Download - NES 1930 2013.02.04

  • 7/28/2019 NES 1930 2013.02.04




    - The Curse of Agade, the Ekur Avenged (414)

    o Naram-Sin punished by destroying this temple, he destroys the Ekur (Enlils temple)

    Maybe its repression, he spent 7 years not doing anything about the horrible


    o Inanna abandons the city

    o Cities are punished for transgression; Naram-Sin offended the gods and the punishment

    comes and its a just punishment

    Moral story

    o Hits it at a basic economic level that anyone could understand

    o Etiology disappearance of a God, very economic terms with depleting jewels

    o citizens are all happy (line 28)

    old men were endowed with eloquence (line 30)

    Fulfilling a social role by witnessing cases

    young men fight

    basic map of how things work in the beginning (elucidates peace and prosperity)

    economy is booming

    boats (74)

    o really sudden turn around (cause)

    (54) but then

    the word of Ekur was upon it like a deathly silence (57)

    Naram-Sin forgot to rebuild Ekur; kings are supposed to refurbish the holy


    Enki took away Agade wits water leaves so this city is in bad shape

    Leaves the city rather exposed and incomplete


  • 7/28/2019 NES 1930 2013.02.04



    then.. Naram Sin in a vision He kept it to himself, put it not in speech,

    spoke with nobody about it, Because of the Ekur, he dressed in sackcloth


    He had a nightbare; he is penitent. Its an oracle, a message in a dream

    and its bad

    Treated the Ekur like 30 sheckles (104), wrecks it like a boat

    at the gate of no grain cutting, he cut the grain (121)

    He does something hes not suppose to do purposefully

    o Bad stuff

    The prices went up to a ridiculously high level

    Lots of economic hardship

    pathos Enlil has to build his own shrine with reed (192)

    the Gods wish the city bad stuff may your grain returnetc (230)

    o the style:



  • 7/28/2019 NES 1930 2013.02.04




    The Asiatic Campaign of Thut Mose III

    extend his belief in absolute rule in foreign territory

    records every year of his successful campaign

    the city was besieged, the troops were distracted and it took longer than expected

    economic motive (pg 233)

    anything that argues against the king is heretical

    If Thut Most III were destroyed, it would be covered with bluff.

    - Thereupon the majesty gave them slack, the goods were not important enough to take their

    army would be unnecessary weakened. The majestys body could not be touched for he is the

    supreme God. By retreating, he was able to salvage what had remained from the battle.

    Although this was not a loss, it was a reminder to the majesty to pay tribute to the Gods so that

    his later journeys would be successful.
