The Sun. (New York, NY) 1912-12-01 [p 7].

THANKSGIVING DREW CROWDS TO LAKEWOOD A Dance for the Visitors, Be- sides a Bound of Dinners and Luncheons. SOCIETY AT GOLF LINKS Fail Tournament a Double Suc- cess A "Know Your Neigh- bor" Dinner. Lakkwdod, N. J.. iov. SO. Knrly tlil reek the first of the holiday crowds com- menced to gather, nnd by Wednesday night nil the hotels were crowded. The Thanksgiving holidays furnished the first continued round of festivities of the sea-to- n and gave occasion for tho usual num- ber of week end parties, dances, dinners and luncheons. Tho annual fall coif tournament at tho Country Club was the star feature on the calendar of outdoor sport. It proved the largest in point of number of entrants and the best in quality that has yet been held. A number of luncheons and din- ners were given at the club during the progress of the tournament and the affair wns as much of an event socially as from the sportsman's standpoint. At the laurel Houka a Thanksgiving ilance was held Thursday evening which wnH attendee) by the patrons of tho hotel ami of the Iaurel-ln-the-Pln- and by irmny of the cottagers. A special musical programme wus given during the day, with. Gwyllyin Miles, tho Welsh bary- tone (tinging. I.ouis Hour I icq of Paris lectured on Tuesday at tho laurel House to a com- pany of about fifty members of tho I.ake-v.oo- d branch of tho Alliance Krancaise on "The Cathedral of France." Follow- ing the lcture Mrs. Frank Tllford enter- tained tho members of the society at sup- per. Tho election of officers was held at this meeting, and 'the following were chosen: President. Elbert F. Baldwin; first Mrs. Tunis O, Bergen; second t. Dr. William O. Schanffler; third William A Paton; secretary. Mile. Ceyette; treas- urer. Miss Marjorie Olover; board of administration, Mrs. Charles Lathrop Pack. Mrs. Elbert F. Baldwin. Mrs. Arthur E. Whitney, Mrs. W. Holand Cox and Miss Ferris. A "know your neighbor" dinner was civen by Charles Tack at tho Country Club, of which he is president. The object of the entertainment was to bring the men of the town closer together. mong his guests were Tunis O. Bergen, Lewis B. Stillwell. Elbert F. Baldwin, fir. Charles L. Mndley, William A. Paton, l rederick A. Potts, Clarence M. Roof, rthur E. Whitney, Dr. Irwin II. Hancn, Maxwell Lester, Henry O. Walker, Jas- per Lyach, A. J. Murphy, Walter C. O'Leary. Archibald D. Davis. David Paton. Sheppard K. De Forest, W. W Willock and Francis D. Hoyt. The doll show for the benefit ofthe district nurse fund was held Friday at the residence of Mrs. Oeorge Kales Baker. Dolls of every nation and every slie were on exhibit ion, and a large number of peo--p- le attended the show. A musical pro- gramme was given under the direction of Mrs. Arthur E. Whitney, the orchestras from the Laurel House and the Laurel in the Pines playing and several others taxing pan. Arrangements have been completed for the holding of the annual bazaar at All Saints Church on Tuesday. Tho musical programme is under the direction of Mrs. Walter Rush Bynner. Miss Ethel M. Wal- ker and Miss Edith Samson. Miss Beulah Pack and Arthur N. Pack of Williams College entertained a house party of ten over the week end nt La- throp Hall. Among the funotions of the week end was a dinner given Friday evening at the Country Club by Lewis B. Stillwell. Covers were laid for seven. Mrs. Oeorge J. Gould entertained a house party at Georgian Court over the week end. Mr. Gould