Post on 16-Oct-2020

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Departamento de Geografía e Historia



Pupils will be assessed in a variety of ways that include:

Attitude: state of notebook, care over work, participation in class, group work collaboration,

doing homework in time…

Theoretical component: topic tests, quizzes, oral questions…

Practical component: worksheets, class activities, personal notebook, projects, diagrams,

graphs, maps, tables, timelines, comprehension, communicative skills…

During the last term the students will try to read the book “Tutankhamun” by Julie Hart

(BURLINGTON BOOKS). In case of lack of time to finish the reading, the student must read and

complete the activities in the beginning of the next course.

To get a positive assessment it will be necessary to reach a pass mark of 50% OF EACH

COMPONENT (THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL), although in any circumstances it will

be possible to make a media of all the marks:

1st Term 2nd Term 3rd Term

Exams 70 % 70 % 70 %

Practical Component 20% 20% 20 %

Attitude 10% 10 % 10 %

The development of geographical and historical knowledge, skills and understanding are the

areas to be assessed. Therefore, language acquisition is not a key aspect to assess, although it

will be an aspect to keep it in mind. So, language acquisition will only be taken into account in

relation with the development of geographical and historical contents and skills.

The students who had to retake the subject in September, they must do a set of activities that are

going to be evaluated as 20% of the final mark, if the teacher considerers it opportune. These

activities are considered compulsory. In any case the students must obtain more than four in the

exam to consider the activities.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


As the priority is the learning on Geography and History -and considering the necessary flexibility

in the process teaching-learning, when necessary the profesor will have recourse to Spanish to

clarify or taking a close look at those concepts essentials for the understanding of the topics in the

class. This clarifications will not exceed the 40% of the time.

The evaluation and recovery system will be according to the general guidelines of the

corresponding course of ESO.

To pass the subject, the minimum required is a mark of five on each evaluation. The final mark of

the course will be the average of the three assessments. Those students who will not pass the

Subject in June, should prepare for an unique recovery exam in September all the contents of the

subject. To pass the subject the mark must be equal or higher to FIVE.

Any fraudulent conduct (copying, exchanging pages, providing content to a colleague, etc.) during

the exam will conduct to an immediate interruption of the exam and a qualification as ZERO.


Los alumnos serán evaluados de diferentes maneras:

Actitud: estado del cuaderno, participación en clase, colaboración en los trabajos de grupo,

realización de las tareas a tiempo…

Apartado teórico: preguntas orales, pruebas, exámenes…

Apartado práctico: actividades de clase, cuaderno de clase, proyectos, esquemas, mapas, ejes

cronológicos, destrezas a la hora de comunicarse…

Concreción en la valoración de proyectos:

Aparte de la elaboración de esquemas, resúmenes, trabajos etc. se llevarán a cabo proyectos

dirigidos por el profesor, en relación con temas específicos de la materia.

En estos proyectos se requerirá la colaboración práctica de los alumnos, tanto de forma

individual como grupal.

Incluirán diversos tipos de actividades siendo valoradas por partes separadas (una vez más de

forma individual y grupal).

La nota final de cada proyecto será igual de significativa que la nota de una prueba tipo

examen (no sólo se evaluará el examen).

Para cada uno de estos proyectos se entregará a los alumnos una hoja con instrucciones precisas

tanto para su desarrollo como para su evaluación.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


Para conseguir una evaluación positiva será necesario superar el 50% de cada parte teórica y

práctica, aunque en algunas circunstancias se podrá hacer una media de todas las notas.

1º trimestre 2º trimestre 3º trimestre

Exámenes 70 % 70 % 70 %



20% 20% 20 %

Actitud 10% 10 % 10 %

El desarrollo de conocimientos y destrezas históricas o geográficas son las áreas principales a

evaluar. Por tanto, la adquisición del idioma no es un elemento clave a evaluar, aunque será un

aspecto a tener en cuenta. Así, la adquisición del idioma o lenguaje en inglés solamente será tenida

en cuenta en relación con el desarrollo de los contenidos y destrezas de la materia.

