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Transcript of ~WRL2807.tmp.doc

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Longer School Hours

It was Wednesday noontime at Rosa International Middle School, my friends and me

were facing a serious dilemma in our every two days physical education class. We were

working on an important step-a-robics routine for our team of five. We could not figure

out what steps we should do in our routine. Time was going to be troublesome; we did

not have enough time! Our teacher Ms Housman had given us today and Friday and then

we would have to perform on Tuesday! We eventually ended up with a premature routine

that we were not used to and we messed up and lost a lot of points. Maybe if Gym was

longer we would not have done that bad on our routine, we would get the full number of

points. If only school was longer. The school district needs to do a lot of tinkering with

the standard length of student’s school hours. Cut away from student’s school hours?

Switch to a four day school week? You got of be kidding me! School needs to become

longer; it is becoming a universally accepted fact. Shortening the daily school hours or a

four day school week isn’t going to do anything to help students, but longer school hours

will benefit you by improving your grades and test scores and academic skills, supplying

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extra time for fun activities that normally would get cut out and providing more time to

learn and grasp concepts.

Although longer school hours might be something kids would strongly object to,

preferring to go home to play their favorite video games, or text their friends via a cell

phone; they would be glad once they notice straight A+’s on their report card, or a 100 on

every one of their tests. Longer school hours have been like kind of a gift to people who

increase their grades, test scores and academic abilities. At Washington Jesuit Academy,

middle school students spend nearly 12 hours a day there, from 7:30 A.M to 7:15 P.M.

These middle school students have shown so much improvement on their test scores that

Washington D.C officials are using the school as an example for the city’s public schools.

In 6th grade fewer than half of the Washington Jesuit students were reading at grade level,

but by eighth grade 90% of them were. That is the advantage of longer school hours,

being able to improve your grades, test scores, academic abilities dramatically, an

achievements every kid would be proud of.

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Many kids think school is dull and boring, and are always impatiently dying to go home.

They sleep and daydream during class; chewing gum and talking to friends rather then

paying attention to the teacher. With the possible question of longer school hours, they

are even less excited. But you could win those kids over, because with longer school

hours, you have more time to incorporate fun activities that you normally would not have

time for into the school day. Kids would not feel as bored if they were watching movies

about history in Humanities or making a rocket in Science. In a recent fifth-grade math

class at Salemwood School, Maiden, Massachusetts, students were outside flying paper

airplanes, charting their airplane’s distances, analyzing design elements, and remaking

the planes to outfly the class record. They were also able to play math games in some of

their other math classes. It’s only possible because the school is pioneering an initiative

to extend daily school hours. With longer school hours you would be able to do a lot of

things that you were not able to do without extending the school day. You would be able

to include recess, as well as talented and gifted programs, and we could go to band five

days a week like Ms. Mark really wanted us to be able to do. We would also be able to

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add new subjects like geography which is hardly done anymore in schools today. Imagine

the possibilities with longer school hours. By having longer school hours, you would be

able incorporate fun activities that are and not hard-core learning and therefore make

school a little more exciting and enjoyable and not just all learning for kids who are not

avid fans of school.

In my Enriched Math Class I am getting bad grades, because of extremely low test and

quiz scores, and which is completely due to the fact I am learning new concepts and I

did not really grasp the concepts, which is because there is really no time. But with

longer school hours, there would be more time for learning how to multiply and divide

fractions and to completely grasp the concept. Then I would be more prepared for

upcoming tests and quizzes and I would get back better test scores which would lead to

an A in math. The time we have in school now is too short and it hinders the students’

possible academic and learning improvements those extended school hours would most

likely provide. I know I can get an A in math, but like I just said, without the advantage

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of longer school hours, it might take a longer time for me to reach that level. The normal

amount of core area instructional class time in the USA is the shortest of all developed

countries compared countries like France who have more then two times the amount of

the USA’s instructional time and even attend school on Saturday! So it should not

surprise you that in a report compiled by the National Commission on Time and Learning

entitled Prisoners of Time, saying the amount of time in a uniform six-hour school day

is a major unacknowledged design flaw in the U.S. educational system and there is not

enough academic time in schools. There is a fact that people need to acknowledge, every

student is different, they learn at different rates and different ways with each subject.