The Sun. (New York, NY) 1859-12-16 [p ].

r (yTrl ". -. -- - "4jr- - IIK NEW yOilK, SIJN. 1 , nupAT Moisixo. paaii m "" ,omt cut otmntx. 8Taityaan o, whan tht LatUtarab. jrd,thlr wUh wr d'.y CbMtK, wbbW ' tetod Uw tMga (A A Uo alkoritUi(t thi hold la of OwTttitJon o eon-Ide- and dliwM th that- BKeMtryia to Aeeafa t Wt Wtiful and Affldeiil drnWr,J(W cf affair.. A. bill, rnriileg tot a Clutter omtlonM tatmMj! In tk lglitiir traiw'ta, w UUr, reo-tt- J poa frorVy hut 'aeraoaat and PrtT rtnatne prTn.Wl I'd ttxrtWBlaw. Abet il" tit ItrW.t.M bM fr.ii ai an Am.ncVl CUrtaf, and,'aTr lawi wblan atrioutly aiTexdoMMariltloel rfj.H.1. Ad wbtt tut l" tba Hat lnr lylrtrrerniiitln th character of our CUyCr-rnnie- ntf nTethtttWl'enrii'no.d, hat Utter tuitiof men been leed to office J tttT tht chtns.1 modryIn.r and ..ratl- in. of th. M.rof. cfMttaf hi fa Jdt 4U1JA, trd -- wML-g for th. Wttlo, ef Cotirfnieri frrm Senttoril elf SZttito of . batter c.t.1 of ,, l Oaf ran tt htt quef.b 11 j ibeauelr. They cut tnpai the pwat . 1",f "r0 nc'"'lonj with tbe ', utotb. merit of lUrched, "h'10 h,T b,,n lmre.J ip ti" b' ,!" M,lr1 I,,w', l AlbJ. Jj cm city bet-'e- r giTrntd tow lhMtwj wbolb.cl4 tbittef w U frftco? II th MTrhy ba dlgMfieJ by recent UjUUtion, c bu tbe Cjmaitm Cconetl mii l.w tcMtiibU It eurrupt Infloeteji f Ho oa will TeBtmietowfIat'l,lfin,'T, ByUUnc, la Urgi Bfume, the nuaaint f oar own kffJn nt of osrownliud", the AUibj'JmU ioJthWrelWitn tUi city, hT only enl t BM U.iprMJ JajiorilUilbn nJ hve ttres t Hf tapati to th foul iptrit ( crrup-llot- t. H MbrefHnc tho oU ordje f Iktafti; hiMnpE- - lax apoa out tsdent MuoietpU rlhti, and Nmrrtis to oolitic! ted prty nd lil the .yowtf d Uotse bk& IUCU 10 omce, tbeybsrvdoB to thecUy n ftmowit of nil' bJfwblchetnnotodlybreikd. TkoroU, Iaded,VBtcBiryta lrbkTi Ui Boremaient I Um City of Ne Yori ofta bo 'reetorel to ar erofeaekm!y-odtbt-tU vw8i UUr UKtlnn ts Hi own elilieni the repu-'tto- m of ft eoeirnboiu'r Md pua l maaUlpil ntona. JM tbe IgUUture, la IU pprocbi ( totslos, laetoed et ttrortjn)j to tinker farther with oar dty ohortor, to lilt the rtewe or intorelU of U Ht iifiiU,V I Hthorlztsg the bMdlsg of Cbiitor CoavenUoa, to be comiowj of intelll - featnrfwoUUroBMaef aUperI4 and wo art' lotlefled that 10011 aCnrtantina wlllrreptre aa Amended Charter which will bo MtUfectory UaH.'oU'etMvf cUIitai and pntecttfe of tho thy" rithU. EUROPEAN AFFAIRS. a r - an leaf t iko Itre-- f.. ,' 1W Dayi'. Later Ihtplllsonoe. "Tbe e'eaaelilp CrUneh, frra SOathinptoa enlte !ttb olt., efrtiwi kt'tble pert iMenotaf, txli(ti t "' &ie n.d e nt eonndeaee of tk date. tuaierei tt UnrpW, awl fae llf efta ' (tOxnaaltthMiv, - , y r tlawiiT tannetaa-i- tn lwe or rm Botii , dutBUB-Ln- e tuU Tteio Urn.lntlea tbe M. Tbe te)unor,tuca "ne ml'nn onranne ' "" t3Tliiw'"n- - MM tbe laaub.tatyuf Cn T,rtr,1eHTifid. A'1e tvt mnxif nfv that' lh Pilnoe and ' Vrlmxel rtntaira Wltu laut to Ujnj taoir trtHt to Ut Mj-i- j lmU tee wit U mil Tie Helta e Tirtpoadent tn the Ttiwl anuounoee r4Ctntrooa WiiU ti vwMwlelatna witU Krma,ta C4mvqutr.0f 0; tLc Ute Metre gklee la Uie Mwlitor Mmr-a(baiA- , h4- - Bate ot tVe American eh prftlrc Soan "in'tj-- t commuted br the 4(r Crif( w irl f r trie w Ifut intireArof AiTjui T'x 11 a. entxr ttior, under aticitu- - ' tutteif nf f rt ftiiuafv, Tt 7Vt . t Y" .'v 0 ormm' ut hat e itfliini-ii- i 'rm Nt It ta a eiibuiarUiO 04le(JO3i tjt Vi lit ' i Prrifffbltlnu nf n1 HlllFaiM 'll he '! ?l lt.U.1 by Uil. TueiHrvreirftd ln-- 1 nt Aid Taioi ateiu tu Alea kne te eeift r flk I rM The Kcmil.ii' Ool . . y -- It It In oimtm nlkton iiii"4ihii i4ii-t- riloii of kUtiuai to twH leae Mil pi ! ai lr he miiftLT would Im Iilc. ur( in talked (( ae the iiiu uiiTu oi Kir ena. The y't1lr4, lV .Maoiirriyili ndentlarauLBinorta. rne of t a a i tllja', ban tui nerWiet In Ualmit'a, fram Ketmaadws aamru icing tba death et the Nana, The- - are nut VxltoHd. Aaoordlrg to tba I aloe t no. OMiutmbe bb laijiug tiupe on our fton'Jur, and threatening to amAiitiaM Luckuow. Ut bat about OOt roea with lua. ' Tha Parle aorn epoodent aein .A tr.tL.ry oim ' h taed eiaetbne ago alU.nfliUr, ao ae to oianuand Iteen'muiaot the, leotupMed. ' Taa Itauk oi Uarualuna haa oflbreA 'tba li.atil.b. l4 Quraiiaaaaa aa adeaaoa ut B.KQ0ua raabu ntitnoat ' Inteaetibr all UiUiu tbe war with Mcituom might .lait. A eon eepeadroi of the ifnrninvr Fat Itee'AiiitrU itlll blle out agalnat tha to' ma proiaavd by Fiance, and auppntad by tUglaad, fur g dng into ., . tua xaattr. ' --.Tbe nedtnctit Oautrt rmbllelee be tetl of tbe r treaty tXwarn tiateeanilSudlole, anda'loofti Jeaataltnay btween Auatrla, t'rmet aad onati.D nothing mon Urn te already knowa fiom alror.lare lately iil'i.h.ii A litter trura Painia tn the HUaa Oainlt, etatea ,t tbetnuat aitbahy tteanemblm of O'Stral Italy : I alllbi o tnirt 1 adde that the pamle are loul , toaaukautpg lUli,tjrno Oon.O.aeiur.1. I ll'ltla. l Bfriin, 3p. 17 Bik.u Wiieiae Boataac, the ,. MtrtUterfgKlrrbaai H--aa at U.iUo, haa reeclni a oeie to rrroi ad te Difetlcn for the .irwent Tie ritetj'ea Mtuieterat (Mnlliai (oneoaltaTe to . .ia. eaj lyii'ieKMoauraaUBBujr tPeir ioe ie)iTeHvv.ri'Utnta bid nut team ia. AKi.d- - I . ftr laWtalaloiaanroliojMlkiri'.tue ulfacuUtoa U. ern fraoeod iu'tr a, raliwi by tbe deli.atl.ia Ur- ea ,, tftharrgeiry of Cant elJtaltoU Bcaionaraivi, ' i an ut itl icui'mil. A.'ottrfnii Bjnlneart tua flectin futee ol ilia rtuialaa army Jim Uen egila itc'uc'dv in If A eomUrffldal l!thg ri' l'a relauotiipi4 utx.airtaliiat the bttera of la. (! t.ta'ii n fu tue tlut'grnu Mil b I nut oil tha tlth. ( i4ueuuliii.i P,.-e- .r, tint Uat the CooRtiaj wdt .It BMaeUatvek'datnxtnli.r j TilVe, tr The Omv n: Pana aid tie i Di.k. i. Ci n . ul ecubaik truatr.iw ..u 4tt Aneaiiai. U- - Ida ilit'i er fur A't an lr . Kjj pt. Jfaitnd. ,Ve. .. YirVrday l (I .IT. or. atiitlc. ' ed fur Ue ILnd ttar a n'mbt belbre Hir t'e, JeO rd were iiulid. Ttwr d.'iat aa oonpltte. Txa "paiin b,ti.a rhiard gr. at btve'y '.u.loi i.iocrteyen4i. ire timoroinari owpr, d arae, le rreeeta a rka atnui. Itwak. irgliueuu ban diam. .beikadatC-n- a 1. . ' ' ' IheBedJaetet from Melb-ura- wtt'i LSI.ODO. l Bwifuun.wlU r' at. ;7t0bi,l-i'g- te from tha -- Aoaer maoVut of tba I. IM"S5l,lJ!J",' aa.agllat fuode opeoad ertt i.ISJS-- 2 r.Ji' " " 'aht'swhteh w.i well mala- - tol 3T--;ra!i- . ?S2S!'& . ftaelaevee brier 104 VaJi. Tlvefoi-laaea- Z. i.? J 14 awtiadtiil!; Artoaa aMUiritioi wan firmer, ai fTlraolan antral' Oraud rutJtorpBloa4faii. le ed to JT Ortal SsJiIatianalleallc. it: j TC: wnallr drtuaiMj fur m.anry,ai Mender, r i aa4 tba gt natal iteiutliinet at ti par !," 1 IMJ i ire. Mtagite, I fat TargiriCoa-fut- i atiaur. not. n -1 waiarw- atf ai'duat daanaul Jot cotton tcnlay, aad tha aalea do axatad 7.f U1 atVIIVtun aa.M,l.4iMi --a h .axmrt, rtoa tuulttrtd atte laif Friday. I wt . .4 . lawtaw Co lluirT,l,o.l MaikctdcJland it.. . . . ery little tolng", aul th taVl mad War ta Ine - eIUo. Ue nuo-U- rata of but at. ptiy, IadUa e , j Ojn-wtev.l- Ye)ow, lOeailA -- . . ae II . I. " ..a v . ,'VatW Wayr4aV '" atavtad tjj hlattnof tug ,aioaakmAothatIr.Manrtuontmtbe. ,ft.awm Ouunt, Waurwaal and ntaot ,.toaallaaiwaiiiia ha4a4tBtaitit al t fha CtaiScf akta.vM'4c4of 11 Kf J ..-- !, si- - ?iL-- &t .OrrM JiUeavrfetaatrta Ao tha Carigsear, i TUtttpy afaa-y- ef iit "" Eugtaad ha mder te aaapaot taoae alaoa oa tb aouth eraat mUoh aalabt U aottabla fur btl Majtwtyi.ta Klta,Wnrt4altktricg tbawtatt memthe. aad to make tack pwpanttont sa an raquiatt ttierefiir. P tela of WIIitalblntealaotob " r -- r Tt0Me8 by TwtoffiwL aynri rijrmlk OAa. tfe. a rBrt, triiwi. m Arrival of th Nora Sootlan. TtTOlLlYi UTIR. ,, Portland. Pte, It The roraw' taamh'p Mera Becttaa, Meb left Unrptd on tbo rota n't., oaQHTatkiwaDttilotreatiif of thlt tnei ' rrtod tbl atralvc. . . tiff uee U miuite tr,tt.1rud hf tbe rril of the Unmet at hear Yotk,, but ue adrlow rl Vteaatcwna'-eoiade- later We, At. jiV r. -- Tbe futJ c) eery trane aur, aaj ih-- Aewtre an atea&ly iaijeTlnf U.J.t,VtI)"let4 at !.,. ; " 1:11 A Jf. Ttetotaera M the tjnmlardaMDt nt Tereeai-Kiede.t- M tb RmUtomU tot fee , ci' one qmrter er oeot, balow Mrda)' I-t- Wt;llli tJtMnurerai. I.kttjxxA, 1'H. I, '. AT The teUeof' eottoa yaolrnlav vara T CtiO halt, and of a.'On,' la cUtlui v.iw t rprofliat in atd arpoiten. Pdnea i btct eni!d. tboneh Ir.iVrior autktiee an tularin a at la(l. impnrte ytetcrdi IM1 b a 1 (.nfouel th wteKlS.lill bWea Maeuarcri an 'lut but ateady. P.tiaiAfta til t a Lilt affair. t ant ix tanw of ealee, tVit ratee uriobanract. parroieT'- - bf bate of date Ball at Aa. M. I Hlce ahead 1 1 4nO tma ot Banooa told (t artln)att) Ct. rreat. itWan, Vt. lal, A if proiluna arVeU era eaaaliy.nDcharrd. Buiai- - taaitat luiet, hut e'eaoy t ouAiara firm, at reeton'ey'a piteae, T ouVt. tXrnaOmriUTnoHdat Jid.loftr. Woe lni are q'loied at MVVaWX fur mWf. and ! Ill (at' 19-- e fur aeooaai. Mew lV, 96e ' . ; TIIIltTY-BlXT- n f.miWW-laat- o. irutfot, Ve. 15. I he Vic Tree'deflt an. ryuaeidtie connnlttee on air. Haeoa'e ree luttaa adopted wtvidey, which owttt of Meeim. atuos Dai it, Coiataae, I'ltcii, aat Dooutnt. Mr. 1'coe tubmatid a reenlntloo, which Ilee oier, liuburUoathe oominlttae on lerittortee to kiqulta ltitathetteolatey cf rrp als( 80 much of tbe art rrlbairtaoIiaUantf tne terilualtl (orersmeiata of Now Mei'co and i:tah, at tequlrae all taa-- e ptiaod by theee unltoike to Da tuUaiiUed to OufirMe Mr. Matiotr (ire ootioe of Lie !atWntki to Intro-- d ate a btl to rtgolale aul Incicaeo the pay of tbo rbe SosUe thea pmceojtdto tbe elecUod af a- Oa Ue ftmt ballet thire wae aa cbotoe, but on ISe rceoud iue Iir.Ot.BLaT wta altcted, noclttm SS rjteaouto'6). ' tereral jet.tWue weie pieaeated, when tho leaato nljouroed till Monday. Ilaaaa af K are eeatadraa. Mr. Vai.rumnoiuii remarked that taa court-re- y he etleided tnotljeri at all Uioeahe wae raaolrtd to eeacl fur hlmttlf at erery bverd, aa4 tneeafon laat efanlof be bad a right to eipact the cOtUt of aa adloujiuj.ent, aa he then did not wtab to addnat tha lliee. Ue npeatntt what ha then aald. that tba nan mrn r.ftfad llaieia'a baoic nfmitalabia aa It Mil innmef lunarr aaatlmesta. and tniiaatad ae it I wae to eow tbe eetdf if dUoord, etrlfe and ornl war, u nut di to eo a sjwwrer or mamoer ot iota uouae. Tha tTaatlauaa from Virginia UtAon) tbo lotb- -r tay want further, and aald that euoh a piAa was net II to llw. YtdthaKapnbilaanareoaradtbareenark ae nUo M fubca ind aa (entla (a aunha, aadj they aarat regard thli obeenati' a from faka wet aaaheeaa aoepuiuaBJDtruijti, ue naa iiaiuairrra rast notleafivra the bVrnbllcaa tlda that they-Wer- e de- termine' al art to IWWn te aoy rnrthar remark from him. IYr tola be did nut ears, tefvwU taU them, oter, tla. thaaauatryhulda- - tU breattv la aua. nenn to catch tje alixhwet wrd wWoa la te froju tba uiantliMueaprratcthore. IVi Vnloa bad been We oOoujea.the 'fpoalUon-tj- Armed tautalry. Ue waa a Northern man. He had no Bttt.rnor, and eeiy Uttla (nod feaUng for tba fortA. HewaabcLtvl toRby no tea wtaeerer, aacfct by ma etrorri o anjton a bunmoa huxguage had a l ' 4 ' . I 4 oommcnocunir- r- Is t aat o! all waa ha a there tnaa ajKh Boilmr ro prlntlpUa, Uewaae. Caltad t alee man with Unt-er- d Matee prtnetuta. Ua waa for atrtng to the 8 Jirth antkaihelingeato tt the fdgUlfeeian tat, tha light to ale rr ta Vj irrrlroriea, aad whaienr rlgbta tbe onretltutfea em f era. 0t falhtninude eceuitt,eadhaw.ulaie!dl' Ifnxt'a dnirlgi-Id-- out a ree'i e'jadleooe la all lie parte ) aoi a or aua p oe are-r- ? b an, but had ft iree tLdiff.moo oa the -tt might be ccrlMtheoe'at.tatVraal grotiiid of aur la wbrae fill tha neoola wan aaimated br.panletltrr, nut had not, at a, mo ha Teni', aa eneVeWry ,Uot, and aiavaiy txa a itution. ., ir. Itaaeowedhia'.aelf aWattrrBttanby btitS, eeati. meiJt and educaUoo , while at there- - tlo--r arewed bhuir- -f a cenetltaUoiial man II aald Mr. Obawta had been detalWd to lead tU forlorn hope of tbe Ke-- puui'aeBr, ana eo no toot ion h in -- uiaaxrr, oa oealc not cat quer. , . ' , Tbo next come woaU abow that tba ralkry of thi ' MbnlartfrTl hae a majority of the parrfe of tba oa; try, who would ban to almlnlatar4 tha Ooremment furtbabrntrltofall. The paopta bad hnt tharaaelra tco long to the hlurth to mehe oatwe agatnaf atararr aad beip Baht fortLafr aoithem maetera, who, if uottiitu with' (awaao or any other HtpuUiran, would dirliW the (ptlla among 17 they would but Uttea to tha rule of perrlotleJi, let then be g.rirrtd by eall terpect; kt them lay aJria tbilr fanattoiiuu and be Vfeetera eectlon. ailuta. lie d ti.liel aa muoh tke aerrUltf to Pe Noiti te t omild ajiTilltr to the B eitb. Uacarna to to ii'taor painful l. diOloult ttibjirt, Oleutlun wiiioh tad tiMnrue aa lamlliaf a tie meet irolnaiy worduf ealuratlon. Teem waa MtaOkrlwt wuitibe- - beard the oriaklngof tba rarru ai.d tb nimutifal-llV- a wall. He wuuid tvll gut Unientbidictritua cf Be er airs Haua, Caaaa, and tha N- - Ynra Itburu an tuuee of a ttiajotlty uf theptHpleuf ttenotth, andiifa fntrjotltr la the writ. Ti eie wet In ooe 4umn uf tb Clwlnaa'i Cimitlwrttoi mun abualrg the ttepuhltoea eeraMmtnt to UlitbanlnauuuaaiiderxcobaaofMr'tJoawiB, who, be taM, with reejicot, dm aot only not rt pre" eent toe llepubUcane of that ltabs but waa not a leader mr a neicteo'e folloanr. Uitughter. Ua rirtKoedtd ta arg n that there waa a mat and hn mla-e- ot danger, of a ojerufUou of ttlt Uutmi but than ate tew men. north or louth' wbo deaUa Itt while otbere ate teokleie. wheUiar. U oomea or not. 11 would not oonatde that tb lead' of Um Repub'lcaa paty ae actuated by I Ian and eoncienltoin moUrjce la their oppo--1 ta alarerr. In the aarlr data of ltl u. It I noan pare ueea to, dui aot iv.w. it waa' mow lor aitutcalncteuilaBdwatua(driow aa tbapoiltleal aigrbraottbe diy to make out dleumuo. Ue di ihuedlutieourrte of bit remaika. that ha waa agaUrtnliailr-i&ofore- r. Halheld ta ant L'id. oa, one Couttatutlun, one deatlu' wblnh oou d not o (uiuuta eg a uuiraa And ' etcipt ... ... ... peup-- e, . br tbe ...... lr M&4i.a a..i .1...1 i .: ...i. ,u,w, w.r,auiuuiHi ueeirVUIloa DJIHtl atetloteJand Aal-ae-'y aUpublluan pay. (Ap-- 1 luae I Mr, 1' tan (BVrtd a retWaH.ln that' UU a obaloe t mai rot 'prater, the ltoom Will pmered to rote at une 'c'oua, three Haua efuir ahlok ao fur-tb-er rct aball be takun. Uu object was flat goo. ahuuld not U aoitirlned by a fute (n their uuu.14 ritlro a'tcraarja, aatit. fkd Hat ro (uitber ml wvuld bo taken., Mr. Tata i oiid e.1 hold the Siur.eald UA fikiuda aiuiiod t lm bjiotad- - Mr, Cuatia aW, uulm Hiey adopt .ij eueh ntolulkin a Tute mlgbt be iimiotr mi tlin at any t'uie to tla dvtlmani .f tbe UemncraU, tint of wbieu .l4ttlioatnul. Tlie advantage -t- gtil be taken alia won'd be iuetilibl be y tea. Mr. titlrnftH hirrgaidwl Mr. lumaiHat aneajiinitiT tt- KenuHoaij and ewtionl paitr , an4 an mic vnuld he'd blui u J to lot omatiy. Tte McnalKkoua-r- rit tia-iuD- gi a th M.utbDoa-- a cur it In ancnrc'ai.ct Uh drln lebikgt, huw ?.'