Los alumnos que tengan que volver a cursar la asignatura en Septiembre deberán realizar una serie

de actividades que serán evaluadas con el 20% de la nota final, si el profesor lo cree oportuno. En

cualquier caso, los alumnos deben de sacar más de un cuatro en el examen

Departamento de Geografía e Historia



Pupils will be assessed in a variety of ways that include:

Attitude: state of notebook, care over work, participation in class, group work collaboration,

doing homework in time…

Theoretical component: topic tests, quizzes, oral questions…

Practical component: worksheets, class activities, personal notebook, projects, diagrams,

graphs, maps, tables, timelines, comprehension, communicative skills…

During the last term the students will try to read the book “Tutankhamun” by Julie Hart

(BURLINGTON BOOKS). In case of lack of time to finish the reading, the student must read and

complete the activities in the beginning of the next course.

To get a positive assessment it will be necessary to reach a pass mark of 50% OF EACH

COMPONENT (THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL), although in any circumstances it will

be possible to make a media of all the marks:

1st Term 2nd Term 3rd Term

Exams 70 % 70 % 70 %

Practical Component 20% 20% 20 %

Attitude 10% 10 % 10 %

The development of geographical and historical knowledge, skills and understanding are the

areas to be assessed. Therefore, language acquisition is not a key aspect to assess, although it

will be an aspect to keep it in mind. So, language acquisition will only be taken into account in

relation with the development of geographical and historical contents and skills.

The students who had to retake the subject in September, they must do a set of activities that are

going to be evaluated as 20% of the final mark, if the teacher considerers it opportune. These

activities are considered compulsory. In any case the students must obtain more than four in the

exam to consider the activities.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


As the priority is the learning on Geography and History -and considering the necessary flexibility

in the process teaching-learning, when necessary the profesor will have recourse to Spanish to

clarify or taking a close look at those concepts essentials for the understanding of the topics in the

class. This clarifications will not exceed the 40% of the time.

The evaluation and recovery system will be according to the general guidelines of the

corresponding course of ESO.

To pass the subject, the minimum required is a mark of five on each evaluation. The final mark of

the course will be the average of the three assessments. Those students who will not pass the

Subject in June, should prepare for an unique recovery exam in September all the contents of the

subject. To pass the subject the mark must be equal or higher to FIVE.

Any fraudulent conduct (copying, exchanging pages, providing content to a colleague, etc.) during

the exam will conduct to an immediate interruption of the exam and a qualification as ZERO.


Los alumnos serán evaluados de diferentes maneras:

Actitud: estado del cuaderno, participación en clase, colaboración en los trabajos de grupo,

realización de las tareas a tiempo…

Apartado teórico: preguntas orales, pruebas, exámenes…

Apartado práctico: actividades de clase, cuaderno de clase, proyectos, esquemas, mapas, ejes

cronológicos, destrezas a la hora de comunicarse…

Concreción en la valoración de proyectos:

Aparte de la elaboración de esquemas, resúmenes, trabajos etc. se llevarán a cabo proyectos

dirigidos por el profesor, en relación con temas específicos de la materia.

En estos proyectos se requerirá la colaboración práctica de los alumnos, tanto de forma

individual como grupal.

Incluirán diversos tipos de actividades siendo valoradas por partes separadas (una vez más de

forma individual y grupal).

La nota final de cada proyecto será igual de significativa que la nota de una prueba tipo

examen (no sólo se evaluará el examen).

Para cada uno de estos proyectos se entregará a los alumnos una hoja con instrucciones precisas

tanto para su desarrollo como para su evaluación.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


Para conseguir una evaluación positiva será necesario superar el 50% de cada parte teórica y

práctica, aunque en algunas circunstancias se podrá hacer una media de todas las notas.

1º trimestre 2º trimestre 3º trimestre

Exámenes 70 % 70 % 70 %



20% 20% 20 %

Actitud/participación 10% 10 % 10 %

El desarrollo de conocimientos y destrezas históricas o geográficas son las áreas principales a

evaluar. Por tanto, la adquisición del idioma no es un elemento clave a evaluar, aunque será un

aspecto a tener en cuenta. Así, la adquisición del idioma o lenguaje en inglés solamente será tenida

en cuenta en relación con el desarrollo de los contenidos y destrezas de la materia.

Los alumnos que tengan que volver a cursar la asignatura en Septiembre deberán realizar una serie

de actividades que serán evaluadas con el 20% de la nota final, si el profesor lo cree oportuno. En

cualquier caso, los alumnos deben de sacar más de un cuatro en el examen para tener en cuenta las


Departamento de Geografía e Historia




To be able to understand and to define specific vocabulary.

