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    Hipoclorito de Sdio

    O que ?

    Soluo aquosa alcalina com 10% de cloro activo e cerca de 10-12g/l de hidrxido desdio residual que no ocorre naturalmente no ambiente. obtido atravs da reaco do Cloro gasoso (Cl2) com uma soluo aquosa deHidrxido de Sdio.

    Outros nomes: Soluo de Carrel-Dakin, Livvia, Clorox, Cloro lquido

    Caractersticas fsico-qumicas:

    Frmula Molecular NaClOMassa Molecular 74,45 g/molCor Amarelo-esverdeadoOdor Odor picante, semelhante ao do cloroSolubilidade em gua a 20C SolvelPonto de ebulio De 100 a 110C para solues a 10% Cl2Fotossensibilidade Decompe-se em presena de luzResistncia temperatura Acima de 20C decompe-se libertando oxignioReaco c/ substncias cidas Violenta, libertando cloroInflamabilidade No inflamvel

    Risco associado Corrosivo


    O Hipoclorito de Sdio aplicado noBranqueamento de celulose e txteis; Tratamento de guas Desinfeco, esterilizao, aco algicida e desodorizao deguas industriais, gua potvel episcinas; Tinturaria;

    Produtos de limpeza; Lavagem de frutas e legumes; Produo de diversos produtos qumicos tais como: oxidantes, branqueadores edesinfectantesSoluo de irrigao em dentria

    Soluo de irrigao em dentria

    muito usado nesta rea, devido s suas propriedades como adjuvante na preparaofsico-qumica do canal radicular para cirurgia. A solvncia de tecidos orgnicos queestas solues apresentam devido aco do cloro sobre as protenas, formando

    cloraminas solveis em gua. Esta reaco tem rapidez proporcional concentrao decloro activo presente na soluo.

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    Riscos para a Sade:

    Por contacto:A altas concentraes (mais de 13%) irrita a pele e pode causar queimaduras profundase inflamaes. Contactos repetidos podem causar dermatose.Em contacto com os olhos causa irritao intensa, lacrimejamento e inchao das

    plpebras. Risco de leses graves ou permanentes do olho.

    Por inalao:Os vapores de NaClO so irritantes para o aparelho respiratrio causando tosse eirritao intensa do nariz e garganta. Exposies prolongadas causam danos severos aosistema respiratrio (edema de faringe, laringe e pulmonar).

    Por ingesto:Pode provocar queimadura da boca, nuseas e vmitos sanguinolentos, colapsorespiratrio, delrio, coma e possvel perfurao do esfago e estmago.Altas concentraes podem mesmo ser fatais.

    Se se ingere 3-6% de lixvia (branqueador domstico), d-se a irritao gastrintestinal.Se ultrapassar 10% pode mesmo causar leses corrosivas graves na boca, na garganta,esfago e estmago, acompanhados de hemorragia, perfurao, e eventualmente morte.

    Como reagir em caso de intoxicao por hipoclorito de sdio?

    Em caso de intoxicao, telefonar para o Centro de Infomao Antivenenos (CIAV) doINEM: 808 250 143Caso tenha sido por ingesto, lavar a cavidade bucal com gua e uma toalha hmida.Ingerir gua ou leite de modo a diluir a sua concentrao no estmago. Nunca provocaro vmito! Procurar assistncia mdica.Caso tenha sido por contacto na pele lavar abundantemente com gua e sabo nomnimo durante 20 minutos. Se tiver sido por contacto com os olhos, lavarimediatamente com gua abundante, pelo menos durante 20 minutos, mantendo os olhos

    bem abertos. Procurar assistncia mdica.Em caso de inalao de gs ( que s ocorrer se houver mistura de hipoclorito de sdio

    com outro produto qumico, principalmente se for um cido) e se houver irritao,encaminhar a vtima para um local com ar fresco e procurar assistncia mdica.