? ?, anntala It f Tbe ipu ml r, ' hun tl half a tie;.. Uuim wuUultuiiM- - torly ynn, aid it AiJIoierrry . lIIii. Lti nete mwr ti Ttn-- e ie t .day. Oa tie othirjaid, rj aeiiiu.aurth'jutu aijeuirer u.iemul taaii now Tbo ltilr a U'er weuttej 'y If tat i the qotatuaiaf 8e-.ei- atd cun.utu,or uoB a irr aid union. It,ou tul that of hi uua.1 HierrVt 44la.rr. Tie roMMos of the Mer It waa a taaen, fcatirriAwnouluiatlinli. lthahrvet Uf atth,i. 7" "' V l"a ah Suii'h had huletaM the riaht ufvheNuith, fioutw fmiLdetloa ot th Outcrn-ne- t until lo, tit bci by let i4 bomitra upoa nu,taiii((lcn,lart oronalerery. Me p.ocieW raaly to Mr. Utoviua who had tald tbU tba south''VrThartntT leoulred the bargain lalf unuu Mr. Cuwiutii deputed. Kjt tba Oral thirty ytre - .impwuu m uie uuv rtuniuiK. lrgn Wat ao aggrttekoi irn cpt the pa.1 of Ue NjrthJ la regard f tba taa Itorlal orgaUatiou. Then1, no tTt U OXtend the LrLuiul. o7 tie Wilnx t turnetav. I th rarilwUiuoftlMwUe cat TmuiavA, Alabama, aud other lew BUtca, and axcui fta-ret- Ha ealld on Utaaa to explain what h maant br th C' 1 t J'!i,1!0f :1 ueant;to my that lnJt'ooaprom. " lwentr,'akery waa -- ,Xbta,.ru,D1 all aha aerrlurt-- a nnntE .1 tklaa-- 4.. tatefoV ttaino,'m,'!-u- t' " " JSri0' aaourt lao the KwovwieeTS-;- 4 trtaMffra-t- hrt tb vbavtueatUai. Mt. (24r0o-- a bad mnck I .(tnAlaaaaa, and kaew b iZrZSEJZZZtSSJjli I refareno totoat que thoo, 4 ttaM fau -- aoi.'e wen wbollruaJoiormad.' la ltatfor a nret lime la I tb hutoiy, uf .tba enrament, ' afttxtWrty yean of ualateiiopMd eajpymant af ;r pnptrty In tb temtoaca, wbaa aUaaoXirt otin futemtd, eaklng t laapeimiKdtorivmaaavtttmicsainfoom int ttel'rJouMaBtete-wha- i wMprocMaeii Thatth mblattoaot UnW hoiiidWio4vllonOt Ttla rrae the Brat and It tame from tbcHuttii, rot khaloutb. ; TbuaJtagreaa ro- a BttaBa mwat'iaft UBoaT 4wrTBaprTpnitaa, Batauuga atxrery naa axiaaag xnan taxaa- -a yeara. ana wet tat Btaaiiaaa oaut OiAwroaa mr aat it d to gtr a I WtTtall aaaaiMiBg an aacxnoa of taoi awniag ttatiua Jaarni, aad Ctvdti gariaiAt cprf fitaricn h ltttoo oannat ba neaaaiaad. .'E Motnvtra lmoeatawb,t Aadg tutlan,.UI tw.mguJd taO awenu Hatuat ''lb ae aurlo,tr4oiVtbUiaVo thai of t aardtla flat. At rtliiiVl ' US?IU " J.' Baowa expteted ... help tnaa . ta .. . an,., naa. nn k a - L.a ."--a- t", - waa wui ia,y aaa bob an ouurata. ttocruotad anKr wtxaoa- - reaaanke la let ard to tb L'aloa mttrg aMaii, read aa txtraot boat a epteoh I on tftt4am aaattaa b,' . .. ijr ""' " is N vJTi a, fceereiiMaMto4eei tarjanalo hj ne KeptibUnaaa. .. t Mr. Dawwi ( Mm..(Mthaei ritrt naa a meona wak anr to ?s& Rptladattoi ihf iwtualr'Mel t... i. aha aanilna. Ite enot oa ta eterath udim of tie Aeiublfciwt rxtrlV.Ue rreta. aim at ivi mjtw Vw Mtiuwin.iw wvwi vb la Uk lxtrict.ofCotqmbla.the preUMtton of tbo ttrtrTBaaeeIanlwa.aUttai.a-Bw- to wit tW aTenuMtai pfianeatiy on tba aid of tnt Va" They ali arefoea to re ortta'ee tbe Jn awmrr air mammwumaammwawtu pnatai oWtrtr a ta."V1T(Ua aa ta but wbr aid r t M Ooraa U n an de It f , Mr. Ktttioma. Bwaua. UHtty tf patch. It denial afr. Caawroan. . Wo. , rjdfdy.qbtrty1 nf raaoa, a--t twmnal libera ta anon Been .bo would l aarAt higher tftadHaaea, n wae tea eeattment of enry tfanooiai oa thM .floor from 'Ooeraiav that tbny amr wtuU lubroll to tba frwMfrnaMa of a ak Bepubllcaa Pf ant. l Aptaea ana niaaea i Mr. Kciaota. Haw do yna prepoae to (farant IU Mr. (Iiimiti. That will be I Varna to oeUrmlna. WedntKt ari' RitnlM lafaraiatlaa what w 1B Ooi K prepta talk akout atiuality, lor sieia'f, 1 drolara I hat lb Ladapaadaaao no f and ' Ikaeeor.i . ".' ' ".''i n Me. Doeaeif ohWaed tba .foor. . , . ... Mr. U aaieaa aaaod blae to fin way to a rate, fur DpMT1- - . "T Mr. f Oftua Aid . air, kirrr nvrrrd a e It of tha Ifmira.' wtrtoh trad) the Dueo Uitn trrUd te baUut for Speaker, with tba fallowing mull lemaee.ftac.ii.ik.,iiif..i.i.,.1ia rcorkpa.,,,. .. '" On via ii4mi i..!.... 12 ...... V ....".., i. .mi.. - 'neeeeaey to a cbnlaa 1 14. Mr. BraaAMbadtbeilior. Ill gate way to Mr. Wiftow, worfrP:e'd anotVcr rote a--d tval tbe ilntiae th. n a' J urr, enrlrgtbat Mr..Uona4 woult bate tha Bnor . , . Tie qoeattra wae atrrrad to, aadthtuineepRi Matrnl loa-at- her Tote, with the rtenlt I w iu an i . ilit.i..aifll . , i , i S 1 a IHevoi;K, ... UrtMaa...,. rVattoflrp; . lal(4cl bkMaaary'toaalHifta.'.li,, Adjounet AtattBfarerraa rtJladelplda. Intenso laxcitement. niUdetpkla, DO. 15.-.T- hera It oonMrable oaottaeaeBluow ex stlnc here, with proeprate af a nt An Pair le botog h JJ at OoTMBlt Hall, and aa AaaVSlanry antrtinif al tbo Aarranbty Buldmta x CelrtngUe raia W tbo IWrfcrr thi tnet-l- ng, a requret waa leotlnd from Vie Mtyur to rrmoTe a ear Wen Clotworl Hal, an aoouunt of IU gnat liagUi atMiog thapa-agt- of thaatMet,ai.drk. latirayaMtymdlaaioai ' Aa order wteaUnabt la from the ttaat the fair ahea'd be clonal ana tea loli$mdUfierrao'alirttiUaiVnwriif TwmirroeeitgepidacMmueateQeat,and vaa aaawiwniieia in airnBau ao Brooaaa la a body tettoacert UaH ta atwtactthali crjoto. i Tba order of (bo llaat waademar.did by lb i vn.' et of tbe buCdlnc, who ohdaGta to tha aouua of. tha teeeaa taleatfaiaT It for auoa aurnoma. 0. W.Otrnie,. Ka,Mto1ecfcntolabi 'em tha I "Aepaet af the Marary gaaatai n,r at . luiuonai Oall, ana a re mawee an i uv -- aa Tapara irur a enimaree ae the tl inniiitjner n rrlri In p tii itii ilemialueM ei of pibetpSeeaWadaeidtotaodedtoeJouaon aptrlt ca'oamtonaaaalBaeeBtf IA taa aammtuaUr that ana taadto fearful araeiTieoeie. aad aa wfik oback tWreopa; naandawtaa from making furtaar ; ,Teayrr M UUmr trar, rractutloa to pnrant a,0J4ttrhvca.wr aerria abnoMlaarltabi U botAtlce taia aat la thalr tnigth. ' a " "T " '' w J irr.iOrBTt a lent and, talght la aa.audirnc of abertt M par4a, rrtal aurjaA-lta- Mtaavoed tha otttatdg aieetleg. "tha larteei were adanieod hy Cea. JcnaOiMiLfSltrmatn Prreae and cttara, i ' Aaaa after Mtv Oean eoramanoad hie lactnta, ar oral U the nub Ibraw atone at th buJlilsg, bnalw tear Ika window Rtaaeea. fire boadrad MloaoMa "wen etattoncd la to elotaityyaodtrnaitdiatilr mad atrnmu1tb rtotera, arrrattng atnral of them, ThlaaiutimaTy proorodlngr bad a tarideturyto calm Ut eactteanciit wnica at arm varaaianaa atnou aoar weijoenoaa. Mayor Uavarr and taa abstaT vara oa tba apot and dtiretrd tbe toilce. ,. . ! ' Tkunrg thb KCtnrt of Mr. CcttW h wa aenraf tlbaed llen-- by the tnrWe eudlouor.wh'jn thi ty'tccta i lhe eiotteuKut MaubtMlrg and poaatbly the trou- ble te ended. t ' n.i i I ' ?1 'i ft'll Frerta Otaartaatawaw The Approaching 'ExecuHon. Tu ' J- . III! 'A,')e. 15.-- J1t arid prl- -' reie nouaat oaie an au pro euro, oinui rorrtiuianoa la kept on ttraagan. though tbaaa wba u from eulkalty and eta wall -- puexod tavan tt qttloo( oU peculiar mitsurtcraa. an altawad a. nrnaln. Thrra Qaeker titni, ot OopMo, with whom b It d la IJbld durtag as hoybioa. blm Ttry epaa. of him ae barrtaf baaa a qelet and iaoflrntre ytath. They will maiii aad take hi body to lie mutter, dor. Wuunl Interrtew artlh Cuoa laet trtniay, when dellTirtag a metoaga totMpraMancrbvabieelaier, Ura. IflLiaap, waa rrr tOMtrng.' - I Tre fJcreraor la etTeiiry attaohed ta th prlaoner, acd wid otct htm ae If he wen hie owa eut. llw leniBLtatlon ccnld be beatd tbroiigiput the bulluViiig. Tte pttmneTi an all ealm a'd. uetgnrd t"tT, and etitegtd with Bnmlngdw4faHrpuitaalaBeroieea ittdertu tttotbaiu: tea ll N. U. Noire, arrea-byterta- n eif.nera Te a1iiwe waa ttUetenlug. Tb negrot will be hung between elttenaadtaehe u'clock,aiul tie whim bettreaa twolvaanduxa. ftawi ayeahiaqtai. ITuattaotoa, Ike. 15. Tb ChAileeton Oiarirr aat It Uf tverated that trni'm, UiUMt haa lb liittntlua nf teeiftnlua; hut teal at tte e'oee ofth ptianl aamloncf tliuoicM. Ue bee baea pieMiled from atKudlng Waahlogtoa by tuuiapo-aatlM- Toe Oemooratla Benaton bald a oauaue tale mom. log, further to eunaeder th erraageuuat' ot tba atandlna oninmlrV. Mr. TooelaundeToridto hart adroaatad tba mtotanou of Mr. Ucvqlai it sbalrman of tba eom- - n.ltte oa lorrleotua. but no rota waa taken on that Tormatuod aloua ta lb oauoun-Malatn- g that djaire, . ' lie. Clajtaa wBI at, iiMIW iaaMaiAjM.u.a. Vejtnuttce. bUawa. Itaa and lKrwau wan aot ta the TraieT'. lb th Trijnryaa Inrltod' prrioBaai nil toe xTth Itat., for tba (ae of any por-tl- pr tha rhole; th in-- ,, aUoMtn anaaa-- y vitcelaaichtngefor tnld,aniait, tb aalhortty of the aoi of Otoiraber, 1. and Manx ltH. - eatalia Yaacr. oa hla return, bum math Anuwi-e- ai a inad tba bearer af a' amagxJaaeot anld boua Jlrrlr ertnlded wltM oa ana n .Wen'Ueucui, IVeeldcnt of tba Arganttne Contbdu. aw u, ae a rnatK w ue poaonai ragara ta mlasiooor Hon ue, ofth Paraguay xpdltkn, who It oolyttawanothapraeett. Senator Hlklla't ohaouber wee tatertd at an early bourtblamciTtrg, and two gold watebaa aadiume raeh atrvlen, wtthr.ot hU bttog awakened. Mr. LiToaa,tba Oonruot lot of Virginia, it aniuogUieieouQtanlvalibure. Had AecldiM. rrmHktci, It. I., Aur, 13. Dava I. Cjl. livaa.PilcclpalU thi Htato ormet BAonl, waa la tt.t.tlj kiPed to day. by being thorn from a oar I lege, tn Urtetui wbw th achovl ta located. Mat) aad fatal Acred at. Thy, lhe. IS .Mr. Edmssd SonniriR. wila cat the Pieeidet t of th Bamaa'aar and Haratiwa ttal c?, arddtngbttr of rbe Uu Nana WaXBU. Malledtbwmoralgtn;'rh!,d Mnwt, WUU, at tu.t. htrlcg tat art fit, kt Tbeeeder.nt iw th tuoel) pro fit4rtwUoalatUetty. a,ajalMaaaM-j,aM- .a Later fiew RtwrrairtC. CaurCrrtua, 40011 lo.Tn 0r.r cf to dir txtaln. tn oial adrloee f.oaa Bnernertl'e, whtnh ttkte thet Coarraa bad quarteied tha dead but lee uf be Texaa Iroota killed la th Jet sklraiiah. and awurar'ait tlaox to th mldie of hi owa men. TkUkadertatcdthagnateet axeitamaat at Ban Th Uaxoaat weie faterlng Ooamua. BlaxVaai Mowa, fYrar Orltaxt, Ike. U.r-T- h Motlcaa Curraa-pouda- nt of tbo .ftcapwi eayt tut ganof Lean haa rt turned to the Ctbloet, and that U oonainle to tba ratlncarlea of th MoLxjoj In try wltUut altenrloo. .The . otemtarr of tbt Ifcxteaa Lavaal.,. eu.- -. Koaeao, It apanarger try tha atnanitbia TenBeeeaa, I u ion fur Waakliig ton to-d-ay. I uu 11 h 1.1 NeavAl-rira- J f tk. Aja4riee. BtwlfiOt.N.B .Vc.lSB P.afJ-Thal- t. af. 8tranuln Anurfc he aot hraa abrnaUrd at UaA-ta- x, al whloh plao tb weather to Tory xklok. 1 CITVJNEWS," ;ftaBATPoOTDoAMcTmxri--OaVf:- 4 tallfay trtnbig', a In brake out ' ST i 'f"' ""& lrf "" ,lr tl NorU jurat, w4'aM tartar. TnabarmiiaA lua an, llrtdfrcm HceloBt, artlh 8fr barnla of Heaa, anw' 'UadUMr.'aUiain; aa) i artqUui W tb U g being t,ohaTtly loaBed, tb want wanted inrthddk,aad tb Km Maxatattead to alaka, 1 a.largbaraalr. Ta alarm ,'wafna, aad tba rrtneo, under dlratelea of Aealetaat Engtaeer W axa,ouuUailUbc4aeunktaT. t-- i barge 'wag owned by the dMrC m-ta- m- Maakraoaa. The' I.telawUetoabutMd,M.Vkei tbar is no. ;;P0ArwA.aM7BVlKdi ytanareiaf fili broka out Id tU taaeratnl at tit vB ay atr. AtgAaaiaa; eonAr of Deotd-'- f ta. (wAaMamaoaiiaaabyiUckt-AiaekiJ'- a- . . - "t MlCatl ada.1 J a .a J .1 KttaeA tftfl,, Mwe a-- .iau, aaa tfaurnB.-- ., about llV o'okxi, tt n troli. oat a tbt It tiilrd l!jof thttvTUag tuxuw 1IIM. t 0 atieat, keptby tle Ucrroa. aterbn tk tamm I ( wen atlrtulhedttArooifthbutdto(waaiia l( burnt UL Tb build tt tbttA. .. - .. d. "" a "mmm ."'