Tafsir of Ahlus sunnah · 2018. 11. 11. · TAFSIR OF AHLUS SUNNAH Surah Al-Kauthar 108 : Verse No....

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Transcript of Tafsir of Ahlus sunnah · 2018. 11. 11. · TAFSIR OF AHLUS SUNNAH Surah Al-Kauthar 108 : Verse No....

TAFSIR OF AHLUS SUNNAH Surah Al-Kauthar 108 : Verse No. 3


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لم علی سید ولد ادم کما ی لوۃ والس صل الحمد للہ کما ھو اھلہ و الص علیہ ی حب ویرضی بان ی

Through the Centuries




﴾۳ان شانئک ہو البتر ٪﴿

Undoubtedly, one who is your enemy, is cut off from every good.

Tafsir al-Kabeer التفسیر الکبیر

:وفی الیة مسائل

وا فی سبب النزول وجوها :المسألة الولى ذكThe following issues come to light in this verse:

1. Views of Exegetists about the reasons of its revelation:

هم یدخل :أحدها ج من المسجد، والعاص بن وائل الس لم كان یخ ه علیه الس أن

یش فی ثا، وصنادید قث فالتقیا فتحد ا دخل قالوا من الذي کنت تتحد المسجد فلم

ار بعضهم مع بعض، مع أن الله تعالى :ذلك البتر، وأقول :معه فقال إن ذلك من إس

أظهره، فحينئذ یکون ذلك معجزا

دا أبتر ل ابن له یقوم مقامه بعده، :یضا أن العاص بن وائل كان یقول وروي أ إن محم

فإذا مات انقطع ذكه واسترحم منه، وكان قد مات ابنه عبد الله من خدیجة

وهذا قول ابن عباس ومقاتل والك فسیر ة أهل الت لبی وعام

i) As Waail al-Sahmi entered the Masjid while the Holy Prophet

– may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – was exiting

the Masjid at the same time. They met each other and had

a conversation while the leaders of Quraish were inside the

Masjid. When he entered, they asked him, “Whom were you

talking to?” He replied, “to that “Abtar” i.e. deprived of every

good.” Although it was their secret conversation but Allah

Almighty revealed it. It is therefore a miracle.




It is also narrated that Al-‘Aas ibn Waail used to say,

“Muhammad is deprived of every good, for he has no son

who could become his successor. Therefore, when he dies,

his legacy will be forgotten.” Sayyiduna Abdullah – may Allah

be pleased with him – who was born from Sayyidah Khadijah

– may Allah be pleased with her – had already passed away.

This is the view of Sayyiduna Ibn ‘Abbas, Muqatil, Al-Kalbi and

all the exegetists in general.

انی ا قدم کعب بن الشرف مکة أتاه جما :القول الث یش عروي عن ابن عباس لم ة ق

دانة وأنت سید أهل المدینة، فنحن خیر :فقالوا قایة والس أم هذا البتر نحن أهل الس

ه خیر منا فقال إن شانئك هو البتر ونزل :بل أنتم خیر منه فنزل :من قومه، یزعم أن

لى الذین أوتوا نصيبا من الکتاب یؤمنون بالجبت والط :أیضا :النساء ]اغوت ألم تر إ

51] ii) It is narrated from Sayyiduna Ibn ‘Abbas – may Allah be

pleased with them – that when Ka’b ibn Ashraf came to

Makkah Mukarramah. A group of Quraish met him and said,

“We are the people of ZamZam and custodians of the Holy

Ka’bah and you are the leader of the people of Madinah

Munawwarah. So, are we better or this man who has cut off

links with his nation, and still thinks that he is better than us?”

He said, “You are better than him.” It was then the following

verse was revealed:

﴾۳ن شانئک ہو البتر ٪﴿ا

Undoubtedly, one who is your enemy, is cut off from every


(Al-Kauthar 108, Verse 3)

Along with the following verse:

ن الکتب یؤمنون لی الذین اوتوا نصيبا م غوت الم تر ا بالجبت والط




Have you not observed those who were given a portion of

the Book, They believe in idols and demons.