    Cuidados a ter na sua manipulao

    Usar culos de proteco, luvas de borracha e avental impermevel;Lavar as mos aps a utilizao do mesmo;Evitar a manipulao de vapores;

    Riscos ambientais

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    Este produto txico para peixes e organismos aquticos. Nunca descarregar este tipode produtos em sistemas de esgotos, rios, lagos ou mar sem ter notificado a autoridadelocal.

    Condies de armazename nto

    Deve ser armazenado em frascos de plstico, em locais frescos (abaixo de 30 C), bemventilados e protegidos dos raios de sol. As tampas dos frascos devem ter respiro para

    permitir a sada do gs (oxignio), evitando uma possvel ruptura do frasco.

    Reaces de decomposio

    A reaco dominante forma clorato de sdio:

    3 NaClO 2 NaCl + NaClO3

    A reaco secundria, que ocorre em menor escala, gera oxignio:

    2 NaClO 2 NaCl + O2

    Os produtos da decomposio so inofensivos, constituindo-se principalmente de sal(cloreto de sdio) e oxignio.


    A desinfeco tem por finalidade a destruio de microorganismos nocivos sade, demodo a evitar infeces e doenas. A aco do Hipoclorito de sdio deve-seessencialmente libertao de Cloro activo.O mecanismo de aco consiste na inibio da reaco enzimtica no interior da clula e

    produz desnaturao e inactivao do cido nucleico.O Cloro activo libertado actua sobre as protenas formando cloraminas que so solveisem gua

    Concentraes usadas do Hipoclorito de sdio como desinfectante:

    - 0,15 a 0,25 ppm (0,000015%) elimina bactrias vegetativas em 30 segundos;

    - 100 ppm ( 0,01 %) elimina fungos em menos de 1 hora;

    - 200 ppm ( 0,02 %) elimina 25 tipos diferentes de vrus em menos de 10 minutos;

    - 100 ppm ( 0,01 % ) elimina 107 de S. aureus e P. aeruginosa em menos de 10 minutos.

    - 500 ppm (0,05%) elimina 106 de HBV, em 10 minutos, 20C.

    - 50 ppm (0,005%) elimina 105 de HIV, em 10 minutos, 25C.

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    10ppm=1:5000; 50ppm=1:1000; 100ppm=1:500;

    500ppm=1:100; 1000ppm=1:50; 5000ppm= 1:10

    Branqueamento de celulose e txteis:O mecanismo de actuao pelo qual branqueia, baseia-se na sua propriedade de forteoxidante, que rompe as molculas coloridas dos pigmentos responsveis das ndoas.A sua aco no afectada a temperaturas baixas.

    Concentraes a que o hipoclorito de sdio usado

    Desinfeco do ambiente e dos objectos:Lixvia diluda com gua (1:100) deixando actuar mais ou menos tempo consoante asuperfcie a desinfectar.Desinfeco de vegetais:Concentrao entre 100 e 200 ppm.Desinfeco de gua potvel: na ordem de 0.0002% em concentrao de cloro (uma

    percentagem 12500 vezes menor que o seu teor na lixvia - 2,5%)Tratamento de piscinas: O nvel de cloro residual deve ser mantido entre 1,0 e 1,5 ppmestando o pH entre 7,0 e 7,6.

    Preparao da lixvia diluda:Em geral a lixvia de uso domstico contm cerca de 5% de cloro livre. Tendo em contaa concentrao de cloro, a lixvia diluda preparada na propriedade 1:100 tem efeito dedesinfeco e esterilizao. Para cada poro de lixvia, deve ser diluda 100 pores degua.


    O hipoclorito de sdio pelas suas caractersticas oxidantes combate os odores, por duasrazes:1- pela sua aco letal para as bactrias produtoras das substncias que exalam maucheiro;2- pela sua aco de oxidante energtico, que destri as prprias molculas produzidas

    pelas bactrias.


