Download - 100 Ways to Tell if You Are Filipino

  • 8/17/2019 100 Ways to Tell if You Are Filipino



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    100+ Ways to Tell How Pinoy You Are!

     Are You eally a ili"ino#

     Read the common characteristics of a Filipino. Give yourself 3 points if you canrelate to the following characteristics yourself, 2 points if it relates to animmediate family member (mom or dad), and point if you !now someone whohas the characteristic.$ANN%&S$S AN' P%S(NA)&TY TA&TS

    SC( %


    1.You point with your lips.2.You eat using your hands and have it down to technique.3.You know what a “bayong” is.4.You nod your head upward to greet someone.5.You put your oot up on your chair and rest your el!ow on your knee whileeating.".You use a rock or looah to scru! yoursel in the !ath or shower.#.You have to kiss your relatives on the cheek as soon as you enter the room.$.You can answer the question “ Bababa ba%”

    &.You collect items rom hotels or restaurants 'or souvenir(s sake.'1).Your house has a distinctive aroma.11.You smile or no reason.12.You toy !y having a oolish grin on your ace while raising your eye!rowsrepeatedly.13.You go to a department store and try to !argain the prices.14.You use an um!rella or shade on hot summer days.15.You scratch your head when you don(t know the answer.1".You never eat the last morsel o ood on the ta!le.1#.You love !asket!all.

    1$.You played Chinese garter  or tumbang preso as a kid.1&.You *nd dried up morsels o rice stuck to your shirt.2).You preer to sit in the shade instead o !aking in the sun.21.You add an unwarranted '+' to your name, i.e. '-hun,' 'hoy,' or '/hon.'22.You put your hand in ront o you as i to make a path and say ' Excuse,excuse' when you pass in !etween people or in ront o them.23.Your middle name is your mother(s maiden name.24.You !uy tons o !ath towels when they go on sale.25.You love to !uy sale items even when you do not need them.2".You still keep your old clothes so you can hand it down to your younger

  • 8/17/2019 100 Ways to Tell if You Are Filipino


    si!lings.2#.You send out /0 invitation even i the party is to !e at home.2$.You love to wear all you epensive ewelry(s when attending parties to theetent o having 23 rings on !oth hands, 3 pieces o necklace or !racelets atthe same time.

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    1.You say 'comfort room' instead o 'bathroom.'2.You say 'or take out' instead o 'to go.'3.You 'open' or 'close' the lights.4.You ask or 'Colgate' instead o 'toothpaste.'5.You ask or a 'pentel pen' or a ' ball pen' instead o ust a pen.".You reer to the rerigerator as the 'ref '.#.You say “sele” instead o 'take a picture.'$.You order a ' McDonald's' instead o a 'hamburger" &.You say ' a!" instead o 'hat!"1).You say ' oy#" to get someone(s attention.

    11.You answer when someone yells ' oy#"12.You turn around when someone says ' $sst%"13.You say '6ute' instead o 'nail polish.'14.You say ' for a &hile' instead o 'please hold' on the telephone.15.You say 'aray#" instead o 'ouch#"1".You say 'he," when you mean 'she' and vice versa.1#.Your snee7e sounds like 'ahhching' instead o 'ahhchoo.'1$.You preer to make acronyms or phrases such as '()' or overacting.1&.You say 'aircon' instead o 'a*c' or air conditioner.2).You pronounce the ollowing words8 'hippopo9:mus,' 'com;

  • 8/17/2019 100 Ways to Tell if You Are Filipino


    13.You have a parol hanging outside the house during the holidays.14.Your lampshades still have the plastic covers on them.15.You cover your living room urniture with !ed sheets.1".You have plastic runners to cover the carpet in your house.1#.You have a rice dispenser.1$.You own a tur!o !roiler.2).You have a amily portrait in your living room.21.Your college diplomas and graduation pictures are displayed in the livingroom.22.You put up your 6hristmas as early as

  • 8/17/2019 100 Ways to Tell if You Are Filipino


    21.You put ketchup on chicken.22.You ry 0pam and hot dogs and eat them with rice.23.You know what “balut” is.24.You have several cans o 0pam in your pantry.

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