Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR...

Post on 21-Feb-2018

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  • 7/24/2019 Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR Septe


  • 7/24/2019 Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR Septe


  • 7/24/2019 Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR Septe


    1-800-869-2247 Order Language Contact




    Restoring Human Rights andDignity to the Field of Mental


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    Human Rights Information Kit

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    Psychiatry: An Industry ofDeath Museum

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    WHAT IS THE CITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMANRIGHTS?The C!t!"en# Co$$!##!on on Hu$an R!ght# %CCHR& !# a non'ro(!t $enta) hea)th *atchdog+

    re#'on#!,)e (or he)'!ng to enact $ore than 10 )a*# 'rotect!ng !nd!!dua)# (ro$ a,u#!e or

    coerc!e 'ract!ce#. CCHR ha# )ong (ought to re#tore ,a#!c !na)!ena,)e hu$an r!ght# to the

    (!e)d o( $enta) hea)th+ !nc)ud!ng+ ,ut not )!$!ted to+ (u)) !n(or$ed con#ent regard!ng the

    $ed!ca) )eg!t!$ac/ o( '#/ch!atr!c d!agno#!#+ the r!## o( '#/ch!atr!c treat$ent#+ the r!ght to

    a)) aa!)a,)e $ed!ca) a)ternat!e# and the r!ght to re(u#e an/ treat$ent con#!dered har$(u).

    CCHR *a# co-(ounded !n 1969 ,/ the Church o( Sc!ento)og/ and ro(e##or o( #/ch!atr/

    E$er!tu# r. Tho$a# S"a#" at a t!$e *hen 'at!ent# *ere ,e!ng *arehou#ed !n !n#t!tut!on#

    and #tr!''ed o( a)) con#t!tut!ona)+ c!!) and hu$an r!ght#.

    CCHR (unct!on# #o)e)/ a# a $enta) hea)th *atchdog+ *or!ng a)ong#!de $an/ $ed!ca)

    'ro(e##!ona)# !nc)ud!ng doctor#+ #c!ent!#t#+ nur#e# and tho#e (e* '#/ch!atr!#t# *ho hae

    taen a #tance aga!n#t the ,!o)og!ca)3drug $ode) o( d!#ea#e5 that !# cont!nua))/ 'ro$oted

    ,/ the '#/ch!atr!c3'har$aceut!ca) !ndu#tr/ a# a *a/ to #e)) drug#. It !# a non'o)!t!ca)+

    nonre)!g!ou#+ non'ro(!t organ!"at!on ded!cated #o)e)/ to erad!cat!ng $enta) hea)th a,u#e

    and enact!ng 'at!ent and con#u$er 'rotect!on#. CCHR# oard o( Ad!#er#+ ca))ed

    Co$$!##!oner#+ !nc)ude doctor#+ #c!ent!#t#+ '#/cho)og!#t#+ )a*/er#+ )eg!#)ator#+ educator#+

    ,u#!ne## 'ro(e##!ona)#+ art!#t# and c!!) and hu$an r!ght# re're#entat!e#.

    eo')e (reuent)/ a# !( CCHR !# o( the o'!n!on that no one #hou)d eer tae '#/ch!atr!c

    drug#+ ,ut th!# *e,#!te !# not ded!cated to o'!n!on. It !# ded!cated to 'ro!d!ng !n(or$at!on

    that a $u)t!,!))!on do))ar '#/cho3'har$aceut!ca) !ndu#tr/ doe# not *ant 'eo')e to #ee or to

    no*. The rea) ue#t!on there(ore !# th!# o 'eo')e hae a r!ght to hae a)) the !n(or$at!on

    a,out %A& the no*n r!## o( the drug# and3or treat$ent (ro$ un,!a#ed+ noncon()!cted

    $ed!ca) re!e*+ %& the $ed!ca) a)!d!t/ o( the d!agno#!# (or *h!ch drug# are ,e!ng

    're#cr!,ed+ %C& a)) nondrug o't!on# %e##ent!a))/ !n(or$ed con#ent& and %& the r!ght to

    re(u#e an/ treat$ent the/ con#!der har$(u).

    CCHR ha# *ored (or $ore than (ort/ /ear# (or (u)) !n(or$ed con#ent !n the (!e)d o( $enta)

    hea)th+ and the r!ght to a)) the !n(or$at!on regard!ng '#/ch!atr!c d!agno#e# and treat$ent+

    not :u#t the !n(or$at!on co$!ng (ro$ tho#e *!th a e#ted !ntere#t !n ee'!ng the 'u,)!c !n

    the dar.

