The Sun. (New York, NY) 1859-10-31 [p...

fila . 2SSM it,, aji(L. .- - fr J?-J- r tl B lha at rl fa tie day TvIiIb7 MH.4l), arrive tartar. CWaUMaaM. . a . Am ..l.e.:7lP1rrrrr4rtia ;. - - IBnilBV haeaythrcirmli"ivf.ao4 i,ir7SHrijI la THR Babt CVTTINO TEETH, OR THE BOWELS OUT OF ORDER' Yoa ua aafel reeert lethal old and weH triad renwd, Mr. Wlnelow' BOOTH ING BYKUP. Thouaanda of mother throat heat the land thank Mr. Wlnelow for her Invaluable rrnwdr, and for the com- fortable olrht'e real the are enabled to enjor b the aee cf ber medicine. One trial will convince ou, Price enl tS cents per bottle. Euoxa's SiwEto Machixes. No. t Bewloa Machine $100 No. 1 Sewln Machine boo TheFamll Sewing Maehtne A $7D The Fandl Sea luf Machine VVl llemmlu Guexee $4 I. M. SINGER A CO , M Broadwa, N. Y. ISO Fallon et, Brooklj a. Small Chasub. Duna ard Half Dihtn ean be had at Tur Sea Ollee, In Five Dollar parka-e- a, and Three Cent plocre In Three Dollar packagea. oul received. Pcnnlee la Fiftr Cent rolle. Wnxoox A OiBae SEWING MACHINE. Wa have la this a ifTKIicai aVimmefraffm that a machine In every retried auitriur and adepiudtoraiii.f I'ar, may now be had a roaauuble Oit." FKICK . Manufactured and gold, Whoiaaalaand jamfs wiLiiOiix. No. Broad ear, opposite Br. NlchoU iloteL EnoCATTOlt TheRrcv. T)r. Uiontana aa.l.t. rd bv Mr. W. Mum and C. F, lik-xr- a, lt ofl'olumhla tlolleee, riunlurt a B boot for lljre ou tha l'acaeraN pLa. at Litrhrii Id, Cone. Vt. Bioiiaan ean be eon. eultnl at K. A V atainaon'e law oirlee, SO Naeaeu atreet. flam V a. ui. to I o'clock p. m., f w two dss. I FSTTll'a law SII11TLR SKWINO MACHINES. I inal taanjr la the mark.,!, Paroea (IiO an iipaanti. Office, 4SJ Uroadaa aad too lJuwer. Tnr Pivt or Low Ci.mvdmus We raean that robllc favoilte, Mr. T. lladawar, lint th Prloee rltuatl UiMca'a Mom-ia- , epp.sra there in 1'iil PalandMataAutacMauou, afierooeu and eveulut lUnvEi Piern ard Dbothkr Are Aecnte fir THE NEW YORK SCN, at RxlMJIU, I'aHM. nRBn TaiooruKKors le tha Beet and Iheepeet article for Dreadntand IVae-tlfy- li s, Cleeulnr, thirllnf, Preeevvln aniT Keetorlnt the Hair. Ladleatryit Bold by all llninUta. FnntLB & Lvoi'a Scw-i- o MAnmart V Warranted ta ttve h, tter eatUfeetlon than an other Machine In thle market, or money refunded. t N. M. Paiua Bnioi id to to No- - 009 ilroedwey. GENERAL NOTICES. Trvwta-ranr- e- Wsahlaslaa Vpreapect No- dal ti mple of horn r, No. t, will b jig a public loetalla-tio- o 1 f nttieere, nd publio meetloe, ou Monday at their roomt.riMijw.rT The--e nohia ailvocatee cf the temperance tv form. R 0. Bl'LUG W. J, Rev J S DlmC, O.T roLhS aid Hen. C. T. MlLLH,willrw pcra--nt The puhlle ar invited, h eider J. v 1HTE, B.P. T M. MeJCIMM, lLR. A (Irucd !)laae Bleellea of the Branlar TudenenJ. nt f raee cf llionklcn will tal held en tbe ernir of Grand and Lurimersta, E. 1, on evrnln,, November t, KVi. Foitnent epeaker will adoitee tbe meeliiu. ocJliUU Hollow r'a Olntaient wilt be fnaad a never fallln rmedy lu aM cutaneouedieeaeea. A few appl- ication of It a 111 effectually eradicate all tbu-- a un eitbtiy bl tehee and nintptee which oft-- n dierlf ui e the face. Manufactory riu Maiden Lane, N. Y. 13. Deeaarrala, ICall,Ualty, llatly MA88 BATIMCATlflN MEKriNG At TAMMANY HALU TVE8DAY tVENINO.Novl,10. Tbe Democrat lo Repul.liean el.ctora of ah City and County of New York will aaeemMo ea ma-a- a en 1 lira, dsy svenlne, Nov. 1, io, st 1 o'elock, le rsufy tbe BL te end Cuuntjy nointnetlone. Ibe fuliuwlns eorakara have been Invited end are exnit,d to edereee therue. t ma. Frai klm Pleree. U. A, Hon Lymea Trimaine, Hint lraaL B Diekiaaua, Kubt Tyler, Esq., Peon., Hun JaeT Brady, lieu, juhn Van Bireri By order of the Dcm. Ren, Gen ISAAC V .OULkR.Chairiiiau, A.M OIIXURlST.ALtBUJCUANCELLiirl. " iol AI1recLe Poreae PUetere They resolve sad aaeoaye pain by ealllnt forth the acrid burners from parte Internal to the ekln an I taneral elrsula- - t loThu, In many Vffigg BaM1 ONE TU0CSAND DOLLAR' WORTuToLD. jeiv, al, lsoi. TMsmsyoertlfythstwehaveaold, within ths put five yeera, at least ane thouaand dollara worth of All. eeck'e I'oroue plaetere. They have Invariably given eelUlaetloo, and we consider them tha beet article of tke klad made areola. W.1L JONwB A BKi, ApothecarieaandChemieti,BiBt8lnx,N.Y. Sold at V4 Canal at and by all drsjaU. Price 83 eut ch. 881 mm The Dleakeit af Na. IS af the A. O. af Hibernians are requested ta attend a meeting Taatv, the let of November, te bo held In Bmlth lull, on ta nor of 1 II h et and let eve. By eeder of Bf .RN VRp Mo. CARDLE, Presideut, aad PATRICK M'LOREtjSea. Fall not UatMnduTataliiaeaefbauJortaaoe transacted. . I. O. t a. FTI MtJaahera af Cavaaaat todte, No. M. a of tt F, arsrasewbraotlgad to meet . jSJSjil. " "CST" rht GENERAL N0TI0E3.- - Unaer DralVvV Bfeetrna A rogalar S rVi.'i'"! D'r' e the Mirrrwiwlitaa sbtavaa, IM ilealer It, rli Tnieilar , Nov let, ! '' V .mVwdiSS w!n Xn i.r.toihlva.til.t; a. a added. Breeder tf P. W. r.Noa. Preir .A.M. MATMXWa. VVeVL 0. A. KATZ, w e. oil larntt W. B. nabaneaw for A eat m hi. I M.a, Me.taae' Iks people tf the rralatih VT.4,K - tb "u.iHr liliiri't, Pt b- - hil tvenlee, Oil. a let, st u'clerk, St Mi'Hutaa a Hall, eer of 'ftn it end ,tt, ev the nouilnatloa f WlLLfAaf r. I.(,iim!on fr Awetntirtnai. VV "en. Dr. rtiwifoed. fiih, a P. O M aVw-- y, Mr Mr. ItouUuui aa I I ether will adJrtajtbaitia. tfl fc Impariaat VAIator Hewa ROOER A, tiAYMOMrJ CLOTHrta 6T0RE, lxt, U a ivt Faleew atreet. fhTalaUWrS? V " nt of IMolhlns tor awaUasaea. the xat iJk'5CM FASinoNS. " bf th awn), at etleaa LOf I.R THAN llAVE VER rUBRM feraimlUrsnodiilsthlaeonatr, 7552 Weaab e each artkaa, and take no other. "& Jntl Mewtit Tarawa Taxes, CaUa Iovt- - Pethaas- - vlllr.llMnvUle, Wakefield, Ac-T- hs sale of lata for rttisaldtaiee,wlllUkeelaeat Alhanon tb lotli at N,:vrtr.lernett tbe Cnlleetor will elt at KERrtr?. I Ilh ward llotrl, ear Ellsahrtb at.d Hraed ets, ei Men. ,.VtimWfTm,Af7m Mmm n-- h. lttawatmaj .... af ..'....... ...-- . .nwwa.rn, a p,rk Teeedar aVaalee. Nevl pai, at I oVIuek p.m. ."' taulaent epeekectwui addreaa the met-tln- llaU4 I1ITR A Or Oplaat Katar, ee DltlTIKAnD i.f l)r ilKLlaieuian roweere. an he will --- r --- take. dWik. to the vr I'arkssea, wlto dlrartlane, gj, ,Ba fj Warvaateg hot Hilton, and ean br. (lean onknowa wlthool faar af tlleroven-- . oilice, ti Third tt, tie doors roat from M ....... . -- - a'l js Nnttro to laavretera af ITWilea aad Cava. yaeeera. lulpartore of Uaetion and "i Innii alart-- 4 n a jav arm n..iiaa4 a. .v;'ii,..tVTakarh.'ti. for Bret etevea ,,aru--- m sirena on I ailiAV.ia-t- . a, an la. tare nr larll..n ... II- .- ...ui.i.. ur... -- La.rr " " " "- - - DAY, Ikl W, v.iNni.AT,7J',l,, ,:.", warda.wlH arteod ea v.i.A.IViW,,f v"4 l;!TJ5."r .,or remalole L. ll. laaperter awl Lanvaeeera will pcm.lT.jrhe Berweeltr epramst af tendance et tb and flare lnrilrat-- 4 abwve. 0lTu,rKBnmt'a' Brrrat A- - Ca. UnwItabLe (Xwaeblaa nJr De-Pr- 00 eenta-T- he enl true en4 netnral oae la n""- - l'reare balr to a beautiful BLACK a BROWN For -l- ,wbolo.ele er retell, et the bator, 44 South Second at WIIMsmsbtTrih. egVSot We Caanot w raa have aaTan. Hit when entna nature! outlet of tb blood' Imsurtliae ia eluet or Inartlve. IliAar.smi'a Vrot-ria- ra Pin epen Iheae, or make them active, t hue reetoriai health. 1 bese riUla have been before tbe world vxasa. Their uaefiilneee I meeaared b their perltytag qiielitiee oron tbe blood. The ar eorapoeed of extract obtained withea bolllns. or the appllratien of beet the mnainiaaa principle s thus eneured al it la In tha livlna her. Tim haejproved them TrixNavtaatMtmruixnrMaR. Theaurlfr tke Llood, end lasar health. Tha riablljr-direete- d aao them, Muxinxe have lava reetored to hearth br Baasn-arrra- 'a Pill when ell ether medicine have tailed, aad tbe patient left to dl.V. Inee 8 a bos. ocS teoiriis tMndpsl0fflee,Wa.t4 Caaal et LMFOHTANT T4t PITYaiirT ANS. PIRUATIVES. A treat want baa Ion existed in tbe materia aaedlea cf perfert portative medlclae,on hick the ehrelelaa tnalleaaeamarrlwlthalweluteeerulatv. Tbedo-alderatu-m la now aupnlled h Dr. RAD WAV, wke ku discovered and brmiebt to lleht In the lorm of KADWAVB RECIXATINU PILLS, a purfatlve which wlliie all caeee sneltks ptaeeef ealopiel, blue pilla,and all tbe eneertaln aortauve and eathartl ntreiciaee la preaeat a, cllhr la th tuna of pllle. powdere or Ivialda. In all eeee of Inrlammatlena, eonteattona, lever, bllloeeneea, dspeeela, Indlteetton, eoaitlpation, worme, tlte, Influenaa- - enutbe, eoldia Ac a does ef from f.r to elx Bad war's R. tula tint Hilt will Immediate 1 chi-c- th proeeve of tho disease, and la from four to eii hrmreaipil from the ratuathe die eaaca numore rnev oeeeeion to imealtle. TIIEIR QVICK OPULAUV-N- . In an eendittoFii of th irtlrm where U aewte or Inllammatory dlaeaae, arid epaedr medleatloa le re- quired, Kidwar'e Resulatlnt Pills will sfferd relief la nfteeu minntee after tbey are need, and wll I la the meet elatloate and critical raeee ef Inthunraastoa end eonse.tlon, eeearesfree evaeoatloa from thebowela. In from fonr lo alx hour. Price ofRvtway'e Pills 18 oenta per hex, eleeantl eeeted with mm. BAD WAV A OH, oC reodnog he, tt Jok at JAMEH 41. COO PES, COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, new yorbTsun orncw. GENERAL BUSINESS. ... . mircoi .A ivn a a iw tn. f llbliAl iilinr.-)- , jv A.a a Ann Ol,, a ANU SEE THOHF M HO pOCrtLE SOUl Piorj luvrrgi LBO THE 4 E) DOUBLE DOLE WATEt PRiiOr SLVTLD I IJOOIS. eMIOkrnst i.e- -a noirrn of daily awd Ir papers, one of the beat in the ellyi old self ea acer-- it to sic knees in ths family. Address M. II, loa i Sliueral Poet oB.ce, with real aame aad ad-- dree. IJOK SM.F TWO SHOW CASKS, IM order. Cell at 175 Prince it, bet eeen Thame-eo- n and BulHvan its. etirilt HOrSFKFl'I'INO DRY COI'NTKRPANIta. OflODS AND OOMFORTaa, L1AI , nurioin., nm, , . CADima DAMAtlt TAH1.K CI.OI II end NAPKINS, roWLLB, DIAPERS, A Ao, Alart portion of ableh ar from Auction, aad a ua.ier tntir value anu inre, CO nnoK, 1118 ud 110 SIXTH AVENUE, oil II.'IM beteean Mh and lh ta PAINTERS, ATTKNTIONI SOMKTIIINQ are reepartfully Invited WeaU at Na, 148 Broadway, "4 to examlae a newly dleeovered article of vamlab aad veruleb end paint combined. Il la , durable and tlomw, retaining Ita brilliancy Untar than ear ether article la oae let leee than hall the Met', not effected by water or weather, heat or oold, aad adapted eqeally te Iron, wood, cloth or leather. ell Flit READY AT TWELVE O'CLOCK AT TWFLVB fCLOCK, ,READY AT TWELVE irCUiCK, ate ais ai inaiiiavouAa, 1 iVlas, tSdayI Tn LEDOnt VmSBifi: t tXL OF 0O0D TUINGSFOR THai INSTtUUTlOM ISO "wiownWfJK.,32A; Ot CfeawiaJ fW rwiiM. TlrVwtvit aeir at W';"T' Fw.7 tppeare a likely fenes- -a fea nch natal for Ik Dam- - eraey, eecld tho aaaatilt of rWTVM I1bouk, Mnoi'ihH, Senator , for tha Eeemblltsri. It J o old adage tht "torn ahoat U iVlf play.' Tin Republican than bold U-- t Dfmilti pa'ty rwonauVe fcrthaactof aSngVi bidlvloWi and Qwernor Maacr, who w sat tho Urn Secretary of Stabs, remarked, efttitharrea-i- l t 1 olottlon utd Urmlnated, and Mr. BrCBAgAa wa known to baveauc- - ceeded, lba that tot alot eat tha ttmxr two tatrod thoaftand vote, and that had thelraMoneata-aada- a different (election of a candidate U wotaM hart root tbe Dmocicy f be I FnaUeMy. . mother tibia b ao or net ,w do no', preload "" to Mf, bat tU recent attempt and hla Brcletee to rry eat the. I""' fo- lios by the Mcrlilf. ofao rdiKb "" - "afforded eenllel Deniwra-- O pullikiaua that tkey aro net low to va laom' pf- - Al ,,, wa notice, Ibe piper In the latere! that party are on the troth, nd cbavo laiding itolIUcUu of tho oppoittlon with complkl'jr wlih Sbowx and bU MsocUten, wb"t lt Utilag lonrnaliof tbocj-roilllo- tfotqoil! lntrnt on protln ltt lb trf tad Its luI ue Inno-ct- at of rrtK,rll-- cr knoU of Beow' moTtmtnti. WltreT tht iwU of tbew tblnji mty t tbo wbob) fflt U p '.ly to bo dojlor! by 'J good bob, Kortb or Sautb, Dmocrt nd If tbo (ttort In tbo r' Ferry trogody bad nd actoal aW.tot, tbay at Uait iraro nworagwl by tbo mkoy lajvilljoui and oftan UaM taflamttory appeati tbat wo im put forth from tlmo to tlmo, not only denunciatory of tbo ludtutlon of Slarory, but of the dtcfiloiu of oot blsber ccnrU wbon tbo rlKhUofaUroi aro Inrolrad. Tboto appoabj to fort aro out of placo, and cannot do otborwUo tbaaliai to mtKblef, and tbo (arpatvlty ofwroDKwUl, la tbo end recoil spon tbooo who Indulgo In tbonv an In tbo pro-- nt Uutasco. If Uwiexlit tbat arennwlM or nnjut, tbara la a logt'X-nit-o mwi of gottlng rid of Uom, and nntil tboeo ntvu can Iw uaoJ poaoaably, it U bottor to (nflW than to attempt Tlolence, Calm dlaniMioa with a people like oura will aooompUah more tban all tbo violent denuaoiatione tbat could f oauUjr bo made. Wo trait tbat thf to caaaa may prove profitable lea tone to both tide, and tbatparttea and leadora, brtAer,wtH bo leea Inclined to al ow tbeir pl-ito- ni and fcelloga to aapplant their bettor )wg. menta at the exponas of truth and right. Tto Uarpar'a Frry AoVlr. An Extraordinary Sermon. Bar, IIdbt Wabd Diecuer pruaehad, laat OTanlog, a leimon which, aeu fjr that celebrat ed maa, wu an axtraordlcany one. Ills text waa, rlrtoajlr, tbe Ilarprr'a Ferry Alftitr, though tbo worda ware from Uoly Writ, lie ridiculed, u few could do, tbo captor of two thouaand po (1 by lerantean man, and tbo calla to arrai of two 8 atea and a van of tha Federal forou La. alaee,to capture thoaa te:ten, and painted vlrldly many of tbo acenea oonnacted with tbe tragedy. Ha eondomned and denonnced all auch eta of riolcoco, and all mouurea which lend to eparato and create enmity between the people of th Berth and thooo of tha Bouth, In terma which could not but tave ploaaed the em of the alareholdera themaelToa. Ilia particular vlewa In relation to tbo al cry qoeetlon were then (.Iran at groi'.er length, and mote explicitly than they bare boon on any other occasion. TboM who auppsee that tbey differ entirely from Mr. Bckciier Ii Matlment on thla ubject,wiU bo aatonlahed, w will prom Vie them, on a peruail of thla aermon. To ona Ue all auch and all otbera, who, friun curioeity, or from any other motive desire to (cad a acr mon of uouaual merit aa w ell aa of unnaaal Lntereat to the bole community, hare ar- ranged to rubUah a nbatim repirt of It, from Mr. llucuis'i own note, and under hi own rTilon,ln TAe Sr tl Welneaday uornlag. New FaVlWaUarM. Tax Ceaaxs Crrenaais oa Facra roa EreaTennr. yv(ulore"Mu(re Within," 'TAa Ira-e- Why," Ac, New Yuiki bio A FiTKiariALo, Thla la a neatly boand oiume of 3uVl pagoe, and oootalna more valuable information on all coQcoiraUe aubjecta, than any publication ex- tant. It la lUaatraled with oror 1.000 engrar-Ing- e, and forma acoupUte encylopodu of tueful knowledge. Every family ahould hire a copy. Paaioa TaxaTsioat a, oa Frxnnau' fie ike auifcor of in 'liJiWia" Own J.oot;" "re foriaH.," .fi Stent," 4 c, New aorkl Dica A I'lTiueeNuo. Thla I a rolumo of 171 pafiee, and li intended to prorbfo Innocent atnutemoa: for chil.lrenat homo. In thla work the author baa done Mm-ae- lf creJi, and baa provided a deatderatum in the bouaebdd, for which tbe yjurj a ill thank bim. Wo bare recelvod from T. II. TrtTf atos & lino., l'tiladclpbl, tbo ninth volume of tbe wheap edition of DicMia'a worka for tbe million. Wo bar also rtce'eJ fro-- the publiaberi, 8waw, brim i. Co., A' YiMk, thelMober number of IHockwoo-- l Majatlne, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. AiCH. L. Cook, (n cf tbe oldaat M.iBr. ope- - ratora in tbo United hta'ua, died if oneumplion at Daltlmoro on Thuraday It, having been ab aent from li pott cf duty but a single day, ntd that laimac'iatcly preceding hla doalb. Mr. Cook wu for inanr yeari in the employ cf th Magnetic and Soul Urn Telegraph Companies, ndcomnacdtd their teapect and eetcam. 