TeleForm v10 Brochure

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7/29/2019 TeleForm v10 Brochure 1/4

Any Form. Any Document. Anytime.

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… and like many organizations you struggle

to achieve these balances because many o 

your critical processes are paper-based anddicult to manage.

That is, unless, you are one o over 8,000

o the world’s largest organizations that

believe a key to their competitiveness

and success today is their ability to

automate their paper-based processes

with Cardi TeleForm.

Teleorm is a cornerstone piece o the

Cardi Intelligent Document solution.

Unlike a traditional static document which

is disjointed rom the process, systems

and data that it is a part o, a Cardi 

Intelligent Document that originates rom

either paper or electronic submission is

aware o its environment and context. The

document knows how to securely navigate

the process between people and systems

and makes recommendations to the user

based on current and historical conditions

in order to ensure data accuracy and

integrity. With the unparalleled fexibility o 

Cardi®, organizations eciently capture

inormation rom paper and electronic

sources—regardless o complexity.

TeleForm is the only comprehensive

solution to combine world-class capture

with intelligent orm and document

processing, successully integrating people,

paper and processes.

Intelligent Form and

Document Capture

In order to automate your paper-based

processes you need support or the tools

that your users already know and use on a

day-to-day basis.

That’s why Cardi TeleForm delivers

a complete range o alternatives or

capturing paper orms and documents rom

distributed knowledge workers or external

customers and partners, via methods they

are amiliar with today—ax, email, internet,

postage, scanners and others.

Intelligent Form and

Document Classifcation

Forms and documents come in all

dierent ormats, shapes and sizes and

many o them are generated outside

o your enterprise and outside o your

control. Beore you process them, they

must be sorted.

Rather than using separator sheets or

presorting documents by hand, a time

consuming and costly endeavor, Cardi 

TeleForm intelligently identies orm and

document types o varied structures and

ormats, based on their content using a

robust suite o identication methods andautomatically sorts scanned documents

into “virtual piles” or urther processing

without any human intervention.

Intelligent Data Extraction

Manually keying data rom orms and

documents into your business systems is

time consuming, costly and error prone.

The potential or compliance or privacy

violations due to operator error is high.

Cardi customers typically see a 60%-80%

reduction in the costs associated with

manually typing data rom paper orms

and documents as TeleForm automatically

reads hand print, machine print, optical

mark, barcodes and signatures. TeleForm

extracts inormation automatically rom

any document type including semi-

structured and unstructured documents

such as loans, contracts, invoices and more

You are global and local

You are agile and regulated

You are speed and quality

Teleorm is truly a mission-critical system or AMN Healthcare. We use the system to capture andprocess key workorce documents that drive our business operations. Our last Teleorm upgrade

resulted in 10% better data quality and 20% aster processing! With v10, we expect to drive ad-

ditional quality and productivity improvements, enable new web-based services or our customers,

and provide detailed audit trails to improve our internal and external compliance.

—Bruce Carothers, Senior Vice President, Chie Technology Ofcer, AMN Healthcare

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Intelligent Data


Oten the data contained

in orms and documents

is inherently inaccurate or

dicult to read, a problem

which grows exponentially

as that data travels through

your business processes.

With TeleForm automated

business-rules processing,

unctions can be easily

dened via point-and-click

setup interaces to ensure

the data entering your

business systems is 100%

complete and accurate.

Exceptions are intelligently

routed to the right human

operators to review and


Intelligent Security

and Compliance

Nearly every industry

today aces stricter

regulations, burdening

companies with

additional costs and

overhead. Companies

require business

applications that are

transparently compliant

to avoid the overhead o 

special processes and re-


Cardi customers

utilize TeleForm in their

most mission critical

applications where

robustness and security

o the application are

paramount. Applications

such as clinical trials and

many nancial services

applications require that

any and all changes or

interactions with the data

and system be recorded.

TeleForm can be easily

congured to transparently

record all o the requisite

audit data, including

system administration,

operator interactions and

sotware induced changes.

In addition, TeleForm is

designed or environments

where operator

authentication, including

digitally signing data and

image sets, is required.


ProcessesTypically a paper orm or

document is just the rst

step or a supporting step

in a complex business

workfow and in many

cases that paper ollows

the workfow at each step.

The ability or TeleForm

customers to seamlessly

and easily combine paper

orms and documents

with their electronic

business processes

means that they can

signiicantly accelerate

their business, reduce

costs and outpace the

competition. TeleForm

provides point and

click setup o business

process initiation and

rendezvous o paper

documents with in

progress worklows

occurring within Cardi’s

lagship business

process automation

platorm, LiquidOice.

Intelligent Enterprise

Whether automating the

paper-based processesin a single department

or the entire enterprise

you demand that your

business applications

be enterprise-class, the

consequences o using

anything less can

be devastating.