To use specific vocabulary, skills and resources to explain and describe geographical and

historical concepts.

To use appropriate sources of information properly

To obtain geographical and historical information from several written and visual documents.


To understand the relationship between nature and human activity.

To analyse why human settlement depends less on nature than it did before.

To explain why population density varies within a same country

To compare population pyramids of two different counties.

To identify reasons for population increase.

To study that there is a strong migratory movement towards developed countries.

To identify of environmental problems that occur in each continent.


To identify the various landscape patterns.

To indicate the world-wide ecosystems and local ecosystems..

To study how the population is affected by the environment.

To study the role of the water on our planet

To distinguish the world climates.

To analyse the greenhouse effect, the acid rain, deforestation, the increase in a sea level.

To understand that the water cycle is continuous circling of water between the sea, atmosphere

and land.

To explain human interaction in the water cycle.

To define the concept of weather and climate.

To analyse the elements and factors of a climate.

To understand that weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain place and time.

To study the different types of weather and how each is measured. To distinguish the world


To understand weather forecasting and weather maps and symbols.

To analyse the importance of weather on human activity.

To describe the three types of rainfall: relief, convection and frontal.

To understand the weather caused by anticyclones and depressions. .

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


To analyse the greenhouse effect, the acid rain, deforestation, the increase in a sea level.

To understand the consequences of the global warming in the climate.

To describe the formation and effects of hurricane on both an MEDC and LEDC.


To define essential economic terms.

To interpret different situations of current societies regarding their economic possibilities

To group economic activities into the main production sectors: primary, secondary, tertiary-


To distinguish different types of economic activities.

To indicate the relation of economic wealth to different activities.

To analyse why farming and fishing farming are important

To classify the different types of agricultural landscapes and kind of farming.

To understand the role of services in present-day world.

To study the farming of alternative types of food: organic food and the greenhouse farming.

To explain the fishing patterns in the world

To rank the different types of source of energy: their advantages and disadvantages.

To appreciate global differences in the use of different source of energies.

To classify and explain the types of industry and their location.

To understand what we energy for and where we get energy from: renewable and non-

renewable energy.

To value the effect of progress on the environment.


To learn about the role of service in present-day world.

To appreciate the establishment of the welfare state.

To describe shopping facilities in their area.

To explain why better transport has changed industrial location.

To understand the importance of tourism in many countries.

To recognise the main problems that tourism has created.

To explore and value an alternative “eco-tourism” and the possibilities of modern scientific



To understand when and how settlement originated..

To explain the site factors and the types of settlement.

To identify a settlement function, and a .settlement’s sphere of influence.

To arrange in rank order the settlements.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


To analyse the characteristics of a city and the land-use models (for LEDCS).

To value the problems that the cities must face.


To analyse the meaning of development.

To identify the levels of development: LEDCs, NICs, and MEDCs.

To study the main urban, agricultural, industrial and tourist areas in both continents.

To understand why some counties are more developed than others and the relationship

between trade and development.

To explain the role played by the World Trade Organisation.

To study the aid must be distributed in the poor countries.


To identify the chronological and geographical limits of the Modern World..

To explain the major developments and changes in the Modern Era.

To analyse the origins of the Modern Era.

To define the basic features of the Modern World.

To develop their map and vocabulary skills applied to historical knowledge.


• To explain what the tectonic jigsaw is, the three types of plate margin, how plate tectonic

movements form volcanoes, earthquakes or mountains.

• To explain what the Richer Scale.

• To explain how tectonic hazards affect people and how they cope .

• To identify the three types of rock and how rock type and weathering cause land use


• To understand how natural disasters cause damage and what can be done to reduce the


• To explain how land use in determined and creates conflict.

• To know drainage basins work as system and form features.

• To learn how to recognise features on maps.

• To know how glaciations have changed the landscape and effected landuse.

• To understand coastal processes and landuse conflicts.


To study the origin and birth of the Modern State.

To describe the political transformations that shaped Modern States.

To analyse the new role of the monarchs and the most important kings of the period.

To explain the characteristics of the Catholic Queen and King’s monarchy and compare with

Tudor’s one.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


To define and analyse the exterior and interior policies of the most important European


To understand the causes and consequences of the expansion of Europe in America.

