Tafsir of Ahlus sunnah - MUSJIDUL HAQ...Tafsir al-Baidawi (Anwaar al-Tanzeel wa Asraar al-Taweel) of...

TAFSIR OF AHLUS SUNNAH Surah Al-Naas 114 : Verse No. 4 SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 MUSJIDUL HAQ RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 48 Van Der Riet Street | Uitenhage | Port Elizabeth / Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (South Africa) The Research Department of MUSJIDUL HAQ is dedicated to provide the Muslim Ummah with Sound Islamic Education as it appears in the form of articles on www.musjidulhaq.com website. Any constructive criticism, errors or improvements; albeit grammatical or spelling, please inform us via email or using the comment box below each article, we greatly value your feedback and comments. We hope the format of any Arabic script comes through correctly, for a better viewing experience we recommend downloading the PDF format of the article. An appeal is also made to all scholars to review and rectify by communicating with us where necessary. Ƃ ُ ا ی م ک م دà ِ دْ لُ وِ د ی سŞ ƻ عُ م الس وُ وۃٰ ل الص وÝ ċُ لْ ھ ا وُ ا ھ م کÏ ُ دْ م حْ ل اĈƻ ص ś ْ ن اِ بÓ ٰ ý ْ ر ی و بِ ح Ş ِċ ْ ی ل عThrough the Centuries

Transcript of Tafsir of Ahlus sunnah - MUSJIDUL HAQ...Tafsir al-Baidawi (Anwaar al-Tanzeel wa Asraar al-Taweel) of...

  • TAFSIR OF AHLUS SUNNAH Surah Al-Naas 114 : Verse No. 4


    48 Van Der Riet Street | Uitenhage | Port Elizabeth / Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (South Africa)

    The Research Department of MUSJIDUL HAQ is dedicated to

    provide the Muslim Ummah with Sound Islamic Education as it

    appears in the form of articles on www.musjidulhaq.com

    website. Any constructive criticism, errors or improvements; albeit

    grammatical or spelling, please inform us via email or using the

    comment box below each article, we greatly value your

    feedback and comments. We hope the format of any Arabic

    script comes through correctly, for a better viewing experience

    we recommend downloading the PDF format of the article. An

    appeal is also made to all scholars to review and rectify by

    communicating with us where necessary.

    ََلُم َعلَی َسیِِّد ُوْلِد ٰاَدَم َکَما یُ لٰوۃُ َوالسَّ َصل َاْلَحْمُد ِہّٰلِل َکَما ھَُو اَھْلُٗہ َو الصَّ َعَلْیہِ یَ ِحبُّ َوَیرْٰضی بَِاْن یُّ

    Through the Centuries


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    ﴾ ۴﴿اْلَخنَّاِس ۙ ۬ اْلَوْسَواِس َشِّ ِمْن

    From the evil of the one who instils evil thoughts in the hearts – and stays


    Tafsir al-Tabari تفسیر الطبری

    ْیَطانِ َشِّ ِمْن :َیْعنِی [4 :الناس] {اْلَوْسَواِس َشِّ ِمْن } {اْلَخنَّاسِ } الشَّ

    ى، َویَُوْسوُِس َمرَّۃ یَْخنُِس الَِّذی [4 :الناس] ََّما أُْْخَ ذِْكِ عِْنَد ذُِكَ فمَِي َیْخنُِس َوإِن

    َربَّهُ اْلَعْبدِ

    “From the evil of the one who instils evil thoughts in the hearts”

    i.e. from the evil of satan “and stays hidden” i.e. the one who

    hides for a moment and then instils evil thoughts the next

    moment. He hides when one remembers his Lord.

    ٍ ِمْن َما :َقاَل َعبَّاٍس، ابِْن َعِن اَّللَ َفَذَكَ َعَقَل َفإِذَا اْلَوْسَواُس، َقْلبِهِ َعلَى إِّلَّ َمْولُود

    :الناس] {اْلَخنَّاِس اْلَوْسَواِس } :َقْولُهُ َفَذلَِك :َقاَل َوْسَوَس، َغَفَل َوإَِذا َخَنَس،

    4] "

    Sayyiduna ibn Abbas – may Allah be pleased with them – is

    reported to have said, “The satan instils evil in the heart of a

    newborn. When he matures and remembers Allah he hides

    and when he becomes negligent he instils evil thoughts, hence

    the words of the Almighty: ‘The one who instils evil thoughts in

    the hearts – and stays hidden’.”

