Lesson1 3 database

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Lesson1 3 database

  • 1. L/O/G/O E-mail : smo2001@hotmail.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/krusmo

2. 3. 1. 1.1 (Offline database) : (CD-ROM) 1.2 (Online Database) 4. () 2. 2.1 : OPAC TLAC , Eric 2.2 : IEEE/IEE, ACM Digital Library, TDC (ThaiLIS Digital Collection) 5. http://library.lru.ac.th/web/database/ 6. SciVerse SciemceDirecthttp://www.sciencedirect.com/ 2,500 Elsevier 11,000 7. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (Fulltext) 1.6 1197 http://proquest.umi.com/ pqdwed?cfc=1&RQT=302&lang=th 8. () ProQuest AB/INFORM Complete 1971- 3 1. AB/INFORM Global 2. AB/INFORM Trade & Industry 3. AB/INFORM Dateline 190 https://proquest.com/en-US/cataloge/ databases/detail/abi_infrom_complete.shtml 9. () ACM Digital Library http://www.acm.org/ 325 10. () H.W.Wilson 1,800 ..1995- 11. () ISI Web of Sciencehttp://isiknowlegde.com 8,500 12. () SpringerLink http://www.springerlink.com 1,200 e-book 50,000 13. () ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) 1.2 Fulltext http://www.eric.ed.gov/ IEEE/IEE Electronic Libray (IEL) Http://www.eric.ed.gov/ 14. () EBSCO Publishing 1. Academic Search Premier 2. Education Research Premier 1870 3. Computer & Applied http://web.ebscohost.com/ 15. (ThaiLIS) (.) (ThaiLIS) / UniNet 16. ThaiLIS 24 41 9 17. TDC (ThaiLIS Digital Collection) http://tdc.thailis.or.th/tdc/ 18. ( UniNet E-Book) (Uninet) 14,470 1. E-Book@CHE : e-book http://ebook.thailis.or.th 19. 2. EbscoHost E-Book : e-book ThaiLIS EbscoHost NetLibrary http://search.escohost.com 20. 3. CHE PDF Full Text : http://ebook.thailis.or.th/ : (.) 3,850 21. Bio One 167 125 http://www/bioone/org/EMERALD Management E-Lournal http://www.emeraldinsight.com 22. Thank YOU!!