and Kingdon Gould have been shooting in North Caro- lina. A dinner was given at the Laurel House Thursday evening by William A. Pren-dergas- t, who has been resting at the hotel for the past two weeks. Mrs. William B. Leeds is stopping at her residence on Madison avenue for weeks. The Marsh cottage on Forest avenue has been rented to Mrs. W B. Agnew of New York and the Dig-bro- w cottage on Forest avenue to Mrs. William Stearns. Now York arrivals at the hotels for the week are; f,aurol House George Or vis, Mrs. Eugene Yan Hchalok, Isaao Richards, Mr. and Mrs. A R. Allen. Dr. George A Taylor,Findlay 8. Douglas.W.C.SUphens, f Mr aod Mrs. J. G. McPherson. Robert L, Redfleld, J. W. Keene, H, P. Parsons, Mrs. E. H.Huyck. Laurel In the Pines James Barnes, Wulter Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Everett House, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Alpers. Judge and Mrs. Otto Kempner, Dr. and Mrs. W E. Hprague, Mr. and Mrs. James H, Angelo, Charles F. Larzelere, Miss Powers. Bartlett Inn Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Leon, n C. Walker. C. L. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs C. II. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Couu, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A . Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Angelo, Dr and Mrs. William Segolne. W. Hale, J. K. Burns, Mr.and Mrs. B.T. House. Oak Court Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Kpreckels, Miss Hester Harthlll, William J. nitchle, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Hig-gin- s, John H. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cox, Mrs, H. Hugan. Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Cata, William Toomey. , Islington T. D. Conklin, H. G. Ross-ma- n, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Halon, C. H. Gravatt, Charles Johnson, T.J. Corcoran, W. H. Randall. P. F. Brophy, Mr.and Mra. J. K. Ellis. John Gardiner. C. A. Ringer, CI. W. Palmer, C. Franks, H. L. Gregory. Carasaljo-M- r. and Mrs. B. 0. Chetwood, MIsh K.O. Robertson, MUs Mary L. Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Miss E. E. Kimball, Jack Kimball. Mrs. Bioknell, Miss L. Walsh, Grlswold L. Ely, Mrs. Helen 0, Warner, Miss Warner. Mrs. Charles H. Boas. Miss Jean E. Wilson, John 0. Hawkins, Miss Viola Hawkins, Miss Edith Hawking, MUg A. F. Harris. BASKING IN BERMUDA. lellorn TaklBsT Collates " Olfcers flaring Them for Winter Occp-7- . n.....r..K n.rmmlu. Nov. 15. Among I'nltril States are the 'rei nit and Mrs'ziba T. Moore of Philadelphia. Sir. Moor. U. fl.d of ''""'"JM. volt, and was witts him ramualkn for a ssoona nri-uun- . Moot sre st th. Frasratl Hotrt on the shore of the Flatts Inlet, opposite the' entrance 10 Harrington Sound, that large landlocked sheet of water which Is being converted Into the only salt water fishing preserve of Its kind In the world. Other visitors are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hlmpson and Mr. and Mrs. Alr.amora of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Tlckner of Morris Park; Miss Agnes V. Flnnegan, Miss May K. MrDerniotl. II. P. Conner anil Mlaft Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. McLaughlin of New York city. At the American House In Hamilton New York is represented by Dr. l. IMeirlrh. (I. H. w fluty and Mr. nnd Mrs, nrru reint. II. s. Uay. president or the Hoston Slock Kichange, Is here for a month's vacation, accompanied by his