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    ْیَطاُن :َقاَل [4 :الناس] {اْلَخنَّاِس اْلَوْسَواسِ } َقْولِهِ فِی َعبَّاٍس، ابِْن َعِن الشَّ

    " َخَنَس اَّللَ َذَكَ َوإَِذا َوْسَوَس، َوَغَفَل َسَها َفإَِذا آَدَم، ابِْن َقْلِب َعلَى َجاثِم

    Sayyiduna ibn Abbas – may Allah be pleased with them – is

    reported to have said about Allah’s words, “The one who instils

    evil thoughts in the hearts – and stays hidden”: “The satan is all

    over the heart of a human. When he forgets and becomes

    unmindful he instils evil thoughts and when he remembers

    Allah, he hides.”

    ْیَطاَن أَنَّ لِی ذُِكَ » أَبِیهِ، َعْن ثَْوٍر، ابُْن َقْلِب فِی یَْنُفُث اْلَوْسَواَس، َقاَل أَْو الشَّ

    ِح، َوعِْنَد اْلُحزْنِ عِْنَد اْْلِْنَسانِ َخَنَس اَّللَ َذَكَ َوإَِذا اْلََفَ

    Ibn Thaur, narrated from his father – may Allah be pleased with

    them: “I have been told that indeed satan, or he said ‘Al-

    Waswaas’, casts spells over a person’s heart at sad and happy

    occasions, and when he remembers Allah, he hides.”

    َّى اَّللُ َعَلْیهِ َوَسلََّم أَْن َیْسَتِعیَذ بِهِ ِمْن َشِّ َشْیَطاٍن إِنَّ اَّلَل أََمرَ ا َصل نَبِیَّهُ ُمَحمَّد

    ى، َوَلْم َیُخصَّ َوْسَوَسَتُه َعلَى نَْوٍع ِمْن أَنَْواعَِها، َوَّل یَُوْسوُِس َمرَّۃ َویَْخنُِس أُْْخَ

    ِلَى َمْعِصَیِة اَّللِ، َفإَِذا أُطِیَع ُخنُوَسُه َعلَى َوْجهٍ دُوَن َوْجهٍ، َوَقْد یَُوْسوُِس َعاَء إ الدُّ

    فِیَها َخَنَس، َوَقْد یَُوْسوُِس بِالنَّْهِی َعْن طَاَعةِ اَّللِ َفإَِذا َذَكَ اْلَعْبُد أََمَر َربِّهِ،

  • _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



    ْیَطاَن َخَنَس، َفُهَو فِی كُلِّ َحاَلتَْیهِ َوْسَواس َخنَّاس ِ َفأَطَاَعُه فِیهِ، َوَعَصی الشَّ ، َوَهِذه

    َفُة ِصَفُتهُ الصِّ

    Indeed, Allah Almighty commanded His Prophet Muhammad

    – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – to seek

    refuge in Him from the evil of satan who instils evil thoughts and

    then hides but He did not specify the type of evil thoughts out

    of many of its kinds nor the manner of it. Sometimes he calls for

    evil thoughts towards the disobedience of Allah, and when

    one follows through it, he hides. Sometimes he instils evil

    thoughts towards rejecting the obedience to Allah’s

    commands, so when the servant remembers the command of

    his Lord and follows through it and defies him then satan he

    hides. He is therefore “Waswaas” and “Khannaas” in every

    condition, and these are his principles.

    Tafsir Al-Tabari (Tafsir Ibn Jareer / Jame’ al-Bayaan fi Taweel al-Quraan) of

    Imam Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Jareer al-Tabri D. 310 A.H.

