Warm-Up Cell Theory

© Edgenuity, Inc. 1 Warm-Up Cell Theory ? Words to Know Write the letter of the definition next to the matching word as you work through the lesson. You may use the glossary to help you. microscopic A. the process of making something look larger by using a microscope lens B. so small that it can only be seen with a microscope magnification C. an instrument used to see things that are too small to see with the naked eye microscope D. a curved piece of glass or other transparent material that is used to focus light rays W K 2 Lesson Goals Describe the cell theory. Identify the three components of the cell theory. Analyze the contributions of different of the cell theory. scientists to the Lesson Question

Transcript of Warm-Up Cell Theory

Page 1: Warm-Up Cell Theory

© Edgenuity, Inc. 1

Warm-Up Cell Theory


Words to Know

Write the letter of the definition next to the matching word as you work through the lesson. You may use the glossary to help you.

microscopic A. the process of making something look larger by using a microscope

lens B. so small that it can only be seen with a microscope

magnification C. an instrument used to see things that are too small to see with the naked eye

microscope D. a curved piece of glass or other transparent material that is used to focus light rays


Lesson Goals

Describe the cell theory.

Identify the three components of the cell


Analyze the contributions of different

of the cell theory.

scientists to the

Lesson Question

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Warm-Up Cell Theory


• Cells make up all living things.

• organisms

• Multicellular organisms

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Instruction Cell Theory



• The process of making something look larger by using a is called magnification.

• Magnification is achieved through the use of at least one .

• A lens is a curved piece of glass or other transparent material that is used to focus light rays.


• Most cells are microscopic, so they need to be observed using a microscope.

• A microscope is used to see things that are too to see with the naked eye.

The First “Microscope”

• In 1590, Hans and Zacharias Janssen created the first microscope.

• The microscope was made of three tubes.

• The two end tubes had lenses that worked together to make things look larger.

Robert Hooke

In , Robert Hooke was the first to observe “cells” using a microscope.


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Cell Theory


The Birth of the Word “Cell”

• Robert Hooke was the first to use the word “ .”


Anton van Leeuwenhoek

In , Anton van Leeuwenhoek observed small organisms, which he

called “ ,” by using his version of a .

Matthias Schleiden

In 1838, Matthias Schleiden concluded that are made of cells.

Theodor Schwann

• In 1839, Theodor Schwann believed that:

• are also made of cells.

• the cell is responsible for making up the organism and making the

organism .

Rudolf Virchow

In 1855, Rudolf Virchow confirmed that must come from other pre-existing cells.


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Instruction Cell Theory


The Cell Theory

All living things are made of cells.

• Protozoan

• Fungi and plants

• Animals

• Cells are the basic unit of and of all living things.

• Cells are the part of a living thing that is alive and keeps the

organism alive.

• All cells come from other cells.

• Cells are damaged or , so they need replacing.

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Summary Cell Theory



Review: Development of the Cell Theory

Matthias Schleidenconcluded that

1855Virchow confirmedthat cells comefrom other cells.

1676Anton vanLeeuwenhoekobserved“animalcules” byusing a microscopewith a polishedlens.

1600 1650 1750 1900

1650Robert Hooke wasthe first to use theword “cell.”

1700 1800 1850are made of cells.

Theodor Schwannbelieved thatanimals are madeof cells and thatcells make uporganisms andmake organismswork.

Hans andZachariasJanssencreated the first



Lesson Question What is the cell theory?

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Summary Cell Theory

Review: Key Concepts

• The cell theory

• All things are made of cells.

• The cell is the basic structure and function of living things.

• All cells come from other cells.


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