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    No caso do tratamento de piscinas, a clorao tem 3 objectivos:Desinfeco (destruir os microorganismos existentes);Oxidao (Eliminao de materiais orgnicos que possam alterar a cor da gua, gerarodores ou formar limo. A oxidao transforma estes materiais em substncias insolveisque podem ser removidas fisicamente por filtrao ou aspirao);

    Manuteno do cloro livre (Que vai evitar novas contaminaes)

    muito importante o controle do cloro residual pois este deve ser mantido entre 1,0 a1,5 ppm.Problemas e solues

    A gua est: Causa mais provvel: Soluo:Com forte cheiro a Cloro Cloro insuficiente para

    oxidar contaminaes.Formao de cloraminasque so geradas porreaces de cloro comsuor, urina,


    - Superclorao e filtrao- Manter o teor de clorolivre entre 1 e 3 ppm

    Causando irritaes nosolhos e na pele

    - pH inadequado (alto oubaixo)- excesso de cloro

    - Ajustar pH para faixa de7,0 a 7,6- Baixar o teor de cloro

    Verde e turva, manchaspretas ou verdes nasparedes

    Presena de algas devido insuficincia de cloro

    - Superclorao- Escovao- Manter o teor de clorolivre entre 1 e 3 ppm.

    Colorida (verde azulada,vermelha, marrom, preta) Presena de ferro,mangans ou cobre,combinados com o cloro

    - Superclorao- ajustar o pH para faixa de7,0 a 7,6

    Gordura espalhada nasuperfcie da gua

    Bronzeadores e fuligem - Coar a superfcie da gua- Superclorao

    Com espuma Acmulo de materialorgnico devido falta decloro.

    - Superclorao

    Causando infeces(conjuntivite, micose, etc)

    Presena demicroorganismos na gua.Ausncia de cloro

    - Superclorao.- Manter o teor de clorolivre entre 1 e 3 ppm

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    Estudos de toxicidade

    Efeitos mutagnicos

    - troca de cromatdeos irmos in vitro em tecidos humanos;

    - aberraes cromossmicas in vitro em tecidos no-humanos e em leuccitos elinfcitos humanos;

    - alguma genotoxicidade in situ em plantas;

    - alguns estudos indicam que no h danificao primria do DNA quando em contactocom esta substncia isolada. O mesmo no acontece com compostos no aparentadoscomo a clorina que pode causar aberraes cromossomais.

    Efeitos carcinognicos

    - Possvel carcinogenicidade

    Efeitos a nvel imunolgico

    - segundo um estudo feito in vitro, o Hipoclorito de Sdio, quando em contacto comos macrfagos, diminui a capacidade de aderncia ao substracto dos macrfagos

    presentes no processo inflamatrio. Posto isto, e visto que a funo destes fica inibida,os macrfagos perdem o poder de fagocitar substncias e de apresentao antignica,

    havendo uma diminuio da reaco inflamatria nos tecidos perifricos.

    Efeitos embriolgicos

    - Possvel ligao entre a ingesto de guas tratadas com hipoclorito de sdio por partedas grvidas e a menor altura e menor dimetro de crneo dos seus recm-nascidos.

    - Reduo do desenvolvimento embrio-larvar normal com simultnea citotoxicidade emorganismos marinhos em que o seu habitat foi exposto a este tipo de desinfectantes.

    Efeitos enzimticos

    - o hipoclorito de sdio a concentraes de 0.05%(m/v) inibe totalmente a actividade daamilase salivar.


    Umcaso descritode um doente que fazia hemodilise e que acidentalmente foi expostoao hipoclorito de sdio proveniente dos lquido de limpeza do equipamento, demontrouo que acontece em caso de contacto directo deste produto com o sangue. O acidentelevou a uma intensa hemlise, hipercalmia, cianose e paragem cardio-pulmonar.