    Tafsir al-Matureedi تفسیر الماتریدی

    ِ ْس وَ یُ یذِ الَّ َى مِّ ُس ِ ُس و َّ ب ِ َو ،اس نَّ َخ َو اس وَ ْس َو هٗ أن ِ َل یْ ق ْ هَ جْ َو ْن مِ ه یلِ أوِ تَ یف :ِن ی

    یرخج :أی تعالى، اَّلل ذك عند ویخنس الغفلة، لدى یوسوس أنه :أحدهما


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    انِی َّہٗ :َوالثَّ ِ وْ َق َک ،رُ هَ ْظ یَ َّل َو ى،رٰ یُ َّل :یخنس َان ٰ َع تَ - ه ل هُ ) :- ىالَّ لُهُ َوَقبِیْ هُوَ َیَراُکْم إِن

    (َترَْونَُهْم َّل َحْیُث ِمْن

    The one who instils evil thoughts is named “Waswaas” and

    “Khannaas”, and it can be explained in two ways:

    1. He instils evil thoughts at the time of negligence and hides at the

    time of Allah’s remembrance i.e. he comes out and leaves.

    2. He hides – he can neither be seen nor makes an appearance; as

    it has been mentioned in the Holy Quran:

    َّہٗ ِ ہُوَ رْمُکٰىیَ اِن َتَرْونَُہْم َّل ُث یْ حَ ِمْن لُہٗ یْ َوَقب

    Undoubtedly, he and his tribe see you whence you see them


    (Al-A’raaf 7, Verse 27)

    Tafsir al-Matureedi (Taweel Ahl al-Sunnah) of Imam Abu Mansoor

    Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Matureedi D. 333 A.H.

    Tafsir al-Baghawi تفسیر البغوی

    ْیَطاَن، َیْعنِی {اْلَخنَّاِس اْلَوْسَواِس َشِّ ِمْن { ا َیكُوُن الشَّ ا َمْصَدر .َواْسم

    اُج ْیَطاَن َذا اْلَوْسَواِس اْلَخنَّاِس :َیْعنِی :َقاَل الزَّجَّ ْیَطاُن َجاثِم َعلَى الشَّاِع، َوهَُو الشَّ الرَّجَّ

    .َقْلِب اْْلِْنَساِن، َفإَِذا ذُِكَ اَّللُ َخَنَس َوإَِذا غُِفَل َوْسَوَس

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    طُومِ اْلكَْلِب فِی َصْدرِ اْْلِْنَساِن َفإَِذا َذَكَ اْلَعْبُد َربَّهُ :َوَقاَل َقَتاَدۃُ طُوم َکرُخْ اْلَخنَّاُس َلهُ ُْخْ


    ثُُه، َفإَِذا ذُِكَ اَّللُ :َوُیَقالُ ِة َواِضع َرأَْسهُ َعلَى ثََمَرۃِ اْلَقْلِب یَُمنِّیهِ َویَُحدِّ أِْس اْلَحیَّ َرأُْسهُ َكَ

    َخَنَس َوإَِذا َلْم یُْذَكْ َرَجَع َفَوَضَع َرأَْسهُ

    “From the evil of the one who instils evil thoughts in the hearts – and

    stays hidden” i.e. the satan (grammatically, it can be viewed as

    both; a noun and a root word).

    Sayyiduna Zajjaaj – may Allah be pleased with him – said, “It means

    the satan who instils evil thoughts is ‘Khannaas’, and it sits at the

    person’s heart. When one remembers Allah, he hides and when one

    becomes unmindful he instils evil thoughts.”

    Sayyiduna Qatadah – may Allah be pleased with him – said,

    “‘Khannaas’ has a snout like that of a dog’s which it places it on the

    human heart. When the servant remembers his Lord, he hides.”

    It is also said that it’s head is like that of a snake’s which it places on

    the hearts and creates desires and makes one wonder, and when

    one remembers Allah, he hides. When one becomes negligent of

    Allah’s remembrance it returns and places it head.

    Tafsir al-Baghawi (Ma’aalim al-Tanzeel) of Muhiyy al-Sunnah Imam Abu

    Muhammad Al-Husain ibn Mas’ood al-Baghwi al-Shafe’I D. 510 A.H.