11 wu alao very much Moved I j bla brother ope- rators, god tbey aloceraly lament b'j loo. lie leavee a wife and two Utile cbuMran. Tub part of tbe mit ar.d riralng of a loop wa projecting out of tbo water on Friday meming, between Qarrisona and Co!dpiinP', on tho II01U00 liver, And a nothing 1 knoa n of tbe matUr At either of tho above places, it li feared tha crew went down with her. It It aup-poa- ed that abo wu eltlW runfa'o by a ataam boat on early 1'itday morning, or tbat aaJlea aqaaU a' ruck bar, capalalog and ainklng bar la tarAly. Taa steamer Vrauda Skldly, Capt. FaAzgB, ""xaler, wu inocaeding from Mew York to Jbny, oa Tueeday night, wben ahe cam In tt Hoop Temperauoe, Captain Jacob O. waa.., about two mile above 4 owgnaaepsie, jamtalng the entire lenirth of the loots earning ay her bowaprll and mut. CaxAaln Uiciii.m Ujud bly, 0ni of bU (eat being erusbed on arm and several of his ribs wan also broken. Yx Attempt at h'ghway robbery wu made Opat Mf. Tatoa. KootrU, who drlvee tbe newspaper axpreu betweea New York and Z TT Vfw-ar- on Thnraday night. He waa on hi way to Mew York u nsual, abortly after cLahl. and wheal "ear tha race aouru oa the rJank road, twa; pxetoj ahoia wara fired at bim surltharof which to ik eAfcot. Mr. M. fptirrao up ma none ami ee - V.a)L 'l"ngwjsjr,i rzMrMi EUROPEAN AFFAIR Arrftff ifte 7 ! 1.11. ' I eraBBwaweawew Two Days later 'Intelligence. TRKATV OF rEAOf! tTEtS KltAWK iyf AC STRIA. CBae la IW Proewli MMairr ArrrthraAxt. iCS from l --Um er1 II JJ. h."a?rtoo 'SlRSvh elf ao r. at. of U. lMh. tea ara roBrrtaToa. annexmrre fiat on the llth .TLarSl"eJ aa algnul at Zurich between I,.lVendAuttle. . tn 111 e nten.tiiated Kumrian eonarea. Ie ratao"rreaTn)aLtof tbe Itvlna J'inn aa .u... ii.iaia avtU nct.rla.lTha flva rreat imrai. Hardline, Spain, iTictta, rurtJgal, Kaulea. and Home. Tta 11 dn 7VI raja that prellmlnar nr'ita Uona for a jrnaa are net aoicg on, t( uetnjc m ir ti eaaUrto I'anaotgrvaeUanfto cni1iti tliencae-ti- n nrr.imlnarlia. Ei.a'atd la lJ"djr d to enter ri mtrauMMetlielndriiirBRaiid free mrtkra ft urni'ai iiaij are ravinviMi iinuaraiooa fi ue Ktiar. auVrd. Ir la uLiUraUol that Die question of tbe .ir,l rd d. U aa left to the arbltra4ua of fie Kuig of Iwi'aia. utrat Pant, IffA It la eaieited teat the aronnd treat of ptac willbeagwd t .mnrrnv, thedol'bonof tte King ef II IhslgUna ai tLe debt ol Lcmbardy hkTUig rcauinil KurUitu xr.lti, Wk Tt W liaa a "ljloh rrom raila,atd laat nlglit, UI n that firre distinct lulruin'tta will ba aknrd at 7.uncb the treat b tmit tianeeend gardnla wlillaia:a-n- In a da or two i the trlpltete treat will be eignel aulaw quatitl. Tie 7WMof O.Umomtnir atatreftat tha taroia ottbe7.urhtmtarealmt lt'mlical wl'h tbora agreed t' at Villa Franca and that ea one tU qv.wl.or a wltoh dlail4 IU and Europn, rmmaarttid. The Jfernfnjr Ye' aata, that aaaiirlnf IU bifVir. metlnn to I e. rrert, the further prop Mala oonoem-l- g Q"t) kft npMi, wbl. h It la IntemlMl ta auburn tn tlia at.pmaeh of tha OmirreM, an of euih a nature tut Ihe dlp'orratbrta at Znrtch hare on) DMiad rip matarlala freth dlHlamtlea. r.nglaill ran and will take no irt In anr Oonareaa. of wt.loh Ho drat prtncliV be n4 the rooiHrnlUon of the maa nre and Tuacana, no laaa than the Mxlen. aa and rartneaan Btatea, to aelf gorarnment, The Ant canncai ahot find to fnroeonthe people of the Ri. magna. Iforlena and Tuaranr ai other nilera tban tl e Italian Prince, tn wbom the rn fondl prit their trrwr), will ba thlgial of a conflkt aa doad aa the one Juat brotigU to a c oae. euii atuTAjH. The Great Eaatern em.tlnued at IfjttheaJ. Prince Atatrr rlaiUd bar on tbe 17U, during tbe emjoura of tbo Moral famOat Bangor, but the Qieendidnot go. It lad Of en aaaenea iw iro reavi woumaaii for Port land. Maine, on or about the tuth of Dotobnr, but It la lr aoaouuoed, that the direoton hadnotomiatoanaV'Olinon. Amerttng waa to be bald on the 1Mb, awl It waa thought, that final ar rangemeata would then be made. The Timet cot reaimndaiiton board, atrongl edrocatesthe puet. potiameLt of the Atlantic trip U!l Spring, ou aooouut of the Imperfect prrparatluna and the cjaaeqiieut rtk of failure. Tlie Friroe of Welee bad oomaaencol bla oollrge ttudiee at Oxford. Tbe Earl of Westmoreland la dead. Cabinet Ouusolla and meetliigi of nvlulatere were being frequent! held In londno, la reference, it waa prtaumtd, to the Italian queetion. The ttock Exchange had wen buoant, at dell Imraxrrlrg price. Mona waa eaai eol tnaaupply Tar aiAinoaLi. The aVateet. London, r.rfnrada Tbe Dailj Xtwt Uty Af. tlc'e eat k Tbe tendeary of tbe atosk market la etltl deddeil to Improvement. At one period, on Tuee-da- y, afreehruMraMwaaebU'aed. A Utle dullaeee waa occadoned In tbe afternoon, br the continued abetnoeof raapusae on the Parle uauraa, but ooew O'lie oioeea )i Lignar luau on Monday. Tbe demand for money waa moderate. la the open market, tU niay be oonakUred the aeareet rate fur the beet Villa baring Ikrre muutba to tun. No bullion operation at the Itauk. The Tmtif at Aitlole eaar The oonflrxatloa of tke newe of the awalng of tbe peace treat at Zurich. tliO Mtt'rmrnt of the d'aputa bet men Spain and Mexico, and, abuTe at', the ountlnued abundanoe ol capital eeeklcg Inrcetwent, cauaed the EogUah funde lo ornn on l u jeaey wlltt ieormeea nnuneee and eub- - I erquanU; toainertoncea farther adranc. Ooeaola I Uft ofl aUadv at an Uupn.rameut of a quarter. There waa aa iucreaeed demand for monev on Tuee Oar, tha rie In the o-- n market wae full 9 af per cent. TLe fnrelgn exchangee were generally ateedy. The llritlah lallway atock were firm and advancing, tut oloard with a elbrhl reactJoo. Tlie ablp Dcrar Caatlc. from Melbiairne, with gild duet to tbe amount of 31 000 and 100 000 In a, waa od II) mouth laat L'gbt, The report that Fraoo claim thro buodrod mD1 ton fl wo", a luderMuiy fur tha war, from Piedmont, la proiiounr-fc- uuftmndr d. The Froocb Qorernmeut having made adtanrea to Piedmont, b- th before and during tLe war, to the extent ol 011.O01) fraaea, la erme, ptTiakma acd money, now ualiua only a of tbat mm. lUjiorta w age n curreut of a probable chaege In tbe Mlnletry. The retirement of WaLawaal and the Duke if Tadua were conaidend likely. The flaidlnlaa atlnlalrr of tbe Filerfor, General Doiioairn-a- . waa on a nilaalon to Para, aud had inter- view with tl-- Einiror aud WLaat. Dcror had kit Patla for Londin, on a aiedal mlaakai. It wna eald that the Minlater cf Public Inatruc. tlon luul lad atormy InleiTiena with ejvne of the utr moutanc prc'atee. It waa reported that the Archblahop at would at on elatl lbime at tbe d.alre ot the E njieror, to 1 reea tbe IVe tbe liera alt for reronn. 1 be Mcnitnir de hi flole explain tbat the French lint will be eent 1 Morooc on aooouut of the atU tude aaaniot-- by aud toward Spain, the Engliah Fleet protaUy leing mteudud to ouunterbauuca it oparat 01 a. lba Parte Tatrit eontaduta tha Htateinant. Uiat 1 Ue Hultau Lal otd. ra.1 tha aiieieuat.nk of the work I ou tlie Aura tana', but tt la ntvrrtucltiee i uw V..NBB uu uvw viiimriy oiaconunw a. It la aaaartvd, that Fiance will only recall her fororefrora Hot!, wben the fno of arivernmait tLere nuji re their preaenoe no luuger neeeajar. The Puria flour rnarVet bad breu heavy, but c iM with a Utter uu.aud firmer. Wheat had aiigbtly uevunBi. Lf .otJ aaa, that the deitetron of rarma and Tuerauv Isdiktenlewa with NaroLto on tbe lata, and that tLe ruult aa atUfavlury, but the iktall air not (tun. . The Paila Ikmrae hail Ken firm at en Improve, meat, hut cliwtd flat and li acilvj on the lsili, at . ItcforrtLte. rraiv. Thr Klrg of Sardinia bad vlaltod Grt ainlrbd much eutbuahvim. WLile theie he reoolvod the dow- ager Euipreeaof Pinrtla. The official firdmonttu Oaietti state that on a reprvarntat'on, wade by lardinla, Au-tr- bad wmkeat Iluead' Oifi, aud bad uo'ill.d bertlatthe ii.lnea were tluwnup by mistake, al Ire lame tlmo, regret at tbe occur. r re Mai y emit were n at Parma, on ol the late e.eaeeluaUi n tiaiqulbty pre- vailed. A 01 mmltU at Ml'ao had leen leaking art impta to revotutloLlae Vemtiaaudtha eoutbi.rn Tyril, and thr an rff.'iU to weaken tbe hold of Auatria had not born entire y fkiiltleea. Th Saidlithui Govemruenl wae aertouely eonald-nirgth- e ixprdlcnry cf foitifylng Breecla, Louata a' d Cremona TLe Sataa Fedrral Counrll had bought the Aua. tiiau tca.-rer-s rn th Lego Maci re. Tlie report tbat Napea baa promiied military to Kiiie I dutcredlioit, a the ATuig of tt i il e luael( n ol hi owu territory. AreTt.hitlonarcmeotUx at Fen ra waa giving the Aiunrianai!reataoiioaou. It eai formed fur tbe air)ute of aaaiaUng Veuitlaii to Join the lutUunal It la laid ILat tLa Iniav aetlrir lu amwmm will. II - - - - ,..-.- : -- r urperi r n eiMuoa, wui addreaa a maulfeato to lh Htiteaof tbet.buicli. 1 he Ni aim trau cone d'arniee on the frontlent waa contuiua'ly bunMrintr. and wlh a.nouut to thlrtv tbnurand ire a, Ureal act vity prevailed lu the wholtarmy wa giaJusly being p'aoed one ear timuiv. A lttc r fri m tl' rrnce detail lh ground on which kl eriutur, of th American Coaaul of Leghorn, Mr. llieli, waa withdrawn. It I suarttd, that h buvlrxl 1 tmaelf g'eati fue tke restoration of th l'rlioea, of wbom li wa a warm n. lUana Is directly taxed with havlag reoom n.eV id ot tain lie puhlleaua to pmo'alm a b "publio, . .. , .. kWI. .1 .. 1...- - kl -- w.w ue rauis i uia i.v waa h.iiuh uia u i,w tlaj Frli ote, arid the Isfcreac la, tbat h swght to 1 alia a pteteat fir arum J U t;vubon. trau. It U ea-- d tLet Spain Ue coroedad further delay to Morta-oo- . lba eiwulah Uortaa bad approved the but for inoiewtnit tie etruujth u the army to 100.00 men, with lul lu inireaae the uumber b Cu.OUOmi.nlueie-ksri- r. Morocco Lad ifl.-re- l eauafeotlon to Spain, but without rrr'yUg to the ulUmatum. isrsei. Th Emperor of Ruaala aud tlie Prince Regent of Prula were expected to a have a masting at Hrea- - Uu, Oot, ltd. A grand military parade would lake liaoe. AcaTsU. It wu rciorted that th Kmror of Auatria will prootttd to lh of Pruaal and Poland, them lo meet the Emperor of Kesala. ikdu An own. Th lull and China mail from Calcutta, otb, aud Hong Korg, Auguei seta, iw n- -w Tbenew I mainly eutlolpeted bytes-grsi- tint ths letters give additional detail. Me. Wud. tha Amarioan Minister. WU oourt-o- u' received at Pakln. Tbe new of hla arrival at Pahiu wu broualt to Shai ghal by a Russian ftM boat, but 5 !.".W:r, wwereoelvaa fmin bkn. It wu reported 1 that he would U at Shanghai about the end of Au- - I gu, ,d th.t h exiweud to b abto to ead heme taratibd tree b, the mUowmg mall. I TE,Te uireepuudant raida the reeeptlnn of 1 lt5T,"-?l?(tatne- of the Pekia tbBMs?, """" " 'er . Th rrlend CaUa aaye, that u th Amerloaa vviiwwvmHaiaiai aberty t tender thatr (noJiAeraUaoy tMra'Xf nnliw"-e- r Mr. Wi uwtfeoou Let eaejpowut - Ota. Mamevin r, ihm frfW "1 J "' a Oat irf M. tl emM " rt'in (OW tvltr.U x..u. .r. 1ltlu qi Vol V,, town -- ir t Tfe lli rjJl. rest r, La4 a rr-- i 't''f"'TV' b.dfc"??-'"- tnerrer Ado- - uAJJ.,""5lrrfii M,n,t , ttit tha BmHh O 'il lad mwle i." prr4 U i,i totue w.mi I lrrewataJUajrtojItod Inn liali by to J nerted a! Oct tb. I Cintial tnla ti atUI tiaeattled. Tbe tmMn I l'rtretnf Ntpanl r oeeepied by Ue Ntie ard I hie timtn. Tke Waftieta were atln Io lararrao. Tee kiifcttlre et FtklintieiefTtaerbxl ee rearfr toneHw l HiH!b Mmlatrr on frtradlf terma, aiuiwl,i1 tl Indian OorarnaiOBt tad Iweii tp)itvl tu tor 1C 000 tinra f China, and two ref.mente wtir under ordeia to dc art. till TlaT LiTKrT. frrrreel, rTVdr.rao'ay Tb Frerchearetvner fiiut hi.., wbleb ror.Ttyed Prlttoe Narouroa li 11 1;, lead tn aee tl e Great Eaatein, arrrred Lara thla morning. rmmramn. itTiuioixi. Li layout Cotton Vliaar Tl ere waa no mate ral cbanfte tn p l, iluldera wre rffrrlng freely, but ehowed tiokitailtlon toprrea aaloe Tbr aalea fur Patunfay, MoWer at.d Tueadar fonted up !4 IO) lab, of wLlibaijrcuiatoratook 1 0"0, and arportera aotObalee Tbe nrur qu'.'albiua firnlabMl are the fnllowli o I New rUdding T1 lCalJkd , lp bndMd.Ito 0 11.14. Ilirarrai. iaarrrrra Maain. Braalrtuft. wire tecdlrig dLwnwanl. Rnararunviti, rjpaaoa e Co . qiur flour dull but af I'i at 2a. 01. a lie. par bbl. wheat dull wlih aou-llket- Id aid on French aorta An.'rlrar. waa a d, red, (a. td. a 04 llto,a. Pd ale. Corn dull, with a decline of Ad, en ye low i whlt nmnl iall unchanged. LjrnrooL Faorraifta kiaarr. The prollon n arket a eenrraily dull. IVtaf waa quiet but atea. dr. pmk duL I,a.d (Irm, at Ma. a 65a. Dacon dull. Tallow Aim, bttoSrrr, Ba. on the apot. Liviuti I Paot era Mtaaar Aahea quirt. P At, (7a. (d I Vrarb., i7a. M. Miner ettady. Kloa errad. (Vlfe q iter. K arln atady ooomonaa. td. S4rlla of tunantlne dull at toa. 6J. a 30a. loi kUeeiTe were dull and on. charged In prieee. gnfarurm. C free qnVat. Itloe firm. Tallow quiet at ova. Od a Ma. Oj. Unaaed oUSSa. riglneiateadf at Bla. ConnoTe cbeed on Tuaedey, 18th, at MX a MX, fur mrraey ail eorount. Aneikan eocurlbe alew of aale, but priote una!- - tared. The Harpers' Ferry Insurrection, Tbo Trial et Capt, Drawa. rootrn oar. Oartntom, Va., Oct. W. The Oourt met at tea o'ckxk The Judge announced that he hadte oUred a Bote from tbe new oonaul of tbe prtaoner, uquiallr g a delay fur a tew minute, to enable them to Lare an mterrlew with the pilaouer, Ue would aooordtnirtj wait a ahot t time. boon alVrwarda llao a waa brought In, and took hie urial tecunibett pnaltloa la bed. genial. Cnn.r, of Waablngton dt, appeared aa additional ooueel lor the prteooer, and waa q'iall!9ed Unn Gawwoui, of Uenlend, O.lo, waa In- troduced lo tbe Court a ocunael for the prtaoner, and quel ft. d, Mr. CtniTON though It due toblmaelf t make an eiplanarory atement bufoeathe trUl proceeded. Yerterdaybe waa very unexpectedly called opon to come here, and aid In the defence of fia priaoner. Knowing from the aewepipera that the trial wee In progrtea, be took time to comtder and ounaiilt hi friend, at te tbe prrfitlaty of aocephng tbe rroriorl-tlo- 11 would bare bed no healtaUon If be had been epoktn to In tlmo, bat hi friend adrleed bla to come, and he did ao with the expootatljn tf mere'y aaabrting the geutlean already cooduo'. log the define. Coon naclitng he.o, he found tbat tber had withdrawn flow ilia m. and h. then heelUtid abirut undrrtakliic lt but upon ounu' tatk n with tbe pt'eooer and hi filend here, they he abould do ax and he would 4) the beat he could, not feeling ai liberty under the ctrounv atanora to nf aa. Tbeae olieonatanoi a, bowaeer, would render It Impoaatb a (jr him to diaoharga the full duty of couneel, not baring hara time to read the tsdlctiaent or examlaation rtten. lie MiuL: no mo ttonturCeal tklawaaa matter entirely within th juruaicrtcn or trie Uouit, and V tbe Judge tbougbt proper to refuae to grant any poatpiinenieor, he knew n wou-- no av ne unaer a eeneo or out- - Thaai, mw. traotditarr clroumetenora would alairendar It im. noealble for tie aeaociate, Mr. aaiaaroLD, to dlenharjr hi full duty aa exiuuaL A ahort drla of a few hour, If lba Court thought properto grant It, would acal4e them to make com preparation. The Court decide 1 that the trial muet goon. No mure JVey could ba planted. Mr. Hott objeutad to tne receiving a evidence of the letter of OxaaiT Sanw.kant.a'ora publlahedi alao lo tbe autobioT!iby of Baowp, wrrtUn by hlmaelf, and bt th were withdrawn. Several witneaar a ware than examtaet by Mr. How, and by the prtaoner, If Ing on ku bod, up In ft blanket. Tbe taetlmony waa mainly relative to llauwa'a kind treatmeut of hi prtaoner. At oae u deck a reoeae waa taken for dinner. amaaeoa aaaaioa. At the afternoon eeamon eevetal wltneewa for the prlnavr were exarulned. a'l pror'ag tbat Baowa bat treated hlaprianei wrtta buaaetty, and frequentl eipreaied hi regret tbat Uuod abould have been abed by Urn In aelf drfenor. The defence clued their iritlmonratahoit four o'clock, ardthe Slate daalred gtve tne caee lo tne Jury without a ifumett. Cat Baowa laalrted that hi rnumnl ahou'd argue the caan, and, afttr tbe c inln,( epeech for the State, the Cruit adjpurned to M.iuclav morning, wben the oouxaJ fur tbe er ai 1 prnoted. Ult to the llarprra Prrr luaarrertlenM. Charlt'tovtt, Oct. HO. Tola eenlmr, at four o'ebtk, tha I mtod Uuarda of rn.Lriik jy, under tle oon ruand cfOapt. Siaaa, reichea Lera from liar, per'e 1 err TLe reunoated to bo allowed to a e the Irtniuera, and were adul4ed by autUrtty of Jud PaumLgienglabaquada. Tbey fint vlitd tie nil of liaowriand Bnvxaa. liwwft waa In giaid apUlta. baioaafromll coucn and toik bla vlaitore by tha hand, nmerklng, "Gautlemeo, I aa glad to aee jou." lnnpyto tbelr quot'o.a,be adt he waa atilltuaVrlrgeime pain about the left kidney. lie eal.1 be waa tietd with ail bumanlty, and b ire t.alunotie to the effldeoe of the vnlunteer aoldkira. lie tin lAed .i aa lor the manlv and truthful mu.u 1 lawtlcb bhadietltiluaad La would a'aeea I t'erema kid ttat habad fougttoo the frouliara la I l"i " that, duilni all hi had aalured I haJdJilj aid knew how to bear thtm. Tbe raptured loanrgeat at (arllalr. Cutlule, iTri, Pcf. 29. Ibe prlocerln Jail here, fir wrx.rn a rtquletUon waa wa Js by the Dorer-nor.