EnJ - app.dcoz.dc.gov

Post on 05-Jun-2022

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Transcript of EnJ - app.dcoz.dc.gov

\7est EnJ Citizens Association\7ashingt.rn, D.C.

Soondarlos: 15lh Slroot oo lho Ea$ . Potomrc Pilk on lho SouthRoct Crc€l ard lhe Polo.noc on tho W6at . N Slroot on lho No.th

October 20,2021

Mr. Anthony Hoo4 Chairman

Zoning Commission

44l4th Stneet, N.W. - Suite 210

Washington, DC 20001

Re: ZC Case No. 06-l lP - WECA's Response to Hillel's 9l23l2l Application for a Modilicalion

of ConsequencetoZC Order No. 06-l I P (Sq. 42, Lot 56)

Dear Chairman Hood and Mernbers of the Zoning Commission:

The West End Citizens Association (WECA), a Party to ZC Case No. 06-l lP (Application for

Modification of SignificancntoZC Order No. 06-l lL, Hillel at the GWU,2300 H Street, Square 4Z,l.ots

820 & 840), is herein responding to the September 23, 2021, Application for a Modification ofConsequence to ZC Order No. 06-l lP (Sq. 42, Lot 56). The WECA asks the Commission to schedule a

public hearing on this Application.

This response will present a series of substantial errors (with evidential documcnts and photographs) by

the Applicant, Hillel, since the Commission's July 30, 2018 (pubtished and effective on9l7ll8)ZC Order

No. 06-l lP.

I. lllegally Razed Church Wall

In a November 30, 2020lener to Chairman Hood and Zoning Adminisfator LeCnant (Attachmcnt A),

the WECA objected to the razing of the Church Wall (lhe property of the Episcopal Diocese of

Washington) and indicated that, if Hillel's proposed razehad been noticed for the public to commsnt gS

required by law, the WECA would have strenuously objected, especially since the wall contained the

Church's North Gate which was essential for the Rectory occupant's emergency cgress onto H Sfect.

II. Removed Church's North Cate without Conscnt of Prope4v Owncr Eoiscooal Diocesc of DC

On February 18, 2020, Rev. Dr. Michele Hagans, on behalf of property owner the Episcopal Diocese ofWashington, sent a lettcr to Hillel (Attachment B) requesting restoration of the removed Church's North

Gate which was part of the Church's wall which Hillel had razed without legally'recluired public notice

and which was essential for crnergency egress. Rev. Dr. Hagans stated, "This letter serves to inform you

and yourorganization that the wall and gate abuning our two properties ... removcd during the

demolition ofyour building must be replaced. The removal of this wall and gate was nol dually

autlrorized by dre Episcopal Dioce.se of Washington." On February 26,2Q20, Peter Chew, @ntractor for

Hillel, by letter agreed to restore thc North Gate (Attachment C), sating "Hillel will reinstall the brick

walt and gate as dirccted in your letter." Hillel has not yet reinstallcd the Church's North Gate.

Posl Office Box 58098 . Washington, O.C. 20037-8098

ZONING COMMISSIONDistrict of ColumbiaCASE NO.06-11U



Ⅲ. F面led to Meet ZC Order's Recuirel■ ent FOr an 8'2"(or tallerⅢ Privacv Screen Above 4'Chutth

W』 I

ZoninB Order No.06‐ llP requtred a miniinuin 8'2"decorative metal pivacy tteen(Attchment D is a

copy ofthe Order'sEぶ ibit A‐026,Couttard Rendttin3S,Which dearly shows dle phvacy sctten will

reach above the Church's4'wall).Attachments E nnd F are r∝ ent(10/4/21 and 10/2/2り photo8raphs

oFthe 4う Church wdl showinじ 聖 d∝oratve metal p市 vacy screcn whatsoever above the 4'Church wali

and oFthe only pattial decorat市 e metal wolk attached to a smali sechon ofhe sunk〔謝Hillel wall.A

pictureis wom a housand words,clcarly showing non∞ mplian∝ wih he Zoning Orderに qurement.


Attnchment C is a Septmber 30,2021,photo8raph oFthe Hillel si8na8e posted beFott dle

CoHlinission's consideration Ofthe inst:mt Application for a Modiflcation oFConsequence relatin8 tO

Si3nage.The WECA sharcd it win Hillers counsel md he,unaware ofit pЮ mptly assured he WECA

thatit would oniy be up For hat ni8ht'S Sp∝ ial event on September 301h.In thc end,aner wECA's

Foliow‐ up∞nttct widl Hillel's∞ unsel,he unapprovtt si8nage was ttmoved on October 4市 ,itc.,it was

on display for ive days.

