
Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of 社会イノベーションを創出するビジネスリーダーの為の英国スタディーツアー...




2012年1月30日(月) –2月3日(金)

主催: ブリティッシュ・カウンシル/ NPO法人ETIC(エティック) 協力: Volans (London, UK)









スケジュール 詳細


午前 ● Introductory session: providing an overview of social innovation in business

イントロダクション:ビジネス・セクターにおける社会イノベーション概要 <スピーカー> Volans

● アジア・ハウス内でランチネットワーキング <スピーカー> John Elkington, Executive Chairman of Volans Sir John Boyd, Chairman of Asia House & former British ambassador to Japan

(1992 – 1996)


午後 ● Social Innovation in Business: Japan-UK Dialogue

ビジネス・セクターにおける社会イノベーション:日英対話 <スピーカー> Sir John Boyd, Chairman of Asia House & former British ambassador to Japan

(1992 – 1996) John Elkington, Executive Chairman of Volans ● Redefining Capitalism   キャピタリズムの再定義  <スピーカー> John Elkington, Executive Chairman of Volans Gavin Neath, Senior VP of Sustainability, Unilever

1月31日(火) 午前 ● PWC PAVILION 到着、会場を視察しながら、PricewaterhouseCooper’s

の社会イノベーションについてのイントロダクション ● Role of Business in the Social Innovation Ecosystem (I)

社会イノベーションのエコシステムにおけるビジネスの役割(1) <スピーカー> Nick Temple, Director of Business for Social Enterprise UK

● 同じ建物内のレストランBrigade Restaurantへ移動、ランチ及びBrigade Restaurantのソーシャルエンタープライズとしての取り組みの紹介

<UK側の主な参加者> Simon Boyle, Chairman of the Beyond Food Foundation & Chef Founder of

Brigade, and Freshlife team

午後 ● Supporting Social Entrepreneurs

社会起業家支援 <スピーカー> Alastair Wilson, Chief Executive of School for Social Entrepreneurs and a

mentor/mentee in the program

● Measuring Social Impact  ソーシャル・インパクトの評価測定 <スピーカー> Mark Graham, PwC Director of the Centre for Social Impact

19:00-20:30 ● ネットワーキング・イブニング




午前 ● Building a Global Social Innovation Strategy

グローバルな視野での社会イノベーション戦略の構築 <スピーカー> Paul Ellingstad, Global Health Director, Hewlett Packard Office of Global Social


● Introduction to Impact Investing and the Role of Business

インパクト・インベストメントのイントロダクションおよび企業の役割 <スピーカー> Amy Stillman, Director of Communications & Development for the Impetus


午後 ● Impact Investing going Mainstream

インパクト・インベストメントの普及 <スピーカー> Graham Hodgkin, Special Adviser to Deutsche Bank ● Social Innovation Lab – Digital Inclusion for the Masses

社会イノベーション・ラボ - デジタルの手法を用いた社会問題解決 <スピーカー> Debbie Forster, Interim CEO at the Centre for Digital Inclusion (CDI) – Apps for

Good 視察プログラムについての中間レビュー <ファシリテーター> Volans team 2月2日(木)

午前 ● Corporate Social Intrapreneurship and the Role of Business Schools

企業内社会起業と、ビジネス・スクールの役割 <スピーカー> Professor David Grayson, Director of the Doughty Centre for Corporate

Responsibility at Cranfield University School of Management ● Talent Immersion for Social Impact


ソーシャル・インパクトに必要な人材育成 <スピーカー> Tom Rippin, Founder & CEO of On Purpose

午後 ● Developing Mutual Partnerships with Social Organisations

ソーシャル・セクターとの相互パートナシップの構築 <スピーカー> Lily Lapenna, Founder and Managing Director of MyBnk

● The Future of Business – How Businesses can Prepare for the Complexities Ahead

 ビジネスの未来-ビジネスは今後直面する複雑化する世の中にどのように           備えるべきか <スピーカー> Elspeth Finch, Director at Atkins


午前 Consolidating Insights and Learnings / Next Steps

まとめ:次のステップに向けて <ファシリテーター> Volans team

午後 帰国


7. 英国 組織概要 



Volansは将来に焦点を当てたシンクタンク、コンサルタントで、社会起業、企業内起業、イノベーション、サスティナビリティの動向など関してハブ的な役割を果たし、経済的、社会的、及び環境的な課題に対して革新的な解決方法を展開し拡大する事を目的としてグローバルに活動している。Volans is a future-focused think-tank and consultancy, working at the intersection of the entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, innovation and sustainability movements. We work globally to develop and scale innovative solutions to financial, social and environmental challenges. In 2008, Volans launched its landmark report, The Phoenix Economy: 50 Pioneers in the Business of Social Innovation. The report explores the new markets, technologies and business models that are emerging from the ashes of the old economic order. More recently, a follow-up report, The Future Quotient: 50 Stars in Seriously Long-Term Innovation, was launched. This report highlights the need for organisations and businesses to think and act long-term, and suggests ways that they can begin to do so.

