Tomcat Architecture Training Ver 1.5

Tomcat – Architecture & Features Ravi Saraswathi August 25, 2009

Transcript of Tomcat Architecture Training Ver 1.5

  • Tomcat Architecture & Features

    Ravi Saraswathi

    August 25, 2009

  • What we will cover

    Tomcat Architecture Server topology Service Engine Connectors HTTP & AJP (and NIO) Host Valves Jasper Life Cycle Events Basic Administration Tomcat Listeners

    Java Memory management

    JVM Parameters and guidelines Performance tuning strategies with examples JVM Utilities

  • What we will cover (Continue..)

    Tomcat Connectors HTTP, AJP Connector Options Load Balancing mod_JK & mod_proxy

    JSP and Servlet Servlet Life Cycle Context Events & Filter

    Tomcat Configuration Files Server.Xml Context.xml

    Class Loaders and Class path Bootstrap System Common & Shared , WebappX

    Web application structure and configuration Web apps directory structure Deployment descriptors (Web.XML)

  • What we will cover (Continue)

    Integration of Tomcat and Apache mod_jk mod_proxy


    JNDI API & SPI LDAP and Initial Context

    System Architecture Non-Dynapub Web application architecture Apache-Tomcat connection (Active-Active, Active-Passive)

  • Tomcat Architecture

  • Basics

    Tomcat is a Web container from Apache open source foundation.

    It implements Servlet and JSP specification from Sun Micro system

    Tomcat is made up of pluggable components that fit together in a nested manner.

  • Tomcat Server Topology

    Tomcat The Server


    Engine (Catalina)


    JSPs Servlets


    AJP Connector8009

    SSL Connector


    8080HTTP Connector

    Hosts Realm



  • Architecture Basics

    One Server - One JVM

    Service/Engine/Host/Context All are Containers All implement Lifecycle Listeners

    Lifecycle Events

    How objects get initialized, started & stopped

    Object relationships are established during creation (digester parsing)

    Digester : XML-to-Java-object mapping

    XML Representationof Tomcat Containers

  • Overview of the major Tomcat componentsService represents grouping of connectors

    Connector for protocol handling

    Engine for request processing

    Host for virtual host handling

    Context for web application execution

  • Tomcat Server Architecture


  • Server Configuration File

    Server.xml Main configuration file Builds server on the fly Parsed using commons-digester Tomcat has hard coded rule sets for the parsing Every element/component is swappable Define Server and Shutdown port Define Connectors Setup Virtual hosts Cannot be reloaded without restarting Tomcat

    Entire server.xml parsed based on rules. Look for these rules: org/apache/catalina/startup/

    web.xml also is parsed using the digester

  • Relationship between the components

    UML Associations:

    1..* One or more0..1 Zero or one1 One only0..* Zero or more

  • Realm

    For Container Managed Security for Web apps ( elements, and a element in web.xml)

    Database of username, Passwords & Roles

    Realm can be defined in Engine, Host or Context

    JDBCRealm DataSourceRealm JNDIRealm MemoryRealm (tomcat-users.xml) JAASRealm UserDatabaseRealm

  • Architecture Basics

    Copied from the book "Professional Apache Tomcat 5"

  • context.xml

    The Context element represents a web application

    Process each HTTP request based on the context path

    Each Context MUST have a unique context path.

    META-INF/context.xml has all the resources E.g.. Database

    Can use for configuring web application class loader, session manager or Realm (database of users & roles).

  • Tomcat API (

  • Valve

  • Tomcat Server Topology

    Tomcat The Server


    Engine (Catalina)


    JSPs Servlets


    AJP Connector8009

    SSL Connector


    8080HTTP Connector

    Hosts Realm



  • Architecture Basics - Valve

    Valve allows you to associate an instance of a Javaclass with a Engine/Host/Context container

    Component that can be inserted into the request processing pipeline

    Will preprocess all requests received by the connectors Similar concept to Servlet filter Interceptor Pattern Request processing pipeline Configured using a element in the server.xml file

  • Architecture Basics - Valve

    Can be associated with a Tomcat Engine, Host, or Context container

    From book Professional Apache Tomcat 6 l

  • Architecture Basics Valve classes

    Access Log Valve It creates log files to track server access

    The Remote Dump Filter Dump the HTTP headers and cookies associated with the specified request

  • Architecture Basics Valve classes

    The Remote Host Filter Compare the remote host address of the client

  • Custom Valve

    Create custom valve Extends Valvebase or Implements Valve Interface

    Register in Server.xml

  • Tomcat Listeners

  • Tomcat Listeners

    Java Code modules that Performs actions when events occur

    Just before startup

    During startup

    Just after startup

    Just before stop

    During stop

    Just after stop

    Can be configured for a Server, Engine, Host or Context. Defined in Server.xml

  • Tomcat Default Listeners

    APR Lifecycle Listener

    Checks for the presence of the APR/native library and loads the library if it is present

    Jasper Listener

    Initializes the Jasper 2 JSP engine before any web applications that may use it are loaded

  • Tomcat Default Listeners

    Server Lifecycle Listener Initializes the MBeanServer for the MBeans that may be used to manage Tomcat via JMX.