To identify the main features of the civilizations existing in America before 1492.

To be aware of cultural changes in Europe and America as a result of development in society,

technology and culture.

To feel interest in knowing and cultural heritage both in European and American terms.

To value the connections between the Christians crusading tradition and the Spanish

expansion within the peninsula and overseas exploration.


To identify the cultural wealth of the Renaissance.

To explain, the changes in ideas (Humanism), in religion (Reformation and Counter

Reformation) and in art (Renaissance) in the Modern Age

To appreciate the main artistic works in architecture, sculpture and painting in Europe during

the Renaissance (15th and 16th centuries).

To distinguish the most important features of the religious movements of the period

(Protestantism, Calvinism, etc) and the way, they have reached our age.

To value the reasons that could explain the Reformation and break with Rome in Europe.

To analyse the historical characters of Luther, Calvin and John Fox.

To analyse the historical meaning of the Council of Trent and the creation of the Company of


To discover the creation process of Europe and its first kingdoms.


To analyse the political evolution of Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries.

To explain the reasons of the Spanish decadence in the 17th century and the birth of France as

a new world power.

To study the importance of the Treaty of Westphalia in Europe.

To define a Modern State, the Absolutism and the Parliamentarism.

To explain the origin of Parliamentarism.

To analyse the most important features of society during the Ancient Regime.

To explain the mercantilism and evaluate how it influenced patterns of economic activity.

To understand relationships among the rise of powerful states, the development of urban

centres, the expansion of trade and transoceanic exploration.

To analyse cause and effect relationships in the price revolution.


Departamento de Geografía e Historia


To identify the cultural wealth of the Baroque.

To analyse the main features of the Baroque architecture, sculpture and painting.

To appreciate the main artistic works of art in Italy, Spain and Great Britain.

To explain the social role of the artists during the Baroque.

To understand the need to protect our artistic heritage so that other generations will enjoy it as


To value the Baroque as a symbol of the power.

To analyse the historical and cultural meaning of the Spanish Golden Age.


To analyse the nature of the English monarchy.

To understand the growth of Parliamentarism and its conflicts with the monarchy.

To know the chronological course of the events in the Civil War.

To value the various types of causes of the conflicts.

To evaluate the extent to which the revolution advanced democracy in England.

To study the enlightenment theories of the main philosophers in the 18th century to understand

the ideological background of the revolutionary processes.

To learn about the relationship between England and the thirteen colonies of North America.

To draw out the causes and consequences of the independence movement in North America.

To appreciate the scale of the move towards independence during the 19th century.

To understand the political system and the social structure in France before the revolution.

To analyse the factors that explain the French revolution.

To know the course of events during and after the revolution.

To value the impact of the revolution in the World.


To analyse the causes of the changes during the industrial revolution and their


To understand the technological stages of the industrial revolution and the first industries.

To study the consequences of the changes in terms of economy, population and daily lives of

the common people.

To compare the industrial revolution in England and in Europe.


The Spanish political, economic and social system at the end of the 18th century.

To understand the reasons of the crisis of the Ancient Regime and the influence of the French

revolution and Napoleonic invasion.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


To study the various attempts by liberals to reform the Spanish political system.

To develop a chronological understanding of the key political events and the most significant

constitutions of the 19th century.

To analyse the industrial revolution in Spain and the birth of the Workers Movement.


The major aim is to encourage a lively approach to geographical and historical teaching. Activities

will be developed in meaningful communicative contexts and will link classroom learning with the

world outside. Methodology will be based on the use of investigation, enquiry, analysis, problem-

solving skills and resources. Pupils will be taught to identify, select and use a range of appropriate

sources of information; to evaluate, select and record information; to reach conclusions and to use

different ways to show them. Activities will also enlarge specific vocabulary and enhance the

students’ communicative skills.

The teacher will be a tool of learning, the teacher’s role will be to give the children the best

possible opportunity to understand the concepts and take an active part in their own learning.

As pupils do not learn in the same way, activities (procedures) will provide them with a

range of different kinds of experiences such as the following:


PowerPoint slides


Making a poster.

Using and making maps.


Key diagrams.

Topic webs.

Computer based learning.


Analysis of documents.

Classification of data.

