-AKT pathway? Answer: Loaded stretching! In 15 years of running ecdy trials in various forms I have consistently noticed better results when incorporating stretch position movements. Now I know why. Then there is this abstract I recently stumbled across. Note the last sentence: Regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and nuclear factorkappa B signaling pathways in dystrophin-deficient skeletal muscle in response to mechanical stretch. Charu Dogra 1, Harish Changotra 1, Jon E.

Wergedal 1 2, Ashok Kumar 1 2 * 1Molecular Genetics Division, Musculoskeletal Disease Center, Jerry L. Pettis Memorial VA Medical Center, Loma Linda, California 2Department of Medicine, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California. Funded by: Muscular Dystrophy Association Abstract Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-B) signaling pathways play a critical role in mediating survival signals. In this study we have investigated how loss of dystrophin (the primary cause of Duchenne muscular dystrophy) modulates the activation of PI3K/Akt and NF-B signaling pathways in skeletal muscle in response to mechanical stimulation. Activation of Akt was significantly higher in diaphragm muscle from dystrophin-deficient mdx mice compared to normal mice at both prenecrotic and necrotic states. Higher activation of Akt was also observed in cultured dystrophin-deficient primary myotubes differentiated in vitro. Application of passive mechanical stretch ex vivo synergistically increased the activation of Akt in diaphragm of mdx mice. Stretchinduced activation of PDK-1 and PI3K were also higher in diaphragm of mdx mice compared to normal mice. Pretreatment of diaphragm with PI3K inhibitor LY294002 blocked the activation of Akt in normal and mdx mice. Higher activation of Akt was associated with increased phosphorylation of its downstream targets glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), FKHR, and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Treatment of diaphragm muscle with LY294002 inhibited the stretch-induced activation of IkappaB (IB) kinase (IKK) and NF-B transcription factor in normal and mdx mice. Mechanical stretch also reduced the interaction of HDAC1 with RelA subunit of NF-B in diaphragm muscle. Finally, cellular levels of Bcl-2, cIAP1, and integrin 1 and activation of integrin linked kinase were higher in diaphragm muscle of mdx mice compared to normal mice. Taken together, our data suggest that loss of dystrophin and/or mechanical stretch results in the up-regulation of PI3K/Akt and NF-B signaling

pathways in skeletal muscle. J. Cell. Physiol. 208: 575-585, 2006. 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Using loaded stretches and Kre-Anabolyn during your feast phase amps results.

Here's a list of movements to use in incorporating loaded stretches. Chest: Barbell or dumbell pullovers Wide grip barbell or dumbell decline press Weighted dips Back/lats: Weighted chins (focus on bottom position stretch), Seated cable rows Dumbell rows

Legs: Quadriceps: Hack squats, sissy squats Hamstrings: Romanian deadlift, stiff-leg deadlift, leg press (feet higher on platform). Arms: Triceps: Decline close-grip bench, overhead tricep extensions Biceps: Incline dumbell curls, preacher curl

Your set/rep scheme here is less stringently regulated than the loading pattern I call for in your big barbell lift. Generally speaking, I've found that mirroring the rep pattern of your barbell lift to be very effective. Your loaded stretch movement of choice would follow the same set/rep pattern. That might not be you, however. Many trainees do well with a flat set/rep scheme such as 6 sets of 6 with the same weight. Still others do well with pyramiding the weights in typical 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3 fashion. The point is, it's flexible. The advantages of following this protocol are numerous. In addition to the PI3K/Akt and NF-B signaling pathways being amplified, you improve your density overload. That is, you pack more work into the same time period. Think, if you did 6 straight sets of a big barbell lift and then did stretch position movements, it'd take twice as long to complete the workout. Since you'd be lifting the same amount of weight during that longer time period, your overall intensity (pounds per minute you demand your muscles lift) suffers. Not so with this technique, and the higher the stress imposed per unit of time, the more muscle growth! More work done per unit of time encourages tissue (muscle) growth. This is a BIG step in that direction.

One exception: If you're more focused on gaining strength as opposed to size and you feel this technique is taking away from your barbell lift, you can revert to separating the two. The overall growth stimulation won't be as great but you may gain the advantage of better neural firing on the big barbell lift. The choice is yours. Neither is right or wrong, it just depends upon your goals. Don't leave loaded stretching on the table. It's an incredibly powerful tool that really juices Blueprint results, especially if you're using an adaptogen.

CRUISING/SOLDIFICATION: LETTING THE CEMENT SETTLE As soon as the feast phase ends, you should immediately enter a cruise phase of about 2-3 weeks duration. During this time, your body is establishing a new homeostasis, getting used to all of that new muscle gained. Important point: It is not yours until you establish this. Live with it, move around with it and let your body establish the greater blood volume and nutrient supply the added muscle needs to become permanent. You also need to establish a nervous system (workout protocol) to talk to it. Calories should be dialed back ever so slightly to slightly above maintenance levels (around 10x bodyweight using a 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat starting point). There is no need for protein at more than 1g per lb of body-weight in this phase. Active recovery methods should be emphasized such as sled dragging, medicine ball throws etc. Weight workouts should revert to more conventional fare with weights being used along the lines of no more than 80-85% of your 1 rep max. Recall you are training intensely during Feast. This is defined as using weights in the 90th percentile of your 1RM. Any time you use weights above 90% for more than 3 weeks at a time you risk your lifts going backwards. This is due to CNS inhibition and its a trap many fall into when chasing gains. As a suggestion, Bill Starr's classic 5 sets of 5 protocol fits the bill nicely here. You'll be transitioning to a 5 sets of 5 format, going back to an upper body/lower body split and adding static holds for certain body parts. Here's the plan.. FOR ALL WORKOUTS: Take about 3 minutes between sets or enough time to complete the target reps. Don't worry if this seems difficult at first. Going from 1 set to failure to a 5x5 format is a BIG jump in work capacity/total tonnage. It's also why it works; your work capacity will pick up fast and the remaining maintenance phase workouts will be much easier.

Day 1 Chest - Bench press 5 sets of 5 reps or 80% of your new 1RM. Shoulders - Seated shoulder press 5 sets of 5 with a target weight that gets into that range. Tris - Close grip bench press, 1 set of a 6-10 second static hold at the top of the movement - You'll need a spotter here or perform inside of a power rack. Target is 20-40% over your 1RM

Day 2 Legs - Squats for 5 sets of 5 reps with 355lbs or 80% of new 1RM. (Your last set you should take to 1 or 2 reps short of failure, ideally 5+ reps). Leg sled - 1 static hold for 6-10 sec with feet positioned high on the platform, pressure on the heels. - You'll likely run out of plates loading the thing given your strength. If so, simply raise w/2 legs and use 1. Back - Seated cable rows OR 1 arm dumbell rows for 5 sets of 5 reps. Bi's/ Calves - Find a universal, strive or hammer strength type of machine that mimics the

preacher curl/toe press. - Load that sucker up and have someone assist you into the fully contracted position at the top. - One static hold for a 6-10 second period. OK to extend the hold time for up to 45 sec. - For calves, you'll either utilize the leg sled/toe press OR the seated calf raise machine. Abs/Core - Utilizing the high pulley on the cable crossover or lat pulldown machine - Get on your knees with the rope/attachment behind your head. - Have someone assist you in crunching forward into the fully contracted position. - Hold that with as much weight as possible for 6-10 seconds.

KEY POINTS: • Rotate these two workouts throughout the Cruise phase • Remember, ensure progression by doing more reps or holding longer

times in static holds • If attempting to ensure progression by adding weight, do NOT use more

than 90% of your 1RM • You must execute 6 to 7 workouts over a 16 - 21 day time period In practice, I find a 1 on 2 off frequency format ideal. The 4 identified keys to cruise I've identified are 1.) maintaining a high workload 2.) staying out of the 90th percentile 3.) observing the law of progressive overload and 4.) maintaining that effort over at least a 2-3 week time period. There are no definite’s here, just guidelines. Your training and diet should be designed to deliver the message that nothing drastic is going on. Use of performance oriented supplements should be discontinued. This includes ecdysterone. Less specific adaptogens such as MACA or a genuine Korean red ginseng are desirable but not completely necessary.

Curiously, many people will find muscle growth ongoing during this "cruising " period, despite no longer overfeeding, dis-continuing use of performance related supplements etc. A happy coincidence but frequently reported by Blueprint trial participants. I suspect the body is still playing catch up. While your body is recognizing a new homeostasis (and added muscle) a slight de-conditioning effect to the CNS settles in. This is actually beneficial for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that upon resuming the famine phase the alarm signal will be magnified. The stronger the alarm the better, as it potentiates the resulting adaptation and growth with your next feast phase.


CRUISE/SOLIDIFICATION OR DURING OTHER TIMES I'd like to speak to something I feel has been overlooked: Chiropractic care. Now, I've been lucky. In 25 years of lifting I've suffered few injuries. I have had some minor lower back issues that quickly corrected themselves but by and large, very fortunate. However, I'd recommend that even if NOT in any pain a visit to the chiro for a reality check is a good idea. The following two step approach can reveal a LOT and the first test won't cost you a dime. First, do a weight distribution check. This is a neat home diagnostic I use to self-assess how out of whack I am. To perform this test, simply stand on two scales, placing one foot on each. Observe how much weight you carry on each leg. Very revealing and should give you a good indication of how well aligned you are. If you're carrying 5% or more of your bodyweight on one leg, see a chiro. While you're there, request a thermoscan. A thermoscan reveals what vertabrae may have nerve blockages. Why is this important? Because the message to contract muscle starts in the brain, travels down the spine and is transmitted to the muscle via the nerves. In simple terms... the more efficient this message the more muscle you can contract the heavier you can lift! Many chiro's will do this for you for FREE as part of an initial consultation. And know this; most chiro's will work with you even if you DON'T have insurance. They interact well with lifters because they too, have something to prove to the mainstream medical

community. I think you'll find them invaluable insofar as keeping your CNS in good working order, never mind all the other benefits (and there are many, IMO). My first thermoscan revealed 8 vertabrae with issues, 4 in the neck and 4 in the middle back. Nerve blockages appear color coded as red on the thermoscan printout. These were complete nerve blockages yet, I didn't really have any pain. I did know something was wrong after a tailor noted my drooping shoulder and I consistently gripped the bar during bench presses about 1" further out with my right arm. If you're stuck at a computer all day take note; the hand you use to manipulate the mouse will cause that shoulder to droop. I caught myself doing this after it was called to my attention. I then initiated a once a week chiro treatment protocol for 12 weeks. Upon re-testing, they were all green, no more blockages! I had suspected as much, given I was standing straighter, had better posture when sitting and was no long leaning as much to one side. I was also stronger. In addition, my weight distribution improved greatly. Previously, I weighed in at 228lbs.... carrying 99lbs on my left leg and 129lbs on my right. Not good. That improved to carrying 112lbs on my left leg and 128 on my right. I only had a 16lb imbalance vs. 30lbs before! Still some ways to go but I'm telling you, please look into this stuff. It could very well benefit your training in the form of greater strength levels. Further reading from my chiro's website. He understands the athlete:

IDEAS FOR YOUR SUBSEQUENT 5 DAY FAMINE PHASES DIETARY OBSERVATIONS - FAMINE PHASE The common denominator to success in this phase is calories. In published studies, nitrogen balance was decreased dramatically simply by virtue of being in a negative caloric balance. By restricting protein, we decrease it even further. Here are some tips on how to make it work: 1.) Eat no more than 8 times your bodyweight in calories. For a 200lb athlete, that's just 1,600 calories a day. Yes you will be hungry, but that's the point. Lowering calories is the most important factor.

