Download - How to get engaged to/in social media

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“The Commitment”

Engaging to social Media

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In advertising we’re tryingto hard to say the ‘right’ thing. Social media is a lot easier, because you can be just honest.

It’s not the result, but the effortthat is appreciated the most.

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Before you take the step,you need to takesome steps.

The Engagement

1 2 3 4

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Great loversare great listeners.

prospec ts

cus tomers

s ta f f


compet i t ion



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Be sure to sit close enough

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Observeand educate yourself ...


co l leagues

aud ience

indus t ry


compet i t ion

leg is la t ion

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As closeas you can be

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Practise makes perfect ...


you know what I’m talking about

smal l = ok

exper iment

persona l

focus qua l i t y

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SM ≠ Social Media

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Now is the time to get serious.


They’re waiting for you.

budget & t ime

med ia mix

s t ra tegy

po l i cy

commi tment

v is ion

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FEED ©2009 Annual Studyby Razorfish

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FEED ©2009 Annual Studyby Razorfish

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having cold

feet is quite normal

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Is your companyready for engagementin real life ?

Openess is key.

But, ask yourself anyway

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Is your companyready for engagementin real life ?

Openess is key.

But, ask yourself anyway


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Who do you want to inspire ? And where to ?

People inspire people.

So ask yourself

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Who do you want to inspire ? And where to ?

People inspire people.

So ask yourself


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In the 90’s you expected engagement from the customer.

Now he’s expecting it from you

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Offer help and respond

Make sure people getto find you (build a


Be a teammate,not a coach


Offer a platform

Set an example

Provide people with things to talk about ... over and over again

Show you care

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You are what youshare






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These tools aren’t social media. They’re powering


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Decide what’s important



LinkedIN Twitter








Social Software Honey

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Periodic Table of Social Media elements

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Social web is decentralised, but what about your website ?

Is it open for hapiness ?Sure it is as social as can be ?

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Some fine examples

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Why not provide a share with Facebook friends button after clients made an online purchase ? They’ll probably be excited to do so.

Hat Tip #1

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Facebook Connect makes your site more relevant with a simple click. Moreover it will stimulate conversations. Online and offline.

Hat Tip #2

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Social media is full of narcists. Give them the spotlight they deserve for starting conversations about your brand, product or services.

Hat Tip #3

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Location, location, location. People will start sharing not only what they do, but also where they do it. Welcome them doing so.

Hat Tip #4

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So, we can conclude:

“To participate = to engage”.

The Engagement

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Thank You

Picture by M


Nick Decrock, on Twitter

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