daughter. I hey are st the Shore Hills Hotel on the water side of the beach, near Ht. tleorce. Bermuda's ancient and most plcturcviuo town. A number of cottages are being rented for the season and more than one property In Bermuda has been purchased by citizens of the United States who see In Bermuda and its climate many charms that their own land cannot offer. The one feature In which Bermuda excels all other seaside resorts is Its absolutely micontumiuutcd atmosphere. The water supply Is the pure rain from an untainted sky. KallltiK on clean stone roofs, fre- quently coated with coral lime wash, the water runs iuto tanks hewn out of the solid white coral rock and cement lined. Careful tests reveal no impurities In this water, which each house and other residential building are compelled by law to possess. Thero are no municipal or publicly owned waterworks, although there has been con- siderable agitation with this object in view during the past year. The health of the coloney Is closely watched over by a general board of health, and In addition to this each of the nine parishes Into which the colony is divided possesses Its own local board of health. Quarantine officers closely investigate health conditions on board of ships coming to the islands. AT PINEHURST. First of the Motor Toarlsts Arrive br the Capital ItUhnay. PlNFHcnsT, N. C. Nov. so. Varied recre- ations in the open air are rounding out perfect days, utiail shooting vying with golf, tennis, riding and motoring In popu- larity. The formal opening of the Carolina to-d- finds over a hundred guests there, some of whom came as early as November ti. Thanksgiving Day was observed with religious services in the village chapel, a sweepstake golf handicap, dinner and cards at the Carolina In the evening. Among the visitors who will remain for some time are the ftev. Dr. and Mrs. David (Iregg. Miss Katherine Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. David Gregg. Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Yenawine, of Manhattan. Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Ilrlggs of East Green- wich are the first of the motor tourists to make the journey over the capital highway. They report the roads good and the trip was highly enjoyed by them. GENERAL NOTES OF SOCIETY. Continued from Second Page. left for a trip South. They will reside at sol West lSlst street on their return. Announcement was made last week by Mrs. Jnmes A. Moffet of "12 West Seventy-secon- d street of the engagement of her daughter, Miss Helen Seely Moffett, to Harold Oakley Barker. No date has been set for the wedding. A large reception was given on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Stuart McNamaru and her mother, Mrs. Theodore K. Wood, nt their home 495 West End avenue. Their a psrtnient wss decorated with pink and palms and they nere assisted In receiv ing by Miss Irene McNanmra of Washing ton, sister-in-la- of the hostess, Mrs. Al- fred Nlmlck, Mrs. K. V. Beinecke. .Mrs. Kdwln A. Strong and Mrs. C. It. Delenmter. