5 tips on how to use social media for recruitment

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 5 tips on how to use social media for recruitment

5 Tips on how to use social media for Recruitment

With growing competition, it is imperative that recruiters anticipate the talent that they need – in terms of skills, caliber, mindset, attitude

and location. Global companies feel recruiting and sourcing highly-skilled talent is the most important

HR priority

As per August 2015 statistics



According to a study by Job vite in 2014, a total of 73% employers said they were increasing investment in Social


Followed by referrals at 63%

A corporate career site at 60%.

Here are 5 tips to efficiently leverage social for

‘right-fit’ recruitment

Have a clear

understanding of the requireme

ntAsking the right questions clarifies

recruitment efforts. Are you looking to

understand a candidate’s

background or writing style, or are you assessing his or

her cultural fit? 

Understanding the contextThe second is to match the social

media platform which is most applicable to your company and/or

the role you are recruiting for, match this to the social media you are accessing to learn about your


Consider the candidates’ social media footprint

Finding a candidate’s profile is not enough. A candidate may or may not be an active user. They

may not understand the platform’s privacy settings

Easing into the social media conversation

When speaking to candidates, particularly to inactive candidates, it is

important to them ease into the conversation to feel their view on how

much information you should know about them. You will gain much more insight into your candidates by gaining their

trust first

Default to the

Golden Rule When in doubt,

do unto others as you would

have others do unto you. The simple rule of social graces going back centuries is

always a good default position