2.) Experiment with a juice or vegetable fast. If you're pinched for time or just lazy, pick up a bottle of low sodium V-8 and consume throughout the day. Fasting holds great promise not only in activating anti-catabolic machinery but in cleansing body toxins. Those of you who live on a farm know that when an animal gets sick it stops eating. It does so for a reason: to purge toxins and heal.

3.) Very low carbohydrate diets. While well known for fat loss, this particular strategy also generates plenty of ketones, which helps people deal with the hunger. For some, it makes the difference in getting through these 5 days. 4.) Diet suggestions include The Warrior Diet ( In a nutshell, this radical strategy calls for fasting during the day, a small pre-workout meal of 200-300 calories from fruit, the depletion workout recommended and then eating the balance of your calories for the day during your post workout meal. Yes, it's difficult, but it does seem to do the job (and do it nicely) given our objective. Ease into it by fasting until noon day one, and add an hour or so each day. 5.) Following is a list of “catabolic” foods that are ideal to consume: FRUIT: Black/Blueberries, Limes, Pineapple, Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Oranges, Plums, Strawberries, Lemons, Raspberries, Pears-Bartlett, Watermelon VEGETABLES: Artichokes, Celery, Parsley leaves, Sweet Potato, Asparagus, Cucumbers, Peppers, Tomato, Broccoli, Eggplant, Radishes, Zucchini, Brussels Sprouts, Leeks - cooked, Spinach, Carrots, Lettuce TRAINING OBSERVATIONS - FAMINE PHASE The common denominator in successfully alarming the body with weight training seems to be increasing training density. That is, progressively shortening rest periods between sets while attempting to lift the same or a greater volume of weight. You won't necessarily be able to do so, but the DEMAND of trying to keep up is the key. Trust me, you'll know it when you feel it. Recommendations: 1.) If you have been overtraining prior to beginning The Blueprint, please take a full week off prior to beginning the famine phase. For those not well versed, here

are the subjective signs you've been over-training: • Lack of energy/disinclination to train • Nagging injuries • Frequent colds • Disturbed sleep patterns Jumping into the famine phase under these conditions is a recipe for disaster. Please give your body time to heal, your mind time to re-charge and then start The Blueprint fresh. When in doubt, take at least 1 week off prior to beginning. 2.) Consider juggling different rep ranges, exercises and rest intervals during the weight training portion. Some find 2 short sessions a day more productive than one long one. Start with longer rest intervals as outlined above and progressively lower them each day. The key seems to be lowering the rest intervals each successive day. Do not be alarmed if your training weights drop as this is completely natural and actually a GOOD thing insofar as your alarm phase is doing what it's supposed to do. It is not necessary to use stretch position movements at this time, they are best saved for the overfeeding or feast phase.

3.) Add 1 hour of cardio to your daily weight training sessions. Remember, we're looking to increase muscle tissue breakdown. Nothing burns muscle like long distance cardio. Witness the physique of a marathoner vs. a sprinter. Big difference. 4.) Avoid negatives and static holds: We are looking to deplete the muscle fuel substrates (glycogen, amino acids, etc.) not fry your central nervous system. The sole objective is to construct a training protocol that sends the message to your brain that something is “wrong“. Training wise, we do so by imposing demands that draw upon the ATP-PC, Glycotic and Aerobic energy systems workout to workout. With all 3 systems stressed, the body heightens all of its adaptive energies, setting the table for maximal muscle growth. To objectively measure this, I recommend MultiStix(tm) urinary testing strips for protein excretion. These can be found online or ordered through your local pharmacy. They're proof positive you're creating the environment we're after and will leave no doubt in your mind that what we're doing is working. Order here: html?gclid=CJamjuGMxZgCFQpuGgodSBwR0g If you're not willing to take this route, there is another measurement available and it's free: your sense of smell.

If you smell a strong ammonia odor during your workouts during the famine phase, you'll know you've struck gold. This is the smell of acute muscle breakdown and exactly what we're after. If you've experienced this in the past during certain workouts, now you know why. In that example, it was likely detrimental to your efforts. Here we're using it to our advantage, which brings us to...


DIETARY OBSERVATIONS - FEAST PHASE The common denominator to success in this phase is calories. Lots of them. Caloric goals should be 12-18 times bodyweight per day, with younger trainees and hardgainers going up to 20 times bodyweight. Meals should be consumed every 2-3 hours for a total of 5-7 feedings/day. In published studies on the subject, nitrogen balance was increased 4 fold simply by virtue of being in a positive caloric balance. By introducing adaptogens like Kre-Anabolyn and reintroducing protein to a starved system, we increase it even further. Here are some tips on how to make it work: 1.) Descending Caloric Spiral. While calories should always be higher in this phase, there is room to improve. Like everything else, favorable results from over-feeding down-regulate with the time/exposure curve. In plain English, you put on a lot of muscle early, then you start getting fat. This is primarily due to an up-regulation of the enzymes that store fat the longer the period of high calorie intake is continued. It makes sense then, to employ the following strategy with regard to calorie intake: Days 1-3: Calories at 20x bodyweight and protein at 1.5 grams per pound Days 4-6: Calories at 18x bodyweight and protein at 1.5 grams per pound

Days 7-14: Calories at 15x bodyweight and protein at 1.5 grams per pound Days 15-28: Calories at 12x bodyweight and protein at 1 gram per pound 2.) Calorically dense, liquid nutrition. Much easier to drink them than eat them. Heavy cream is your friend. The old timers knew this and it's as true today as it ever was. While the focus should be on consuming mostly carbohydrates and proteins, a cup of whole cream in that protein shake adds almost 1,000 calories. And remember, it's calories here that are most important. Here's a simple, easy recipe for a shake you can consume throughout the day:

Pour the following ingredients into a blender: - 12 oz of Pineapple juice - 2 cups of skim milk powder (alternatively, 2-3 scoops of protein powder) - 1 large banana - 2 containers of liquid egg whites (back in the day, this was 6 raw eggs!) - 1 tablespoon of raw/organic wheat germ - 1 container of Greek yogurt - 2/3 scoops low-fat ice cream (Ok I use full fat but what the hell..) Place into large thermos and sip slowly with every meal. - This baby is loaded with calories, protein and b-vitamins from the wheat germ - Bromelain and papain digestive enzymes come from pineapple juice - Digestive enzymes are important and overlooked for protein absorption - Rich in potassium/vitamin C, fiber and beneficial bacteria found in the yogurt. 3.) Organic peanut butter: Healthy fat and it tastes great. Can be mixed into shakes or used in sandwiches, etc. It's a superfood that will go a long way toward hitting that caloric goal. The organic designation is there for a reason. 4.) Honey: Again, very calorically dense and perhaps nature's perfect carbohydrate. It should be added to whatever carbohydrate staple you're consuming from oatmeal to yams to peanut butter sandwiches. Fantastic for replenishing glycogen in both the liver and muscle tissue. 5.) NUTS, OLIVES AND LIVER TABS.. One of the ways to start the Feast phase off with a BANG is rapid water influx. Credit Vince Gironda for this trick. Yes, it's water but muscle is 70% water and volumizing the muscle cell does wonders to get strength/size up pronto. Ask any Anadrol user what those first 10 days are like and they'll tell you... it's all water. Here's how to gain 5-10 pounds your first week (without the Anadrol)! Every waking hour drink 12 ounces of water along with 6 desiccated liver tablets. You also want to try and consume nuts and olives throughout the day. If you have the discipline to maintain this, in one week you should be 5 to 10 pounds heavier. Remember, you're also adding in higher amounts of sodium at each meal here. Nothing drastic, just a few shakes on your whole food at each meal. The combined effect of greater nutrient transport, hyper-osmotic environment and increased glycogen storage (up to 60% more!) from the Kre-Anabolyn literally stretches the muscle cell, adding tremendous raw strength to your lifts.

Give this trick a try. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at what can be accomplished in your first week! 6.) STAY AWAY FROM SODA/CARBONATED BEVERAGES Do NOT consume soda/carbonated beverages with any protein based meal. If you must have soda, try to consume it away from your protein feedings. The oxygen you breathe in is O2, or di-atomic. It gets into your bloodstream and picks up a carbon, excreted as a waste product or CO2. Carbonation is straight CO2. This CO2 impairs protein digestion in the gut/small intestine. Prove it to yourself: - Eat a steak dinner and have a large soda with it - The next night, have the same steak with a glass of orange or pineapple juice You'll feel the truth the next morning. TRAINING OBSERVATIONS - FEAST PHASE The common denominator to success in this phase is upping intensity (creating heavier tension) and cutting your workload and frequency. Heavy weights, lower reps, longer rest intervals and less frequent workouts. You get the picture. Do not be afraid to experiment with VERY infrequent workouts in this phase. Some people excell with just 6-7 workouts these 4-6 weeks. If that's you, go for it. The focus should be on increasing the weight and/or reps each subsequent workout. While your diet is rapidly super-stocking muscle glycogen and amino acid pools, your training is working hand in glove with your diet to give those muscles the stimulus to grow! Here are some ideas: 1.) High Intensity - Yes, one set to absolute muscular failure for each bodypart in the 4-6 rep range. Sounds radical but it’s tailor made for many people in this phase. The de-load in total volume and increase in intensity is exactly what we're looking for. Curiously, many people who've this in the past and failed find it working here. If that's you, give it a shot. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. MIKE MENTZER'S HEAVY DUTY - ONE SET TO FAILURE TRAINING I was a client of Mike's prior to his death and found him to be both brilliant and crazy. Here's his plan:

CHEST/BACK Chest Routine #1 1. Dumbbell flyes 2. Inclines Press 1-2 cycles 3. Dips – 1-2 sets Chest Routine #2 1. Incline press – 1 set 2. Dumbbell flyes 3. Dips 2 cycles Back Routine #1 1. Straight arm pulldown 2. Close grip underhand pulldown 2 cycles 3. Rows – 2 sets 4. Shrugs 5. Upright rows 2 cycles Back Routine #2 1. Close grip underhand pulldown 2 sets 2. Straight arm pulldown 3. Rows – 2 sets 4. Shrugs 5. Upright rows 2 cycles

LEGS/CALVES Leg Routine #1 1. Leg extensions 2. Squats 3. Negative-accentuated leg press 1 tri-set 4. Leg curls – 2 sets 5. Toe press (on leg sled) – 3 sets Leg Routine #2 1. Leg extensions 2. Leg press 1 cycle

3. Squats 4. Leg curls – 2 sets 5. Standard calf raise on machine – 2 sets 6. Toe press – 1 set

2.) Total tonnage lifting. Weight used per exercise x sets x reps divided by time to complete that bodypart = X lbs per minute lifted. The goal is to exceed the previous number each workout. If you grow better on volume, this is best for you. Here's an example: Squat: Weight used is 200lbs for 5 sets of 5 reps. Rest intervals = 3 minutes between sets. Calculation: 200lbs x 5 sets x 5 reps = 5,000lbs/15 minutes to complete all 5 sets start to finish. Results: That yields a number quantifying intensity. You demanded that your muscles lift 333.33lbs/minute. The goal is to beat that number next time out. You don't need be an accountant to see as numbers get bigger, so do you!