مة وشهر بن حوشب :والقول الثالث لى رسوله ودعا :قال عك ا أوحى الله إ لى لم یشا إ ق

د أي خالفنا وانقطع :السلم، قالوا هم هم المبتورون بتر محم عنا، فأخبر تعالى أن

iii) Sayyiduna ‘Ikramah and Shahr ibn Haushab – may Allah be

pleased with them – said: When Allah Almighty sent

revelation upon the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace

and blessings upon him – and he called the Quraish towards

Islam, they said, “Muhammad has cut ties with us i.e. he has

turned against us and cut links with us. Allah Almighty then

declared that it is them who are cut off from every good.

ا مات ابن رسول الله قال أبو جهل :القول الرابع ه لم إن أبغضه :نزلت فی أبی جهل فإن

لم یکن ه أبتر، وهذا منه حماقة حیث أبغضه بأمر باختیاره فإن موت البن لم یکن لن


iv) This verse was revealed about Abu Jahl. When the Holy

Prophet’s – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him –

son had passed away, Abu Jahl said, “I hate him because he

is deprived of every good.” It was in fact his foolishness, for he

hated him due to the fact which none has control over, for he

never wished for his son to die.

ا شافهه بقوله :القول الخامس ه لم ه أبی لهب فإن قول فی تبا لك كان ی :نزلت فی عم

:غيبته ه أبتر إن

v) It was revealed about his uncle Abu Lahab because he had

foretold about his destruction. He used to say in his absence,

“He is deprived of every good.”




ادس ه هو الذي كان یقول ذلك :والقول الس ها نزلت فی عقبة بن أبی معیط، وإن أن

ه ل هم كانوا یقولون فیه ما هو واعلم أن ۃ أن یقولوا مثل ذلك فإن یبعد فی كل أولئك الکف

من ذلك، ولعل العاص بن وائل كان أکثرهم مواظبة على هذا القول فلذلك أسوأ

.ات بأن الیة نزلت فیه اشتهرت الروای

vi) It was revealed about ‘Uqabah ibn Abi Mu’ait, because he is

the one who used to say that.

It is possible that all the disbelievers said it, for they spoke even

more harshly about him but Al-‘Aas ibn Waail was persistent

about it, and therefore it became famous that the verse was

revealed about him.

انیة غة :المسألة الث ا البتر فهو فی الل انئ هو المبغض، وأم نآن هو البغض والش الش

:ویقال ۔۔۔استئصال القطع .للذي ل عقب له أبتر،وکذلك لمن انقطع عنه الخیر2. The meaning of Al-Shan’aan is animosity, and Al-Shaane’ means

enemy. The lexical definition of Al-Batr is to cut off the root. One

being Abtar means that he has no descendant after him.

Similarly, the one who is deprived of every good is also called


فة هو ذلك المبغض ثم ن تعالى أن الموصوف بهذه الص ا وصفوه بذلك بی ار لم إن الکف

على سبیل الحص فیه When the infidels attributed this to him, Allah Almighty declared that

the one attributed with it is none other than his enemy.

ل ا الو معین، أو على جمیع الخیرات أم ا أن یحمل على خیر فیحتمل وجوها :ثم ذلك إم




The meaning either denotes a specific loss or deprivation off every

good. The former meaning could be based upon the following


ي :أحدها د ر، فل :قال الس بت کور من أولده یش یقولون لمن مات الذ ا مات كانت ق م

ر فلیس له من یقوم مقامه، ثم :ابنه القاسم وعبد الله بمکة وإبراهیم بالمدینة قالوابت

ا نرى أن نسل أ فة، فإن ه هو الموصوف بهذه الص ن أن عدو ه تعالى بی ۃ قد إن ولئك الکف

لى قیام الق لم كل یوم یزداد وینمو وهکذا یکون إ لۃ والس یامة انقطع، ونسله علیه الصi) Imam Suddi has said: The Quraish used to call a person Abtar

when his male descendants passed away, so when his son,

Sayyiduna Al-Qasim and Abdullah – may Allah be pleased

with them – passed away in Makkah Mukarramah and

Sayyiduna Ibrahim – may Allah be pleased with him – in

Madinah Muawwarah, they said, “He has become Abtar, for

there is none who would take his place.” Allah Almighty then

declared that indeed it is rather his enemy who is Abtar,

because it was the lineage of those infidels which was cut off

but the lineage of the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace

and blessings upon him – increased day after day and will

continue to do so till the Day of Judgment.