    Global Resources Lifecycle Listener Initializes the Global JNDI resources defined in server.xml as part of the Global Resource element

  • Custom Listeners

    Best way to add code/functionality to Tomcat

    Register listener in Server.xml

  • JVM

    Tomcat produces very little GC !

  • Log files messages

    -verbose:gc, XX:+PrintGC, XX:+PrintGCDetails,XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

    Java VisualVM

    Available from JDK 6. Federates several existing tools, including JConsole, jstat, jinfo, jstack, and jmap

    Other Tools

    Argus, Jprobe, Jconsole, HPROF - Heap Profiler, Eclipse Memory Analyzer, IBM Heap & thread analyzer

    JVM Utilities

    Jps, Jmap, Jinfo, Jhat, Jstack

    Unix Tools Top, vmstat, ulimit a , sar r , mpstat, netstat

    Resources for JVM trouble shooting

  • GC

    Young generation New space, when you create an object memory here is allocated.

    Tenured generation If it last longer than a while it is moved here

    Permanent generation Hold data needed by VM to describe objects (describing classes & Methods)

    Java objects

    Minor GC

    Long Live objects

    Full GC

  • Typical JVM Parameters -Xms1024m \ - Minimum Heap -Xmx1024m \ - Maximum Heap -Xss512k \ - Set maximum native stack size for any thread -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

    -XX:GCTimeRatio=99 \ - The ratio of GC time to application time -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20 \ - Pause times of 20ms desired.

    -XX:PermSize=512m \ - Permanent Size -XX:MaxPermSize=512m \

    -XX:NewSize=384m \ - Minor GC (Young Generation)-XX:MaxNewSize=384m \

    -XX:SurvivorRatio=6 \

  • Java Virtual Machine and Memory issues

    JVM Parameters Guidelines

    -XX:NewSize=128m (Young Generation -Min) High means - Less

    often Minor collection occur

    Set -XX:NewSize to be one-fourth the size of the max heap size.

    Larger Young Generation means smaller Tenured

    -XX:MaxNewSize=128m (Young Generation-Max)

    -Xms512m & -Xmx512m 60 % of available memory

    Set min heap (-Xms) equal to the max heap size (-Xmx) to minimize garbage collections.

    Very High Heap size Full GC is slower & GC Occurs less frequently.

    Setting too high can cause wasted memory.32-bit OS cap the heap size at between 1.5 and 2.5GB

  • Mark and sweep Minimizes pause times, avoid "stopping the world Collect the tenured generation concurrently with the execution of the

    application Start VM - mark each object Remove -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

    Throughput collector Parallel Collector

    Distributes GC load across CPUs. Maximize throughput XX:+UseParallelGC Can be used for Multiprocessor Machines (with four or more



  • JVM Tuning (-verbosegc -XX:+PrintGCDetails)Young generations is too small (Adjust NewSize and MaxNewSize)

    [GC [DefNew: 4032K->64K(4032K), 0.0429742 secs] 9350K->7748K(32704K), 0.0431096 secs]

    This indicates that only about 40% objects in the young generation were garbage and the rest survive the collection and are being promoted into the old generation.

    With an 8 Mbyte size, most of young generation is garbage at the time of the minor collection.

    [GC [DefNew: : 8128K->64K(8128K), 0.0453670 secs] 13000K->7427K(32704K), 0.0454906 secs]

    Good: - Young Generation Decreased by 3968KNot Good: - Entire heap Decreased only by 1602k

    Good: - Young Generation Decreased 8064k

    Good: - Total heap is decreased by 5573k

    With an 8 Byte Young Generation size, most of young generation is garbage at the time of the minor collection

  • JVM Trouble Shooting

  • Connectors

  • Tomcat Server Topology

    Tomcat The Server


    Engine (Catalina)


    JSPs Servlets


    AJP Connector8009

    SSL Connector


    8080HTTP Connector

    Hosts Realm



  • Tomcat Connector Architecture








    CoyoteHTTP Connector

    CoyoteAJP Connector


    contextwar fileseparate class loader

    A particular instance of this component listens for connections on a specific TCP port number on the server.