Further reading: Power Factor Training by Pete Sisco and John Little, available at most bookstores. Although this book espouses partial range movements be used exclusively, you can apply the principles to your full range routine as well. I encourage you to experiment with both methods. 3.) Heavy negatives, partials and/or static holds at the end of your sets. Used sparingly, these techniques really amp up your nervous system and set the table for explosive strength gains. They are appropriate in this phase and can be used to maximize the rebound effect your body is going through. While they shouldn't be used exclusively, they make a nice finishing touch to your workouts as noted above. Further reading at

4.) Escalating Density Training (EDT), by Charles Staley: The Workout: Monday- Lats & Triceps PR Zone 1 A- Chin Ups B- Lying EZ Bar triceps extensions PR Zone 2 C- Seated Rows D- Reverse grip tricep pushdowns

Tuesday- Legs/Core PR Zone 1 A- Back Extensions B- Swiss Ball Crunches PR Zone 2 C- Leg Extensions D- Leg Curls Thursday- Pecs/Biceps PR Zone 1 A- Bench Press B- Low Cable Curls PR Zone 2 C- Hammer Incline Presses D- Preacher Hammer Curls Friday- Legs/Core Pr Zone 1 A- Alternating Lunges B- Sit Ups PR Zone 2 C- Seated Calf Raises D- Weighted crunches

- Alternate antagonistic muscle exercises in jump set fahion - Staley's generally uses 15-20 minutes, (called a PR Zones). - You perform two PR Zones per workout. - Your target weight is one that you can do 10 clean reps with. - You will begin with alternating sets of 5 or 6 reps. - As you tire, you may reduce set reps to 4 then 2 and end with singles. - Your goal is to do as many reps with good form as possible in the PR Zone. - Do not work to, or near failure in the early sets. - You may reach failure at the end as you try to beat your previous record.

- Once able to do 20% more reps than your prior workout, increase load 5% and begin again. Further reading at:

This particular program is superb for those seeking pure muscle hypertrophy. It will give you a solid, easily understood template that auto-regulates your intensity, volume, frequency and workout density to maximize growth.

5.) Super Squats: How to Gain 30lbs of Muscle in 6 Weeks: available via Amazon at: A classic by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D. Don't laugh if you haven't tried it. The original 20 rep squat routine and well worth the asking price. It has turned scarecrows into supermen. As with every other program it doesn't work forever but boy, does it work for the un-initiated. If you're underweight and looking to bulk in a hurry this is the ticket. Plug this workout into your Feast phase and explode! THE WORKOUT Bench press or Dips - 2 sets of 12 Squat - 1 set of 20 supersetted with Pullovers - 1 set of 20 Bent rows - 2 sets of 15 Don't let the simplicity fool you. Those 20 rep squats are done with a weight you usually use for 10 reps, performed with deep breaths in between each rep, followed immediately by a light set of breathing pullovers. The devil is in the details though, and Strossen brilliantly walks you through the execution, rep by rep. Such abbreviated, full body routines are way undersold today and exactly what's needed for many lifters. Sorely needed in some cases. If one set doesn't feel like enough to you, please look at the weight you're using. Properly done, this should border on a religious experience. The LAST thing you should be thinking about is doing another set. Strossen recommends peforming this workout up to 3 days a week, adding 5lbs a session. Younger trainees may be able to do it, but plan on lowering that frequency as your Feast phase progresses. I've found if you can hack it, that 3x a week frequency quickly moves to 2x a week or even less in the final week of a 4 - 6 week feast phase. If you're concerned about your lower back given the time it takes to execute the squats (over 3 minutes for all 20 reps, in some cases), look into the Ironmind hip belt or Spud Squat Belt. Briefly, the hip belt suspends the weight between your legs vs placing the bar on your back. This removes the vertical compression of the spine during the lift and allows for unrestricted breathing (deep breaths) during the lift.

Whether or not you have back problems, this is a lift worth looking into. It takes a few sessions to get used to but you can finally open the throttle with very little risk of injury and really reap the benefits of this fantastic routine. There are two quality hip belts available for sale: The IronMind Hip Belt and the Spud Belt available here: IRONMIND HIP BELT SPUD SQUAT BELT If you do order either one, I highly suggest getting the Ironmind loading pin, which can be found here and makes loading/unloading a snap: 15" LOADING PIN I personally use the Ironmind belt and loading pin and have had over 500lbs on there with no problems. The carryover to your barbell squat is almost pound for pound too. Solid investment and can also be used for weighted chins, dips, sled dragging etc.. Very versatile. Hard work, lots of milk and a true test of your inner strength. THE DIET A typical days eating for this program would look like this: Breakfast 4 eggs 2 slices of toast 1 glass of milk Snack Bran Muffin 1 glass of milk Lunch Sandwich (i.e. meat, cheese, tuna fish, etc.)

piece of fruit 1 glass of milk Snack Granola bar Slice of cheese 1 glass of milk Supper Meat (i.e. chicken, beef, pork, etc.) Pasta, Rice, or Potatoes Cup of veggies 1 glass of milk Snack 2 slices of toast 1 glass of milk 6.) Remember to include your stretch movements to get the most out of the PI3K-AKT growth pathway. This can't be overstated. Strossen unknowingly hit upon this with the core Super Squats, which revolves around a single 20 rep set of breathing squats followed immediately by 15-20 breathing pullovers (stretch). A final word on these suggested routines. Given an honest effort, most deliver incredible results for those using them. In some cases results are so profound you will become married to that philosophy and very dogmatic as to its superiority over any other. Please don't make this mistake. I trained under Mentzer before he died and while his High Intensity Training (H.I.T.)has a higher success rate than most, it still suffers from results flatlining after a finite time. All routines eventually become, well, routine. Mike himself wouldn't entertain any deviation and in my opinion, his H.I.T. program (and trainees) suffered for it. Play it smart. Follow The Blueprint and milk the most you can from these routines, let the gains settle and THEN move on before adaptation sets in. To do otherwise is just asking for frustration and failure. It's called going to the well one too many times. Whatever gains are left after the 30-45 day window will be exhausted and marginal. This time is better spent setting yourself up for a big run in the growth zone with a different, productive routine. Every routine that works is another weapon in your arsenal. I've laid out several time honored, high success ones. The more weapons in your arsenal, the better!

CELLULAR SENSORS OF FAMINE/FEAST: A FINAL WORD We take advantage of 2 strategies in The Blueprint (Feast and Famine) that result in a combustion engine-like effect on your metabolism. Following then, is a peak into some research studies detailing just what guages your cells use to make the complex metabolic adjustments The Blueprint creates: 1.Ruderman NB, et al. Malonyl-CoA, fuel sensing, and insulin resistance. Am J Physiol. 1999;276:E1–E18. [PubMed] 2.Marshall S, Bacote V, Traxinger RR. Complete inhibition of glucose-induced desensitization of the glucose transport system by inhibitors of mRNA synthesis. Evidence for rapid turnover of glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase. J Biol Chem. 1991;266:10155–10161. [PubMed] 3.Obici S, et al. Identification of a biochemical link between energy intake and energy expenditure. J Clin Invest. 2002;109:1599–1605. doi:10.1172/JCI200215258. [PubMed] 4.Bouchard C, et al. The response to long-term overfeeding in identical twins. N Engl J Med. 1990;322:1477–1482. [PubMed] Take away: By rotating each time-sensitive dietary phase shift, The Blueprint keeps you way ahead of your body and progress ongoing.

SUPPLEMENT USE As previously stated, The Blueprint was uncovered during intensive research into how adaptogens were really used to amplify results. The beauty of The Blueprint is that it works with or without adaptogens, it's your choice. If you are interested in accelerating your results via supplementation though, I offer the following Blueprint Tested product suggestions:

KRE-ANABOLYN: Perhaps the best suited adaptogen for a program of this kind, its formula is tailor made to work with The Blueprint's impact on your physiology. Of all the hormones leveraged in The Blueprint, insulin and its effect on substrate storage is the most important. Kre-Anabolyn will deliver a strong re-composition

effect via a non-androgenic mechanism, primarily via insulin. Ideal for the person who already has optimal testosterone levels. Testing with Multistix(tm) urinary testing strips for protein excretion reveals Kre-Anabolyn makes the body to hang on to more nitrogen from a high protein meal vs. control meals. Don't take my word for it. Swing by your local pharmacy and purchase these. They are an invaluable diagnostic tool that can help you tweak your diet and training. You can even use them during the famine phase to see how much tissue breakdown you're experiencing. Well worth the expense as it's proof positive The Blueprint puts YOU in control of your physiology.

What to expect: A very pronounced increase in work capacity, a very "full" feeling in the muscle bellies and a stronger re-composition effect (vs. gross weight gain). It is difficult to describe but by the second or third workout you'll feel like someone stuck an air hose in you. The ramjetting of glucose, amino acids,creatine and water into the muscle cells is a fantastic feeling.

Where to get it: Kre-Anabolyn is exclusive to Muscle And Sports Science. You’ll find details and access, here- Since Kre-Anabolyn was the supplement most used in Blueprint development trials, and in consideration of my (non paid) recommendation they are offering Blueprint members a special 10% lifetime additional discount on the product. Just type “BP10KA” into the *voucher box when ordering, and you‘re set.

ADAPTOGEN N: This is the other Muscle And Sports Science product found to best compliment The Blueprint. Different than Kre-Anabolyn, Adaptogen N's formula focuses more on protein synthesis via DNA transcription, with a stong focus on testosterone elevation. If using Adaptogen N with The Blueprint, a simple 3 capsule dose before bed during the Feast phase is all that is needed. Bloodwork done on the formula reveals a 55% increase in testosterone levels in 27 days. Individuals age 30 and over should look into this product as it may represent a more appropriate adaptogen to maximize results. A hefty dose of furostanolic saponins from Tribulus, quassinoids and eurypeptides from Patented Longjax Longifolia extract and various ecdysterones found in a custom 25:1 extract of Suma round out the adaptogenic blend. Again, don't take my word for it: ZRT labs in Beaverton, OR makes a nice, non invasive home saliva test kit that can be purchased via the web. This will leave no doubt in your mind that the product significantly elevates Testosterone. Visit to get this kit!

What to expect: Adaptogen N gives an intense, alpha male feeling, much deeper sleep and oily skin. Tremendous raw gains in strength/power will be noted as will a runaway libido. This product has over a decade long track record and the effects go way beyond the gym. Think beer goggles without the beer.