ه ینقطع عن المقصود قبل بلوغه، والله تعالى :قال الحسن :وثانیها عنوا بکونه أبتر أن

ن أن خصمه هو الذي یکون کذلك، هم صاروا مدبرین مغلوبین مقهورین، بی فإن

ق والغرب لها متواضعة وصارت رایات السلم عالیة، وأهل الش

ii) Sayyiduna Hasan – may Allah be pleased with him – said:

They meant by calling him Abtar that he would not reach his

objective but Allah Almighty declared that it will rather be the

case for his enemies, and therefore, they became deprived,

disgraced and defeated while Islam reached its peak.

People from east to west embraced Islam.




بوا لن الله تعالى هو موله، زع :وثالثها ه لیس له ناص ومعین، وقد کذ ه أبتر لن موا أن

ۃ فلم یبق لهم ناص ول حبیب ا الکف وجبریل وصالح المؤمنین، وأمiii) They thought he was Abtar because he did not have any

helpers and associates, which was a lie, for indeed Allah

Almighty is his Helper, and Sayyiduna Jibreel – peace be upon

him – and pious believers are his helpers but on the other

hand, no helpers of the infidels remained with them.

ه وصف :ورابعها لیل، روي أن أبا جهل اتخذ ضیافة لقوم، ثم إن البتر هو الحقیر الذ

د وأصارعه وأجعله ذلیل :رسول الله بهذا الوصف، ثم قال لى محم قوموا حتی نذهب إ

ا ح جت خدیجة بساطا، فلم لى دار خدیجة وتوافقوا على ذلك أخ ا وصلوا إ قیرا، فلم

لم واقفا لۃ والس عه، وبقی النبی علیه الص تصارعا جعل أبو جهل یجتهد فی أن یص

ا رجع أخذه كالجبل، ثم م على أقبح وجه، فلم ى الله علیه وسل بعد ذلك رماه النبی صل

ى عه على الرض مرۃ أخ ى للستنجاء، فكان نجسا فص ى، لن الیس بالید الیس

اص أن المراد من قوله ووضع قدمه ع إن شانئك هو البتر :لى صدره، فذك بعض القص

الواقعة هذهiv) A meaning of Abtar is disgraced and insulted. It is reported

that Abu Jahl had facilitated a meeting with the nation and

described the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and

blessings upon him – as such. He then said, “Get up and let’s

go to Muhammad. I will wrestle with him and disgrace him.

When he went to Sayyidah Khadijah – may Allah be pleased

with her – they agreed on wrestling. Sayyidah Khadijah – may

Allah be pleased with her – put down the mat. When the

wrestling began, and Abu Jahl put all his effort to put him

down, he stayed firm as a mountain. The Holy Prophet – may

Allah send peace and blessings upon him – gave one hard

slap on his ugliest face. When he turned, he grabbed him with

his left hand – for this is the hand suitable for cleaning up filth,

because he was nothing but filth – and put him (Abu Jahl)




down twice and placed his foot on his (Abu Jahl’s) chest.

Some historians have said that it was the reason for the

revelation of the verse:

﴾۳ان شانئک ہو البتر ٪﴿

Undoubtedly, one who is your enemy, is cut off from every


(Al-Kauthar 108, Verse 3)

ا وصفوه بهذا :وخامسها ۃ لم إن شانئك هو البتر أي الذي :الوصف، قیل أن الکف

ه باق على ناه فیك، فإن ذي ذكا المدح ال قالوه فیك کلم فاسد یضمحل ویفنی، وأم

هر وجه الدv) When the infidels attributed this cheap attribute to him, Allah

Almighty declared that indeed your enemies, who have said

such things about you, are cut off from every good. What

they said will disappear but the praises We have attributed to

you will remain through time.

