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A crowdfunding platform for Sports and Entertainment. We aim to make ThrillCapital the worldwide leader in fan based equity investment and trading for Sports and Entertainment, enabling fans to invest in and support their passion across the Sports and Entertainment spectrum.

Transcript of ThrillCapital

Page 1: ThrillCapital

CrowdFunding and beyond for Sports and Entertainment. If you are going to Crowdfund, you should go to where the crowds are. And we have been giving fans a chance to “own a piece of the action” since 2007 - way before any other crowdfunding platform. But what we do goes beyond crowdfunding.

We are a one stop shop for Sports and Entertainment funding. We operate

across the funding spectrum from pledge-based crowdfunding ( soon to be launched), to private equity, to fully compliant public offers.

Think a Sports and Entertainment Investment Bank with a focus on fan based funding. Our big hairy aim is to be a “kinder gentler” Goldman Sachs meets IMG meets Facebook.

Innovative Funding Solutions. We provide our clients with compliant, innovative funding solutions and deal structures that are customised to suit their

needs in a way that maximises their appeal to their backers and investors.

Diverse Client Base. Our clients include web based startups, sports IP companies, Team owners, Race drivers and Film makers.

Emotional and Financial Returns. Emotional returns and having “skin in the game” are often more important than financial returns to our clients’ backers and investors. So while our aim is to give all of our investors a great “insider, fly on the wall” experience, all of our equity opportunities, however risky, must also have the genuine potential to realize financial returns.

Empowering the fan base. Fan based funding solutions allow the financial

backing of knowledgeable fans to become an important determinant of career success.

Innovative Sponsorship Model. Corporate Sponsors can act as underwriters for ThrillCapital promoted offers, receiving the same degree of exposure as they would

from traditional sponsorship but with the chance to recoup some of their spend.

Full Disclosure of Risk. We are committed to full disclosure of the risk in our equity based opportunities. While the financial risk involved should be self evident and is part of the fun – hence our name - we stress the need for discretionary spend only, especially to our non-accredited investors. We don’t want our investors raiding the Christmas fund to invest with us in the next Le Mans champion!

Commitment to both compliance and change. We are committed to complete compliance in all jurisdictions where we make offers. However, we are also committed to shaking up the Financial Services sector, agitating for regulatory change that will not only facilitate Sports and Entertainment funding but also benefit the wider economy.

Strong International focus. Our clients hail from all over the world - from

Bolivia to NYC to London to New Zealand. Our partners do too.

Partnership. We partner with innovative financial services firms and Sports and Entertainment Insiders worldwide. Our offerings potentially provide a unique point

of difference to our financial services partners.

Secondary Marketplace. Our trading facility provides our investors with liquidity,

transparency and a mechanism for price discovery (which is also useful for sponsors).

Ongoing Commitment to our clients and their backers. We can take our Sports and Entertainment clients from their grass roots beginnings through to their professional debut and beyond. We look after our clients’ backers too. Our

Investor Relations Solutions, Secondary Market and Share Registry Services mean that we take care of our investors long after they have made their initial investment.