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Social Media for Nonprofits in 2012

Page 2: Social Media for Nonprofits in 2012


We are Voice. We are Oxford based social media consultancy servicing mainly non for profit sector: • We educate organisations on power and mechanisms of social media. • We apply social media marketing and fundraising practices to help them achieve their goals through personal relationships with supporters and donors. • We help them to take the lead in discussions around their brand. • We help organisations to discover the practical value of social media.

Vanessa Blake David Dixon Euan Semple Sylwia Presley Owen Cartwright

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Social Media Today

“The term Social Media refers to the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogue.” (Wikipedia)

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Social media marketing develops!

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Social media marketing becomes even more complicated!

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Nonprofits have mixed feelings about it all!

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Some nonprofits are starting to use social media!

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How are we using social media in 2012?

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Trend 1: Fast development of leading social nonprofits

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Trend 2: More open, honest conversations with supporters

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Trend 3: Integrated marketing, strategic planning becomes crucial.

Ini$al  steps  (Jun

-­‐Aug)   Top-­‐line  social  media  


Assigning  resources  


Establishing  on-­‐line  presence  

Local  coverage  of  current  events    

Local  blogger  engagement  

Brand  Audit  

Suggested  integra$on  with  offline  and  other  online  ac$vi$es  

Ac$ve  engagem

ent(Sep-­‐Oct)   Finalizing  social  media  strategy  

Adding  resources  

Internal  skill  transfer  

Targe$ng  general  public  

Full  event  coverage  

Na$onal  and  interna$onal  blogger  engagement    

Quarterly  Report  


n  (Nov)   Evalua$ng  current  social  

media  strategy  

Next  steps  

Internal  evalua$on  of  skills  

Final  Report  

Voice  handover  

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Trend 4: Donor fatigue will become more visible.

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Trend 5: Content management will grow.

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Trend 6: Supporters and donors will tell us what they want.

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Trend 7: Nonprofits will be more brave in creative engagement

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Social Media for PR & Branding

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Social Media for Fundraising

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Social Media for Campaigning

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Social Media for Events

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Social Media for HR

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Social Media for Work Productivity

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Social Media is Changing the Way We Operate…for Better!

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Where do we start?

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Where are you with social media today?

Where are your on-line ambassadors?

What stops you from using social media?

How much money can you spend on it?

How much money will social media save you?

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And one more thing…FUTURE!

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…is HERE!

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If you have any questions please contact:

Sylwia Presley E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 07850 138 178 Twitter: presleysylwia or nfpvoice Skype: sylwia.presley