  • Load Balancing With mod_jk

    round-robin, or weighted round-robin

  • Connectors - Creates Request/Response objects

    HTTP Connector protocol= o.a.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol o.a.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol o.a.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol HTTP/1.1 aliased to Http11 and Http11Apr

    AJP Connector mod_jk (Apache Jserv Protocol)

    org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol AJP/1.3 aliased to the two above

  • Connectors

    NIO Allows a Servlet to process I/O asynchronously

    Available on Tomcat6 (Current Standard is Tomcat 5.5.27)

    NIO can be used to keep a connection open without wasting waiting threads.

    Tomcat 6 provide CometProcessor API to facilitate event-based model.

  • Communication between Connector and Apache modules

    From Book Apache Tomcat Professional

  • ApacheHost -1

    ApacheHost -2

    TomcatHost -3

    TomcatHost -4


    Configure mod_proxy

    1. Add mod_proxy modules

    2. Add ProxyPass Tomcat URL

    Define Connector options




  • ApacheHost -1

    ApacheHost -2

    TomcatHost -3

    TomcatHost -4


    Configure mod_jk

    1. Add mod_jk modules

    2. Add workers. properties

    3. Add the URL pattern (JkMount /myproject/* worker name

    Define Connector options




  • Mod_JK vs Mod_Proxy

    Mod_JK = AJP Connector

    Web server plug-in/ Tomcat Redirector

    Supports load balancing

    Native mod_jk download available for different OS.

    Very Fast

    Complex Configuration

    Let Apache serve static pages

    Connectors available for FTP, HTTP, AJP or HTTPS

    mod_proxy, mod_proxy_balancer, mod_proxy_http, and mod_proxy_ajp

    Easy to Configure

    Mod_proxy modules comes as part of apache

    Lacks sticky session load balancing. mod_proxy_ajp supports load balancing

    Mod_jk Mod_Proxy

  • HTTP Connector Options

    MaxThreads Maximum number of simultaneous requestsTo Increase CPU usage Increase (from 150) MinSpareThreads

    Number of threads created at start time

    MaxSpareThreads Unused threads allowed to exist

  • HTTP Connector Options

    AcceptCount Max incoming connections Increase to avoid connection refused errors

    Connectiontimeout Number of milliseconds wait for the request URL to be presented

  • Tomcat: The Definitive Guide, Jason Brittain (OReilley 2007)

  • Class loaders

  • Class loaders

    Find Class files

    Parent Child relation ship

    Delegate the request to parent class loader

  • Class loaders

    Tomcat 5.5 Tomcat 6.0

  • Class loaders

    1. Bootstrap JVM Run time classes

    2. System Load classes to initialize Tomcat - $CATALINA_HOME/bin

    3. Common $CATALINA_HOME/lib, as well as classes and resources in JAR files.Preferably no Application Classes

  • Class loaders

    4. Catalina Tomcat classes $CATALINA_HOME/server/classes & lib

    5. Shared Put classes and resources that you wish to share across ALL web applications - $CATALINA_BASE/shared

    6. WebAppX/WEB-INF/classes and /WEB-INF/lib

  • Deployment

  • Tomcat Directory Structure - Basics

  • Web Application Deployment - Options

    HCM Console

    Copy the files to webapps folder

    HCM Composition Packages From ADM Host - ssh root@ hcmbcs --sync --profile=)

    Use Maven or Ant

    Copy to a Shortcut or Symbolic Link (webapps)

    Use the -d Option of javac or IDE

  • Web apps - Deployment Sequence

    Any Context Descriptors will be deployed first.

    Exploded web applications

    .war files will be deployed

    /ROOT is hardcoded for path=

    Runtime deployment triggered by Lifecycle Event

    Main programs are &

  • Web Application Structure - Basics

  • Deployment Descriptor

    ROOT: The welcome screen application.

