PUPIL PREMIUM STRATEGY (Including the college white...

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Transcript of PUPIL PREMIUM STRATEGY (Including the college white...

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

PUPIL PREMIUM STRATEGY (Including the college white working class action plan)


Aim: To raise attainment, achievement and aspirations of Disadvantaged and Catch Up Premium students

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE 2016-17 ACADEMIC YEAR £ £ Income Pupil Premium 2015-16 (Financial Year)* 0.58 536,603 313,018 Pupil Premium 2016-17 (Financial Year)* 0.42 536,603 223,585 Catch Up Premium 2015-16 (Financial Year)* 0.58 14,500 8,458 Catch Up Premium 2016-17 (Financial Year)* 0.42 14,500 6,042 Total Income 551,103 Expenditure Teaching staff Maths/English (one to one tuition) 43,000 Additional staffing to reduce class sizes (mathematics) 120 periods (average cost per taught period) 120,000 Additional staffing to reduce class sizes (English) 130 periods (average cost per taught period) 130,000 Leadership time 20,000 Revision classes/supply cover 10,000 Continued Professional Development 5,000 Total Teaching Staff costs 328,000 Support staff Inclusion staff 39,552 Student Support staff 23,258 Senior Learning Assistants 31,135 Total Support Staff costs 93,945 Other expenditure Summer School 32,000 Breakfast Club 15,000 Homework Club 6,910 Enrichment 7,000 Connexions (0.8 FTE - Year 8) 7,545 Parental development meetings 400 Uniform 3,000 Safer School Partnership 9,068 Alternative Education Provision 40,985 Mentoring Programme 1,250 Holiday Behaviour Improvement Programme 1,000 Contingency 5,000 Total Other Expenditure 129,158 Total Expenditure 551,103 *Estimated

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17


Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

Priority Action Resources Monitoring Procedure Time Scale Lead Success Criteria

Leadership Ring fence Pupil Premium & Catch up funding.



Governing Body minutes. Ongoing KCN Funding is allocated for interventions and activities for DA students

Identify Pupil Premium, Catch up, Ever 6, CLA and armed forces students and other relevant underachieving cohorts, e.g. white British boys.

Key to Success/Pupil Progress meeting minutes. Staff data books

Ongoing RCK All students identified

Monitor and further develop an intervention and support map for targeted students in each year group.

Year group map/Pupil Progress meeting minutes.

Ongoing RCK Provision is mapped to students needs identified

Monitor and further develop robust student progress tracking methods/procedures.

Pupil Progress meeting minutes/Assessment data Staff data books. Work scrutiny cohort

Ongoing RCK Positive external quality assurance reports

Create conditions for learning for Pupil Premium students.

i) Homework Club

ii) Breakfast Club



Homework completion rates Behaviour records

Ongoing Ongoing


Increase in DA students attending homework club

Provide careers, education, information and guidance to Y8 DA students

£7,545 Record of careers interviews

September 2016

MI All Y8 DA students to have had one careers interview

Reduce class sizes in English and Maths

£250,000 Governors’ minutes SLW, class/student data, Observations, student voice

September 2016

CS Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

Priority Action Resources Monitoring Procedure Time Scale Lead Success Criteria

Designate a KS2/3 Cross phase teacher to work in improving Literacy & Numeracy

£43,000 SLW Data analysis

September 2016

CS Targeted students to reach expected targets. Catch up students to reach expected progress

To deliver review meetings for all DA parents in Y7

SLMT & Year Team time

Attendance of parents at 1:1 meetings

July 2017 PL & JMN

All DA parents to meet with SLT to review Y7

To deliver catch up parents’ meetings for DA parents who do not attend parents’ eve

Year team time Attendance of parents Nov – May 2016


All DA parents to attend parents’ eve or catch up meeting

Quality of Teaching Further develop robust quality assurance procedures to monitor the quality of teaching and learning.