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Gardiner will give a reception and dance at their home, West Ninetieth street, on Thursday. Among those who have taken tickets for the Urge card party to b- - given by the buterpe Club on ihursday at the Waldorf-Astori- a are Mrs. A. H. Jamison, Mrs. T. W. T. Cook. Mrs. James Doty. Mrs. Frank P Lent. Mrs, Albert Kchaefcr, Mrs. Kiln aril Marzo, Mrs. James Mornn, Mrs. William Corbiu, Mrs. Mary Barker, Mrs. Florence Foster Jenkins, Mrs. Frank Chlpman, Mrs, Mathew Briggs, Mrs. William Miller, Mrs. Leonard Fisher, Mrs. Holmes C. Walton, and the Misses Ida Judson and Kthel Cook. Mrs. Oeorge Brand Is chairman of the affair and there will be silver prizes for each table. Under the auspices of the New York county branch of the L'nlted Daughters of 1(12, State of New York, a pivot brldgu and euchre party will be given at the resi- dence of Mrs. John De Witt Warner, iku Lexington avenue, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Washington L. Msnn Is chairman of the arrangements and assisting her are Mrs. John 8. Roche and Miss Eva Tyler Brophy. The British Imperial Club, an organiza- tion of British women residing In New York, will give a large reception ut their new club- house, ion East Thirtieth street, on Saturday afternoon. It will be the first affair given by the club In its new home. Mrs. James Slater will entertain the f,ennx Whist CI ub at her home, 20 Fifth avenue. Among the members of the club are Mrs. John Kurrus, Mrs. Charles Chapman, Mrs. M. A. Poblnson. Mrs. Louts ,T, II. Somervllle, Mrs. Thomas Cervante, Mrs. John Collins, Mrs. Paul Kyle and Mrs. Robert Dyas. Mrs. Lambert Fish gave a large bridge nartv at hsr home.SOSWest Mnety-sevent- b street, on Monday. There were nine tables snd among the players were Mrs. Harold BIses. Mrs. Charles Bennett, Mrs. Stephen Farnum, Mrs. Frank Keery, Mrs. W. B. Schafsr. Jr.; Mrs. Fleming Dutch, Mrs. Kit ward Maxson, Mra. Charles Bussing, Mrs. M. E. Trendergast, Mrs. James Pruden Wright, Mrs. Ueorge llarrlman, Mrs. James Gleason. Mrs. Mlngel Lewis, Mrs. Henry Goffs. Mrs. Alfred Whlttaker, Mrs. Ueorge Btrauch. Mrs. llarley lanasay, Mrs. W. v.ilaar Pruden, Mrs. William Pouch. Mrs. James Black Blake, Mlsa Kvelyn Schaefer, Mrs. Addison Alien, airs. James raiterson, Mr.. Harry Itandell, Mrs. Frank Parker and Mrs. George Jeremiah. Mrs. George W. ilanna of 6t West Forty-sixt- h street will entertain at bridge on Wednesday at Delmoulco'a. Dr. and Mrs. Adolph H. Hundelson of 17:1 Madison avenue celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage last Sunday. Thev gave a reception In the afternoon and in the evening there was a musicals, followed by a supper. Among the guests were Dr. H, Shechter, Dr. snd Mrs1 Isldor Frledlander, Dr. Her bert Ilentwlch, King s Couiinel, of London Dr. and Mrs, Alexander Man. Mrs. H Haskell of Montreal and Mrs. M. Tamarkln of Ulpzlg. Germany. A roller skating party was given last TiiSMiuy evening at the Metropolitan Itluk by the young women of the t'otttt Guild, a charitable orgaiilrullon connected Willi the churf h of th Itedeemer on West Forty-fourt- h street. Among thoee preH-- nt were Mrs, George Frank, Mrs. Francis Armstrong , Mrs, llnbert tlrnhmn, Mr. Arthur Belluwcs, and the MIsh 'leua lluhra, Anna llohrs, Alice Wonilerllng, Funics Brady, Anna Tobln, Flnienco Henn, Alice Aduma, Anna llobenbeig, I'.UIe Hellnlnkcl, Ainandu Becker, Blanche Bryan, Minerva Robinson, Helen Gallagher and flsrtrud Gordon, E THE SUN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1912. SWIM AS SNOW FLIES Visitors At Anbury Turk New 9100,000 Nntatoriuni. TWO THEATRES AMI'KK IM'ojrressivo and Democratic Mcetings Scheduled for Next Month. AsBUnr Park, N. J.. Nov. 30. The novelty of swimming in warniod salt water whilo snowflakes mantled the boardwalk was enjoyed by a portion of Anbury Park's Thanksgiving visitors. Hundreds