
Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Miniproj1edtech513

After viewing this presentation, students will be able to properly identify the different types of graphics and which graphics work best with different educational styles.

Students will be able to properly identify the proper use of the contiguity principle.

Students will be able to answer at least 90% on the assessment at the end of the presentation.

According to Clark and Mayer, in e-Learning and the Science of Instruction, e-learning courses should include words and graphics, rather than words alone. › “Words” can mean printed text on the

screen, or spoken text that people can listen to.

› Graphics can mean static illustrations, which includes drawings, graphs, charts, maps, or photos, or dynamic graphics, which means animations or video.







Serve to decorate the page without enhancing the message of the lesson, such as a photo or a video of a person.

Used for aesthetic appeal or for humor.

Portrays a single element. Illustrate the appearance of an object. Includes photographs.

Show relationships among elements. Diagrams with labeled parts.




Portray a quantitative relation among two or more variables.

Example could be a line graph, bar graph, or pie chart.

Show changes in an object over time. Step-by-step static images of a process Video of a process taking place.

Illustrates invisible relationships. Visuals that make intangible

phenomena visible and concrete.

Content Types

Description Useful Graphic Types


Facts Unique and isolated information such as specific application screens, forms, or product data


A screen capture of a spreadsheetA table of parts’ names and specifications

Concepts Groups of objects, events, or symbols designated by a single name


Diagrams of a database tableA tree diagram of biological species

Process A description if how something works


Animations of how blood pumps bloodAn animation of how a virus invades a cell

Procedure A series of steps resulting in completion of a task

Transformational An animated illustration of how to use a spreadsheetA diagram with arrows showing how to install a printer cable

Principal Guidelines that result in completion of a task; cause and effect relationship


A video showing two effective sales approachesAn animation showing genes passing from parents to offspring

When text and graphics are used together in e-learning, they should be placed near each other so that the viewers can easily make sense of what they see.

When voice animations and video are used together in e-learning, they should play at the same time.

If the words and graphics are placed too far apart, they lose the impact of the learner.

The labels for the parts of the plant correspond with the parts they label.

Now it is time to test your knowledge….

What did you learn?

Click on the answer that you think is correct….

1. What type of graphic may add humor to a presentation, but do not enhance the lesson?

A. Representational B. Interpretive C. OrganizationalD. Decorative

2. What type of graphic is used to show relationships among two elements?

A. DecorativeB. OrganizationalC. RelationalD. Representative

3. What is the type of graphic that shows changes over time?

A. Transformational B. RelationalC. InterpretiveD. Decorative

4. The Contiguity Principle states that words that correspond to graphics do not have to remain close to the graphics that they represent.

True False

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Click here to go to question 3.

Click here to go to question 4.

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Click here to try again.

Clark, Ruth Colvin. Mayer, Richard E. e-Learning and the Science of Instruction. 2008.