Download - 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Page 1: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 1

1. Location Services

1.1 GPS Location 1. Create the Android application with the following attributes.

․ Application Name: MyLocation

․ Project Name: MyLocation

․ Package Name: com.example.mylocation

2. Put 4 text views into the layout as follow:

3. The XML code for the layout look like: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.andro"




tools:context=".MainActivity" >





android:text="Latitude:" />








Page 2: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 2

android:text="Unknown" />








android:text="Longitude:" />





android:layout_alignBaseline="@+id/textView 1"



android:text="Unknown" />


4. Add the following user permission in "AndroidManifest.xml":

․ android.permission.INTERNET

․ android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

5. Modify the source file "" as follow: package com.example.mylocation;

import android.os.Bundle;


import android.view.Menu;

import android.content.Context;

import android.widget.TextView;

import android.location.Criteria;

import android.location.Location;

import android.location.LocationListener;

import android.location.LocationManager;

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements LocationListener {

Page 3: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 3

private double latitude, longitude;

private TextView txtLatitude;

private TextView txtLongitude;

private LocationManager locationManager;

private String provider;


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



txtLatitude = (TextView) findViewById(;

txtLongitude = (TextView) findViewById(;

// Get the location manager

locationManager = (LocationManager)


// Define the criteria how to select the location provider

Criteria criteria = new Criteria();

provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, false);

Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider);

// Initialize the location fields

if (location != null) {

// Provider selected


} else {






protected void onResume() {

// Request updates at startup


locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(provider, 400, 1, this);


Page 4: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

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4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 4


protected void onPause() {

// Remove the location listener updates when Activity is paused





public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

latitude = (double) (location.getLatitude());

longitude = (double) (location.getLongitude());





public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub



public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub



public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub



public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.

getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

return true;



Page 5: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 5

6. Save and execute the app, can you see the location information in emulator? Install this app into

real mobile, and turn on GPS, can you see the location information correctly?

1.2 Mock Location in AVD 1. Select Windows ���� Open Perspective ���� DDMS.

2. Select the DDMS tab.

Page 6: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 6

3. Input “114.179531” and “22.305257” as the longitude and latitude, and then press “Send”.

4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly.

1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout

2. Modify the source file "" as follow: package com.example.mylocation;

Page 7: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 7

import android.os.Bundle;


import android.view.Menu;

import android.content.Context;

import android.widget.TextView;

import android.location.Criteria;

import android.location.Location;

import android.location.LocationListener;

import android.location.LocationManager;

import android.widget.Button;


import android.view.View;

import android.view.View.OnClickListener;

import android.content.Intent;

public class MainActivity extends Activity implemen ts LocationListener {

private double latitude, longitude;

private TextView txtLatitude;

private TextView txtLongitude;

private LocationManager locationManager;

private String provider;

private Button button1;


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



txtLatitude = (TextView) findViewById( itute);

txtLongitude = (TextView) findViewById( ngitude);

// Create the button and listener

button1 = (Button) findViewById(;

button1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View arg0) {

drawGoogleMap(latitude, longitude);



Page 8: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 8

// Get the location manager

locationManager = (LocationManager)


// Define the criteria how to select the locatio n provider

Criteria criteria = new Criteria();

provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(cri teria, false);

Location location = locationManager.getLastKno wnLocation(provider);

// Initialize the location fields

if (location != null) {

// Provider selected


} else {





public void drawGoogleMap(double latitude, double longitude){

String myGeoCode = ""

+ latitude + "," + longitude + "(You are here!)&iwloc=A&hl=en";

Intent intentViewMap = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(myGeoCode));




protected void onResume() {

// Request updates at startup


locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(provide r, 400, 1, this);



protected void onPause() {

// Remove the location listener updates when Acti vity is paused




Page 9: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 9


public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

latitude = (double) (location.getLatitude());

longitude = (double) (location.getLongitude());





public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {



public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {



public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int s tatus, Bundle extras) {



public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.

getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

return true;



3. Save and execute the app, then use DDMS to send the GPS location to the emulator.

Page 10: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 10

2. Google Maps

2.1 Install the Google Play Services 1. Select Windows ���� Android SDK Manager from ADT.

2. Scroll down to bottom, then select Extras ���� Google Play Services and install it. Remember to

restart your SDK when complete.

3. Select File ���� Import from ADT.

Page 11: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 11

4. Browse the library folder (<android-sdk>/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/),

select the project “google-play-services_lib” and press “Finish” to import. Remember to select

“Copy projects into workspace”

2.2 Obtain the Google Maps API Key 1. Open the DOS prompt by “cmd”, and then locate to your debug keystore file (Normally store in

C:\Users\[User Name]\.android\debug.keystore). Then execute the corresponding keytool

command (normally located in %JAVA_HOME%\bin):

For Debug Certificate Fingerprint Keytool -list -v -keystore "debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey - storepass android

-keypass android

For Release Certificate Fingerprint Keytool -list -v -keystore [ keystore Name] -alias [ Alias Name]

2. The Maps API key is based on the short form of the application’s digital certificate which called

SHA-1 fingerprint. Remember to copy the SHA1 fingerprint.