Time Core Group

Principal’s Termly Report to Governors Performance Management Learning Walks Departmental Monitoring Work scrutiny SLWs

Ongoing WH Quality of teaching remains high

To include a specific teacher appraisal objective on DA for all staff

Appraisal schedule and monitoring

Throughout year with final review taking place Sep 2017


Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

Develop and deliver a CPD programme to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

£5,000 Principal’s Termly Report to Governors Learning Walks Departmental Monitoring Work scrutiny

Ongoing WH Increase in quantity of lessons that have met the highest standard

Develop and deliver a CPD programme to improve the

Principal’s Termly Report to Governors Learning Walks

Ongoing WH Increase in quantity of lessons that have met the highest standard

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

Priority Action Resources Monitoring Procedure Time Scale Lead Success Criteria

teaching and learning in small class sized groups

Departmental Monitoring Work scrutiny

Attainment GAP narrowed to less than 16%

To deliver Literacy training to staff

CPD time Staff attendance at CPD Sept 2016 LP3 Literacy teaching skills seen in lesson observations

Attendance Identify Pupil Premium cohort for ‘Access and Inclusion Manager’

£39,552 Attendance data Notes of contact/home visits Behaviour and Achievement data Student tracking data Visit data log Student behaviour referrals during term 1

September 2016

PAL Attendance to have reached 95% DA/Non DA attendance GAP to be less than National (3.2%) Number of parents involved in ‘Parenting Teens’ to have increased to at least 20

Support targeted students and families during Y6/7 transition

Increase parental engagement with structured support programmes for targeted families and students

Include focus of DA students during attendance meetings

Time Year teams/FLO

Attendance meeting minutes Attendance figures

Ongoing HOS/ PAL

Attendance to have reached 95% DA/Non DA attendance GAP to be less than National (3.2%)

Support students following long term absence returning back to college and reintegration through student support services.


Attendance data Ongoing PAL Improved attendance and progress of targeted students

Literacy Designate a Learning Assistants to work with DA students

£9,225 TA monitoring Assessment data

Ongoing SP Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

Priority Action Resources Monitoring Procedure Time Scale Lead Success Criteria

All Y7&8 students to take part in Accelerated reading scheme.

£9,000 AR reading data Reading age data

September 2016

AP3 Reading ages improved Number of ‘millionaires’ increased

Deliver English revision sessions

£5,000 Student attendance at sessions

Mid-term, Easter and Whit Holiday

SP Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

Continue daily DEAR Y7,8 &9 Curriculum time Literacy coordinator HOD monitoring SLW

September 2016

AP3 Increase reading ages

Continue with a Y11 English Form for targeted students, with specific additional intervention for targeted students by SP & IB

Staffing for form time

SLW, Class/student data, September 2016

IB Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

To deliver specific intervention for Most Able DA students

Curriculum and departmental time

SLW, Class/student data, September 2016


Percentage of A* Grades in English to remain above National Average (3%)

Deliver half termly parental development meetings on reading and literacy

£200 Attendance registers at meetings. Progress data for students involved

September 2016

SP Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

To continue with a ‘Homework Help Club’ and target DA students to attend

Staff time Attendance at club Student progress data

September 2016

SP Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

To have regular departmental literacy reps. meetings

Staff time Actions from meeting September 2016

AP3 Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

Priority Action Resources Monitoring Procedure Time Scale Lead Success Criteria

Numeracy Designate a Learning Assistants to work with DA students

£21,910 TA monitoring Assessment data

Ongoing SH1 Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

Deliver Maths revision sessions

£5,000 Student attendance at sessions

Mid-term, Easter and Whit Holiday

SH1 Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

To deliver specific intervention for Most Able DA students

Curriculum and departmental time

SLW, Class/student data, September 2016

SH1 & JW

Percentage of A* grades in Maths to be in line with National (7%)

To have two Y11 Maths Form groups. (Higher and Foundation) for targeted students.

Staffing for form time

SLW, Class/student data, September 2016

MR Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

Deliver half termly parental development meetings on maths an numeracy

£200 Attendance register at meetings. Progress data for students involved

September 2016

SH1 Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

To continue with a ‘Homework Help Club’ and target DA students to attend

Staff time Attendance at club Student progress data

September 2016

SH1 Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

Form time to include specific numeracy activities

Form time SLWs September 2016

SH1 Attainment gap narrowed to less than 16%

Aspiration Provide quality Alternative Education placements

£40,985 Attendance data for Alternative Education students Behaviour records Notes of visits to providers

Ongoing PAL Improved attendance at Alternative Education placement/ completion rates.