Because oFhe s市‖unresoived issues discussed h sections II and HI above,the WECA asks he

Colmmission to hoid a public h∞ 面n80n Hillel's Appli《澱tion for a Modincation orCOnsequen∝ as well

as the Appli∝ nt's noncomplian∝ with ZC Order No.06‐ HP.

Thank you rOr your oonsideraion ofdlis ietter.IFaddittonal infoHnadon is needed,please contact WECA

S∝retary‐Treasurer Barbara Kahiow om barbara.kalibwの vcヽ約n.net.


ゑ 得 犠Sara Maddux


∝ John Patttck BЮ wn,Jr.,Esq.,counsel for Hillel

Mamew Lttt,DCRA ZoninB AdministatorRev.D『 .Michele Hagans,Canon for Minisw hi市菰ives,EPis∞pd Diocese ofWasllin3tOn

The Honorable Brandon Todd,Senior Warden,St,Mary's EPiscopal Church

David Avitabile,Esq.,oounsci for CWU

Je五 Epstcin,ChttL ANC‐ 2AEvelyn Hudson,Conunissioner ANC‐2A‐05

John Ceorge,President,FBA

JenniFer Steingasser&Joel Lawsonぅ OPAaЮn Zimmerman,DDOT



I hereby∝貫的 that On october 20,2021,a∞ py oFthis Response was seⅣ ed on the


Hillel at CWU

John Patrick Brown,Jr.)Esq.

Greenstein DeLorme tt Luchs,PC

801 17th Street,NoW.μ 1000

Washington,DC 20006


Episcopal Diocese oFWashington

Rev.Michele V.Hagans

Canon for Ministり Initiatives

3101 Wisconsin Ave.,NoW.

Washington,DC 20016

EにctFOniCatけ mhattnsωedow,or鼠

ANC 2Acん West End Library

2301 L Street,NoW.

Washington,DC 20037

ElectЮnicalけ 2Aのanc.dc.貿ov

DCRA Zoming Administrntor

Matthew LeGrant

l100 4th Street,S,W.

Washington,正 )C20024


Sto Mary's EpiscOpal Church

The Honorable Bttndon lttd

SenROr Warden

728 23rd street,N,W.

Washington,DC 20037


Commissioner Evelyn Hudson,SMD 2A05

72524い Street,NoW.


ElectЮnically:2A05の anc.dQ:gQY

■the C∞

rge Washington University Foggy Bottom▲ ssocintiom

c′o David Avitable,Esq. c/o Johm Ceorge,President

Gouiston&Storrs P,0,Box 580871999 K Street,N,W。 ,坪500 Washin8tOn,DC 20037

Washington,DC 20006 Electronicany:iohnR@f6照vbOttomassociation.or貿

ElectЮ nically:davhableω 鼠o』 stonstorrs.com

DC Orice oF Pianming DC Department ofTransportation

Ms.Jcnnifcr Steingasser Mr.Aaron Zimmerman

Mr.Joel Lawson ElectЮ nically:aaron.zimmermanω dc.貿ov

EttctЮ nicallン Jennifer.stdttasserω dc.鼠ov

Joel.la、vsonに Ddc.寂ov


Wcst End Cidzens AssocttdonWashinttOn,D.C.

B…曲 I“:輪 箕=∝

:o,1備 Cオt'い 0●f臨 い 。Uい

は k∝報 劇 Uヽe'otmxぃ けlo Wol・ NS― ∞ tに Htth

November 30,2020

TIle Hon.Anthotly Hood


DC Zoning COmmission

441‐4t'.Stteet NW― Suite 2005

Wasllington,DC 20001

The Hon.Matt LcGrant

ZOniElg Administrator

DCRA1100-4ul street SW

Washington,DC 22554

Rc Noncompliance with ZC Order No.06‐ 1lPぅ GW Hillel

Dear Chainnan Hood and Adinillistrator LcGranti

The West End Citizens Association(WECA)is a“Party"i1l ZC Order no.06‐ 1lP,Hiliel at The

Ceorge Washington University(GWU)。 TlliS ictter asks DC to witilhold issuance ofa Cettittcate

ofOccupaticy(CoЮ )tintil GW Hillel has ABIIy complied with tllis Zoning Order。 コhere are

tntBItiplc olitstanding and unresoived issues by the constniction contractor.The WECA assisted

the tandmarked Sto Mary's Episcopal Church in this iand tise case)К ,suiting in a smalier building

with compliantlot occupancy. Folir oFthe outstanding issLieS are:

1. Violation oFDC taw― Absence ofany application tO DCRA For a legally‐ required raze

pcrmit for the 6ギ Church wall(whiCh Separated tlle Cllurch Rectory pЮ perty ttom the

Hilici prOperty),WhiCh i:lduded the Church's Nonh wrOuBhtiron secu面 ty gate― the

Hitiei contractor acted without a required DC Raze Permit ror wllich the ANC atld pliblic

