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Page 1: Spanish Conquests

Mr. Green


Page 2: Spanish Conquests

OTHER EXPLORERS• Ferdinand Magellan- In 1519, he decided to do

the boldest exploration yet- Sail from Spain around the southern tip of South America through the Pacific all the way back to Spain

• This is known as Circumnavigating the World

• Unfortunately, Magellan died in the Philippines

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HERNANDO CORTES • Looking to claim land for Spain, Cortes marched

his army inland

• He and other Spaniards are known as CONQUESTADORS

• He and his men carved out land in present day Mexico, South America, and the United States looking for GOLD AND SILVER

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CORTES CONQUERS THE AZTECS • Bringing a force of 600 men,

Cortes marched into the Aztec Capital of Tenochtitlan

• Emperor Montezuma thought he was a God; Cortes said, “we have a disease of the heart and only Gold can cure it”

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WAR• One of Cortes’ men killed some Aztecs-this created a


• After one year of fighting, Cortes conquered the Aztecs in 1521

• Spanish Advantages: Weaponry, Spanish Allies within Mexico, and Disease

• Since Native Americans had never been exposed to smallpox, measles, or typhus- killing 10 million in just 5 years

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SPANISH CONQUEST OF PERU• Spaniard Francisco Pizarro defeated the Incan

Empire and ruler Atahualpa

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KEY TERMS• Mestizo- Mixed Spanish and Native American


• Encomienda- Forced slavery of Native Americans

• Encomienda abolished in 1542…But turned to African Slaves instead

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Mr. Green


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• The Following Nations are involved:

1. France

2. Britain

3. Netherlands

4. Spain

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***FOLLOW WITH WORKSHEET (PG. 16)***New FranceExplorers: Giovanni da Verrazzano, Jacques Cartier, and Sam de Champlain

Reasons for Exploration: Wanted to make money off the land through trade with Native Americans and through Fur Trade. Quebec City was founded

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JAMESTOWN Founders: 100 Settlers of Investors from England to charter a colony in 1606

Significance: Over first ten years, 7 out of 10 people died from starvation, disease, and attacks with Native Americans- BUT were able to hold on and have England gain a foothold in the New World

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PLYMOUTHReasons for Colonization: Pilgrims(came because they were persecuted for their beliefs in England) and Puritans(Came ten years later for the same reasons but settled in nearby Massachusetts Bay)

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NEW NETHERLANDSLand Claims: Hudson River(New York) to Hudson Bay(Canada)

Reasons: Fur Trading

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English kick out the Dutch and have 1.2 million settlers in 13 Colonies

England wanted to push West but collided with France-this will cause a problem

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FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR Colonists and British against French and Indians

After defeating the French, the British seized control of the Eastern part of North America

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SETTLERS VS NATIVESKing Phillips War: Native American ruler Metacom and his men attacked settlers

Disease wiped out most of Nativea- leaving Africans the next option for labor for colonists

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