The Why, The What, and The How of Social Media

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Enriching Your Social Media Knowledge through World-Famous Quotes

Transcript of The Why, The What, and The How of Social Media

Page 1: The Why, The What, and The How of Social Media


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Innovation needs to be part of your culture. Consumers are transforming faster than we are, and if we don’t catch up, we’re in trouble.

-Ian Schafer-

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New media is … an amazing form of direct marketing in that you really get a sense of who your customer is, and you also get to know those people who may not be your customers yet but are aspirational and are hoping to be.

-Ivanka Trump-

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Old-school marketers are used to one-way marketing communication and a sales approach that talks at the customer rather than with the customer. That just doesn’t work anymore.

-Newt Barrett-

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You can be professional while also ‘keeping it real’ with your customers. By interacting with customers in a less formal way, you’ll build a strong human connection that helps build brand loyalty.

-David Hauser-

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Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.

-Seth Godin-

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When you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place.

-Mark Zuckerberg-

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By not tweeting you’re tweeting. You’re sending a message.


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Build it, and they will come” only works in the movies. Social Media is a “build it, nurture it, engage them, and they may come and stay.

-Seth Godin-

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Social Media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.

-Brian Solis-

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Social Media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you

-Matt Goulart-

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Social networks aren’t about Web sites. They’re about experiences.

-Mike DiLorenzo-

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Search is about figuring out what people are looking for when they enter keywords into their favorite search engine. Social media is what people are actually saying to each other; they’re telling us what they’re looking for. We, as marketers, should be able to fit it all together pretty nicely.

-Norm Elrod-

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Social media is just a buzzword until you come up with a plan.


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Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face on it.

-Erin Bury-

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Privacy is dead, and social media holds the smoking gun.

-Pete Cashmore-

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You are what you tweet.

-Alex Tew-

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All one needs is a computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity to join the economy.

-Don Tapscott-

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Ultimately, brands need to have a role in society. The best way to have a role in society is to understand how people are talking about things in real time.

-Jean-Philippe Maheu-

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The thing about Social Media that frustrates marketers to no end is that you can’t buy attention and that if you have no choice, but to think and act small, then you’ll try to say well here is a 100,000 person community, how can we buy it? What you’ll do instead if you’re just four people, how can we amaze them? That change in posture, that change in attitude is the single biggest shift, that’s going on the Internet right now.

-Seth Godin-

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The minute news hits the wires, it becomes a conversation.It’s just a question of how high [the] volume [of] that conversation will become.

-Doug Frisbie-

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Networking is not about hunting. It is about farming. It’s about cultivating relationships. Don’t engage in ‘premature solicitation’. You’ll be a better networker if you remember that.

-Dr. Ivan Misner-

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You as a brand have to be completely confident about your position, because you will get criticism. You will have a negative reaction. If you didn’t get a negative reaction, that means you’re standing neutral and you have no point of view. Who wants to participate in that?

-Frank Cooper-

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If content is king,then conversion is queen.

-John Munsell-

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The goal of social media is to turn customers into your personal evangelist.

-Shane Barker-

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