January 2016 Light & Life Christ Lutheran Church...

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Transcript of January 2016 Light & Life Christ Lutheran Church...

  • January 2016 Light & Life

    Christ Lutheran Church Newsletter Rev. Katherine Rood Our Mission Statement: As members of Christ Lutheran we gather in worship, grow in God’s Word, serve in Jesus name.

    Christ Lutheran Church

    1820 Knight Ave. N.

    Glencoe, Mn. 55336

    Office: 320-864-4549

    Email: office@christluth.com

    Non profit organization

    U.S. Postage Paid

    Permit # 14

    Glencoe, Mn. 55336

    Address Service Requested

    Christ Lutheran Church Staff Pastor, Rev. Katherine Rood, office 864-5077

    Christian Ed. Coord., Susie Christianson, 864-3099

    Secretary, Kathy Remus, office 864-4549

    Custodians, Mark & Cindy Robertson

  • ON GIVING A Child's Offering It was the cathedral church in Iringa, Tanza-nia ... it is a large congregation with three Sun-day worship services. It was time for the offer-ing and even when there are hundreds of peo-ple in attendance the people get up from their benches and come forward for the offering. In most churches a handwoven basket is used, but at the cathedral church there are four large wooden boxes with handles and an opening cut in the top of the box. Because everyone, young or old, comes forward for the offering the boxes were on two levels. One level is intended for those who were taller and one is for the bent-over elderly and children. She came down the aisle with her grandfa-ther ... she looked to be about three years old ... she was smiling ... he was trying to hold on to her hand and she was pulling him faster than he wanted to go. When they reached the boxes, the grandfather put his gift in the box on the tall-er level and motioned for his granddaughter to put her gift in a box on the lower level. She would have none of it - she wanted her gift to go in the same box as her grandfather's. It was a standoff and the smile on her face vanished as he insisted she use the lower level. Finally the grandfather reached down, picked the child up and held her so she could reach grandfather's box. She dropped the gift in through the slot ... the smile was back on her face ... hand-in-hand, child and grandfather walked back to their seat. Ever wonder how high to reach when you make a giving decision? Might it be that we could reach for the next level ... a level so high we need God to lift us up so we can place an abun-dant, generous gift into the offering in thanksgiv-ing to God who withholds nothing, not even Je-sus. by Gary L. Langness




    This is the fourteenth year of the scholarship program at Christ Lutheran, and this congregation continues to show wonderful support for our students attending Lutheran colleges. Two students are receiving assis-tance at college this year with the help of the Christ Lutheran Church Lutheran College Scholarship pro-gram.

    For our current high school students, consider the colleges of our Church when making your plans for the future. (Augsburg, Augustana, Gustavus, Lu-ther, Concordia-Moorhead, St. Olaf, Waldorf, Wart-burg, and more!) Information will come out in the spring of 2016 regarding the May 15 scholarship deadline.

    For our congregation, consider giving to the scholarship fund to support Christ Lutheran students who choose to attend colleges of the ELCA. Dona-tions can be made to the account any time during the year, either by placing a check or envelope in the of-fering plates or delivering to the Church office, la-beled “CLC Scholarship Fund.”

    If you have questions or want more information, please contact scholarship committee members: Joan Johnson, Kevin Menning or Jeff Grant.

  • THANK YOU TO: To all the members of the congregation who gift-ed Les and I with cards, gifts, goodies and Sea-son’s Greetings! We feel blessed by the goodness of God experienced through your friendship and partnership in serving Christ. Pr. Katherine.

    To: Vicky Harris, Peg Hatlestad, Chris Starr, Twyla Kirkeby for their music ministry.

    To the Ushers and Altar Guild, Acolytes, Lectors, Cantors, Head Ushers, Communion Servers who enhanced our worship life in the month of December.

    To our digital projection and sound ministers: Mason Husted, Grace Kosek, Steve Olmstead, Dave Mellesmoen, Connie Duenow, Susie Christianson, Lily Kirchoff, Izzy Elias & Scott Kuehn in the month of December. To Jeanne Pagel , Twyla Kirkeby & Louise Carlson for their assistance with the Grand Meadows & LTC Worship services in December.