    Tafsir al-Kabeer التفسیر الكبیر

    ْیَطاُن بِهِ َواْلُمَرادُ ۔۔۔ اْلَوْسَواُس الشَّ

    ا َیْخنَِس أَْن َعاَدتُهُ الَِّذی َفُهوَ اْلَخنَّاُس َوأَمَّ

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    ٍ بِْن َسِعیدِ َعْن ْیَطاُن َخَنَس َربَّهُ اْْلِْنَساُن ذََكَ إَِذا ُجَبیْرَّى، الشَّ .إلیه َوْسَوَس غََفَل َفإَِذا َوَول

    The meaning of “Waswaas” is the satan.

    And as for “Khannaas”, his characteristic is to hide.

    Sayyiduna Sa’eed ibn Jubair – may Allah be pleased with him

    – is reported to have said, “When a person remembers his Lord

    the satan hides and retreats, and when one becomes

    unmindful he instils evil thoughts in him.”

    Tafsir al-Kabeer (Mafateeh al-Ghaib) of Imam Fakhruddin Muhammad ibn

    Umar al-Raazi al-Shafe’i D. 606 A.H.

    Tafsir al-Qurtubi تفسیر الرقطبی

    َّى اَّللِ َرُسوَل أَنَّ أَنٍَس َوَعْن َم َعَلْیهِ اَّللُ َصل ْیَطاَن إِنَّ ] :َقاَل َوَسلَّ َقْلِب َعلَى َخْطَمهُ َواِضع الشَّ

    [.َفَوْسَوَس َقْلَبهُ اْلَتَقَم اَّللُ نُِسیَ َوإَِذا َخَنَس، اَّللُ ذُِكَ َفإَِذا آَدَم، ابِْن

    َقْلَبهُ اْلَتَقَم َغَفَل َوإَِذا َفَذَهَب، َقْلبِهِ ِمْن َخَنَس اْلَعْبُد اَّللَ َذَكَ إَِذا :َعبَّاٍس ابُْن َوَقاَل

    ثَهُ ۔َوَمنَّاهُ َفَحدَّ

    ٍ ابُْن َرَوى َوَقْد -أََحُدهَُما :َوْجَهیِْن اْلَخنَّاِس اْلَوْسواِس :َتَعالَى َقْولِهِ فِی َعبَّاٍس ابِْن َعِن ُجَبیْر

    َّهُ انِی .اْلُهَدى َعِن بِاْلَوْسَوَسةِ الرَّاِجعُ أَن َّهُ :الثَّ .الیقین من لوسوسةبا الخارج أَن

    Sayyiduna Anas – may Allah be pleased with him – narrated from the

    Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – that

    he said, “Satan places its nose on the human heart. When one

    remembers Allah, he hides and when one forgets Allah he feasts on

    his heart and instils evil thoughts.”

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    Sayyiduna ibn Abbas – may Allah be pleased with him – said, “When

    the servant remembers Allah the satan retreats and goes away and

    when he becomes unmindful he feasts on his heart and creates

    desires and makes him wonder.”

    Sayyiduna Ibn Jubair narrated from Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas – may

    Allah be pleased with them – that he said, “Waswaas” and

    “Khannaas” have two possibilities:

    1. He turns one away from guidance through evil thoughts.

    2. He turns one away from having faith through evil thoughts.”

    Tafsir Qurtubi (Al-Jame’ Li Ahkaam al-Quran) Imam Shamsuddin

    Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Qurtubi D. 671 A.H.

    Tafsir al-Baidawi تفسیر البیضاوی

    .ربه اْلِنسان ذك إذا یتأْخ أی یخنس أن عادته الذی اْلَخنَّاِس

    “Khannaas” is the one who hides and backs away when one

    remembers his Lord.

    Tafsir al-Baidawi (Anwaar al-Tanzeel wa Asraar al-Taweel) of Imam Qadhi

    Abdullah ibn Umar al-Shiraazi al-Baidawi D. 685 A.H.

