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You are walking through the Louisiana swamp. Choose the correct answer to follow the right path. Choose the wrong answer and you will fall into the alligator infested waters.

Page 2: Webadventureminerals

The red top layer of an apple is like the ___ or top layer of the earth.

a. mantle

b. crust

c. core

Page 4: Webadventureminerals

Watch this picture and tell what it describes.

a. Convergent boundary

b. Divergent boundary

c. Transform boundary

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The middle of an apple is like the middle of the earth called the __.

a. crust

b. core

c. mantle

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a. Convergent boundary

b. Divergent boundary

c. A river

Watch this picture, it shows a ____.

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a. Divergent boundary

b. Convergent boundary


Watch this and then pick what boundary it describes.

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You are correct.This is a convergent boundary. Click here to continue your journey.

Page 12: Webadventureminerals

The type of rock that is like a transformer because it changes from one type of rock to another such as

slate is ---.

a. Metamorphic rock

b. Sedimentary rock

c. Igneus rock

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Rocks, such as coal, that are formed from rocks sticking together are---.

a. Sedimentary rocks

b. Igneus rocks

c. Metamorphic rocks

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Rocks made from molten material such as granite are --.

a. Igneus rocks

b. Metamorphic rocks

c. Sedimentary rocks.

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When a mineral splits evenly, it is called ___.

a. shatter

b. luster

c. Cleavage

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__ is when a mineral does not break evenly or it shatters.

a. fracture

b. luster

c. cleavage

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Determining if a mineral shines is a characteristic of a mineral called __.

a. magnetism

b. color

c. luster

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Alfred Wegener said that the continents were once one large mass, but drifted apart due to

earthquakes and floods and called it ___.a. technotronics

b. Continental drift

c. Continental divide

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Similar plants, animals, and fossils in different continents give proof of the

__.a. Rock theory

b. tsuanami

c. Continental drift

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The __ crust is thickest.

a. bread

b. continental

c. ocean

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The continental drift was caused by the lithosphere splitting into pieces called:

a. Dinner plates

b. Oceanic plates

c. Tectonic plates

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The __ of plate boundaries as likely areas of earthquakes and volcanic actions.

a. middle

b. edges

c. center

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____ is the surface along which rocks break and slide past each other.

a. Fault

b. Surface tension

c. Richter scale

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A diamond is a 10 on the ___.

a. Diamond scale

b. Mohl scale

c. Tuff scale

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What scale is used to measure the strength of an earthquake?

a. balance

b. the Richter scale

c. earthquake scale

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Rocks are a mixture of ___.

a. cement

b. clay

c. minerals

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Fill in the ??.

a. magma

b. sediment

c. rock


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Fill in the ???.

a. Igneus rock

b. Sedimentary rock

c. Metamorphic rock ????

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Fill in the blank.

a. Metamorphic rock

b. Igneus rock

c. Sedimentary rock


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Fill in the blank.

a. magma

b. sediment

c. Metamorphic rock????

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Fill in the blank.

a. Igneus rock

b. sediment

c. Metamorphic rock


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Page 52: Webadventureminerals

Weathering and erosion lead to sedimentary rock because __.

a. Weathering breaks rocks into sediment.

b. Erosion moves the sediment.

c. Both are correct.