- Virginia aa Auiaar UaiisT, waa bufore tie Ju J.-- e upon a writ of habeas cirpua. Counarl inr tua priaonar rlalowil lis ulwhagtoo tbe ground that his nam wss Wa. lUsaieoe. a,v rralrxeldinterf llarpt r'a Fi rry were exauuued, and tertifled poeitivcly that tie riietnr waa one of tbe lniad.r Ibeybad converaeJ w ilh bun and recoy niudh'iu. U. i oru.aao esld be saw tha flaib of hla tin wlii ninth art of abmtbig a cttlaga No one (file wttmaca knew I ia ua n TLeCoott took the rrouidlbat the requlartlOTi I legall) acd formally litiht, but there I no evidence that we I i any man lu ourcuetod named HasLrr, whom wa can de Iver on this requisition. We a e Mils that a monetrou cria baa been oommltted. and that the 1 rauner wae there and participated, sod Ibte'ore leinmimlt blmto await a requisition from th Gi veiuor of Virg-lu'- Fire la Dewtsa. Bottom, Oct. 29. A fire broke out this morn- ing In the rear of N. 0 Cambridge street, which dwtrojed six but dings, moat of them of no great value. Kobbct Paaxuw, furniture dralsr I Wbit A Kkit, tremulant keeperst J C. Cats, end G. W, Luassp, are among the sufferers. BoUon, Oct. 80. A auger bouse, alx atorlea high, u Oocch etrtet, owned and ooeupied by Ssra Ansa, was totally destroyed by lire ibis evening. The kea on the atock Is &M.C00, and oa the bull J. legaudn-achlner- eOIMU. The bieurano on atock ia ov ow. oc wnion uie loilowlng le in New York. offioea Fulton 06.000, Uumboldt t bOO, Metropol. Uaa taooo, Marcaatue BO 000, liremau'e Fund SO 000, North American . BOO, Irving 1.000, Em. E'rw City go 000, Exoalalor go 000 tha lemalmUr la Lonaou and Borlna-fiel- offices. The tnsuranoe on ths building la, and on the machinery la til 000, of which th New World C.nnyofMew York haa tS.OOO, th Manhattan of Nw Yoik 8 000, aud th Lafajette of Brooklyn tl.000. Very little atock wu eared, not over 00 bbl. of sugar. The fir was, probably. Incendiary. Two bouse In Creaoeut Place were slightly dam- aged. A fire occurred al about 4 o'clock, thla afternoon, In the sixth tory of Biaut A Casrswrn' ators, Noa. 101 and 10 Stat (treat, dealer ta and niarjufrwrturer of paint, etc Th nttr loaa I about tlOOO. The building ia owned by LxvaxjTT BaLvoanaix. Th oauae U tha fire la unknown. Arrival of the Overland Mali. St. Lcuit, Oct. 29. Tho over'axd mall which left San Francisco on the T ta, haa arrived. Buatneaa had Improved aome what. A ebock of an etrthquak wu exprincid at Ban Franolaoo on th Bth. Vraea Waaalaataa. UVuaMefow, Oct. 80 Intallureat gentlemen who baa juat arrived here from the raolfio ooaet, aay that the people there wld be aurpneed at tha vl4t of Liaut General Boorr to Baa Juan, u onlj tn tbe At- lantic Slate baa that Island been magnlflsd to tbe 1njp.etr.noe of a oontlnent. While It belongs to the UlAled Statu ar-- d will be retained, they add that It l sail v ut wotth quarra'Ung about, and that It ve'ua tea been surpnslr gly It I rertabi that tbe tone of tbe British Ministry oa this subject. Is not to our government, but aa explicit deolaret on tbat General Uaaaarr wu not laatructad to oomip the Island, and a calm and dig-- A d nplaietioa of all the attendant olroumauna , wll1, It U thoufht, pmduee a betUr atam.of beaug on the part of our tranaallaiulo uaghboia. ffrvrs freaa Merdr aad Texaa. Aawt4(owM,29.--ldvloMbomPnao- ola anaoanoe that the Baraloge bad arrived wleh MavaaodTaJSAa. Laan so aha riialfsai' ooafirm the oold blooeVed muruar of Mr. Caaaa, the Aatari n Ooaaul, by Maaucaa. Taefavet eioelnsad U Owlveston and Houston, Than waa MB la litdtajaila, - . --m. JKlmhit, 0Od. bfaioKf Trxwrn, fcaV tH etaOtt, who recaj4 trtn Car'-- 1 ooMr, VaT 4',. nwwa Ben lean way. fciq nrwua tollacrir uv FMfcrn aiveD v VJTiafwa. iartil. of aba Mlrhiaan Nrata Nereaat t awihaal. ' f VrnlfM, Ot. to. Tbo KtetorToTwidPcboe! 1 un-t, tt. two abial a, flirult ii a.l In ire ornaeoed r 1 i.i ,n,. llt i, (aaoral t J4t .ie.n. RxAmtmi, Va., Od. 80. The faneral of rion. JomY.Maeowwee wry Imnnatrg. Tlawo waa a military eeonrt, and an hnaaenae a ineouree of H'hr-n- e. Tbe remain ware txrrtad la Ilatlywcod. near Iboaa J MottBOB. Ptro la Rlckwaeaa. Rtrlmord, 'iu, OH. 80. TbeexlenelTe plan- ing niBl r J. A C. Oraanw baa been aUM rteianinii 1, fire, lr.n r log eloaao.OtO, rreel at tbo Moeata. Krw OrUant, Oct . 80. 1 hero waa a kdllar froat la raiiune pait of tiotil4ana and MkukMlppi tUl luonuog. Flrra la New Orlcart. A'rro OrUartt, Oct. 30. FortiofM of three ariuarr la the Third DUtriot it tlil dt were burned lat nlgbt. geeerty four poor farnlde were burned ruts lowr 10o roo. A Urge fir la raging thla afternoon at tha corner of To) area and tree atneta. Newe rrwa tbo i'lataa. St. Itmft, Oet. 21. A dlapalch rocelred bare raa that tbe Salt lAkemell oftuoTth mat , reajhed Atvhleon y, aterday, A pert ot emigrant, numbering eeTrmtean, from Ilucbenaa eoantf , Ioee,were atfaokat b Inliaae near Kmne'e Cut Otf, end Mr. tun, M- -. Milij. tola, tie wife and eU cklldren, w.r killeL Mo I uaeaa'a two eldeet aona and tbe remainder of the part eacarvd, and are now at Camp Floyd, in a te onnaition. Out. Uruuiu, tne Surveyor fleneral of t'tah Territory, ameed out on the trjtb n't, RepablU-n- Paaer Mebbrd la Koatarby. Strjvrt, Otf. 29. The Kentucky 'rm South, a rapt r of Rab lean proolleitiee, waa mobbed bvd Light, and it M forma'i aoattvred In tbe etieet. Fatal ASrala Itaklmere. Balt'mort, OcL 80. J. M aaaiiAt, IIawca, re- porter of tl e HVtlmore Sun, whllet in fie fire a.arm Feb graph oOice lot Into a difficulty with. rHiearrtnt,drowe plto, end arv.l Mr. L. l'realdent of the eeeond branch of th, U'y Council, aud at preaent act'ng-Mayo- r of the oM, during tbe elcknee of Mayor gveam. The ball tuok tfiart In tbe thigh and produced a rerlaue wound, which will prob.bly cauae Mr. Mcfnaa'a death. Now from Me) Jaarlra. A'ewi OrUani, Od. 29 lib Janeiro data of the let mat., are at tend. Oae hundred and eeranty et were In port. The Champion, from New York for Ban ITrawrlaoo, put Into Kio on the itOth, la a leaky conditnn. and waa obliged to diaol are and rat-ai- The atck of Ouffije la port waj 80 000 bar. The war ablia LaocaaUr, John Adam end Dolphin ware la poit. aTMBal MrmarkaMe) Oaae af Preeen allow al LU, At Boxbury, Mas., on Thuraday Ust, a man named DakjaX Fltiw, waa employed by Mr. Is. D, CoiftXT, reabllng on Ilrookt ttreet, to clean out a well. Fltxn, after doaooadlng to tl.e bottom, aoma thirty feet, attempted to ilimb up, and bad gone ibout four foot when the wall on 000 aid gave way, throwing him to th bottom, And tbo whole miu of rocka carol In upon bim and largo qaantltle of d'rt from the filler), ao tbat tbo well appeared Ailed wlih I olid layer to within two or three feet of the top. Tbo noteo of tbe falling atonea attracted the In- mate of the houao. when the alarm waa clean. nd an excited crowd eon aaMmbled. The of th buried man'a eacape dll not occur tl any one, wben bia voice waa ewUenly board coming from thirty feet below th aurfUce. J?oni 6 or 8 men wore 1mm kliately eot at work throwing; out the dirt nd rocka, and aa a. on aa they had (tot (0 a depth which required i'.awindlae waa naed to facilitate the wotk. 'J bo voice of I be man could conatantly be heard inploringtbem to relievo him, and Indlcttlng that hU poaltion waa rery painful. Afier nine bonra nonatant labor, the workman waa reached rd readied from hi perllona poeltlon. It aeema that whan the wall fell, ho wu forced agelnat on aid of tbe well, and closely packed in there by tbo rocka and dirt, ao that ho could not move at all and ncarcel r breathe. Ooe Ure rock fell aialnat bla head, lo flic Jug severe brolee, and other rolling aialnat th aid of hi Lead prevented him atlrrlog It t all daring tbo wbo'olovgd fi 111a lega wei cinaideratjly bnrt, and hla body and llmba covered with brake, bat no bonei were buken. and no aeriout lojurlea of any kind canned. Thla la one of I be moat remarkable of tbe kind ever rwnwile.1. T he man ewee bla life entirely to the peculiar manner in wnicn two ur,r etonmt ranzot against each other and gainst th eld") of lb well, forming an aich over hla head. Dot for a amaller lock which pneaed ag&Laat hla middle, and an- other which held hla feet, he would Lave been entliely free in hi underground place of d- ura. A Molher's Iniacnee, How touching tbe tribute of the lion. T. II. Buiton to hla mother. Influence 1 My imAher naked me never to uaa tobaoco. I have never touched it from that time to the present d ly t ahe aeked me n4 to game, aiat I have gambled, anil I cannot tell who I winning and who la toeing In gne tt at oan be plaed. Sue elmoniahed us tos anauiet hard drinalngi aud whatever capacity for ewtuiauoe I have at t, arid whatever uaefumeae I may attain In Ufa, I have attributed to having oom-l4i- with her ea-re- wlahea Wben I waa eeven rare or age, ao eww two nn io gia, ami ien 1 made a retmlurJon of total abatuioiuie, at a time whan 1 wee eole member of my oan body, and Uiat 1 have adhatd to It tarough all time, I ow it to my mother. CITY NEWS. Fiiia ir Kuvb Avajxcr. Shortly before eight o'clock, on Saturday morabrg, a fire broke out IB a Iran irtalle, In the rear of Mo. .10 Ninth Are-nu- t, iccm, led by Tpoaia Jaeu. Tbe rtamee rapid- ly oohtuu.ed the sb'r, and aurTm-aU- a horee, val- ued at troo, belonging to Mr, Jsmi. From th (table, the fiaoiee ourau)unlcet''d to tha Iron railing manufactory of Willi aa Waiorrr, No. 147 VVoet tlth street, which wu eonaumei. Tha flames rpn ad to a email Methodist E, tec pel Miaalon Church, No. Mb West S4th ttnet, and owned by Cuss. II MucaT. Thla building, valued at tl.MX, wu marly deatrcyed; lrauied fur $1 800, In the New York Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Th eUtb. I'nlvtraal at Serb ty, wbl Ji furina"y wor shipped la tt chuicb, bad an c rgsn In It, valued at toOO, wLkh wae deatroyteJi not Insure L Mr. Moral's dweblng, No. M Wett tb atreet, wu damaged by t re and w star ebviil $300, and Insured In tbe New Yoik lire and Msriu luriranco Com- pany. Mr. W Horn's leu is about tlOOO, and not Insured. The cai'ae of the dm U unknown. m FouncAL. lb Kepublican Senatorial Fourth Dlatilct, net on Baturday night, at Lslid' Hotel, and uooilnuted Dr. Baacsi. Uux tor Senator. Dr. ILUJ. had ptvlouiy been iwialaatea by the American ud Whig Conventlone. Th blend of UcraUl N. Wild, th American Kepublican and Whig car dldate fur member cf As sembly In the td district, wet st 's n.itcl, on Saturday evening, on the Invitation cf the El Owing to a sudJ-- n U,dUpo-itJ- A n of th h wu unabl to melt the ou MmiomeT AmiiVBBaAar. Tha John ttroat Itethcdist Fdloopal Churoh held an annlven try txmimemoratwa cf the dedication of th first Methodist Church, which occurred Oct. 10, 1148, nlnety-o- n jea- - eg. Th aervioe were a Lot rout, at Xi and preaching by the Rev. Wa- - U. Muaoaa, at 10Jf o'olook la th mora log. Ia th atamoon a reunion wu bald at I o'clock t brief addreaa s were bad from former pas- tor and number of the Church. Th Rev, Dr. Batios, BTsnowa, Flotd and STatCEiAao took a pait la the caromoale. The ceremoulo oonoluded la th evening with a pi ayer meeting al o'eioca, end preaching by the Rev. taahop Jaaaa. The at tendance wu very huge. Ball's Lira Boat Eobeea, Thla vessel, whloh left Whitehall dock on Friday, to make her trial trip aad to teat her era qualitee, made the run to SUplaton la lkT bourt. The boat I II feet long, 8 Warn, andtt drthmthcblni IIU celled both tasfd aud out, and caukd watertight, forming 39 water-tig- compartment. Air chamber - In troduoad iX foat from tke tern and th (Um, and water-tig- bulkhead (midship of aoh chamber, Th deck 1 formed by door-Uat- k wotting at binges, whloh, by mg opened thru Inchu apart, reetlug on buTkhaads, form the prlnolpal ventila- tion. The boat leca'culaltd to aoeomnodate about lot pereots, aad I It too burden, Thr Haw World. Thla roaaal ku fleated somewhal hearer shore than aba waa wham noticed before, twreral vaveebi ar angagwl la picking op and aavtag kav cargo, which oen. tmaeotofioat eoT with tbe wd. Tbe large hoiatUg AeniekwDlgonp wben the walking beam, brfli MMk pipe d all the heavy machinery dWtaaerot.,Wha able tadoas th atiawtr wU b eaaefciliATargo lattice, wark romjemfAe mala gwki and on era n!t4 witu awlergtra' tmaga hi asta nnlrr water, when it ba beta vr alno It boat aunk. Th main deck wa eraoaad Mth. : cable t eight, much of which ba Kan eat jj, b'll jrollh' in aa almont rulnoaa onniitvi 1. ILeaerlieot vi canaed, no oVubt, by dy rH. Tie gatiiW frame rwtarda ka--1 araty pptar ane of being aound, watch It waa but la- -l It wa rottia, cauaed by oontlnuat luaflraa, wiWag acd druig of th gallow frame, to wbloh II exttd poatloa nbjecl It- - The frem timlier r 40 feet long, It by II tachea aquare, cf th very beet yellow Georgia pine, eeUced, cut, and bnpntted exproaely far tbe purpoee. Work on the ateaour wa auapended four moatha, that the tim- ber might be properly eeeeoned before putting up. Thla frama, which 1 In a Irtangu'ar form, la braced, atrarfed, faatesed, Ao., tn th atrongeat pomdhU manner. The walking beam, weighing IS, too, 1 Jlacod open the t.