    Tafsir al-Nasafi تفسیر النسفی

    ألنها نفسه فی وسوسة کأنه بالمصدر سيم الشیطان به والمراد {الوسواس َشر ِمن}

    {الخناس} الخفی الصوت والوسوسة الوسواس ذو أرید أو علیه عاکف هو الذی شغله

    یخنس أن عادته الذی

    رجع غفل وإذا وولى الشیطان خنس ربه اْلنسان ذك إذا جبیر بن سعید عن روی

    إلیه ووسوس

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    “From the evil of the one who instils evil thoughts in the hearts.” It

    means the satan, and the reason it is named using the root word

    because he is evil itself, and it has one duty which is to instill evil

    thoughts in people’s hearts or it means the one who instils evil with

    stealth voice. “And stays hidden” i.e. it is his characteristic to hide.

    It has been narrated from Sayyiduna Sa’eed ibn Jubair – may Allah

    be pleased with him – that when a person remembers his Lord the

    satan hides and runs away and when he becomes unmindful he

    returns and instils evil thoughts in him.

    Tafsir al-Nasafi (Madarik al-Tanzeel) of Imam Abul Barakaat Abdullah ibn

    Ahmed al-Nasafi D. 710 A.H.

    Tafsir al-Jalalain تفسیر الجَللین

    ْیَطان {اْلَوْسَواس َشر ِمْن }َ الشَّ بِاْلَحَدِث ُسيمِّ

    ِ َّهُ {اْلَخنَّاس} َلهُ ُمََلَبَسته لَِكثَْرۃ أِلَن

    اَّلل ذُِكَ كُلََّما اْلَقْلب َعْن َوَیَتأَْخَّ َیْخنِس

    “From the evil of the one who instils evil thoughts in the hearts.” Satan

    — he is referred to by the name of the excessive action because of

    his reparative engagement in it. “And stays hidden” because he

    hides and retreats from the heart whenever Allah is remembered.

    Tafsir al-Jalalain of Imam Jalaaluddin Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Mahalli al-

    Shafe’i D. 864 A.H. and Imam Jalaaluddin Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr

    al-Suyooti al-Shafe’i D. 911 A.H.

    Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor تفسیر الدر المنثور

    ََّما الخناس والوسواس َوإِیَّاُکم النَّاس أَیَها الحذر :َقاَل َوسلم َعَلْیهِ اَّلل صلى النَِّبی َعن َفإِن

    عمَل أحسن أَیركُم یبلوکم

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    The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon

    him – is reported to have said: “Beware O people, beware of

    the evil whispering devil and the hidden evil, for indeed He

    (Allah Almighty) examines you as to who amongst you has the

    best of action.”

    ْیيِمر إِبَْراهِیم َعن اْلوُضءو من الوسواس یْبَدأ َما أول :َقاَل َعنهُ اَّلل َرضِی التَّ

    Sayyiduna Ibrahim al-Taimi – may Allah be pleased with him –

    is reported to have said, “Waswasah starts firstly from Wudhu.”

    الوسواس ِمْنهُ یَأُْخذ المغتسل فِی اْلَبْول :َقاَل ُمغفل بن اَّلل عبد َعن

    Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mughaffal – may Allah be pleased

    with him – is reported to have said, “The ‘Waswaas’ catches

    when one urinates in the bathroom.”

    اعمر :اللَُّهمَّ َوسلم َعَلْیهِ اَّلل صلى النَِّبی دَُعاء من كَاَن :َقاَل طَْلَحة أبی بن ُمَعاوِیَة َعن

    ْیَطان وسواس عنی وارطد ذكك وسواس من قلِبی الشَّ

    Sayyiduna Mu’awiyah ibn Talha – may Allah be pleased with

    him - is reported to have said, “O Allah, bless my heart with the

    inspiration of Your remembrance and keep me away from the

    evil thoughts of satan.”

    ْیَطان إِن :َقاَل النَِّبی َعن أنس َعن اْلِیمان شعب فِی اْلبَْیَهقِیر قلب على خطمه اضعَو الشَّ

    {الخناس الوسواس} َفَذلِك قلبه اْلَتقم نسی َوإِن خنس اَّلل ذك َفإِن آدم ابْن

    Imam Baihaqi narrates from Sayyiduna Anas – may Allah be

    pleased with them – in Shu’ab al-Iman, from the Holy Prophet

    – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – that he said,

    “Satan places its beak on the person’s heart. If he remembers

    Allah he retreats and if he forgets, he feasts on his heart, so this

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    is “Al-Waswaas al-Khannaas” i.e. the one who instils evil

    thoughts in the hearts – and stays hidden.”