- I""1""" 1T, leaf af abool 5M, fa btmA la tt Unlet tteu. . .K.,r .' d . v '.1 aearaT auoa wo- - saa luraae era waa aameg-- a aouui w-y- j tyMaaAjate,.aailatrriraa. Tha ln,-- - It kotVeed. rgfamMfrtmUator lata toomWH ggtr1iiaa7dBiTorat'etUWaardrt. Jcaw Bitrjwel lUBTOkl ii ta Gvrw Aboat tw Unaaand 'paraont ballaf tha Oooper lactttut that truing, tar th atupoaa gf artabithlrig ft fond for tMt5iief.tof JctutPaowa'tfarafjy,1 BRaXToafa baud waa hi attndanea aad pttiuraatd reTtral fine a' re. ' ff. nrATTClwdtbdatUftOrlar. Dr.rma. e waa aprailr.ted cWrsnaa, and Kif. it'', faeaoa tpettd tb rMettntr wtthxrey'er ' He pnyel far the frne-ri- n cf liberty, tad felerrtd to tb Cliorteet rwa labonara te let old to d to day, praying that In tha fjoeof Ood tk'y alight wot'be.coo-lde- nl fekmi tlxrugb Ibey aeta aukV k .tW.t) of UU ta and of tte. . Hot. B. B Oaanta waa thae htcroV noect U boa I an with "r "A 'hundred ytara ago, Miltob after tba tma of Ctoawin, acd the rcti!dt'prrnd bat It If lawful and right to oall to aeerrat a wtokad hint, end pat htm to dVaiW 81 h would ban JonaftiOwt'ealtraipttj relkrrotbj eraatry foa a etttel aad wtnkad gtTernrrent, ftepttite a4Ueeoud end long otU sued.) ; Atd thlt pef the pool of reraJte LmL? (App'auae and ilam, and atAtaptatntba oruwdH create dlatvroaaon.) Toe ettakar proot'tdod to (praV alltDgth la the name etie'n, frriTirtitly" Utyntpted by blear aadakoutt fnm rartoaa petta or the room- - te'd ta epeakcr, "utiar tba eoiitlbrtlnt iVrna Baowa bad a perfect right to proclaim Ulierty to IV attared.. ( and hlnara)-- '- CM ttea tikn oat load ertta of Tut him out A dbtorbance ben tteucd tbrcugbool the)' room, and la. 14 fur feral mtnatta. appealed to th aidUno to keep quiet, aad baarwLal tie man bad to'ety. Again tba tf raker eemn'itic, aad prortieddd to outekUr'af oaa Haowa aa baring beta arpeolaCy pra-per- by Oof ble grett aorV, be only aotnl out what tt- -ll rcea tbaoriee. Ue hada-Ax- be paid, more nobly than IVrttcx Dgxat 1 ba laid dstra bla Ufa, aoi fc blmeaV bat fur other. (Applao- -e and hleete loagdUtnibeaoe.) TberpeaVef ilaaliampt-t- o proceed, trot wae rery moroeat lateiruptedt Ten men wta put out amid loud annate, oheen,ete., after a long etruggla. Oen. Puntrar took hla mat bealde tb apeak ar cm tk platlerm. After alltidlng totteaoOn WlueHaaebtracterof Job DaowJ, b ntdtaknyBBOww-elee- t eclof Uadaea to' lb o'gto, hla klealog the ViacV eUd whan on' hla war tottoarmfir4rMomaa tried. V0od Uhlm. ApruMatnlblaaee.) Anotbar mas. wag put put-- by thi ttma tha hour waa cflVa-da- d, aad ona runruly MlTldoalieriad ,Jmuhlei"ae be wad kicked out AtUberTloJent dWnibaoo bar eotaad,VA Mr. CttaariaatCl nlalad th floor groan war gtr. a Jor Baowa. Oenaral' Pitaarjar 'eaaUarored tnaawaUlagTy to quell th eoafueton, and, atkea ' net aw - all g" of "gtn ue mora police, more poRoe."' On. P. etood oa lb froerl of thapkatform goUg tbnragh a paBtntnlmld pTfbnar4oa, wbaa 1 rka ta tbt erowd ahoated, fYo atond tkaraj gtrlng rn ana laixing wau a party Nxowei an beaiking up lb meettng.' B tb pjUot era Aotng to protect ua, hi them do lt,f Cilea of 'Oood ) flaod I" load ipluaa and bleat., Tbe epeaktu'.agtlaemj-anriiee- d aa Oen, rttAaroaT eatendthe (jaowd te quel, ta ptraotA th dlatmrbanaa, which ttiw.tattglrlBlant, tbeet aad groan alUrutnty drowning tk apeaker'a rektv Ur, Cariraa, boa err, pruoeeIed t day that tb 'CfJt of Jeer Batrwaa wae" aot eibaaattd. Tw thoueand tfgsatoraa; to a "Vnloo earing" ' meelUig would ao not laaun tk Ijrjth agalnat anotbarottbieak.of thett great to'eeao,tha an ad datttriat eiw tn Jomji Baowa' ocflln would ptet tut hlcrfurreitintV Obrere, bttwbowla and a ' bl dranned tk ewaki' rolje, aad aa aoVtHonal fljeof poloetnterod tbt'rtom. Oaa aiaa paopoead tta If th; meeting tree adjourned, and tba ball a'eetd, thty woulA go' bom. TW preawtatlon act bilrg,, the dp.urbatca ttjft ljokj-- if Wot) ; aeteral wore tjaeted, and Mr, OaaareB, nplc ty, took. Ue oral, and WeSOaU. jPaiu MntkllHra.t.. ,- -" . - . Ua began by aeemllrtgi that Jaav Saowit lad aotproted faCan;' 1 had ehuwn tha, iri.iglala iould not exin Otoei aea fbaaotlaoa, Al Hpt7eewatuthaa''tDA' tUagraph'. tbeaO,'aJ tb1 publla Wghwaya, at rotbrn wen gubject 'tolba'oommandaof fld.'T4XUayaXacl and hltj aaao. clatar, and ouuVl not be Bead except by tketr oen-ar- .fcronteea men ttruck oa It apriarauiy fun ttjeaol of Virginia pride, and emptlnam roaoanoed. A alar Btakt la a derpotlam lamianuar. ftlleee and ot-cau- a Otutlemen, an yen tba aubjbota of Vlrglnta or dt'aeaa of the fro Bttto ,et Ntw York, you try to break na ttile free auetlvg aul with liiaaaa of d aapprobation, bat tu nganlzed ryitem of rotcaa, "(a rtfee we anCnV ooraan,)" A dutorbaaoe enauad, but It ra jqalcV- -, ly quollid, and tb tiku proceeded wttb'a'tkotoh of tbaBaowM r. ho entered th cmUatat llarpett Tarry, attributing Uietr aat ao!lyto ptd nthropy tid Urn for the human tpc tie. Aoocro uy Vlra gudabiraelAhbitcutlrcawenpiua aad Ala'rett-t- . U'. raiLUrt then aTuifd to tb btare got of' M'at root 1, I going wttb a man to rr oottr tie bxty , of the Mtjor, and afterward tndearortng: Unarall BgtytoUT yourg Tnoaraoa-- i YaLpabUd evichaetet bttbebranirl dld not dan to btow her noble aot,pledliTg thai ate on'y dldlttomreheraiatei'atatpat boxa batngf tiled. le It MgU rur a alrrttoagbt fofhUabiityortfal many dead bodlea aa would tta from Vlrilni to' Canada f (Crto if "Not no!) i wae bom la, tbe. abaft of BunkfTUH, and I mytttartgU.1 (CrtM of "Trtaktonl TreaeonP') Wad right for Baowa' toaptUn,toriMtorlba4rfredonil Atk prana, ,wbo fell at bTuuflonghl.ln tttanpttriA' U ialnti lareu uiimi ut aotnctKci taa war atom hi gran rn lb lankt cf tb; IluSaoa I ant war ran hrln uif (A'rolna Mb7. 'wilt "man.) Liriinrkmld "If I had known It wet to be e'aroboldlng npubllo, I would raetor htt' dnwn ay (word to tte defence." (Applaut and hi) Th epcaktr next rpole of th Tut,of Blarety, aad cUracterUcd tbe South a a eoafeofc racy of pirate. (Orle of "rreaeoa," ntnan.") B bkenid Nwtbra dot'ghfacte calling Be yarn buane, to Comaat'a comperjotn calUag Um drnak, whU he peifict'y uur and tty tipey, rueiay btctun h looked odd. At tb Cab earing ttettli g In UoeUm, tt wae oeard by prayer, by a olp'gjman who prajrd loudly for tb Inloj), rtprrlally the oVutlern half, lUetha mm wt.o owtod belf of a negro, aud bo ala-ay- t pta;rd, "Lotd Wcet Tua,1' etpedelry my half." (l.ulbf, tpplaiuc and hUtx) Tbtpeter then litntauned, Hit a large donation for Joan Itaow' family, lti been rewind from) a tiara. ho'di r In tynHm to, end many then' pttiaed' htm ti't' Jj frbl rrtral thanetor aad brarary. Taa el.ltalry tfVugbiiaMxiiet'elndlb1 apaaket'e at. ttctlcn,, tn a tlgbiy anbumpUrnerrlary manner. U aald, tual Joaa HeowK,. llli Tl men, would hart matohad to Blob mutid '"had pardoned' Quveraor Vftaa. rnqurnt alUnptt rm mad at tbbl pctnt to na np in maenag, but without iratUi Speaking of the eeotatioo Cly, tb ereaker laid.01 If yon error Aad tb tewbV poor arpanHng firm th terra, taa neU act ytu will at U b South Carol a going cn4rftPbnrrJoa.' A maaaakadwtetbarjoaa' Baowa )i4fc light to bt Judge uftba'law and Conttitatleo. Mr. Ppn." in luwercd that-ar- l ..... .. .4. ,' . ' 7 . jog or an riftHouiuam of a,lw. ttafpnoberelti tf hi taTcAano talla blm tt la an oar. ha ahanLl aAotHy't4attaaKtonV " Bar. u, aJUrtaoa thaa fjUeered tna akort aptaclv U wiW tbe Joua Baowa wtitma! guilty of airaew -- fa eai ua nauwun ww in now talktegUwkattlwuliJUUaaa'Bipubllotu.Uv tarraaUaar., ,"Jv ,j j T .i t Bar. J. AlBwaawai tba laat arpakr. Lotam, Cairo, ioaa aCaak had faasa,' tbay' w1 aot para' 'feca,biJkthoorAt that Jooa Daowa wecqaalVo wtari,aa aaa muwa nnaouaatqiy, pu aawaw nnnat.' Aouth Oanlaa brad H rf f Bao'wa aad ynmatid II to Vhgmi, but South Owuttn UA aot outloa aid material tuopjb la' bar wbjle dotal. tea to mafc a rep ttrong eaougb to half th rarlaolt pMlliattiivUjuBaBiiotrV, j , . Tha aiwttiagtban ajljoorad, atkw tkJ to-i- aai ratvTjcgU:eiketotUpulVlWtl taoteooyt'1 ." ' I", i. a . I r f A.ynt'nofPtaoPchVkanwaaiait" airiiatmtlnMttifut'ieW "Wr! tmiaia ua la kTwtttr etJeAJJI,.at4 ,-- , ta tatb. end cbeaha to tttvaanaant ii AIM aaare. ;kx . a,. vit. marqiaaanay ana r "r workmen appitr. la Tlew ofth large um atin aeeaatary totnaUa tb workmea to obtain na a ftdAp. cf U- -t, took, th publU u. urgl to IU, Suoi cltUM eg art willing to lthvk'' wn t T"rT ,13"- - ' wffyl- - T r rMbutt an dialled to aead Ratr eraxtrtbutton to bvtSotf tbl rapar, tb prtprltt; T wbloh ta onataie to reoem in eor MittDw. . ateltt:'T,a,r'n WaxttanOaatrggt - aX.1.2 u4 i.l,a1. tetal-- a atma-ai-- are. JT 10 UH vvawinwri ." -. U HtWUtli, 151 uraau m. - a a - Tn TaannatrrUaU Crrjrl OoramttU mt laat ereumg node fb tan of the lalrmaa, titao V. rolM, reo. At lb hour'af .aeeettar," to Cbarraa bang detained oa other kttaxatw,,tln. Joaa KrtlT waa eal'ed to tba oltalr, taad th foU eal'rd." Tara' fag ft Vaty fuU aMandaned 6f, tiara. bera, and ttbarr-ro- m waa hTed wldb ouhakltr. TbBretW(BgtiertwtotorOOlT tbt V port itaaoing Ootnml tlaea, and It bttig' n mt Vaotory wan taanlmoualx gprtrtd,. and a rcUof tbaake paend to the Tneerunr and Cam-mltl- nooa Tinaaaa. .... Tb Oomadtte oa OrgaiJiarJon than pnaeated ft Ca'. M Ibe" election it a new Oorrrjitttae for ith Jear 1MI, ota Young Men'e Ctaaral Oomrttttne, aid of Ward Oonmlttcca, to oootDat oftn motiberg from f aok ireottra Dtetrlcl-- tb Oanart aad Yotng MfaVCimitltTcttfaooneUtcf fin tnembon feona tact Ward. ;TbCil waaoaanlmoaily adoptad, aa wMlMleeoiutjoiIaoweapinjlbglt, that the a ftom tba aeratal Vftd, or a marty tbttwaf, arpuktlbalurtetore cf Primary leetkna jd U (Oaie cf bold log tbapili. ' Tb Tittary aTtctlnnaan called for BrAurrlay ettalnr, between tha houn of all ard eight teliok, rttfur th return ot bvptoton won mad, B int mr.rfdind carried Ibat tbe Wardab cated, lud tbat at lb aaamben who were unfaithful to the la Ut Chatter a ttlen,b txptflad from tba Ooaniltt. Tb reeull waa tb xpu'eloai tea th Corarutttec of three or foug nattnbtra, wbo ud woikd egajratth election tf Alee a. Bwiiiln, Ttuxa aad IfciKxaT. Tb only Waril ooatcetad a to th eppoiatoMnt of letpeotett, wtn the) Hit ettlUd. la tl fonnr Ward th naraaa preatitel by; MaaataT. ' Twits, Rrrou and Saul, fan Idol tad. lb Hd Ward can led to a loo; ard excited d bate, la whlah Mr. Saioat,, Mr. Manrtxtcm, Jhdg CoamoUTj Mr.' MtSranow, MrvrcwLaa, aide a raoet tloejueat and louthlng aJdrrm to tba Ooatmtt- -' tea, which wag nr loudly applauded, argtrol apon tbem tbe rjooetalty 1 f tnJo, ooocClation. aad effjtt fcr tba aak pt tbl (ntenati rf tbt Detaocrmtlc party la th Stat aad throughout tb Union, At tt doe a 00mprua7.Ua' am egrred to between Jijlg fjoava aot raadtCra'aUtriiaoa. AjteraUutk-nw- than a4opt4 noonaardlrf tb Detnocracy toattonl tba I'rJoa tntatlnf lp be bold oa Monday tonlng taxt. A long Addram, prepaied by a ta relaUca to tbo ICurdclpal ecaMtf, waa read and uriaol mooely adopted, after wkleh th etmaalrtta Tb meeting wt' ac of th moat titer. tttia; kaUtoTaromany Ball that , tl J lacnretaB Tb caleurftttt LoLA otrxx, CooattM.of taadafeld, dtU-- ra WJleolara oa 'Job Bun at Home," at Koairl yitA, laat ereilng. TU UU tea alroV and the Mr laxwnB,bybaraiaiy happy bin tt the mannen aal (ruatome of out Bar- - Ueh 0W4 x, Xcpt tb aadltno la good tvaavtrl Ban Ote ft,Lm,"w Ika 'ubot of a leeturaby Waan Bxtcajrt,'! tbt'Bkoad. wy; Tallrnatl..A la'ge crowd wae to atttmdaaoe, anxIoaaUkeal bow that oVilrtil 41'pOuil U avwtawaplta-ajej.- ,,, t "l rTma MJfaa kefurad be'en ttm, kareaaatla Jeut eratirgvoa tba .".CUy .of tfeer.y ." r-A' nt or MoarrAIa(Jyy lirlng itowwaoxneeTtmjigeietreatoaMtl rooB." ,8k tank 'tb preMoa'beton , learlng hoaa, to etoTekt aam baaki aatmi fc tba amount of oaabaamrl dePaat, la a cbampaf tt tha 'Irdtobaa gbavahnwdly anpaoitd Ma btrrglaror tbierkh aWwaat .Would think .knUacManoh booty. , Tb fnallone of WW'pley olep-AtdJe'- ery ninmaooftlumattr aieatrdlmamdUtely aflrriratubaoddklriotma ejvrabtornragti;liat. Upon taptaitaej to th purnof maam nt the band,that the) fir bar) don rne.1 . . ' ir I ' ' FtrBtiiar nnrr. Tharaavmad'oerr loflle ytaUfdaymororpg, a lank epeclirrairf,tl'iDtoocner .trftir, Jildrnf high la air her abort iMrta g though to keep tbaetafram tbe dirty iivd waTkv, arrUeaUy aba la ant beginner and rued 'to praotl la prl- - Tat until ah gate batter aesuatntadito abort Hog." It It woU.ciaoagB.oralady te ahsw aa ankle la picking bar wty through foul atr-e- tt, bat tk Jntnl ebon tk ankle may bt eotiota'ad by outer gamvi quit adTantagaoualy. " y , FATJt awd AKJiraexatM. Th meinbort Of the Cborah of tha Incarnation, continue their fair, umuu tuel j eaterdayi through t day and thlt ere I tb of th Home for tb ritondUi,ao Etf?tb tlrcaf., Th fUrr onoeln obarge itato Ihelr objext to b tbt rait lag of fund to eoaepWU In hank obapet, .Th Sabbath achoot aonnectod with tba' lint Oulond OorgngaUoaallit ohrueb held it Hdj Ann!- -, nraarjatlMBBiyTcitaniinaHtut. AxaaicAS iaTiTi roiiiTxojrio yoct-AT-o- ti Thi imaolatloa,'. met la fair aarnin al: Ooortr Jnatant laat mnlng, for tba purjwm o, arJidig tb rntmbgrt praaoat to oouaUlar and a--. prtm tt.lrrt?UoB hi falattM to th auijiol of "Bead ooreilng aai! tlothb3'g., , Ttu U, 3. Bcrranna.'Cfrittar MtrCWJai d, huj DCC14 aeaagiicta ev uo aiaay is ta a ajawaraOB ay ta Btor tary uf the Xreaeury. ' Vb .MQin adel b ' Ctpl. ntnoiri. ii OOBBWlfAtUoilB, to. I OoailCTloB. Hew Teak.' naa. Hrk- - I8M Te OUttr tlk AV xWulyejapfaaa Opriot IU aaipiw leaattajvMi-Irapr- till taiaanay.ia ragara to th good la my bindery. No. 81loruoi atrtet. ng damaged at tha lata fl.. I taewed fram then to .. auaaerra anonaanMoatMBtanpf Hot, Mygood wnnalntnaured. I Younixtaeotfoily, ' X Btiai- -t. Inr.utrtfc,Au)otixiU, .to. florroniT) Antwt i(Poin AU young aiaa rmrud PaTaa Januaow, raatdinf at No. ltd klighlk atntt, and who laemployadlal'aiat ft If ca- rat fuundr; , at tke foe af Uoarry atawtt, iarrow)y eecaptd tenng polautd jaeaedaya loft bom wtlh a can oontotLlrc hit Olrmer, part of wkleh wae toe, aid at Loan raiJCBrt of . tb tea, ant Imme-dlktu- ly waaetUed aitb terr.ble pain tail gtuinwh, d with pebfaee nauUujg, Propar aatl-do- tt for pet-o-n wait adml-later- ed, aad th mule la afatrwty toreoonrr. It I nppoead araani had been tut tutu tba tea, but by whom tt ta lntpoaalbla toted, . j Tua Iatb Fatal AociDaa-- r i DoasB th altar Uinaarr Uiut tatia, oat of the worfc-- j mea, mjuirtl uy uu , Mitag of a MaguJd la Duana ert,oaTAiaadafiatt,tUedamTattiaya Ue N. ,Y.'Hor4til. VotxMrgoxatBiwldaaluqaMtapaa the body and a eetdjcl (, ieoaintai death wa raadaikd., InoiiuicAwMt'natlnof Jrland,nyaan '"Kru.Mtp APttn.-TH- oa. HobittMOTT.'i Uburer, LU tngifid to hlaetlT-- f rock at eh oorner ot am Atenu ana M Mreet,ou'. narUaykDornlug, -- aa ktHed by a Batrmeat nf ruok whlc etruck him upoa tba heed, tie- - in a aetata af. Iraiaad. about M incfH AJtUquciA will, b held Upon th, h . ,' . KATiL BVBBfarj CAoAJJT-3oni- lr Noi'Sel Beooud' atitupcnthtbodyof Xui Samxrt,' a aarVant who,whltoattawpwatoBna8uldla2ap wbU fighiaa, waa dnadraU burned, la OMuaqutcio of fig airpliailaf, and died tk aUloaln. aaanihg. Tb tory nndorad a aetdlet of "ptath tram buVaa l. ,.. J ,f A a-arj nt A 'TaraAa Infant aoa Mot. Raoiat, tmkUatr at MA at Ohetry atrtet, witrowred yeetenja to a tub of water, km arhtoh UMwkAa4oAI4tbkUobJeB.OirU4J. uabeld antaetuaat upa uUbcnty.