-- of thla framework, and It wa the top of thla frama ttal broke, one aide, om alx feet from the top, the other ahout three fact, cauaed by the euddea jerk, waloh threw the beam forward Borne twelve feet, breaking, eraahlog, tearuig every. tlilt g In It way down, HU etopped by the brwca and timber of tha frftuuiwnrk. Thaateamer New Wor d wai Irurpacted rn ftvpteia' ber ! the ateamhoat Inapertora, who, like the offl, eer if th boat, never dreamed of th g low fram being rotten. Th officer and wilier on board aa abut th women behaved during the diaaiter muci better than th men. Tbe Udiee war not haf ao badly fr gtteat d. Vi'h'Ut th ladie took with the a nthebr wearing apire1,xct, pe hp, an ooca-rloi- i! bair pin, or eoue Uttie trUket of ao great va'oe,Un.en.l behind them coaot, veata,, Iuui leaioera, oranay trnttica, p alag card, Aj. Niuow Eacxrn or A 8a-v- II oot Filot. Caaaus C. Faunae, la taking tha ahip R chard S By t are, on th night al the 17th, the wind blow leg vary hard and Id from th N.W., not finding th elation boat iff tha I ar, prooeeded ta the light ahip, and t) be taken off th ahlp. A boat wa atnt from th llght-eLI- r Bell two mn(Aa oaavr Arlanti and Joint Miuaa,) and Ineadeevor lug to get b-- to th light-chi- p they were blown t) eea, Tbe next raornlng the pilot lit Mary Ann No. 13) apoke tke llght-ebl- and were Informed of tl aectdoiit. They Immediately proceeded la eroh of tho mlreliig boat, and f 41ml them u tow of th al lp WeUter.bound to Uvrpoo,by whom they war plcVed vp about ten minute prevluu. They ware taken on board the pilot bat about twenty five mile S. of Sandy liuok, completely exhauated, after being txeacd In aa open boat Borne eighteen hour. Tn. new arsenal, corner of Seventh arepi and TweLty-flft- h (treat, will be formally opeced Tbeofftoe of the Commkvtary Goner U wa ettaUuihed there during the pad week. Tim Hoar J of EnK-tnee- r aro In aireara aome twelve bimdred dnHata, which theyelahn are not chargeab'e to Ilia Board, from tbe fact that they did Dot order the work fur which the exoaee I due. Mr. Lowes' balloon will bo oxhlb-'te- d to the publio y at the a'te of the Cryetaj Palace. Vnder tbe large tent of Meeank Star A e, which ha been newly erected near the Sixth avenue aide of th t, b th boat and or, with a'l their pareil.enella, while between It aid the r. voir, two enormou pole, accutd by guy, aupport th lalloin brad and nattlng bet n them. Mr. U, doe not mteud making hi aacenaloa until th latter pirtion of next week, by which time th lellooa will be fully Inflated. Tbop. Qilbkkt lectnrea thli evening at tbo Dealt luetltuae, on rhyaloUigy. TasAnuatde, Sxow, la now on tha People' Dry Dock, foot of Montgomery (treat, for repairs. She wl lie it ripped, reoaulked and The ahlp Germanla la alee ou tha large Da'auce Docki or the puipoee of being thorough y overha u'ed ComminlotUong, 0V0. Thr Nawr WrutLn Dnastth Ca W ro Tit raLBURAnf Orcaama. diior Sun: There apprare In the of Baturday morning a card whloh dure great tnluatlee ta the operator tn the Now World oinoe of the Buffalo una, u well u to tha Una Iteolf. The author of the card eeeme to be rrteved bf cauae be Oalld not set over the wiraa. at mldalabtof Widnsaday, a tategraphio d'spatchaa- - I ".-- " j.. ."- - f,-,nip new vvono. Tb facts In th caee are the Tbe regular closing hour of the Buffalo line I 0 p. M. Ou Wednae-de- v night, at nearly eleven o'olocv, an Indlvrdual caDcd upun the iinrrateir at Yonksrs, and having rraiatd him from bia slumbers, requested Lira to send a tt'rgrsph deep at oh t) New Yura. The caller w u assured bv the operator that It wu too lata, that ail th 1 face were k'orad, and it would be uaeleee 10 make any attempt at that bourt. louse tbe New toik operatur. Tni tepiy, nowver, wae not aau. factory to tbe eppUraiit, Brd, tber-for- e, tn order to n.ake it ao, Mr. Aaiuuiv, toe operator, want to hi of Son, and reraalued there fur upwe da of an hour, calling In vain fur tha New Yore -- mo to respnnd. Tl I wu th pretie reeult whi-- h the apfOjcant hai brn told to expect, aud here the matUr uecetsarlly ended. ZnqueerU, Aooldanta, etox. FaTAh Fauu Aa aired man. named Jaii Tl esse, died on Baturday, at Billevue Hoap ta', frcwa tt.e affect of a fr actio e 01 the ahull, rtoelved on lh. Tbureda pnvtiua, b a fa I In East 14th at, near Livtngeei n strait Soon ater racalvlugthe fall the droeaaed wu oouveved lo the U altal, where, by e.eao he wu kept from being aa. txutud, and suff-n- d tn lie on lu oart atait a querier of aa Uo"ir. .bla fact came to the know'edge of rnerBoBrtuaaa,h-- , jeae'da;, bald anlnqu-a- t open lbs bod, and his Jury rendered a verdict, on-aur- ii g in. of the UoapHel phy4clai for rnfu4og to annul in urceeaeo, warn oniughi 10 us uoapiui. IliTrKS BT A IteTTLaarMSE. Oa Sttttrdty afternoon, Jaeaa II. Batarwiav, a travul'ln (hoar-ma- n, wbl eibin'Hu rattcanak at No. 474 Canal atreet, u bltttn by tne r--i tl a lu the f e fl urer of the rltfbl band, lba fked Immediate! eoraluoted him to the N. Y. Iloap ta", wb"r the Hash e irruuo 1. Ing tb bite wu cut a eay, ainl ctner remedlea rtwort-e- d to. On Sunday ciaouur he wu thought to be out of deeger. k Ma Forj5n Dead. A mm named Wit. uaa Oirau, rrabhigal NaPU 11. utr ttreet, ded audui-ul- hurt ev nk.g. His wire le't bim I go to e 'a huiiee, i,d ritur.ilng In a few mijiutea, found lor husband 1; Ing dead In tae middle ot ti fl r. KoDrin Dead. An onknotrn woman wu fouiddtad)t.teiday mianlng, at No. 67FuHAve-nue- . IhedraJbMvcf snlnfantwu find laaa open li t, lu MiXi strvet. near Lexington Avenue. Tie body of au In'ant waa lmud In Hammont atrottAdtalumtnUaitriWardButlinUMaa. iq- - n the bodlu wl'l be he d tola. It body of a man, named J asm Lear-a- r, wu fuund oa Saturday morning man old abed, ta BXd atrart Lear llth avenue, and aa taqueal wu held upon Ik Tbe Jury found he4atalh evuaed b da-su- e of the beait, and aemtareil a verdict to luat cfiVct. Folio antolUfoaoo, Mlo. KrABBivo AiraAT Th Victim Fatally WutnnaD. At a late boor on Saturday night, an aVa toxk p'ao al th gmavsry No. tt 'teat 14th el, dining which s yeuug man, named Caasi aa leaidlng r.t TO NiLln avenue, wet fatal stab- bed In I he tight bread end ebduman wtth a knlti, u Is allerti, la tb bands of Jon It ppers that Cotaea nl aom other were at th arrgtery engaa-o- in raiding for a ravolver, whan IViaaxu. and Joiin MoOiaa came 11 Intoxlc. t al, and soon git Into a quaere! beta-eo- n Uicmesvea Tby were pit Into the street, and there rcaiimed tie nnairel, and commanced figbttng. Ooun inter m-- u, witn a Tarw 01 aepstwun aaeoT, woen ue was eubled, u le a'leged, by Dosksiu lie fell bwediog t.iacieaaewajK,wbeeiiewuieii, om wuaoonarier found by the police, wbo too- - bim Into a grow, wteie hi wound were drew od by a physiei, a'ter which he wa oonvryrd lo the N. V. il ap'teL Cor. oBerSouiaaia waa notiiled that the wound were likely to prmre fatal, and h tne ante monau naruLuatlua of Coaaaa Ha gate a statement of th affair u above, end fully Ideulllleit possaix, who, with McOiaa, had hern arretted ae the man wbo etaubrd bim Tlie Coioner ordaied Doeaau. to b locked up to await (he n-- uK of tke t" Juris Infiictod, and hold MoOlaa to appear Hi llneae. RirovraY or A Stoles IIorsr asd Ilia. About half-pa- 5 o'clock atterda afternoon, Dr, UitiBi left hi hiree and gig U toe oomar if Ave- nue A and 14th street whii h want to vtnt pa- tient On coming out ef the bona tho Dr. ml'eed Ua trem, and asamuol-iale- ths fact to the 17th Product Poboa. Tb were telegraphed to tb Polloe Head ruartwa, and from there tb Information wu telegraphed to all the polios sutlons. At 4 V o'olook. th list Prw-dn-ct telegraiihad that Capt V. C. Sriton, while oa the eoraer of Broadway and t4th etreet, obaerved a bora aad gig proowdlng at a rapid rale, aad eomethlng wu wrong, gave obaw, aad that at tbe corner of Ilroadwa and 4th street he the bone and gig, bat the thlevu ue aped. The Dr. wu called on, and Identified th eeptured team u hla property, , MTBTaRiont ArrAiB-Abo- ot 10 It o'clock 1aaar t Mnlnia- ah MtlfmlrawA (bf t.n tyhtJ WTJaTw drULUtlal 111 tmlooa Ul-mw- -i f4 tlv. eofwrf 4Ufltrblr .. . ... .. . , . h. - Im Hrootxa ana seer oar earva-u- t, wwa. -- "it- -- auarreU and one of tbe party fired eeveral ahoU fiom a revolver. Greet eoaKiebai enauad, and It I Bald one of tbe party wa eererelF woumled. The polio. wwe Boon oa the around, but tb crowd had eaper. aud, and no defiolm toformatlnn oou'dbe a to lh ohm of th quarrel, or th riameoftaemaa wbowuahiot, Diaora noma Tmar. K uaa eaaed OsAe hivnsornv wu fmud oa Seto'day, la tho bnaee eg Mr. Joawaoa, Lewi strait, In lba set, at a gw BT kVatsf eoataeig eiotMir, , An alarm -- wn aliea by MUf ftoaameait Joeww, elLtrraaMdar attsratfd to detain Ibwlhl-- f, hrt be kn-- taker (We a and fie Into hue err.-- , wuerw he wu Oakland by a auan, aud kreitad up fvr tr'ar. jj r ALUaMuXiaivouT SiBViwr. aVarran. ilUaaaeUEun .., a,.., don Batiie. !7'. " " t" if trtAf.fmUet.-a- . of M. a! CTaZj2!Ti? . r w.Mpa . . in waa. tlaraWUI ttatWaJaliaa. ataa. .'. a Iiswi smiv, aCt I. t"vl " dayo. rotwDarn nd ecknoeltdsed evTI .iL a!a" ?1'v"e the tWt, raa-i- e tt a b.i4nea tjiiioau wBoemp-eyeaae- m wu turdud op (or 1 n'liriau oiuLta uuviiwiatieete, DrnerK. a hint dealer, wu arrested yeetarday, ehatawd wl3--4 laiouvuai reowviaw a caaaa w we, wneen ea t la.aa etulen frren a grocery dora town, newuvekenbe-for- e Justus Ouaaaobtv and oommHted for Hon. Bkcilim Dairiya. . Okokoc jTiiti.kt, a farmer, waa arrested veaterriev, charged eith rok Weiy drivtog over DaaiaaO. Lawia,of Ns. 14 Jena tret I, aad wu detained a iralt exanilnatlon. Titati ATtnaFain. A man named DArin G. Wawar, wa rreetd on Satnrda, oharsyd with ateallnglwo iiholoe-rapb- valued too. whle'i Lad keen txeerd en exhibition at tbe f n't ft the A marl. cen Iietilite by Mr. Graear, of Unadway. The itoperty wa fuuad In pnesiaaloa of lh aneuiied, aad to ball by JuLoe Qvaoaaaana to ans- wer. Atuniro Itiran Tiirara Ajinaerrn. On Saturday morning Offioeta La nd Cuaaxu. arreated end bro-ar- l'r Aldermen Baanv, three fcl'ow aatned Jaaae Bamrt. Favarrei Keanoie aud J on a WetjMi, wbo, u le on tee evening ptwvkme, I ad atolrn e plere of block tin from tee pier No. It, Feat rivrr, the I rr it of Mr. Wains L. Ciaaa, of No, II Scuth atrciL They were eommitted to the Tombs. L'acobt. Several daya alnre, raraictc Kin-t- v, aror.4..yid b Mr. Baaasvr, a Kondnut, N. Y It la a leffej, atnle tin ta money from bla amnloer, end dtoawjwd. A Cocetablecame from Rondout In avarch of Par, and on Sunr offloer Golpxv A the mlselng man and found In his pow-sm- n 30 of tbe stub n money, and alao a new suit of cMlxs. pT confeeaed th theft and wet locked up. tdAL. KKPORTS-tlA- TL etOAY. fVaiaerior Coert. rtrter'i Ptnrit to U 10I for IM lcuit of ernil- - iUirtA beam C. Imyion re. V'm H iltei Tr.1 was an app iraqra 11 tie pia nrirj in thla case for a receiver, wtree dulr tt should bs ta take eharew tt tbe par, adniat He affarra, and eej U out for the payment of deMa ageiaet It. Counaal for plaint fr rlealrwd that the ptatnOThlm-ae- lf be erpolnfed u euch receiver br the irt, but It waa tbjected that a ach a oeeedlng would b that It we contrary to w I iabllebed prlnclpea g law, to al ow a litigant to be abto a re- ceive rui the una artiin. MAkat wu made that the lea Iver be allowed etxty or ninety da in whloh to wind up the cmoera, wbkh wa a'ao ooiected eo, awu w hiu, waa unwij dz-- q a lUri USa, atl4 CX- - Judge Cole, of th Marin Bmeh, wa agrtod upon uisostvsr. 7 Can 0 AeroWA The Ueneral Term of tlila Court convened strain to hear the e oelng argu- ment u the old forte oasc, tber n-- having been aidndonttlB.eUUiehvit ereaion to hear R. The cane ofBlariard wu first taken 111 , and on motion of the Dlatrivt Attorney, the op nli of the Court cf Ap ala wu made the optnluo of LLI Oourt in the caan, and the caee wu then ramaudtd to tne General Boa-le-o fur new trial. Mr. D 1. FlaW thenpmreeded to malethe olnstng argiitneatlnthecaaaolBeattv. th Palo Com- - miatdonera But little Intrrmt wu exhibltod In th matter, and but few ejoctatora were preaent. Cwamaaaa Fleas. A Cat of AUeotH BanHp.Ckri$tlm el re. John Knit Thla wu an action for th ee. auction of tie wife of the plaintiff, and wu origi- nally brought In the Si preroe Court In tbe Spring of ISM. Judgment wu obtain! aialnat I be defend- ant by default, and the Sheriff, jury sasaesed dam-age- e at tSoO. Tbe defendant wu arreated In upon the Judgment, ami oommltted t th cell of Eld rid g at, Jail, where he hu retalied ever alnce. Motion as bow mad todleohert, which wu not oppoeed. Counsel for tbe uefendaat stated, upon raaklrg the mctlnn, that hla client had been Out fined In Jail the whole tlme,hy a aoriee of neglects, of an aggravating eiuveoter, 00 the cart of the plain flh. It wae alierred, first, that they did not get the Judgment docketed until some three month after tt wu entered, and further, that he wu not charged In exccnUon until loag after tbe proper time. Theae dalaie, I wu aJeged, ware aiad purpuaely, to keep lee defendaiA In Jail, tbe plaintiff well snowing that he coon not ay ue damage aaeasaea. Mottoq gran ltd. For ramaiAdgr of Courtg, neat raxa. MARRIAGES. '."; rt.f,A !"7 cf ftr1! Cotaeua A, daweh-- ti r Hoot n, ef Patereeo, N. J. 11 PIAZET-STIFF-A- ljo, at the eeme time. Ileary Y. KZtSSJlJSE " d"o" DEATHS. BROWS-O- et. 80th, Martha Jam Hrown, aantater of Jvhn S. Broao, ated 14 ears, omenta end iw dale. Her funeral will take plat- - thla CUondav) afternoon, at xo'iluck, from KJ alia rt. Tbe frlendi and rela-tlv- era re.pprtfii!lv lnvlt4 to attend. Her raeaaiee Willi taken te Greenwood Ceraeleiy for Interment aEKKFNOn Bunds merntnr, after a ehertlllaaee, rlar,iiauhterot Jol.n and Catlierlno Oerken, ate Oh, thou pate eleeper. awake from th trsnee, t beer our aid hearts I y thy tiriatit lov let ibuiee 1onRMttbv taie to lie under the mound, loo fair th form to eleep in the oold arouad. Ileatitl fid elai', tho' tlrou aoou most lelr.ld In the rial k el eve, 'near h the eadepreee shade tree wbo le niereilul, evi 11 ae Joet, bull will watch over thee, tuardlny th duet lhertlatlvceand tbe family are rasaeet-full- r intlte.1 teattewd her fiimral. thla fMondarl af-- terorHin, at 1 oVI,m a, without further notice, from tke riekliriceof her father, Oil 1 earth it. 171 KFLI.KY-- AI CoalUland. Co. Tyrone. Ireland, Ant lltb. al4l, IboiuaaP. K, del , anrehauLa native ef t art 11 town lleiirbreen, Co. lrwla4,ued 83 i I r lli- -r i.f Kb h.rd J. Keller, ef thl eity, aad of Cbarlre II. Krllr, of BreeeJrn, U I. ill KFILY-4- m Bunder moraine;, Oct goth. after a ehoiMllneer. Jaue, tha baluvvd w Ife of rtioruu Hail, Dean .t mother, thou hut left us nan in. uaa aural. leei i But tie llod that has bereft ua. Lie ran all our ai.rrowa beaL Tlie frteeda of the family, aad these of her brother. Jenieelinee.andeL.oof Jameeaad Peter Kelly, ar neprtirullylnvit-dt- a altend her funeral, thlalMsw-la- y altemcon, et i e'rlovk, from ber late reeldeaor, 41 Lanrenaet. Her remalaa U1 be tken to Caieery Ciaieter for Inttnueot til Inid.atlSW Tklr. Ir third et , Uuiuey Murrey, a native of hells, Ooanty Meatb.lreleud, a.ed M years. 14D NLEBON-O- it. .unh, of eooeumptlnn, Ilaaaah H. Pli tut, a ife of Pal rt k Neeeon. ated X4 years. Tbe frianrle of the fen,lly are respectfully Invited ta nd the funerel, on 1 uaadav afternoon, bt Norcea. tr.atlMo'iloik, hum her late rreldenre, 17 Sllth Ava and from Uienee to Calvary Cemetery. 830 Ft RSELL-O- rt. tbth, Ann, relict of Pstrick BaaasIL e4H leera. 'lb friindetif the fan.lly, alee tbiee of her eon-l- law, Ramard Kouln, aud brotber-lri-la- John Rjaeeil. are reiperttuily iavlled toatteud bar fuaeral, tkle MinrUylkfrirnuon, el S oMie-k- , from her late Sib Monroe tt, wllhuut further notloo. 114 8TKANO In ilrouklrn, on Saturday, Oct tVth, af-t- ir a abort lut eevere litnees whlih eh bore wltla rbrlct'an realtnathn, Jane, wifo of Uuraoe Strang, eyed RT yeare and b months. Her funeral will take place from her lete reeUeaoa, lk'bet Place, near Wlflounhbr etreet. BrooklynJa Tueeday allernoon, November let, at t o'eleek. Tha relatlvee aud frieoda of tha family ar reoaeslftell In- vited lo alteuJ, without further rnvltatloo. Ha SPERRY-O- rt filh, AnebelU Sparry, eldest daaih-tr- r cf Arlo aud Jueepklue Bperr, eed years, 4 mo. nd C da a HeeremalBawllllKtakan 10 WeodhrbU, Coon. New Haiau pepeie ptvaaeovpy. 414