of guests from the Coleman House, Metropolitan, Marlborough, Grand Avenue nnd houses of lesser Importance who had taken advantage) of Asbury Park'B announced policy of lecomlng a winter resort spent tho holiday in such n delightful manner that many bookings were made for week ends In December. The city's fine new SIOO.OuO natatorium on tho boardwalk, which has been equipped for all the year business, had its big tiled swimming pool filled with a crowd summerllke In proportions, while hundreds utilized the private baths. The medicinal effect of salt water Is largely responsible for the regular patron- age of the pool and baths, the tonic effect of salt air and salt water being very Im- portant factors in the success of the "rest cure," but at holiday times many enter the pool for the Hake of the exercise and as a diversion. The city's public grounds commission, for the purpose of encouraging the Cole- man House and the Metropolitan in keeping thee) hoetelrles open all the year, has decorated the boardwalk with fes- toons af incandescents and provided several comfortable ocean observatories, all of them heated, equipped with rocking chairs, and one, on tho pier, has a liberal supply of current literature. Two excellent theatres, a sightseeing auto to Ijikewood. golf and bowling are diversions offered every day to hotel guests. Many miscellaneous entertain- ments of a high class will be provided during the winter season by local organ- izations, At tlx; Metropolitan Hotel last evening the Saturday Club inaugurated the first of a scries of six public musicales. Those who npjcared were Joseph Piwarello. pianist, of New York; Mrs. F. E. Furring-to- n of Yonkers, who demonstrated "Char- acteristic Elements of French Music"; Ethelyn Mora, whistler, and Arthur Parker, violinist, of Asbury Park. Boardwalk strollers this week were greeted with the announcement that Arthur Pryor and his band have been engaged to furnish the nuiMC all next season at the Arcade nnd that Pryor'a orchestra would bo ut the Casino, where the two organizations would be consoli- dated for tho Sunday afternoon and eve- ning erformances. Negotiations are now landing with Mr. Pryor to play at the Casino Easter Saturday and Sunday. A series of first class week end attractions from that period to the commencement of the regular summer programme on Me- morial Day Is now being arranged for Preparations are being made at the Metropolitan Hotel to banquet the Pro gresses of the State on December r. Quite a RHthennR of leaders is expected and Theodore has been Invited to attend. At the Coleman House on December 11 the Democratic State ex ecutive committee will have a jollification dinner. Asbury Park has been selected as the next meeting place of the National W. C. T. U Although th" seb'dons will not begin until October St next a meeting of the county members has been called at this place on January 13 to arrange for a proRrnmme of entertainment. Other conventions recently booked are those of the New Jersey Sunday School Association, the New Jersey Dentul Society, the Master Painters and Decora- tors, the Grand Encampment I. 0. O. F. and the Grand Council, Royal Arcanum. Recont arrivals at the Metropolitan from New York include: W. I). Victor Schrenkeiser, Mrs. W. J. Campbell, Mrs. C. Lipp.Mrs. M.Schmidt, H. A. Wiley, Ernest Thompson Seton, W. W. Hill, J. Jennings, James C. Field, C. C. Burger, Mr. and Mra. J. II. Noe, Henry Steinbach, L. Baer, Miss 1). Baer. New