    It !# !n th!# #'!r!t that *e 're#ent /ou *!th !deo#+ ,)og#+ ne*#+ $ed!ca) e;'ert# and

    !n(or$at!on de#!gned to ar$ /ou *!th (act#.

    A# a non'ro(!t organ!"at!on+ !t !# through 'u,)!c donat!on# that *e are a,)e to cont!nue our

  • 7/24/2019 Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR Septe


    1-800-869-2247 Order Language Contact




    Restoring Human Rights andDignity to the Field of Mental


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    Human Rights Information Kit

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    Mental Health Declaration

    Psychiatry: An Industry ofDeath Museum

    CCHR Global Locator


    ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THECITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTSBringing Psychiatry to Justice for More than Four Decades

    The C!t!"en# Co$$!#!on Co$$!##!on on Hu$an R!ght# ha# %een on the &ront '!ne# o&

    $enta' hea'th re&or$ #!nce 1969. Ac(no)'edged %* the S+ec!a' Ra++orteur to the ,n!ted

    at!on# Hu$an R!ght# Co$$!##!on a# re#+on#!%'e &or $an* great re&or$#/ that +rotect

    +eo+'e &ro$ +#*ch!atr!c a%u#e CCHR ha# docu$ented thou#and# o& !nd!!dua' ca#e# that

    de$on#trate +#*ch!atr!c drug# and o&ten-%ruta' +#*ch!atr!c +ract!ce# create !n#an!t* and

    cau#e !o'ence.

    Oer the cour#e o& $ore than &our decade# CCHR# )or( ha# he'+ed to #ae the '!e# o&

    $!''!on# and +reented need'e## #u&&er!ng &or $!''!on# $ore. 3an* countr!e# hae no)

    $andated !n&or$ed con#ent &or +#*ch!atr!c treat$ent and the r!ght to 'ega' re+re#entat!on

    adocac* recour#e and co$+en#at!on &or +at!ent#. In #o$e countr!e# the u#e o&

    +#*cho#urger* and e'ectro#hoc( on ch!'dren !# %anned.

    And )!th hundred# o& cha+ter# !n 4 countr!e# CCHR $e$%er# are act!e )or'd)!de

    5organ!"!ng $arche# +u%'!c hear!ng# eh!%!t# and other act!on# to ra!#e +u%'!c a)arene##

    a%out the cr!$!na'!t* ra$+ant )!th!n +#*ch!atr*.

    hat &o''o)# then !# a %r!e& #u$$ar* o& CCHR# $an* acco$+'!#h$ent#

    Legal Rights & Informed Consent

    In the ear'* 1970# CCHR# !ne#t!gat!on# 'ed to goern$ent !n:u!r!e# !nto #tate

    +#*ch!atr!c &ac!'!t!e# !n Ca'!&orn!a I''!no!# Ha)a!! 3!ch!gan and 3!##our! than(# to

    the a%u#e# CCHR had uncoered aga!n#t +at!ent#. Th!# re#u'ted !n ho#+!ta'

    ad$!n!#trator# and +#*ch!atr!#t# %e!ng d!#$!##ed cr!$!na' and grand ;ur*

    !ne#t!gat!on# %e!ng he'd and c'o#ure o& $a;or +#*ch!atr!c un!t# due to the a%u#e#.

    In 1976 due to CCHR# e&&ort# the &!r#t 'a) to +rotect +at!ent# aga!n#t en&orced

    e'ectro#hoc( and +#*cho#urger* )a# +a##ed !n Ca'!&orn!a +ro!d!ng !n&or$ed con#ent

    and %ann!ng the!r u#e on ch!'dren under the age o& t)e'e. Th!# %eca$e a $ode'

    'a) ado+ted !n #u%#tance %* 'eg!#'ature# acro## the ,n!ted State# and !n other

    countr!e#. In Tea# +#*ch!atr!#t# $u#t a'#o en#ure that auto+#* re+ort# are done on

    an* death# )!th!n &ourteen da*# o& ECT ad$!n!#trat!on.

    In Ita'* the %!rth+'ace o& ECT the

    e!dence %* unan!$ou#'* ot!ng to %an the u#e o& ECT on ch!'dren the e'der'* and

    +regnant )o$en.

    In the 1990# CCHR he'+ed uncoer and e+o#e the &act that u+ to 1=0 re#tra!nt

  • 7/24/2019 Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR Septe


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    death# occur each *ear !n the ,S a'one )!th near'* ten +ercent o& the#e %e!ng

    ch!'dren #o$e a# *oung a# #!. >edera' regu'at!on# )ere +a##ed !n 1999 that

    +roh!%!ted the u#e o& +h*#!ca' and che$!ca' ?$!nd-a'ter!ng drug#@ re#tra!nt# to coerce

    or d!#c!+'!ne +at!ent# ordered a nat!ona' re+ort!ng #*#te$/ and cut goern$ent

    &und!ng &or an* &ac!'!t* that d!d not co$+'*.