    To Melba & Jim Carlson, Jeanne Pagel, Suzann Adams , Mary Stoltenburg, Joanne Chrast, Fran & Marv Huwe & Darrell Hansch for their decorating and putting up of the Christmas trees . To Jim & Melba Carlson, Suzann Adams, Jeanne Pagel, Darrel Hansch, Brian O’Donnell who worked so diligently to provide CLC with a beautiful Worship environment for the Advent & Christmas seasons.

    To Susie Christianson for her digital worship design, prep-aration of the televised service and Renee Hansch for an-nouncement preparation.

    To Dan Biederwolf & Kay Wilson for accompanying the Bell choir on Dec. 9th worship service.

    To Fred & LuAnn Harms, Dennis & Charlotte Dittmer, Jeanne Pagel & Melba Carlson, for providing refresh-ments in the month of December.

    To Bonnie Hahn, Melba Carlson, Fran Huwe & Suzann Adams for serving on Altar Guild in December. To Kelsey & Holly Corrick, Dan Biederwolf, Carla, Josh & Maddie Kuehn, Amanda Husted, Twyla Kirkeby, Randy Wilson and the Sr. Choir for the wonderful Choir Cantata on Sun. Dec. 13th

    To all the Confirmation Youth who helped with the Wed. evening Advent services. To Haley Kirchoff for providing Special Music on Christ-mas Day.

    To Becky & Dawn Peterson, Mary Stoltenburg, Jeanne Pagel, Bonnie Hahn, Kurt Landin, Melba & Jim Carlson Karin Cornwell, Vicky Harris and Curt Schulz for leading Worship on Sun. Dec. 27th. To the WELCA women who served the morning coffee and delicious lunch for Mn. Valley Conference Pastor’s Gathering on Dec. 15th at CLC.

    To all members who have served and are currently serv-ing in the armed forces on behalf of America and free-dom for all.

    To LaMane Mueller & her helpers for delicious brunch and to Amanda & Mason Husted, Susie Christianson, and Shari O’Donnell for their help in setting up, serving and helping with clean-up for the Appreciation Brunch held on Dec. 20th. To the Milestone Ministry Team for the scrumptious cake served for the “Birthday Party for Jesus” on Dec. 20th. To the Praise & Pizza organizers, musicians & vocalists for their dedication of time and talent on December 7th hymn sing. To Jason Zehnder for providing a venue for praising God with the larger Glencoe community.

    To Sue Deckert & Suzann Adams for their sewing of the Baptism banners and to Kevin & Peg Menning on the making of the baptism quilts.

    To Duane Scharpe for his crafting of the baptism chest. To Twyla Kirkeby for accompanying the Mn. Valley Con-fernce Pastor’s Gathering Worship. To the Brass Ensemble: Randy Wilson, Jon Braband, Den-nis Davis, Don Petrick & Dan Perschau for providing Ch ristmas music before the Christmas Eve service.

    To Jeanne Pagel, Jim & Melba Carlson for helping to as-semble the Light & Life newsletter in December. To Carla, Josh & Maddie Kuehn & Holly Corrick for ac-companying the Sr. Choir on Christmas Eve.

    To the Sr. Choir, Randy Wilson & Twyla Kirkeby for their Special Music on Christmas Eve.

    If you know of anyone who should have been included please contact the church office.

  • Abundant Table Community Meal

    The Abundant Table Community Meal is

    FREE and open to everyone-families and

    children, elderly and all seeking fellowship

    or in need of a helping hand.

    When: January 6th (the first Wednesday

    of every Month)

    Where: Christ Lutheran Church Basement

    Fellowship Hall, 1820 Knight Avenue, Glen-

    coe, MN 55336.

    Serving: Chicken Breast with Mashed

    Potatoes and Gravy, Squash, Fruit, Abun-

    dant Table Bread, and Dessert.

    Join us for our third year!

    Time: Doors open at 4:30 PM for Fellow-

    ship; Meal served at 5:00 PM.

