Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB...

T TR RI IP PL LE E G GR RE EE EN N R RO OO OF F T Th hr re ee e S Se et ts s o of f A Ad dv va an nt ta ag ge es s i in n O On ne e S So ol lu ut ti io on n! !

Transcript of Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB...

Page 1: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses

TTRRIIPPLLEE GGRREEEENN RROOOOFFTThhrreeee SSeettss ooff AAddvvaannttaaggeess

iinn OOnnee SSoolluuttiioonn!!

Page 2: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses

Green Roofs vs. Solar Panels

Often green roofs and roof-mounted solar panels are seen as mutually exclusive options (either solar panels or a green roof)



Page 3: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses

Our Approach: Triple Green Roof

We offer a solution that combines 3 eco-friendly alternatives that work in synergy:




Page 4: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses

Advantages of the Triple Green Roof:

SSoollaarr ppaanneellss wwoorrkk bbeesstt aatt aammbbiieenntt aaiirr tteemmppeerraattuurree ooff 2244°° CC.. A PV panel loses 0,5

additional degree above 25°C.

TThhee tteemmppeerraattuurree ooff aa ccoonnvveennttiioonnaall rrooooff ssuurrffaaccee iiss uupp ttoo 8800°°CC iinn ssuummmmeerr,, which

yield of the PV installation.


TThhee ggrreeeenn rrooooff mmaaiinnttaaiinnss aaiirr tteemmppeerraattuurree bbeettwweeeenn 2200 aanndd 2288°°CC thanks to evapotranspiration form the plants, which makes the conditions perfect for solar energy production. In winter, green roof ensures milder ambient air temperature.

Page 5: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses

Advantages of the Triple Green Roof:No Penetration of the Roof for Mounting Solar Panels

The substrate, drainage and other layers required for the green roof act as a weight to hold in place solar panel modules, which makes it unnecessary to pierce the roof risking to damage the membrane or add extra weight on the roof

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Page 6: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses

Advantages of the Triple Green Roof:Promoting Biodiversity

The addition of an array of PV panels causes shading underneath the panels. It provides a unique habitat for plants and species that require shading.

Research in Switzerland has shown the increased number of species of invertebrates that are able to inhabit a green roof with shaded areas.

Furthermore, water run off from the surface of the panels concentrates moisture allowing for a greater diversity of


Page 7: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses

Advantages of the Triple Green Roof:Sustainability

Replacing metal with wood in a supportive structure for the solar panels makes our solution particularly sustainable.

Wood has the unique ability to capture and store CO2 while reducing carbon sources.

There are 2 ways to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere:

  reduce emissions or “carbon sources”

  remove CO2 and store it - increasing “carbon sinks”

Wood has the unique ability to do both.

Each cubic meter of wood saves a total of 2 tons of CO2. Every cubic meter of wood used as a substitute for other building materials reduces CO2 emissions by an average of 1,1 ton CO2. If this is added to the 0,9 ton of CO2 stored in wood, we get a total of 2 tons CO2

Source: Tackle climate change, USE WOOD

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Advantages of the Triple Green Roof:Sustainability

Even recycled steel production is associated with sizeable amounts of CO2 emissions, while timber required for InnoVentum’s PV support structure reduces CO2 impact

Source: Tackle climate change, USE WOOD

Page 9: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses

Advantages of the Triple Green Roof:

required for cooling or heating of the building. Shading the outer surface of the building envelope has been shown to be more effective than internal insulation.

  In summer, the green roof protects the building from direct solar heat.

  In winter, the green roof minimizes heat loss through added insulation on the roof.

  Energy conservation translates into cost savings and fewer greenhouse gas emissions.


Page 10: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses

Advantages of the Triple Green Roof:Water Retention

During heavy or continuous rain, runoff can overwhelm stormwater infrastructure and

  Green roof growing media retain rainwater and, together with plants, return a portion of this water to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration.

  Stormwater that does leave the roof is delayed and reduced in volume.

  Stormwater that runs off a green roof is cleaner than runoff from a conventional roof.


