Twitter analysis - Data as factor for designing the right communication startegy

Twitter analysis Data as factor for designing the right communication strategy.

Transcript of Twitter analysis - Data as factor for designing the right communication startegy

Twitter analysis

Data as factor for designing the right communication strategy.


• Introduction• Wordcloud• Top 10• Topics• Sentiment • Interactions• Tweets and Cleaned Data• Final thoughts• Acknowledgements• Demo


Twitter analysis interactive scorecard:

• The application downloads and analyses tweets related to an Organization, being published during the last few days. Once the data has been downloaded it is displayed in a set of clickable tabbed panels showing graphical representations of information from different perspectives.

• The idea behind this real-time analysis application is to monitor Twitter activity, track trends, engagement and user interactions involved with the Organization, in order to provide evidences of what’s happening or happened some days before, and help understanding, diagnosing and planning a suitable Twitter communication strategy that maximizes impact and increases funds.

• The amount of days to look back in time and the maximum number of tweets to be downloaded, can be changed to refine the analysis on the sliders of the control panel (in the left side). Hit the Go! button to launch the analysis according to the selected values.

Word cloud

Wordcloud displaying the most used words in different sizes and colors by frequency.• Discover and classify the most used or important words that

verbalize your communication activities in Twitter social network.

Top ten

Displays Top 10 used words, Top 10 most active users, Top 10 users with highest tweet to retweetratio, and top 10 links referred:

• Find the most important or striking words being used.

• Target the most active users (influencers), to deal with.

• Discover useful, popular or significant information sources (links appeared on tweets).


Displays topic evolution and related words:• Track the evolution of the most used combinations of words

across time to monitor Topic trends on the last days.

• Discover word interrelation looking at a tree type word cluster diagram (Dendogram).


Emotion and polarity of words:• Determine the attitude of tweets according to an emotional

classification (joy, sadness, surprise, disgust and anger). Cloud of words sized, colored and grouped according to its emotional classification and frequency.

• Realize the amount of tweets distributed by emotion and polarity (negative, neutral, and positive).


Reply to a user and retweet a user graphs:• Realise which users reply to a tweet of another user to

pinpoint who are the conversation makers.

• Watch the interaction between users retweeting other users to discover the most active or referenced users (content creators or promoters).

Tweets & Cleaned Data

Tweets:• Watch the text from all downloaded tweets used for the

analyses in a table.

Cleaned Data:• See the remaining tweet text after removing undesired

characters, hashtags, retweets, links and undesired words. Once cleaned, this data is prepared for analysis.

Final thoughts

• This application performs an on-line interactive twitter analysis that provides valuable information to monitor and plan the communication strategy of an Organization.

• Further improvements to be done, in order to perform a deeper and more flexible analysis of data: – Segmented and comparative campaign analysis (key words or

hashtags).– Constrain the period of time being analysed (set the beginning

and ending dates).– Fine tune engagement and scope of tweets by measuring the

total number of followers for each user involved in retweets or replies.

– Expand using data coming from other popular social networks.


Many thanks to:• George Ross Ihaka, Robert Gentleman, et al. (R)• Rstudio creators and mantainers (Rstudio)• Winston Chang, Joe Cheng, et al. (Shiny)• Jeff Gentry (twitteR)• Ingo Feinerer, Kurt Hornik, Artifex Software, Inc. (tm)• Timothy Jurka (Sentiment)• Bettina Grün, Kurt Hornik (topicmodels)• Hadley Wickham, Winston Chang (ggplot2)• All other contributors to the amazing R comunity (stringr,

data.table, plyr, Rstem, gridBase, shinyBS, wordcloud, gridExtra, igraph, ...)

DemoWebsite: to Login using:

- Username: demo- Password: org2015