الثة واسطة فقال :المسألة الث ا شتموه، فهو تعالى أجاب عنه من غیر ار لم إن :الکف

ة الحباب، فإن الحبیب إذا سمع من یشتم حبيبه تول ى شانئك هو البتر وهکذا سن

ى الحق سبحانه جوابهم، وذك مثل ذلك فی مواضع بنفسه جوابه، فههنا تول

3. When the infidels uttered profanities about him, Allah Almighty

responded to them:

﴾۳ان شانئک ہو البتر ٪﴿

Undoubtedly, one who is your enemy, is cut off from every


(Al-Kauthar 108, Verse 3)




It is the method of lovers that when the lover hears that someone

has been vulgar to his beloved, the lover himself respond on

behalf of the beloved. Here, Allah Almighty has responded to

the infidels Himself.

Similarly, Allah Almighty has responded at many occasions.

کم لفی خلق جدید أفترى :حین قالوا ئکم إذا مزقتم كل ممزق إن کم على رجل ینب هل ندل

] کذبا أم به جنة على الله ۃ فی :فقال سبحانه [8، 7 :سبأ بل الذین ل یؤمنون بالخ

لل البعید ]العذاب والض [8 :سبأWhen they said:

کم ہل ندل ئکم ی رجل یعل کم ممزق كل مزقتم اذا نب ان ﴾۷﴿ د ی جد خلق ی لف

'Shall we point you a person who will inform you that when being

torn into pieces you become small particles, you are then to be

made new?

يافتر ة جن بہ ام کذبا الله یعل

Has he forged a lie against Allah or is he afflicted with madness?’

(Al-Saba 34, Verse 7-8)

Allah Almighty stated:

بالخ ؤمنون ی ل ن ی الذ بل ۃ لل العذاب یف ﴾۸﴿ د ی البع والض

Nay, but those who do not believe in the Hereafter are in the

torment and far-gone error.

(Al-Saba 34, Verse 8)

[2 :القلم ]ما أنت بنعمة ربك بمجنون :هو مجنون أقسم ثلثا، ثم قال :وحین قالوا

ا قالوا ك لمن :أجاب فقال [43 :الرعد ]ست مرسل ل :ولم آن الحکیم إن یس والق

[3 -1 :یس]المرسلین




When they said that he is mad, Allah Almighty swore oath three times

and then stated:

﴾۲﴿ بمجنون ربک ة بنعم انت ما

You are not. by the grace of your Lord, mad.

(Al-Qalam 68, Verse 2)

And when they said:

لست مرسل

You are not a messenger.

(Al-Ra’d 13, Verse 43)

Allah Almighty responded:

﴾۱یس ﴿


ان الحکیم ﴿ ﴾ ۲و الق

By the wise Quran.

ک لمن المرسلین ﴿ ﴾۳ان

No doubt, you are amongst the Messengers.

(Yasin 36, Verse 1-3)

ا لتارکوا آلهتنا لشاع مجنون :وحین قالوا افات ]أإن بل :رد علیهم وقال [36 :الص

ق المرسلین جاء افات ]بالحق وصد قه، ثم ذك وعید خصمائه، [37 :الص فصد

کم لذائقوا العذاب اللیم :وقال افات ]إن [38 :الصWhen they said:

جنون ﴿ ا الہتنا لشاعم ﴾۳۶و یقولون ائنا لتارکو




And they used to say, shall we indeed leave our gods, because of

the saying of a mad poet?

(Al-Saaffaat 37, Verse 36)

He refuted them and stated:

ق المرسلین ﴿ ﴾۳۷بل جاء بالحق و صد

No indeed, rather he has brought the truth and he has confirmed

the Messengers.

(Al-Saaffaat 37, Verse 37)

He confirmed his authenticity then mentioned the chastisement of

his enemies and stated:

کم لذائقوا العذاب اللیم ﴿ ﴾۳۸ان

Undoubtedly, you are to taste a painful agony.