KRE-ANABOLYN / ADAPTOGEN N STACK: Hardcore, and I'll be the first to admit this is probably overkill. But yes, many have used both with The Blueprint. Here's what you can expect: - Excellent size and strength gains - "Clean" daytime energy - A profound increase in VO2 max/work capacity - Vastly improved recovery from set to set and workout to workout - Very deep, relaxing sleep/recovery with vivid dreams - A distinct alpha-male feeling accompanied with muscle “fullness” - Pronounced jump in libido I suspect there is something going on between the Adaptogen N’s test elevation and the L-Dopa found in Kre-Anabolyn, although I've yet to objectively measure this. Since I like to be able to back up my assertions with test results, I'll leave it there. For those of you willing to take the plunge on this stack, please share your feedback via the Blueprint Members Forum. Likewise, I will do the same as further testing is underway. Additional free access information as to a dedicated forum for "Blueprint" users appears at the end of this document.


Top quality protein should be tops on your list. Why? Because we know from radio-isotope studies that your entire body is re-built in a years time from the protein that you eat. Further, we know that the quality of this new body is measured from the inside out, not outside in! Linus Pauling said it on his deathbed; "host cell resistance is the key". And indeed it is. Chief among these is glutathione, your body's most prolific endogenous anti-oxidant. So reliable is glutathione as an indicator that the medical community uses it as a bio-marker for aging. In mice, it has extended lifespan up to 50%. Nothing builds glutathione like undenatured, cold processed whey. When you heat a protein (any protein) it undergoes a process called "de-naturing". This cross links the protein molecules and it renders many of its functional properties inert. In the processing of whey protein, it's a big no-no. You'll see many manufacturers side-stepping this issue and representing their

whey proteins as conveying all of the functional properties of cold processed whey, but don't be fooled. They DON'T signal the same amount of IGF-1 in the liver, they DON'T increase nitrogen retention as much and they sure DON'T build as much (if any) glutathione. MASS PRO goes a step beyond this, incorporating the use of di-tri peptides (small links of 2-3 amino acids) that have been scientifically proven to be absorbed faster than even free form amino acids. This is significant and lends itself to getting you into a positive state of nitrogen balance quickly. It also incorporates a greater % of it's protein as whey concentrate vs. isolate, undoubtedly due to concentrate's slightly higher fat content where the important immunoglobulins, lactoferrin and other health-boosting goodies are contained. Yes, it's more expensive. If so inclined, add 1-2 scoops to your peri-workout drink for your Feast phase. This should make it more economical and deliver it's key benefits, maximizing results for your dollar. Here’s where to find the real MASS PRO Whey powder- For what it’s worth, Beverly makes some good cold-processed whey proteins as well. Do take care though, to make sure you're getting some di-tri peptides as they're important, particularly peri-workout.

BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS: These can be used in an unconventional manner in order to accelerate results from The Blueprint. I present two options:

1.) BCAA loading for maximum muscle gain. Load 20-40 grams of a quality BCAA/L-Glutamine mixture as found in MASS PRO Amino or Glutamine Select Plus BCAAs by Beverly International during the first 72 hours of your "Feast" phase. These should be taken between meals and spread throughout the day in 5-10 gram doses. Take the next 3 days off and then repeat the 3 on/3 off cycle for the remainder of your "feast" phase.

By flooding your system with BCAA's the brain is fooled into thinking that the rapid amino influx in the blood is the result of excessive muscle breakdown. Remember, this is on top of the alarm signal (via real tissue breakdown) you've created during your famine phase. Quite simply, this causes the body to accelerate its muscle growth machinery and deliver an even more pronounced message to incorporate dietary proteins into the muscle cell. The difference here being, you now have the necessary calories and nutrients with which to grow. 2.) BCAA loading for accelerated workout recovery. This protocol is ideal for

the athlete looking to execute the maximal number of productive workout sessions during the feast phase of The Blueprint. Typically, it is used to recover VERY quickly from total tonnage sessions. So if using that type of loading pattern, please consider this. In my opinion, this is where BCAA's shine. Mix 25-40 grams of BCAA/Glutamine (i.e. Mass Pro Amino or Glutamine Select Plus BCAA‘s), 50-75g of sugar and Crystal Lite to taste in 32oz of cold water. Approximately one third should be consumed 15 min prior to the workout, one third sipped on during the workout and the remainder consumed immediately post workout. Nothing less than 25 grams will do. Yes, this is a lot but for those of you who haven't used BCAA's in this fashion before you're in for a surprise. Nothing (and I mean nothing) cuts delayed onset muscle soreness, accelerates recovery and allows you to squeeze more productive sessions into The Blueprint like this. If using Kre-Anabolyn, consume at least one of your daily caps with this drink PRIOR to training. The creatine and 4 hydroxyisoleucine will assist in nutrient transport and the Rhaponitcum Carthamoides Extract maximally activates cyclic GMP, setting the table to get the most from your workout. This is the one situation I've found where it may make sense to dose 2 Kre-Anabolyn caps vs. just 1 due to the 4-hydroxyiso-leucine content and its effect on Glycogen and creatine substrate storage.

GAMMA GH/GABA: One element of The BluePrint that's important is rest/sleep. Everyone knows how important this is, particularly in the Feast Phase when protein synthesis is radically elevated. The Blueprint focuses on manipulating the Big 3 in controlling your physiology, and they are as follows: 1.) Training 2.) Diet 3.) Rest The question is, can "rest" be positively modulated by a supplement? Yes, it can. In particular I'm talking about Gamma GH. In general, I don't recommend isolated aminos in The Blueprint with a couple of exceptions, GABA being one of them. If your sleep is suffering, try the following trick just prior to bedtime on an empty stomach: 5 grams of Gamma GH 30 minutes before retiring. In an impressive study conducted by Italy's First Medical Clinic, University of Milan, 5 gram oral doses were shown to increase Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by 550% within 90 minutes. These positive findings have been repeated in numerous other studies so it was no fluke. This is one of the very few aminos that you can feel within minutes of taking it. A "tingling" sensation is present and deep relaxation follows. As an economical, simple strategy it's worth exploring

and has secondary benefits well beyond the hormone release. The empty stomach condition is key though, as GABA cannot cross the blood-brain barrier in the presence of other aminos and it's effects will be washed out. I recommend consuming a minimum of 2 hours away from food. In fact, I take my GABA when I wake up in the middle of the night, far away from food.

KOREAN RED GINSENG: The vast majority of Ginseng is worthless. The genuine article is another story. It's properties are in some respects not unlike Rhaponticum Carthamoides, but nonetheless impart their own, unique virtues. Do NOT confuse this Ginseng with the cheap store brands you're familiar with. It is indeed, very different. Aged for up to a decade and cultivated to maximize the full spectrum of known ginsenosides, it is a component of the all new Burn It Up! branded clean energy enhancer/nootropic. As a mind/muscle energizer, this product is used during heavy training cycles to prevent burnout.

PEAK ATP: Claim here is that it replenishes ATP better than any other product. I'm not certain about that but I am certain about this: it is a nootropic (acts on the brain) in some capacity. Also found in the new Burn It Up! patent formula, it's also worth playing around with in isolation.

MACA: I had dismissed this stuff without even trying it. Talk about a mistake. It's an amazing clean energy enhancer with a host of other benefits. A true adaptogen, it stacks well with other quality items or even as a standalone. Highly recommended. Here again, the new Burn It Up! utilizes this gem in the form of a custom 10:1 extract in hefty dosages. If using as a standalone or part of a formula, I find its use about 45 minutes pre-training to be optimal.

VITAMIN D: Performance enhancer, as it turns out. While perusing some old Russian research I noted the following mentioned: There are studies on sunlight, Vitamin D and subsequent performance improvements that go back to the 1930's! For example, a group of identically trained sprinters in the 100 meter event showed dash times improved dramatically in irradiated athletes vs. non-irradiated.This was no small improvement: 7.4% vs. 1.4%. In the 1940's the Germans found the same leading to a 13% improvement as measured via bicycle ergometer testing for their irradiated athletes. The control group? Zero improvement. During the 1950's the Sport College of Colgone saw such a "convincing effect" on peformance that they notified their Olympic

Committee! Later in 1956, another showed improved reaction times by 17%. Closer to home during the 1960's college aged women were treated with a single dose of ultraviloet radiation. Improvements in endurance, strength and speed were all noted. In fact, interviews many strength athletes revealed big leaps in progress during the late summer vs. winter months. This wasn't a surprise to me as I had previously been aware of studies showing deficient athletes supplemented with Vitamin D had increased rates of muscle gain. And look at this! It seems that ecdy and vitamin D share some sort of hetero properties, at least in rats (most common human model). In a study titled "The effect of vitamin D3 and 20-hydroxyecdysone on the content of ATP, creatine phosphate, carnosine and Ca2+ in skeletal muscles. Kholodova IuD; Tugai VA; Zimina VP - Ukr Biokhim Zh - 1997 May-Jun; 69(3): 3-9 Abstract: The effect of vitamin D3, and extract containing 20-hydroxyecdysone on the level of basic metabolites in the skeletal muscles of rats has been studied. It was shown that development of D-hypovitaminosis is accompanied by the decrease in content of ATP, creatine phosphate, carnosine, and by the increase of Ca2+ content. Against the background of D-hypovitaminosis the 20-hydroxyecdysone promote the increase of the amount of these metabolites up to the control of one and normalize Ca2+ content in them. Could ecdy plus Vitamin D result in greater amounts of ATP, creatine phosphate and carnosine? That's speculation but worth looking into further, in my book. If nothing else, the combination of the two is apparently a stronger one-two punch than Vitamin D alone, as this next study suggests: Effects of vitamin D3 and ecdysterone on free-radical lipid peroxidation: Biochemistry (Mosc) - 1997 Jun; 62(6): 609-12 Authors: Kuzmenko Al; Morozova RP; Nikolenko IA; Korniets GV; Kholodova YuD Abstract: Free radical induced lipid peroxidation was studied in vivo by measuring chemiluminescence of tissues from Vitamin D-deficient animals before and after peroral administration of low molecular weight biological steroids vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and ecdysterone. The kinetics of lipid chemiluminescence in model systems in vitro were determined in blood serum and microsomal and mitochondrial fractions of the liver. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and ecdysterone displayed anti-radical properties; the latter was more potent in this respect. Oxidation of lipids by hydroxyl groups contained in ecdysterone can account for its antiradical effect. Ecdysterone and D3 may cause anti-radical effects through the same mechanisms. When you add it all up, there's a strong case for adding Vitamin D to your pillbox,

especially during the winter months.