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, NY) 1859-10-31 [p...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1859-10-31 [p ] · aee cf ber medicine. ... !TJ5."rwarda.wlH.,or remalolearteod ea L.

fila. 2SSMit,,aji(L. .- -

frJ?-J- r tlB lha at rl fa tie day TvIiIb7MH.4l), arrive tartar.CWaUMaaM.. a . Am ..l.e.:7lP1rrrrr4rtia;. - - IBnilBVhaeaythrcirmli"ivf.ao4 i,ir7SHrijI


ORDER' Yoa ua aafel reeert lethal old and weHtriad renwd, Mr. Wlnelow' BOOTH ING BYKUP.Thouaanda of mother throatheat the land thank Mr.Wlnelow for her Invaluable rrnwdr, and for the com-

fortable olrht'e real the are enabled to enjor b theaee cf ber medicine. One trial will convince ou,Price enl tS cents per bottle.

Euoxa's SiwEto Machixes.No. t Bewloa Machine $100No. 1 Sewln Machine booTheFamll Sewing Maehtne A $7DThe Fandl Sea luf Machine VVlllemmlu Guexee $4

I. M. SINGER A CO , M Broadwa, N. Y.ISO Fallon et, Brooklj a.

Small Chasub. Duna ard Half Dihtnean be had at Tur Sea Ollee, In Five Dollar parka-e- a,

and Three Cent plocre In Three Dollar packagea.oul received.

Pcnnlee la Fiftr Cent rolle.


Wa have la this a ifTKIicai aVimmefraffm that amachine In every retried auitriur andadepiudtoraiii.f I'ar, may now be had a roaauubleOit." FKICK .

Manufactured and gold, Whoiaaalaand Ritrll.byjamfs wiLiiOiix.No. Broad ear,

opposite Br. NlchoU iloteL

EnoCATTOlt TheRrcv. T)r. Uiontana aa.l.t.rd bv Mr. W. Mum and C. F, lik-xr- a, lt ofl'olumhlatlolleee, riunlurt a B boot for lljre ou tha l'acaeraNpLa. at Litrhrii Id, Cone. Vt. Bioiiaan ean be eon.eultnl at K. A V atainaon'e law oirlee, SO Naeaeu atreet.flam V a. ui. to I o'clock p. m., f w two dss.


I inal taanjr la the mark.,!,Paroea (IiO an iipaanti.

Office, 4SJ Uroadaa aad too lJuwer.

Tnr Pivt or Low Ci.mvdmus We raeanthat robllc favoilte, Mr. T. lladawar, lint th Prloeerltuatl UiMca'a Mom-ia- , epp.sra there in 1'iilPalandMataAutacMauou, afierooeu and eveulut

lUnvEi Piern ard DbothkrAre Aecnte fir


nRBn TaiooruKKorsle tha Beet and Iheepeet article for Dreadntand IVae-tlfy- li

s, Cleeulnr, thirllnf, Preeevvln aniT Keetorlntthe Hair. Ladleatryit Bold by all llninUta.

FnntLB & Lvoi'a Scw-i- o MAnmartV Warranted ta ttve h, tter eatUfeetlon than an otherMachine In thle market, or money refunded.t N. M. Paiua Bnioi id to to No- - 009 ilroedwey.

GENERAL NOTICES.Trvwta-ranr-e- Wsahlaslaa Vpreapect No-

dal ti mple of horn r, No. t, will b jig a public loetalla-tio- o1 f nttieere, nd publio meetloe, ou Monday

at their roomt.riMijw.rT The--e nohiaailvocatee cf the temperance tv form. R 0. Bl'LUG W.J, Rev J S DlmC, O.T roLhS aid Hen. C. T.MlLLH,willrw pcra--nt The puhlle ar invited, heider J. v 1HTE, B.P. T M. MeJCIMM, lLR.

A (Irucd !)laae Bleellea of the BranlarTudenenJ. nt f raee cf llionklcn will tal held entbe ernir of Grand and Lurimersta, E. 1, on

evrnln,, November t, KVi. Foitnent epeakerwill adoitee tbe meeliiu. ocJliUU

Hollow r'a Olntaient wilt be fnaad a neverfallln rmedy lu aM cutaneouedieeaeea. A few appl-ication of It a 111 effectually eradicate all tbu-- a uneitbtiy bl tehee and nintptee which oft-- n dierlf ui e theface. Manufactory riu Maiden Lane, N. Y. 13.

Deeaarrala, ICall,Ualty, llatlyMA88 BATIMCATlflN MEKriNG At


Tbe Democrat lo Repul.liean el.ctora of ah City andCounty of New York will aaeemMo ea ma-a- a en 1 lira,dsy svenlne, Nov. 1, io, st 1 o'elock, le rsufy tbeBL te end Cuuntjy nointnetlone.

Ibe fuliuwlns eorakara have been Invited end areexnit,d to edereee therue. t ma.

Frai klm Pleree. U. A, Hon LymeaTrimaine, Hint lraaL B Diekiaaua, Kubt Tyler, Esq.,Peon., Hun JaeT Brady, lieu, juhn Van Bireri

By order of the Dcm. Ren, GenISAAC V .OULkR.Chairiiiau,


AI1recLe Poreae PUetere They resolvesad aaeoaye pain by ealllnt forth the acrid burnersfrom parte Internal to the ekln an I taneral elrsula- -t loThu, In many Vffigg BaM1

ONE TU0CSAND DOLLAR' WORTuToLD.jeiv, al, lsoi.

TMsmsyoertlfythstwehaveaold, within ths putfive yeera, at least ane thouaand dollara worth of All.eeck'e I'oroue plaetere. They have Invariably giveneelUlaetloo, and we consider them tha beet article oftke klad made areola. W.1L JONwB A BKi,

ApothecarieaandChemieti,BiBt8lnx,N.Y.Sold at V4 Canal at and by all drsjaU. Price 83

eut ch. 881mmThe Dleakeit af Na. IS af the A. O. af

Hibernians are requested ta attend a meeting Taatv,the let of November, te bo held In Bmlth lull, on tanor of 1 II h et and let eve. By eeder of Bf .RN VRp Mo.CARDLE, Presideut, aad PATRICK M'LOREtjSea.Fall not UatMnduTataliiaeaefbauJortaaoetransacted. .

I. O. t a. FTI MtJaahera af Cavaaaattodte, No. M. a of tt F, arsrasewbraotlgad to meet

. jSJSjil. " "CST"rht


Unaer DralVvV Bfeetrna A rogalarS rVi.'i'"! D'r'e the Mirrrwiwlitaa sbtavaa, IM ilealer

It, rli Tnieilar , Nov let,! '' V .mVwdiSS w!n Xni.r.toihlva.til.t; a. a added.Breeder tf P. W. r.Noa. Preir

.A.M. MATMXWa. VVeVL0. A. KATZ, w e. oil larntt

W. B. nabaneaw for A eat m hi. I M.a,Me.taae' Iks people tf the rralatih VT.4,K -

tb "u.iHr liliiri't, Pt b-- hiltvenlee, Oil. a let, st u'clerk, St Mi'Hutaa a Hall, eerof 'ftn it end ,tt, ev the nouilnatloa fWlLLfAaf r. I.(,iim!on fr Awetntirtnai.

VV "en. Dr. rtiwifoed. fiih, a P. OM aVw-- y, Mr Mr. ItouUuui aaII ether will adJrtajtbaitia. tfl

fc Impariaat VAIator HewaROOER A, tiAYMOMrJ CLOTHrta 6T0RE,

lxt, U a ivt Faleew atreet.

fhTalaUWrS? V " nt ofIMolhlns tor awaUasaea. the xat

iJk'5CM FASinoNS. "bf th awn), at etleaa

LOf I.R THAN llAVE VER rUBRMferaimlUrsnodiilsthlaeonatr, 7552Weaab eeach artkaa, and take no other. "&Jntl

Mewtit Tarawa Taxes, CaUa Iovt-- Pethaas- -vlllr.llMnvUle, Wakefield, Ac-T- hs sale of lata forrttisaldtaiee,wlllUkeelaeat Alhanon tb lotli atN,:vrtr.lernett tbe Cnlleetor will elt at KERrtr?.I Ilh ward llotrl, ear Ellsahrtb at.d Hraed ets, ei Men.

,.VtimWfTm,Af7m Mmmn-- h.

lttawatmaj'....... ...-- . .nwwa.rn, ap,rk Teeedar aVaalee.Nevl pai, at I oVIuek p.m. ."'taulaent epeekectwui

addreaa the met-tln- llaU4I1ITR A Or Oplaat Katar, ee

DltlTIKAnD i.f l)r ilKLlaieuianroweere. an he will--- r --- take. dWik. to the vr

I'arkssea, wlto dlrartlane, gj, ,Ba fj Warvaateghot Hilton, and ean br. (lean onknowa wlthool faar aftlleroven-- . oilice, ti Third tt, tie doors roat from M....... .

-- - a'l jsNnttro to laavretera af ITWilea aad Cava.yaeeera. lulpartore of Uaetion and "i Innii alart--4n a jav arm n..iiaa4 a.

.v;'ii,..tVTakarh.'ti.for Bret etevea,,aru--- m sirena on I ailiAV.ia-t- . a, an la.tare nr larll..n ... II- .- ...ui.i.. ur... -- La.rr" " " "- - -DAY, Ikl W,

v.iNni.AT,7J',l,, ,:.", warda.wlH arteod eav.i.A.IViW,,f v"4 l;!TJ5."r .,or remaloleL. ll. laaperter awl

Lanvaeeera will pcm.lT.jrhe Berweeltr epramst aftendance et tb and flare lnrilrat-- 4 abwve.0lTu,rKBnmt'a'Brrrat A- - Ca. UnwItabLe (Xwaeblaa nJrDe-Pr- 00 eenta-T- he enl true en4 netnral oae lan""- - l'reare balr to a beautiful BLACK aBROWN For -l- ,wbolo.ele er retell, et thebator, 44 South Second at WIIMsmsbtTrih. egVSot

We Caanot w raa have aaTan.Hit when entna nature! outlet of tb blood' Imsurtliaeia eluet or Inartlve.

IliAar.smi'a Vrot-ria- ra Pinepen Iheae, or make them active, t hue reetoriai health.1 bese riUla have been before tbe world

vxasa.Their uaefiilneee I meeaared b their perltytag

qiielitiee oron tbe blood.The ar eorapoeed of extract obtained witheabolllns. or the appllratien of beet the mnainiaaaprinciple s thus eneured al it la In tha livlna her.Tim haejproved them

TrixNavtaatMtmruixnrMaR.Theaurlfr tke Llood, end lasar health.Tha riablljr-direete- d aao them,Muxinxe have lava reetored to hearth br Baasn-arrra- 'a

Pill when ell ether medicine have tailed, aadtbe patient left to dl.V.

Inee 8 a bos.ocS teoiriis tMndpsl0fflee,Wa.t4 Caaal etLMFOHTANT T4t PITYaiirT ANS.

PIRUATIVES.A treat want baa Ion existed in tbe materia aaedlea

cf perfert portative medlclae,on hick the ehrelelaatnalleaaeamarrlwlthalweluteeerulatv. Tbedo-alderatu-m

la now aupnlled h Dr. RAD WAV, wke kudiscovered and brmiebt to lleht In the lorm ofKADWAVB RECIXATINU PILLS,

a purfatlve which wlliie all caeee sneltks ptaeeefealopiel, blue pilla,and all tbe eneertaln aortauve andeathartl ntreiciaee la preaeat a, cllhr la th tunaof pllle. powdere or Ivialda.

In all eeee of Inrlammatlena, eonteattona, lever,bllloeeneea, dspeeela, Indlteetton, eoaitlpation,

worme, tlte, Influenaa- - enutbe, eoldia Ac adoes ef from f.r to elx Bad war's R. tula tint Hilt willImmediate 1 chi-c- th proeeve of tho disease, and lafrom four to eii hrmreaipil from the ratuathe dieeaaca numore rnev oeeeeion to imealtle.

TIIEIR QVICK OPULAUV-N- .In an eendittoFii of th irtlrm where U aewte

or Inllammatory dlaeaae, arid epaedr medleatloa le re-quired, Kidwar'e Resulatlnt Pills will sfferd relief lanfteeu minntee after tbey are need, and wll I la themeet elatloate and critical raeee ef Inthunraastoa endeonse.tlon, eeearesfree evaeoatloa from thebowela.In from fonr lo alx hour.

Price ofRvtway'e Pills 18 oenta per hex, eleeantleeeted with mm. BAD WAV A OH,

oC reodnog he, tt Jok atJAMEH 41. COO PES,


new yorbTsun orncw.

GENERAL BUSINESS.... . mircoi .A ivn a a iw tn.f llbliAl iilinr.-)- , jv A.a a Ann Ol,,a ANU SEE THOHF M HO pOCrtLE SOUl Piorjluvrrgi LBO THE 4 E) DOUBLE DOLE WATEtPRiiOr SLVTLD IIJOOIS. eMIOkrnst

i.e- -a noirrn of daily awdIr papers, one of the beat in the ellyi old self

ea acer-- it to sic knees in ths family. Address M. II,loa i Sliueral Poet oB.ce, with real aame aad ad--dree.

IJOK SM.F TWO SHOW CASKS, IMorder. Cell at 175 Prince it, bet eeen Thame-eo- n

and BulHvan its. etirilt


AND OOMFORTaa,L1AI , nurioin., nm, , . CADima


Alart portion of ableh ar from Auction, aad aua.ier tntir value anu inre,

CO nnoK,1118 ud 110 SIXTH AVENUE,

oil II.'IM beteean Mh and lh ta

PAINTERS, ATTKNTIONI SOMKTIIINQare reepartfully Invited WeaU at Na,

148 Broadway, "4 to examlae anewly dleeovered article of vamlab aad veruleb endpaint combined. Il la , durable and tlomw,retaining Ita brilliancy Untar than ear ether articlela oae let leee than hall the Met', not effected by wateror weather, heat or oold, aad adapted eqeally te Iron,wood, cloth or leather. ell Flit


,READY AT TWELVE irCUiCK,ate ais ai inaiiiavouAa, 1


Tn LEDOntVmSBifi:


ISO "wiownWfJK.,32A;

Ot CfeawiaJ fW rwiiM.TlrVwtvit aeir at W';"T' Fw.7 tppeare a

likely fenes- -a fea nch natal for Ik Dam- -

eraey, eecld tho aaaatilt of rWTVM I1bouk,

Mnoi'ihH, Senator , for tha

Eeemblltsri. It J o old adage tht "torn

ahoat U iVlf play.' Tin Republican than bold

U-- t Dfmilti pa'ty rwonauVe fcrthaactofaSngVi bidlvloWi and Qwernor Maacr, who

w sat tho Urn Secretary of Stabs, remarked,

efttitharrea-i- l t 1 olottlon utd Urmlnated,

and Mr. BrCBAgAa wa known to baveauc- -

ceeded, lba that tot alot eat tha ttmxrtwo tatrod thoaftand vote, and that had

thelraMoneata-aada- a different (election of a

candidate U wotaM hart root tbe Dmocicy f be I

FnaUeMy. .mother tibia b ao or net ,w do no', preload

""to Mf, bat tU recent attempt

and hla Brcletee to rry eat the. I""' fo-

lios by the Mcrlilf. ofao rdiKb "" -"afforded eenllel Deniwra-- O pullikiaua that

tkey aro net low to va laom' pf-- Al,,, wa notice, Ibe piper In the latere!that party are on the troth, nd cbavo laiding

itolIUcUu of tho oppoittlon with complkl'jr wlih

Sbowx and bU MsocUten, wb"t lt Utilag

lonrnaliof tbocj-roilllo- tfotqoil! lntrnt on

protln ltt lb trf tad Its luI ue Inno-ct- at

of rrtK,rll-- cr knoU of

Beow' moTtmtnti.WltreT tht iwU of tbew tblnji mty t

tbo wbob) fflt U p '.ly to bo dojlor! by 'J

good bob, Kortb or Sautb, Dmocrt nd

If tbo (ttort In tbo r' Ferry

trogody bad nd actoal aW.tot, tbay at Uait

iraro nworagwl by tbo mkoy lajvilljoui and

oftan UaM taflamttory appeati tbat wo im putforth from tlmo to tlmo, not only denunciatory

of tbo ludtutlon of Slarory, but of the dtcfiloiu

of oot blsber ccnrU wbon tbo rlKhUofaUroiaro Inrolrad.

Tboto appoabj to fort aro out of placo, andcannot do otborwUo tbaaliai to mtKblef, and

tbo (arpatvlty ofwroDKwUl, la tbo end recoil

spon tbooo who Indulgo In tbonv an In tbo pro-- nt

Uutasco. If Uwiexlit tbat arennwlM or

nnjut, tbara la a logt'X-nit-o mwi of gottlngrid of Uom, and nntil tboeo ntvu can Iw uaoJpoaoaably, it U bottor to (nflW than to attemptTlolence, Calm dlaniMioa with a people like

oura will aooompUah more tban all tbo violent

denuaoiatione tbat could foauUjr bo made. Wo

trait tbat thf to caaaa may prove profitable lea

tone to both tide, and tbatparttea and leadora,brtAer,wtH bo leea Inclined to al ow tbeir pl-ito- ni

and fcelloga to aapplant their bettor )wg.menta at the exponas of truth and right.

Tto Uarpar'a Frry AoVlr.

An Extraordinary Sermon.

Bar, IIdbt Wabd Diecuer pruaehad, laat

OTanlog, a leimon which, aeu fjr that celebrat

ed maa, wu an axtraordlcany one. Ills textwaa, rlrtoajlr, tbe Ilarprr'a Ferry Alftitr, thoughtbo worda ware from Uoly Writ, lie ridiculed, ufew could do, tbo captor of two thouaand po

(1 by lerantean man, and tbo calla to arrai oftwo 8 atea and a van of tha Federal forou La.alaee,to capture thoaa te:ten, and paintedvlrldly many of tbo acenea oonnacted with tbetragedy. Ha eondomned and denonnced all auch

eta of riolcoco, and all mouurea which lend toeparato and create enmity between the people

of th Berth and thooo of tha Bouth, In terma

which could not but tave ploaaed the em of thealareholdera themaelToa.

Ilia particular vlewa In relation to tbo al cry

qoeetlon were then (.Iran at groi'.er length, and

mote explicitly than they bare boon on anyother occasion. TboM who auppsee that tbeydiffer entirely from Mr. Bckciier Ii Matlment

on thla ubject,wiU bo aatonlahed, w will prom

Vie them, on a peruail of thla aermon. To ona

Ue all auch and all otbera, who, friun curioeity,

or from any other motive desire to (cad a acr

mon of uouaual merit aa w ell aa of unnaaalLntereat to the bole community, hare ar-

ranged to rubUah a nbatim repirt of It, fromMr. llucuis'i own note, and under hi own

rTilon,ln TAe Sr tl Welneaday uornlag.

New FaVlWaUarM.Tax Ceaaxs Crrenaais oa Facra roa EreaTennr.

yv(ulore"Mu(re Within," 'TAa Ira-e-

Why," Ac, New Yuiki bio A FiTKiariALo,Thla la a neatly boand oiume of 3uVl pagoe,

and oootalna more valuable information on allcoQcoiraUe aubjecta, than any publication ex-tant. It la lUaatraled with oror 1.000 engrar-Ing- e,

and forma acoupUte encylopodu of tuefulknowledge. Every family ahould hire a copy.Paaioa TaxaTsioat a, oa Frxnnau'

fie ike auifcor of in 'liJiWia"Own J.oot;" "re foriaH.," .fi Stent," 4 c,New aorkl Dica A I'lTiueeNuo.Thla I a rolumo of 171 pafiee, and li intended

to prorbfo Innocent atnutemoa: for chil.lrenathomo. In thla work the author baa done Mm-ae- lf

creJi, and baa provided a deatderatum inthe bouaebdd, for which tbe yjurj a ill thankbim.

