Official launch bif ppic

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Official launch bif ppic

Official launch:

Yangon, Thursday 18 June, 2015

Product & Package Innovation Competition (PPIC)

Tourism sector: Myanmar


1. U Thuta Aung: - Welcome from Hamshub

- What is BIF?

- BIF & the tourism sector

2. Steve Noakes: - Inclusive business & innovation

3. Thar Lin Htet: - The competition: PPIC

4. U Thuta Aung: - Closing comment & Invite to


U Thuta Aung – welcome …


“Lifting Lives – Building Business.”

United Nations Global Compact

… a hub of innovative initiatives ...

What is Business Innovation Facility - BIF?


• A 5 year project funded by UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID).

• Currently operational in Myanmar, Malawi and Nigeria.

• Managed in Myanmar by HamsaHub.

• Myanmar industry sectors: Garments, Tourism

What is BIF?


Focuses on:

supporting profitable core

business activity that has high

development impacts creating jobs integrating local entrepreneurs in

international supply chains providing quality & affordable

services to low-income


BIF & the tourism sector


Purpose: To reduce poverty by

facilitating access to commercial

opportunities for a wide range of

people to engage as employees,

producers or consumers in

selected market.

Provides technical assistance (consultancy services) & other

relevant support to the companies to help them to innovate new

core business activities & skills in selected market.

BIF addresses the innovation gap in the Myanmar tourism market.


There are not many innovative tourist products in the market that can benefit a large number of people & communities.

BIF supports product innovation that can help more people benefit from the growth of tourism in Myanmar.

BIF offers:

1. Product Innovation Training (Yangon & Nyaung Shwe)

2. Product & Package Innovative Competition (PPIC)

2. Steve Noakes:

Inclusive Business

& Innovation

• Bottom of the Pyramid

• Inclusive Business

• Innovation

Key concepts


Base of the Economic Pyramid (BoP)



Inclusive Business

Profitable core business activity.

Expands opportunities for the people at the base of the economic pyramid (BoP).

Engage poor people as producers, suppliers, workers, distributors, consumers - or even as innovators.

Inclusive business:

A business concept that aims to involve individuals who would otherwise not have opportunities to engage in life improving economic activities.


BOP: Beneficiaries from inclusive business


Do well.

Do good.

Do No Harm.

Fundamentals of inclusive tourism …

Invention – INNOVATION – New product



Types of ‘Innovation’:

Product, Process, Marketing, Organisational


Events Special Interest Tourism


Clean water is essential to reducing poverty …“Infectious diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminthes are the most common and widespread health risk associated with drinking water.” (WHO, 2004).

Can you see an opportunity … Filters are made from clay and rice-husk which get mixed, pressed in mold and fired in a kiln.

Photo by Steve Noakes, 14 June 2015

near Kawhmu Township, south of Yangon

Clean water.

Can it be an Inclusive Business

opportunity in the tourism &

hospitality industry?


Tourism: Fields of inclusion of low-income people

Source: Christina Tewes-Gradl, Mariska van Gaalen, Christian Pirzer (2014). Destination Mutual Benefit – A Guide to Inclusive Business in Tourism. Endeva UG and GIZ GmBH

Inclusive Business Turning good ideas into real, thriving business models.


First step: The good idea!

You can get ideas alone, but you can't innovate alone !

Get new knowledge & networking from collaboration – fresh insights from your family, your staff, your CUSTOMERS + new networks from the Training, Sharing on the Facebook site etc

Set deadlines for you & your team - example ... create a sense of urgency with the PPIC deadline so your idea does not become a hardship or boring to you

ALWAYS remember to look through the 'lens’ of your potential customers.

Skills & knowledge helps – attitude & enthusiasm wins!


3. Thar Lin Htet:

Product & Packaging Innovation Competition (PPIC)

To stimulate the creation of innovative tourism products & packages that can:

i) benefit a large number of people

ii) increase the competitiveness of tourism operators

Create opportunities for domestic tour operators, travel agents, hoteliers, restaurants & tour guides to work together to develop innovative products - with support from BIF’s training, technical assistance & prize money.

What’s the aim of the PPIC in Myanmar

Photo credit: Steve Noakes

International operators are also

encouraged to team up with

inbound tours operators, travel

agents, hoteliers as well as guides

To develop inclusive tourism

packages & products that will

benefit the local economy in the

tourist destinations & the Myanmar

economy in general.

Aim of the PPIC (continued)

Photo credit: Steve Noakes


Innovative Inclusive Business Product Development

What is desirable to tourists?

How can this benefit more


What is commercially

feasible in marketplace?


BIF will provide prize money on a competitive basis to companies that create the most innovative products.

Assessment criteria will include commercial viability, expected number of people benefiting from the product, potential sales & marketability.