    Location webapps/WEB-INF/web.xml Ignore conf/web.xml !! (Tomcat internal specific)

    Tomcat monitor web.xml and reload webapps when web.xml changed

  • Deployment Descriptor Web.xml

  • Deployment Descriptor Web.xml

  • Maven

    Maven manage a project's build, reporting and documentation

    All the information required for the build is contained in a single POM, Project Object Model, XML file

    The developer provides information about what is being built and not how

    The POM contains detailed METADATA information about the project: Versioning and configuration management Dependencies Project structure Application and testing resources

  • Maven - POM

  • Apache Tomcat

  • ApacheHost -1

    ApacheHost -1

    TomcatHost -1

    TomcatHost -2


    Apache- Tomcat Architecture Scenarios Non DynapubLoad balancing for non-clustered applications. No failover strategy. Application may not be available incase of one Tomcat server down

    Apache &

    TomcatHost -1

    Apache &

    TomcatHost -2


    Apache & Tomcat installed in Same Server

  • Apache Tomcat Architecture Scenarios Non Dynapub

    ApacheHost -1

    ApacheHost -2

    TomcatHost -1

    Tomcat Host -2


    ApacheHost -2

    ApacheHost -1

    TomcatHost -1

    TomcatHost -2




  • Apache - Tomcat Architecture Scenarios: Non-Dynapub Systems


    tHost -1


    tHost -2


    tHost -4


    Host -3


    Host -4http / ajp13 / https


    Host -1


    Host 2


    tHost -3

    http / ajp13 / https









  • Tomcat JNDI

  • JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface

    Provide access to naming and directory service (LDAP) from JAVA Classes

    SPI describes how to JNDI enable any naming and directory service

  • JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface

    Resources stored in hierarchical order (Various Contexts)

    Common Services are LDAP DNS Filesystems NIS etc

  • Operations Track Ver. 3/Course Title Ver.# /AOL LLC Privileged and Confidential

    JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface

    Copied from book Professional Apache Tomcat 5

  • JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface

    Tomcat intercepts the JNDI requests from Webapps.

    The GlobalNamingResources element - defines the global JNDI resources for the Server

    Per-web-application Initial Context can be configured in context.xml (META-INF)

    Reference the JNDI resources in web.xml

  • JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface

  • Operations Track Ver. 3/Course Title Ver.# /AOL LLC Privileged and Confidential


  • Servlet - Basics

    Servlet is a program that generates a response upon a HTTP request

    Multi-threaded means that one Servlet is capable of handling many requests

    Servlet containers usually manage concurrent requests by creating a new Java thread for each request.

  • By using Servlets (Basics) - handles all JSP files

    Request response model

    Read form data

    Read HTTP request headers

    Set HTTP Status codes and response headers

    Use cookies and session tracking

    Share data among Servlets.

  • Servlet Life Cycle - Basics

  • Servlet methods - Basics

    Init Servlet loaded in to memory using the init call


    For each incoming request a service() is called

    Destroy Called once Servlet is garbage collected from the memory

  • Operations Track Ver. 3/Course Title Ver.# /AOL LLC Privileged and Confidential

    Servlet Life Cycle - Basics

  • Operations Track Ver. 3/Course Title Ver.# /AOL LLC Privileged and Confidential

    Deployment Descriptor Web.xml

    context-param - Servlet context initialization parameters. and . Access in code using javax.servlet.ServletContext.

    getInitParameter() Environment details specified for entire web app

    Filter Change client request/response before/after it goes to Servlet. Within filter-mapping Element define the


    Servlet Context events get notified when web apps deployed /shutdown etc

    HTTP Session Events get notified with session got activated etc

  • Operations Track Ver. 3/Course Title Ver.# /AOL LLC Privileged and Confidential

    Deployment Descriptor Web.xml Init-parm

    Contains a name/value pair as an initialization parameter of the servlet Access these parameters with the javax.servlet.ServletConfig.

    getInitParameter() method.

    Defines the access privileges to a collection of resources defined by the


    configure how the user is authenticated; the realm name that should be

    used for this application; and the attributes that are needed by the form login mechanism

    web-resource-collection - The can refer to a directory or filename

  • Operations Track Ver. 3/Course Title Ver.# /AOL LLC Privileged and Confidential


  • MBeans Usage

    Get and set applications configuration (Pull)

    Collect statistics (Pull) Performance Resources usage Problems

    Notify events (Push)

    Faults State changes

  • JMX Architecture

  • What are JMX and MBeans

    Components: Managed (Instrumented) Resources Agents (and their services) Connectors / Adapters

    Goals: Instrument Java Code Create Smart Java Agents Implement Management Middleware Integrate with Industry Standard Management Platforms

  • What are JMX and MBeans

    AOL JMX tool ARGUS Config

    MBeans can be interacted with programmatically or via JConsole/VisualVM

    MBeans have: Attributes that you can get or set Operations that you can invoke

  • Operations Track Ver. 3/Course Title Ver.# /AOL LLC Privileged and Confidential

    Questions ?