(inCtuding the WECA)would have had notice and an opportunity to o可 ∝t― in addition,

tile Hillei cOntractor did mot retain dle Cilurch)s Nordi secu面 ty gate as agreed to in tile

prior WECA‐Church‐ Hind meetingS

2.Violation oFZolli:lg Ordcr― Non‐compliance胡 th ZC Order No.06‐ lIP wllidi required

a tali black`とI)ecoradve MetaI Privacy Screen"in frollt oFdle 4つ brick waH dividing the

Church Rectory from Hillel as sPccitted in the Order(p.4評 1)and itS Architectural

Drawings(e.g.ゅ Exllibit i SA5,p.A‐ 026&Exhibit i5A3)p.A‐ 013)― p.4 ofthe Order

states,“It h dlerefore ORDERED.… 1.Thc Prttect sh』 i be dev』 oped in accordance

witil the plans and mate面 als subinitted by the Applicant marked as Exhibits 15Al,15A2,

15A3,15A4,15A5,20A)and 20B ofthe record."

3, Non‐repair Or he Church's East wrought‐ iron security gate on 23rd sto which is a security

面sk For the Rectory

4.Non‐repair Ofhe Church Rectory's exterior wali cove面 1lg(dainaged ill the WiticI

∞nstruction)and patio(for whiCh the Hi‖ d contractorremoved a huge Church tr∝ )

Post Omoe 8ox 58098。 Washinぃ on,D.C.20037・ 〔D98

Vest End Cittzens AssociattOnWashingOn,DoC.

…:中 ∞t∞ h臨 t。

'― '‐いh鰤

R∝LCは"",い ― ぃ


蜘 。・"―

A nnh mresOltt issLleね being addrettd by the ttscOpal Ыo鰯eofW蕊 hgton DC.Wehave mot yd con協 髄ed Hinel's tttomey about hese nve issllesi sotthe probably may be unaware


Thank you For your attettion to our∞ ncems.raddmiOn孤 血Fomょion is ttЛ』ぅ∬eaSe∞ ntact

WECA S∝ rettry‐Tttasurer Barbatt KれIow at 202つ 65‐ 1083 or barbara.k』 1loⅦのvettzon.net.


′S′ (by BFK)

Sara Maddux

WECA President

Oc Johm Patttck BЮ wnぅ Jr.,Esq,,attomey for「 EItel atthe CWL'

The Hon.BmPldon Todd,JШ ior Warden,Sto Mary's Epis∞pai Church

Windon Ringer,fomer Senior Warden,St.Mary's EpiscOp』 ChurchDa萌dA萌tabile,Esq.,attomey for he GWU

PosК剛∝ 8ox 5鰤 3・ W… 0。こ 20007・093


離 v― d助.M曲艶 Ⅵ 晦 ns働 on for Minたり Ittdadv鴎

恥 成SCOtt Di囃 襲 orwasmgl

3101 Wittonsh A礎 ,Was皿弩中ほL DC 20016Tclephone:20%37‐ 6544 er口耐: ∬由И欝郎消@側 嶼 、o呟


Mh.Adeana ttteh的 irzコLⅡel軸he Ceorge Wasttn UttVesiげ2300 H StNWWぉ呻 DC 20037

Dear h.鶴血 :

his Lttr饒Ⅳes m mtt yOu md ttw釦卵虚価On thtt he wali md 8ate山dng our憎o脚事mes回 on鰊鴫 tO the P面sh ofSt.Maり

うs Epis∞pal Chuchlottd at 728 23rd St N町 Wぉ呻 DC moved

d画嘘 the demOlidon oF yow b直 :dng mutt be ttl“ ed.The口 novd oF his wttl md 8att Ms nd dually

au傲池測 け theEptt Ыo― OFWaShttm.

May l ask hat you respond as soon as possiЫ e唖卵山略 your d雨8m plm md山耐itt to∞rect ns


Should you have quttdons,please commct“ le at(202)537‐ 6544.


監 Rev―dh MIにle V.Hagans

Canon for M誌町 血面attves

∞:Peter Ch側 ,ProspemBcati∝ Hcm面cks,St.Mtty's EPiscopd Church ScttorWardem

可1,e tt■ Ctton Pa』 aC酌氏 働 nOntO ne ⑤耐n叫,Ettscopal助 o∝se oFWぉ 1山伊∞


♂SPF打月February 26,2020

The Reverend Dr.Michele V.HaBansCanon for Ministry lnitiatives

Episcopal Dioccse ofヽ VashinBton

3101 Wisconsin Avenue

WaShin8Юn.DC 20016

Hillcl Buildin8 P中

'CCtResponse to Letter on Rearヽ Vall

Reverend HaBans,

In rcsponse to yourietttr dated Februaり 18,2020,as thc authori7だ d()Wncr's Representative of

The Hillel at the CeorBe Washington University Buildin8 Pttject,I would like to acknowiedge

the receipt and understandin8 0rthe direction you have pЮ vided in that iettero Hinel wili

reinstan the brick wan and Bate as directed in your ietter.