-'Vardio- t death by dttettigft m I. pi, u ,, 1, j ,f ura,'ii.u. Uy aaraa a aoutg men rtjrre ig a I Uurooetr-- e Wty7tolbtnorir.deMh..f'Bdar atrett.' Ibr ta n eliawe cf ttinlt in aiaTaaa tn Mn MmtTD 1tltaran.fortbiyeatrtMa taamaepxraBMOwa foaa.t By tbl tt ap. ptrttalkAaaAaMnxi4aOi4waatoMooj- -. arvrtky aarty .e.'ot I wrj t ',,' I - w 1. i I ..' a I ,, .. , tufl . ,, Wiir. . rart . falania . it te I ai - w a - 'nA VT. ioaigotx "tt ' Diitttfgini-15.iV- 0 BBlOLBB-'A- a ahMt' 11 otftatWaBaaaBtrai-gbtV- ! illtii i ,, Lorn, of hBk TnOatL IdW ai, i thnT, :k a ..z-i.'i- r: ..r?.'r.; . r- - waauwayt a-- taTAaaiWMipO(aw: BW mi tuy mom r raaaitvrao. tw, ptriauvy ,pa, aad uua.naa .aaaaanaa. a-- o nc,arjoul . ywy. atjw, , aa waa in ua t at' of mo lag ta Je-at- atF. po athflgtrB tlaaSItgaaaaaUl XX3 aaaltli. rfenai " " tkj AMW ' mt tha aton. - aaaiheeuiatatTiaiettm a wee ocxai, wavaataaaB l "? Tr "haaad hla, atat 'aahlikJl taery epaneat tattatBH lulibedeA"tlg ftith Mr ta Hi ! ' IhitHiiil mmtjvij eyLwonato. aid tea aal tbi tetrnpagggiVi tatt. Jug tXe, rcaaatnx, WtXtaBBBfttune tuiyoaih. tlllll tlBlgtlBB a.. .f 'b'iii MmaxI aad wba had oftaa alepk wBhidmkto. ttotrirVtb. UUna. Mat aoaawa thea arit tad. aad beAa --r tk-- . jmZtttffl&ffZtt ' aoilcanaa'ekty, TathiAraadgataid . to U autMMMMBSESMIMBIBBBH5MBilMfiHMf'w nwwnrWfiTi' . ---- .. t . aaartraaee. .Wnain wTaaWan Hii traamn & Mj IttSZtt, and tbaa afie gadgtrvgaad iplloa, deoarai eo. TaafoUaarlnf BrrrAwa-S- g nVtdiM property for aaUtooaaBtW aaa tvr)aw-rairir0,'- M. Pearl etreet, and HtTMlaaaBlla klaaa-a- a. tvat. .aaaaaa wae a- - r"1 "a. !V"LoT atotrB gt)ot a, aad an tor war maiaieaa up lyr luruitr etttaUailOn. IteralM,oapai -- , t- -J yenrar ttan ttvara KotfTrro jrnxiaoa. aa efbotat laiuiwil ew - , iihihii 4waU4aajg Ig aUIgrA 10 1 Btcawricoethlif. aad Id Utinaa hae graoed tha JhW OaOrry lor mm tlmrn a waa lacked up ID trwwatwiarampTMniwia. frirriartrriFO-W- H. Janraruvnie. a ka- -. lender la a Chatham tl et patter bemaa, area arreeV rd ywtrrday, ehergrd with ataer tnar g, - oonrettrfett tt Mil Oa tb ante Bank of Nearer, M, J- - at th lkrarr ttor No. lit Duao ttreet, a waa , ; i Coaaici toa. In the toport of a eaae of rep, aHrgrd to btm aeaa ae marrtted oa Wadnaaday, trpoai tbapereoaof aMttUglrUtt waatrroreoaaly ttatad, tn cur laaee ef Thuraday, tbat It took pleat at . IKOreeawtaheti It Ihould Un been at No. It Ortamrwlea art aw. ' . a ' ftrXBoaa TrTtrT'wT BaarArr OtaiA. ManMrnraraadJamMarCaarr. irrrutt la tha trmplcy cf G. P. Mmna, wn at retted on Thnndaw, cnargea wtia iwanTig wouiDar v an ta meow w from the boon tf their emptay, whtlo hla family wen atteadlng a faaaTal. JiitaOOojraoU.T locked th aoeuaed up lor aaaaaatlstt. For aar ITa a bm Third Xfag-- Trri atOBTp voT nnrtovra. Jt'tTim iSD laxAlBlltll'tla, Th aaderntgnad retwltaTTwllk jatt tbhrrraj Mm rbaaaf Jaha Brewa aad hie eomfalaratea, Aeetnt aalt wttl ear feOeweJtlBeo tt N Ytwk and aiata-Ity- , to d btUaCrrmdaaaaUtl4a t that tad n ttmllir eatnaet, aad decian wr watHertale ana. atitoatamlBr' th Oeaetteatlea aWttolarta,at tatnr-ret-ed Itt th Bearem Court Of th Halted gMaWtkodwahanap liaeaan a auxaatrUU aal. attnta,rtototr)taty aad gtagorme, th Idea ef aa xLrtlag totwtwa th twe great aactlaaMafWianVBlaa. 6a th aoadn-- y. w mitolalathattluKerthaadlht Soath war ereaehataari that then U a aataral aad cootaary afunltyhetaeea therm, by aanataaUetary.iBxioaa atatae, aad gagrapbll poatttaat arat that area UelffrarteJlaete, and datanalfarmeef Iran., trr. tdgttrtagUi tethlt bond af atoa,br MaMhai tAraato taah othare waata.i Aad tra heraky olrmalr pledgt tmnelraa, frm tale hoar, kranf i tag , axampla, oar , rot.', and by erery Wf frliir meeaa, to ateoataaaat tad etteel arnoaxUtJi la, art Ite forma. Tho of ear fhatew. eltlaea wb ahart theee tentlraaat with aa, utrr nfV t,)ra aala a Mbli xpramloa af , th awm. etrrieJiUta aad place ae may htlielgaalllhr thi CemmUtatb terreHkoar1wwth ararr taa tat. which hag reoairod tbt dguatotw of aaarty tojo , a pcblto matTora Jf- - Wilbblg .,.4..-- a momdat mrtsan, ... i at the . . a ' AOAcnrr ov mubio, .' - j ronrterath ttieet, , s .uia'clatw. JUaoaaa,9talUr.TleeBam,IIaytr af tha City, WU1 KWefaTMr akM mljBBaBBaBai JaroeaW 'ttortidBaOaek Joaka J nary -- riMargan '0tri70rw4BaU aawbtk; Wttlpylatoa a.JTBeaMer- - JahaJaeebAjter.Jr ' 'if ilfhow Mergaa BLBIBartew a- -e WBeeaOHaot Jama Brooka ,,"- - , i AT Stewart au f t, ti Hit. eeea ta. I a r -- -. a .a unit . a - JJ UI -- ,.' J ita-- a Iraaaafrttadtptothataaaaaad vflltaa tootatrt. kto ta th COravaw, win aaad tt . T. Boulter. r tt ' anil .ilrll hadarottttiikarraBtayaBMiBy iBiia,'whaa gr aalr AeaaaaiealA araaam aniijbl is tr twAtmaa Bla,etl IgeBOB totragakatowkt' tTM'jlreataag aueate ta,tUaftml AtSktaavf aattta) an Mat trea-- y rtattotAdOaahal Utae, tttitaialdaa. tlt'Jl .a.Hitawla4vaalr'MiB rmaUOM,ltoTrh.kealheWlttthniec, . reMaylnatltmtireeuhoertnmwrrta,i ' iV''"'t-- r- Tr. " .j.,.lawBa,t StmiaAllaoa-rB- B. , nCt Betogkhlna..i'.. ..:;..',.. .....jino Ko. I SewUg Machine.. ..:.:..;..., .tO Taw wtmliy Br Int TbowrnQyBrwlag WieMiil.,.,.;,..4,t ernaalet naaane. . ........ , f. ML SOtaUl at COt lroeaJwar, M. -- ; t, , " 4MPe,rWatejwt.BnohIyrl. OmroAra tr KrAtV. nanTJuo nttauatllvKatir-jaaa..- ... teals rtatiaAqiiAithr.noaA..,Mw.. 1 to It (equta-- ta IS la tt poeee. nearer xirrepara. a. .H. ,,.. tu l Blua, Mark aad tWMer, tVaetor rXaaware ID t H adaad twL rw'iie'rtTium, aaJeha'rrie-eet- 4 ,",... .., J AtKrtKe' Po'toa atrtet. t-- r - ,UnuuT Patarttra.1- - A htaatlftil Tetrrl tturet. 1.P u BttB twr yard 1 1 aa aeaoart BtuMklWrow.S 4, ItcMtl par yard It a riarh hearth rax. a beautiful pta oarer, a labia eorta. an atetraat parlor dar raattaUantlnil pair of geld wtodararihedetta rood Inertia oafyat, tun. to Bt'a per Mat at lUBAarAiDBHSonLI(ewary, third door 'yi''iLtAaam Aao Irraxnra Dura, -- ' From otwaaaettw! eooarre-t- ha CoTynmptlorl raarha) aatwtaabrtha Uaaalr naa af Mn. at. M. aimr lar dlaa Balmaaef lirerwort antttatrjaonnat. TklaraeaV t-.. .- - nnarjltiad br anuuw. ana ta pZftZT-uK$h- ItbBIBi taa. k - a , i e.'l ' - M .mi FiBx- i- A Xroa'a 8) IU1 .. - .j . . . . .. . HtT lararraf ua hifbea Mafmattaa rtiraftha rn .oij a .aiaaarr TttaauwaaaaaW I Bf&ffSSfS, M 4 4 JM " , , Ttn IaaaMMBTBUt Ooaruor,". Utwaaa, neaay aad a It jjdaUe eurleeHy It at aa end. ' reryr ly admltalt U worth double tha meaty to aaa Ihoaa tptrrlVoaejie4Ta,ananaaatTaiagu -- , anteMatxcii. It'- - IW , -' '" ETaafBODTHicioriTauaeirwfuirarn-loelca- l Bitntaatlon. tanwtaar talent, dofaat, and proper yurtult, at yOrTIJUIak Wat-L- a. ,' V'"r ' 'JakStMBraadary,.,! Tw.XnACaXBBjiAnD BcwaraVtrariaat, - . . . CrlkndHB Broadway. a PattlM aot baring tha fall aaaoant oat be aateg tw atauglag at in 114 II . JT OurrAroTptraa a- - woMtnrr TaaOotf rinmii or AMU-Pra- t WOOtyB Tlattlteetorat tra. D , tot, tu Broadway, aad toad by an Praggiete aad tanty -s- liiAtU-. '"OENERAL N6TICES "' . AVaat, pat aaothrr Vatertva aeat. fara rurdu) Tvoialrif tta, aa tVUiUy!WdVrTM 1 Vlok. . a eta aa attend th- - funeral of aa Aeoo proaaer aoa- - uatvAA)t& tan rmsTwui ta i awaal bade af nttrtlNj Ut aa all attendi wa donl know tan tara et ttaa III aaabwBHhe - tWaakA br I atom Ble AaT- - II. 4YM0l-OotU8t- t&XKji jlU tl aaaaa . T Mewwg Um, Itt atkkadBLa tf ill Hi aOtnurCli, a i .ff i-- 1 ArwXVlVr, K.UOmT.Kcior, i w'l xraerta war. aaa Aator nul Tll'tadlag ini7 pOanta.i -- , tiff btb Ototmraat baaaW, cwreaieiaieiwaiea anta i arteaemnaaioi aaaattanl lata tba rant. " "-- 1 taaatodt . alv.Lt,! I I 10t tJiWV.'mvmara f4Ap.-w- ia-- ld "nit -- ablnilmttrpatiatat ntoattag, t EKSs&aas IIaI.1T Ik. -- . r- - T :T .14 I rr .1 f. tTteiMiatar 4)1 if , ', t iiri Al taaaiM iaweta BOTS. r-- 4 .trl.. zjwwmvatn. " .it rf. y i&frF'ztmn B.I.'. . i w ' r Bti-ge- s. ',fO0HHHAl " w'U 'WITtt-'- J "::-ilf- i a atra TT" I tf4.rl. rr . ' all ' " .' . ' iwaajwn taa. araaVawatrBair kT.uuU aaMiU'fc'e.SffiSax ana ha?n ssKria. fw JtiMtH E110iJJL JUaV. .TJ inknT tf I; ai I. aA ". i 'jii; -- aa- rjZ',l ' "- -" I aHlil,Bl.l Bill tl 9Wf to T, V j..'r.nt -- aBjBT-ft-pe- L. m - waaar tw.. -.- jm. ' Ikmal - - rJaLnBaWKtwaaeaatltMaeaJti BltattaVVihr iewBHbaaBBBa7IaBUSBSExSZ99aB9LJUai riTnaii : iwMpCixjMi t aarWVw-- Jtat Bakt) BaStrVft BBak M 1mW ... I BawflttlMMHMwaaftMtMmaa. mmm tBmaaak aal I mmmmitm-L-igkij- Z ' HIDBarit 'Bkeftawwaxy, PWirnnnuw bbbuhihi wsarfwwr5 I or. OENERAI,(rn(WLv arrf... x r"t-r- r . - , - r"-- 1 ' . Try B "jrtraar ntUI TsifaF?7! pewr aana- - atTat taaaar, r'aVewtlrtrVlTl JaawT I - :. .'tu rut Dr. 3E!rliLsiu rntoahathABa Oarrlea. t tlth etreet mi M ilt.ien e'llita. 4V. ear 11 efetaakr.MU arery Bcder.7a tftWIilllSBtaaatl Ml I Tatat VVrtraT1a4V naBrt"ABBBBmB ahtTtaa fll ILtn'eloa'otlLma yi aoegiwa Ootjoa. AwaraaTBiam it i tw a laaoaw, xTeiaawtiitaa aaa erwaryi Aat, Alia uup. aad uunaam lam. ana,aaaUrr ten an .YOtthh irntorfMM. f .ruTfa-agr- ari lumoi fin m. Ofhsa oohanBaioHmm ctr wm tow pat ctrfftAV, , 'VhaAB and all jtantta, aeemMtit i C22tL.0au thtatitak Th notaean wall . aati aas eaaat a'lnaVawwagJ JniTMtBtMWia''Marajt4a Slnfo 1", SorWtr af Med al anaTfteiihamaa taaewTwT "ZtrptralthetJarary. -- I tl lit. i, 1 , U, If, IB, h.b. t. nf - I MARRIAGES. rUKBOtt-SATAnC-r- tk, n-- w. Jj ear. tana ew aaaa marr Bat at. tj;l ' DEATHS, inJttBOWB ra'.Weneaar 1 iTk'M WUtaaZ. aVatxarmTaeradM y iiaaawa eeaa w.wate. ..i taarraav twetatBe era. Ate Nt will tat hi i V. mmrnA Tl ajBwam. a t. Vm - fS haya.Hl 2"rPwJl'!5!.! ya -- waea- at ana ta44 aieaiaa .urarron , yean. -- .1 u. ,,.i7. i ,, '(, ,! a r art rat etatkll rarttetvillat UI ha tvi ttaOaidBw Balm teg mm .ter.latiamiat. 'A a CTSACK-D- aa. ltth. Tkeaaaa Clitiik. af ebwl er 4 OatBarta Oueatm, ad eyaanT awaltaf aaae ineBieB aaa aaaranmaanm taAMattarvdaia faaat , Ikla d t eaiaak. f em hla late uumwnt a latea t tjalr ateetaeatajat ,, . 1 1 a x u, - DBAK-t- m th ltth tut . Onthartna Daam. thai rn2lHun. aatiaiaiami aaruaa tat earn i U aad lah area. "yi .twaeai iita'e m r...LrT.-- a T. VV Wth-t- m aa.a..C - inmtfi?.d Ble aaiarjaalaSaaai iadtb4eef klabrvj waawnr yaw.taaaa. ar aaa arBaWJtMM aalAmBBaHMP "B trfBBKbaUjr MTtMlto aAatafVlMfarM al,aa B tMlllMBBIJ rittialiir. itth laaWnteMt- - i RrSSrrmrMt rneeatfaar U'rtte. Xtaaftt raSduMTdSlBSa2t K&e aflnrt' lakaa't fDalrary , CtmSryTaTta a.v - . . .', i fee a nllBTin rWtteaai I., efll.alnii .it:, at. .1 end rrere IKneee, alien, t hTfelartd erlf agdaha ell aa-- v ua aaa. vara J laat wi aar rThaetaeirtaaa ttiaam t aX rn eterahera af e fetdoa Ma, 1M. Alaf. stmriszs&&g tUOTOft-O- n '.ThartAay; Da lath. f oaen VJtftl-&- 5 fThrlataeher ai A Jok . am , -- iiiri II. I. .11. a a. B tend th forrel, en datardey arternoon, Dae. 1T I ai oAcoek, fna hla tola raataanaa, tea Baat bf 1 JOaEB-re- n. 14th, after a lent aad aaiafai TOn't which ta-- ree wita eorlatian fntilata, Bee.- - I eew aeu vv yeart ana 11 nuitiina. rt'C.. troabl'd iciut, what plalallramaaa. Bark Unel t each -- re a. tta ma rf we. aitaae. any rewifietaa. enpyaeetay grean, aad letup tet'efiriiei Ufl.. nana iB-- an cteva oaun a ar lull thy pain ant heal tar . Her fan a will take alaee thi. fTtidat I all o'clock, from 180 Wiet ltth at, Mar fneadt an nepaxtPally tarlttd to atterd, - Ut BILUAKTIf-DfClS- th. Banhateerav- - B3lmwtla. kaaute of tbe Towaiana af Mony Uat, Ue. But. Irtlano, agetl rr rear. Taa rriaaUe af tha nu tr tn twJCeexmBr tortteg l attrad the fuaeral, thi 1 aia from hit late rtemeie,o at. BUgoOra ploa pleae copy. to . t.YO a--AI IUdtVi5.e.n. aaaty. UI . Da. anararetaiaaflTMiew ttiaeta, wawa eaea a flatnaa actiiMt, i a aaUfwetta! Mtnyear of her. . . 1 Ith but, at fart km? aettea. - Uewitjaaeeat attt ha toOeArary Oama. taay tec total meat.. .tua e . went It I the HADDBN-O- B brain. If arenj 3HlklSteA Itrag otoraa 'TtaWtUanni.A-i,'k- . taaamal aaBatafdaw avaManaaaa-- D ta, lltk at leVoek, ftoeatb rtataanm W aenate. 1 WUlettet. MABT- F- fn Wt BattHrt th Mth IkAlBJaaAeaa, tasAaatataraf Wuiam tatahargai Malaitia.ataa aaJrrtoilmgtoaetmlhlaaBmil thaeTPrr rTaftt VtttJXfil&liliuM! Caaohje'la? . Dm ltth. Jama Artlaav auaa,at-- at -. M I BBAV-- ln tba PreeAira Hetpttol, an Wedna. . day, U-- e. UUWaaaaa Maria, a natera f Kiakaaiy.l 1 k- - 4rt A J 1 alive are reaaeelftine taeltag &AXI?&-:W&- & McflRADDY-rt- ec. t'k.IIaik Mearagey. ma ae William tnl BmakUfeciraddy, aged llaaeathe aad It - f JV tlatlTaand Marodaef tha tamtnyare faUrtrtrlmetoetltrad ta raaarel, lata (rVlaar) aaV fnm tharii Id mil aft mptrrara, tn) Oreeawtah et. I If hTcCAUUCT Oa Tbaroaar meramga ota tnaa--e Jar ltcCaalar, la the ltth real ef W aw-- &EZ&&gS&mz. J-- Blarkai mX. ' " . 4. a I. 4 B4 C tbtt ttty."M Wr4aegr, llth iBaUMniAaaaVaSObraaairWlatedthaMeDr. Ito- - ThafiVadeof tb famnn .eaeai ay w ea-- e. Bar Jamee A, tiDlVftr. 4 nia-- lt ir "v ran, anrmpeetfnllylBtltod to aneaa th a 1 . a taxdtty aaaralavr. at areata), fecaa J. Hridaetre Uaoroh, nana tnlema Hm of ratlat. to a--t. ItTatetVriA alei ae mm . tl '. ametrry far Tbajadar, ttoe. 1Mb, af lltiamg Itm'awjlagidt.'lraarav a.ti 51 reu7".a4ftij-tnaf- a. taa iZZzJZlT Wiliata tVaaa I tutV tallinit. oBt rfa-i- r" L i.T.. .z rsrt af teniiTmittnal. Afaf Lywari aaeaaa-- - - .. ". -- -- frt- -- 1 HtM!? .S?"." Z. .Tiantwuetriara III I'lST"?"?" n la lt!ia., . .r.iv.-.- -. . -- a.. mis-- ? mm A ay .at. tl UB Ato, TttrSC?r!S at .. jmmst eararieitaaimiy IS'XX YMKT9mP9i4towlU9mtoa4mm tua aaVVd-at.rf- P JMF " irT-eiJ- 1 T aW ahi T fFaBaBafal a DtatLaaL JatwBy ,,.TKI'nWaa. ty afaamawgneBBBl immm tUwmm P (J 'WM. WPmt2fm "IM W' . taaBaj 'mViAi&'tt4tttoUtrn iwaaaata jglukuiii4tlx av. rt . a 1 lbOt Tjpo baatJavtlra Hia. htTBrthW WIUMU. aaB ftteada af the to A- - eoatt ,lihvv4Cu4ta4rtUtuitiaa. Ua.

