tugas gladys 2011 2

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  • 8/3/2019 tugas gladys 2011 2


    English League

    y English is a West Germanic language that arose in theAnglo-Saxon kingdoms ofEngland and

    spread into what was to become south-eastScotland under the influence of theAnglian medieval

    kingdom ofNorthumbria.

    y Historically, English originated from the fusion of languages and dialects, now collectively

    termed Old English, which were brought to the eastern coast of Great Britain by Germanic

    (Anglo-Saxon) settlers by the 5th century with the wordEnglish being derived from the name of

    the Angles.

    y The Norman conquest of England in the 11th century gave rise to heavy borrowings

    from Norman-French, and vocabulary and spelling conventions began to give the superficial

    appearance of a close relationship withRomance languages[16][17]

    to what had now

    become Middle English

    y One of these incoming Germanic tribes was theAngles,[28] whom Bede believed to have

    relocated entirely to Britain.[29]

    The names 'England' (fromEngla land[30]

    "Land of the Angles")

    and English (Old English Englisc[31]

    ) are derived from the name of this tribe

    but Saxons, Jutes and a range of Germanic peoples from the coasts ofFrisia, Lower

    Saxony, Jutland and Southern Sweden also moved to Britain in this era.[32][33][34]

    y The linguistic shifts in English following the Norman invasion produced what is now referred to

    as Middle English, with Geoffrey Chaucer's The CanterburyTales being the best known work.

    y The English language belongs to theAnglo-Frisian sub-group of theWest Germanic branch of

    the Germanic family, a member of the Indo-European languages.

    y In English, all basic grammatical particles added to nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are

    Germanic. For nouns, these include the normal plural marker-s/-es, and the possessive

    markers -'s and -s'

    y Many French words are also intelligible to an English speaker, especially when they are seen in

    writing (as pronunciations are often quite different), because English absorbed a large vocabulary

    from Norman and French, viaAnglo-Norman after the Norman Conquest, and directly from

    French in subsequent centuries

    English Literature

    y English literature is the literature written in the English language, including literature composed

    in English by writers not necessarily fromEngland;

    y Robert Burns was Scottish, James Joyce was Irish, Joseph Conrad was born in Poland, Dylan

    Thomas was Welsh,Edgar Allan Poe was American, V.S. Naipaul was born in Trinidad,

    and Vladimir Nabokov was Russian, but all are considered important writers in the history of

    English literature. In other words, English literature is as diverse as the varieties and dialects of

    English spoken around the world. Inacademia

    y the term often labels departments and programmes practisingEnglish studies in secondary and

    tertiary educational systems. Despite the variety of authors of English literature, the works

    ofWilliam Shakespeare remain paramount throughout the English-speaking world.

    y English literature since 1900, modernism, post modern literature, post world war II