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    Accidental systemic exposure to sodium hypochlorite (Chlorox) during

    hemodialysis.Hoy RH

    Am J Hosp Pharm 1981 Oct 38:1512-4


    A case of accidental exposure of a patient undergoing hemodialysis to a sodiumhypochlorite solution is reported. A 61-year-old woman was completing a hemodialysistreatment when routine cleaning of the hemodialysis machine was started.Approximately two liters of undiluted sodium hypochlorite cleaning solution (Chlorox)was added to the dialysis bath, soaking the membrane fibers. For less than two minutesthe Chlorox-soaked membrane was in contact with the blood returning to the patient.This accident led to massive hemolysis, hyperkalemia, cyanosis, and cardiopulmonaryarrest. Hemolysis may have been caused by the hypertonic solution, rapid exothermic

    protein degradation, alkaline degradation, or another mechanism. The sudden rise andfall in the concentrations of serum electrolytes and subsequent hyperkalemia was themost probable cause for the cardiac arrest. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was started,the patient was intubated, given oxygen, sodium bicarbonate, atropine, dopamine, andisoproterenol. Sodium thiosulfate 5 g was administered by a nasogastric tubeapproximately 25 minutes after the cardiac arrest as a neutralizing reducing agent. The

    patient's condition stabilized, and she recovered after a week of hospitalization.Cleaning solutions used in the routine cleaning of hemodialysis machinery represent

    potentially toxic agents. Hemodialysis procedures should ensure that cleaning andsterilizing solutions cannot accidentally come into contact with a dialysis machine thatis still connected to the patient.

    Mutagenicity Studies:

    GENE-TOX Evaluation B (post-1980):

    Species/Cell Type: HumanAssay Type: Sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) in vitroAssay Code: SC1+

    Results: PositivePanel Report: EMIC/91392; Mutat Res 297:101-180,1993Reference: EMICBACK/43143; SENSHOKUTAI(KROMOSOMA) 20:574-


    GENE-TOX Evaluation A (pre-1980):

    Species/Cell Type: Nonhuman

    Assay Type: Chromosome aberrations in vitroAssay Code: CY&+D
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    Results: PositiveDose Response: With dose responsePanel Report: EMICBACK/41729; MUTAT RES 87:143-188,1981

    Species/Cell Type: Human lymphocytes or leukocytesAssay Type: Chromosome aberrations in vitroAssay Code: CY7+DResults: PositiveDose Response: With dose responsePanel Report: EMICBACK/41729; MUTAT RES 87:143-188,1981

    Genotoxicity of surface water treated with different disinfectants using in situplant tests.

    Monarca S, Rizzoni M, Gustavino B, Zani C, Alberti A, Feretti D, Zerbini I.

    Department of Hygiene and Public Health, University of Perugia, [email protected]

    Disinfection of surface drinking water, in particular water chlorination, results in manyby-products with potential genotoxic and/or carcinogenic activity. In the present study,we evaluated the genotoxicity of surface water after treatment with differentdisinfectants by means of in situ plant genotoxicity assays (micronucleus andchromosomal aberration tests) which can detect both clastogenic and aneugenic effects.The study was carried out at a pilot plant using lake water after sedimentation andfiltration. This water supplied four stainless steel basins: three basins were disinfectedwith sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, and peracetic acid and the fourth basincontaining untreated lake water was used as a control. Plants were exposed in situ in the

    basins. The study was carried out using water collected in different seasons over aperiod of about 1 year in order to assess the treatments in different physical andchemical lake water conditions. The micronucleus test in root cells of Vicia faba (Viciafaba/MCN test) revealed genotoxicity in many samples of disinfected water. The

    micronucleus test in Tradescantia pollen cells and the chromosome aberration test inroot cells of Allium cepa showed genotoxic effects only in some disinfected samples,but also revealed genotoxicity in raw water. The results of the study indicated that theVicia faba/MCN test was the most sensitive plant assay for disinfected water and that

    peracetic acid disinfection produced similar or lower genotoxicity than sodiumhypochlorite or chlorine dioxide treatment. Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

    PMID: 12802806 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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    Carcinoma of the ear: a case report of a possible association with chlorinated


    Monem SA, Moffat DA, Frampton MC.