ASIA HOUSEwww.asiahouse.org

Asia Houseは英国とその他アジアの国々間において、どのようなビジネス的な繋がりがあるのか、またその外交関係や文化的交流に興味、関心のある人が集まり、知識や情報、アイディアなどを共有する場として機能している。

Asia House is a dynamic focal point for people to meet and exchange ideas, a ‘must visit’ centre for all who have an interest in developing their contacts and understanding of business and of diplomatic and cultural interaction between Asia and Britain.

Founded in London in 1996 and incorporated in 1999, Asia House is the leading pan-Asian organisation in Britain. A non-profit, non-political organisation, its geographical remit ranges from Iran in the west to Japan in the east and from the central Asian republics in the north to Indonesia in the south. Asia House aims to:

• promote appreciation and understanding of Asian countries, their arts, religions and economies, and to foster closer communication between the peoples of Asia and Europe

• establish a centre for educational, corporate or cultural programmes • offer these facilities to all organisations with an interest in or connection with Asia, including

diplomatic missions, companies, arts organisations, societies and associations, and trade, economic, scientific and technological bodies

• establish a strong relationship with the resident Asian communities and engage their knowledge and skill.


UNILEVERwww.unilever.co.ukhttp://www.unilever.com/images/nm_pp-agm-2011-speech_tcm13-264578.pdf* UnileverのCEO、Paul Polmanによる2011年5月の年次総会でのスピーチ

Unileverは一般消費財業界において世界で3番目の規模を持つ企業。2010年秋に「Sustainable Living Plan」を発表。このプランでは、成長戦略の一環として「環境」「すこやかな暮らし(衛生/健康・食)」「経済発展」の3つの分野に取り組むことを明言し、それぞれの分野について、2020年までの数値目標およびアクションプランを設けている。2020年までに: ・製品のライフサイクルからの環境負荷を半減する ・10億人により衛生的な生活習慣を身につけていただき、すこやかな暮らしを支援する一方、売上収益を倍にする・製品の原材料となる農作物を100%持続可能な農園から調達するSustainable Living Planに関して詳しくは:http://www.unilever.co.jp/aboutus/mediacentre/news/ulsp.aspx

Unilever is the world’s third largest FMCG company. Currently led by Paul Polman as CEO, Unilever launched its Sustainable Living Plan in Autumn 2010 which has set itself three audacious targets by 2020: 1) to cut the environmental impact of Unilever’s products in half; 2) to source sustainably all its agricultural supplies; and 3) to improve the health and wellbeing of a billion people worldwide, while doubling sales revenue.

Unilever came top of the new FTSE CDP Carbon Strategy 350 Index, launched in June 2010, with an overall score of 76.7%. Also in 2010, Unilever was included in the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) Leadership Index for the sixth consecutive year. The index recognises the top 10% of companies in the FTSE 350 based on the level and quality of their climate change disclosure.

1月31日(火)PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS (PWC)www.pwc.co.uk/firestation.pwc.co.uk/firestation.pwc.co.uk/centre-for-social-impact.html PricewaterhouseCoopersはロンドンに本社のある世界的なプロフェッショナルサービスファーム。最近ロンドンブリッジ近くに新しくオープンさせたオフィスの隣に位置する昔の消防署を改装し、社会的な問題に取り組む組織に貸し出している。そこに入る組織の特典としてPWCからトレーニングやメンタリングサポートを受けることができる。またその建物は自社の取り組みである「Centre for Social Impact」(ベストプラクティスの共有や効率性を高めるためのアドバイス等を通して社会起業家をサポートするプログラム)を展開する場所でもある。

PricewaterhouseCoopers is a global professional services firm headquartered in London, United Kingdom.

PwC recently opened The Fire Station on Tooley Street, a dis-used fire station next to PwC’s new offices at London Bridge, which has since been regenerated to house a unique and complementary group of socially oriented organisations and social enterprises.


One of the core benefits available to these social organisations is access to training, knowledge and mentors at PwC. In addition, The Fire Station is also home to PwC’s own Centre for Social Impact, which aims to support social entrepreneurs by sharing best practice and advising them on ways to improve their effectiveness.