Table showing average water retention for a tranditional roof vs. a green roof. Source: "Green Roofs in the New York Metropolitan Region, Research Report," Rosenzweig, et. al.

  Retention and delay of runoff eases stress on stormwater infrastructure and sewers.

  Cost savings from decentralized stormwater mitigation reduces the need to expand or renovate related infrastructure.

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Advantages of the Triple Green Roof:Longevity of the Roof

twice as long as those on traditional roofs.


  Reduced material waste from re-

  Less frequent re-

over time

Green Roof Research Facility (by season) September 2006, CMHC Report.


43 48


2 4 5 2 1 1 1 1








Winter Spring Summer Fall








) Median Daily Membrane Temperature Fluctuations

(Jan 1, 2005 – Dec 31, 2005)

Reference Roof

Green Roof 1

Green Roof 2

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Advantages of the Triple Green Roof:Air Quality Improvement & Reducing Heat Island Effect

Plant leaves trap dust particles from the air (which among other positive effects, helps keep solar panels clean) and evapotranspiration cools ambient temperatures.  Less ground level ozone + less heat = less smog.

Comparison of temperatures of traditional vs. green roofs in Chicago. Source: the EPA

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Advantages of the Triple Green Roof:Noise Reduction

Based on the numerical simulations and empirical research it was concluded that both extensive and intensive green roofs have the potential to reduce sound pressure levels at shielded places. Replacing a traditional roof by an optimized green roof improves shielding from


For the average listener, such a reduction in sound pressure level corresponds to halving of the loudness.


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Solar Power Set: Highlights

InnoVentum’s SSoollaarr PPoowweerr SSeett is a 2 kWp module for generation of electricity with solar panels, suitable for residential as well as industrial use.

The Solar Power Set comprises

  8 photovoltaic (PV) panels,

  8 micro-inverters,

  mounting system,

  wooden support structure,  foundation for roof mounting.

PV panels

Wooden support structure


Micro inverters

Mounting system

Page 16: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses


Advantages of the Solar Power Set system:

−  High quality materials and components ensure reliable performance and long product life;

− integrated intelligence, increased energy harvest, and system performance control not found in central inverter based systems;

−  Simple and extremely fast assembly with SpeedClip, SpeedLock and non-invasive foundation for roof mounting;

−  Use of wood for a support system makes a solar installation environmentally friendly like never before;

−  Full system warranty period of 10 years.

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Energy production: solar systemsDepending on your energy needs, you can vary the number of 8-panel Solar Power Sets.

Energy production throughout a year for different number of solar panels:

5 Solar Power Sets:10 kWp

4 Solar Power Sets: 8 kWp

3 Solar Power Sets: 6 kWp

2 Solar Power Sets: 4 kWp

1 Solar Power Set: 2 kWp

1 Solar Power Set 2 Solar Power Sets 3 Solar Power Sets 4 Solar Power Sets 5 Solar Power Sets

Annual Energy Yield, kWh 2040 4080 6120 8160 10200

All calculations made at Malmö latitude










Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

8 solar panels

16 solar panels

24 solar panels

32 solar panels

40 solar panels

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30% of costs can be returned!

Apart from providing green energy, Solar Power

Swedish Energy Agency – where up to 30% of total cost can be returned.

You can read more here:

Page 19: Triple Green Roof UPD - InnoVentum · Advantages of the Triple Green Roof: B9F;M +FC8I7H=CB :T7=9B7M Solar panels work best at ambient air temperature of 24° C. A PV panel loses

Nominal power (+5/-0 W) 250 WpShort circuit current 8,94 AOpen circuit voltage 37,78 VCurrent at maximum power 8,45 AVoltage at maximum power 29,89 V

≥ 15,0Format 1670 mm x 1000 mm x 35 mm (incl. frame)Weight 19 kgFront cover 3,2mm thermally pre-stressed solar glassBack coverFrame Anodized aluminumCell 6 x 10 multicrystalline solar cells

Junction box 110 mm*5 x 115 mm*17 x 23 mm*4

Protection class IP 67, with bypass diodesCable 4 mm2 Solar cable; (+) 1210 mm, (-) 1210 mmConnector SOLARLOK, IP 68