Wo bare recelvod from T. II. TrtTf atos &

lino., l'tiladclpbl, tbo ninth volume of tbewheap edition of DicMia'a worka for tbe million.Wo bar also rtce'eJ fro-- the publiaberi,8waw, brim i. Co., A' YiMk, thelMobernumber of IHockwoo-- l Majatlne,

GENERAL INTELLIGENCE.AiCH. L. Cook, (n cf tbe oldaat M.iBr. ope- -

ratora in tbo United hta'ua, died if oneumplionat Daltlmoro on Thuraday It, having been ab

aent from li pott cf duty but a single day, ntdthat laimac'iatcly preceding hla doalb. Mr.Cook wu for inanr yeari in the employ cf thMagnetic and Soul Urn Telegraph Companies,ndcomnacdtd their teapect and eetcam. 11

wu alao very much Moved I j bla brother ope-

rators, god tbey aloceraly lament b'j loo. lieleavee a wife and two Utile cbuMran.

Tub part of tbe mit ar.d riralng of aloop wa projecting out of tbo water on Friday

meming, between Qarrisona and Co!dpiinP', on

tho II01U00 liver, And a nothing 1 knoa n of

tbe matUr At either of tho above places, it lifeared tha crew went down with her. It It aup-poa- ed

that abo wu eltlW runfa'o by a ataamboat on early 1'itday morning, or tbat aaJleaaqaaU a' ruck bar, capalalog and ainklng bar la


Taa steamer Vrauda Skldly, Capt. FaAzgB,""xaler, wu inocaeding from Mew York toJbny, oa Tueeday night, wben ahe cam In

tt Hoop Temperauoe, CaptainJacob O. waa.., about two mile above4 owgnaaepsie, jamtalng the entire lenirth of the

loots earning ay her bowaprll and mut.CaxAaln Uiciii.m Ujud bly, 0ni of bU(eat being erusbed on arm and several of hisribs wan also broken.

Yx Attempt at h'ghway robbery wu madeOpat Mf. Tatoa. KootrU, who drlvee tbenewspaper axpreu betweea New York andZ TTVfw-ar- on Thnraday night. He waa on hiway to Mew York u nsual, abortly aftercLahl. and wheal "ear tha race aouru oa therJank road, twa; pxetoj ahoia wara fired at bim

surltharof which to ikeAfcot. Mr. M. fptirrao up ma none ami ee-


'l"ngwjsjr,i rzMrMi


Arrftff ifte 7 ! 1.11. 'I


Two Days later 'Intelligence.


CBae la IW Proewli MMairr ArrrthraAxt.

iCS from l --Um er1 II JJ.h."a?rtoo 'SlRSvh elf ao r. at. of U. lMh.

tea ara roBrrtaToa.annexmrre fiat on the llth

.TLarSl"eJ aa algnul at Zurich betweenI,.lVendAuttle.. tn 111 e nten.tiiated Kumrian eonarea.Ie ratao"rreaTn)aLtof tbe Itvlna J'inn aa.u... ii.iaia avtU nct.rla.lTha flva rreat imrai.Hardline, Spain, iTictta, rurtJgal, Kaulea. andHome.

Tta 11 d n 7VI raja that prellmlnar nr'itaUona for a jrnaa are net aoicg on, t( uetnjc m ir tieaaUrto I'anaotgrvaeUanfto cni1iti tliencae-ti- n

nrr.imlnarlia. Ei.a'atd la lJ"djr d to enter rimtrauMMetlielndriiirBRaiid free mrtkra fturni'ai iiaij are ravinviMi iinuaraiooa fi ue Ktiar.auVrd. Ir la uLiUraUol that Die question of tbe

.ir,l rd d. U aa left to the arbltra4ua of fie Kuigof Iwi'aia.

utratPant, IffA It la eaieited teat the aronnd treat

of ptac willbeagwd t .mnrrnv, thedol'bonof tteKing ef II IhslgUna ai tLe debt ol Lcmbardy hkTUigrcauinil KurUitu

xr.lti, Wk Tt W liaa a "ljloh rromraila,atd laat nlglit, UI n that firre distinctlulruin'tta will ba aknrd at 7.uncb the treat btmit tianeeend gardnla wlillaia:a-n- In a daor two i the trlpltete treat will be eignel aulawquatitl.

Tie 7WMof O.Umomtnir atatreftat tha taroiaottbe7.urhtmtarealmt lt'mlical wl'h tboraagreed t' at Villa Franca and that ea onetU qv.wl.or a wltoh dlail4 IU and Europn,rmmaarttid.

The Jfernfnjr Ye' aata, that aaaiirlnf IU bifVir.

metlnn to I e. rrert, the further prop Mala oonoem-l- g

Q"t) kft npMi, wbl. h It la IntemlMl taauburn tn tlia at.pmaeh of tha OmirreM, an of euiha nature tut Ihe dlp'orratbrta at Znrtch hare on)DMiad rip matarlala freth dlHlamtlea. r.nglaillran and will take no irt In anr Oonareaa. of wt.lohHo drat prtncliV be n4 the rooiHrnlUon of themaa nre and Tuacana, no laaa than the Mxlen. aaand rartneaan Btatea, to aelf gorarnment, The Antcanncai ahot find to fnroeonthe people of the Ri.magna. Iforlena and Tuaranr ai other nilera tbantl e Italian Prince, tn wbom the rn fondl prit theirtrrwr), will ba thlgial of a conflkt aa doad aa theone Juat brotigU to a c oae.

euii atuTAjH.

The Great Eaatern em.tlnued at IfjttheaJ. PrinceAtatrr rlaiUd bar on tbe 17U, during tbe emjoura oftbo Moral famOat Bangor, but the Qieendidnotgo. It lad Of en aaaenea iw iro reavi woumaaiifor Port land. Maine, on or about the tuth of Dotobnr,but It la lr aoaouuoed, that the direotonhadnotomiatoanaV'Olinon. Amerttng waa to bebald on the 1Mb, awl It waa thought, that final arrangemeata would then be made. The Timet cotreaimndaiiton board, atrongl edrocatesthe puet.potiameLt of the Atlantic trip U!l Spring, ou aooouutof the Imperfect prrparatluna and the cjaaeqiieutrtk of failure.

Tlie Friroe of Welee bad oomaaencol bla oollrgettudiee at Oxford.

Tbe Earl of Westmoreland la dead.Cabinet Ouusolla and meetliigi of nvlulatere were

being frequent! held In londno, la reference, itwaa prtaumtd, to the Italian queetion.

The ttock Exchange had wen buoant, at dellImraxrrlrg price. Mona waa eaai eol tnaaupplyTar aiAinoaLi.

The aVateet.London, r.rfnrada Tbe Dailj Xtwt Uty Af.

tlc'e eat k Tbe tendeary of tbe atosk market la etltldeddeil to Improvement. At one period, on Tuee-da- y,

afreehruMraMwaaebU'aed. A Utle dullaeeewaa occadoned In tbe afternoon, br the continuedabetnoeof raapusae on the Parle uauraa, but ooewO'lie oioeea )i Lignar luau on Monday. Tbe demandfor money waa moderate. la the open market, tUniay be oonakUred the aeareet rate fur the beet Villabaring Ikrre muutba to tun. No bullion operationat the Itauk.

The Tmtif at Aitlole eaar The oonflrxatloa oftke newe of the awalng of tbe peace treat at Zurich.tliO Mtt'rmrnt of the d'aputa bet men Spain andMexico, and, abuTe at', the ountlnued abundanoe olcapital eeeklcg Inrcetwent, cauaed the EogUah fundelo ornn on l u jeaey wlltt ieormeea nnuneee and eub--

I erquanU; toainertoncea farther adranc. OoeaolaI Uft ofl aUadv at an Uupn.rameut of a quarter.

There waa aa iucreaeed demand for monev on TueeOar, tha rie In the o-- n market wae full 9 afper cent. TLe fnrelgn exchangee were generallyateedy. The llritlah lallway atock were firm andadvancing, tut oloard with a elbrhl reactJoo.

Tlie ablp Dcrar Caatlc. from Melbiairne, with gildduet to tbe amount of 31 000 and 100 000 In a,

waa od II) mouth laat L'gbt,

The report that Fraoo claim thro buodrod mD1ton fl wo", a luderMuiy fur tha war, from Piedmont,la proiiounr-fc- uuftmndr d. The Froocb Qorernmeuthaving made adtanrea to Piedmont, b- th before andduring tLe war, to the extent ol 011.O01) fraaea, laerme, ptTiakma acd money, now ualiua only a

of tbat mm.lUjiorta w age n curreut of a probable chaege

In tbe Mlnletry. The retirement of WaLawaal andthe Duke if Tadua were conaidend likely.

The flaidlnlaa atlnlalrr of tbe Filerfor, GeneralDoiioairn-a- . waa on a nilaalon to Para, aud had inter-view with tl-- Einiror aud WLaat.

Dcror had kit Patla for Londin, ona aiedal mlaakai.

It wna eald that the Minlater cf Public Inatruc.tlon luul lad atormy InleiTiena with ejvne of theutr moutanc prc'atee.

It waa reported that the Archblahop atwould at on elatl lbime at tbe d.alre ot the E njieror,to 1 reea tbe IVe tbe liera alt for reronn.

1 be Mcnitnir de hi flole explain tbat the Frenchlint will be eent 1 Morooc on aooouut of the atUtude aaaniot-- by aud toward Spain, the EngliahFleet protaUy leing mteudud to ouunterbauuca itoparat 01 a.

lba Parte Tatrit eontaduta tha Htateinant. Uiat1 Ue Hultau Lal otd. ra.1 tha aiieieuat.nk of the workI ou tlie Aura tana', but tt la ntvrrtucltiee

i uw V..NBB uu uvw viiimriy oiaconunw a.It la aaaartvd, that Fiance will only recall her

fororefrora Hot!, wben the fno of arivernmaittLere nuji re their preaenoe no luuger neeeajar.

The Puria flour rnarVet bad breu heavy, but c iMwith a Utter uu.aud firmer. Wheat had aiigbtlyuevunBi.

Lf .otJ aaa, that the deitetron of rarma andTuerauv Isdiktenlewa with NaroLto on tbe lata,and that tLe ruult aa atUfavlury, but the iktallair not (tun. .

The Paila Ikmrae hail Ken firm at en Improve,meat, hut cliwtd flat and li acilvj on the lsili, at

. ItcforrtLte.rraiv.

Thr Klrg of Sardinia bad vlaltod Grt ainlrbdmuch eutbuahvim. WLile theie he reoolvod the dow-ager Euipreeaof Pinrtla.

The official firdmonttu Oaietti state that on areprvarntat'on, wade by lardinla, Au-tr- bad

wmkeat Iluead' Oifi, aud bad uo'ill.dbertlatthe ii.lnea were tluwnup by mistake,

al Ire lame tlmo, regret at tbe occur.r re

Mai y emit were n at Parma, onol the late e.eaeeluaUi n tiaiqulbty pre-

vailed.A 01 mmltU at Ml'ao had leen leaking art impta

to revotutloLlae Vemtiaaudtha eoutbi.rn Tyril, andthr an rff.'iU to weaken tbe hold of Auatria had notborn entire y fkiiltleea.

Th Saidlithui Govemruenl wae aertouely eonald-nirgth- e

ixprdlcnry cf foitifylng Breecla, Louataa' d Cremona

TLe Sataa Fedrral Counrll had bought the Aua.tiiau tca.-rer-s rn th Lego Maci re.

Tlie report tbat Napea baa promiied militaryto Kiiie I dutcredlioit, a the ATuig of

tt i il e luael( n ol hi owu territory.AreTt.hitlonarcmeotUx at Fen ra waa giving

the Aiunrianai!reataoiioaou. It eai formed furtbe air)ute of aaaiaUng Veuitlaii to Join the lutUunal

It la laid ILat tLa Iniav aetlrir lu amwmm will. II- - - -,..-.- :--

r urperi r n eiMuoa, wui addreaa a maulfeato to lhHtiteaof tbet.buicli.

1 he Ni aim trau cone d'arniee on the frontlent waacontuiua'ly bunMrintr. and wlh a.nouut to thlrtvtbnurand ire a, Ureal act vity prevailed lu the

wholtarmy wa giaJusly being p'aoedone ear timuiv.

A lttc r fri m tl' rrnce detail lh ground on whichkl eriutur, of th American Coaaul of Leghorn,Mr. llieli, waa withdrawn. It I suarttd,that h buvlrxl 1 tmaelf g'eati fue tke restoration ofth l'rlioea, of wbom li wa a warm n.

lUana Is directly taxed with havlag reoomn.eV id ot tain lie puhlleaua to pmo'alm a b "publio,. .. , ..kWI. .1 .. 1...- - kl-- w.w ue rauis i uia i.v waa h.iiuh uia u i,wtlaj Frli ote, arid the Isfcreac la, tbat h swght to1 alia a pteteat fir arum J U t;vubon.

trau.It U ea-- d tLet Spain Ue coroedad further delay to

Morta-oo- . lba eiwulah Uortaa bad approved the butfor inoiewtnit tie etruujth u the army to 100.00men, with lul lu inireaae the uumber bCu.OUOmi.nlueie-ksri- r.

Morocco Lad ifl.-re- l eauafeotlon to Spain, butwithout rrr'yUg to the ulUmatum.

isrsei.Th Emperor of Ruaala aud tlie Prince Regent of

Prula were expected to a have a masting at Hrea- -

Uu, Oot, ltd. A grand military parade would lakeliaoe.

AcaTsU.It wu rciorted that th Kmror of Auatria will

prootttd to lh of Pruaal and Poland, themlo meet the Emperor of Kesala.

ikdu An own.Th lull and China mail from Calcutta,

otb, aud Hong Korg, Auguei seta, iw Tbenew I mainly eutlolpeted bytes-grsi-

tint ths letters give additional detail.Me. Wud. tha Amarioan Minister. WU oourt-o- u'

received at Pakln. Tbe new of hla arrival at Pahiuwu broualt to Shai ghal by a Russian ftM boat, but5 !.".W:r, wwereoelvaa fmin bkn. It wu reported

1 that he would U at Shanghai about the end of Au- -I gu, ,d th.t h exiweud to b abto to ead heme

taratibd tree b, the mUowmg mall.I TE,Te uireepuudant raida the reeeptlnn of1 lt5T,"-?l?(tatne- of the PekiatbBMs?, """" " 'er. Th rrlend CaUa aaye, that u th AmerloaavviiwwvmHaiaiai aberty t tender thatr

(noJiAeraUaoy tMra'Xf nnliw"-e- rMr. Wi uwtfeoou Let eaejpowut -

Ota. Mamevin r, ihm frfW "1 J "'a Oat irfM. tl emM "

rt'in (OWtvltr.U x..u. .r. 1ltluqi Vol V,, town -- ir t Tfe r, La4 a rr-- i 't''f"'TV'

b.dfc"??-'"- tnerrer Ado- -

uAJJ.,""5lrrfii M,n,t , ttit tha BmHh O 'illad mwle i." prr4 U i,i totue w.mi

I lrrewataJUajrtojItod Inn liali by to

J nerted a! Oct tb.I Cintial tnla ti atUI tiaeattled. Tbe tmMnI l'rtretnf Ntpanl r oeeepied by Ue Ntie ardI hie timtn. Tke Waftieta were atln Io lararrao.

Tee kiifcttlre et FtklintieiefTtaerbxl ee rearfrtoneHw l HiH!b Mmlatrr on frtradlf terma,aiuiwl,i1 tl Indian OorarnaiOBt tad Iweii tp)itvltu tor 1C 000 tinra f China, and two ref.mentewtir under ordeia to dc art.

till TlaT LiTKrT.frrrreel, rTVdr.rao'ay Tb Frerchearetvner

fiiut hi.., wbleb ror.Ttyed Prlttoe Narouroa li 11 1;,lead tn aee tl e Great Eaatein, arrrred Lara thlamorning.

rmmramn. itTiuioixi.Li layout Cotton Vliaar Tl ere waa no mate

ral cbanfte tn p l, iluldera wre rffrrlng freely,but ehowed tiokitailtlon toprrea aaloe Tbr aaleafur Patunfay, MoWer at.d Tueadar fonted up !4 IO)lab, of wLlibaijrcuiatoratook 1 0"0, and arporteraaotObalee Tbe nrur qu'.'albiua firnlabMl are thefnllowli o I New rUdding T 1 lCalJkd , lpbndMd.Ito 0 11.14.

Ilirarrai. iaarrrrra Maain. Braalrtuft.wire tecdlrig dLwnwanl. Rnararunviti, rjpaaoa eCo . qiur flour dull but af I'i at 2a. 01. a lie. parbbl. wheat dull wlih aou-llket- Id aid on Frenchaorta An.'rlrar. waa a d, red, (a. td. a 04

llto,a. Pd ale. Corn dull, with a decline of Ad,en ye low i whlt nmnl iall unchanged.

LjrnrooL Faorraifta kiaarr. The prollonn arket a eenrraily dull. IVtaf waa quiet but atea.dr. pmk duL I,a.d (Irm, at Ma. a 65a. Dacondull. Tallow Aim, bttoSrrr, Ba. on the apot.

Liviuti I Paot era Mtaaar Aahea quirt. P At,(7a. (d I Vrarb., i7a. M. Miner ettady. Kloaerrad. (Vlfe q iter. K arln atady S4rlla of tunantlne dull at toa. 6J. a 30a.

loi kUeeiTe were dull and on.charged In prieee. gnfarurm. C free qnVat. Itloefirm. Tallow quiet at ova. Od a Ma. Oj. UnaaedoUSSa. riglneiateadf at Bla.

ConnoTe cbeed on Tuaedey, 18th, at MX a MX, furmrraey ail eorount.

Aneikan eocurlbe alew of aale, but priote una!- -tared.

The Harpers' Ferry Insurrection,

Tbo Trial et Capt, Drawa.

rootrn oar.Oartntom, Va., Oct. W. The Oourt met at

tea o'ckxk The Judge announced that he hadteoUred a Bote from tbe new oonaul of tbe prtaoner,uquiallr g a delay fur a tew minute, to enable themto Lare an mterrlew with the pilaouer, Ue wouldaooordtnirtj wait a ahot t time.

boon alVrwarda llao a waa brought In, and tookhie urial tecunibett pnaltloa la bed.

genial. Cnn.r, of Waablngton dt, appeared aaadditional ooueel lor the prteooer, and waa q'iall!9ed

Unn Gawwoui, of Uenlend, O.lo, waa In-troduced lo tbe Court a ocunael for the prtaoner,and quel ft. d,

Mr. CtniTON though It due toblmaelf t make aneiplanarory atement bufoeathe trUl proceeded.Yerterdaybe waa very unexpectedly called opon tocome here, and aid In the defence of fia priaoner.Knowing from the aewepipera that the trial wee Inprogrtea, be took time to comtder and ounaiilt hifriend, at te tbe prrfitlaty of aocephng tbe rroriorl-tlo-

11 would bare bed no healtaUon If be hadbeen epoktn to In tlmo, bat hi friend adrleed blato come, and he did ao with the expootatljn tfmere'y aaabrting the geutlean already cooduo'.log the define. Coon naclitng he.o, he foundtbat tber had withdrawn flow ilia m. and h.then heelUtid abirut undrrtakliic lt but upon ounu'tatk n with tbe pt'eooer and hi filend here, they

he abould do ax and he would 4) the beat hecould, not feeling ai liberty under the ctrounvatanora to nf aa. Tbeae olieonatanoi a, bowaeer,would render It Impoaatb a (jr him to diaoharga thefull duty of couneel, not baring hara time to read thetsdlctiaent or examlaation rtten. lie MiuL: no mottonturCeal tklawaaa matter entirely within thjuruaicrtcn or trie Uouit, and V tbe Judge tbougbtproper to refuae to grant any poatpiinenieor, he knewn wou-- no av ne unaer a eeneo or out- - Thaai, mw.traotditarr clroumetenora would alairendar It im.noealble for tie aeaociate, Mr. aaiaaroLD, to dlenharjrhi full duty aa exiuuaL A ahort drla of a fewhour, If lba Court thought properto grant It, wouldacal4e them to make com preparation.