(Al-Saaffaat 37, Verse 38)

ور]أم یقولون شاع :وحین قال حاکیا عر :قال [30 :الط :یس]وما علمناه الش


When He narrated their saying:

ام یقولون شاع

Or they say, 'He is a poet'

(Al-Tur 52, Verse 30)

He stated:

عر منہ الش وما عل

And We have not taught him to compose (poetic) verses.

(Yasin 36, Verse 69)




ون :ولما حكى عنهم قوله قان ]إن هذا إل إفك افتراه وأعانه علیه قوم آخ [4 :الف

اهم كاذبین بقوله قان ]فقد جاؤ ظلما وزورا :سم [4 :الفWhen He narrated their saying:

ون ان ہذا ال افک افتر ىہ و اعانہ علیہ قوم اخ

'This is not but a calumny which he has fabricated, and some other

people have helped him in it.

(Al-Furqan 25, Verse 4)

He called them liars and stated:

زورا ﴿ ﴾۴فقد جاءو ظلما و

Undoubtedly, those unjust people have brought more falsehood.

(Al-Furqan 25, Verse 4)

ا قالوا عام ویمشی فی السواق :ولم قان ]مال هذا الرسول یأكل الط أجابهم [7 :الف

عام ویمشون فی السواق وما أرسلنا قبلك من المرسلین :فقال هم لیأكلون الط إل إن

قان ] امة [20 :الف الك .فما أجل هذهWhen they said:

عام و یمشی فی السواق وقالوا مال ہذا الرسول یاكل الط

And they said, 'what happened to this Messenger, he eats food,

and walks about the markets’.

(Al-Furqan 25, Verse 7)

He replied to them and stated:

عام و یمشون فی السواق ہم لیاكلون الط و ما ارسلنا قبلک من المرسلین ال ان

And as many Messengers We sent before you, they were all the

same, they ate food and walked about in the markets.

(Al-Furqan 25, Verse 20)




Can there be anything greater than that? (When Allah Almighty

Himself defends him, Allahu Akbar!)

ه بالنعم العظیمة، وعلم تعالى أن النعمة ل :رابعة المسألة ال ا بش ه تعالى لم اعلم أن

العدو فقال إذا صار العدو مقهورا، ل جرم وعده بقهر إل إن شانئك هو البتر :تهنأ

4. Know that when Allah Almighty gave him the glad tidings of

great bounties, and the Almighty knew that a bounty does not

make one happy until the enemy is defeated, therefore, He

promised to disgrace his enemies and stated:

﴾۳البتر ٪﴿ان شانئک ہو

Undoubtedly, one who is your enemy, is cut off from every


(Al-Kauthar 108, Verse 3)

ف أن :المسألة الخامسة ومقاطعها ع ورۃ الس ل فی مطالع هذه اعلم أن من تأم

الفوائد التی ۃ ورۃ كالقط لى ما استأثر الله بعلمه من فوائد هذه الس ناها بالنسبة إ ذك

.فی البح 5. Know that whoever ponders over this Surah, from beginning to

the end, will know that whatever we have mentioned so far is not

even equal to a drop in the ocean compared to what Allah

Almighty knows about the Surah.

Tafsir al-Kabeer (Mafateeh al-Ghaib) of Imam Fakhruddin Muhammad ibn

Umar al-Raazi al-Shafe’i D. 606 A.H.

Tafsir al-Baidawi تفسیر البیضاوي




هو البتر الذي ل عقب له إذ ل یبقى له نسل ول .إن شانئك إن من أبغضك لبغضه الله

حسن ذك، وأما أنت فتبقى ذریتك وحسن صيتك وآثار فضلك إلى یوم القیامة، ولك

.فی الخۃ ما ل یدخل تحت الوصفi.e. indeed your enemy – whoever has animosity with you due to his

animosity for Allah – is cut off from every good. There will be no

descendants for him, neither will their lineage last nor will they be

remembered with goodness but your lineage, your good-name and

the effects of your excellence will last till the Day of Judgment, and

whatever is reserved for you in the hereafter, cannot even be


Tafsir al-Baidawi (Anwaar al-Tanzeel wa Asraar al-Taweel) of Imam Qadhi

Abdullah ibn Umar al-Shiraazi al-Baidawi D. 685 A.H.

