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  • 1. This letter is the least used letter in the alphabet. A. J B. Q C. V D. X E. Z

2. I will place you in groups Each group will receive $200 in grammar money You wager on each sentence before you see it Always a $10 minimum $50 maximum through sentence 5 $100 maximum through sentence 10 $200 maximum through sentence 15 No maximum wager through sentence 20 After I reveal the sentence, you have approximately one minute to write the correct answer If you have the answer correct, you win your wager. If you answer incorrectly, I take your money. The group with the most money after sentence 20 wins three extra credit points. 3. Decide if the following items are sentences or phrases. If the item is a phrase, make it a complete sentence. If the item is a complete sentence, write complete. You have one minute. 4. On Carolines birthday. 10 seconds! Time! 5. Running as fast as she could. 10 seconds! Time! 6. Making a quilt. 10 seconds! Time! 7. The Olympic games are in town. 10 seconds! Time! 8. Write the correct word (the adjective or the adverb) in the following sentences. Identify if it is an adjective or an adverb. You have thirty seconds. 9. A. sudden B. suddenly 10 seconds! Time! adverb 10. A. frequent B. frequently 10 seconds! Time! adverb 11. A. immediate B. immediately 10 seconds! Time!adjective 12. A. safe B. safely 10 seconds! Time! adverb 13. A. gradual B. gradually 10 seconds! Time! adverb 14. A. patient B. patiently 10 seconds! Time!adjective 15. A. true B. truly 10 seconds! Time! adverb 16. A. true B. truly 17. Look for errors in pronoun usage in the following sentences. If you find a mistake, fix it. If you think the sentence is correct as is, write correct. You have one minute. 18. A veterinarian studies for many years to earn their degree. 10 seconds! Time! 19. A veterinarian studies for many years to earn their degree. Veterinarians studies for many years to earn their degree. A veterinarian studies for many years to earn his or her degree. 20. Mark told Paul that he needed to spend more time studying and less time partying. 10 seconds! Time! 21. Mark told Paul that he needed to spend more time studying and less time partying. Mark told Paul that Paul needed to spend more time studying and less time partying. Mark told Paul that Mark needed to spend more time studying and less time partying. 22. No one was willing to volunteer his or her time to pick up litter. 10 seconds! Time! 23. No one was willing to volunteer his or her time to pick up litter. 24. In France, theyre very proud of their language. 10 seconds! Time! 25. In France, theyre very proud of their language. The French are very proud of their language. In France, the people are very proud of their language. 26. A person is trusted if he or she never breaks a promise. 10 seconds! Time! 27. A person is trusted if he or she never breaks a promise. 28. In the following sentences, indicate the independent (I) and dependent (D) clauses. You have one minute. 29. Because the electricity went out, I couldnt study for my chemistry test. 10 seconds! Time! 30. Independent I couldnt study for my chemistry test Dependent Because the electricity went out 31. After I began to revise, my grades began to improve. 10 seconds! Time! 32. Independent my grades began to improve. Dependent After I began to revise 33. I wanted to go to the movies, but my friend didnt want to go with me. 10 seconds! Time! 34. Independent I wanted to go to the movies my friend didnt want to go with me. Dependent None 35. The spaghetti that has been sitting in the refrigerator is too old to eat. 10 seconds! Time! 36. Independent The spaghetti is too old to eat. Dependent that has been sitting in the refrigerator 37. Begin with a topic sentence that gives the reader a sense of what the single main idea of the paragraph will be. This sentence should be one of the supporting reasons for your thesis statement. It should have opinion! 38. This is the part of your paragraph where you support your topic sentence by including a specific point taken from the proof text (the essay, article, book, everyday life, etc. you are writing about or analyzing). The evidence is a paraphrase or quotation. 39. You want to explain your topic sentence and its connection to the evidence. You want to include your analysis here. Why did you include the quotation or paraphrase? What do you want to say about it? You should include specific examples to illustrate your points (these examples should come from you, not the source), but be sure to show how your examples connect to your statement (topic sentence). This section should comprise the majority of the paragraph. 40. Statement: I used to believe that if a particular subject was difficult for me that I was just not gifted with intelligence in that area; now that I am moving toward a growth mindset, I understand that my knowledge in anything is dependent on the amount of effort I put into learning. 41. Evidence: According to Carol Dweck, students with a fixed mindset believe that people are naturally smart in certain subjects whereas those with a growth mindset understand that they are capable of understanding anything with the right amount of effort. 42. Explanation: I tell people that I am bad at math, but I am working on changing that attitude to a more realistic self-view. I earned average grades in my high school math classes, but the concepts did not come easily to me. In my college algebra class, I watched as other students breezed through tests and quizzes and I felt like I was struggling to pass. Instead of realizing that I needed to put more work into the class, I put the responsibility on others. I decided the teacher was boring. I imagined that the other students just understood the material right away. I began to miss class and skip assignments. Of course, my actions resulted in a failing grade. At the time, I was quick to shift the blame to other people and circumstances, but the truth was that I was making excuses rather than trying because I did not want to try and fail. Doing so would affirm my biggest fear: I was dumb. I have come to realize that I truly earned the F, not because of my lack of natural math skills, but because of my own lack of effort. 43. I used to believe that if a particular subject was difficult for me that I was just not gifted with intelligence in that area; now that I am moving toward a growth mindset, I understand that my knowledge in anything is dependent on the amount of effort I put into learning. According to Carol Dweck, students with a fixed mindset believe that people are naturally smart in certain subjects whereas those with a growth mindset understand that they are capable of understanding anything with the right amount of effort. I tell people that I am bad at math, but I am working on changing that attitude to a more realistic self-view. I earned average grades in my high school math classes, but the concepts did not come easily to me. In my college algebra class, I watched as other students breezed through tests and quizzes and I felt like I was struggling to pass. Instead of realizing that I needed to put more work into the class, I put the responsibility on others. I decided the teacher was boring. I imagined that the other students just understood the material right away. I began to miss class and skip assignments. Of course, my actions resulted in a failing grade. At the time, I was quick to shift the blame to other people and circumstances, but the truth was that I was making excuses rather than trying because I did not want to try and fail. Doing so would affirm my biggest fear: I was dumb. I have come to realize that I truly earned the F, not because of my lack of natural math skills, but because of my own lack of effort. 44. Find your SEE paragraphs in Essay #2 Identify the weakest paragraph Revise the paragraph on a separate sheet of paper DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME write the last four numbers of your student ID and turn it in 45. Read the paragraph and consider the three parts Give honest, specific, and helpful feedback! Complete the critique worksheet using the last four numbers of your student ID rather than your name 46. Meet in Computer Commons A 47. Review the feedback Revise the paragraph When you are finished, get your work checked off by me and you are free to go to break Meet in Computer Commons A after the break 48. Study for your quiz Write a second rough draft and take it to the mentors or an instructor in the lab Your final draft is due Thursday, October 10, 2013, at 11:55 p.m. Remember to post to the discussion by Thursday and respond to at least two students by Sunday