York arrivals at the Coleman House: J. J. McCabe and family, H. Willard Johnson, William H. Archlbold, George Everson, C. Mills, Joseph H. Tooker, Mrs. M. Cullen, John P. Kin- ney, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Donnelly, Thomas Llndeman, J. N. Hulihan, O. II. Lider-ma- n, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Tull. Arrivals at the Marlborough: Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Kingsland, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phelan, J. T. Stanley, Thomas D. Mackay, J. J. I each, Miss Hogan, Miss S. Flynn, O. B. Yale, Mr. and Mra. G. Fox, E. N. Curtis, O. Woelker, Loyd Evans. TflNTEB RESORTS. n.ORIDA. F LORIDA "TOff. MtasrT iakl Hotel Clarendon SEABREEZE. DAYTONA STATION, "KsK (.'out." l.ledmr-llroathsOces- i snd His rsmous Orsih. OI'KN JAN. Oolf ( hoist, ons ot th belt eotirttt Is th. South), Tennis, Motorlns, llor.etxek .a llathlni. riihtni. ritlm. Iiml. tin offlM.UM liroEdtMtT, Nw York, or "ft.b Ub. rnmi.1 I'fsttron Balldln fi.w York. WM B. SENHKT llansfor. Snnnurr Mtnu.rsl Tho Mount Wathlnilon. BKBTTO.N WOODS. N. U. MIAMI ri.OUIDA. The San Carlos One tilocb from Pay snd business district: 76 room, wttn priiaii oains nrsi rurni.nrii in cur, KM upward per day. V. N. tlltNKV, Prop. FORT DALLAS IIOTKI,. llnilrr new mana(enient, Central location, One block from lis) . Iliumlnr water In all rooms, .Superior table and while Mrrvlre, Hales W.W per day up. K. - UKCKAR. SOtTII CAROLINA. HOTEL DARK the DINES I AIKEN, I S. C. Fltmous For Its Htalthful Climate A. V.. DICK, Proprietor Opca December to April lltfe 3 Golf Courses, Tennis, Riding. Driving, Hunting Fer lllittrttid Bmkttt inj lutttmtlim AUmt New Vrk Otrlct. UM IrMiwsr WINTER RRflORTfl. NEW YORK.. Country Mfe Within a Half I'onr or the (irand Ctntral. COUNTRY RECRI2ATION COMFORT HOTEL GRAMATAN t.anrfnr t'arlt. Hronittllr, N. V. Laac lilaaa. Th Meat Attractive Oaiintry Hetsl Artlacsnt ta New York City- - Garden City Hotel GARDEN CITY. L. I. ' Siaolal Wlntir Rat. Oa ft the mntt tirluslve country hotels In Amf rlra.Gnlarrcd and lmprorod-capac- ltr doublitd thu y ar. A combination nt rountrr life and metropolitan notrl tutury retdom fouad. Krrry outdoor and Indoor amuta-ntrn- t. U mile from Now York, rlrrtrlo train f rvlce. St minutes. Writ for Illustrated booklet aid rataa. J. J. LANNIN CO.. Propt. MRVT JRRIET. The Mitt Unique Cluntrj Club in America Woodland Country Club ON LAKK SIIAMONG Midway between Lakewood and Atlantic City In Hie heart of I.OOOxmare miles of Plnr I'oreal Ith the lr Temprr-at- e Atinosphereof North Carolina. I!mr attrartlon of Forfl and Strram All Outdoor Sports, tiolf, Trnnl. rlc. and Indoor Amusfmrnt... A larre modern. uh.lantliilly built Cluhlioute nrtm nunimim nultr. and prliatr haths. Ural Koiilhrtu I'ooktnc, llarhdor ( Itibhoutc eparatr. Cluh Mrmbcro Ihroiifhout t'nltd Statr anil Cmiada. The moit Altrartlio Club Plan rrr tlf lnl for thr brnrnt of Urm-brr- s. Abolutrlj- - nrw. unique and Inn- - to lhoe who qiiallf Tor particu lrns. etc.. ddrrs THE SECRETARY New York Offlcr. .Sull- - 430. Marhrldte nidr.. llroadsav cor. 3lih .St. Tel. tirrrlrj' MM. Asburj rark. Spend an IDEAL WEEK-EN- D Holiday at North Jersey'a Best Winter Resort. Excellent Hotel Accommodations $3 a day, American Plan. 40 Boarding Houses Always Open, Weekly rate $8 to $15. SALT WATER POOL and Baths Open All the Year. Two Miles of Boardwalk, Heated Sun Parlors and Ocean Observatory. Golf. Fishinr