The Court decide 1 that the trial muet goon. Nomure JVey could ba planted.

Mr. Hott objeutad to tne receiving a evidence ofthe letter of OxaaiT Sanw.kant.a'ora publlahedi alaolo tbe autobioT!iby of Baowp, wrrtUn by hlmaelf,and bt th were withdrawn.

Several witneaar a ware than examtaet by Mr.How, and by the prtaoner, If Ing onku bod, up In ft blanket. Tbe taetlmonywaa mainly relative to llauwa'a kind treatmeut ofhi prtaoner.

At oae udeck a reoeae waa taken for dinner.amaaeoa aaaaioa.

At the afternoon eeamon eevetal wltneewa for theprlnavr were exarulned. a'l pror'ag tbat Baowa battreated hlaprianei wrtta buaaetty, and frequentleipreaied hi regret tbat Uuod abould have beenabed by Urn In aelf drfenor.

The defence clued their iritlmonratahoit fouro'clock, ardthe Slate daalred gtve tne caee lo tneJury without a ifumett.

Cat Baowa laalrted that hi rnumnl ahou'd arguethe caan, and, afttr tbe c inln,( epeech for the State,the Cruit adjpurned to M.iuclav morning, wben theoouxaJ fur tbe er ai 1 prnoted.

Ult to the llarprra Prrr luaarrertlenM.Charlt'tovtt, Oct. HO. Tola eenlmr, at four

o'ebtk, tha I mtod Uuarda of rn.Lriik jy, undertle oon ruand cfOapt. Siaaa, reichea Lera from liar,per'e 1 err TLe reunoated to bo allowed to a e theIrtniuera, and were adul4ed by autUrtty of JudPaumLgienglabaquada. Tbey fint vlitd tienil of liaowriand Bnvxaa. liwwft waa In giaidapUlta. baioaafromll coucn and toik bla vlaitoreby tha hand, nmerklng, "Gautlemeo, I aa glad toaee jou." lnnpyto tbelr quot'o.a,be adt hewaa atilltuaVrlrgeime pain about the left kidney.lie eal.1 be waa tietd with ail bumanlty, and b iret.alunotie to the effldeoe of the vnlunteer aoldkira.lie tin lAed .i aa lor the manlv and truthful mu.u 1lawtlcb bhadietltiluaad La would a'aeea

I t'erema kid ttat habad fougttoo the frouliara laI l"i " that, duilni all hi had aaluredI haJdJilj aid knew how to bear thtm.

Tbe raptured loanrgeat at (arllalr.Cutlule, iTri, Pcf. 29. Ibe prlocerln Jail

here, fir wrx.rn a rtquletUon waa wa Js by the Dorer-nor.-

Virginia aa Auiaar UaiisT, waa bufore tieJuJ.--e upon a writ of habeas cirpua.

Counarl inr tua priaonar rlalowil lis ulwhagtootbe ground that his nam wss Wa. lUsaieoe. a,vrralrxeldinterf llarpt r'a Fi rry were exauuued, andtertifled poeitivcly that tie riietnr waa one of tbelniad.r Ibeybad converaeJ w ilh bun and recoyniudh'iu. U. i oru.aao esld be saw tha flaib ofhla tin wlii ninth art of abmtbig a cttlaga Noone (file wttmaca knew I ia ua n

TLeCoott took the rrouidlbat the requlartlOTi Ilegall) acd formally litiht, but there I no evidencethat we I i any man lu ourcuetod named HasLrr,whom wa can de Iver on this requisition. We a eMils that a monetrou cria baa been oommltted.and that the 1 rauner wae there and participated, sodIbte'ore leinmimlt blmto await a requisition fromth Gi veiuor of Virg-lu'-

Fire la Dewtsa.Bottom, Oct. 29. A fire broke out this morn-

ing In the rear of N. 0 Cambridge street, whichdwtrojed six but dings, moat of them of no greatvalue. Kobbct Paaxuw, furniture dralsr I Wbit AKkit, tremulant keeperst J C. Cats, end G. W,Luassp, are among the sufferers.

BoUon, Oct. 80. A auger bouse, alx atorleahigh, u Oocch etrtet, owned and ooeupied by SsraAnsa, was totally destroyed by lire ibis evening.The kea on the atock Is &M.C00, and oa the bull J.legaudn-achlner- eOIMU. The bieurano on atockia ov ow. oc wnion uie loilowlng le in New York.offioea Fulton 06.000, Uumboldt t bOO, Metropol.Uaa taooo, Marcaatue BO 000, liremau'e FundSO 000, North American . BOO, Irving 1.000, Em.E'rw City go 000, Exoalalor go 000 tha lemalmUr la

Lonaou and Borlna-fiel- offices.The tnsuranoe on ths building la, and on

the machinery la til 000, of which th New WorldC.nnyofMew York haa tS.OOO, th Manhattanof Nw Yoik 8 000, aud th Lafajette of Brooklyntl.000. Very little atock wu eared, not over 00bbl. of sugar. The fir was, probably. Incendiary.Two bouse In Creaoeut Place were slightly dam-aged.

A fire occurred al about 4 o'clock, thla afternoon,In the sixth tory of Biaut A Casrswrn' ators,Noa. 101 and 10 Stat (treat, dealer ta andniarjufrwrturer of paint, etc Th nttr loaa Iabout tlOOO. The building ia owned by LxvaxjTTBaLvoanaix. Th oauae U tha fire la unknown.

Arrival of the Overland Mali.St. Lcuit, Oct. 29. Tho over'axd mall which

left San Francisco on the T ta, haa arrived. Buatneaahad Improved aome what. A ebock of an etrthquakwu exprincid at Ban Franolaoo on th Bth.

Vraea Waaalaataa.UVuaMefow, Oct. 80 Intallureat gentlemen

who baa juat arrived here from the raolfio ooaet, aaythat the people there wld be aurpneed at tha vl4t ofLiaut General Boorr to Baa Juan, u onlj tn tbe At-lantic Slate baa that Island been magnlflsd to tbe1njp.etr.noe of a oontlnent. While It belongs to theUlAled Statu ar-- d will be retained, they add that Itl sail v ut wotth quarra'Ung about, and that Itve'ua tea been surpnslr gly It Irertabi that tbe tone of tbe British Ministry oa thissubject. Is not to our government, butaa explicit deolaret on tbat General Uaaaarr wu notlaatructad to oomip the Island, and a calm and dig--

A d nplaietioa of all the attendant olroumauna ,wll1, It U thoufht, pmduee a betUr atam.of beaug onthe part of our tranaallaiulo uaghboia.

ffrvrs freaa Merdr aad Texaa.Aawt4(owM,29.--ldvloMbomPnao- ola

anaoanoe that the Baraloge bad arrived wlehMavaaodTaJSAa. Laan

so aha riialfsai' ooafirm the oold blooeVed muruar ofMr. Caaaa, the Aatari n Ooaaul, by Maaucaa.

Taefavet eioelnsad U Owlveston and Houston,Than waa MB la litdtajaila,

- . --m.

JKlmhit, 0Od. bfaioKf Trxwrn, fcaVt H etaOtt, who recaj4 trtn Car'-- 1 ooMr, VaT4',. nwwa Ben lean way. fciq nrwua

tollacrir uv FMfcrn aiveD v VJTiafwa.iartil. of aba Mlrhiaan Nrata Nereaatt awihaal. ' fVrnlfM, Ot. to. Tbo KtetorToTwidPcboe!

1 un-t, tt. two abial a, flirult ii a.l Inire ornaeoed r 1 i.i ,n,. llt i,

(aaoral tJ4t .ie.n.RxAmtmi, Va., Od. 80. The faneral of rion.

JomY.Maeowwee wry Imnnatrg. Tlawo waa amilitary eeonrt, and an hnaaenae a ineouree of H'hr-n- e.

Tbe remain ware txrrtad la Ilatlywcod. near Iboaa JMottBOB.

Ptro la Rlckwaeaa.Rtrlmord, 'iu, OH. 80. TbeexlenelTe plan-

ing niBl r J. A C. Oraanw baa been aUM rteianinii1, fire, lr.n r log eloaao.OtO,

rreel at tbo Moeata.Krw OrUant, Oct . 80. 1 hero waa a kdllar

froat la raiiune pait of tiotil4ana and MkukMlppitUl luonuog.

Flrra la New Orlcart.A'rro OrUartt, Oct. 30. FortiofM of three

ariuarr la the Third DUtriot it tlil dt were burnedlat nlgbt. geeerty four poor farnlde were burnedruts lowr 10o roo.

A Urge fir la raging thla afternoon at tha cornerof To) area and tree atneta.

Newe rrwa tbo i'lataa.St. Itmft, Oet. 21. A dlapalch rocelred bare

raa that tbe Salt lAkemell oftuoTth mat , reajhedAtvhleon y, aterday,

A pert ot emigrant, numbering eeTrmtean, fromIlucbenaa eoantf , Ioee,were atfaokat b Inliaaenear Kmne'e Cut Otf, end Mr. tun, M- -. Milij.tola, tie wife and eU cklldren, w.r killeL Mo

I uaeaa'a two eldeet aona and tbe remainder of thepart eacarvd, and are now at Camp Floyd, in a te

onnaition.Out. Uruuiu, tne Surveyor fleneral of t'tah

Territory, ameed out on the trjtb n't,

RepablU-n- Paaer Mebbrd la Koatarby.Strjvrt, Otf. 29. The Kentucky 'rm South,

a rapt r of Rab lean proolleitiee, waa mobbed bvdLight, and it M forma'i aoattvred In tbe etieet.

Fatal ASrala Itaklmere.Balt'mort, OcL 80. J. M aaaiiAt, IIawca, re-

porter of tl e HVtlmore Sun, whllet in fie fire a.armFeb graph oOice lot Into a difficulty with.rHiearrtnt,drowe plto, end arv.l Mr. L.

l'realdent of the eeeond branch of th, U'yCouncil, aud at preaent act'ng-Mayo- r of the oM,during tbe elcknee of Mayor gveam. The ball tuoktfiart In tbe thigh and produced a rerlaue wound,which will prob.bly cauae Mr. Mcfnaa'a death.

Now from Me) Jaarlra.A'ewi OrUani, Od. 29 lib Janeiro data of

the let mat., are at tend. Oae hundred and eerantyet were In port. The Champion, from New

York for Ban ITrawrlaoo, put Into Kio on the itOth, laa leaky conditnn. and waa obliged to diaol are andrat-ai- The atck of Ouffije la port waj 80 000 bar.The war ablia LaocaaUr, John Adam end Dolphinware la poit. aTMBal

MrmarkaMe) Oaae af Preeen allow al LU,At Boxbury, Mas., on Thuraday Ust, a man

named DakjaX Fltiw, waa employed by Mr.Is. D, CoiftXT, reabllng on Ilrookt ttreet, toclean out a well. Fltxn, after doaooadlng totl.e bottom, aoma thirty feet, attempted toilimb up, and bad gone ibout four foot whenthe wall on 000 aid gave way, throwing him toth bottom, And tbo whole miu of rocka carolIn upon bim and largo qaantltle of d'rt from thefiller), ao tbat tbo well appeared Ailed wlih I olidlayer to within two or three feet of the top.Tbo noteo of tbe falling atonea attracted the In-mate of the houao. when the alarm waa clean.

nd an excited crowd eon aaMmbled. Theof th buried man'a eacape dll not occur

tl any one, wben bia voice waa ewUenly boardcoming from thirty feet below th aurfUce.

J?oni 6 or 8 men wore 1mm kliately eot atwork throwing; out the dirt nd rocka, and aaa. on aa they had (tot (0 a depth which requiredi'.awindlae waa naed to facilitate the wotk.'J bo voice of I be man could conatantly be heardinploringtbem to relievo him, and Indlcttlngthat hU poaltion waa rery painful. Afier ninebonra nonatant labor, the workman waa reachedrd readied from hi perllona poeltlon.It aeema that whan the wall fell, ho wu forced

agelnat on aid of tbe well, and closely packedin there by tbo rocka and dirt, ao that ho couldnot move at all and ncarcel r breathe. Ooe Urerock fell aialnat bla head, lo flic Jug severebrolee, and other rolling aialnat th aid of hiLead prevented him atlrrlog It t all daring tbowbo'olovgd fi

111a lega wei cinaideratjly bnrt, and hla bodyand llmba covered with brake, bat no boneiwere buken. and no aeriout lojurlea of any kindcanned. Thla la one of I be moat remarkable

of tbe kind ever rwnwile.1.T he man ewee bla life entirely to the peculiar

manner in wnicn two ur,r etonmt ranzot againsteach other and gainst th eld") of lb well,forming an aich over hla head. Dot for a amallerlock which pneaed ag&Laat hla middle, and an-other which held hla feet, he would Lave beenentliely free in hi underground place of d-ura.

A Molher's Iniacnee,How touching tbe tribute of the lion. T. II.

Buiton to hla mother. Influence 1

My imAher naked me never to uaa tobaoco. I havenever touched it from that time to the present d ly tahe aeked me n4 to game, aiat I have gambled,anil I cannot tell who I winning and who la toeing Ingne tt at oan be plaed. Sue elmoniahed us tosanauiet hard drinalngi aud whatever capacity forewtuiauoe I have at t, arid whatever uaefumeaeI may attain In Ufa, I have attributed to having oom-l4i-

with her ea-re- wlahea Wben I waa eevenrare or age, ao eww two nn io gia, ami ien 1

made a retmlurJon of total abatuioiuie, at a time whan1 wee eole member of my oan body, andUiat 1 have adhatd to It tarough all time, I ow it tomy mother.


Fiiia ir Kuvb Avajxcr. Shortly beforeeight o'clock, on Saturday morabrg, a fire broke outIB a Iran irtalle, In the rear of Mo. .10 Ninth Are-nu- t,

iccm, led by Tpoaia Jaeu. Tbe rtamee rapid-

ly oohtuu.ed the sb'r, and aurTm-aU- a horee, val-

ued at troo, belonging to Mr, Jsmi. From th(table, the fiaoiee ourau)unlcet''d to tha Iron railingmanufactory of Willi aa Waiorrr, No. 147 VVoet

tlth street, which wu eonaumei. Tha flames

rpn ad to a email Methodist E, tec pel Miaalon

Church, No. Mb West S4th ttnet, and owned by

Cuss. II MucaT. Thla building, valued at tl.MX,wu marly deatrcyed; lrauied fur $1 800, In theNew York Fire and Marine Insurance Company,Th eUtb. I'nlvtraal at Serb ty, wbl Ji furina"y worshipped la tt chuicb, bad an c rgsn In It, valued attoOO, wLkh wae deatroyteJi not Insure L Mr.Moral's dweblng, No. M Wett tb atreet, wudamaged by t re and w star ebviil $300, and InsuredIn tbe New Yoik lire and Msriu luriranco Com-

pany. Mr. W Horn's leu is about tlOOO, and notInsured. The cai'ae of the dm U unknown. m

FouncAL. lb Kepublican SenatorialFourth Dlatilct, net on Baturday night, at

Lslid' Hotel, and uooilnuted Dr. Baacsi. Uux tor

Senator. Dr. ILUJ. had ptvlouiy been iwialaateaby the American ud Whig Conventlone.

Th blend of UcraUl N. Wild, th American

Kepublican and Whig car dldate fur member cf As

sembly In the td district, wet st 's n.itcl, on

Saturday evening, on the Invitation cf the ElOwing to a sudJ-- n U,dUpo-itJ- A n of th

h wu unabl to melt theou

MmiomeT AmiiVBBaAar. Tha John ttroatItethcdist Fdloopal Churoh held an annlven try

txmimemoratwa cf the dedication of thfirst Methodist Church, which occurred Oct. 10,

1148, nlnety-o- n jea-- eg. Th aervioe were

a Lot rout, at Xi and preaching by the Rev.

Wa- - U. Muaoaa, at 10Jf o'olook la th moralog. Ia th atamoon a reunion wu bald at Io'clock t brief addreaa s were bad from former pas-

tor and number of the Church. Th Rev, Dr.

Batios, BTsnowa, Flotd and STatCEiAao took apait la the caromoale. The ceremoulo oonoluded

la th evening with a pi ayer meeting al o'eioca,end preaching by the Rev. taahop Jaaaa. The attendance wu very huge.

Ball's Lira Boat Eobeea, Thla vessel,whloh left Whitehall dock on Friday, to make hertrial trip aad to teat her era qualitee, made the runto SUplaton la lkT bourt. The boat I II feet long,8 Warn, andtt drthmthcblni IIU celled bothtasfd aud out, and caukd watertight, forming 39water-tig- compartment. Air chamber - Introduoad iX foat from tke tern and th (Um, andwater-tig- bulkhead (midship of aoh chamber,Th deck 1 formed by door-Uat- k wotting atbinges, whloh, by mg opened thru Inchu apart,reetlug on buTkhaads, form the prlnolpal ventila-

tion. The boat leca'culaltd to aoeomnodate aboutlot pereots, aad I It too burden,

Thr Haw World. Thla roaaalku fleated somewhal hearer shore than aba waawham noticed before, twreral vaveebi ar angagwl

la picking op and aavtag kav cargo, which oen.tmaeotofioat eoT with tbe wd. Tbe large hoiatUgAeniekwDlgonp wben the walking beam,

brfli MMk pipe d all the heavy machinerydWtaaerot.,Wha able tadoas th atiawtr

wU b eaaefciliATargo lattice, wark romjemfAemala gwki and on era n!t4 witu awlergtra'tmaga hi asta nnlrr water, when it ba beta vralno It boat aunk. Th main deck wa eraoaadMth. : cable t eight, much of which ba Kan eat jj,b'll jrollh' in aa almont rulnoaa onniitvi 1.

ILeaerlieot vi canaed, no oVubt, by dy rH.

Tie gatiiW frame rwtarda ka--1 araty pptarane of being aound, watch It waa but la- -l

It wa rottia, cauaed by oontlnuat luaflraa,

wiWag acd druig of th gallow frame, towbloh II exttd poatloa nbjecl It- - The fremtimlier r 40 feet long, It by II tachea aquare, cfth very beet yellow Georgia pine, eeUced, cut, andbnpntted exproaely far tbe purpoee. Work on theateaour wa auapended four moatha, that the tim-

ber might be properly eeeeoned before putting up.Thla frama, which 1 In a Irtangu'ar form, la braced,atrarfed, faatesed, Ao., tn th atrongeat pomdhUmanner. The walking beam, weighing IS, too, 1

Jlacod open the t.-- of thla framework, and It wathe top of thla frama ttal broke, one aide, om alxfeet from the top, the other ahout three fact, cauaedby the euddea jerk, waloh threw the beam forwardBorne twelve feet, breaking, eraahlog, tearuig every.tlilt g In It way down, HU etopped by the brwca andtimber of tha frftuuiwnrk.

Thaateamer New Wor d wai Irurpacted rn ftvpteia'ber ! the ateamhoat Inapertora, who, like the offl,eer if th boat, never dreamed of th g low frambeing rotten. Th officer and wilier on board aaabut th women behaved during the diaaiter mucibetter than th men. Tbe Udiee war not haf aobadly fr gtteat d. Vi'h'Ut th ladie took with the a

nthebr wearing apire1,xct, pe hp, an ooca-rloi- i!

bair pin, or eoue Uttie trUket of ao greatva'oe,Un.en.l behind them coaot, veata,,Iuui leaioera, oranay trnttica, p alag card, Aj.