Tafsir al-Nasafi تفسیر النسفی

المنقطع عن كل {هو البتر}ان من أبغضك من قومك بمخالفتك لهم {إن شانئك}

خیر ل أنت لن كل من یولد إلى یوم القیامة من المؤمنین فهم أولدك وأعقابك وذكك

مرفوع على المنابر وعلى لسان كل عالم وذاك إلى آخ الدهر یبدأ بذك الله ویثنی

ل تحت الوصف بذكك ولك فی الخۃ مال یدخYour enemy – whoever has animosity with you from amongst your

nation, due to your disagreement with them – is Abtar i.e. cut off

from every good but not you, for every believer who will be born till

the Day of Judgment will be your children and descendants and

your remembrance will be exalted on pulpits and on the tongues of

every creation and Aalim till the Last Day, he will start with the Dhikr

of Allah and praise you along with it, and whatever is reserved for

you in the hereafter, cannot even be mentioned,




Tafsir al-Nasafi (Madarik al-Tanzeel) of Imam Abul Barakaat Abdullah ibn

Ahmed al-Nasafi D. 710 A.H.

Tafsir Rooh al-Bayaan تفسیر روح البیان

انهم زعموا حین مات ابنه علیه السلم القاسم وعبد الله بمکة ابراهیم بالمدینة ان

محمدا صلى الله علیه وسلم ینقطع ذكه إذا انقطع عمره لفقدان نسله فنبه الله ان

عالى ورفعنا لك ذكك الذي ینقطع ذكه هو الذي یشنأه فاما هو فکما وصفه الله ت

وذلك انه أعطاه نسل یبقون على مر الزمان فانظر کم قتل من أهل البیت ثم العالم

ممتلئ منهم وجعله أبا للمؤمنین فهم أعقابه وأولده ال یوم القیامة وقیض له من

یراعیه ویراعى دینه الحق

ون ما بقی الدهر أعیانهم والى هذا المعنی أشار امیر المؤمنین رضی الله عنه العلماء باق

مفقودۃ وآثارهم فى القلوب موجودۃ هذا فى العلماء الذین هم اتباعه علیه السلم

فکیف هو وقد رفع الله ذكه وجعله خاتم النبیاء علیهم السلمWhen Sayyiduna Qasim and Abdullah, the sons of the Holy Prophet

– may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – passed away in

Makkah Mukarramah and Sayyiduna Ibrahim in Madinah

Munawwarah, the infidels thought that with the life of the Holy

Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – his praises

will also come to an end due to the ending of his lineage. Allah

Almighty then revealed this Surah and refuted the infidels, for he will

be as Allah Almighty has stated:

ک ﴿ ﴾۴و رفعنا لک ذك

And We have exalted for you your remembrance.

(Al-Inshirah 94, Verse 4)




Allah Almighty has bestowed him with such a lineage which will

continue to dominate over the period of time. Look how many Ahle

Bayt have been martyred but the world is still blessed with them.

Allah Almighty has made him a father to all the believers, so they are

his children and descendants till the Day of Judgment and his true

Deen will dominate.

Sayyiduna ‘Ali – may Allah be pleased with him – has stated, “The

Ulama will remain till the end of time. Even though when they cease

to exist their signs will be luminous in the hearts.” If this is exclusive to

the Ulama who are the followers of the Holy Prophet – may Allah

send peace and blessings upon him – then what would be the state

of the beloved Prophet Himself – may Allah send peace and

blessings upon him – whose remembrance Allah has exalted and

declared him to be the seal of Prophethood.

Tafsir Rooh al-Bayaan of Imam Isma’eel Haqqi ibn Mustafa al-Istanbuli

Hanafi D. 1127 A.H.