    Department of Neuro-otology and Skull Base Surgery, Addenbrooke's Hospital,Cambridge, UK.

    In this report we present a case of squamous cell carcinoma developing in a mastoidcavity after prolonged exposure to the chemical disinfectant, Eusol. The efficacy andsafety of Eusol and other chloric acid (hypochlorous acid) derivatives in clinical use isdebated.

    Assessment of developmental effects, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in the marine

    polychaete (Platynereis dumerilii) exposed to disinfected municipal sewage

    effluent.Hutchinson TH,Jha AN, Mackay JM, Elliott BM,Dixon DRMutat Res 1998 Mar 399:97-108

    AbstractWhile sodium hypochlorite is widely used as a disinfectant for municipal sewageeffluents and power station cooling waters discharged into coastal environments, thereis limited information on the potential in vivo genotoxicity of such disinfection

    procedures to marine organisms. Using a recently developed test system based on themarine polychaete Platynereis dumerilii, we have evaluated impacts based on embryo-larval development, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity following exposure to disinfected

    settled (primary) effluent from a municipal sewage treatment works (STW). Sewagesamples were collected from Newton Abbot STW, Devon, UK and then disinfectedwith sodium hypochlorite based on standard operational procedures. Exposure of

    polychaetes to dilutions of disinfected sewage in seawater (20 +/- 1 degree C) led to amarked reduction in normal embryo-larval development (7 h EC50 from 0.57-1.88%(v/v), n = 4), with a simultaneous increase in cytotoxicity. Following the calculation ofthe Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD), based on developmental and cytotoxic effects,the organisms were also analysed for the induction of chromosomal aberrations. Thisinvestigation demonstrated the absence of genotoxicity in polychaetes exposed in vivoto sewage disinfected with sodium hypochlorite. These observations extend our

    previously published studies in which polychaetes exposed to non-disinfected sewage,while showing developmental toxicity and cytotoxicity, did not exhibit any evidence ofcytogenetic damage.

    Effects of GK-101 (NMG) and sodiumhypochlorite on salivary amylase activity

    C. M. Habib, J. H. Kronman, M. Goldman and S. Cushner

    A study was designed to assess the effects of the sodium salt ofN-monochloroglycine

    (NMG) and sodiumhypochlorite on the activity of

    salivary amylase. Concentrations ofeach agent were varied to determine theconcentration at which the threshold and total
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    inhibition of enzyme wouldbe obtained. The data indicated that NMG at concentrationsof 0.10% (w/v)does not affect amylase activity, whereas sodiumhypochlorite atconcentrations of 0.05% (w/v) totally inhibits salivary amylase activity.

    Possveis Novas Aplicaes

    Cultura de clulas/tecidos:

    Verificou-se que o Hipoclorito de Sdio, a concentraes < ou = 0.005%, podeestimular a diviso celular de fibroblastos, ao contrrio do que se verifica para maioresconcentraes, em que exibe efeitos citotxicos profundos. Este estudo poder servir de

    base para que no futuro se use estas concentraes para renovao de clulas e tecidos.

    Inactivao de retrovrus

    Da mesma maneira em que o hipoclorito de sdio usado na inactivao de retrovrusem superfcies ambientais e topicamente, poder ser usado, em menores concentraes,de modo a reduzir a carga vrica de um indivduo infectado.

    Visto o vrus da SIDA (HIV) ser um retrovrus, esta poder ser uma rea promissoraque dever ser explorada.