IEC 61215 (Ed. 2); IEC 61730 (Ed. 1.), Application class A.This data sheet complies with DIN EN 50380

Place of manufacture Made in EU

InnoVentum’stechnical parameters (for each panel):

xx 88

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PV Panels: Warranties

  10-year product warranty for defects in material and/or workmanship

  25-year linear performance warranty: deviation from the minimum power no greater than 0,6 % p.a., the minimum rated power after 25 years 83 % of the minimum rated power of crystalline modules

InnoVentum’s Solar Power Set offers attractive warranty conditions for PV panels included in the installation:


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The Micro Inverter System has revolutionized the solar industry's approach to small- and industrial-scale installations. By distributing power conversion technology into the array(s), photovoltaic systems

-  No system-wide point of failure-  Predictable, scheduled O&M only- -  Increased safety with no HVDC-  Conduct detailed performance analyses-  Detect issues automatically-  Take advantage of remote diagnostic tools-  Proactively plan for maintenance instead of reacting to central inverter emergencies-  Accelerated system installation time- -  No need for procurement of specialized HVDC component parts

Micro Inverters

xx 88

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Micro vs. String InvertersSolar systems are constantly affected by environmental factors, such as shade, dust and debris. Using a traditional string inverter means that everything is wired in series, and the lowest performing module determines the performance of the entire series. This is commonly known as “The

energy production of the system.

Micro inverters allow each solar panel to operate independently and control the power from each with 99.6%

performance of the entire system (20% increase on average).

The ability to diagnose module issues remotely, precisely, quickly, and easily over the life of the PV installation results in

capabilities, as well as the ability to claim module warranties easily where appropriate.

standard. A micro inverter solution proposed by InnoVentum offers a 10 year warranty! Each micro inverter installed on a PV panel is working at low voltage, lowering the risk of failure.









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Online monitoring tool

Features:-  With at-a-glance views of energy production

and performance, system owners can see their system is performing as expected.

-  Easily compare current performance against a previous day week or month.

-  View historical weather data to understand variations in performance.

-  System status indicator tells you when the system is not performing as expected and what can be done to restore performance.

-  One-click sharing with integrated social media buttons. Accessible from any device with an Internet connection.

We also offer an online monitoring platform with apps for iPad, iPhone, Mac and PC so that you always have full control of your power production.

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PV Mounting System


-  Simple and extremely fast assembly from with SpeedClip and SpeedLock

- - 

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Wooden StructureInnoVentum’s unique wooden structure saves 350 kg of CO2 per PV module in comparison with a classic steel structure supporting PV.

Wood used for the structure is pressure impregnated Swedish pine with strength class C24, which guarantees maintenance-free use for 20 years.

The modules can have different inclination to maximize power production: InnoVentum can deliver any choice of angle from 10 degrees to 40 degrees

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Solar Power Set Mounting on the Roof

  The Solar Power Set is secured on the roof via 6 anchors attached to the drainage layer just bellow the substrate

  This system is designed to be held in place with the self-weight of the green roof

  The solution does not require penetration of the roof membrane

the building

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Even more energy: hybrid wind-solar systems Solar panels generate most of the energy during summer and only at daytime. If you wish to have self-produced energy all year round day and night, you may wish to consider a hybrid solution for your green roof installation

comprising solar panels and a wind turbine.

An example of the hybrid installation performance:

Dali Performance &3 Solar Power Sets


All calculations made at Malmö latitude, average wind speed 6 m/s









Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec  

   24  Solar  Panels      Wind  Turbine  (Performance)      Hybrid  Wind-­‐Solar  Energy  Produc�on  

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Biodiverse Green RoofDiverse plant strategies can:  Replicate or enhance the building's pre-development habitat

Planting with native species such as:

  Hardy Succulents



Build-up height: 70 – 200 mm

Weight: 90 – 225 kg/m2

Maintenance: minimal

No irrigation requiredPicture: British Land - winner of the Guardian Sustainable Business award for biodiversity