4-HYDROXY-L-ISOLEUCINE: A study done at the University of Montana investigated the impact of 4-hydroxyisoleucine on trained cyclists. The cyclists depleted their glycogen stores (as found in the famine phase) through intense exercise. Following exercise the test group consumed a carbohydrate drink (similar to the feast phase) with 1.8g/kg of body weight and 4-hydroxyisoleucine while the control group consumed only the carbohydrate drink. The test group showed a 60% improvement in carbohydrate replenishment than the control group. Of importance is that the test group did not have higher insulin levels indicating that 4-hydroxyisoleucine improved insulin sensitivity. Ruby BC, Gaskill SE, Slivica D. Effects of 4-hydroxyisoleucine on rates of post-exercise glycogen resynthesis in trained male cyclists. Important to note that this was JUST 4-hydroxy causing these effects. You can imagine the positive difference when using a 4-hydrox formula that also supplies creatine, rhaponticum carthamoides extract, etc. as found in Kre-Anabolyn.

YOHIMBE SUPREME - FULL SPECTRUM YOHIMBE: Yohimbe is NOT something you want to "play around" with. It's one of the few nutraceuticals that has an unpredictable dose/response curve that varies in the general population. Too much Yohimbe in any form is not a pleasant experience. Think shivers and waves of goosebumps accompanied by a feeling of nausea. NO fun. However, done right it is a super effective thermogenic with unique fat loss and energy enhancing properties, among other more personal, potential benefits. I recently ordered some YOHIMBE SUPREME as part of a big promotion over at I had used this one many years ago, and wanted to re-visit. "ACTIVES" VARY WIDELY To review, Yohimbe contains DOZENS of different alkaloids. I suspect this is why it is so problematic insofar as getting a consistent response in the general population. Source material for full spectrum products varies, but in general you'll find 3 used: Pausinystalia yohimbe, Corynanthe yohimbe or variations of the Rauwolfia plant. Yohimbe bark has been reported to contain up to 6% total alkaloids, 5-15% of which is yohimbine. In effect, a small amount of actual Yohimbe HCL is found in the bark of the yohimbe tree. But there are other

alkaloids present in full spectrum products. For example, the bark of yohimbe contains about 6% yohimbine, as well the other alkaloids of ajmaline, allo-yohimbine, corynantheidine, corynantheine, dihydrocorynantheine, pseudoyohimbine, quebrachine, and tetrahydromethylcorynanthein. It also contains tannins. The popular opinion is that "full spectrum" Yohimbe feels "dirty" and Yohimbe HCL is cleaner, with its alkaloid content narrowed. For every other single full spectrum product I've tried (and I've tried many), that has been true. Straight Yohimbe HCL did feel cleaner, but by no means does it feel especially "clean". YOHIMBE SUPREME lists "full spectrum" actives as a 10:1 extract of Pausinystalia Yohimbe extract in a sublingual base. "Uh oh", I thought. "Need to be careful with this one". COMPARISON I subjectively compared this product to 2 others; 1.) straight Yohimbe HCL (pure white, bulk material) and 2.) full spectrum Yohimbe Extract 2%/6% (brown powder). The 2% refers to "Yohimbe (HPLC)" and the 6% to "total alkaloids". I was careful to use comparable mg amounts of each. NOTES YOHIMBE SUPREME (for me) delivers a consistent, smooth ride unlike any other full spectrum Yohimbe I've ever used. I honestly don't know why. This is sheer speculation, but I suspect it has something to do with the source plant and retaining "natures fingerprint" i.e. not overly concentrating on standardizing for a certain % of yohimbe HCL vs. other actives. It works better (and differently) than its counterparts. The label is deceiving. The only giveaway is the tag line which reads "The ONE that works like no other". Like all Muscle And Sports Science products, it subjectively works differently than its counterparts available elsewhere. You get the distinct feeling that somebody knows something, but on label alone its difficult to tell what that something is. That's probably by design in this marketplace. Lots of copycats out there trying to steal winning formulas. This product isn’t for everyone. In fact, I'd say it serves certain niche audiences.

You can certainly buy straight Yohimbe HCL and other "full spectrum" Yohimbe cheaper and "feel" it. I don’t like what I feel with those, though. IMO, the big advantage YOHIMBE SUPREME brings to the table is predictability. Very consistent from dose to dose whereas the other "full spectrum" products felt wildly different from day to day, with the same mg dose. To be fair, straight Yohimbe HCL was more consistent than other full spectrum products, but not YOHIMBE SUPREME. For those of you wanting to take it up a notch, you might want to consider giving it a whirl. The strength (and low dose needed to realize an effect) leads to a single purchase lasting a LONG time. Please chime in with your experiences on our forum with this or any other Yohimbe product you've used. I'd be very interested in your observations.

ALKAPLEX GREEN PLUS: What's this? Sounds "ordinary", doesn't it? Perhaps. It's effects are extraordinary though, and I use this little known gem to maximize results in The Blueprint. The alkalization of your body's PH in the feast phase is a desirable factor in generating better nitrogen retention, greater workout capacity and a more anabolic state. What I'm proposing then, is a simple strategy to up your alkaline balance either through your diet or a deep green superfood concentrate, such as Alkaplex Green Plus caps or Supergreens powder. Many of you reading this are in an acidic state right now. Acid forming diets are rampant in Western society. You need only look at the number of people around you popping antacid pills all day and big pharma's push to get "the purple pill" approved for over the counter use. As such, it's likely this strategy is one that will benefit you. Acidic states kill performance, particularly lifting performance. Rapid acidification leads to the muscle "shutting off" and ceasing to contract under load. Quite simply, you can no longer lift the weight and the set is terminated. Let's take an extreme example. Repeated maximal bouts of intense exercise with very little rest can have you heaving in a hurry. You give me any athlete and I can make them puke given enough weight and a fast enough pace when squatting. Maybe you've even experienced this at some point. It's not pleasant. That queasy feeling is the result of too many acids building up in your system too fast. Your body thinks it's being poisoned, can't clear the acid fast enough and instead decides to expel it through up-chucking. Again, an extreme example, but you get my point. Acid/Alkaline balance is measured on a pH scale from 1-14. A pH of 7 is neutral, halfway between very acidic (pH = 1) and very alkalyn (pH =

14). During rest, your muscle pH is around 6.9. But, as you lift, things change. As muscle pH drops below 6.5, the energy chain fueling the workout is disrupted enough to grind things to a halt. All this acid isn't just a problem inside muscle cells. It's a problem in the blood too. To optimally affect the muscle you first need to lower acid concentrations in the blood. The less acidic the blood, the more it creates a favorable PH gradient between the blood and muscle, thus pulling the acid OUT of the muscle. Big implications for performance, growth and health. Remember those MultiStix I spoke of? Well, I originally used them to test for nitrogen excretion to measure Kre-Anabolyn's efficacy. But they also measure your urine for ketones, blood, glucose and pH. It's the pH balance we're focusing on here, and it's research proven to make a BIG difference. When your diet is too acidic it signals the body to release calcium from your bones and glutamine from muscle in order to "buffer" all that acid. This isn't good, and it can work against you in the feast phase. By tilting the diet toward a more alkaline balance, we take a big step toward the entire objective of this part of The Blueprint: Accelerating anabolism via increased nitrogen retention while keeping catabolism in check and "lagging" further behind. Glutamine loss (efflux out of the muscle) is a MAJOR signal to the brain to start breaking down muscle

tissue. We don't want your system getting that kind of message, at least not from real muscle glutamine efflux. The result of implementing this strategy? Exactly what you’ve bought this course for....superior performance and more muscle. Need more proof? Check out: Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):662-5.: Alkaline diets favor lean tissue mass in older adults. Dawson-Hughes B, Harris SS, Ceglia L. Jean Mayer US Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA. And yes, the study was done on older adults. However, I've found the same holds true in younger folks as validated by those urinary testing strips I'm so fond of. Who would've thought these bathroom trips could be so educational? To assist in beefing up your diet in this area, following is a list of alkaline foods:

ALKALIZING VEGETABLES Alfalfa, Barley Grass, Beet Greens, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Chard Greens, Chlorella, Collard Greens, Cucumber, Dandelions, Dulce, Edible Flowers, Eggplant, Fermented Veggies, Garlic, Green Beans, Green Peas, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard Greens,

Nightshade Veggies, Onions, Parsnips (high glycemic), Peas, Peppers, Pumpkin, Radishes, Rutabaga. Sea Veggies, Spinach, green, Spirulina, Sprouts, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Watercress, Wheat Grass, Wild Greens

ALKALIZING FRUITS Apple, Apricot, Avocado, Banana (high glycemic), Berries, Blackberries, Cantaloupe, Cherries, sour, Coconut, fresh, Currants, Dates, dried, Figs, dried, Grapes, Grapefruit, Honeydew Melon, Lemon, Lime, Muskmelons, Nectarine, Orange, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Raisins, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Tangerine, Tomato, Tropical Fruits, Umeboshi Plums, Watermelon


ALKALIZING SPICES & SEASONINGS Chili Pepper, Cinnamon, Curry, Ginger, Miso, Mustard, Sea Salt, Tamari So if an alkaline diet can pull this off, why am I recommending a supplement? Because you'll be eating a LOT of protein rich food in the feast phase. Remember, protein is a complex string of amino acids. As such, they tilt your body's toward an acidic state. You need a fair volume of alkaline foods to offset

So if an alkaline diet can pull this off, why am I recommending a supplement? Because you'll be eating a LOT of protein rich food in the feast phase. Remember, protein is a complex string of amino acids. As such, they tilt your body's toward an acidic state. You need a fair volume of alkaline foods to offset And OPTIMIZE this state. In order to hit caloric goals during this phase, you'll need to consume lots of carbs and some fats. Getting what you need from fiberous carbs (mostly alkaline vegetables like spinach, asparagus) can prove difficult. Most just don't feel like eating that many alkaline foods. If that's you, I offer the following: 1 capsule of Alkaplex Green with each Kre-Anabolyn dose (total of 3-6/day). If using it solo, I very positively suggest 2 capsules with each main meal. Alkaplex Green is one of the richest sources of calcium (10x that of milk), magnesium, potassium and other commonly depleted trace minerals. Also of note, recent trials show low calcium diets to promote fat storage, while high calcium diets lessen fat accumulation and promote fat burning. One sports fitness physician even dubbed Alkaplex 'The Green Steroid' due to the naturally high Chlorophyll content which creates a strong, positive charged nitrogen boost. As an economical, healthy and research proven strategy alkalyzing your system is a powerful new weapon. Positively modulating your pH (i.e. a macro change to

your physiology) is a hugely over-looked factor in the world of muscledom and its importance is just coming to light mainstream in the research studies. It holds great promise in amplifying the effects of adaptogens, particularly ecdysterone, which is already known to increase nitrogen retention independent of acidic/alkaline state. Pursuing this strategy gives you a far greater chance of success than shotgunning some random micro-nutrient company X is pushing this month. Which bring us to....

SUPPLEMENTS: WHAT NOT TO USE First off, do not use any supplement other than a multi-vitamin or perhaps a detox tea type product during the famine phase. There will be a temptation to toy with individual amino's or other products during this time. Don't do it. There are very few supplements on the market designed to help you accomplish what's going on in this phase. The diet and exercise protocols prescribed will do the job of putting your body in a controlled state of catabolism. Nothing else is needed. The following is a list of products that have tested to be either totally worthless or the cost/benefit ratio isn't there when using The BluePrint. Avoid the temptation to use these during your feast phase:

Soy/Vegetable/Low Quality Whey Proteins You can make big mistakes with carbs and fats and correct them rather quickly.

