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  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I


    TE312: Introduction to Digital


    Lecture #4Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I



    Points to be discussed in this lecture

    Quantization and Encoding

    Uniform Quantization

    Non-Uniform Quantization

    Bandwidth Requirements for PCM

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I



    Reading Assignment

    Simon Haykin, Digital Communications, JohnWiley & Sons, Inc., 1988, Chapter 5, Sec. 5.1,Sec. 5.3 and Sec. 5.4.

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I


    Quantization and EncodingThe sampled signal ( )sm nT of the messagesignal ( ), band-limited to Hzm t B is discrete intime but continuous in amplitude.

    Digital representation of )m t requires: -(i) Quantization of the amplitude of a

    sampled signal ( ).sm nT

    (ii) Encoding of each quantized samplevalue resulting in a pulse codemodulation (PCM) system.

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I


    Quantization and Encoding

    Amplitude quantization transforms the sampleamplitude ( ) into amplitudesm nT ) takenfrom a finite set of possible

    sm nT

    L amplitudes.

    Definition: When quantization of a samplevalue ( ) is independent of sample values

    ( ) , the quantization process is

    memoryless and instantaneous .

    sm nT ,sm kT k n

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I


    Quantization and Encoding

    ( )sm nT ( ) sm nT ( )m t 0110001

    Sampler Encoder Quantizer


    LPF filter

    ( ) sm nT ( )m t 0110001

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I


    Quantization and EncodingThe quantization process partitions theamplitude range of the continuous-valued

    samples into L intervals.

    The interval is determined by decision

    levels or threshold levels and

    thl l I

    l D 1l D + i.e.

    { }1: , 1,2,...,l l l I D m D l L+< < =

    All sample values that fall in are represented

    by a target level or representation level

    l I

    l lT I .

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I


    Quantization and Encoding

    The spacing between two adjacent targetlevels (or two adjacent decision levels)

    lT T = is the step size of the quantizer.1l l+ Definition: The quantizer is called a uniformquantizer if 1l l lT T + = = for all l . Otherwiseit is a non-uniform quantizer.

    1lT +lT

    l D 1l D + 2l D +

    1l I +l I

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I


    Quantization and EncodingIn PCM system, each quantized sample ) sm nT is encoded into an R-bit sequence of binary

    digits (bits) called a code word where 2log R L= .

    In binary coding, the target level isrepresented by the binary equivalent

    Rb b b b of its ordinal number 1l


    1 2 ... ...k .

    With binary code, there may be a change ofmore than one bit for two adjacent target levelsresulting in distorted receiver output due tochannel noise and interference.

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I


    Quantization and Encoding A binary code R can be converted to aGray code R

    1 2 ... ...k b b b b

    1 2 ... ...k g g g g as follows:

    1 1

    1, 2k k k

    g b

    g b b k


    With Gray code, there is a change of only onebit for two adjacent target levels.

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I


    Uniform Quantization

    The quantizer input/output characteristic for auniform quantizer is a staircase function which

    can be a midtread or midriser .

    Quantization process introduces quantizationerror .

    The input to the quantizer is modeled as asample value m of a zero mean randomvariable with pdf ) M f m and amplitude range

    .max max

    m m m

  • 8/10/2019 Lec4_PCM_I


    Uniform Quantization

    The quantization step size is given by

    max2m L


    Quantization noise mq m= is a sample valueof a zero mean random variable Q with uniformpdf i.e.

    ( )1 -

    2 2

    0 otherwise


    q f q