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, NY) 1859-12-16 [p ].


(yTrl ".-.

--- "4jr- -


1 , nupAT Moisixo. paaii m" " ,omt cut otmntx.8Taityaan o, whan tht LatUtarab.

jrd,thlr wUh wr d'.y CbMtK, wbbW' tetod Uw tMga (A A Uo alkoritUi(t thi hold

la of OwTttitJon o eon-Ide- and dliwM th

that- BKeMtryia to Aeeafa tWt Wtiful and Affldeiil drnWr,J(W cf

affair.. A. bill, rnriileg tot a Clutter

omtlonM tatmMj! In tk lglitiirtraiw'ta, w UUr, reo-tt- J poa frorVyhut 'aeraoaat and PrtT rtnatne prTn.Wl I'd

ttxrtWBlaw. Abet il" tit ItrW.t.MbM fr.ii ai an Am.ncVl CUrtaf, and,'aTrlawi wblan atrioutly aiTexdoMMariltloel rfj.H.1.

Ad wbtt tut l" tba Hat lnrlylrtrrerniiitln th character of our

CUyCr-rnnie-ntf nTethtttWl'enrii'no.d,hat Utter tuitiof men been leed to

office J tttT tht chtns.1 modryIn.r and ..ratl-

in. of th. M.rof. cfMttaf hifa Jdt 4U1JA, trd --wML-g for th.

Wttlo, ef Cotirfnieri frrm Senttoril elf

SZttito of . batter c.t.1 of

,, l Oaf ran tt htt quef.b 11

j ibeauelr. They cut tnpai the pwat. 1",f "r0 nc'"'lonj

with tbe ',utotb. merit of lUrched, "h'10 h,T b,,n

lmre.J ip ti" b' ,!" M,lr1 I,,w', l

AlbJ.Jj cm city bet-'e- r giTrntd tow lhMtwj

wbolb.cl4 tbittef w U frftco? II th

MTrhy ba dlgMfieJ by recent UjUUtion,

c bu tbe Cjmaitm Cconetl mii l.wtcMtiibU It eurrupt Infloeteji f Ho oa will

TeBtmietowfIat'l,lfin,'T, ByUUnc,

la Urgi Bfume, the nuaaint f oar own

kffJn nt of osrownliud", the AUibj'JmUioJthWrelWitn tUi city, hT only enlt BM U.iprMJ JajiorilUilbn nJ hvettres t Hf tapati to th foul iptrit ( crrup-llot- t.

H MbrefHnc tho oU ordje f Iktafti; hiMnpE- -

lax apoa out tsdent MuoietpU rlhti, and

Nmrrtis to oolitic! ted prty nd lil the

.yowtf d Uotse bk& IUCU 10 omce,

tbeybsrvdoB to thecUy n ftmowit of nil'bJfwblchetnnotodlybreikd. TkoroU,

Iaded,VBtcBiryta lrbkTi Ui BoremaientI Um City of Ne Yori ofta bo 'reetorel to arerofeaekm!y-odtbt-tU vw8i

UUr UKtlnn ts Hi own elilieni the repu-'tto- m

of ft eoeirnboiu'r Md pual maaUlpil ntona.JM tbe IgUUture, la IU pprocbi ( totslos,

laetoed et ttrortjn)j to tinker farther with oardty ohortor, to lilt the rtewe or intorelU of UHt iifiiU,V I Hthorlztsg the bMdlsg of

Cbiitor CoavenUoa, to be comiowj of intelll- featnrfwoUUroBMaef aUperI4 and wo

art' lotlefled that 10011 aCnrtantina wlllrreptreaa Amended Charter which will bo MtUfectory

UaH.'oU'etMvf cUIitai and pntecttfe of tho

thy" rithU.


r - an leaf t iko Itre-- f..

,' 1W Dayi'. Later Ihtplllsonoe.

"Tbe e'eaaelilp CrUneh, frra SOathinptoaenlte !ttb olt., efrtiwi kt'tble pert iMenotaf,txli(ti t "' &ie n.d e nt eonndeaee of tk date.

tuaierei tt UnrpW, awl fae llf efta'(tOxnaaltthMiv, - ,y r tlawiiT tannetaa-i- tn lwe or rm Botii

, dutBUB-Ln- e tuU Tteio Urn.lntlea tbeM. Tbe te)unor,tuca "ne ml'nn onranne

' "" t3Tliiw'"n- - MM tbe laaub.tatyuf CnT,rtr,1eHTifid.A'1e tvt mnxif nfv that' lh Pilnoe and' Vrlmxel rtntaira Wltu laut to Ujnj taoir

trtHt to Ut Mj-i- j lmU tee wit U milTie Helta e Tirtpoadent tn the Ttiwl anuounoee

r4Ctntrooa WiiU ti vwMwlelatna witU Krma,taC4mvqutr.0f 0; tLc Ute Metre gklee la Uie Mwlitor

Mmr-a(baiA- , h4- - Bate ot tVe Americaneh prftlrc Soan "in'tj-- t commuted br the4(r Crif( w irl f r trie w Ifut intireArofAiTjui T'x 11 a. entxr ttior, under aticitu- -

' tutteif nf frt ftiiuafv,Tt 7Vt . t Y" .'v 0 ormm' ut hate

itfliini-ii- i 'rm Nt It ta a eiibuiarUiO04le(JO3i tjt Vi lit ' i Prrifffbltlnu nf n1HlllFaiM 'll he '! ?l lt.U.1 by Uil.TueiHrvreirftd ln-- 1 nt Aid Taioi ateiu tu Aleakne te eeift r flk I rM

The Kcmil.ii' Ool . . y -- It It In oimtmnlkton iiii"4ihii i4ii-t- riloii of kUtiuai totwH leae Mil pi ! ai lr he miiftLT would

Im Iilc. ur( in talked (( ae the

iiiu uiiTu oi Kir ena.The y't1lr4, lV .Maoiirriyili ndentlarauLBinorta.

rne of t a a i tllja', ban tui nerWiet In Ualmit'a,fram Ketmaadws aamru icing tba death et the Nana,The- - are nut VxltoHd. Aaoordlrg to tba I aloe t no.OMiutmbe bb laijiug tiupe on our fton'Jur, andthreatening to amAiitiaM Luckuow. Ut bat about

OOt roea with lua.' Tha Parle aorn epoodent aein .A tr.tL.ry oim' h taed eiaetbne ago alU.nfliUr, ao ae to oianuandIteen'muiaot the, leotupMed.

' Taa Itauk oi Uarualuna haa oflbreA 'tba li.atil.b.l4 Quraiiaaaaa aa adeaaoa ut B.KQ0ua raabu ntitnoat

' Inteaetibr all UiUiu tbe war with Mcituom might.lait.

A eon eepeadroi of the ifnrninvr Fat Itee'AiiitrUitlll blle out agalnat tha to' ma proiaavd by Fiance,and auppntad by tUglaad, fur g dng into

., . tua xaattr.' --.Tbe nedtnctit Oautrt rmbllelee be tetl of tbe

r treaty tXwarn tiateeanilSudlole, anda'looftiJeaataltnay btween Auatrla, t'rmet aad

onati.D nothing mon Urn te alreadyknowa fiom alror.lare lately iil'i.h.ii

A litter trura Painia tn the HUaa Oainlt, etatea,t tbetnuat aitbahy tteanemblm of O'Stral Italy: I alllbi o tnirt 1 adde that the pamle are loul

, toaaukautpg lUli,tjrno Oon.O.aeiur.1.I ll'ltla.

lBfriin, 3p. 17 Bik.u Wiieiae Boataac, the,. MtrtUterfgKlrrbaai H--aa at U.iUo, haa reeclnia oeie to rrroi ad te Difetlcn for the .irwentTie ritetj'ea Mtuieterat (Mnlliai (oneoaltaTe to..ia. eaj lyii'ieKMoauraaUBBujr tPeir ioeie)iTeHvv.ri'Utnta bid nut team ia. AKi.d- -

I . ftr laWtalaloiaanroliojMlkiri'.tue ulfacuUtoa U.ern fraoeod iu'tr a, raliwi by tbe deli.atl.ia


,, tftharrgeiry of Cant elJtaltoU Bcaionaraivi,' i an ut itl icui'mil. A.'ottrfnii Bjnlneart tua

flectin futee ol ilia rtuialaa army Jim Uen egilaitc'uc'dv

in If A eomUrffldal l!thg ri' l' relauotiipi4 utx.airtaliiat the bttera of la.(! t.ta'ii n fu tue tlut'grnu Mil b I nut oil tha tlth.

( i4ueuuliii.i P,.-e- .r, tint Uat the CooRtiaj wdt.It BMaeUatvek'datnxtnli.r

j TilVe, tr The Omv n: Pana aid tiei Di.k. i. Ci n . ul ecubaik truatr.iw ..u

4tt Aneaiiai. U- - Ida ilit'i er fur A't an lr . Kjj pt.Jfaitnd. ,Ve. .. YirVrday l (I .IT. or. atiitlc.

' ed fur Ue ILnd ttar a n'mbt belbre Hir t'e,JeO rd were iiulid. Ttwr d.'iat aa oonpltte.

Txa "paiin b,ti.a rhiard gr. at btve'y '.u.loii.iocrteyen4i. ire timoroinari owpr, d arae,

le rreeetaa rka atnui. Itwak. irgliueuu ban diam..beikadatC-n- a

1. .' ' ' IheBedJaetet from Melb-ura- wtt'i LSI.ODO.

l Bwifuun.wlU

r'at. ;7t0bi,l-i'g- te from tha --Aoaer maoVut of tbaI. IM"S5l,lJ!J",' aa.agllat fuode opeoad

ertti.ISJS-- 2 r.Ji' " " 'aht'swhteh w.i well mala- -

tol 3T--;ra!i- . ?S2S!'&. ftaelaevee brier 104 VaJi. Tlvefoi-laaea- Z. i.?

J 14 awtiadtiil!; Artoaa aMUiritioi wan firmer,

ai fTlraolan antral' Oraud rutJtorpBloa4faii.le ed to JT Ortal TC: wnallr drtuaiMj fur m.anry,ai Mender,r i aa4 tba gt natal iteiutliinet at ti par!," 1IMJ iire. Mtagite, Ifat TargiriCoa-fut- i atiaur. not. n -1 waiarw-

atf ai'duat daanaul Jot cotton tcnlay, aad tha aaleado axatad 7.f U1 atVIIVtun aa.M,l.4iMi --a

h .axmrt, rtoa tuulttrtd atte laifFriday.I wt . .4 . lawtaw Co lluirT,l,o.l MaikctdcJlandit.. . . . ery little tolng", aul th taVl mad War ta Ine

- eIUo. Ue nuo-U- rata of but at. ptiy, IadUae , j Ojn-wtev.l- Ye)ow, lOeailA --. .


II .

I. "

..a v . ,'VatW Wayr4aV'" atavtad tjj hlattnoftug ,aioaakmAothatIr.Manrtuontmtbe.,ft.awm Ouunt, Waurwaal and ntaot,.toaallaaiwaiiiia ha4a4tBtaitit al tfha CtaiScf akta.vM'4c4of 11KfJ ..-- !,

si- - ?iL--&t .OrrM

JiUeavrfetaatrta Ao tha Carigsear,i

TUtttpyafaa-y- ef

iit ""Eugtaad ha mder te aaapaot taoae alaoa oa tb aoutheraat mUoh aalabt U aottabla fur btl Majtwtyi.taKlta,Wnrt4altktricg tbawtatt memthe. aad tomake tack pwpanttont sa an raquiatt ttierefiir.P tela of WIIitalblntealaotob


r--rTt0Me8 by TwtoffiwL

aynri rijrmlk OAa. tfe. a rBrt,triiwi. m

Arrival of th Nora Sootlan.

TtTOlLlYi UTIR. ,,

Portland. Pte, It The roraw' taamh'pMera Becttaa, Meb left Unrptd on tbo rota n't.,oaQHTatkiwaDttilotreatiif of thlt tnei '

rrtod tbl atralvc. . .

tiff uee U miuite tr,tt.1rud hf tbe rril ofthe Unmet at hear Yotk,, but ue adrlow rlVteaatcwna'-eoiade- later

We, At. jiV r. --Tbe futJ c)iJti.ieeery trane aur, aaj ih-- Aewtre an atea&ly iaijeTlnfU.J.t,VtI)"let4 at !.,. ;" 1:11 A Jf. Ttetotaera M the tjnmlardaMDt ntTereeai-Kiede.t- M tb RmUtomU totfee , ci' one qmrter er oeot, balow Mrda)'

I-t- Wt;llli tJtMnurerai.I.kttjxxA, 1'H. I, '. AT The teUeof' eottoa

yaolrnlav vara T CtiO halt, and of a.'On,' lacUtlui v.iw t rprofliat in atd arpoiten. Pdnea

i btct eni!d. tboneh Ir.iVrior autktiee an tularina at la(l. impnrte ytetcrdi IM1

b a 1 (.nfouel th wteKlS.lillbWeaMaeuarcri an 'lut but ateady.P.tiaiAfta til t a Lilt affair.t ant ix tanw of ealee, tVit ratee uriobanract.parroieT'- - bf bate of date Ball at

Aa. M. I Hlce ahead 1 1 4nO tma ot Banooa told (tartln)att) Ct. rreat.

itWan, Vt. lal, A if proiluna arVeUera eaaaliy.nDcharrd. Buiai- - taaitat luiet, hute'eaoy t ouAiara firm, at reeton'ey'a piteae, TouVt. tXrnaOmriUTnoHdat Jid.loftr. Woe

lni are q'loied at MVVaWX fur mWf. and! Ill (at' 19-- e fur aeooaai. Mew lV, 96e

' . ;

TIIIltTY-BlXT- n f.miWW-laat- o.

irutfot, Ve. 15. I he Vic Tree'deflt an.ryuaeidtie connnlttee on air. Haeoa'e ree luttaaadopted wtvidey, which owttt of Meeim. atuosDai it, Coiataae, I'ltcii, aat Dooutnt.

Mr. 1'coe tubmatid a reenlntloo, which Ilee oier,liuburUoathe oominlttae on lerittortee to kiqultaltitathetteolatey cf rrp als( 80 much of tbe artrrlbairtaoIiaUantf tne terilualtl (orersmeiata ofNow Mei'co and i:tah, at tequlrae all taa-- e ptiaod bytheee unltoike to Da tuUaiiUed to OufirMe

Mr. Matiotr (ire ootioe of Lie !atWntki to Intro-- d

ate a btl to rtgolale aul Incicaeo the pay of tbo

rbe SosUe thea pmceojtdto tbe elecUod af a-

Oa Ue ftmt ballet thire wae aa cbotoe, but on ISerceoud iue Iir.Ot.BLaT wta altcted, noclttm SSrjteaouto'6). '

tereral jet.tWue weie pieaeated, when tho leaatonljouroed till Monday.

Ilaaaa af K are eeatadraa.Mr. Vai.rumnoiuii remarked that taa court-re- y

he etleided tnotljeri at all Uioeahe wae raaolrtdto eeacl fur hlmttlf at erery bverd, aa4 tneeafonlaat efanlof be bad a right to eipact the cOtUt ofaa adloujiuj.ent, aa he then did not wtab to addnattha lliee. Ue npeatntt what ha then aald. that tbanan mrn r.ftfad llaieia'a baoic nfmitalabia aa It

Mil innmef lunarr aaatlmesta. and tniiaatad ae it Iwae to eow tbe eetdf if dUoord, etrlfe and ornl war,u nut di to eo a sjwwrer or mamoer ot iota uouae.

Tha tTaatlauaa from Virginia UtAon) tbo lotb- -r

tay want further, and aald that euoh a piAa was netII to llw. YtdthaKapnbilaanareoaradtbareenarkae nUo M fubca ind aa (entla (a aunha, aadj theyaarat regard thli obeenati' a from faka wet aaaheeaaaoepuiuaBJDtruijti, ue naa iiaiuairrra rastnotleafivra the bVrnbllcaa tlda that they-Wer-

e de-

termine' al art to IWWn te aoy rnrthar remark fromhim. IYr tola be did nut ears, tefvwU taU them,oter, tla. thaaauatryhulda- - tU breattv la aua.

nenn to catch tje alixhwet wrd wWoa la te froju tbauiantliMueaprratcthore. IVi Vnloa bad been

We oOoujea.the 'fpoalUon-tj- Armedtautalry. Ue waa a Northern man. He had noBttt.rnor, and eeiy Uttla (nod feaUng for tba fortA.HewaabcLtvl toRby no tea wtaeerer, aacfct byma etrorri o anjton a bunmoa huxguage had a

l ' 4 ' . I 4oommcnocunir- r- Istaat o! all waa ha a there tnaa ajKh Boilmr ro

prlntlpUa, Uewaae. Caltad t alee man with Unt-er- d

Matee prtnetuta. Ua waa for atrtng to the 8 Jirthantkaihelingeato tt the fdgUlfeeian tat, thalight to ale rr ta Vj irrrlroriea, aad whaienrrlgbta tbe onretltutfea em fera. 0t falhtninude

eceuitt,eadhaw.ulaie!dl' Ifnxt'a dnirlgi-Id--

out a ree'i e'jadleooe la all lie parte) aoi a or aua p oe are-r- ?

b an, but had ft iree tLdiff.moo oa the -tt

might be ccrlMtheoe'at.tatVraal grotiiid ofaur la wbrae fill tha neoola wan aaimatedbr.panletltrr, nut had not, at a, mo haTeni', aaeneVeWry ,Uot, andaiavaiy txa a itution. ., ir.

Itaaeowedhia'.aelf aWattrrBttanby btitS, eeati.meiJt and educaUoo , while at there- - tlo--r arewedbhuir--f a cenetltaUoiial man II aald Mr. Obawtahad been detalWd to lead tU forlorn hope of tbe Ke--

puui'aeBr, ana eo no toot ion h in --uiaaxrr, oaoealc not cat quer. , . ' ,

Tbo next come woaU abow that tba ralkry of thi '

MbnlartfrTl hae a majority of the parrfe of tba oa;try, who would ban to almlnlatar4 tha Ooremmentfurtbabrntrltofall. The paopta bad hnt tharaaelratco long to the hlurth to mehe oatwe agatnaf atararraad beip Baht fortLafr aoithem maetera, who, ifuottiitu with' (awaao or any other HtpuUiran,

would dirliW the (ptlla among 17 theywould but Uttea to tha rule of perrlotleJi, letthen be g.rirrtd by eall terpect; kt them layaJria tbilr fanattoiiuu and be Vfeetera eectlon.ailuta. lie d ti.liel aa muoh tke aerrUltf toPe Noiti te t omild ajiTilltr to the B eitb.Uacarna to to ii'taor painful l. diOloultttibjirt, Oleutlun wiiioh tad tiMnrue aa lamlliaf atie meet irolnaiy worduf ealuratlon. Teem waaMtaOkrlwt wuitibe- - beard the oriaklngof tbararru ai.d tb nimutifal-llV- a wall. He wuuid tvllgut Unientbidictritua cf Be er airs Haua, Caaaa,and tha N- - Ynra Itburu an tuuee of a ttiajotltyuf theptHpleuf ttenotth, andiifa fntrjotltr la thewrit. Ti eie wet In ooe 4umn uf tb Clwlnaa'iCimitlwrttoi mun abualrg the ttepuhltoea eeraMmtntto UlitbanlnauuuaaiiderxcobaaofMr'tJoawiB,who, be taM, with reejicot, dm aot only not rt pre"eent toe llepubUcane of that ltabs but waa not aleader mr a neicteo'e folloanr. Uitughter. UarirtKoedtd ta arg n that there waa a mat and hn mla-e- ot

danger, of a ojerufUou of ttlt Uutmi but thanate tew men. north or louth' wbo deaUa Ittwhile otbere ate teokleie. wheUiar. U oomeaor not. 11 would not oonatde that tb lead'

of Um Repub'lcaa paty ae actuated by IIan and eoncienltoin moUrjce la their oppo--1

ta alarerr. In the aarlr data of ltl u. It Inoan pare ueea to, dui aot iv.w. it waa' mow loraitutcalncteuilaBdwatua(driow aa tbapoiltlealaigrbraottbe diy to make out dleumuo. Ue diihuedlutieourrte of bit remaika. that ha waaagaUrtnliailr-i&ofore- r. Halheld ta ant L'id.oa, one Couttatutlun, one deatlu' wblnh oou d noto (uiuuta eg a uuiraa And 'etcipt... ... ... peup--e, . br tbe......lrM&4i.a a..i .1...1 i .: ...i.,u,w, w.r,auiuuiHi ueeirVUIloa DJIHtlatetloteJand Aal-ae-'y aUpublluan pay. (Ap-- 1

luae IMr, 1' tan (BVrtd a retWaH.ln that' UU a

obaloe t mai rot 'prater, the ltoom Will pmeredto rote at une 'c'oua, three Haua efuir ahlok ao fur-tb-er

rct aball be takun. Uu object was flat ahuuld not U aoitirlned by a fute (n their

uuu.14 ritlro a'tcraarja, aatit.fkd Hat ro (uitber ml wvuld bo taken.,

Mr. Tata i oiid e.1 hold the Siur.eald UA fikiudaaiuiiod t lm bjiotad- -

Mr, Cuatia aW, uulm Hiey adopt .ij euehntolulkin a Tute mlgbt be iimiotr mi tlin at anyt'uie to tla dvtlmani .f tbe UemncraU, tint ofwbieu .l4ttlioatnul. Tlie advantage -t-gtil betaken alia won'd be iuetilibl be y tea.