Not so with protein as it builds right into your structure. Radio Isotope studes have proven that every 12 months 98% of your body from your hair right down to your toenails is re-built from the protein in your diet. Most of the important stuff we're worried about (muscle) is re-built in 6 months. But what, you say, about those people who subsist solely on twinkies? You've seen them. The diet is largely composed of coffee, cigarettes, soda and junk food. Sometimes, for years on end. Surely these people aren't suffering. Or are they? The body is brilliant and will do an amazing patchwork job, even given a crappy diet. It will use every available resource including the incomplete amino acid profiles found in the above, and inferior protein sources. You are what you eat though, and these people are building a house of cards. It pays to get it right. This is especially true during the feast phase due to the fact protein synthesis is radically elevated and the recommended use of protein synthesis agents. Consumer ALERT: Sometimes, it's what they DON'T mention that matters most.

I was in WalMart the other day and noticed their "Super Advanced Whey Protein", 2lbs for just $14.99. - It claimed cross flow micro/ultra filtered whey isolate, concentrate, di and tri peptides, etc. - Also touted added creatine, leucine, taurine etc. On label claims alone, could this be a quality product at a bargain basement price? Not so fast. I suspected that it was heat dried, which de-natures the protein and cross-links the amino acids, rendering it virtually useless. The very poor digestion of this product alone is the tip off, but to be absolutely certain I emailed the company for a written record. It turns out it's heated up to 170 degrees during processing. Here's a portion of their response: _____________________________________________________________ Dear Robert, Thank you for contacting Body Fortress. We appreciate your interest in our products. The Whey Protein ingredients are heated to a maximum of 170 Degrees Farenheit] Thank you again for contacting Body Fortress. _____________________________________________________________ You want a 100% cold processed whey such as MASS PRO. Why? Because it's the kind that is research proven to boost glutathione. Glutathione is your body's most prolific endogenous anti-oxidant. So important is glutathione that it's used as a bio-marker for aging. 100% undenatured cold processed whey isn't cheap, but it is what you take a protein powder for; it has muscle building and health promoting properties that food doesn't!

Take away: If you want to build a sturdy house you use bricks, not straw. By the way, three brands you can trust for legitimate quality protein products are MASS PRO from, the Beverly International line and Jay Robb.

Canned/Packaged Tuna Ok, this isn't a supplement per se but I see a lot of guys and gals getting the majority of their protein these days from tuna given the recent milk/whey prices skyrocketing. This advice goes for all fish: Fish is pretty good at building other fish. It's pretty damn poor at building people as a mainstay, truth be told.

Pro-Hormones/Steroids Yeah, they can work but at what cost? Any dose that delivers more muscle is going to suppress your natural test production and delay your next successful Blueprint cycle. I've gone to great lengths here to set up a very fluid schedule designed to rotate you into and extend time spent in productive training zones. Any attempt to fool mother nature defeats our plan. And yes, I've tried prohormones A-Z. It just delays the positive traction you get once 3-4 successive Blueprint cycles are completed and the gains start to really pile up. Special note: If you're under the age of 18-25, please consider the following.. Do you really think that your hormone levels are holding you back? Not likely! While a more experienced trainee might lay claim to that variable, the odds are a lot better that a McDiet and poorly structured training program are the real culprits. I'm not into scare tactics but I am into common sense. Think about this before taking the plunge. It may very well be the decision that makes the difference in how much muscle you ultimately gain during your training lifetime.

Liquorice Shows up in many thermogenic/thyroid formulas, protein powders and even some BCAA products. Huge negative impact on testosterone levels. Stay away.

CLA/HMB/L-Carnitine Looks research reasonable but fails miserably in the real world. Don't be fooled.

Ginseng/Rhodiola Rosea/Cordyceps/Schisandra/Moomyo/Ecdysterone

from Cyanotis Vaga The adaptogen family is vast. I've tried various Blueprint cycles with each of the above and in combo. The results were less than spectacular. Kre-Anabolyn is the one I recommend for many reasons, the first being it’s the one with certified Rhaponticum Carthamoides 98% extract in the form cited in the Russian studies.

Myostatin Inhibitors/Methoxy/Forskolin Fail, fail and fail. Each of these is a classic case of marginal (and I do mean marginal) test tube or animal study successes. The leap from in vitro (test tube) to in vivo (in the human body) is a a vast one and the above products all failed miserably. Most consumers realized this years ago but these items are still out there, begging for your dollars. If you didn't know already, let me save you some money....stay away.

Acetomenophin/Ibuprofen Lots of people use these anti-inflammatory agents prior to training or even daily. While there is one long term study showing improved protein synthesis on elderly patients, I see no real world evidence to support this fact. Meanwhile, the short term administration results are in: it blunts protein synthesis even when you're doing everything else right. I had high hopes for use in the famine phase, but even that didn't pan out. Stay away from this stuff. In short, the negatives far outweigh the positives.

Liquid Creatine Scam

Isolated Amino Acids With the exception of GABA, and certain Arginine derivatives most are a waste. I've used very, very high dosages of most of them but virtually none added anything of note. You will read dazzling studies concerning Glycine, OKG, etc. but see very little return for your money. Even the current darling (Beta-Alanine) adds only a marginal amount due to the fact that levels take so long to reach peak concentration. Even then, the effect in the ads/research is way over-stated. I had high hopes but (surprise), the benefits are mostly hype.

Vanadyl Sulfate/Chromium Picolinate/Alpha Lipoic Acid The glucose disposal agents of yesteryear. ALA was marginally helpful but each of the three failed to deliver meaningful body recomposition changes. The only insulin facilitator worth its salt was found to be 4-hydroxy-isoleucine, which is why it's included it in the Kre-Anabolyn patent formula, I am convinced.

Arachadonic Acid Too pricey, too little benefit for the money. AA is predicated on the notion that tissue levels of AA are built up while consuming the nutrient and the resulting prostaglandin release is beneficial to muscle growth. Similar to beta-alanine, I see a great theory, a measurable tissue concentration increase and few results. AA may have its place, but not in our plan. This and other nutrients that accumulate slowly in muscle tissue have a negligible effect in our plan. The Blueprint is fast and thrives upon the speed with which we enter and exit the various states I've identified. This means the very same muscle growth a quality supplement delivers will quickly be working against you in the famine phase. Avoid supplements that promise results after months of use. Besides, in my experience, if it hasn't worked in a's not going to work, period. UPDATE: Since my original "thumbs down" recommendation in Blueprint 1.0, it seems I've been validated by at least one study: If you read the full paper, you'll find this conclusion: Conclusions "AA supplementation during resistance-training may enhance anaerobic capacity and lessen the inflammatory response to training. However, AA supplementation did not promote statistically greater gains in strength, muscle mass, or influence markers of muscle hypertrophy." There are two versions though, of the results. One appears on the manufacturer's web site, and highlights the preliminary poster abstracts and the smidgeon of positive results noted during the study. There was a marginal increase in peak power for the Wingate anaerobic capacity test, along with a decrease in one inflammatory marker, interleukin-6. Also, there were no adverse side effects. The manufacturer and man behind the funding for the study is FAR from a

scammer though. As I note in The Blueprint, it was an excellent theory brought to the table, he funded the study himself and I suppose there may be some, marginal benefits noted by a small number of users. In terms of laying out your hard earned money though.... it doesn't make the "Blueprint approved" list.

New Spins on Old Herbs From Tribulus to Ecdy to Fenugreek, they're being re-pakaged. The more I’ve experimented, tinkered and toyed with these products the more I realize there really isn't anything new. I'm all for innovation, but the fact of the matter is that the odds your physique will be magically transformed by some weird herb isolate that's been "extracted" differently is dubious. The quality items that have stood the test of time are typically full spectrum extracts from the whole plant/root. There is no magic here, just beneficial substances the way nature originally packaged them. Put these in their proper context, see them for what they are.

SUPPLEMENTS: A FINAL WORD I hope you know by now I've told you the truth about supplements. They aren't necessary to build muscle, but several will work exceptionally well when appropriately positioned to accelerate your results. Used with precision in The Blueprint, our recommended supplement plan exploits 3 powerful strategies:

• By totally eliminating supplements during the famine phase, we accelerate the catalyst (anti-catabolic activation) needed to set in motion the series of events that are necessary for adaptogens to exert their unique effects. • Adaptogens are then introduced on top of stretch position movements, amplifying the PI3K-AKT pathway, whereupon...

• Adaptogen effects are further magnified by plunging the body into a deep alkaline state, creating a "greenhouse" effect and allowing for startling new muscle growth. Again, it can be done with or without the supplements I'm recommending. Personally, I look at it like any other kind of technology. You can get from point A to point B faster and more efficiently. You take a car to work, right? Why not a horse and buggy or if so inclined, walk? Because you're want to use technology

to your advantage. The choice is yours.

RECAP/COMMENTARY OK, let's recap the fundamentals of The Blueprint

Preparatory: Duration: 7 days

Objective: It is suggested to take a full week off from training before beginning the Blueprint. During this week, you're taking your waking heart rate, carefully establishing the objective measure we'll use to guide you through the famine phase. A daily average over 7 days is ideal, although as few as 3 will do the job.

Famine Phase: Duration: About 5 days

Objective: Activate your body's alarm signal and stress all 3 energy systems including ATP-PC, Glycotic and Endurance. We're also trying to accelerate the rate of protein turnover in the body and activate anti-catabolic machinery that lays dormant during homeostasis. Training should be high frequency, high volume with a focus on increasing density through shortening rest periods between sets. Diet should be low calorie, very low protein. Finally, rest should be anywhere from adequate to sub-optimal, meaning an hour or two less than what you're normally accustomed to. You can continue to take your waking heart rate here, and you should see it increasing in response to the stress we're imposing. The goal is to elevate it to the point where it's at least 8 beats per minute over the established baseline.

Feast Phase: Duration: 30-45 days

Objective: The objective is to enter the adaptation/growth zone and reap the BIG rewards that await. We're looking to accelerate anabolism (already primed) and retard catabolism. If taking advantage of Kre-Anabolyn or Adaptogen N supplementation, this is the time to apply it. Training is characterized by lower frequency, lower volume and higher intensity weight lifting sessions. The diet is higher calorie, higher protein with a focus on alkalyzing the system. Rest should be at its maximum, with a minimum of 8 hours recommended.

Cruising phase: Duration: 14-21 days

Objective: Solidify your new gains by establishing a new homeostatic state, balance anabolism/catabolism and give yourself a physical and psychological break. Training should be characterized by moderating intensity, volume and frequency. Likewise, the diet should return to moderate levels of calories and protein. Rest should be kept high, with 8+ hours recommended, if possible. Expect to gain a few more quality lbs. during this phase, a nice side benefit we've found in many trainees during our Blueprint trials.