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

Priority Action Resources Monitoring Procedure Time Scale Lead Success Criteria

To deliver Summer School (Summer Slam) to 100 DA and Priority Family students

£32,000 Attendance data Student and parent voice Attainment and behaviour data

Summer 2016

AF Attendance data Reduction in number of detentions Increase in number of ‘1’ and ‘2’ in lesson monitor

Provide uniform for targeted DA students

£3,000 Student attendance and Behaviour records

Ongoing RCK Improved Attendance Reduction in detentions

Provide Y8 DA students the opportunity to attend Quinta

£7,000 Student voice Quinta register

May 2016 KCN Improved attendance and behaviour data

To deliver a holiday behaviour improvement programme for targeted Y7 students and their parents

£1,000 Attendance of students Behaviour records Student and parent voice

October 2016

PL Reduction of detentions and increase in achievement points for targeted students

To recruit Y11 boys to National Citizenship Service NCS though sporting opportunities

Year 11 time Record of attendance at sporting events

September 2016


50 DA boys to take part in NCS

Secure Safer Schools Partnership – Policing (50%)

£9,068 Behaviour data Police incident records

Ongoing CS Early intervention

Provide mentoring for targeted DA Y11 students by University students

£1,250 Participation data Student voice Student progress data

October 2016

RCK Targeted students reach expected progress

Provide mentoring from Saint Helens RLFC for targeted group of DA Y9 boys

Saints time Lesson monitor data Detention records Behaviour and Achievement points

September 2016

TH/PL Reduction of detentions Increase in positive lesson monitor grade

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

Priority Action Resources Monitoring Procedure Time Scale Lead Success Criteria

To deliver specific intervention for white DA boys. (See separate plan)

Attendance, progress and behaviour data

September 2016

HOSs Attendance improved Reduction in detentions Increase in positive lesson monitor Gap reduced

Provide miscellaneous items to remove barriers for DA students

£5,000 Participation data September 2016

KCN Greater participation.


Green actions = new for 2016/17

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

White Working Class Boys’ Action Plan

Action How and when Success criteria High expectations All staff and students work together to improve performance –no excuses.

Identify a cohort of WWC boys’ in Years 8 and 9 who are at risk of underperforming -July 2016 -Cohort identified in staff data booklet –September 2016 -Appointment of WWC boys champion to monitor performance, liaise with staff and identify individual strategies July 2016

Disadvantaged Boys attainment in English and maths GCSE is 20% above national averages for disadvantaged boys. Yr 8 and 9 cohort gap with non-disadvantaged boys below 10%.

Raise further the specific strategy to improve WWC boys’ performance

Agenda item at SLT conference –June 2016 Agenda item at Governors subcommittees and Full Governing Body- summer and Autumn terms 2016 Focus in College Improvement Plan - September 2016 Focus in all Departmental Improvement Plans with individual departments creating strategies to raise performance– September 2016 ASH agenda item – resulting in a research action plan July –February 2017

All staff and Governors are fully aware and act on the significant need to address WWC boys’ performance. ASH report identify strategies with the greatest impact.

Create a Saints’ mentoring programme

Identified Yr 8 cohort from September 2016 to weekly meet with a First Team Player during form time to discuss progress and behaviour.

Improvement in performance from at least 2 of the following attendance, punctuality, progress or behaviour points.

Curriculum review Curriculum review with a specific focus on WWC boys. –October 2016 To answer the key question How can the curriculum/timetable for WWC boys further enhance performance?

Strategies agreed by Teaching and outcomes sub-committee. Improved outcome as listed above.

In partnership with Hope Academy develop a social science research on the performance of WWC boys

Identify cohort in Yr 9 and 10 who are at risk of going on AP but are ‘saveable’ Meet with all parents/students agreeing a contract 1-1 meetings with mentors Identify an area of responsibility Saints’ project –as above July –February 2017

Improvement in performance from at least 2 of the following attendance, punctuality, progress or behaviour points.

Pupil Premium Plan 2016/17

Extra-curricular All students select an extra-curricular activity and attend. Attendance at extra-curricular activity is above 90%

CPD-sharing best practice Identify staff who have proven success working with WWC boys and create a bullet point list of strategies for staff –completed by the Innovation Teaching Group Autumn term Specific focus with English and maths’ teachers how small groups help individual support September 2016 Lead Practitioner to support individual staff with strategies Autumn Term

Document shared with all staff and impact reviewed during LLW.

Create a primary school focus group.

Work with the partner primary schools to identify key boys and deliver intervention in primary schools, St Helens Rugby Club and Liverpool John Mores University. Specific focus on aspirations, employment, further education and parenting. September 2016.

Improvement in behaviour and attendance at primary school.