Representatives from PwC will discuss the drivers and factors that facilitated the company’s involvement with social enterprises, and guide you through the social organisations situated within The Fire Station, including Social Enterprise UK and the School for Social Entrepreneurs. 



The ground and first floors of the Fire Station are home to Brigade, a social enterprise bistro and bar, private dining rooms, and cook school. It is managed by De Vere Venues and supported by the Beyond Food Foundation’s ‘Freshlife’ training and Apprenticeship scheme.

This unique venture aims to give work experience, catering skills and the opportunity to gain qualifications to people who are at risk of, or have experienced, homelessness - all under the watchful eye of Simon Boyle, chef founder of the Beyond Food Foundation.

BEYOND FOOD FOUNDATIONwww.beyondfoodfoundation.org.uk/ 

The Beyond Food Foundationは食べ物を触媒として年間500人以上に「Freshlife」という6週間のプログラムを提供している。この内150人までが職業体験ができる機会を提供され、上記Brigadeでのワークショップに参加する。さらにこの内の28人までが見習いとしてBrigadeで働く事ができる。

The Beyond Food Foundation uses food as a catalyst to work with more than 500 people a year through a six week programme called ‘Freshlife’. Up to 150 Freshlife participants get the chance to gain work experience and attend workshops at Brigade, where they also work in the busy ‘live’ kitchen and experience the fine dining that Brigade offers. Up to 28 people each year will gain an apprenticeship through Brigade. Our volunteer mentors are working with the apprentices on a one-to-one basis, helping them prepare for employment and working on areas such as confidence building, money management and CV writing.

SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSwww.sse.org.uk/index.php 

The School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE)は有望な人材に対して、社会の利益の為にそのクリエイティブで起業家的な能力を最大限発揮できるようトレーニングやその他様々な機会を提供している。個人を支援し、チャリティーやソーシャルエンタープライズ、ソーシャルビジネスを設立するサポートを行う。

The School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) exists to provide training and opportunities to enable people to use their creative and entrepreneurial abilities more fully for social benefit. SSE supports individuals to


set up new charities, social enterprises and social businesses across the UK.

The SSE runs practical learning programmes aimed at helping develop the individual entrepreneur and their organisation simultaneously: our approach, and belief, is that social change is people-powered, and that the most valuable assets and resources we have are human ones.

Each programme combines specific elements designed to provide an intensive, complete package of support that meets the needs of social entrepreneurs. This person-centred approach has been independently proven to create sustainable, thriving organisations that provide significant, lasting social and economic impact.

The school was founded in 1997 by Michael Young (Lord Young of Dartington), a social innovator who’d previously launched the Consumers' Association, the Open University and around 40 other organisations.

Following successful Millennium Awards programmes around the UK, the SSE expanded outside its base in Bethnal Green, London, and the network of SSEs around the UK continues to grow. Over 500 SSE Fellows have completed programmes around the country.

SOCIAL ENTERPRISE UKwww.socialenterprise.org.uk/ Social Enterprise UKは英国におけるソーシャルエンタープライズをサポートする為の機関で、提言活動やリサーチ、知識や情報の共有やツールの提供、ネットワークの構築、ソーシャルエンタープライズがより働きやすく、発展できるようキャンペーン活動などを行っている。

Social Enterprise UK is the national body for social enterprise. Social enterprises are businesses that are changing the world, and when they profit, society profits. Together with our members we are the voice for social enterprise in the UK. Our members are local grass-roots organisations and multi-million pound businesses that operate internationally. What unites them is their commitment to changing the world through business. We do research, provide information and tools, share knowledge, build networks, raise awareness and campaign to create a business environment where social enterprises can thrive.

Social Enterprise UK sits on a number of influential national taskforces and steering groups, and is a member of the Social Enterprise World Forum.

2月1日(水)DEUTSCHE BANKwww.db.com/unitedkingdom/ドイツ銀行は英国において社会インパクトをもたらし尚かつ経済的リターンもあるソーシャルエンタープライズに対して資金を提供するプログラム「 £10m(1000万ポンド) Impact Investment Fund」を始めた。このプログラムをとおしてドイツ銀行の社員もソーシャルエンタープライズに対してファイナンシャルアドバイスを提供する。

Deutsche Bank recently launched its £10m Impact Investment Fund – a discrete, ring-fenced fund to provide finance to social enterprises in the UK that generate both a meaningful social impact and financial return. The Fund will also allow Deutsche Bank employees to work in conjunction with funds to give financial advice to entrepreneurs.

Hear about how this Fund was conceived, and why investment banks like Deutsche Bank increasingly see social investment as a worthy and promising asset class.



HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world. We explore how technology and services can help people and companies address their problems and challenges, and realize their possibilities, aspirations and dreams. We apply new thinking and ideas to create more simple, valuable and trusted experiences with technology, continuously improving the way our customers live and work. We provide infrastructure and business offerings that span from handheld devices to some of the world's most powerful supercomputer installations. We offer consumers a wide range of products and services from digital photography to digital entertainment and from computing to home printing. This comprehensive portfolio helps us match the right products, services and solutions to our customers' specific needs.

HP Global Social Innovation StrategyHPの社会イノベーション及び教育に対するコミットメントに関しては、その始まりは60年前に遡る。教育者がスキルを身につけ、テクノロジーを通してレッスンの質や効率性、学習体験を向上させる為のプログラムやそれらプログラムを提供している団体に焦点をあてている。このプログラムを通して未来の起業家を育てる事も目的としている。


Our commitment to Social Innovation and education stretches back more than six decades. HP focuses on programs and organizations that help educators build skills and use technology to enhance lessons and re-imagine their approach to teaching. We help educators combine excellent instruction with the unique capabilities of technology to transform the learning experience.

HP awards grants of cash, HP technology and other resources to primary and secondary public schools, colleges, and universities. Evidence shows that the effective use of technology, combined with exemplary teaching, can positively impact student academic outcomes, and create a more engaging, personalized and collaborative learning environment. Since 2000, HP has provided more than $250 million in funding, equipment and training to support education, including $60 million for our HP Technology for Teaching programs. Part of our emphasis on education is cultivating tomorrow’s entrepreneurs. HP works with organizations to help young people acquire the IT skills and knowledge required to succeed in the workforce, launch new businesses and help their local communities prosper.

CENTRE FOR DIGITAL INCLUSION – APPS FOR GOODappsforgood.org Apps for Goodは若者に対して、コミュニティーにおける社会問題を解決する事を目的としたオンラインアプリーケションの開発の仕方等のサポートを提供する。2010年4月にロンドン南部でスタートし、現在は英国全土を通して16−25歳の未就労者へリーチしている。Dell, Facebook, Thomson Reutersなどのテクノロジー会社と提携している。


Apps for Good is the award-winning programme by CDI Europe where young people learn to create mobile and online apps that tackle problems in their communities for social good. Piloted in South London in April 2010, the programme now reaches unemployed young people aged 16-25 years across the UK, igniting a passion in them for technology and social enterprise, and increasing their entrepreneurial skills and confidence.

Technology companies such as Facebook, Dell and Thomson Reuters have since partnered with Apps for Good to achieve win-win outcomes.

IMPETUS TRUSTwww.impetus.org.uk/about-venture-philanthropy


Impetus has pioneered one of the most effective models of charity support in the UK (winning ‘top grantmaker’ in the 2008 Charity Awards). The Impetus approach to venture philanthropy involves providing a distinctive combination of strategic funding and expertise to enable charities to scale up rapidly and effectively.

The need• Charities with ambitious plans need long-term core funding, along with stronger organisational

capacity and business expertise, to maximise their effectiveness and their effect on people’s lives.

• Donors, looking for how to get the ‘biggest bang for their buck’, want to be sure that their money is going to the right charities and achieves the maximum social impact.

• Society needs a mechanism to transfer business skills into the voluntary sector in order to increase its efficiency and effectiveness –reaching more disadvantaged people, faster and with greater impact.

What we doImpetus supports the development of the whole organisation, not just a specific project or activity. We only back innovative and ambitious organisations fighting economic disadvantage, whose leadership can make the most of the strategic investment and value-added support that we offer.

How we do it• Unrestricted strategic funding in the form of grants• Very hands-on support to third sector organisations from Impetus investment team members.

This support spans the entire investment period.• Specialist support for capacity building from a pool of 150 carefully vetted experts who volunteer

their skills and experience.Our model allows us to leverage donors’ money for much greater impact, which is very appealing to our growing donor base. For every £1 we raise, we have been able to leverage an additional £4 in co-investment and the value of pro bono expertise.




MyBnk is an award-winning social enterprise building young people's knowledge, skills and confidence to manage their money effectively and make enterprising choices throughout their lives.We have developed a holistic and engaging approach to finance and enterprise education by putting young people at the heart of all we do. MyBnk have created the first ever independent FSA approved banking scheme run by young people for young people, providing an accessible place to save regularly and interest free loans to set up enterprises. This is accompanied by high-energy learning programmes on topics such as saving & budgeting, university finance, and taking an enterprise idea from inception to reality.Lily Lapenna, the Founder and CEO of MyBnk, was elected an Ashoka fellow in 2010 and a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2011.