    In the 1980#ear'* 1990# CCHR #+earheaded a ca$+a!gn to e+o#e and %an Bee+

    S'ee+ Treat$ent ?BST@ at Che'$#&ord

  • 7/24/2019 Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR Septe


    3e##age &ro$ the

  • 7/24/2019 Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR Septe


    1-800-869-2247 Order Language Contact




    Restoring Human Rights andDignity to the Field of Mental


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    Human Rights Information Kit

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    Mental Health Declaration

    Psychiatry: An Industry ofDeath Museum

    CCHR Global Locator


    MENTAL HEALTH DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTSby C!t!"en# Co$$!##!on on Hu$an R!g%t#

    A&& %u$an r!g%t# organ!"at!on# #et 'ort% code# by (%!c% t%ey a&!gn t%e!r )ur)o#e# and

    act!*!t!e#. +%e ,enta& Hea&t% ec&arat!on o' Hu$an R!g%t# art!cu&ate# t%e gu!d!ng )r!nc!)&e#

    o' CCHR and t%e #tandard# aga!n#t (%!c% %u$an r!g%t# *!o&at!on# by )#yc%!atry are

    re&ent&e##&y !n*e#t!gated and e)o#ed.

    A.+%e r!g%t to 'u&& !n'or$ed con#ent/ !nc&ud!ng

    1.+%e #c!ent!'!c$ed!ca& te#t con'!r$!ng any a&&eged d!agno#e# o' )#yc%!atr!c d!#order

    and t%e r!g%t to re'ute any )#yc%!atr!c d!agno#e# o' $enta& !&&ne##3 t%at cannot be

    $ed!ca&&y con'!r$ed.

    2.u&& d!#c&o#ure o' a&& docu$ented r!#5# o' any )ro)o#ed drug or treat$ent.3

    3.+%e r!g%t to be !n'or$ed o' a&& a*a!&ab&e $ed!ca& treat$ent# (%!c% do not !nc&ude

    t%e ad$!n!#trat!on o' a )#yc%!atr!c drug or treat$ent.

    4.+%e r!g%t to re'u#e any treat$ent t%e )at!ent con#!der# %ar$'u&.

    B.o )er#on #%a&& be g!*en )#yc%!atr!c or )#yc%o&og!ca& treat$ent aga!n#t %!# or %er (!&&.

    C.o )er#on/ $an/ (o$an or c%!&d/ $ay be den!ed %!# or %er )er#ona& &!berty by rea#on o'

    $enta& !&&ne##/ #o-ca&&ed/ (!t%out a 'a!r ury tr!a& by &ay$en and (!t% )ro)er &ega&


    D.o )er#on #%a&& be ad$!tted to or %e&d !n a )#yc%!atr!c !n#t!tut!on/ %o#)!ta& or 'ac!&!ty

    becau#e o' t%e!r )o&!t!ca&/ re&!g!ou# or cu&tura& be&!e'# and )ract!ce#.

    E.Any )at!ent %a#

    1.+%e r!g%t to be treated (!t% d!gn!ty a# a %u$an be!ng.

    2.+%e r!g%t to %o#)!ta& a$en!t!e# (!t%out d!#t!nct!on a# to race/ co&or/ #e/ &anguage/

    re&!g!on/ )o&!t!ca& o)!n!on/ #oc!a& or!g!n or #tatu# by r!g%t o' b!rt% or )ro)erty.

    3.+%e r!g%t to %a*e a t%oroug%/ )%y#!ca& and c&!n!ca& ea$!nat!on by a co$)etent

    reg!#tered genera& )ract!t!oner o' one# c%o!ce/ to en#ure t%at one# $enta& cond!t!on

    !# not cau#ed by any undetected and untreated )%y#!ca& !&&ne##/ !nury or de'ect and

    t%e r!g%t to #ee5 a #econd $ed!ca& o)!n!on o' one# c%o!ce.

    4.+%e r!g%t to 'u&&y eu!))ed $ed!ca& 'ac!&!t!e# and a))ro)r!ate&y tra!ned $ed!ca& #ta''

    !n %o#)!ta/ #o t%at co$)etent )%y#!ca&/ c&!n!ca& ea$!nat!on# can be )er'or$ed.