Page 12: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 12

3. Go to Google API Console ( to register the project, press

“Create project” to continue (Google ID is required to access this page).

4. The new project will be created, press API Project to return to the project main page.

5. Select the created project and click on it.

Page 13: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

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6. Select APIs & auth ���� APIs, and then switch on the Google Maps Android API v2.

7. Select Credentials, and then press [CREATE NEW LEY].

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Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 14

8. Select Android key.

9. Generate the request key by concatenate the Certificate fingerprints and package name which

separated by a semicolon: [SHA1 fingerprint];[app’s package name]

10. Input the request key and then press “Create”.

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Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 15

11. Copy the API key generated.

2.3 Create a Simple Google Map 1. Create the Android application with the following attributes.

․ Application Name: MyGoogleMap

․ Project Name: MyGoogleMap

․ Package Name: com.example.mygooglemap

2. Select Project ���� Properties.

Page 16: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 16

3. Add “google-play-services_lib” to the project.

4. Remove the default Textview “Hello world!”. Then create a fragment with class

"" in layout.

Page 17: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 17

5. The XML for the layout look like: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.andro"




tools:context=".MainActivity" >





class=" ment" />


6. Open “AndroidManifest.xml” and switch to “Manifest”, then create an “Uses-feature”.

7. Set Gl es Version = "0x00020000" and Required = "true".

Page 18: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 18

8. Open "AndroidManifest.xml" and switch to “Application”, then create a “Meta-Data”.

9. Create the Meta-Data with the following attributes in “AndroidManifest.xml”.

․ Name:

․ Value: [API Key]

10. Create another Meta-Data with the following attributes in “AndroidManifest.xml”.

․ Name:

․ Value: @integer/google_play_services_version

Page 19: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 19

11. Add the following uses permission in "AndroidManifest.xml":

․ android.permission.INTERNET

․ android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE

․ android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

․ android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION

․ android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION



12. Add the permission for your application in "AndroidManifest.xml", you need to change

com.example.mygooglemap to your package name.

․ com.example.mygooglemap.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE

13. Modify the source file "" as follow: package com.example.mygooglemap;

import android.os.Bundle;


import android.view.Menu;








Page 20: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 20

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

static final LatLng location = new LatLng(22.302617,114.17009);

private GoogleMap map;


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



// Define the map

map = ((MapFragment)


// Create Pointer

Marker pointer = map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(location)

.title("Kowloon Park").snippet("22 Austin Road"));

// Change Pointer color



// Move the camera instantly to location with a zoom of 16.

map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(location, 16));

// Show My Location button (False to disable)


// Show current location (False to disable)




public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.

getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

return true;



Page 21: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

Android Apps Development for Mobile and Tablet Device (Level II) Lesson 3

4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 21

14. Save and execute the app in your mobile. You can press the GPS to find out your location. If you

cannot see the map, check whether your key is correct. (This app is not workable in emulator)

2.4 Changing Map Type 1. Modify the source file "" as follow:

package com.myexample.mygooglemap;

import android.os.Bundle;


import android.view.Menu;

import ory;



import riptorFactory;



import ons;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

static final LatLng location = new LatLng(22.30261 7,114.17009);

private GoogleMap map;


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Page 22: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

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4T025-2-A @ Peter Lo 2014 22



// Define the map

map = ((MapFragment)

getFragmentManager().findFragmentById( .getMap();

// Create Pointer

Marker pointer = map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions( ).position(location)

.title("Kowloon Park").snippet("22 Austin Road") );

// Change Pointer color

pointer.setIcon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMa rker(


// Move the camera instantly to location with a z oom of 16.

map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom( location, 16));

// Show My Location button (False to disable)

map.getUiSettings().setMyLocationButtonEnabled(tr ue);

// Show current location (False to disable)




public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

// Add the menu items

menu.add(0, 1, 1, "Normal");

menu.add(0, 2, 2, "Hybrid");

menu.add(0, 3, 3, "Satellite");

menu.add(0, 4, 4, "Terrain");

menu.add(0, 5, 5, "None");

// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.

getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

return true;


Page 23: 1. Location Services · 4. Switch to the app again, the location should be display correctly. 1.3 Open the Web-based Google Map 1. Drag a button to the layout 2. Modify the source

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public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

switch(item.getItemId()) {

case 1:



case 2:



case 3:



case 4:



case 5:




return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);



2. Save and execute the app again. Use the menu to change the map type (This app is not workable

in emulator).