ATKINSwww.atkinsglobal.com  Atkinsは世界を牽引するコンサルティング会社。新しくスタートしたFutures Teamでは、企業に内在するスキルを活用し、気候変動や資源不足など直面する問題に対して理解を深め、これらの影響を軽減すべく、人々の環境や習慣などに良い影響を与える為のビジネスイニシアティブをデザインしている。

Atkins is one of the world’s leading engineering and design consultancies. Named Consultancy of the Year in the Chartered institute of Building Services Engineers Low Carbon Performance Awards 2010, and several other accolades, Atkins believes that:

“The greatest challenge is not keeping pace with the current low carbon thinking, but predicting what is coming next. For Atkins, it’s not just a moral decision but one that is business critical.”

Hear from members of Atkins’ new Futures Team which is harnessing skills across the company to understand challenges presented by climate change and resource scarcity, and design resilient business initiatives that can positively influence people’s environments, habits and behaviours to mitigate these challenges.

CRANFIELD UNIVERSITYCranfield School of Managementは英国で有数のビジネススクール。スピーカーであるプロフェッサーDavid Grayson氏からは社会イノベーションにおけるビジネスの役割や企業内社会起業家などについてのプレゼンテーションを行う。

Cranfield School of Management is one of the UK’s leading graduate business schools.

Hear from Professor David Grayson CBE, Professor of Corporate Responsibility and Director of the Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility, as he discusses the role of businesses in social innovation, and emerging themes including social corporate intrapreneurship and the implications of an ageing demography.

Prior to joining Cranfield, Professor Grayson has led a successful career as a social entrepreneur and campaigner for responsible business, the inclusion of disabled persons and small business development.


ON PURPOSEwww.onpurpose.uk.com On Purposeは革新的で尚かつ社会問題の解決に取り組む組織での有給の職務体験(6ヶ月)と質の高いトレーニングや他に類を見ないネットワークの提供を組み合わせたユニークなプログラム。

On Purpose is a unique programme that combines paid work experience in cutting-edge, purpose-driven organisations with world class training and unparalleled networks.

We organise six-month, paid placements in some of the most respected purpose-driven enterprises, including the Young Foundation, Comic Relief and O2, providing real-life experience of large, small, established and start-up enterprises; corporations, not-for-profits and charities; all with a common purpose of operating for good.

We also believe that tomorrow’s leaders are entitled to world-class training. This is why On Purpose works with current and former professionals from prestigious organisations across all sectors to provide such training. We are proud that many exciting organisations are involved in delivering our our training programme.


FIFTEENwww.fifteen.net/Fifteenは英国の有名料理人、Jamie Oliverによって2002に設立されたレストラングループ。18ー24歳の未就労者に対して料理人になる資格を得る為のトレーニングプログラムを実施している。このプログラムは若者達に対して雇用の機会を提供することはもちろん、彼らに自分たちにも明るい未来がある事を教え、自分自身を信じる事ができるようエンパワーする事も目的としている。

Fifteen is a restaurant group that uses the magic of food to give unemployed young people a chance to have a better future. The group is made up of three restaurants: the flagship Fifteen London established in 2002, Fifteen Amsterdam in December 2004 and Fifteen Cornwall in May 2006.

What we do

Fifteen was founded by Jamie Oliver in 2002. His vision was to create a professionally run kitchen, serving beautiful Italian food, alongside a pioneering Apprentice Programme. At the heart of the business is a desire to enable young people to believe in themselves, to show them their past can be left behind and persuade them the future is theirs to create. Every year, each restaurant recruits unemployed and under-qualified young people, aged between 18 and 24, from the local area and trains them to become qualified chefs through a unique Apprentice Programme. They are taught to love and respect food and its provenance - taking in everything from traditional bakery and butchery, to the finest pastry skills. As part of their course, apprentices also study professional cookery at college, get hands-on training in the Fifteen restaurant, learn about food provenance on sourcing trips and do work experience at some top restaurants. Apprentices graduate after 12 months of extensive training and start their journey of becoming the next generation of professional chefs.

'Fifteen' is named after the first group of 15 apprentices who embarked on the course in London in 2002. Since then, more than 220 young people have graduated across all the restaurants, with some of them now running their own restaurants, starring on TV or working in top-class kitchens from London to New York to Sydney. More than 90 per cent of apprentices stay in the business, and the programme is still growing.

Fifteen London is committed to sourcing seasonal, high quality ingredients from the best suppliers


throughout the UK and Italy. The profits from each restaurant are reinvested into the relevant charity set up for that area. Fifteen London's activities are implemented by the Jamie Oliver Foundation.