Rotation: Make sure to repeat your Famine, Feast and Maintenance/Cruising phases as prescribed. The key is in rotating the phases frequently and not staying in one place too long.

Notes: An extensive "menu" of diets, workout routines and corresponding supplement ideas has been provided here. Experiment with them. The more arrows in your quiver, the better. These are the best of the best, but I don't lay claim to knowing what may work best for YOU. Toward that end, the suggested time periods for each phase are just that, suggestions. I have seen some people use a slightly less radical famine phase (more calories, less frequent/intense training) for up to 14 days. However, the trial data showed that the alarm signal was not as pronounced, lasting muscle tissue loss was greater and the corresponding positive rebound in the feast phase was less spectacular. Besides, who wants to suffer (even if it's less suffering) for a longer period of time, especially when the upside isn't as great? Do it right and get it over with. Likewise I have seen multiple trial participants “go into business for themselves” and milk significant gains beyond 6 weeks in the feast phase. There is a way to accomplish this but it's much more complex and detailed in Blueprint 2.0. If the sole objective is more muscle mass, much better to follow conventional Blueprint guidelines and rotating through the 3 phases more frequently. Finally, some individuals will do well with an extended maintenance/cruising phase for up to 4 weeks. While circumstances can sometimes dictate such, I'd caution you to not get too lazy. Be practical but also honest with yourself. Remember, the fulcrum of The Blueprint's success is predicated upon not staying in one phase too long. It is the timing and flexibility of these phase shifts that makes The Blueprint unique. Trust me. Once you "nail it" from a timing

perspective, you'll know. More importantly, you'll have the knowledge to re-create that perfect timing over and over. Like many things in life, success boils down to timing. The Blueprint allows you to find that perfect timing in short order.

Bottom line: Try the program as described the first time out of the gate. You'll be most pleasantly surprised. The recommendations are no accident and have proven most successful for the highest percentage of people new to The Blueprint. That goes for weekend warriors right up to advanced pro athletes.

THE PAST, THE PRESENT, AND THE BLUEPRINT: WHY YOU'RE FUTURE IS LOOKING A LOT BRIGHTER The real quandary today is the plethora of information available. It's overwhelming. Back in the day (pre-internet), you had the opposite situation. If you were lucky, you bumped into the right guy at your gym who introduced you to a few basic concepts such as eating less to lose weight, eating more to gain weight and a typical pyramiding format for your weight workouts. You now have at your fingertips the worldwide web. Lots of good information and even more bad info. How do you sort all of this out? It can take years and thousands of dollars to go through this learning curve. The best case scenario is trial and error whereby you end up with a half dozen good workout routines and diets culled from tedious journaling of your personal experiences (many of them expensive failures). Even then, there's still a huge problem; there's no way to build upon the success of those few gems you happened to come across. It is the traction gained over months and years from these programs that can build a substantial degree of muscle tissue, but what eludes the vast number of trainees who get into the game. Witness the huge failure rate at your own gym.

What's always been missing was the framework with which to couple these gems and generate the traction necessary to pile on the muscle, ONGOING. That's all

changed with The Blueprint for Big Muscle Building. Now, you are no longer left hanging and wondering what to do next once you complete a productive program. The Blueprint doesn't allow this to happen, by virtue of its timed, rotational phase-shifts. After taking some time off to reestablish homeostasis and your newfound muscle mass and strength gains, you'll be primed to repeat the best of times by re-cultivating organic anabolism. Each time you go through it you'll have learned from the previous cycle, building

upon each success all the more. And you will learn from each cycle! To me, this is the best part of the program. The variations are endless but you know the drill now: construct cycles that maximally alarm your body, something that borders on a threat to your physiology. Then slip in under the radar to deliver a targeted refeed and training stimulus to work with your body to add more muscle and then solidify those gains by cruising for a few weeks. Move around with them, live with them until they're truly yours. Then repeat, fine tuned, what you've learned. Part of The Blueprint's appeal resides in its specific flexibility. While the shell of the template guides and keeps you on track, the dietary and training templates used therein are flexible enough to incorporate what works best for you. Neither I nor anyone else can tell you what specific weight lifting routine will work best for you given your current goals, time available to devote to training, injuries or recovery ability (which is constantly changing anyway) and genetics. It has been my experience that many different diets and training routines can work... until your body adapts to them. Looking at it objectively, you can find evidence that all sorts of diets and workout programs have been "proven" to work. But how can this be? Because if you read the studies you’ll notice something curious. The common denominator is that they're all measuring a change in the individual's physiology during a brief window of time. The Blueprint doesn't change for the sake of change though, or espouse the ridiculous "muscle confusion" principle. Random change is a mistake and has resulted in more wasted time in U.S. training circles than any other variable (save the shotgunning of the supplement de jour from month to month). Rather, The Blueprint provides a fail-safe framework in which to grow and gain via each unique, time sensitive phase shift. The timing of these phase shifts keeps your physiology in a high state of organic anabolism and maximizes every morsel of food you eat, every workout you perform and every supplement you take. You'll also find it mimics the natural ebb and flow of life, where people

experience periods of high stress, high productivity and some down time to rest, re-charge and build upon their experiences. There's a place for all of this in The Blueprint, even your failures. Frustrated with a past routine that overtrained you? Have an upcoming week where you know you'll be pulling all-nighters or partying heavy and eating crap? Plug it into the famine phase and make it work FOR you instead of against you! How about a favorite workout or diet from the past you know delivers the goods? Incorporate that into your next feast phase. Something entirely new that catches your eye? The next “creatine” might pop up out there somewhere. When it arrives, you plug it into The Blueprint and reap the benefits.

There's a place for all of it here. Soon enough, you will become very proficient at listening to the signals your body is giving you. In time, you'll understand how and when the alarm phase has been maximally stimulated and precisely when the growth state has been "milked" for all it's worth. You now have the insight, knowledge and power to leverage this to your advantage, ongoing. Dozens of trails have shown that it usually takes 2-3 runs for most trainers to find his or her personal, optimal BLUEPRINT protocol but they all start the first time out with typically stunning gains. They also quickly come to understand that their short term sacrifice (famine) is rewarded with BIG gains every single time following (feast). It’s truly a wonderful and powerful feeling knowing that more progress is right around the corner, always within your grasp. YOU now have the tools to gain these benefits... over and over! Put them to work and please share your personal success and insights with us on the private Blueprint Members Collective Form. Join us to learn, share and help build upon the knowledge base. And as it’s said, knowledge IS power! Sincerely, Rob Regish P.S. Feel free to save this eBook to your computer or print it out for easy access and study anytime. Your private access link to the members forum follows. ** Bookmark and Save the following link ** Click the above link to officially register and you’ll be set up automatically in a few easy steps, then simply click “Log In” to sign in for future visits to the forums. The Blueprint for Big Muscle Building is © Copyright 2009, 2010 by Robert S. Regish. All Rights Reserved by U.S. and International law. Any reproduction of this work in part or in whole is expressedly prohibited without prior written consent of the author.


WARNING: The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease or any medical condition, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as a substitute for medical advice. The Blueprint for Periodic For Strength is presented for informational purposes only. Neither the author, RSR Musclemass, LLC, associated promotional websites nor any of their subsidiary companies, websites, personnel, publications or any media resource either known or unknown assume any liability for the information contained herein. The information contained herein reflects only the opinion of the author and is in no way considered required practice. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed health care practitioner PRIOR to beginning this program and before beginning ANY new diet, exercise or training program. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and referenced food supplements are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Undertake this program or any part thereof at your own risk and benefit..

________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION The original Blueprint course was designed to stimulate maximal MUSCLE growth. The combination of Famine, Feast, Cruise, loaded stretches and progressive overload when frequently rotated has resulted in maximal lean body mass gains with very minimal, if any, fat accumulation. That much is clear. Strength athletes though, are a different animal. They exist solely to put get stronger, preferably with a minimum of bodyfat accumulation. You can see this already in the powerlifting world record holders....the tide is turning. It used to be that the biggest totals were always in the super-heavyweight class (308lbs and above). While that's still true, the gap is being closed by the lighter lifters (220, 242 and 275lb weight classes). What I'm saying here is that the top strength athletes are more and more becoming leaner/stronger while at a lower bodyfat percentage. In the original Blueprint course, you hear me talking a lot about "loading patterns". The reason they're so important is that if you don't obey the fundamental law of progressive overload, your muscles won't grow. Now on paper, it looks pretty simple. You just keep adding weight or reps. Good luck. In practice your CNS shuts down, joints start aching, and your bar speed drops. Keep that up for any length of time and your adrenals burn out. The result is that despite your best efforts you actually end up getting weaker. GENESIS Twenty years ago I opened my first Powerlifting USA. There's a column in there

to this day called "workout of the month". In a nutshell, it sketched out a % based program over X number of weeks for your big barbell lift. Coming from just "lifting heavy", this looked odd. However, with nothing to lose I tried it. At the end of 8 weeks I had progressed an extra 7% just as the program said. I thought, "wow, I'll just do this again over and over"! Big mistake. Once your body has seen it once, it stops responding to it unless a LONG break is taken. So I began my search. I knew there was something to this but where to start? I've got to tell you, I've tried a total of 32 different loading patterns over years in various combinations. That's right, 32 of them in almost every conceivable combination. I have the stack of PL USA magazines right here along with various loading patterns I've accumulated from various sources. Some worked well, some didn't. Some were fantastic in isolation but were abysmal failures when coupled with other programs. I wanted to understand why. One of the big reasons is that you can only train in the 90th percentile (90% of your 1RM) for about 3 weeks in a given lift. After that you start going backwards due to CNS shutdown. Another is that total tonnage needs to waived in a certain sequence. You can take two different set/rep schemes and arrive at a frighteningly similar total tonnage. One the body has seen recently and... not much happens. Still another is that step loads and de-loads need to be carefully arranged when coupling programs such that the body hasn't "seen" that type of de-load recently. A final wrinkle included ecdy based adaptogens and the difference they made. It became very clear that use of ecdy with some of these programs resulted (in some cases) in far superior gains. This is part of the reason I'm so high on ecdy. "NO2" couldn't do it, protein at 3 grams per lb of lbm couldn't do it (don't try you'll just end up de-hydrated). Even 40g/day of creatine couldn't do it. That was in addition to the aforementioned NO2/protein loading PLUS other adaptogens such as high dose Schisandra, Cordyceps, Moomyio/Mumie, Rhodiola Rosea and Ashwaganda. In the case of The Russian Strength Program (detailed below), use of ecdy was the difference between success and not being able to complete the program at all. I noticed for example, that around age 35 I could no longer recover from 18 workouts within 6 weeks. With ecdy based adaptogens in hand, I could do it in 5!