    ِمْنهُ یوسوس آدم ابْن صدر فِی بَاب َلهُ الوسواس إِن :َقاَل کثیر أبی بن یحيی َعن

    Sayyiduna Yahya ibn Abi Katheer – may Allah be pleased with

    him – is reported to have said, “There is a doorway in the heart

    of mankind for the satan through which he instils evil thoughts.”

    َوۃ َعن ََلم َعَلْیهَِما َمرْیَم ابْن عِیَسی أَن ُرَویْم بن ُُعْ ْیَطان َموِضع یرِیه أَن ربه َدَعا السَّ الشَّ

    َفإِذا اْلقلب ثََمَرۃ على َرأسه َواِضعا اْلَحیَّة َرأس مثل َرأسه َفإِذا َلهُ َفجلى آدم ابْن من

    فحدثه قلبه ثََمَرۃ على َرأسه وضع یذكهُ لم َوإِذا خنس اَّلل ذك

    Sayyyiduna ‘Urwah ibn Ruwaim – may Allah be pleased with

    him – is reported to have said that Sayyiduna ‘Isa, son of

    Sayyidah Maryam – peace be upon him and may Allah be

    pleased with her – prayed to his Lord to show him the pathway

    of satan to mankind, so He showed it to him. He sees that its

    head is like that of a snake’s and he placed his head on the

    heart’s opening. Whenever one remembers Allah he hides

    and when one did not remember Him, he placed his head on

    the heart’s opening and planted (evil) thoughts.”

    َمة َعن من َومحله ذكه َوفِی عينه َوفِی اْلِنسان فءواد على َمَحله الوسواس :َقاَل عِْْكِ

    ِ اْلَمرْأَۃ مجالسه هَِذه أَْدبَرت إِذا دبرَها َوفِی أَقبلت إِذا رفجَها َوفِی عينَها یف

    Sayyiduna ‘Ikramah – may Allah be pleased with him – is

    reported to have said, “The place of satan in men is in his heart,

    eyes and his male organ and in women, it is her eyes and her

    female organ in the front and her female organ when her back

    is turned. These are his places.”

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    Tafsir Al-Durr al-Manthoor Bi al-Tafsir al-Mathoor of Imam Jalaaluddin Abd

    al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr al-Suyooti al-Shafe’i D. 911 A.H.

    Tafsir Rooh al-Bayaan تفسیر روح البیان

    ان غیر من القلب یفهمه خفى بكَلم المعصیة الى یدعو ّلنه الشیطان بالوسواس والمراد

    صوته یسمع

    The meaning of “Waswaas” is satan because he calls towards Allah’s

    disobedience with stealth voice which the heart can perceive

    without it being heard.

    المرتبة مراتب ست فى آدم ابن الیه الشیطان یدعو ما وینحرص المرجان آكام وفى

    بردأنينه آدم ابن من بذلك ظَف فاذا ورسوله اَّلل ومعاداۃ والرشك الكَف اّلولى

    العبد من یریده ما أول وهذا معه تعبه من واستراح

    منها یتاب المعصیة ّلن المعصیة من إبلیس الى أحب وهى البدعة الثانیة والمرتبة

    ذلك عن عجز فاذا منها یتوب فَل صحیحة انها صاحبها یظن والبدعة كالعدم فتكون

    الثالثة المرتبة الى انتقل

    الرابعة المرتبة الى انتقل ذلك عن عجز فاذا أنواعها اختَلف على الكبائر وهى

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    فاذا الصغار الحطب من الموقدۃ كالنار صاحبها أهلكت اجتمعت إذا التی الصغائر وهى

    و الخامسة المرتبة الى انتقل ذلك عن عجز

    فات الذی الثواب فوات عقابها بل عقاب وّل فیها ثواب ّل التی بالمباحات اشتغاله هى

    و السادسة المرتبة الى انتقل ذلك عن عجز فاذا بها باشتغاله علیه

    الفاضل العمل ثواب لیفوته منه أفضل هو عما المفضول بالعمل یشغله ان هى

    Different levels of satan’s evil plots:

    It is mentioned in Aakaam al-Marjaan that the things satan calls

    towards are of six levels:

    1. Disbelief, polytheism, enmity of Allah and His Messenger

    When one triumphs over these evils he diverts his attention to a

    laidback attitude and then he cares even less about these factors

    anymore. This is the first step the satan expects from the mankind.