    Notification: Let us know to prepare for

    you by calling Christ Lutheran Church at


    Remember there is a place for YOU at our

    Abundant Table.



    Abundant Table At the December 2nd Abundant

    Table Meal, we served 91 guests.

    We served Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Applesauce, Green Beans,

    Abundant Table Bread, Christmas

    Cookies and Ice Cream. We appreciate our Christ Lutheran

    servers and helpers and those

    cleaning up: Mary Engtiner, Connie

    Heitz, Dale Pagel, Renee and Dar-

    rell Hansch, Lindsay Wedin, Melba

    Carlson, Dennis Dittmer, Jerry

    Schimelpfenig, Millie Dreier, Marv

    and Gloria Gustafson, Steve

    Schmidt, and Bonnie Fimon. For

    donating Christmas Cookies, we

    thank Jean Pagel, Nancy Dolezal,

    Mary Stoltenburg, Lindsey Wedin,

    Lee Fritz, Steve Schmidt, Carla Ku-

    ehn, Marcia Miller, Twyla Kirkeby,

    and Jan Petrick

    Thanks to Wally Rannow

    and Rodger Jenneke for helping

    setup for the meal.

    We also want to thank our

    faithful cleanup helpers Kevin and

    Peggy Menning and family.

    With serving that many

    guests, many, many helped and we

    may not have gotten your name-

    but we appreciate the continued

    help we receive that makes this

    Ministry successful.

    Thanks, also goes to the Abundant

    Table Ministry Team – LaMane

    Mueller, Cheryl McDougall, Mary Jo

    Schimelpfenig, Dianne VonBerge,

    Kevin Menning and Barb Jenneke.

    Just a reminder! CLC has a TEAF

    fund (temporary emergency assis-

    tance fund). We have chosen the

    last Sunday of each month to col-

    lect donations to this fund, but of

    course donations at any time are

    welcome. Please remember this

    Mission in your givings! The Glencoe Caregiver Support

    & Discussion Group will be held

    at Christ Lutheran on Thursday,

    January 14th , at 10:30 am.

    This event is sponsored by

    Lutheran Social Service.

    Please attend if you are a care-

    giver to a loved one.

    You don’t have to do it alone.

    Join the conversation!

    Baptisms in December

    Alex Allen Dording

    son of Ryan & Elisa Dording

    Baptized on Dec. 6th, 2015

  • January 2016 NEWS

    Women of the ELCA

    Christ Lutheran Church Women

    Your 2016 Coordinating Team:

    Cheryl McDougall (Pres.) Jan-February

    Jodi Braband (Pres.) March-April

    Nita Enderson (Pres.) May-June

    Linda Simonson (Pres.) July-August

    Connie Hanson (Pres.) September-October

    Mary Jo Schimelpfenig (Pres.) November-December

    Charlotte Dittmer (Treasurer)

    Denise Landin (Team Member)

    Barb Jenneke (Reporter/Reports and Secretary) ____________________________________________________

    Coordinating Team 2016 Projects

    We are building our 2016 events and projects around our Mission


    As Sisters in Christ, Our Mission is achieved by action in:

    Caring for our Church

    Growing in our Faith

    Supporting our Community



    If you are interested in helping with any of our projects at any time, please contact a member of the Coordinating Team. We would love to have you help us achieve our Mis-

    sion. WELCA is open to all our Church women of all ages!

    We are looking into some brand new projects this winter. Some will benefit our neighbors right here in McLeod County and some will help our brothers and sisters in oth-

    er countries.

    Come join us!


    The next Coordinating Team Meeting is Saturday, January 16th at the Church from 9:00-Noon. This will be our plan-ning, budget, and restructuring meeting for 2016. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


    We hosted our CLC WELCA Christmas Potluck on Sun-day, December 6th at 5:30. CLC women brought their fa-vourite dish to share for our Potluck Supper. We also sang Christmas Carols with Twyla Kirkeby playing the piano for the sing-a-long. Then everyone enjoyed the hi-larious skit performed by our Church Basement La-dies. They put on a skit written by Jodi Braband about “Christmas Food Traditions.” Yes, there was Swedish Meatballs in a Lingonberry reduction sauce, Pickled Her-ring in sour cream and horseradish Rommegrot, Lutefisk and the new upstart - Mohnschlishken!”