    :re* et


    Under the banner of the Mental

    Health Declaration of Human

    Rights, tens of thousands of

    people around the globe havejoined CCHR and taken to the

    streets to protest psychiatric

    drugging and other inhumane

    mental health practices.


    al Health Declaration of Human Rights

    11/6/2015 1

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    click here

    5.+%e r!g%t to c%oo#e t%e 5!nd or ty)e o' t%era)y to be e$)&oyed/ and t%e r!g%t to

    d!#cu## t%!# (!t% a genera& )ract!t!oner/ %ea&er or $!n!#ter o' one# c%o!ce.

    6.+%e r!g%t to %a*e a&& t%e #!de e''ect# o' any o''ered treat$ent $ade c&ear and

    under#tandab&e to t%e )at!ent/ !n (r!tten 'or$ and !n t%e )at!ent# nat!*e &anguage.

    7.+%e r!g%t to acce)t or re'u#e treat$ent but !n )art!cu&ar/ t%e r!g%t to re'u#e

    #ter!&!"at!on/ e&ectro#%oc5 treat$ent/ !n#u&!n #%oc5/ &oboto$y ;or any ot%er

    )#yc%o#urg!ca& bra!n o)erat!on

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    CCHR Fnanca!"

    A#O$% $S



    %R$%H A#O$% )S*CHIA%R*


    %A,E AC%IO+





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    I"adore Cat #oard /eer

    o3ce &ane" #oard /eer

    /cae! #a3a #oard /eer

    Fran Andre5" #oard /eer

    an Ea"tgate #oard /eer


    Fran Andre5" Eecute (rector

    /ar!a F!de (eut3 Eecute (rector

    an Ea"tgate Internatona! )re"dent

    #ruce "ean +atona! )re"dent

    Anne &uerrero (rector o: Huan Re"ource"

    #en Renart (rector o: )rooton and /aretng

    Serent3 /acdona!d %rea"urer

    Aer Scedee (rector o: Oeraton"

    Saanta &arca (rector o: )u!c Outreac

    Stee agner )u!c Adocac3 Secretar3

    Car!a /oon )u!c Actte" Secretar3

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    Prof. !"o#a$ S%a$%

    Co-founder of CCHR



    Restoring Human Rights andDignity to the Field of Mental


    Order a FreeCitizens Commission on

    Human Rights Information Kit

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    Mental Health Declaration

    Psychiatry: An Industry ofDeath Museum

    CCHR Global Locator



    !"e C&t&%en$ Co##&$$&on on Hu#an R&g"t$ 'oard of ad(&$or$) ca**ed

    Co##&$$&oner$) &nc*ude$ doctor$) *a+,er$) educator$) ce*e'r&t&e$)

    'u$&ne$$ rofe$$&ona*$ and c&(&* and "u#an r&g"t$ rere$entat&(e$.

    !"e&r dut&e$ &nc*ude ad(&$&ng CCHR &n t"e&r rofe$$&ona* caac&t,) on

    &$$ue$ re*at&ng to CCHR$ act&(&t&e$. !"e, a*$o &nc*ude) 'ut are not

    *&ted to/

    ed&a &nter(&e+$) 'e&ng a $oe$er$on on &$$ue$ t"e

    Co##&$$&oner &$ +e** (er$ed &n re*at&ng to $,c"&atr, and &t$


    a&ng rere$entat&on$) (&$&t&ng or +r&t&ng to #e#'er$ of Congre$$) ar*&a#ent$)

    nat&ona* and $tate *eg&$*ature$ a'out &$$ue$ CCHR &$ concerned +&t")

    Ad(&$&ng on an, *eg&$*at&(e &$$ue$ CCHR $"ou*d 'e &n(o*(ed &n)

    Act&ng a$ a ane* #e#'er &n a Pu'*&c Hear&ng t"at CCHR #a, "o*d &nto a art&cu*ar

    a$ect of $,c"&atr&c a'u$e)

    Lend&ng t"e&r na#e to CCHR$ u'*&cat&on$) ca#a&gn$) or ro(&d&ng 3uote$ for t"e$e

    or for re$$ re*ea$e$)

    Send&ng an, re$earc" or art&c*e$ of &ntere$t to CCHR t"at can 'e d&$tr&'uted to

    off&c&a*$) grou$ or CCHR C"ater$)

    A$ #ed&ca* rofe$$&ona*$ or re$earc"er$) e(a*uat&ng re$earc" or $tud&e$ $uc" a$

    c*&n&ca* tr&a*$ of $,c"&atr&c drug$ t"at can t"en 'e d&$tr&'uted 'road*, or u'*&c&%ed)