Mr. titlrnftH hirrgaidwl Mr. lumaiHataneajiinitiT tt- KenuHoaij and ewtionl paitr ,an4 an mic vnuld he'd blui u J to lot omatiy. TteMcnalKkoua-r-rit tia-iuD- gi a th M.utbDoa-- a

cur it In ancnrc'ai.ct Uh drln lebikgt, huw?.'? ?, anntala It f Tbe ipu ml r, ' hun tl

half a tie;.. Uuim wuUultuiiM- - torly ynn,aid it AiJIoierrry . lIIii. Lti nete mwr tiTtn-- e ie t .day. Oa tie othirjaid, rj

aeiiiu.aurth'jutu aijeuirer u.iemultaaii now Tbo ltilr a U'er weuttej 'y If tat i theqotatuaiaf 8e-.ei- atd cun.utu,or uoB a irr aidunion. It,ou tul that of hi uua.1 HierrVt44la.rr. Tie roMMos of the Mer It waa a taaen,

fcatirriAwnouluiatlinli. lthahrvet Uf,i.7" "'V l"a ah Suii'h had huletaM the riahtufvheNuith, fioutw fmiLdetloa ot th Outcrn-ne- tuntil lo, tit bci by let i4 bomitra upoanu,taiii((lcn,lart oronalerery. Me p.ocieW

raaly to Mr. Utoviua who had tald tbU tba south''VrThartntT leoulred the

bargain lalf unuuMr. Cuwiutii deputed. Kjt tba Oral thirty ytre- .impwuu m uie uuv rtuniuiK. lrgn Wat ao

aggrttekoi irn cpt the pa.1 of Ue NjrthJ la regardf tba taa Itorlal orgaUatiou. Then1, no tTtU OXtend the LrLuiul. o7 tie Wilnx t turnetav. I thrarilwUiuoftlMwUe cat TmuiavA, Alabama,

aud other lew BUtca, and axcui fta-ret- Haealld on Utaaa to explain what h maant br th

C' 1

tJ'!i,1!0f :1 ueant;to my that lnJt'ooaprom." lwentr,'akery waa-- ,Xbta,.ru,D1

all aha aerrlurt--a nnntE .1 tklaa-- 4..

tatefoV ttaino,'m,'!-u- t'" "JSri0' aaourt lao the

KwovwieeTS-;- 4trtaMffra-t- hrt

tb vbavtueatUai.Mt. (24r0o-- a bad mnck I

.(tnAlaaaaa, and kaew b iZrZSEJZZZtSSJjli Irefareno totoat que thoo, 4 ttaM fau --aoi.'e wenwbollruaJoiormad.' la ltatfor a nret lime la Itb hutoiy, uf .tba enrament, ' afttxtWrty yean ofualateiiopMd eajpymant af ;r pnptrty In tbtemtoaca, wbaa aUaaoXirt otin futemtd, eaklng tlaapeimiKdtorivmaaavtttmicsainfoom intttel'rJouMaBtete-wha- i wMprocMaeii Thatthmblattoaot UnW hoiiidWio4vllonOt

Ttla rrae the Brat and It tamefrom tbcHuttii, rot khaloutb.; TbuaJtagreaa ro-

a BttaBa mwat'iaft UBoaT 4wrTBaprTpnitaa,Batauuga atxrery naa axiaaag xnan taxaa--a yeara.ana wet tat Btaaiiaaa oautOiAwroaa mr aat it d to gtr a I WtTtallaaaaiMiBg an aacxnoa of taoiawniag ttatiua Jaarni, aadCtvdti gariaiAt cprf fitaricn hltttoo oannat ba neaaaiaad. .'EMotnvtra lmoeatawb,t Aadgtutlan,.UI tw.mguJd taO

awenu Hatuat ''lb

aeaurlo,tr4oiVtbUiaVothai of t aardtla flat. At rtliiiVl' US?IU " J.' Baowa expteted... help tnaa. ta.. .an,., naa. nn k a - L.a."--a- t", - waa wui ia,y aaa bob anouurata. ttocruotad anKr wtxaoa- - reaaanke lalet ard to tb L'aloa mttrg aMaii, read aatxtraot boat a epteoh I on tftt4am aaattaa b,'

. . .

ijr ""' "

is N

vJTi a, fceereiiMaMto4eeitarjanalo hjne KeptibUnaaa. ..t Mr. Dawwi ( Mm..(Mthaei ritrtnaa a meona wak anr to?s& Rptladattoi ihf iwtualr'Melt... i. aha aanilna. Ite enot oa taeterath udim of tie Aeiublfciwt rxtrlV.Ue rreta.aim at ivi mjtw Vw Mtiuwin.iw wvwi vbla Uk lxtrict.ofCotqmbla.the preUMtton of tbottrtrTBaaeeIanlwa.aUttai.a-Bw-

to wit tW aTenuMtai pfianeatiy on tba aid oftnt Va" They ali arefoea to re ortta'ee tbe Jnawmrr air mammwumaammwawtu pnataioWtrtr a ta."V1T(Ua aa ta but wbraid r t M Ooraa U n an de It f, Mr. Ktttioma. Bwaua. UHtty tf patch. It denial

afr. Caawroan. . Wo. , rjdfdy.qbtrty1 nfraaoa, a--t twmnal libera ta anon Been .bo would

l aarAt higher tftadHaaea, n wae tea eeattmentof enry tfanooiai oa thM .floor from 'Ooeraiav thattbny amr wtuU lubroll to tba frwMfrnaMa of a

ak Bepubllcaa Pfant. l Aptaea ana niaaea iMr. Kciaota. Haw do yna prepoae to (farant IUMr. (Iiimiti. That will be IVarna to oeUrmlna.

WedntKt ari' RitnlM lafaraiatlaawhat w 1B Ooi K prepta talk akout atiuality,lor sieia'f, 1 drolara I hat lb Ladapaadaaao no f and '

Ikaeeor.i . ".' ' ".''i nMe. Doeaeif ohWaed tba .foor. . , . ...Mr. U aaieaa aaaod blae to fin way to a rate, fur

DpMT1- - . "TMr. fOftua Aid .air, kirrr nvrrrd a e It of tha Ifmira.' wtrtoh trad)

the Dueo Uitn trrUd te baUut for Speaker,with tba fallowing mull

lemaee.ftac.ii.ik.,iiif..i.i.,.1iarcorkpa.,,,. .. '"On via ii4mi i..!.... 12...... V....".., i. .mi.. -

'neeeeaey to a cbnlaa 1 14.Mr. BraaAMbadtbeilior. Ill gate way to Mr.

Wiftow, worfrP:e'd anotVcr rote a--d tval tbeilntiae th. n a'J urr, enrlrgtbat Mr..Uona4 woultbate tha Bnor . , .

Tie qoeattra wae atrrrad to, aadthtuineepRiMatrnl loa-at- her Tote, with the rtenlt I

w iu an i . ilit.i..aifll . , i , i S 1 aIHevoi;K, ...UrtMaa...,.rVattoflrp; . lal(4cl

bkMaaary'toaalHifta.'.li,, Adjounet

AtattBfarerraa rtJladelplda.

Intenso laxcitement.

niUdetpkla, DO. 15.-.T- hera It oonMrableoaottaeaeBluow ex stlnc here, with proeprate af ant An Pair le botog h JJ atOoTMBlt Hall, and aa AaaVSlanry antrtinif al tboAarranbty Buldmta x

CelrtngUe raia W tbo IWrfcrr thi tnet-l- ng, arequret waa leotlnd from Vie Mtyur to rrmoTe a

ear Wen Clotworl Hal, an aoouunt of IU gnatliagUi atMiog thapa-agt- of thaatMet,ai.drk.latirayaMtymdlaaioai ' Aa order wteaUnabt lafrom the ttaat the fair ahea'd be clonal ana tealoli$mdUfierrao'alirttiUaiVnwriif

TwmirroeeitgepidacMmueateQeat,andvaa aaawiwniieia in airnBau ao Brooaaa la abody tettoacert UaH ta atwtactthali crjoto. i

Tba order of (bo llaat waademar.did by lb ivn.'et of tbe buCdlnc, who ohdaGta to tha aouua of. thateeeaa taleatfaiaT It for auoa aurnoma.

0. W.Otrnie,. Ka,Mto1ecfcntolabi 'em thaI "Aepaet af the Marary gaaatai n,r at . luiuonai Oall,ana a re mawee an i uv --aa Tapara irur a

enimaree ae the tlinniiitjner n rrlri In p tii itii ilemialueM ei ofpibetpSeeaWadaeidtotaodedtoeJouaon aptrltca'oamtonaaaalBaeeBtf IA taa aammtuaUr thatana taadto fearful araeiTieoeie. aad aa wfik obacktWreopa; naandawtaa from making furtaar

; ,Teayrr M UUmr trar, rractutloa to pnranta,0J4ttrhvca.wr aerria abnoMlaarltabi UbotAtlce taia aat la thalr tnigth. '

a" "T

"'' w J

irr.iOrBTt a lent and, talght la aa.audirnc ofabertt M par4a, rrtal aurjaA-lta- Mtaavoed thaotttatdg aieetleg. "tha larteei were adanieod hy Cea.JcnaOiMiLfSltrmatn Prreae and cttara, i '

Aaaa after Mtv Oean eoramanoad hie lactnta, aroral U the nub Ibraw atone at th buJlilsg, bnalwtear Ika window Rtaaeea. fire boadrad MloaoMa"wen etattoncd la to elotaityyaodtrnaitdiatilr madatrnmu1tb rtotera, arrrattng atnral of them,ThlaaiutimaTy proorodlngr bad a tarideturyto calmUt eactteanciit wnica at arm varaaianaa atnou aoarweijoenoaa.

Mayor Uavarr and taa abstaT vara oa tba apot anddtiretrd tbe toilce. ,. . ! '

Tkunrg thb KCtnrt of Mr. CcttW h wa aenraftlbaed llen-- by the tnrWe eudlouor.wh'jn thi ty'tccta


lhe eiotteuKut MaubtMlrg and poaatbly the trou-ble te ended. t '

n.i i I '?1 'i ft'll

Frerta Otaartaatawaw

The Approaching 'ExecuHon.Tu ' J - . III!

'A,')e. 15.-- J1t arid prl- -'reie nouaat oaie an au pro euro, oinui rorrtiuianoala kept on ttraagan. though tbaaa wba u fromeulkalty and eta wall --puexod tavan tt qttloo(oU peculiar mitsurtcraa. an altawad a. nrnaln.Thrra Qaeker titni, ot OopMo, with whom bIt d la IJbld durtag as hoybioa. blm

Ttry epaa. of him ae barrtaf baaa a qeletand iaoflrntre ytath. They will maiii aad takehi body to lie mutter, dor. Wuunl Interrtewartlh Cuoa laet trtniay, when dellTirtag a metoagatotMpraMancrbvabieelaier, Ura. IflLiaap, waarrr tOMtrng.' - I

Tre fJcreraor la etTeiiry attaohed ta th prlaoner,acd wid otct htm ae If he wen hie owa eut. llwleniBLtatlon ccnld be beatd tbroiigiput the bulluViiig.Tte pttmneTi an all ealm a'd. uetgnrd t"tT, andetitegtd with Bnmlngdw4faHrpuitaalaBeroieeaittdertu tttotbaiu: tea ll N. U. Noire, arrea-byterta- n

eif.nera Te a1iiwe waattUetenlug. Tb negrot will be hung betweenelttenaadtaehe u'clock,aiul tie whim bettreaatwolvaanduxa.

ftawi ayeahiaqtai.ITuattaotoa, Ike. 15. Tb ChAileeton Oiarirr

aat It Uf tverated that trni'm, UiUMt haalb liittntlua nf teeiftnlua; hut teal at tte e'oee

ofth ptianl aamloncf tliuoicM. Ue bee baeapieMiled from atKudlng Waahlogtoa by tuuiapo-aatlM-

Toe Oemooratla Benaton bald a oauaue tale mom.log, further to eunaeder th erraageuuat' ot tbaatandlna oninmlrV.

Mr. TooelaundeToridto hart adroaatad tbamtotanou of Mr. Ucvqlai it sbalrman of tba eom- -n.ltte oa lorrleotua. but no rota waa taken on that

Tormatuod aloua ta lb oauoun-Malatn- g

that djaire, .' lie. Clajtaa wBI at, iiMIW iaaMaiAjM.u.a.

Vejtnuttce. bUawa. Itaa and lKrwau wan aot tathe TraieT'.

lb th Trijnryaa Inrltod'prrioBaai nil toe xTth Itat., for tba (ae of any por-tl-

pr tha rhole; th in-- ,, aUoMtn anaaa-- y

vitcelaaichtngefor tnld,aniait, tb aalhortty ofthe aoi of Otoiraber, 1. and Manx ltH. -

eatalia Yaacr. oa hla return, bum math Anuwi-e- ai

a inad tba bearer af a' amagxJaaeot anld bouaJlrrlr ertnlded wltM oa ana n.Wen'Ueucui, IVeeldcnt of tba Arganttne u, ae a rnatK w ue poaonai ragara tamlasiooor Hon ue, ofth Paraguay xpdltkn, whoIt oolyttawanothapraeett.

Senator Hlklla't ohaouber wee tatertd at an earlybourtblamciTtrg, and two gold watebaa aadiumeraeh atrvlen, wtthr.ot hU bttog awakened.

Mr. LiToaa,tba Oonruot lot of Virginia, itaniuogUieieouQtanlvalibure.

Had AecldiM.rrmHktci, It. I., Aur, 13. Dava I. Cjl.

livaa.PilcclpalU thi Htato ormet BAonl, waa latt.t.tlj kiPed to day. by being thorn from a oarI lege, tn Urtetui wbw th achovl ta located.

Mat) aad fatal Acred at.Thy, lhe. IS .Mr. Edmssd SonniriR.

wila cat the Pieeidet t of th Bamaa'aar and Haratiwattal c?, arddtngbttr of rbe Uu Nana WaXBU.Malledtbwmoralgtn;'rh!,d Mnwt, WUU, at

tu.t. htrlcgtat art fit, kt Tbeeeder.nt iw th tuoel) profit4rtwUoalatUetty.a,ajalMaaaM-j,aM- .a

Later fiew RtwrrairtC.CaurCrrtua, 40011 lo.Tn 0r.r cf to dirtxtaln. tn oial adrloee f.oaa Bnernertl'e, whtnh

ttkte thet Coarraa bad quarteied tha dead but lee ufbe Texaa Iroota killed la th Jet sklraiiah.and awurar'ait tlaox to th mldie of hi owa men.TkUkadertatcdthagnateet axeitamaat at Ban

Th Uaxoaat weie faterlng Ooamua.

BlaxVaai Mowa,fYrar Orltaxt, Ike. U.r-T- h Motlcaa Curraa-pouda- nt

of tbo .ftcapwi eayt tut ganof Lean haart turned to the Ctbloet, and that U oonainle to tbaratlncarlea of th MoLxjoj In try wltUut altenrloo.

.The . otemtarr of tbt Ifcxteaa Lavaal.,. eu.- -.Koaeao, It apanarger try tha atnanitbia TenBeeeaa, Iu ion fur Waakliig ton to-d-ay. I

uu 11 h 1.1

NeavAl-rira- J f tk. Aja4riee.BtwlfiOt.N.B .Vc.lSB P.afJ-Thal- t. af.

8tranuln Anurfc he aot hraa abrnaUrd at UaA-ta- x,

al whloh plao tb weather to Tory xklok.1

CITVJNEWS,";ftaBATPoOTDoAMcTmxri--OaVf:- 4

tallfay trtnbig', a In brake out '

ST i 'f"' ""& lrf"" ,lr tl NorUjurat, w4'aM tartar. TnabarmiiaA lua an,llrtdfrcm HceloBt, artlh 8fr barnla of Heaa, anw''UadUMr.'aUiain; aa) i artqUui W tbU g being t,ohaTtly loaBed, tb want wantedinrthddk,aad tb Km Maxatattead to alaka,

1 a.largbaraalr. Ta alarm ,'wafna, aad tbarrtneo, under dlratelea of Aealetaat Engtaeer W

axa,ouuUailUbc4aeunktaT. t-- i barge 'wagowned by the dMrC m-ta- m- Maakraoaa. The'

I.telawUetoabutMd,M.Vkei tbar is no.

;;P0ArwA.aM7BVlKdi ytanareiaf

fili broka out Id tU taaeratnl at titvB ay atr. AtgAaaiaa; eonAr of Deotd-'- f

ta. (wAaMamaoaiiaaabyiUckt-AiaekiJ'- a-. .- "t MlCatl ada.1 J a .a J .1KttaeA tftfl,, Mwe a-- .iau, aaa tfaurnB.-- .,

about llV o'okxi, tt n troli. oat a tbtIt tiilrd l!jof thttvTUag tuxuw 1IIM.

t 0 atieat, keptby tle Ucrroa. aterbn tk tammI( wen atlrtulhedttArooifthbutdto(waaiia

l( burnt UL Tb build tt tbttA.

.. - .. d.

"" a "mmm ."'- I""1"""


leaf af abool 5M, fa btmA la tt Unlet tteu.. .K.,r .' d . v '.1 aearaTauoa wo- - saa luraae era waa aameg-- a aouui w-y-j

tyMaaAjate,.aailatrriraa. Tha ln,-- -

It kotVeed. rgfamMfrtmUator lata toomWHggtr1iiaa7dBiTorat'etUWaardrt.

Jcaw Bitrjwel lUBTOkl ii ta GvrwAboat tw Unaaand 'paraont

ballaf tha Oooper lactttut that

truing, tar th atupoaa gf artabithlrig ft fond fortMt5iief.tof JctutPaowa'tfarafjy,1 BRaXToafa baudwaa hi attndanea aad pttiuraatd reTtral fine a' re.

' ff. nrATTClwdtbdatUftOrlar. Dr.rma.e waa aprailr.ted cWrsnaa, and Kif. it'', faeaoa

tpettd tb rMettntr wtthxrey'er ' He pnyel far thefrne-ri-n cf liberty, tad felerrtd to tb Cliorteet rwalabonara te let old to d to day, praying that In thafjoeof Ood tk'y alight wot'be.coo-lde- nl fekmitlxrugb Ibey aeta aukV k .tW.t) of UU ta and oftte. .

