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Microsoft .NETFramework Overview

Presented By Arun Kumar Singh & Team

Master of Computer ApplicationMicrosoft® Certified Professional

MCP id- 7802107 [email protected]


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What is .NET?.NET is a collection of Microsoft Products:

• C#,• ADO.NET,• VB.NET,• ASP.NET,• J# etc.

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The .NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows.

It includes a large library and provides language interoperability (each language can use code written in other languages) across several programming languages.

Programs written for the .NET Framework execute in a software environment (as contrasted to hardware environment), known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR), an application virtual machine that provides services such as security, memory management, and exception handling. The class library and the CLR together constitute the .NET Framework.

The .NET Framework's Base Class Library provides user interface, data access, database connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and network communications.


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.NET FrameworkHISTORY Conti….

Microsoft started development of the .NET Framework in the late 1990s, originally. By late 2000 the first beta versions of .NET 1.0 were released.

Version 3.0 of the .NET Framework is included with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista.

Version 3.5 is included with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, and can also be installed on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.[2] 

On 12 April 2010, .NET Framework 4 was released alongside Visual Studio 2010.04/10/2023 4

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The .NET Framework family also includes two versions for mobile or embedded device use. A reduced version of the framework, the .NET Compact Framework, is available on Windows CE platforms, including Windows Mobile devices such as smartphones. Additionally, the .NET Micro Framework is targeted at severely resource-constrained devices.

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.NET Versions

.NET1.0 .NET 1.1 .NET2.0




2002 2003 20102005-08


CLR 1.0 CLR 1.1 CLR 2.0 CLR 4.0


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NET Versions Conti…………

The Microsoft .NET framework also having a some diff. kinds of versions ,which are use a such a special purposed……

.NET Compact framework

The Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (.NET CF) is a version of the .NET Framework that is designed to run on resource constrained mobile/embedded devices such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), mobile phones, factory controllers, set-top boxes, etc. The .NET Compact Framework uses some of the same class libraries as the full .NET Framework and also a few libraries designed specifically for mobile devices such as .NET Compact Framework controls. However, the libraries are not exact copies of the .NET Framework; they are scaled down to use less space

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.NET Micro framework

It is possible to develop applications which use the .NET Compact Framework in Visual Studio .NET 2003, in Visual Studio 2005 and in Visual Studio 2008, in C# or Visual Basic .NET. The resulting applications are designed to run on a special, mobile-device, high performance JIT compiler.

The .NET Micro Framework (NETMF) is an open source .NET platform for resource-constrained devices with at least 256 Kbytes of flash and 64 Kbytes of RAM. It includes a small version of the .NET CLR and supports development in C#, Visual Basic .NET. using Microsoft Visual Studio. NETMF features a subset of the .NET base class libraries (about 70 classes with about 420 methods), an implementation of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) with a GUI framework loosely based on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and a Web Services stack based on SOAP and WSDL. NETMF also features additional libraries specific to embedded applications.

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The .NET Micro Framework aims to make embedded development easier, faster, and less expensive by giving embedded developers access to the modern technologies and tools used by desktop application developers. Additionally, it allows desktop .NET developers to use their skills in the embedded world.


WFC is such a tool ,is a runtime and set the API in the .NET framework for building a services oriented services…


WPF is computer software graphical system for rendering user inter in windows based application…….

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Microsoft .NETPlatform

Microsoft .NETProducts &


Third-Party.NET Services

• .NET infrastructure and tools

• .NET user experience• .NET building block• .NET device software

• Windows .NET• MSN .NET• Office .NET• Visual Studio .NET• Personal subscription


Vast range of developers and user to produce

and vertical services

using .NET platform04/10/2023 10

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The Origins of .NET Technology

OLE Technology



Phase 1Early


Phase ll1995

Phase lllLate 1990




Monolithic app

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Why use .NET?Multilanguage SupportMulti Application SupportUser friendlyEasy to develop and deployEasy to Learn Reduce line of codeProvide better security of application

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.NET Framework ArchitectureC# VB.Net J# VJ#

Web ApplicationWindows Application

Windows Phone AppliWeb Services

Console ApplicationUser Control

Framework Class Library (FCL) or BCLCommon Language Runtime


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Framework contd…. Framework is design pattern where we can

develop different type of application i.e. web, windows, console, web service, user control etc. and deploy these application.

It has four compiler i.e. csc.exe, vbc.exe, jsc.exe, vjsc.exe than another 56 language support with interoperatibility

It has two base component: Base Class Library(BCL) / Framework

Class Library(FCL) Common Language Runtime (CLR)


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Base Class Library (BCL) The Base Class Library (BCL) is a standard library available

to all languages using the .NET Framework. Order to make the programmer's job easier, .NET includes the

BCL in order to encapsulate a large number of common functions, such as file reading and writing, graphic rendering, database interaction, and XML document manipulation.

It is much larger in scope than standard libraries for most other languages, including C++, and would be comparable in scope to the standard libraries of Java.


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Framework Class Library (FCL)The .NET Framework Class Library (FCL) consists of a series of classes, interfaces, and value types that can be used to program with. The .NET Framework has types that allow one to easily: 1. Create effective graphical user interface applications

(System.Windows.Forms) 2. Access and manipulate data in various database formats (System. Data and System.Xml) 3. Dynamically query type information (System. Reflection) 4. Perform basic Input/output operations (System.IO) 5. Perform operating system security checks (System.Security) 6. Create internet enabled applications (System.Net and System.Net.Sockets) 7. Create dynamic web based applications – also known as ASP.NET (System. Web) 8. Access basic data types, event handlers, and exceptions (System) 16

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Difference between BCL and FCL in .NET?

BCL , FCL both are not same. The Base Class Library (BCL), sometimes incorrectly referred to as the Framework Class Library (FCL) (which is a superset including the Microsoft.* namespaces), is a library of types available to all languages using the .NET Framework.

The BCL provides classes which encapsulate a number of common functions such as file reading and writing, graphic rendering, database interaction, XML document manipulation.

FCL  = All namespaces (entire framework). BCL = Common namespaces (core framework). FCL = BCL + everything else that ships as part of the .NET



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Common Language RuntimeCLR is agent ,who manage the code

during the execution

.NET SupportedLanguage

Local Complier




Common Language Runtime (CLR)


ASP.NET, J# etc.

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•Class Loader•Convert Intermediate Language to Machine Code

with the help of JIT Compiler•Garbage Collector (Memory Allocate &

Reallocate)•Common Type System (CTS)•Common Language Specification (CLS)•Code Access Security (CAS)•Type Safety•Multithreading•Exception Handling

CLR Conti…….

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JIT (Just In Time) Compiler

• JIT (Just In Time) is compiler of . NET framework. It is converted MSIL code to Native code.

JIT Complier Native codeMSIL PE


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Using System;Class as{ void add(){ Console. Write(“hello”);} void sub(){

} void div(){ Console. Write(“hi”);} }

C# compile


Using System;Class as{ void add(){ Console. Write(“hello”);} void sub(){

} void div(){ Console. Write(“hi”);} }




It’s Pointer Pointed

by Lang.


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Using System;Class as{ void add(){ Console. Write(“hello”);} void sub(){

} void div(){ Console. Write(“hi”);} }




It’s Pointer Pointed

by Lang.





to HeapLocated a memory

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Garbage Collector (Memory Allocate & Reallocate)

Tomorrow Conti………………..

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Q & A SessionMore Information Post Your Questions on

[email protected]

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Thanks to All

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