    The Church Basement Ladies were decked out in their new outfits for Christmas!!

    Everyone enjoyed the skit and as Gladys says “there are so many weird traditional foods. Christmas is a time of celebrating traditions and no matter how our food looks, or smells or tastes, it transports us back to our past!” We hope everyone had a wonderful time.

    Upcoming Events!

    Don’t forget! Quilting starts in January-see the

    Bulletin for date and time.

    The Coordinating Team is looking at the WELCA By-laws in 2016. We would like to make some changes in order to have more women of Christ Lutheran participate. If you have any suggestions, please let us know soon so we can incorporate your suggestions. We want to change the structure to better support our CLC Women Mission Goals of:

    Caring for our Church

    Growing in our Faith

    Supporting our Community

    Barb Jenneke, CLC WELCA Reporter


  • If you were not able to be with us on Consecration Sunday we have the 2016 Estimate of Giving sheets in the narthex. As we anticipate Christ Lu-theran’s ministry needs/opportunities for the upcoming year, we are asking our members to give a financial commitment to CLC as a witness to the mission we share and serve. Please return to them to the church office at your earliest conven-ience. Thank You!

    If you are changing your giving amounts and are enrolled in “Simply Giving” you will need to submit the Simply Giving change form to the Treasurer or the Church Office to re-flect the change in 2016. Forms are lo-cated on our website, in the narthex or the church office.

    The 2015-2016 Time and Talent sheets are in the narthex. Please take the time to pick up a sheet and decide on how you can help serve Christ Lutheran Church with your tal-ents. It takes many people to help with wor-ship services, altar guild, choirs and Sunday School etc.….Return your sheets to the church office or the offering plate. Thanks for your support! The 2016 Giving Envelopes are in the nar-thex! Please take the time to pick your enve-lopes up.

    All Members are invited to a Craft Day on Saturday, Jan. 30th from 9 am to 9 pm. Hosted by Becky & Dawn Peter-son. Bring your favorite craft projects: scrapbooking, quilting, painting, knitting, crocheting, etc…Card making class available for $5. Let Becky or

    Dawn know by Jan. 15th if you want to participate in this. Pot-luck at lunch, bring your favorite dish to share, and snacks and beverages for the day. Soups for supper provided and leftovers from lunch. Becky & Dawn to provide paper prod-ucts for the day. RSVP to Becky or Dawn by Jan. 15th. Becky: 218-343-2795 or Dawn: 320-510-2331.

    Free Will Offering—-Please bring items for the McLeod County Emergency Food Shelf.

    Praise & Pizza! Mark Your Calendar! It’s a hymn sing and pizza night set for January 4th , 7 pm at UnHinged Pizza. All are invited to join us for some pizza, singing, fellowship and fun! Sheet music will be

    provided at the event. Please join us in this new music min-istry!

    All Quilters! Mark Your Calendars! Quilting begins on Monday, Janu-ary 4th at 1 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

    Graduating High School Seniors The Milestone Ministry Team will again be coordinating with the Quilters to make graduation quilts for the seniors. Letters and quilt squares have been sent out. Fabric and squares should be returned to the church office by New Years or as soon as possible. Please contact any of the Mile-stone Ministry Team with questions. Shari O’Donnell, Joan Johnson, Linda Simonson, Eldean & Nita Enderson, Vonnie Husted.


  • Confirmation: Wednesday, January 6th

    7th – 9th Grade Regular Class @ 5:30pm

    Wednesday, January 13th

    7th – 9th Grade Regular Class @ 5:30pm

    Wednesday, January 20th

    7th – 9th Grade Regular Classes @ 5:30pm

    Wednesday, January 27th

    7th – 9th Grade Regular Classes @ 5:30pm

    PLEASE mark your calendars for the Confirmation Student/Parent/Mentor Or ientation scheduled for

    Wednesday, February 3rd @ 5:30pm in the Sanctuary. We will be cover ing student, parent and mentor

    expecations and this year’s Lenten booklet for the students. Also, 2016 Easter Breakfast information, responsi-

    bilities and signups will be distributed for all students and parents.