The PPIC competition

The award of prize money will be decided by a panel of experts - there will be a public ceremony to announce competition winners and publicize the benefits of inclusive tourism.

PPIC competition expected to last longer than two-years as BIF is currently developing a strategy to sustain the PPIC in the long run.

In the long run, PPIC is designed to become an annual tourism event in Myanmar.

The PPIC competition (continued)

PPIC has started.

First round of Expression of Interest (EOI) closes on 17 of July, 2015

Those selected as Competitors will be notified two weeks after their EOI have been submitted

The prize money will be up to a maximum US$ 20,000.

Total prize money will be about US$ 450,000 over 2 years.

The maximum award will be up to half of the project costs, where the ‘project’ is the development & piloting of a new product or package that meets the BIF’s criteria.

The fund & the prize money

Steps towards Success with Innovation


Step 1

• Talk with us about your business idea

Step 2

• Submit your expression of interest


• Enter the competition


• Get free consulting advice on product idea


• Submit your innovation product proposal


• Win a prize *


• Get on going support and advice from BIF

* Only successful products will be awarded a prize

17 July 2015

End of September

Last week of October

1. Be a private sector company or a consortium

2. Be able to provide copies of the company's Certificate of Incorporation and Form 6/26, including Board of Directors information

3. Not have applied for or received any support in relation to the exact activities

4. Pass all of the relevant due diligence checks – to be carried out by the BIF team

5. Demonstrate that they have an innovative, realistic and relevant idea for a tourism product or package that will be implemented in Myanmar


Expression of Interest - Eligibility

6. Products are the activities that take place at a destination, such as trekking, cycling, diving or ballooning. Products usually include one of more

services (e.g. transport to a village, provision of a meal in the village, opportunity to buy handicrafts).

Products may be activities or items which are supplied directly to tourists, or those which feed into a supply chain linked to tourism.

7. Packages are a combination of products & services put together and sold by tour operators.


Expression of Interest (cont)

1. The type of product or package and proposed product or package name

2. The proposed destination/location, if known (and if not, why not)

3. Locations and sites within the destination, including the communities that will be benefit from the product/package

4. The target customers for the product (income group, gender, age etc.)

5. The activities that will be part of the package/product and example itineraries

6. Is that package sustainable (which mean can it be supporting by it self)

7. The current status of the product and what progress the applicant organisation has made in developing and testing it 

8. Plans for piloting and rolling out the product, including the budget

9. What the applicant hopes to accomplish with support from BIF

Things to consider in your proposal


Key points to consider


Innovation Benefit to low income local people

Viability Sustainability and Do No Harm

Environmental impact

Photo credit: Steve Noakes


1. How is your idea different from existing tourism products?

2. What makes this product different from your normal business operations?

3. Why do you need help to pilot before launching the product?

Key points to consider


1. How will local people be involved in delivering the product?

2. How might local people who are not involved in delivering the product also benefit?

3. Does your product benefit vulnerable groups such as women & girls, the disabled, minority or indigenous groups, refugees or displaced communities?

Key points to consider


Benefit to low income local people

Key points to consider (Continued)



1. Is this an attractive product for tourists?

2. How do you know that there will be demand?

3. How many visitors do you expect will buy the product?

4. How much revenue do you expect to make per visitor?

5. Who are the people on your team - what skills and experience do

they have which will help make the product/package a success?

6. What are the roles, responsibilities, and time commitments from

your team members needed to be successful?

7. What are the key risks to the success of your current and long-

term plans?

8. How will you try to address these risks?

Sustainability &

Do No Harm

• Are there any tensions in the area that could lead to violence/increased tensions?

• If so, will your innovation strengthen social cohesion or increase negative tensions? How?

• How will you be able to change your product if you determine that it has a negative impact?


Key points to consider (Continued)

Environmental impact

• What impact will your product

have on the environment?

• How will you ensure that any

negative environmental

impacts are mitigated?


Key points to consider (Continued)

Stay updated on the BIF & the PPIC


Updates on the PPIC and details of how and when to apply will be posted on our FaceBook page : www.facebook/BIFtourism

Thank You! Questions?

 This document is an output from a project funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). However, the views expressed and

information contained in it are not necessarily those of or endorsed by DFID who can accept no responsibility for such views or information or for any

reliance placed on them.

This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. The information

contained in this publication should not be acted upon without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is

given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, no organisation or person

involved in producing this document accepts or assumes any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of anyone acting, or refraining to

act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it.

Service provider contact details:

Thar Lin HtetInclusive Business Consultant +959 25 811 3737


Do well.

Do good.

Do No Harm.

Closing comment + Feedback form

Invite to refreshments.

U Thuta Aung