    Tratamento de processos inflamatrios

    Tratamento de peritonite supurativa

    A oxidao electroqumica indirecta um mtodo de tratamento que consiste naintroduo na cavidade abdominal de uma soluo de hipoclorito de sdio, entreoutras. um processo seguro e de simples execuo, com aco activa no

    processo inflamatrio da cavidade abdominal, podendo por isso ser largamenteusado no tratamento da peritonite.

    Tratamento de pielonefrite, cistite e uretrite

    Com a oxidao electroqumica por injeco intraperitoneal de hipoclorito desdio, os sinais morfolgicos da inflamao urinria e renal comeam adesaparecer a partir do 1 dia de tratamento.

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    Growth-altering effects of sodium hypochlorite in cultured human dermal

    fibroblasts.Hidalgo E, Dominguez CLife Sci 2000 Aug 67:1331-44

    AbstractSodium hypochlorite, the most widely used antimicrobial active chlorine compound inchemical disinfection, is little used as an antiseptic in clinical practice. This study aimedto assess the capacity of hypochlorite to alter human dermal fibroblast growth in vitro inrelation to the concentration and exposure time. Effects of decreasing concentrations ofhypochlorite (0.5%-0.00025%) on fibroblast adherence capacity and proliferation,according to varying exposure times and fetal calf serum (FCS) concentrations wereinvestigated combining XTT assay, which provides cytochemical quantification ofmetabolically-active cell number, and total cell protein content, an indirect method forassessing substrate-adhered cell number. Initial cytotoxicity was produced at 0.0075%

    hypochlorite within contact time of two hours, provoking concentration-dependent celldetachment. From 0.1% upwards, NaOCl exerted a profound cytotoxic effect onfibroblasts. At later stages (4 h) and concentrations > or = 0.01% hypochlorite produceddose-dependent mitochondrial dysfunction: cell survival progressively diminished from71% to 10%. Cytotoxic effects were not significantly affected by exposure-time periods,

    probably because maximum chlorine is released within the first four hours.Hypochlorite concentrations from 0.005% to 0.00025% were found to have noinhibitory effects on cell growth; in fact, they appear to exhibit the opposite effect.Increments in protein content found after 24 h exposure ranged from 30% to 120%above control values. Hypochlorite is highly cytotoxic for fibroblasts at concentrations> or = 0.01% provoking concentration-dependent loss of cell adherence capacity andmitochondrial dysfunction. In contrast, a mitogenic effect was observed withconcentrations < or = 0.005% which supports NaOCl as a source growth-promotingactivity in cultured human fibroblasts. Hypochlorite proved to be a highly reactivemolecule which inhibits or stimulates cell division according to the concentration.

    Proposal for experimental studies to evaluate sodium hypochlorite dialysate inretroviral treatment.

    Avlicino AA, Newton CLMed Hypotheses 1994 Mar 42:169-72

    AbstractSodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is widely used to inactivate retroviruses topically and onenvironmental surfaces. This proposal establishes the thesis that sodium hypochloriteand its related oxygen free radicals can be administered in minute quantities in vivo toachieve a reduction in retroviral titer within the infected individual. Published reports of

    animal studies and accidental sodium hypochlorite infusion in much greaterconcentrations have indicated that the protein depletion and oxidation of sulfhydryl
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    compounds is reversible and possibly preventable by administration of disulfidereducing agents. Various methods of infusion can include the ex vivo retroviralinactivation of plasma utilizing extracorporeal circulation through a continuouscentrifugal plasma separator. The utilization of infusion of low-concentration sodiumhypochlorite dialysate for retroviral inactivation merits immediate experimental study.

    Chlorinated tap-water and table salt ingestion must also be among the environmentalfactors studied for correlation to HIV infection.

