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  • 1. Product Placement: The New Way to Advertise

2. Product placement is a form of advertisement, where branded goods or services are placed in a context usually devoid of ads, such as movies, the story line of television shows, or news programs.
- Wikipedia
What is product placement?
3. Thousands of companies use product placement advertising.
Who uses product placement?
4. Thousands of companies use product placement advertising.
Over 5.6 billion dollars were spent on product placement in 2010.
Who uses product placement?
5. In 2006, product placement was estimated at 3.1 billion dollars.
Growth of product placement
6. In 2006, product placement was estimated at 3.1 billion dollars.
2.5 billion dollars of growth in 4 years!
Growth of product placement
7. In 2006, product placement was estimated at 3.1 billion dollars.
2.5 billion dollars of growth in 4 years!
Studies show growth will continue by a rate of 21.5% annually.
Growth of product placement
8. In a study, almost 30% of people said that they would be persuaded to try a brand after having seen it in a movie with that figure rising to over 40% among 15- to 24-year-olds
Effectiveness of product placement
9. In a study, almost 30% of people said that they would be persuaded to try a brand after having seen it in a movie with that figure rising to over 40% with people 15-24 years old.
61% per cent of people studies said that they noticed brands advertised in this way, compared with 62% of those who said regular TV commercials was more effective; 23% named text messaging and 47% named radio ads.
Effectiveness of product placement
10. Movies and Television
Talledega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
11. This is a photo of a
hockey game in the
12. Sports
Today, when we watch sports live or on television, we see product placement advertisements all across the background of the focus.
13. Sports
In some extreme cases, like these in European hockey and in the UFC, there is product placement advertisement on the athletes themselves!
14. More and more companies will continue to use product placement to promote their company.
We will start to see it more with every movie and TV show we watch.
Companies benefit, so more will join.