What have you learnt from your audience feedback

What have you learnt from your audience feedback? SEAN GALLAGHER

Transcript of What have you learnt from your audience feedback

Page 1: What have you learnt from your audience feedback

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?SEAN GALLAGHER

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Animatic Feedback We showed fellow media students our animatic first draft to get their initial ideas and to see whether they liked the narrative. We asked them what they thought narrative was about and whether it was fitting for the song, we also asked for any improvements as well as any similar artists who have established a successful career and what they thought our target audience should be.

We found:

A narrative based around the theme of love was very fitting for the song considering it is a love song, and so a love story narrative would be essential for the video of this song.

Everyone we asked said that the target audience should be teenagers of both genders (14-20) when asked why it was clear that because artists similar to Emma Stevens E.G Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, One Direction etc had fan bases aged 14-20.

This audience feedback was very useful as we were able to make some changes to narrative, and also we were now more confident with our narrative as we were unsure whether or not it would be fitting. Also form the feedback we were able to establish our own target audience which is good as we can now have idea of the type of person who would watch this video and so we could cater it more for this group,

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Narrative Feedback We also asked students who didn’t study media for their opinions on our narrative. We asked them again whether they thought the narrative was appropriate for the song and we got a similar response to before. The students felt that due to the lyrics and the upbeat nature of the song that the video should include themes based around love.

My group and I had an idea of what we wanted our narrative to be about and what we were going to include and after receiving the positive feedback it was beneficial as it confirmed that our narrative would work and we didn’t have to change much as we originally wanted to base the video around the theme of love.

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How did audience feedback impact the video?

Audience feedback played a huge role in impacting our video for example we showed peers as well as teachers our first draft to get their opinions and see if any changes had to be made in order to improve the video and get the perfect final product.

After listening to feedback we realised that there was too much performance in the music video i.e. we had too much lip syncing and so to improve on this we included more establishing shots of our setting (London) we also included more shots of the protagonist either dancing or just posing, we believe this gives the video a more real feel as it isn’t just shots of lip syncing we have included a variety of different shots.

During the production of the music video we filmed as many different shots as we could so that when we got audience feedback we were able to make as many changes as possible that people suggested, this was easily done in editing.

Peers also said that our lip syncing was great however there was a few moments where it was a bit off, and so from this feedback we were easily able to make the changes necessary to get the lip syncing perfect and achieve the final product we wanted.

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What was the audience feedback from the first viewing?

This was the most important viewing as people were able to give their initial ideas very spontaneously, and also from this viewing we got some very positive feedback and people told us what they liked about it for example the establishing shots of London were very iconic also the lip syncing and the focus of the camera were done very well.

We also got some criticisms which were beneficial as we from this we were able to alter and improve the music video. For example someone said there was too much performance in the video and they wanted to see more narrative and so from this we changed some of the shots to include more location shots to establish setting as well as shots of the characters especially the artist looking very emotional which we believe add to the narrative. Another criticism someone picked up on was that camera was stationary for most of the video however there was nothing we could have done about this because our shots had already been filmed so if we were to do it again we would know to how to improve.