    A$ #an, ",$&c&an$) &nc*ud&ng rar, ",$&c&an$ and ed&atr&c&an$ toda, re$cr&'e

    $trong and dangerou$ $,c"&atr&c drug$) "e*&ng CCHR to educate t"e# t"at rea*

    #ed&ca* ana*,$&$ and treat#ent &$ needed for e5a#*e) te$t&ng for "ea(, #eta*

    e5o$ure) food a**erg&e$ a$ +e** a$ non",$&ca**, &ntru$&(e #et"od$ $uc" a$ d&et)nutr&t&on and e5erc&$e) and to re#&nd t"e# t"at re$er(at&on of c&(&* *&'ert&e$) "u#an

    d&gn&t,) &nfor#ed con$ent and er$ona* c"o&ce are cr&t&ca* &n a** #ed&ca* ract&ce)

    A$ attorne,$) ad(&$&ng ot"er attorne,$ on or f&*&ng c&(&* co#*a&nt$ aga&n$t

    $,c"&atr&$t$ t"at "a(e a'u$ed at&ent$ and "o+ $uc" $u&t$ can 'e f&*ed aga&n$t

    $,c"&atr&c a$$oc&at&on$ or co**ege$ t"at tra&ned t"e offend&ng $,c"&atr&$t)

    Educat&ng doctor$ on t"e *ac of $c&ence 'e"&nd $,c"&atr&c d&agno$e$ and t"e

    da#age cau$ed ', $,c"&atr&c treat#ent)

    A$$&$t&ng +&t" or ad(&$&ng on fundra&$&ng) and

    Proo$&ng and &n(&t&ng ot"er rofe$$&ona*$ to 'eco#e CCHR Co##&$$&oner$.

    Pre( e5t


    Amongst other duties, The

    Citizens Commission on Human

    Rights board of advisors provides

    expertise from its membersprofessions, including testimony

    before state and federal hearings

    in the name of civil rights and the

    eradication of psychiatric abuse.


    R, Board of Advisors

    11/6/2015 1

  • 7/24/2019 Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR Septe


    1-800-869-2247 Order Language Contact


    Jan Eatgate

    !re"dent CCHR



    Restoring Human Rights andDignity to the Field of Mental


    Order a FreeCitizens Commission on

    Human Rights Information Kit

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    Mental Health Declaration

    Psychiatry: An Industry ofDeath Museum

    CCHR Global Locator


    #ot $eo$%e toda& 'a(e d"))"cu%t& undertand"ng t'e detruct"(e

    "*$act $&c'"atr& 'a on co**un"t"e around t'e +or%d.

    ,or )ar too *an& t'e %eon " %earned on%& a)ter a $&c'"atr"t 'a

    detro&ed o*e $art o) t'e"r %")e.

    'e detruct"on *"g't co*e "n t'e )or* o) t'e deat' o) t'e"r c'"%d

    due to %ong-ter* uage o) a t"*u%ant drug $recr"/ed )or an

    "n(ented $&c'"atr"c d"order ca%%ed Attent"on e)"c"t H&$eract"("t&

    "order AH. It cou%d /e t'e %o o) a %o(ed one at t'e 'and o)

    a gun-tot"ng teenager $recr"/ed a ("o%ence-"nduc"ng $&c'"atr"c

    drug and3or one +'o 'ad undergone deat' educat"on or anger

    *anage*ent c%ae a +a t'e cae "n t'e Co%u*/"ne c'oo% *aacre "n 1999. !er'a$

    "t " t'e deat' o) an e%der%& *ot'er or )at'er )ro* e%ectro'oc treat*ent or an

    ant"$&c'ot"c drug $recr"/ed at a nur"ng 'o*e. It cou%d /e a c'"%d %a/e%ed *enta%%& "%%

    ear%& "n c'oo% $recr"/ed add"ct"(e $&c'otro$"c drug *ore $otent t'an coca"ne +'o

    %ater /eco*e a 'ard-core treet-drug add"ct /ecaue 'e cou%d not te%% t'e d"))erence

    /et+een a treet drug and t'oe $recr"/ed to '"*.

    At CCHR +e +or cont"nuou%& to educate &ou on t'e trut' a/out $&c'"atr& $ro("d"ng

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    "n)%uence our %eg"%ature our ,ood and rug Ad*"n"trat"on our c'oo% and our *ed"a

    a a *o("ng )orce /e'"nd t'e un+arranted /%ac /o +arn"ng5: on t'e $otent"a%%& %et'a%

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    reduce t'e nu*/er o) ("ct"* +'o un)ortunate%& %earn t'" trut' t'roug' $erona% traged&.

    A Complete Lack of Science

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    u$$ort"ng "t &te* o) d"agno" or "t treat*ent. ae )or ea*$%e t'e $&c'"atr"c

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