    2. Evil innovation

    This is the sin dearest of all to satan, for the man does seeks

    forgiveness of sins in general, and then becomes like he never

    committed them as opposed to committing evil innovation,

    because he still thinks that he is doing something noble and

    therefore he does not repent from it. When satan gives up on a real

    devotee of Allah in this regard then he turns to the third level.

    3. Major sins

    Along its many different types, and when the satan gives up with this,

    he turns to the fourth level.

    4. Minor sins

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    When minor sins are excessively committed they can destroy a

    person just like the tiny sparks can burn a log when they accumulate

    in large number. When satan gives up on this he turns to the fifth


    5. Heavy involvement in permissibilities

    Those actions that neither contribute in good nor bad but rather a

    form of punishment because, in this way, one is not earning any

    rewards. When satan gives up on this, he moves on to the sixth level.

    6. Involving one in the least rewarding deeds

    This can deprive one from greater good and one will be losing on

    the greater rewards.

    10 things resulting from Waswasah along with their treatment

    قال ابو عمر والبخاری رحمهما اَّلل اصل الوسوسة ونتیجتها من عرشۃ أشیاء

    أولها الرحص فقابله بالتوکیل والقناعة

    والثانی األمل فاکرسه بمفاجأۃ اّلجل

    والثالث التمتع بشهوات الدنیا فقابله بزوال النعمة وطول الحساب

    العدل برؤیة فاکرسه والرابع الحسد

    والعوافی المنة برؤیة فاکرسه البَلء والخامس

    بالتواضع فاکرسه الكبر والسادس

    واحترامهم بتعظیمهم فاکرسه المءومنین برحمة اّلستخفاف والسابع

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    باْلخَلص فاکرسه والمحمدۃ الدنیا حب والثامن

    والذلة بالخشوع فاکرسه والرفعة العلو طلب والتاسع

    والسخاء بالجود فاکرسه والبخل المنع والعاش

    Abu ‘Amr Bukhari – may Allah be pleased with them – said that there

    are 10 things that result from Waswasah:

    1. Greed, which can be combated by having trust in Allah and by


    2. Desires, only death can overcome them.

    3. Worldly lust, which can be combated by the loss of bounties and

    lengthy trials.

    4. Envy, so break it with justice.

    5. Calamities, so treat it with vows.

    6. Arrogance, so break it with humility.

    7. Undermining the respect of believers, so break it by respecting and

    honouring them.

    8. Worldly love and its reverence, so break it with sincerity.

    9. Greed for high status, so break it with humility and by discrediting


    10. Misery, so break it with generosity.

    ربه اْلنسان ذك إذا یتأْخ اى یخنس ان عادته الذی اْلَخنَّاِس

    الحق فأراه ویوسوس الشیطان یأتى کیف یریه ان تعالى اَّلل سأل األولیاء بعض ان( حكى)

    فجاء والوك كالعش اسود خال کتفیه وبین بلور صورۃ فى اْلنسان هیكل تعالى

    فجاء الفیل کرخطوم ْخطوم له خنزیر صورۃ فى وهو جوانبه جمیع من یتحسس الخناس

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    ولذلك وراءه فخنس اَّلل فذك الیه فوسوس قلبه قبل ْخطومه فادخل الكتفین بین