Matching concepts, definitions, pictures...

Filling in blanks.

Devising and using word puzzles and word games.

Writing reports.

Taking part in discussions, debates.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


Doing vocabulary webs.

Library and newspaper search investigations.

Doing projects.


Making flash cards& posters.

Poems and songs.


Listing, classifying key points and data.

Making tables and graphs of information.

Creating flow charts.

Making timelines.

Pupils will learn facts but also will be encouraged to take an interest in their surroundings and

to make connections between events and changes; between cultures and human society

development. More over, pupils will be encouraged to develop a sense of responsibility for the care

of the Earth and its people and positive attitudes towards other cultures and ways of thinking.


Pupils will be assessed in a variety of ways that include:

Attitude 10%: state of notebook, care over work, participation in class, group work

collaboration, doing homework on time…

Theoretical component 70%: topic test, quizzes, oral questions, exams…

Practical component 20%: worksheets, class activities, projects, images, diagrams, graphs,

maps, tables, timelines, comprehension (a listening per term is going to be evaluated), oral

presentations (communicative skills).

To review the different countries´ location and the main physical features of the five

continents are going to be evaluated through the three terms and it is going to be

compulsory to pass successfully the subject.

To get a positive assessment it will be necessary to reach a passmark of 50% OF EACH


The development of geographical and historical knowledge, skills and understanding are

the areas to be assessed. Therefore, language acquisition is not a key aspect to assess.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


Language acquisition will only be taken into account in relation with the development of

geographical and historical contents and skills.

As the priority is the learning on Geography and History -and considering the necessary flexibility

in the process teaching-learning, when necessary the profesor will have recourse to Spanish to

clarify or taking a close look at those concepts essentials for the understanding of the topics in the

class. This clarifications will not exceed the 40% of the time.

The evaluation and recovery system will be according to the general guidelines of the

corresponding course of ESO.

To pass the subject, the minimum required is a mark of five on each evaluation. The final mark of

the course will be the average of the three assessments. Those students who will not pass the

Subject in June, should prepare for an unique recovery exam in September all the contents of the

subject. To pass the subject the mark must be equal or higher to FIVE.

Any fraudulent conduct (copying, exchanging pages, providing content to a colleague, etc.) during

the exam will conduct to an immediate interruption of the exam and a qualification as ZERO.


Los alumnos serán evaluados de diferentes maneras:

Actitud: estado del cuaderno, participación en clase, colaboración en los trabajos de grupo,

realización de las tareas a tiempo…

Apartado teórico: preguntas orales, pruebas, exámenes…

Apartado práctico: actividades de clase, cuaderno de clase, proyectos, esquemas, mapas,

ejes cronológicos, destrezas a la hora de comunicarse…

Concreción en la valoración de proyectos:

Aparte de la elaboración de esquemas, resúmenes, trabajos etc. se llevarán a cabo proyectos

dirigidos por el profesor, en relación con temas específicos de la materia.

En estos proyectos se requerirá la colaboración práctica de los alumnos, tanto de forma

individual como grupal.

Incluirán diversos tipos de actividades siendo valoradas por partes separadas (una vez más de

forma individual y grupal).

La nota final de cada proyecto será igual de significativa que la nota de una prueba tipo

examen (no sólo se evaluará el examen).

Para cada uno de estos proyectos se entregará a los alumnos una hoja con instrucciones

precisas tanto para su desarrollo como para su evaluación.

Para conseguir una evaluación positiva será necesario superar el 50% de cada parte teórica y

práctica, aunque en algunas circunstancias se podrá hacer una media de todas las notas.

1º trimestre 2º trimestre 3º trimestre

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


Exámenes 70 % 70 % 70 %



20% 20% 20 %

Actitud 10% 10 % 10 %

El desarrollo de conocimientos y destrezas históricas o geográficas son las áreas principales a evaluar. Por

tanto, la adquisición del idioma no es un elemento clave a evaluar, aunque será un aspecto a tener en

cuenta. Así, la adquisición del idioma o lenguaje en inglés solamente será tenida en cuenta en relación con

el desarrollo de los contenidos y destrezas de la materia.