Hot. B. B Oaanta waa thae htcroV noect U boa

I an with "r "A 'hundred ytara ago, Miltob aftertba tma of Ctoawin, acd the rcti!dt'prrnd batIt If lawful and right to oall to aeerrat a wtokad

hint, end pat htm to dVaiW 81 h would banJonaftiOwt'ealtraipttj relkrrotbj eraatry

foa a etttel aad wtnkad gtTernrrent, ftepttitea4Ueeoud end long otU sued.) ; Atd thlt

pef thepool of reraJte LmL? (App'auae and ilam, andatAtaptatntba oruwdH create dlatvroaaon.) Toeettakar proot'tdod to (praV alltDgth la the name

etie'n, frriTirtitly" Utyntpted by blear aadakouttfnm rartoaa petta or the room- - te'd ta epeakcr,"utiar tba eoiitlbrtlnt iVrna Baowa bad a perfectright to proclaim Ulierty to IV attared.. (

and hlnara)-- '- CM ttea tikn oatload ertta of Tut him out A dbtorbance bentteucd tbrcugbool the)' room, and la. 14 fur feralmtnatta. appealed to th aidUnoto keep quiet, aad baarwLal tie man bad to'ety.Again tba tf raker eemn'itic, aad prortieddd tooutekUr'af oaa Haowa aa baring beta arpeolaCy pra-per-

by Oof ble grett aorV, be only aotnl outwhat tt- -ll rcea tbaoriee. Ue hada-Ax- be paid,more nobly than IVrttcx Dgxat 1 ba laid dstra bla

Ufa, aoi fc blmeaV bat fur other. (Applao- -e andhleete loagdUtnibeaoe.) TberpeaVef ilaaliampt-t- o

proceed, trot wae rery moroeat lateiruptedtTen men wta put out amid loud annate, oheen,ete.,after a long etruggla. Oen. Puntrar took hla matbealde tb apeak ar cm tk platlerm. After alltidlngtotteaoOn WlueHaaebtracterof Job DaowJ, bntdtaknyBBOww-elee- t eclof Uadaea to' lbo'gto, hla klealog the ViacV eUd whan on' hla wartottoarmfir4rMomaa tried. V0od Uhlm.ApruMatnlblaaee.) Anotbar mas. wag put put-- by

thi ttma tha hour waa cflVa-da- d, aad ona runrulyMlTldoalieriad ,Jmuhlei"ae be wad kicked outAtUberTloJent dWnibaoo bar eotaad,VA Mr.CttaariaatCl nlalad th floor groan war gtr.a Jor Baowa. Oenaral' Pitaarjar 'eaaUarored

tnaawaUlagTy to quell th eoafueton, and, atkea ' netaw - all g" of "gtn ue mora police, morepoRoe."' On. P. etood oa lb froerl of thapkatformgoUg tbnragh a paBtntnlmld pTfbnar4oa, wbaa 1

rka ta tbt erowd ahoated, fYo atond tkaraj gtrlng

rn ana laixing wau a party Nxowei anbeaiking up lb meettng.' B tb pjUot era Aotng toprotect ua, hi them do lt,f Cilea of 'Oood ) flaod I"load ipluaa and bleat., Tbe epeaktu'.agtlaemj-anriiee- d

aa Oen, rttAaroaT eatendthe (jaowd te quel,ta ptraotA th dlatmrbanaa, which ttiw.tattglrlBlant,tbeet aad groan alUrutnty drowning tk apeaker'arektv Ur, Cariraa, boa err, pruoeeIed t day thattb 'CfJt of Jeer Batrwaa wae" aot eibaaattd.Tw thoueand tfgsatoraa; to a "Vnloo earing" '

meelUig would ao not laaun tk Ijrjth agalnatanotbarottbieak.of thett great to'eeao,tha an addatttriat eiw tn Jomji Baowa' ocflln would ptet tuthlcrfurreitintV Obrere, bttwbowla and a

'bl dranned tk ewaki' rolje, aad aa aoVtHonalfljeof poloetnterod tbt'rtom. Oaa aiaa paopoead

tta If th; meeting tree adjourned, and tba balla'eetd, thty woulA go' bom. TW preawtatlon actbilrg,, the dp.urbatca ttjft ljokj-- ifWot) ; aeteral wore tjaeted, and Mr, OaaareB,

nplc ty, took. Ue oral, and WeSOaU. jPaiuMntkllHra.t.. ,- -" .


Ua began by aeemllrtgi that Jaav Saowitlad aotproted faCan;' 1 had ehuwn tha,

iri.iglala iould not exin Otoei aea fbaaotlaoa, AlHpt7eewatuthaa''tDA' tUagraph'. tbeaO,'aJ tb1publla Wghwaya, at rotbrn wen gubject'tolba'oommandaof fld.'T4XUayaXacl and hltj aaao.clatar, and ouuVl not be Bead except by tketr oen-ar-

.fcronteea men ttruck oa It apriarauiy funttjeaol of Virginia pride, and emptlnam roaoanoed.A alar Btakt la a derpotlam lamianuar. ftlleeeand ot-cau- a Otutlemen, an yen tba aubjbota ofVlrglnta or dt'aeaa of the fro Bttto ,et NtwYork, you try to break na ttile freeauetlvg aul with liiaaaa of d aapprobation, battu nganlzed ryitem of rotcaa, "(a rtfee we anCnVooraan,)" A dutorbaaoe enauad, but It ra jqalcV- -,

ly quollid, and tb tiku proceeded wttb'a'tkotohof tbaBaowM r. ho entered th cmUatat llarpettTarry, attributing Uietr aat ao!lyto ptd nthropytid Urn for the human tpc tie. Aoocro uy VlragudabiraelAhbitcutlrcawenpiua aad Ala'rett-t- .

U'. raiLUrt then aTuifd to tb btare got of'

M'at root 1, I going wttb a man to rroottr tie bxty ,

of the Mtjor, and afterward tndearortng: UnarallBgtytoUT yourg Tnoaraoa-- i YaLpabUd

evichaetet bttbebranirl dldnot dan to btow her noble aot,pledliTg thai ate on'ydldlttomreheraiatei'atatpat boxa batngf tiled.le It MgU rur a alrrttoagbt fofhUabiityortfalmany dead bodlea aa would tta from Vlrilni to'Canada f (Crto if "Not no!) i wae bom la, tbe.abaft of BunkfTUH, and I mytttartgU.1 (CrtMof "Trtaktonl TreaeonP') Wad right for Baowa'toaptUn,toriMtorlba4rfredonil Atk prana,,wbo fell at bTuuflonghl.ln tttanpttriA' U ialnti

lareu uiimi ut aotnctKci taa war atom higran rn lb lankt cf tb; IluSaoa I ant war

ran hrln uif (A'rolna Mb7.'wilt "man.) Liriinrkmld "If I had known Itwet to be e'aroboldlng npubllo, I would raetor htt'dnwn ay (word to tte defence." (Applaut andhi) Th epcaktr next rpole of th Tut,ofBlarety, aad cUracterUcd tbe South a a eoafeofcracy of pirate. (Orle of "rreaeoa," ntnan.")

B bkenid Nwtbra dot'ghfacte calling Be yarnbuane, to Comaat'a comperjotn calUag Umdrnak, whU he peifict'y uur and tty tipey,rueiay btctun h looked odd. At tb Cab earingttettli g In UoeUm, tt wae oeard by prayer,by a olp'gjman who prajrd loudly for tbInloj), rtprrlally the oVutlern half, lUetha mmwt.o owtod belf of a negro, aud bo ala-ay- t

pta;rd, "Lotd Wcet Tua,1' etpedelry my half."(l.ulbf, tpplaiuc and hUtx) Tbtpeterthen litntauned, Hit a large donation for JoanItaow' family, lti been rewind from) a tiara.ho'di r In tynHm to, end many then' pttiaed' htmti't' Jj frbl rrtral thanetor aad brarary. Taael.ltalry tfVugbiiaMxiiet'elndlb1 apaaket'e at.ttctlcn,, tn a tlgbiy anbumpUrnerrlary manner. Uaald, tual Joaa HeowK,. llli Tl men, would hartmatohad to Blob mutid '"had pardoned' QuveraorVftaa.

rnqurnt alUnptt rm mad at tbbl pctnt tona np in maenag, but without iratUi Speakingof the eeotatioo Cly, tb ereaker laid.01 If yon errorAad tb tewbV poor arpanHng firm th terra, taaneU act ytu will at U b South Carol a goingcn4rftPbnrrJoa.'

A maaaakadwtetbarjoaa' Baowa )i4fc light to

bt Judge uftba'law and Conttitatleo. Mr. Ppn."

in luwercd that-ar-

l ..... .. .4. ,' . ' 7 .jog or an riftHouiuam of a,lw. ttafpnobereltitf hi taTcAano talla blm tt la anoar. ha ahanLl

aAotHy't4attaaKtonV "

Bar. u, aJUrtaoa thaa fjUeered tna akort aptaclvU wiW tbe Joua Baowa wtitma! guilty ofairaew --fa eai ua nauwun ww in nowtalktegUwkattlwuliJUUaaa'Bipubllotu.UvtarraaUaar., ,"Jv ,j j T .i t

Bar. J. AlBwaawai tba laat arpakr. Lotam,Cairo, ioaa aCaak had faasa,' tbay' w1 aot para'

'feca,biJkthoorAt that Jooa Daowa wecqaalVowtari,aa aaa muwa nnaouaatqiy, pu aawaw nnnat.'Aouth Oanlaa brad H rf f Bao'waaad ynmatid II to Vhgmi, but South Owuttn UAaot outloa aid material tuopjb la' bar wbjle dotal.tea to mafc a rep ttrong eaougb to half th rarlaoltpMlliattiivUjuBaBiiotrV, j , .

Tha aiwttiagtban ajljoorad, atkw tkJ to-i-aai

ratvTjcgU:eiketotUpulVlWtl taoteooyt'1." ' I", i. a . I r f

A.ynt'nofPtaoPchVkanwaaiait"airiiatmtlnMttifut'ieW "Wr!tmiaia ua la kTwtttr etJeAJJI,.at4 ,-- ,

ta tatb. end cbeaha to tttvaanaant ii AIM aaare. ;kx

. a,. vit. marqiaaanay ana r "rworkmen appitr. la Tlew ofth large um atinaeeaatary totnaUa tb workmea to obtain na a

ftdAp. cf U--t, took, th publU u. urgl toIU, Suoi cltUM eg art willing to

lthvk'' wn t T"rT ,13"- -

' wffyl-- T r

rMbutt an dialled to aead Ratr eraxtrtbutton to

bvtSotf tbl rapar, tb prtprltt; T wbloh taonataie to reoem in eor MittDw. .ateltt:'T,a,r'n WaxttanOaatrggt

- aX.1.2 u4 i.l,a1. tetal-- a atma-ai-- are.JT 10 UH vvawinwri ." -.

U HtWUtli, 151 uraau m.-a a -

Tn TaannatrrUaU Crrjrl OoramttU mtlaat ereumg node fb tan of the lalrmaa, titaoV. rolM, reo. At lb hour'af .aeeettar," to

Cbarraa bang detained oa other kttaxatw,,tln.Joaa KrtlT waa eal'ed to tba oltalr, taad th foU

eal'rd." Tara' fag ft Vaty fuU aMandaned 6f, tiara.bera, and ttbarr-ro- m waa hTed wldb ouhakltr.TbBretW(BgtiertwtotorOOlT tbt V

port itaaoing Ootnml tlaea, and It bttig'n mt Vaotory wan taanlmoualx gprtrtd,. and a

rcUof tbaake paend to the Tneerunr and Cam-mltl-

nooa Tinaaaa. ....Tb Oomadtte oa OrgaiJiarJon than pnaeated ft

Ca'. M Ibe" election it a new Oorrrjitttae forith Jear 1MI, ota Young Men'e Ctaaral Oomrttttne,

aid of Ward Oonmlttcca, to oootDat oftn motibergfrom f aok ireottra Dtetrlcl-- tb Oanart aad YotngMfaVCimitltTcttfaooneUtcf fin tnembon feona

tact Ward. ;TbCil waaoaanlmoaily adoptad, aawMlMleeoiutjoiIaoweapinjlbglt, that the a

ftom tba aeratal Vftd, or a martytbttwaf, arpuktlbalurtetore cf Primary leetknajd U (Oaie cf bold log tbapili. '

Tb Tittary aTtctlnnaan called for BrAurrlayettalnr, between tha houn of all ard eight teliok,rttfur th return ot bvptoton won mad, B intmr.rfdind carried Ibat tbe Wardab cated, ludtbat at lb aaamben who were unfaithful to the

la Ut Chatter a ttlen,b txptflad fromtba Ooaniltt. Tb reeull waa tb xpu'eloai teath Corarutttec of three or foug nattnbtra, wbo udwoikd egajratth election tf Alee a. Bwiiiln,Ttuxa aad IfciKxaT. Tb only Waril ooatcetada to th eppoiatoMnt of letpeotett, wtn the) HitettlUd. la tl fonnr Ward th naraaa preatitelby; MaaataT.

'Twits, Rrrou and Saul, fan

Idol Hd Ward can led to a loo; ard excited d

bate, la whlah Mr. Saioat,, Mr. Manrtxtcm, JhdgCoamoUTj Mr.' MtSranow, MrvrcwLaa, aide araoet tloejueat and louthlng aJdrrm to tba Ooatmtt- -'

tea, which wag nr loudly applauded, argtrol apontbem tbe rjooetalty 1 f tnJo, ooocClation. aad effjttfcr tba aak pt tbl (ntenati rf tbt Detaocrmtlc partyla th Stat aad throughout tb Union, At tt doea 00mprua7.Ua' am egrred to between Jijlg fjoava

aot raadtCra'aUtriiaoa. AjteraUutk-nw- thana4opt4 noonaardlrf tb Detnocracy toattonl tbaI'rJoa tntatlnf lp be bold oa Monday tonlng taxt.A long Addram, prepaied by a tarelaUca to tbo ICurdclpal ecaMtf, waa read anduriaol mooely adopted, after wkleh th etmaalrtta

Tb meeting wt' ac of th moat titer.tttia; kaUtoTaromany Ball that , tlJ

lacnretaB Tb caleurftttt LoLA otrxx,CooattM.of taadafeld, dtU-- ra WJleolara oa'Job Bun at Home," at Koairl yitA, laat ereilng.

TU UU tea alroV and the Mr laxwnB,bybaraiaiyhappy bin tt the mannen aal (ruatome of out Bar- -Ueh 0W4 x, Xcpt tb aadltno la good tvaavtrl

Ban Ote ft,Lm,"w Ika 'ubot of aleeturaby Waan Bxtcajrt,'! tbt'Bkoad.wy; Tallrnatl..A la'ge crowd wae to atttmdaaoe,anxIoaaUkeal bow that oVilrtil 41'pOuil Uavwtawaplta-ajej.- ,,, t "l

rTma MJfaa kefurad be'en ttm, kareaaatlaJeut eratirgvoa tba .".CUy.of tfeer.y ."

r-A' nt or MoarrAIa(Jyy lirlngitowwaoxneeTtmjigeietreatoaMtlrooB." ,8k tank 'tb preMoa'beton , learlnghoaa, to etoTekt aam baaki aatmi fc tba amount ofoaabaamrl dePaat, la a cbampaf tt tha 'Irdtobaa

gbavahnwdly anpaoitd Ma btrrglarortbierkh aWwaat .Would think .knUacManohbooty. , Tb fnallone of WW'pley olep-AtdJe'- ery

ninmaooftlumattr aieatrdlmamdUtelyaflrriratubaoddklriotmaejvrabtornragti;liat. Upon taptaitaej to thpurnof maam nt the band,that the) fir bar) don

rne.1 . . ' ir I

' ' FtrBtiiar nnrr. Tharaavmad'oerr loflleytaUfdaymororpg, a lank epeclirrairf,tl'iDtoocner

.trftir, Jildrnf high la air her abort iMrta g thoughto keep tbaetafram tbe dirty iivd waTkv, arrUeaUyaba la ant beginner and rued 'to praotl la prl- -Tat until ah gate batter aesuatntadito abortHog." It It woU.ciaoagB.oralady te ahsw aa

ankle la picking bar wty through foul atr-e- tt, battk Jntnl ebon tk ankle may bt eotiota'ad by outergamvi quit adTantagaoualy.

" y, FATJt awd AKJiraexatM. Th meinbortOf the Cborah of tha Incarnation, continue their fair,umuu tuel j eaterdayi through t day and thlt ere

I tb of th Home for tb ritondUi,aoEtf?tb tlrcaf., Th fUrr onoeln obarge itato

Ihelr objext to b tbt rait lag of fund to eoaepWU Inhank obapet,.Th Sabbath achoot aonnectod with tba' lint

Oulond OorgngaUoaallit ohrueb held it Hdj Ann!- -,

nraarjatlMBBiyTcitaniinaHtut.AxaaicAS iaTiTi roiiiTxojrio yoct-AT-o- ti

Thi imaolatloa,'. met la fair aarnin al:Ooortr Jnatant laat mnlng, for tba purjwm o,arJidig tb rntmbgrt praaoat to oouaUlar and a--.

prtm tt.lrrt?UoB hi falattM to th auijiol of"Bead ooreilng aai! tlothb3'g., ,

Ttu U, 3. Bcrranna.'Cfrittar MtrCWJai d, hujDCC14 aeaagiicta ev uo aiaay is ta a ajawaraOB ay ta Btortary uf the Xreaeury. ' Vb .MQin adel b ' Ctpl.ntnoiri. ii

OOBBWlfAtUoilB, to. I

OoailCTloB. Hew Teak.' naa. Hrk-- I8MTe OUttr tlk AV xWulyejapfaaa Opriot IUaaipiw leaattajvMi-Irapr- till taiaanay.ia ragarato th good la my bindery. No. 81loruoi damaged at tha lata fl.. I taewed fram then to.. auaaerra anonaanMoatMBtanpf Hot,

Mygood wnnalntnaured. IYounixtaeotfoily, ' X Btiai--t.

Inr.utrtfc,Au)otixiU, .to.florroniT) Antwt i(Poin AU young

aiaa rmrud PaTaa Januaow, raatdinf at No. ltdklighlk atntt, and who laemployadlal'aiat ft Ifca-rat fuundr; , at tke foe af Uoarry atawtt, iarrow)yeecaptd tenng polautd jaeaedaya loft bomwtlh a can oontotLlrc hit Olrmer, part of wkleh waetoe, aid at Loan raiJCBrt of . tb tea, ant Imme-dlktu- ly

waaetUed aitb terr.ble pain tail gtuinwh, d with pebfaee nauUujg, Propar aatl-do- tt

for pet-o-n wait adml-later- ed, aad th mulela afatrwty toreoonrr. It I nppoead araani hadbeen tut tutu tba tea, but by whom tt ta lntpoaalblatoted, . j

Tua Iatb Fatal AociDaa-- r i DoasBth altar Uinaarr Uiut tatia, oat of the worfc-- jmea, mjuirtl uy uu , Mitag of a MaguJd la Duanaert,oaTAiaadafiatt,tUedamTattiaya Ue N.,Y.'Hor4til. VotxMrgoxatBiwldaaluqaMtapaathe body and a eetdjcl (, ieoaintai death waraadaikd., InoiiuicAwMt'natlnof Jrland,nyaan'"Kru.Mtp APttn.-TH- oa. HobittMOTT.'i

Uburer, LU tngifid to hlaetlT-- f rock at eh oornerot am Atenu ana M Mreet,ou'. narUaykDornlug,-- aa ktHed by a Batrmeat nf ruok whlc etruck himupoa tba heed, tie-- in a aetata af. Iraiaad. aboutM incfH AJtUquciA will, b held Upon th,

h . ,' .

KATiL BVBBfarj CAoAJJT-3oni- lr

Noi'Sel Beooud'atitupcnthtbodyof Xui Samxrt,' a aarVant

who,whltoattawpwatoBna8uldla2ap wbUfighiaa, waa dnadraU burned, la OMuaqutcio of figairpliailaf, and died tk aUloaln. aaanihg. Tbtory nndorad a aetdlet of "ptath tram buVaa

l. ,.. J,fA a-arj nt A 'TaraAa Infant

aoa Mot. Raoiat, tmkUatr at MA at Ohetry atrtet,witrowred yeetenja to a tub of water, km arhtohUMwkAa4oAI4tbkUobJeB.OirU4J.uabeld antaetuaat upa uUbcnty.-'Vardio- t deathby dttettigft m I. pi, u ,, 1, j,f ura,'ii.u. Uyaaraa a aoutg men rtjrre ig a I Uurooetr-- e

Wty7tolbtnorir.deMh..f'Bdar atrett.'Ibr ta n eliawe cf ttinlt in aiaTaaa tn Mn MmtTD1tltaran.fortbiyeatrtMataamaepxraBMOwa foaa.t By tbl tt ap.ptrttalkAaaAaMnxi4aOi4waatoMooj- -.arvrtky aarty .e.'ot I wrj t ',,' I- w 1. i I ..' a I,, .. ,tufl. ,, Wiir.. rart . falania. it te I ai- w a -

'nA VT. ioaigotx "tt ' Diitttfgini-15.iV- 0BBlOLBB-'A- a ahMt'

11 otftatWaBaaaBtrai-gbtV- ! illtii i ,, Lorn, ofhBk TnOatL IdW ai, i thnT,

:k a ..z-i.'i- r: ..r?.'r.; . r- -waauwayt a-- taTAaaiWMipO(aw: BW mi tuy mom

r raaaitvrao. tw, ptriauvy ,pa, aaduua.naa .aaaaanaa. a-- o nc,arjoul. ywy. atjw, , aa waa in ua tat' of mo lag ta

Je-at- atF.

poathflgtrB tlaaSItgaaaaaUl XX3

aaaltli. rfenai " " tkj AMW ' mt tha aton.-aaaiheeuiatatTiaiettm

a wee ocxai, wavaataaaB l "? Tr"haaad hla, atat 'aahlikJltaery epaneat tattatBH lulibedeA"tlg ftith Mr ta Hi !