    القلب فى الذك نور حصل مهما عقبیه على ینكص ّلنه بالخناس سمى

    جبرائیل ووصاه بذلك ویأمر کتفیه بین یحتجم السَلم علیه كان اْللهی الرس ولهذا

    الدم مجرى وسوسته یجرى ّلنه مرصده وتضيیق الشیطان مادۃ لتضعیف بذلك

    وسوسته من عصمته الى اشارۃ السَلم علیه کتفیه بین النبوۃ خاتم كان ولذلك

    الكلیة وبالعصمة أیده الصدر وشح اْللهی بالختم اى فأسلم علیه اَّلل أعاننی لقوله

    رقبنه فأسلم خصه

    لذلك الیه فوسوس السَلم علیه آدم رقین اسلم وما

    األصل فى مخلوقا كان وان وهو لطیف جسم ّلنه األجسام فى الشیطان یدخل ان ویجوز

    مخصوصا مزاجا ترکيبه صار بالهواء النار امتزج لما ّلنه بمرحق لیس لكنه نار من

    اْلنسان کترکیب

    “And stays hidden” i.e. the one who hides and retreats when one

    remembers Allah.


    Some Awliya requested Allah Almighty to show them how the satan

    comes and instils evil thoughts. Allah Almighty showed them the

    human form in the shape of a creature who has a black mole

    between his shoulders like the shape of a bird’s nest. The

    “Khannaas” firstly sniffs the humans from all sides and it looks like a

    pig with a trunk like that of an elephant’s. He comes between the

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    two shoulders and extends its trunk towards the heart and he then

    instils evil thoughts in it. When the servant remembers Allah the satan

    retreats, hence the name “Khannaas”. When he sees the light of

    Allah’s remembrance he hides.

    It was due to this secret of Allah that the Holy Prophet – may Allah

    send peace and blessings upon him – used to do cupping between

    his shoulders and commanded others to do so as well. Sayyiduna

    Jibreel – peace be upon him – advised him to do so to weaken the

    evil and make it hard for him to enter, for its waswasah runs through

    with the same speed the human blood travels in the body. It was for

    this reason that the seal of Prophethood was between the shoulders,

    indicating that the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and

    blessings upon him – is free from satan’s evil.


    The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him –

    has stated, “Allah Almighty has helped me against him, so he (the

    satan) became Muslim.” Allah Almighty supported him through His

    seal and by expanding his chest, and due to him being absolutely

    innocent, his satan became Muslim.

    The satan of Sayyiduna Adam – peace be upon him – managed to

    instill waswaas in him.

    It is possible for satan to enter the human body because he is a light

    substance although in reality created by fire but does not burn like

    fire, and has developed a unique formation by the compound of fire

    and air like the formation of the human body.

    Tafsir Rooh al-Bayaan of Imam Isma’eel Haqqi ibn Mustafa al-Istanbuli

    Hanafi D. 1127 A.H.

    Tafsir al-Mazhari تفسیر المظہری

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    غیر من القلب الى مفهومه یصل الذی الخفی الصوت وهو الوسوسة بمعنی اسم الوسواس


    بقلبه اّل آدمی من ما وسلم علیه اَّلل صلى اَّلل رسول قال قال شقیق بن اَّلل عبد عن

    وضع اَّلل یذك لم وإذا خنس اَّلل ذك فاذا الشیطان اّلْخ وفى الملك أحدهما فى بيتان

    صلى عنه انس عن یعلى ابو وروى یعلى ابو رواه له ووسوس قلبه فى منقاره الشیطان

    .نحوه وسلم واله علیه تعالى اَّلل

    Waswaas is noun which means evil thoughts, and it is the stealth

    voice which is only perceived through the heart without being


    Hazrat Abdullah ibn Shaqeeq – may Allah be pleased with him – is

    reported to have said, “The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace

    and blessings upon him – has stated, “In every human being, there

    are two houses in his heart; one occupied by the angel and the

    other by the satan. When one remembers Allah the satan retreats

    and when one does not remember Allah the satan pokes its beak

    into one’s heart and instils evil thoughts.”

    Imam Abu Ya’la narrated it from Sayyiduna Anas, from the beloved

    Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – likewise.

    Tafsir al-Mazhari of Qaadhi Muhammad Thanaaullah Uthmaani Mujaddidi

    Paanipati D 1225 A.H.