Los alumnos que tengan que volver a cursar la asignatura en Septiembre deberán realizar una serie de

actividades que serán evaluadas con el 20% de la nota final, si el profesor lo cree oportuno. En cualquier

caso, los alumnos deben de sacar más de un cuatro en el examen para tener en cuenta las actividades.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia



Pupils will be assessed in a variety of ways that include:

Attitude 10%: state of notebook, care over work, participation in class, group work collaboration, doing homework in time…

Theoretical component 70%: topic test, quizzes, oral questions…

Practical component 20%: worksheets, class activities, projects, essays, diagrams, graphs, maps, tables, timelines, comprehension (a listening per term is going to be evaluated), communicative skills…The compulsory activities developed in the book read during the summer and first term: Revolution by Jann Huizenga (Oxford Editions) is going to be evaluated in the first term.

During the year (last term) the students will read some chapters of the book: BritishHistory

seen through art by Gina D.B. Clemen & Laura Stagno. Black Cat Publishing.

The reading of the books and to do the activities designed per each topic are compulsory

to pass the subject.

To review the different countries´ location and the main physical features of the five

continents are going to be evaluated through the three terms.

To get a positive assessment it will be necessary to reach a passmark of 50% OF EACH


The development of geographical and historical knowledge, skills and understanding are the

areas to be assessed. Therefore, language acquisition is not a key aspect to assess.

Language acquisition will only be taken into account in relation with the development of

geographical and historical contents and skills.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


As the priority is the learning on Geography and History -and considering the necessary flexibility

in the process teaching-learning, when necessary the profesor will have recourse to Spanish to

clarify or taking a close look at those concepts essentials for the understanding of the topics in the

class. This clarifications will not exceed the 40% of the time.

The evaluation and recovery system will be according to the general guidelines of the

corresponding course of ESO.

To pass the subject, the minimum required is a mark of five on each evaluation. The final mark of

the course will be the average of the three assessments. Those students who will not pass the

Subject in June, should prepare for an unique recovery exam in September all the contents of the

subject. To pass the subject the mark must be equal or higher to FIVE.

Any fraudulent conduct (copying, exchanging pages, providing content to a colleague, etc.) during

the exam will conduct to an immediate interruption of the exam and a qualification as ZERO.

TRADUCCIÓN Los alumnos serán evaluados de diferentes maneras:

Actitud: estado del cuaderno, participación en clase, colaboración en los trabajos de grupo,

realización de las tareas a tiempo…

Apartado teórico: preguntas orales, pruebas, exámenes…

Apartado práctico: actividades de clase, cuaderno de clase, proyectos, esquemas, mapas,

ejes cronológicos, destrezas a la hora de comunicarse…

Concreción en la valoración de proyectos:

Aparte de la elaboración de esquemas, resúmenes, trabajos etc. se llevarán a cabo proyectos

dirigidos por el profesor, en relación con temas específicos de la materia.

En estos proyectos se requerirá la colaboración práctica de los alumnos, tanto de forma

individual como grupal.

Incluirán diversos tipos de actividades siendo valoradas por partes separadas (una vez más de

forma individual y grupal).

La nota final de cada proyecto será igual de significativa que la nota de una prueba tipo

examen (no sólo se evaluará el examen).

Para cada uno de estos proyectos se entregará a los alumnos una hoja con instrucciones

precisas tanto para su desarrollo como para su evaluación.

Para conseguir una evaluación positiva será necesario superar el 50% de cada parte teórica y

práctica, aunque en algunas circunstancias se podrá hacer una media de todas las notas.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia


1º trimestre 2º trimestre 3º trimestre

Exámenes 70 % 70 % 70 %

Pruebas/destrezas prácticas 20% 20% 20 %

Actitud 10% 10 % 10 %

El desarrollo de conocimientos y destrezas históricas o geográficas son las áreas principales a

evaluar. Por tanto, la adquisición del idioma no es un elemento clave a evaluar, aunque será un

aspecto a tener en cuenta. Así, la adquisición del idioma o lenguaje en inglés solamente será

tenida en cuenta en relación con el desarrollo de los contenidos y destrezas de la materia.

Los alumnos que tengan que volver a cursar la asignatura en Septiembre deberán realizar una

serie de actividades que serán evaluadas con el 20% de la nota final, si el profesor lo cree

oportuno. En cualquier caso, los alumnos deben de sacar más de un cuatro en el examen para

tener en cuenta las actividades.