' IhitHiiil mmtjvij eyLwonato. aid teaaal tbi tetrnpagggiVi tatt.Jug tXe,


tuiyoaih.tlllll tlBlgtlBB

a.. .f 'b'iii MmaxI aad wbahad oftaa alepkwBhidmkto. ttotrirVtb. UUna.Mat aoaawa thea arit tad. aad beAa --r tk-- .

jmZtttffl&ffZtt' aoilcanaa'ekty, TathiAraadgataid . to U


.---- .. t .

aaartraaee. .Wnain wTaaWan Hii traamn &Mj

IttSZtt, and tbaa afie gadgtrvgaadiplloa, deoarai eo. TaafoUaarlnf

BrrrAwa-S- g nVtdiM property for aaUtooaaBtWaaa tvr)aw-rairir0,'- M. Pearl etreet, and

HtTMlaaaBlla klaaa-a- a. tvat. .aaaaaa wae a- -

r"1 "a. !V"LoT atotrB gt)ot a, aad an torwar maiaieaa up lyr luruitr etttaUailOn.IteralM,oapai -- , t--J yenrarttan ttvara KotfTrro jrnxiaoa. aa efbotatlaiuiwil ew - , iihihii 4waU4aajg Ig aUIgrA 10 1Btcawricoethlif. aad Id Utinaa hae graoed thaJhW OaOrry lor mm tlmrn a waa lacked upID trwwatwiarampTMniwia.

frirriartrriFO-W- H. Janraruvnie. a ka- -.lender la a Chatham tl et patter bemaa, area arreeVrd ywtrrday, ehergrd with ataer tnar g, -oonrettrfett tt Mil Oa tb ante Bank of Nearer, M,J-- at th lkrarr ttor No. lit Duao ttreet, a waa

, ; iCoaaici toa. In the toport of a eaae of rep,

aHrgrd to btm aeaa ae marrtted oa Wadnaaday, trpoaitbapereoaof aMttUglrUtt waatrroreoaaly ttatad,tn cur laaee ef Thuraday, tbat It took pleat at .IKOreeawtaheti It Ihould Un been at No. ItOrtamrwlea art aw. ' . a' ftrXBoaa TrTtrT'wT BaarArr OtaiA.ManMrnraraadJamMarCaarr. irrrutt la thatrmplcy cf G. P. Mmna, wn at retted on Thnndaw,cnargea wtia iwanTig wouiDar v an tameow wfrom the boon tf their emptay, whtlo hla familywen atteadlng a faaaTal. JiitaOOojraoU.T lockedth aoeuaed up lor aaaaaatlstt.

For aar ITa a bm Third Xfag--

Trri atOBTp voT nnrtovra.Jt'tTim iSD laxAlBlltll'tla,

Th aaderntgnad retwltaTTwllk jatt tbhrrraj Mm

rbaaaf Jaha Brewa aad hie eomfalaratea, Aeetntaalt wttl ear feOeweJtlBeo tt N Ytwk and aiata-Ity-,

to d btUaCrrmdaaaaUtl4a t that tadn ttmllir eatnaet, aad decian wr watHertale ana.

atitoatamlBr' th Oeaetteatlea aWttolarta,attatnr-ret-ed Itt th Bearem Court Of th HaltedgMaWtkodwahanap liaeaan a auxaatrUU aal.attnta,rtototr)taty aad gtagorme, th Idea ef aa

xLrtlag totwtwa th twe greataactlaaMafWianVBlaa. 6a th aoadn-- y. wmitolalathattluKerthaadlht Soath warereaehataari that then U a aataral aad cootaary

afunltyhetaeea therm, by aanataaUetary.iBxioaaatatae, aad gagrapbll poatttaat arat that areaUelffrarteJlaete, and datanalfarmeef Iran.,trr. tdgttrtagUi tethlt bond af atoa,br MaMhaitAraato taah othare waata.i Aad tra heraky

olrmalr pledgt tmnelraa, frm tale hoar, kranfi tag , axampla, oar , rot.', and by erery

Wf frliir meeaa, to ateoataaaat tad etteelarnoaxUtJi la, art Ite forma. Tho of ear fhatew.

eltlaea wb ahart theee tentlraaat with aa, utrrnfV t,)ra aala a Mbli xpramloa af , th

awm. etrrieJiUta aad place ae may htlielgaalllhrthi CemmUtatb

terreHkoar1wwth ararr taa tat. which hag

reoairod tbt dguatotw of aaarty tojo, a pcblto matTora

Jf- - Wilbblg.,.4..-- a

momdat mrtsan,

... i at the . .

a' AOAcnrr ov mubio, .'

- j ronrterath ttieet, ,s .uia'clatw.

JUaoaaa,9talUr.TleeBam,IIaytr af tha City,WU1 KWefaTMr akM mljBBaBBaBai

JaroeaW 'ttortidBaOaekJoaka J nary -- riMargan

'0tri70rw4BaUaawbtk; Wttlpylatoa

a.JTBeaMer- - JahaJaeebAjter.Jr' 'if ilfhow Mergaa BLBIBartewa--e WBeeaOHaot Jama Brooka

,,"- - , i AT Stewartau f t, ti Hit. eeea ta. Ia r -- -. a .a unit .

a - JJ UI -- ,.' J ita--a

Iraaaafrttadtptothataaaaaad vflltaa tootatrt.kto ta th COravaw, win aaad tt . T. Boulter.

r tt

' anil .ilrllhadarottttiikarraBtayaBMiBy iBiia,'whaagr aalr AeaaaaiealA araaam aniijbl is tr twAtmaa

Bla,etl IgeBOB totragakatowkt'tTM'jlreataag aueate ta,tUaftml

AtSktaavf aattta) an Mat trea--y rtattotAdOaahalUtae, tttitaialdaa. tlt'Jl

.a.Hitawla4vaalr'MiBrmaUOM,ltoTrh.kealheWlttthniec, .

reMaylnatltmtireeuhoertnmwrrta,i 'iV''"'t-- r- Tr. ".j.,.lawBa,t StmiaAllaoa-rB- B., nCt Betogkhlna..i'.. ..:;..',.. .....jinoKo. I SewUg Machine.. ..:.:..;..., .tOTaw wtmliy Br IntTbowrnQyBrwlag WieMiil.,.,.;,..4,t

ernaalet naaane. . ........ ,f. ML SOtaUl at COt lroeaJwar, M. --;

t, ," 4MPe,rWatejwt.BnohIyrl.

OmroAra tr KrAtV.nanTJuonttauatllvKatir-jaaa..- ... tealsrtatiaAqiiAithr.noaA..,Mw.. 1 to It(equta-- ta IS la ttpoeee. nearer xirrepara. a. .H. ,,.. tu lBlua, Mark aad tWMer, tVaetor rXaaware ID t Hadaad twLrw'iie'rtTium,aaJeha'rrie-eet- 4 ,",... .., J

AtKrtKe' Po'toa atrtet.t-- r

- ,UnuuT Patarttra.1- -

A htaatlftil Tetrrl tturet. 1.P u BttB twr yard 1 1aa aeaoart BtuMklWrow.S 4, ItcMtl par yard It ariarh hearth rax. a beautiful pta oarer, a labia atetraat parlor dar raattaUantlnil pair of geldwtodararihedetta rood Inertia oafyat, tun. to Bt'a perMat at lUBAarAiDBHSonLI(ewary, third door

'yi''iLtAaam Aao Irraxnra Dura, -- 'From otwaaaettw! eooarre-t- ha CoTynmptlorl raarha)aatwtaabrtha Uaaalr naa af Mn. at. M. aimr lardlaa Balmaaef lirerwort antttatrjaonnat. TklaraeaV

t-.. .- - nnarjltiad branuuw. ana tapZftZT-uK$h- ItbBIBitaa. k - a , i e.'l'- M .mi

FiBx- i- A Xroa'a 8) IU1.. - .j . . . . .. .HtT lararraf ua hifbea Mafmattaa rtiraftha


.oij a .aiaaarr TttaauwaaaaaW I

Bf&ffSSfS,M 4 4 JM " , ,

Ttn IaaaMMBTBUt Ooaruor,". Utwaaa,neaay aad a ItjjdaUe eurleeHy It at aa end. ' reryr

ly admltalt U worth double tha meaty to aaa IhoaatptrrlVoaejie4Ta,ananaaatTaiagu --,

anteMatxcii.It'-- IW , -' '"

ETaafBODTHicioriTauaeirwfuirarn-loelca- lBitntaatlon. tanwtaar talent, dofaat, and

proper yurtult, at yOrTIJUIak Wat-L- a.

,' V'"r ' 'JakStMBraadary,.,!

Tw.XnACaXBBjiAnD BcwaraVtrariaat,- . . . CrlkndHB Broadway.

a PattlM aot baring tha fall aaaoant oat beaateg tw atauglag at in114 II. JT OurrAroTptraa a-- woMtnrr TaaOotfrinmii or AMU-Pra- t WOOtyB Tlattlteetorat tra. D

, tot, tu Broadway, aad toad by an Praggiete aad tanty

-s- liiAtU-.

'"OENERAL N6TICES "'. AVaat, pat aaothrr Vatertva aeat. fararurdu) Tvoialrif tta, aa tVUiUy!WdVrTM 1 Vlok.

. a eta aa attend th-- funeral of aa Aeoo proaaer aoa- -uatvAA)t& tan rmsTwui ta iawaal bade af

nttrtlNj Ut aa all attendi wa donl know tan taraet ttaa III aaabwBHhe - tWaakA br I atom Ble AaT- -

II. 4YM0l-OotU8t- t&XKji jlUtl aaaaa

. TMewwgUm, IttatkkadBLa tf ill Hi aOtnurCli,a i .ff i-- 1ArwXVlVr, K.UOmT.Kcior, i w'l xraerta

war. aaa Aator nul Tll'tadlagini7 pOanta.i -- ,tiff

btb Ototmraat baaaW,cwreaieiaieiwaiea anta

i arteaemnaaioiaaaattanl lata tba rant." "--1

taaatodt . alv.Lt,! I I 10t

tJiWV.'mvmara f4Ap.-w- ia-- ld "nit-- ablnilmttrpatiatat ntoattag, t

EKSs&aasIIaI.1T Ik.-- . r-- T :T .14 I rr .1 f.

tTteiMiatar 4)1 if , ', tiiri AltaaaiM iaweta BOTS. r-- 4 .trl..zjwwmvatn. " .it


i&frF'ztmn B.I.'..i w ' r

Bti-ge- s. ',fO0HHHAl " w'U'WITtt-'- J "::-ilf- i a atraTT" Itf4.rl. rr . ' all ' " .' .


iwaajwn taa. araaVawatrBair kT.uuU

aaMiU'fc'e.SffiSax ana ha?nssKria.fw JtiMtH E110iJJL JUaV. .TJ inknTtf I; ai I. aA ". i 'jii;-- aa- rjZ',l ' "- -" I aHlil,Bl.l Bill tl 9Wf to

T, V j..'r.nt --

aBjBT-ft-pe-L. m- waaar tw.. -.-jm. 'Ikmal - -

rJaLnBaWKtwaaeaatltMaeaJti BltattaVVihr


riTnaii : iwMpCixjMit aarWVw-- Jtat Bakt) BaStrVft BBak M 1mW ...

I BawflttlMMHMwaaftMtMmaa. mmm tBmaaak aalI mmmmitm-L-igkij- Z

' HIDBarit 'Bkeftawwaxy,

PWirnnnuw bbbuhihi

wsarfwwr5 Ior. OENERAI,(rn(WLv

arrf... x

r"t-r- r. - , -r"-- 1

' .Try B "jrtraar ntUITsifaF?7!pewr aana- - atTat taaaar,

r'aVewtlrtrVlTl JaawTI

- :. .'tu rutDr.


Oarrlea. t tlth etreet mi Milt.ien e'llita. 4V. ear1 1 efetaakr.MU arery Bcder.7a

tftWIilllSBtaaatl Ml ITatat VVrtraT1a4V naBrt"ABBBBmB ahtTtaa fllILtn'eloa'otlLmayiaoegiwa Ootjoa. AwaraaTBiam it i

tw a laaoaw, xTeiaawtiitaa aaa erwaryiAat, Alia uup. aad uunaam lam.ana,aaaUrr

ten an .YOtthh irntorfMM. f.ruTfa-agr- ari


fin m. Ofhsa

oohanBaioHmm ctrwm tow pat ctrfftAV, ,


and all jtantta, aeemMtit i

C22tL.0au thtatitakTh notaean wall

.aati aas eaaat



SorWtr af Med al anaTfteiihamaa taaewTwT"ZtrptralthetJarary. -- I

tl lit. i, 1 , U, If, IB, h.b. t. nf-


MARRIAGES.rUKBOtt-SATAnC-r- tk, n-- w. Jj

ear. tana ew aaaa marrBatat. tj;l

' DEATHS,inJttBOWB ra'.Weneaar 1

iTk'M WUtaaZ. aVatxarmTaeradM yiiaaawa eeaa w.wate. ..itaarraavtwetatBe era. Ate Ntwill tat

hi i

V. mmrnA Tl ajBwam. a t. Vm -fShaya.Hl

2"rPwJl'!5!.!ya --waea- at ana ta44 aieaiaa .urarron ,yean. -- .1 u. ,,.i7. i ,, '(, ,! a

r art ratetatkll

rarttetvillat UI ha tvi ttaOaidBwBalm teg mm .ter.latiamiat. 'A a

CTSACK-D-aa. ltth. Tkeaaaa Clitiik. afebwl er 4 OatBarta Oueatm, ad eyaanTawaltaf

aaae ineBieB aaa aaaranmaanmtaAMattarvdaia faaat , Ikla dt eaiaak. f em hla late reaU.nte.nluumwnt a latea t tjalrateetaeatajat ,, . 1 1 a x u,

- DBAK-t- m th ltth tut . Onthartna Daam. thairn2lHun.aatiaiaiamiaaruaa tat earn

i U aad lah area. "yi.twaeai iita'e m r...LrT.-- a T.VV Wth-t-m

aa.a..C - inmtfi?.dBle aaiarjaalaSaaai iadtb4eef klabrvjwaawnr yaw.taaaa. ar aaa arBaWJtMM aalAmBBaHMP "B

trfBBKbaUjr MTtMlto aAatafVlMfarM al,aa B

tMlllMBBIJ rittialiir. itth laaWnteMt- - i

RrSSrrmrMt rneeatfaar U'rtte.Xtaaftt raSduMTdSlBSa2tK&e aflnrt' lakaa't fDalrary , CtmSryTaTta

a.v - . . .', i fee anllBTin rWtteaai I., efll.alnii .it:, at. .1

end rrere IKneee, alien, t hTfelartd erlf agdaha ellaa-- v ua aaa. vara J laat wi aarrThaetaeirtaaa ttiaam t aX rneterahera af e fetdoa Ma, 1M. Alaf.stmriszs&&g

tUOTOft-O- n '.ThartAay; Da lath. f oaen

VJtftl-&-5fThrlataeher ai A Jok . am , -- iiiri II. I. .11. a a. Btend th forrel, en datardey arternoon, Dae. 1T Iai oAcoek, fna hla tola raataanaa, tea Baat bf 1

JOaEB-re- n. 14th, after a lent aad aaiafai TOn'twhich ta-- ree wita eorlatian fntilata, Bee.- - I

eew aeu vv yeart ana 11 nuitiina.rt'C.. troabl'd iciut, what plalallramaaa.

Bark Unel t each --rea. tta ma rf we.aitaae. any rewifietaa. enpyaeetay grean,

aad letup tet'efiriiei Ufl..nana iB-- an cteva oaun a arlull thy pain ant heal tar

. Her fan a will take alaee thi. fTtidat Iall o'clock, from 180 Wiet ltth at, Mar fneadt annepaxtPally tarlttd to atterd, - Ut

BILUAKTIf-DfClS- th. Banhateerav- - B3lmwtla.kaaute of tbe Towaiana af Mony Uat, Ue. But.Irtlano, agetl rr rear.

Taa rriaaUe af tha nu tr tn twJCeexmBr tortteg lattrad the fuaeral, thi 1 aia

from hit late rtemeie,o at. BUgoOraploa pleae copy. to. t.YO a--AI IUdtVi5.e.n. aaaty. U I . Da.

anararetaiaaflTMiew ttiaeta, wawa eaea aflatnaa actiiMt, ia aaUfwetta! Mtnyear of her. . .

1 Ith but,at fart km?

aettea. - Uewitjaaeeat attt ha toOeArary Oama.taay tec total meat.. .tua e . went It I


brain. If arenj 3HlklSteAItrag otoraa'TtaWtUanni.A-i,'k- .

taaamal aaBatafdaw avaManaaaa-- D ta, lltkat leVoek, ftoeatb rtataanm W aenate. 1

WUlettet.MABT- F- fn Wt BattHrt th Mth IkAlBJaaAeaa,

tasAaatataraf Wuiam tatahargai Malaitia.ataa

aaJrrtoilmgtoaetmlhlaaBmil thaeTPrr rTaftt

VtttJXfil&liliuM! Caaohje'la?

. Dm ltth. Jama Artlaavauaa,at--at -.

M I BBAV-- ln tba PreeAira Hetpttol, an Wedna. .day, U-- e. UUWaaaaa Maria, a natera f Kiakaaiy.l

1 k-- 4rt A J 1 alive are reaaeelftine taeltag&AXI?&-:W&- &

McflRADDY-rt- ec. t'k.IIaik Mearagey. ma aeWilliam tnl BmakUfeciraddy, aged llaaeathe aad It- f JV tlatlTaand Marodaef tha tamtnyarefaUrtrtrlmetoetltrad ta raaarel, lata (rVlaar) aaV

fnm tharii Id mil aftmptrrara,tn) Oreeawtah et. I If

hTcCAUUCT Oa Tbaroaar meramga ota tnaa--e

Jar ltcCaalar, la the ltth real ef W aw--

&EZ&&gS&mz.J-- Blarkai mX. ' " . 4. a I. 4 B4C tbtt ttty."M Wr4aegr, llthiBaUMniAaaaVaSObraaairWlatedthaMeDr. Ito- -

ThafiVadeof tb famnn .eaeai ay w ea--e.

Bar Jamee A, tiDlVftr. 4 nia-- lt ir "vran, anrmpeetfnllylBtltod to aneaa th a 1 .a taxdtty aaaralavr. at areata), fecaa J. Hridaetre

Uaoroh, nana tnlema Hm of ratlat. to a--t.ItTatetVriA alei ae mm . tl '.

ametrry farTbajadar, ttoe. 1Mb, af lltiamg

Itm'awjlagidt.'lraarava.ti51 reu7".a4ftij-tnaf- a.

taaiZZzJZlT Wiliata tVaaa ItutV tallinit. oBtrfa-i- r" L i.T.. .z

rsrtaf teniiTmittnal. Afaf Lywariaaeaaa-- - - .. ". -- --

frt--- 1 HtM!? .S?"." Z..Tiantwuetriara III I'lST"?"?" n


lt!ia., . .r.iv.-.- -. . -- a..mis--?mm A ay .at. tl UB

Ato, Bn.trTttrSC?r!S at ..jmmst eararieitaaimiy IS'XX

YMKT9mP9i4towlU9mtoa4mm tuaaaVVd-at.rf- P JMF " irT-eiJ- 1 T aW

ahi T fFaBaBafal a DtatLaaL JatwBy ,,.TKI'nWaa. ty afaamawgneBBBl

immm tUwmm P (J 'WM. WPmt2fm"IM W' . taaBaj

'mViAi&'tt4tttoUtrn iwaaaata

jglukuiii4tlx av. rt . a 1

lbOt TjpobaatJavtlraHia. htTBrthW WIUMU. aaBftteada af the to A- -

eoatt ,lihvv4Cu4ta4rtUtuitiaa. Ua.