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  • NOVA Open 40K Format Adjustment (06/01/15) Page 1 of 2

    NOVA Open 40K: Format Adjustment ~ Mike Brandt (June 1, 2015)

    The 7th Edition of Warhammer 40,000 brought many new and exciting

    things to the game. It also brought some interesting challenges. The

    greatest of these challenges lies in the extremely wide-open format of the

    game from an army construction point of view. There are literally no

    "right" ways to go about it, and every tournament out there uses

    substantial composition to restrict army construction as compared to the

    stock rulebook (i.e. even events that market themselves as using "book"

    40K typically do things such as render every Detachment/Formation "unique," or prevent Unbound army

    construction from being used, etc.). This presents no challenge to the average social gaming group, which can

    amicably decide on which construction format to use for their weekly games (or even change it from week to

    week), but does present substantial challenges for the average "pick-up gamer" at the local game store and for

    tournament organizers.

    Based upon extensive feedback from the community, especially attendees of the 2014 NOVA Open, we chose

    to restrict the use of Super Heavy and Gargantuan models in the 2015 GT. Furthermore, we leverage a heavily-

    tested (internationally) mission set that seeks to present all army types with a fair opportunity to compete; this

    somewhat limits the need to "net-list" and chase the latest release, of which there are many of late. The recent

    amendment of Imperial Knights to be Lords of War (plus the existing double standard with regard to Knights

    vs. all other SH/GC) and Wraithknights to be Gargantuan Lords of War created a conundrum: Stick with our

    established rule and thus ban the use of Wraithknights and Imperial Knights, or break our attendee-preferred

    rule in order to accommodate those players?

    Given that the rapid release cycle of GW constantly invalidates new

    releases, the broadest feedback of our community of input-providers

    and attendees, and a desire not to create double standards or violate an

    established rule, the NOVA has decided to amend its army construction

    rules. ALL Super Heavy Vehicles and Gargantuan Creatures will

    remain *illegal* for the 2015 NOVA Open 40K GT and Invitational.

    That said, we are simultaneously expanding our limit on the number of

    detachments. The reasons for this include the addition of a much wider

    variety of detachment type and variety in the game and the desire to

    ensure freedom of players to better take armies that counter certain

    meta-present elements such as Deathstars (adding a third detachment

    makes selection of such units as Culexus Assassins much easier).

    Formalized army construction and mission updates will release with the June 15 newsletter, and are being

    formalized by 2015 40K Head TO, Neil Gilstrap. In short-form, they are as follows:

    Players may not select Super Heavy Vehicles or Gargantuan Creatures at the 2015 NOVA Open.

    Strength "D" hits originating from greater than 12" away from the target subtract 1 from their result on the D to-wound/penetration table. Furthermore, all D results (inclusive of a 6)

    generating d6 (or greater) wounds/hull points instead generate d3.

  • NOVA Open 40K Format Adjustment (06/01/15) Page 2 of 2

    Players may build their armies following the Battle Forged army construction rules, with the caveat of only being able to select 3 detachments. Furthermore, 2 of these detachments are

    designated (for purposes of easy discussion/clarity) as "Main Detachments" and 1 is designated

    as an "Auxiliary Detachment." The Auxiliary Detachment may not be comprised of a Combined

    Arms Detachment (CAD) or CAD-like detachment (referencing such detachments as those found

    within the Leviathan or Space Wolves codex supplements). Any detachment which is itself

    comprised of 2 or more detachments (e.g., Necron Decurion Detachment, Eldar Guardian

    Warhost) takes up both "Main Detachment" selections.

    The results of these modifications will cause some players frustration.

    Please e-mail us and we will happily discuss any questions or concerns

    you have. That said, based upon a great deal of hard thought and

    discussion/feedback, we've decided these are the best choices we can

    make for our player base and the fun and fairness of the upcoming GT.

    As usual, we will continue to field any and all feedback, and will

    continue to work tirelessly to present the best possible event each and

    every year.

    You should consider these changes to be official, and ask any

    questions they bring up as needed. That said, we will clarify the

    nuances of these rules (i.e. what constitutes a "CAD-like" detachment

    ... though you should see this as being any detachment with variable

    quantities of unit choice in HQ, Elite, Fast Attack, Heavy Support,

    and Troop slots) in our imminent Primer update, which will represent

    the final Primer for the 2015 events.

    We're very excited to host our 6th annual 40K GT, one of the East Coast's best established events, and look

    forward to seeing you all there!