The Age of New Imperialism 1800-1914. Imperialism A policy where stronger nations dominate the...

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Transcript of The Age of New Imperialism 1800-1914. Imperialism A policy where stronger nations dominate the...

The Age of New Imperialism



• A policy where stronger nations dominate the political, economic, or cultural life of weaker nations.

• New wave began in the 1800s. Original wave started in the 1400s.

• Born out of the new industrial society of the 1800s. Countries were richer and more powerful.


1. Economic Interests ($$$)2. Political/Military Interests (Nationalism)3. Humanitarian/Religious Goals4. Social Darwinism

Economic Interests

• The Industrial Revolution – natural resources • Ex: rubber, petroleum, manganese for steel, palm oil for


– new markets to sell factory goods to– colonies were outlets for overpopulation in home

countries (emigration)



Finished Goods


Raw Materials

Political/Military Interests

• Naval bases– Seized islands and harbors

• Competition/maintaining balance of power– Empire = prestige and greatness– Ex: when France gained colonies in West Africa,

Great Britain and Germany did too to prevent France from becoming too powerful

Humanitarian/Religious Goals

• Westerners believed they had a moral duty to spread their “superior” way of life– Western technology, law, medicine, education

• Also felt they needed to “Christianize” the “barbarians” in other parts of the world

• Very ethnocentric…but…many well-meaning missionaries and doctors accompanied the imperialists

• Two arguments: western advances did benefit natives; natives were denied their culture

Social Darwinism

• Imperialism was based on feelings of racial superiority; this theory justified colonies.– Racism: the belief that one race is superior to

others• Social Darwinists applied Charles Darwin’s

ideas about natural selection and survival of the fittest to human societies.

• Imperialism was nature’s way of improving the human race.

What made Imperialism possible?

• Weakness of conquered areas– Africa was weak because of slave trade– Lack of weapons/technology

• Western strengths and advantages– Strong economies and governments– Powerful armies and navies– Superior technology• Steam-powered ships, Maxim machine gun (1889),

repeating rifles, the telegraph, quinine

Meeting in Berlin

• Berlin Conference, 1884– A gathering of

European powers held in Berlin.

– This was a means of avoiding war between the powers.

– It established ground rules for staking claims in Africa.

Forms of Imperialism

• Colony – direct control, most intrusive• Protectorate – local rulers left in place, but still

under control of European advisors• Sphere of influence – exclusive investment or

trading privileges


• Positive: medical advances, hospitals, schools– Life expectancy and literacy rates increased

• Negative: Africans lost control of land and their independence– Forced to mine or plant cotton and other cash

crops instead of their own food crops– Famine– Loss of traditional culture