The removal ofthe waH prior to the demolition oFthc rnain stRICture was done as a matter or

sa農,ty as the existinB wall had been improperly attached to the oldと lillei building structure,was

icaninB unstably and our contttctorS had conccms about the stabttity ofthe wa‖ duing the

demolition ofour buildin8・ I have attached several photos that show the condition oFthe、vaH

pdor to its removal.

I wmtto note that we do take exception rcBardinB yolir wording,“ to correct this dtuation°'.The

brick wall was removed during the dcmontiOn Ofthc existin8 Hillei structure oniy aner reccivin8

the approval rrom Eugene Aaron,Junior Warden orSt,Mary's EPiscopal Church. No rights of

the Church werc compЮπlised by this decision as that approval was atways conditioned upon the

pOssible direction to restore the wall and gate at a later date.

This approval rrom Mr.Eu8ene Aaron is consistent with iettett we have rcceived from M「 .

Windon Ringr dattd January 23.2019 nodng ttsredBnmon from the pttcCtand

“knowiedBinB the authoity ofthc Senior and Junior Wardens with re8ards to the Hillel pr呵 ect

representation,as wen as the letter dated June 4.2019 from Senior Wardcn Bcathcc Hendricks

appointhB Marc Fetteman as the PtteCt Manager represendng the Vestry to theprtteCt.

I would also like to assure you that Beatttce.EuBene and Marc havc reprcsented thc interests of

Sto Mary's with thc utgnost professionalism.enstBring the riBhts and protections ofthe Church

havc not been∞Inprornisedo We havc devclopcd a vcry BOOd WOrkinB rclationship with these

representatives ofthe Church and believe that the decisions to establish their representation oF

the Church have been we‖ founded.

As addressed in my tetter to lⅥr.Eu8enc AalЮn dated October i4,2019,acknowiedBing the

c∞pemdon wc have received from thc Vestry representatives and the Churchithe Hillei p苅 eCt

has committed to restore the Rcctory Rcar Yard,“ to work with the Church rcpttsentatives to

Forthe restoration ofthe Rear Yard and to instan the wOrk atthe sole cost and

complete a design thatis a bettement ofhe


develop a desiBn

a brick patio,landscape areas that include trees,

btt andott phttsandon釘剛 朗 d鶴 ∞adsht哺h ttsbe―entりroach.Vehave ttaged Mles Mmtth Lmdttpe Desi8nettto develop Co硝 叩 副ans to ttview萌 h heChutth_nmi購 .htt ContttPims司 l tta∝thed建輸 血甑si蘭障 to have he

wu and Ba修 圏 鰤 五 Ve extt to have輛皿 ∬ans回け fOr爵詭 W血 面 d to latt Matth.

On∝ 嗣 強 itt and ttgids tt a″ rOved by he Ch耐 印 熙 nm恥 訛ねow tttnprOm tts work h he SRHmerof2020 on∝ 健 9離れ r wotton ow new ttl山膵 破 釈膊 is

compltted.THs wo戯ぃ崩li山麗lude腱 膊鋭ored w』 and B破 Ⅳ youri越o

Finally,I―性4o曲 萌h youthtas tt ofow o蠅 前略 ooo瞬圃的n前h鮨 C中鴫と,聘hNe eagaged ow∞nttctottto rり曲 朗 試itt and longo蜘 班 鯨 damage to he ttar ofhe

R観oり Bd山し at he sole∞ stand 9〔即 .tt ofh Hilld Bdld略 輌 亜 .Ow∞ nmctoFS脱 movedttt de鯰五o随ted-O and wood飾咆 mmbers andhave ttiastaued new

wood tting ttd輌 us破0脚耐 嘘 and呵暉 t hedamaged me協l脱ias b pttvent曲瑚鯨 dmage.Ali of山s卿曲 wott has bett done萌 h he軸成 of瞼・Euge離 れ 血

Mtt F― m andJOhn M威oo of1200AEc

I wodd like to ttq聰 st m o,po面 v tO m馘 輯h you h pttonto dttuss ho即中聴 伍即ぬ

約h Chlrch ttd山閑oopttatio:lofow tta囃 .


Pttr Chewhsptt UeS,,hc`HinelPttt離_attt醜

CC:Adma酌 磁 崩 Beatti∝ Iね面血h,EugmeP的団ЪttК Fttmm


伊白飩 0“3".B

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