    GRACE Unlimited! During the month of December our theme was Stewardship. Thank you to Amanda Husted and Dr. John

    Bergseng for sharing their gifts of stewardship with the students.

    “Thank you” to Kim Dietel and Janel Tangen for providing and serving the Grace Unlimited snacks dur ing the month of Decem-

    ber. “Thank you” to our faithful volunteers Nita & Eldean Enderson, Barb Lamp & Rosie Nelson.

    January 2016 Grace Unlimited Theme & Dates: Wellness

    Wednesday, January 6th @ 3:15 – 5pm

    Wednesday, January 13th – NO GRACE UNLIMITED

    Wednesday, January 20th @ 3:15 – 5pm – Swimming @ Panther Fieldhouse

    Wednesday, January 27th @ 3:15 – 5pm

    On Wednesday, January 20th the Grace Unlimited students will be spending the afternoon swimming at the Panther Fieldhouse. More

    information and permission slips for all GU students will be sent home and emailed to parents on January 6 th.

    GRACE Unlimited is for students in 2nd – 6th grade and will be held Wednesday afternoons beginning on September 16th – May 4th, 2016

    from 3:15pm – 5pm. Registration forms and detailed program information are available on our website @ www.christluth.com/grace-

    unlimited and on the bulletin board outside of Susie’s office.

    Taking Faith Home: Remember to check out the Taking Faith Home faith formation resource for all CLC families!

    Taking Faith Home can be found on the web site under the Education tab.



  • Christian Education January 2016


    Sunday School: The 4th Rotation of the Sunday School year will begin on Sunday, January 10th @ 10:10am. Our 4th Rotation Lesson is Jesus & John the Baptist. We will continue with our 2015-2016 Christian Education theme, Living Witness, and learn about John the Baptist, Jesus’ and even our own baptisms. John was a messenger and so are we! Jesus is the message that we continue to share.

    We are in need of SS Teachers for the 4th, 5th and 6th rotations. If you are interested in teaching one of the rotations please contact Susie Christianson ASAP. Lesson plans provided and are easy and fun to share with students. Each rotation lasts only 4 weeks.

    There has been a slight modification to the 2015-2016 SS Schedule. There will be NO Sunday School on Sunday, January 31st to allow all SS parents and volunteers to attend the CLC Annual meeting at 10:15am.

    There are many different opportunities for all CLC members to interact with and hand on the faith to our CLC youth. If anyone is interested in volunteering to teach, lead music or volunteer to help with special events please contact Susie Christanson ASAP.

    A full schedule of our Sunday School lessons, teachers, classroom schedules and updated 2015-2016 Sunday School schedule can be found on the website @ www.christluth.com/sunday-school.

    SS Christmas Worship Service Thank You’s:

    “THANK YOU” to all the students and volunteers who helped to share the message at our 2015 SS Christmas Worship Service. A special ‘Thank You” to Twyla Kirkeby, Becky Peterson, Eli Kuehn for working with and helping to prepare the music selections shared by the students. “Thank You” to Julie Schrupp, Tiffany Mikolichek, Erin Sauter, Tami Alsleben, and Mary Stoltenburg for helping the students rehearse their parts and decorate the props. “Thank You” to Melissa Schmidt and Kristy Scheidt for helping to prepare the PreK & Kindergarten students for the SSCWS.

    January 2016 Sunday School Schedule

    Sunday, January 3rd, 2016 NO Sunday School

    Sunday, January 10th @ 10:10-11:10am Rotation 4.1

    Sunday, January 17th @ 10:10-11:10am Rotation 4.2

    Sunday, January 24th @ 10:10-11:10am Rotation 4.3

    Sunday, January 31st NO Sunday School

    CLC Annual Meeting @ 10:15am