With TeleForm, your

organization receives

bullet-proo ault tolerance,

enterprise-class scalability,the most eective

troubleshooting tools

available, and unmatched

technical support. The

result is uninterrupted

service—and critical

processes that are always

available, or employees

and customers—that let’s

you grow your business

without limits. Support or

clustered environments

enhances TeleForm’salready extreme ault

tolerance and limitless

scalability. This gives

businesses the ability to

distribute and provide

redundant computing

resources as needed

to meet their unique

requirements today and

tomorrow as their business

grows and changes.

“It happens every time. When we frst explain to our customers thatCardi TeleForm can ully automate their paper processes and virtually eliminate all human intervention, they frst wonder how this is possibleand then they wonder when they can get started. Cardi TeleFormis the only solution that allows you to uniy all o your paper-basedprocesses throughout the enterprise, even processes in dierent depart-ments, businesses and geographies.”

—Mark Seamans, General Manager, Cardi


Expense reports, invoices, statements,

purchase orders, time cards

Customer Service

Order orms, warranty claims,

service requests, consultation orms,

work authorizations

Human Resources

Employment applications, benet

enroll¬ments, transer requests,

perormance evalu¬ations, vacation

requests, consent orms


Surveys, research test orms, event

registrations, product evaluations, entry

orms, questionnaires


Work orders, requisition orms, shipping,receiving documents Industries


License applications, census orms, tax

orms, vehicle registration, business and

building permits


Student applications, test results, nancial aid


Claim orms, prescription orders, patient

encounter orms

PharmaceuticalCase Report Forms (CRF), patient surveys,

research orms


Loan applications, credit reports,

new accounts


Claim orms, requests or proposals,

reimbursement orms

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www.cardi.comCopyright © 2006 Cardiff. All rights reserved. Other trademarks are registered trademarks and the properties of their respective owners. Product specifica-

 tions and features are subject to change withou t notice. Use of Cardif f soft ware is under license. [AUT GO] 0 8.0 9. 05

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Contact the following Cardiff Certified Reseller for more information.

Included FeaturesForm Designer

A point-and-click application or easily

implementing automated orms processing

and document capture. Designer includes

complete layout tools to create new orms

and to automate your existing orms and

document types.

Capture, View and Index

Non-Image File Types

Supports viewing o word processing,

spreadsheet, presentation, graphic,

multimedia, and other ormats without the

native le application.

Content-based Classifcation

Automatically classies and sorts orms and

semi- and unstructured layouts via barcode,

orm identication, ull page keyword and

phrase identication algorithms.

Automatic Data Extraction

Automatic extraction o key indexes rom

orms and semi- and unstructured layouts

by best-in-class voting recognition engines.

Document Package Handling

Allows multiple levels o association or

orms and documents within a batch; group

“sets” o orms and documents together.

Anytime QC

Enables users to view, rotate, add, delete,

copy, reposition, and automatically or

manually reclassiy and index at any

time during the lie o the batch, rom

scan to commit.

Verifcation Application

Verication personnel can intuitively

and eciently validate classication and

extraction results with ease.

Auditing and Tracking

Track interactions between people,

systems, images and associated data.

Log all system conguration and security

changes. Uniquely congure level o 

tracking or each business application.

Digital Record Signature Support

Provides ability or a user to digitally sign

records associated with views o/changes

made to/ data in the TeleForm system.

Print Merge Application

Merges electronic data onto orms or

automated printing and axing.

Automated Workflow

Paper-originated orms and documents

rom TeleForm can easily and rapidly eed

into electronic-based in-process or initiate

workfows in LiquidOce.

Flexible Export Interaces

Automatically delivers data to more than 30

business systems.

The Value of CardiffTeleForm

Customers Quantiy

the BeneftsThousands o organizations, rom

small companies to leading Global

2000 businesses in a wide range o 

industries, have experienced a quick

return-on-investment and low-total

cost-o-ownership with TeleForm.

With its flexible, secure workflow

environment, TeleForm is the only platform

 that will allow us to streaml ine all of our paper

borne processes and unify our handling of the

documents that drive our business, whether

forms or unstr uctured documents such as

contracts and invoices.

—Bob Tiede, Dairy Farmers o America

Using TeleForm, our entire data-entry

requirement is only one staff person, even

as our processing volume has exceeded one

million forms a year. Using a manual syst em

literally would have required hundreds of

data-entry operators.

—Michael Garguilo, American Expres

The Web Capture Option provides the features that one 

would expect in a “thick client”, but is a fully customizable 

web-based application 

Process work packages containing any combination of 

forms, unstructured documents and electronic files 

Digital Documents

Bruce Genger

1.866.313.3627 (Toll-free)