How to get engaged to/in social media

“The Commitment” Engaging to social Media
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This goes beyond the Rainbow Theory and helps to understand what is important when you decide to take the big step and decide to really engage your brand to social media. And to your consumers.

Transcript of How to get engaged to/in social media

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“The Commitment”

Engaging to social Media

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In advertising we’re tryingto hard to say the ‘right’ thing. Social media is a lot easier, because you can be just honest.

It’s not the result, but the effortthat is appreciated the most.

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Before you take the step,you need to takesome steps.

The Engagement

1 2 3 4

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Great loversare great listeners.

prospec ts

cus tomers

s ta f f


compet i t ion



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Be sure to sit close enough

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Observeand educate yourself ...


co l leagues

aud ience

indus t ry


compet i t ion

leg is la t ion

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As closeas you can be

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Practise makes perfect ...


you know what I’m talking about

smal l = ok

exper iment

persona l

focus qua l i t y

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SM ≠ Social Media

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Now is the time to get serious.


They’re waiting for you.

budget & t ime

med ia mix

s t ra tegy

po l i cy

commi tment

v is ion

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FEED ©2009 Annual Studyby Razorfish

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FEED ©2009 Annual Studyby Razorfish

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having cold

feet is quite normal

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Is your companyready for engagementin real life ?

Openess is key.

But, ask yourself anyway

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Is your companyready for engagementin real life ?

Openess is key.

But, ask yourself anyway


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Who do you want to inspire ? And where to ?

People inspire people.

So ask yourself

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Who do you want to inspire ? And where to ?

People inspire people.

So ask yourself


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In the 90’s you expected engagement from the customer.

Now he’s expecting it from you

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Offer help and respond

Make sure people getto find you (build a


Be a teammate,not a coach


Offer a platform

Set an example

Provide people with things to talk about ... over and over again

Show you care

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You are what youshare






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These tools aren’t social media. They’re powering


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Decide what’s important



LinkedIN Twitter








Social Software Honey

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Periodic Table of Social Media elements

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Social web is decentralised, but what about your website ?

Is it open for hapiness ?Sure it is as social as can be ?

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Some fine examples

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Why not provide a share with Facebook friends button after clients made an online purchase ? They’ll probably be excited to do so.

Hat Tip #1

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Facebook Connect makes your site more relevant with a simple click. Moreover it will stimulate conversations. Online and offline.

Hat Tip #2

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Social media is full of narcists. Give them the spotlight they deserve for starting conversations about your brand, product or services.

Hat Tip #3

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Location, location, location. People will start sharing not only what they do, but also where they do it. Welcome them doing so.

Hat Tip #4

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So, we can conclude:

“To participate = to engage”.

The Engagement

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Thank You

Picture by M


Nick Decrock, on Twitter

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