Niuow Eacxrn or A 8a-v- IIoot Filot.Caaaus C. Faunae, la taking tha ahip R chard SBy t are, on th night al the 17th, the wind blowleg vary hard and Id from th N.W., not findingth elation boat iff tha I ar, prooeeded ta the lightahip, and t) be taken off th ahlp. A boatwa atnt from th llght-eLI- r Bell two mn(Aaoaavr Arlanti and Joint Miuaa,) and Ineadeevorlug to get b-- to th light-chi- p they were blown t)eea, Tbe next raornlng the pilot lit Mary AnnNo. 13) apoke tke llght-ebl- and were Informed of

tl aectdoiit. They Immediately proceeded la erohof tho mlreliig boat, and f41ml them u tow of thal lp WeUter.bound to Uvrpoo,by whom they warplcVed vp about ten minute prevluu. They waretaken on board the pilot bat about twenty fivemile S. of Sandy liuok, completely exhauated,after being txeacd In aa open boat Borne eighteenhour.

Tn. new arsenal, corner of Seventh arepiand TweLty-flft- h (treat, will be formally opeced

Tbeofftoe of the Commkvtary Goner U waettaUuihed there during the pad week.

Tim HoarJ of EnK-tnee-r aro In aireara aometwelve bimdred dnHata, which theyelahn are notchargeab'e to Ilia Board, from tbe fact that they didDot order the work fur which the exoaee I due.

Mr. Lowes' balloon will bo oxhlb-'te- d

to the publio y at the a'te of the CryetajPalace. Vnder tbe large tent of Meeank Star A e,

which ha been newly erected near the Sixthavenue aide of th t, b th boat and or, with a'ltheir pareil.enella, while between It aid the r.

voir, two enormou pole, accutd by guy, aupportth lalloin brad and nattlng bet n them. Mr. U,doe not mteud making hi aacenaloa until th latterpirtion of next week, by which time th lellooa willbe fully Inflated.

Tbop. Qilbkkt lectnrea thli evening at tboDealt luetltuae, on rhyaloUigy.

TasAnuatde, Sxow, la now on tha People'Dry Dock, foot of Montgomery (treat, for repairs.She wl lie itripped, reoaulked andThe ahlp Germanla la alee ou tha large Da'auce Dockior the puipoee of being thorough y overha u'ed

ComminlotUong, 0V0.

Thr Nawr WrutLn Dnastth Ca W ro TitraLBURAnf Orcaama. diior Sun: Thereapprare In the of Baturday morning a cardwhloh dure great tnluatlee ta the operator tn theNow World oinoe of the Buffalo una, u well u to thaUna Iteolf. The author of the card eeeme to berrteved bf cauae be Oalld not set over the wiraa. atmldalabtof Widnsaday, a tategraphio d'spatchaa- -

I ".-- " j.. ."-- f,-,nip new vvono.Tb facts In th caee are the Tbe regular closinghour of the Buffalo line I 0 p. M. Ou Wednae-de- v

night, at nearly eleven o'olocv, an IndlvrdualcaDcd upun the iinrrateir at Yonksrs, and havingrraiatd him from bia slumbers, requested Lira tosend a tt'rgrsph deep at oh t) New Yura. The callerw u assured bv the operator that It wu too lata, thatail th 1 face were k'orad, and it would be uaeleee 10make any attempt at that bourt. louse tbe Newtoik operatur. Tni tepiy, nowver, wae not aau.factory to tbe eppUraiit, Brd, tber-for- e, tn order ton.ake it ao, Mr. Aaiuuiv, toe operator, want to hi ofSon, and reraalued there fur upwe da of an hour,calling In vain fur tha New Yore -- mo to respnnd.Tl I wu th pretie reeult whi-- h the apfOjcant haibrn told to expect, aud here the matUr uecetsarllyended.

ZnqueerU, Aooldanta, etox.

FaTAh Fauu Aa aired man. named JaiiTl esse, died on Baturday, at Billevue Hoap ta', frcwatt.e affect of a fr actio e 01 the ahull, rtoelved on lh.Tbureda pnvtiua, b a fa I In East 14th at, nearLivtngeei n strait Soon ater racalvlugthe fall thedroeaaed wu oouveved lo the U altal, where, bye.eao he wu kept from being aa.txutud, and suff-n- d tn lie on lu oart atait a querierof aa Uo"ir. .bla fact came to the know'edge ofrnerBoBrtuaaa,h-- , jeae'da;, bald anlnqu-a- topen lbs bod, and his Jury rendered a verdict, on-aur- ii

g in. of the UoapHel phy4clai for rnfu4og toannul in urceeaeo, warn oniughi 10 us uoapiui.

IliTrKS BT A IteTTLaarMSE. Oa Sttttrdtyafternoon, Jaeaa II. Batarwiav, a travul'ln (hoar-ma- n,

wbl eibin'Hu rattcanak at No. 474 Canalatreet, u bltttn by tne r--i tl a lu the f e fl urer ofthe rltfbl band, lba fked Immediate! eoraluotedhim to the N. Y. Iloap ta", wb"r the Hash e irruuo 1.Ing tb bite wu cut a eay, ainl ctner remedlea rtwort-e- d

to. On Sunday ciaouur he wu thought to be outof deeger.k Ma Forj5n Dead. A mm named Wit.uaa Oirau, rrabhigal NaPU 11. utr ttreet, dedaudui-ul- hurt ev nk.g. His wire le't bim I go toe 'a huiiee, i,d ritur.ilng In a few mijiutea,found lor husband 1; Ing dead In tae middle ot tifl r.

KoDrin Dead. An onknotrn woman wufouiddtad)t.teiday mianlng, at No. 67FuHAve-nue- .

IhedraJbMvcf snlnfantwu find laaa openli t, lu MiXi strvet. near Lexington Avenue.

Tie body of au In'ant waa lmud In HammontatrottAdtalumtnUaitriWardButlinUMaa.

iq- - n the bodlu wl'l be he d tola.It body of a man, named J asm Lear-a- r, wufuund oa Saturday morning man old abed, ta BXdatrart Lear llth avenue, and aa taqueal wu heldupon Ik Tbe Jury found he4atalh evuaed b da-su- e

of the beait, and aemtareil a verdict to luatcfiVct.

Folio antolUfoaoo, Mlo.

KrABBivo AiraAT Th Victim FatallyWutnnaD. At a late boor on Saturday night,an aVa toxk p'ao al th gmavsry No. tt 'teat 14thel, dining which s yeuug man, named Caasi aa

leaidlng r.t TO NiLln avenue, wet fatal stab-bed In I he tight bread end ebduman wtth a knlti,u Is allerti, la tb bands of Jon

It ppers that Cotaea nl aom other wereat th arrgtery engaa-o- in raiding for a ravolver,whan IViaaxu. and Joiin MoOiaa came 11 Intoxlc.t al, and soon git Into a quaere! beta-eo- n UicmesveaTby were pit Into the street, and there rcaiimed tiennairel, and commanced figbttng. Ooun interm-- u, witn a Tarw 01 aepstwun aaeoT, woen ue waseubled, u le a'leged, by Dosksiu lie fell bwediogt.iacieaaewajK,wbeeiiewuieii, om wuaoonarierfound by the police, wbo too- - bim Into a grow,wteie hi wound were drew od by a physiei, a'terwhich he wa oonvryrd lo the N. V. il ap'teL Cor.oBerSouiaaia waa notiiled that the wound werelikely to prmre fatal, and h tne ante monaunaruLuatlua of Coaaaa Ha gate a statement of thaffair u above, end fully Ideulllleit possaix, who,with McOiaa, had hern arretted ae the man wboetaubrd bim Tlie Coioner ordaied Doeaau. to blocked up to await (he n-- uK of tke t" Juris Infiictod,and hold MoOlaa to appear Hi llneae.

RirovraY or A Stoles IIorsr asd Ilia.About half-pa- 5 o'clock atterda afternoon, Dr,UitiBi left hi hiree and gig U toe oomar if Ave-nue A and 14th street whii h want to vtnt pa-

tient On coming out ef the bona tho Dr. ml'eedUa trem, and asamuol-iale- ths fact tothe 17th Product Poboa. Tb were

telegraphed to tb Polloe Head ruartwa,and from there tb Information wu telegraphed toall the polios sutlons. At 4 V o'olook. th list Prw-dn-ct

telegraiihad that Capt V. C. Sriton, while oathe eoraer of Broadway and t4th etreet, obaerved abora aad gig proowdlng at a rapid rale, aad

eomethlng wu wrong, gave obaw, aad thatat tbe corner of Ilroadwa and 4th street he

the bone and gig, bat the thlevu ue aped. TheDr. wu called on, and Identified th eeptured teamu hla property,, MTBTaRiont ArrAiB-Abo- ot 10 It o'clock1aaar t Mnlnia- ah MtlfmlrawA (bf t.n tyhtJ WTJaTw drULUtlal 111

tmlooa Ul-mw- -i f4 tlv. eofwrf4Ufltrblr.. . ... .. . , . h. - ImHrootxa ana seer oar earva-u- t, wwa. --"it- --

auarreU and one of tbe party fired eeveral ahoU fioma revolver. Greet eoaKiebai enauad, and It I Bald

one of tbe party wa eererelF woumled. The polio.wwe Boon oa the around, but tb crowd had eaper.aud, and no defiolm toformatlnn oou'dbea to lh ohm of th quarrel, or th riameoftaemaawbowuahiot,

Diaora noma Tmar. K uaa eaaedOsAe hivnsornv wu fmud oa Seto'day, la thobnaee eg Mr. Joawaoa, Lewi strait, In lba set, ata gw BT kVatsf eoataeig eiotMir, ,An alarm -- wn aliea by MUf ftoaameait Joeww,

elLtrraaMdar attsratfd to detain Ibwlhl-- f, hrtbe kn-- taker (We a and fie Into hue err.-- , wuerwhe wu Oakland by a auan, aud kreitad up fvrtr'ar. jj r

ALUaMuXiaivouT SiBViwr. aVarran.ilUaaaeUEun .., a,.., don Batiie.

!7'. " " t" iftrtAf.fmUet.-a-. of M. a! CTaZj2!Ti? .r w.Mpa. . in waa.tlaraWUI ttatWaJaliaa. ataa. .'. aIiswi smiv, aCt I. t"vl " dayo.rotwDarnnd ecknoeltdsed evTI .iL a!a" ?1'v"e the tWt,

raa-i- e tt a b.i4neatjiiioau wBoemp-eyeaae- m wu turdud op (or

1 n'liriau oiuLta uuviiwiatieete, DrnerK.a hint dealer, wu arrested yeetarday, ehatawd wl3--4

laiouvuai reowviaw a caaaa w we, wneen ea t la.aaetulen frren a grocery dora town, newuvekenbe-for- e

Justus Ouaaaobtv and oommHted forHon.

Bkcilim Dairiya. .Okokoc jTiiti.kt, afarmer, waa arrested veaterriev, charged eith rokWeiy drivtog over DaaiaaO. Lawia,of Ns. 14 Jenatret I, aad wu detained a iralt exanilnatlon.Titati ATtnaFain. A man named DArin

G. Wawar, wa rreetd on Satnrda, oharsyd withateallnglwo iiholoe-rapb- valued too. whle'i Ladkeen txeerd en exhibition at tbe fn't ft the A marl.cen Iietilite by Mr. Graear, of Unadway. Theitoperty wa fuuad In pnesiaaloa of lh aneuiied, aad

to ball by JuLoe Qvaoaaaana to ans-wer.

Atuniro Itiran Tiirara Ajinaerrn. OnSaturday morning Offioeta La nd Cuaaxu. arreatedend bro-ar- l'r Aldermen Baanv, three fcl'owaatned Jaaae Bamrt. Favarrei Keanoie aud Jon aWetjMi, wbo, u le on tee evening ptwvkme,I ad atolrn e plere of block tin from tee pier No. It,Feat rivrr, the I rr it of Mr. Wains L. Ciaaa, ofNo, II Scuth atrciL They were eommitted to theTombs.

L'acobt. Several daya alnre, raraictc Kin-t- v,

aror.4..yid b Mr. Baaasvr, a Kondnut, N. Y Itla a leffej, atnle tin ta money from bla amnloer,end dtoawjwd. A Cocetablecame from Rondout Inavarch of Par, and on Sunr offloer Golpxv A

the mlselng man and found In his pow-sm- n30 of tbe stub n money, and alao a new suit

of cMlxs. pT confeeaed th theft and wet lockedup.


fVaiaerior Coert.rtrter'i Ptnrit to U 10I for IM lcuit of ernil- -

iUirtA beam C. Imyion re. V'm H iltei Tr.1was an app iraqra 11 tie pia nrirj in thla case for areceiver, wtree dulr tt should bs ta take eharew tttbe par, adniat He affarra, and eej U out for thepayment of deMa ageiaet It.

Counaal for plaint fr rlealrwd that the ptatnOThlm-ae- lf

be erpolnfed u euch receiver br the irt, butIt waa tbjected that a ach a oeeedlng would b

that It we contrary to w I iabllebedprlnclpea g law, to al ow a litigant to be abto a re-ceive rui the una artiin. MAkat wu made thatthe lea Iver be allowed etxty or ninety da in whlohto wind up the cmoera, wbkh wa a'ao ooiected eo,awu w hiu, waa unwij dz-- q a lUri USa, atl4 CX- -Judge Cole, of th Marin Bmeh, wa agrtod uponuisostvsr.

7 Can 0 AeroWA The Ueneral Term oftlila Court convened strain to hear the e oelng argu-ment u the old forte oasc, tber n-- having beenaidndonttlB.eUUiehvit ereaion to hear R. The caneofBlariard wu first taken 111 , and on motion of theDlatrivt Attorney, the op nli of the Court cf Ap

ala wu made the optnluo of LLI Oourt in the caan,and the caee wu then ramaudtd to tne General Boa-le-o

fur new trial.Mr. D 1. FlaW thenpmreeded to malethe olnstng

argiitneatlnthecaaaolBeattv. th Palo Com- -miatdonera But little Intrrmt wu exhibltod In thmatter, and but few ejoctatora were preaent.

Cwamaaaa Fleas.A Cat of AUeotH BanHp.Ckri$tlm el

re. John Knit Thla wu an action for th of tie wife of the plaintiff, and wu origi-nally brought In the Si preroe Court In tbe Spring ofISM. Judgment wu obtain! aialnat I be defend-ant by default, and the Sheriff, jury sasaesed dam-age- e

at tSoO. Tbe defendant wu arreated Inupon the Judgment, ami oommltted t th

cell of Eld ridg at, Jail, where he hu retalied everalnce. Motion as bow mad todleohert, whichwu not oppoeed. Counsel for tbe uefendaat stated,upon raaklrg the mctlnn, that hla client had beenOut fined In Jail the whole tlme,hy a aoriee of neglects,of an aggravating eiuveoter, 00 the cart of theplain flh. It wae alierred, first, that they did not getthe Judgment docketed until some three month aftertt wu entered, and further, that he wu not chargedIn exccnUon until loag after tbe proper time. Theaedalaie, I wu aJeged, ware aiad purpuaely, to keeplee defendaiA In Jail, tbe plaintiff well snowing thathe coon not ay ue damage aaeasaea. Mottoqgran ltd.

For ramaiAdgr of Courtg, neat raxa.


'."; rt.f,A !"7 cf ftr1! Cotaeua A, daweh-- tir Hoot n, ef Patereeo, N. J. 11PIAZET-STIFF-A- ljo, at the eeme time. Ileary Y.


BROWS-O- et. 80th, Martha Jam Hrown, aantaterof Jvhn S. Broao, ated 14 ears, omenta end iwdale.

Her funeral will take plat- - thla CUondav) afternoon,at xo'iluck, from KJ alia rt. Tbe frlendi and rela-tlv-

era re.pprtfii!lv lnvlt4 to attend. Her raeaaieeWilli taken te Greenwood Ceraeleiy for Interment

aEKKFNOn Bunds merntnr, after a ehertlllaaee,rlar,iiauhterot Jol.n and Catlierlno Oerken, ate

Oh, thou pate eleeper. awake from th trsnee,t beer our aid hearts I y thy tiriatit lov let ibuiee1onRMttbv taie to lie under the mound,loo fair th form to eleep in the oold arouad.Ileatitl fid elai', tho' tlrou aoou most lelr.ldIn the rial k el eve, 'near h the eadepreee shadetree wbo le niereilul, evi 11 ae Joet,bull will watch over thee, tuardlny th duetlhertlatlvceand tbe family are rasaeet-full- r

intlte.1 teattewd her fiimral. thla fMondarl af--terorHin, at 1 oVI,m a, without further notice, from tkeriekliriceof her father, Oil 1 earth it. 171

KFLI.KY--AI CoalUland. Co. Tyrone. Ireland, Antlltb. al4l, IboiuaaP. K, del , anrehauLa native eft art 11 town lleiirbreen, Co. lrwla4,ued83 i I r lli- -r i.f Kb h.rd J. Keller, ef thl eity, aadof Cbarlre II. Krllr, of BreeeJrn, U I. ill

KFILY-4- m Bunder moraine;, Oct goth. after aehoiMllneer. Jaue, tha baluvvd w Ife of rtioruu Hail,

Dean .t mother, thou hut left usnan in. uaa aural. leei iBut tie llod that has bereft ua.Lie ran all our ai.rrowa beaL

Tlie frteeda of the family, aad these of her brother.Jenieelinee.andeL.oof Jameeaad Peter Kelly, arneprtirullylnvit-dt- a altend her funeral, thlalMsw-la- y

altemcon, et i e'rlovk, from ber late reeldeaor, 41Lanrenaet. Her remalaa U1 be tken to CaieeryCiaieter for Inttnueot til

Inid.atlSW Tklr.Ir third et , Uuiuey Murrey, a native of hells, OoantyMeatb.lreleud, a.ed M years. 14D

NLEBON-O- it. .unh, of eooeumptlnn, Ilaaaah H.Pli tut, a ife of Pal rt k Neeeon. ated X4 years.

Tbe frianrle of the fen,lly are respectfully Invited tand the funerel, on 1 uaadav afternoon, bt Norcea.

tr.atlMo'iloik, hum her late rreldenre, 17 SllthAva and from Uienee to Calvary Cemetery. 830

Ft RSELL-O- rt. tbth, Ann, relict of Pstrick BaaasILe4H leera.

'lb friindetif the fan.lly, alee tbiee of her eon-l-

law, Ramard Kouln, aud brotber-lri-la- John Rjaeeil.are reiperttuily iavlled toatteud bar fuaeral, tkleMinrUylkfrirnuon, el S oMie-k- , from her late

Sib Monroe tt, wllhuut further notloo. 114

8TKANO In ilrouklrn, on Saturday, Oct tVth, af-t- ir

a abort lut eevere litnees whlih eh bore wltlarbrlct'an realtnathn, Jane, wifo of Uuraoe Strang,eyed RT yeare and b months.

Her funeral will take place from her lete reeUeaoa,lk'bet Place, near Wlflounhbr etreet. BrooklynJaTueeday allernoon, November let, at t o'eleek. Tharelatlvee aud frieoda of tha family ar reoaeslftell In-

vited lo alteuJ, without further rnvltatloo. HaSPERRY-O-rt filh, AnebelU Sparry, eldest daaih-tr- r

cf Arlo aud Jueepklue Bperr, eed years, 4 mo.nd C da aHeeremalBawllllKtakan 10 WeodhrbU, Coon.

New Haiau pepeie ptvaaeovpy. 414