THE BLUEPRINT PERIODIC - FOUR KEYS TO THE KINGDOM What follows then are the best of the best. Four very synergistic loading patterns

that when used back to back deliver reliable, sustainable increases to the barbell lift of your choice. I've got to tell you, the Germans and Russians have got a lock on this stuff. These run circles around their American counterparts. Here they are at a high level: German Loading Pattern #1- Delivers 5% plus to your lifts in just 6 workouts German Loading Pattern #2- Delivers up to 10% to your lifts over 14 workouts Russian Strength Program Generator- 5-7% increase to your lifts in 18 workouts The 10% Solution- Delivers up to a 10% increase to your lifts in just 12 workouts And in detail: German Loading Pattern #1 Code: % of 1rep max x reps format. Workout 1: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 54%x8, 61%x8, 66%x8, 73%x8, 78%x8 Workout 2: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 61%x8, 66%x6, 73%x6, 78%x6, 85%x6 Workout 3: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 66%x8, 73%x6, 78%x4, 85%x4, 90%x4 Workout 4: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 73%x8, 78%x6, 85%x4, 90%x2, 97%x2 Workout 5: 5 sets as follows- 50%x10, 76%x8, 82%x6, 88%x4, 94%x2 Workout 6: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 64%x5, 76%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, 105%x1

COMMENTARY It doesn't get much better than adding 5% to your max in just 6 workouts! This loading pattern can be applied to any major compound lift. It was designed however, with the bench specifically in mind. As with every program here, I suggest you work in some sets done with a close and wide grip to build the top/bottom of the lift respectively. In practice, I find this is best done on your lighter sets with your heaviest sets being done with your regular grip. If applying this to squats/deadlifts, slight variations in stance are

likewise recommended. This loading pattern has a VERY high rate of success and it does NOT require that you hit every set for every rep. Now, you shouldn't be missing by several reps every workout but don't be distraught if you miss a few here and there. Perfectly normal and your 1RM will be there come workout #6. I find a one on, one off frequency pattern do-able and probably the most aggressive. Perfectly acceptable to go to a one on, two off or one on, three off if you need to. I like to rest anywhere from 5-10 minutes in between sets but the goal should be to rest long enough to recover your strength between sets. Take one week off to regroup, re-load mentally and physically and begin the following: German Loading Pattern #2 CODE: % of new 1RM from German Loading Pattern #1 Sets x Reps Workout Percent Sets x Reps 1 75% 4 x 6 2 70% 4 x 5 3 80% 4 x 5 4 70% 4 x 6 5 80% 4 x 5 6 75% 4 x 6 7 85% 4 x 5 8 75% 4 x 5 9 90% 4 x 3 10 85% 5 x 3 11 90% 4 x 3 12 85% 5 x 3 13 80% 4 x 3 14 110% 1 x 1

COMMENTARY Building off of Loading Pattern #1 we have another gift from the Germans. You'll note the total tonnage is a bit less, spread over only 4 sets. However, that's by design and note here we're sticking with the same weight used from set to set, again by design.

For the lighter workouts, I suggest you work in the close grip/wide grip sets as I feel they're very valuable in keeping the strength curve fresh. Again if applying this to squats/deadlifts, slight variations in stance are likewise recommended. You should be hitting all reps with the given weight that's specified. A miss here or there is acceptable but it's not as forgiving as the first German Loading Pattern. You should take that as a cue to insert an extra rest day. Frequency is a bit more tightly regulated here. You've got 14 workouts to accomplish and I like an every other day format up to about workout 7-8. Insert an extra rest day before the heavier workouts from there. Again, at this program's conclusion take a week off to regroup and re-load mentally and physically. At this point you need to make a decision; continue on with the Russian program detailed below OR execute a new Famine Phase. This famine phase should last the specified 5 days. At the conclusion of that famine, execute phase 1 of the Feast, meaning begin your over-feeding as specified and use the suggested 5 workout one set to absolute muscular failure routine in Blueprint 2.0. At the conclusion of those 5 workouts, you should have your new 1RM to base the following Russian program on and jump back into The Blueprint Periodic..

Russian Strength Program Generator CODE % of 1RM Sets x Reps Workout Percent Sets x Reps 1 80% 6x2 2 80% 6x3 3 80% 6x2 4 80% 6x4 5 80% 6x2 6 80% 6x5 7 80% 6x2 8 80% 6x6 9 80% 6x2 10 85% 5x5 11 80% 6x2 12 90% 4x4 13 80% 6x2 14 95% 3x3 15 80% 6x2 16 100% 2x2 17 80% 6x2 18 105% 1x1

COMMENTARY From Germany we travel to Russia, home of the world's finest ecdysterones :) This is the longest of all loading patterns specified and delivers another quality 5% to your lifts. It does so however, via a very unique total tonnage loading/de-loading mechanism. You'll notice every other workout returns you to baseline or 80% for 6 sets of 2 reps. Further, it asks no more of you than 80% of a 1RM through workout #9...which is VERY important at this point in Blueprint Periodic. For example, where else in the accompanying spreadsheet do you find yourself working with no more than 80% of 1RM for more than 3 weeks? This is crucially important because without giving your CNS a break it burns out. The popular solution is just to go lighter. While this indeed works to give the CNS a break, it does NOT keep you gaining strength. The Russians figured out a way for you to give the CNS a needed break while continuing to build strength! Workouts 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 and 17 should be performed with a close/wide grip alternating from workout to workout for aforementioned reasons. If applying this to squats/deadlifts, slight variations in stance are likewise recommended. Frequency is again, individually determined. It is particularly important to manage this to the best of your ability with this loading pattern. Eighteen workouts is a long way to go, and keeping fresh both mentally and physically over that time period can be a challenge. I like an every other day frequency through workout #8, at which point I take 2 full rest days prior to the heavier workouts # 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. I don't believe in "over-supplementing", but if you're going to pour it on, this is the loading pattern to utilize supplements with. Specifically, BCAA loading pattern #2 is for me (likely due to my age) a must as is the use of Kre-Anabolyn. Take 7-10 days off to regroup, re-load and begin the following based upon your new 1RM from the Russian program...

The 10% Solution The final loading pattern is really the icing on the cake and deceptive in its simplicity. Link to auto calculators:

COMMENTARY This loading pattern calls for 12 total workouts, structured as follows: CODE Workout Percent of 1RM Sets x Reps 1 65% 3 x 3 2 75% 2 x 3 3 85% 2 x 2 PROGRESSION GUIDELINES 1.) Follow this schedule exactly for week 1. 2.) For weeks 2 and on, increase the weights according to the following table: 1RM < 150 lbs Increase loads by 5 lbs per set 1RM 155 – 295 lbs Increase loads by 10 lbs per set 1RM 300 – 395 lbs Increase loads by 10 lbs on Mon & Wed, and by 15 lbs Fri 1RM > 400 lbs Increase loads by 15 lbs Mon & Wed, and by 20 lbs on Fri For those of you who are mathematically challenged (include yours truly), I offer the following in an effort to clear the confusion. The following example based upon a 225lbs 1 rep max bench press: Workout #1 Workout #2 Workout #3 (Monday) (Wednesday) (Friday) WEEK 1: 145lbs, 3 sets of 3 reps / 165lbs, 2 sets & 3 reps / 190lbs, 2 sets 2 reps WEEK 2: 155lbs, 3 sets of 3 reps / 175lbs, 2 sets of 3 reps / 200lbs 2 sets 2 reps WEEK 3: 165lbs, 3 sets of 3 reps / 185lbs 2 sets of 3 reps / 210lbs 2 sets 2 reps WEEK 4: 175lbs, 3 sets of 3 reps / 195lbs 2 sets of 3 reps / 220lbs 2 sets 2 reps Frequency: You've got 30 days to get 12 workouts done. A M-W-F approach works for many and is perfectly acceptable. I like to use an every other day approach and insert two full days of rest prior to the last workout of the week. This program gets VERY intense VERY quickly. Check out how many "red-zone" workouts in this program vs. the 3 others I rotate throughout Blueprint Periodic. Like German Loading Pattern #1, 66% of workouts (8/12) have you in the 90th percentile or greater but it only keeps you there for a finite amount of time.

Hint: It's also why it's very effective. If you're looking to supplement, BCAA Loading Protocol #1 is suggested for this loading pattern but do feel free to experiment. Due to the CNS demands, this is very stressful on your adrenals. More so than the 3 other loading patterns specified here. IT IS CRUCIAL THAT YOU ADDRESS THIS. You didn't come this far to burn out, especially as you're probably on the cusp of new highs in personal power. Adaptogens then, are essential. If foregoing Ecdysterone/Kre-Anabolyn/Creatine etc, I've had great success with high dose MACA, Korean Red Ginseng extracts as well as PeakATP/Phosphatidylserine. If so interested in a simple, all-in-one combination, all those and other goodies are contained in the new MASS Burn It Up! Formula, seen here- I like to run 2 caps on "off" days and 3 caps on workout days, preferably 30 minutes prior to the workout. One bottle gets you through this loading pattern. NOTES ON THE BLUEPRINT PERIODIC The art here is really what you do between programs. I've found 2 strategies that work and they both return you to Blueprint in due time. Each keeps the traction going and sets a brief disruption of any norm you've settled into. It goes like this: Strategy #1 is to perform each program straight through. You simply rotate through each loading pattern with your new 1RM in hand. Strategy #2 calls for a return to Famine after completing the German Loading Pattern Phase II. Here, you set the table for greater gains during the second half of Blueprint Periodic. Your 1RM will dip a bit (briefly) but it returns with a vengence during the final two programs. Let your body guide you. People I've spoken with that have been through famine multiple times know. There is a time and place to return, detox and accept one step back for two steps forward. Literally. In either strategy, you will return the the Famine after the 4 loading patterns below are complete. It's necessary to periodically create this state to modulate enzyme turnover, the anti-catablolic response and initiate protein breakdown to

set the table for slingshotting into adaptogens.

DIET For all of these loading patterns in Blueprint Periodic, you're going to be eating as in the Feast Phase throughout. This is a power and strength routine so you need a lot of gas in the tank. To refresh, caloric goals should be anywhere from body weight x 20 down to about BW x 15. It's acceptable to spiral up and down but don’t drop below the low end. This isn't the time for a low calorie/low carbohydrate diet. Quality carbs are necessary for maximum cell volume, recovery and keeping strength up from set to set and workout to workout.

SUPPS You should make liberal use of the recommended adaptogens during these runs. BCAA protocol #2 as specified in the Blueprint is a must with some of these (at least for me). I've spiked out exactly which ones on the spreadsheeet found here- As in The Blueprint, it's possible to make gains without these supplement tricks but you'd have to be awful young with a good hormone profile to do so. I know I benefit tremendously from the ecdy based adaptogen and BCAA protocols during this time. They can only help.

CLOSING THOUGHTS When you add it all up, Blueprint Periodic allows you to jump for example, from a 320lb bench press to 405lbs in just 6 months or less. The numbers get even bigger if you're applying this to the squat or deadlift. Imagine how much muscle that builds. No, scratch that. Stop imagining and get on with it. In just 6 months time you're going to be a LOT bigger and stronger due to these kinds of gains. Enjoy...

The Blueprint Periodic For Strength is © Copyright 2010 by Robert S. Regish. All Rights Reserved by U.S. and International law. Any reproduction of this work in part or in whole is expressedly prohibited without prior written consent of the author.