    Inactivation of HIV-1 by chemical disinfectants: sodium hypochlorite.Van Bueren J,Simpson RA, Salman H, Farrelly HD, Cookson BDEpidemiol Infect 1995 Dec 115:567-79


    The efficacy of sodium hypochlorite was assessed against human immunodeficiency

    virus type 1 suspended in low (8% v/v) or high (80% v/v) concentrations of serum or ina high (80%) concentration of blood. In the presence of 8% serum, 100 p.p.m. availablechlorine in the disinfectant test mixture inactivated 3.75 log TCID50 HIV/ml within 30s. When the test mixture contained 80% serum, 500 p.p.m. available chlorineinactivated more than 4 log TCID50 HIV/ml in 1-2 min. Lower concentrations ofavailable chlorine were unable to inactivate the virus completely. In the presence of80% blood, 1000 p.p.m. available chlorine in the disinfectant test mixture was unable toinactivate 3.75 log TCID50 HIV/ml, although 2500 p.p.m. available chlorine was ableto inactivate at least 1.5 log TCID50 HIV/ml. In all test mixtures, the chlorine rapidly

    became combined and thus less active. Our results emphasise the importance ofcleaning prior to disinfection with sodium hypochlorite since it may prove to be

    ineffective in the presence of high levels of organic matter. In cases where priorcleaning is impossible, care must be taken to use the higher recommended concentration(a minimum of 10,000 p.p.m. available chlorine).

    [Effects of indirect electrochemical blood oxidation by sodium hypochloritesolution on the course on inflammatory process in the kidneys and urinary tract]

    Danilkov AP, Ivashchenko VV, Kirpatovski VI, Kudriavtsev IuV, Lavrinova LNUrol Nefrol (Mosk) 1998 May-Jun :25-7

    AbstractThe action of indirect electrochemical blood oxidation with 0.06% solution of sodiumhypochlorite on kidney and urinary inflammation was studied in experiments on 60

    non-inbred rat females of 200-250 g body weight. The animals were intravesicallyinfected through the catheter with E. coli and Ps. aeruginosa. 3 days later, after
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    histological verification of acute pyelonephritis, ureteritis, cystitis, the animals wereinjected intraperitoneally 1.0 and 2.0 ml daily of sodium hypochlorite solution (controlanimals) or 0.89% solution of sodium chloride. Though no reliable decrease of the

    bacterial contamination was achieved, histologically, there was a marked reduction inmorphological signs of the inflammation in the kidneys, ureter and urinary bladder on

    the first day after beginning of electrochemical blood oxidation with solution of sodiumhypochlorite in experimental groups. In experimental group rats morphological signs ofurinary and renal inflammation for both infections disappeared on days 7 and 10,respectively. In the control animals morphological signs of the inflammation remainedafter 10 days. Moreover, purulent inflammation was registered in the controls infectedwith Ps. aeruginosa.

    Sodium hypochlorite in the treatment of suppurative peritonitis

    Petrosian EAVestn Khir Im I I Grek 1993 May-Jun 150:18-21

    AbstractThe method of indirect electrochemical oxidation was used in treatment of 34 patientswith acute purulent peritonitis. Twenty patients treated by the traditional method weretaken as a group of comparison. The method consists in the elevation of sensitivity ofthe polyresistant microflora to antibiotics after the introduction into the abdominalcavity of a warmed to 37 degrees C 0.06--0.08% solution of sodium hypochlorite (100-400 ml), buffered with sodium bicarbonate 0.4 g NaHO3 per 100 ml. A combined

    application of buffered sodium hypochlorite with antibiotics to patients with local,diffuse and general peritonitis resulted in shorter average terms of treatmentcorrespondingly to (9 +/- 0.9), (13 +/- 1.3), (16 +/- 1.9) days against (17.2 +/- 2.4), (25.0+/- 3.3), (34.7 +/- 4.1) days after traditional methods of treatment. Only 2 patients diedof 13 patients with general peritonitis (15.38%). Thus, modelling the processes ofoxidative detoxication and phagocytosis with using a transmitter of acute oxygen--anelectrolysis solution of sodium hypochlorite is a practically safe and technically simplemethod of the active action on the inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity, so itmay be widely used in treatment

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