Theatres. Fineat Motor Roads. For information send stamp to 900 Boardwalk. Atlaatlo C117. tVarlboTOudbienMiit ATLANTIC CITT, N. J. Jailab Whin (ions (.oinpany. BERMUDA 1 Homilfnii I IJLCllllll iv i a Hotel BERMUDA Reopen December 9, 1912, for the Winter season, after having been ren- ovated and Improved. New York Office, 389 5th Ave. Management of Wm. A. BARRON. Also Summer, Crawford Hoiis. Crawford Notch, N. H. Spend the Winter Where the Oleanders Bloom. Krfrjr ronvrnlcnce of a tlrtt-rla- r modern Hotel. t'nsurpasMd iilUlnr. I'lneH tennis courts In the Islands, rroquet, ilrlMnc, salllnt, bathlnr. Nplendld ualli. (In tne ltlhlncN. unposlto Itamlllon Itootns lartr, light anil iilry. Murroundln( in nio .lum-iii- r in tH'rniuua. itair. nuisi reasonable for ervlce and accommodation".. K. II. CAKLISI.I Hamilton, llerrauda. Hotel Fraecatl ni'RMIIIlA'S IDKAI.I.Y I.Ol'4THI HOTPI On Ilarrlnctim Sound Kith the ocean liJ yards away. All outside rooms Willi nnd llhnui baths. Hot and cold fresh unci sea water liathn In the house. Finest awlmmlnar, canoeing; and Milling un llftrrinsion nuumi. itivhio livrr. Alurrr ran plan, best table In llerrauda. Write for book' let sud lermil to AIXINO PI'.NISTON, I'rasratl Ilermuda. Postage A rents. TO LET ri'RNIHIIKH HER MUD A. Homes for the Winter SO elegant placet to choose from in all parts of Bermuda. Sites Beautiful. rurntshlnsjs Complete, Surroundings Sanitary. rrlces Most Seasonable rilKO'K A. IT II IT K. Hamilton. Bernaada. Cable Addrr.s Ileal lljlalc. rotltf It reari. Charming- - Bermuda Cottage W CSTUKIIi:. In the cltv of llainlltiin. Sl.'ii.i r,,r sea.on of seven months. Piilly furnished, Pour brdrnnins, parlor, llhiary. tllntnit roum, h.uli. kitchen, pnnlry, llomatrr, acetylene gas, upper nnu inner vriuiiaii5tii inu ships, inw lis, scrvnnis roomg. Fifty otjier furnished cottages, su lo im. Mis tiltOSVIINOU TL'CKISIl. Hamilton. nereMiils, Postsg" r rents. ' AMUSEMENTS. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY Carntf it Hall SYMPHONY Friday Eva.. PHOTO Daa.l3,atli30 tre'niln DRAMA r. w. urn 'HUT!.: rTKti'N iKtoro rnnrr.Hs or photo pi.asthi t'.rFix-i.- in natural color LIFE. JOHN BUNY AN A NO Pilgrim's Progress !NTi:iti'iti;T i;t n Russian Symphony Orchestra MOIIKST ALTHCMCLLR. Condartor Till 'Ml' KM'M'IAM.Y ADAfn'MtYmt Tllli sriur.cT iiv moiih.vt'IHM.kii llrkrts. .Vc tnll.M), llutcn, SI2 and IIS. on Ml at lion Oilier Thurs. lire. MM. Mali orit'ri mini from lntc. Addrr MOC'll-sTirrri'- i' ( ii., n t:nt i:ib ml CA II N KU I E HAM, Violin Thars.Aft.ata- - Recital Dec. YSAYE In a Wonderful Programme Seats iiotr on .sir at Ho nfflie. chlrkerlnc 1'iann, Mana(emrnt 11. 1;. Jimnston. ORATORIO larlety af New Tark Founded l Or. I.tofld Dtmrtirli In lf,i Condueior: President Leals Kaemsaealch Aadran carnagla Carneile Hill. withN.Y flymphonr Dee. 3. 1. II. nrcbestra.Cholr nf M I'ror.sslonal renal Elijah Hesereed Stats, tncr. caoru of Tor. to : 00. JOT Trained Voices. Ut.s Florence Blail'. .Soprano; Ulss Msrcsrrt Eeyes, Contrslto; Mr, Paul Altliousr Teaori Ur. Clareace WhltehlU. Bass. CARNEOIE HAM.. (Hot Offlce Open Tn.MIAUT at W 1 VI Ht.lO. NEWMAN TDllfCI Til Ji:i'iMt'('oi"r,icw!. 1 im ikL 1 rikno and Mi'tlon rictures. I'Ol't't.AK I'MICIW, " SWITZERLAND " !Sc to II. M. Carnegie Hall, Frl. Aft., Utr, Oth, at .T. r.RNKST SCHELLING piano hi:uti.. Tickets 7- Sim, SI.W, .ui. noir at Ifall. Met. Wolfnohn Il'ircnu. STIMNWAY PIANO. matinici: ur nc.w misic. AKOI,lN II M. I,. Wed.. Dec. II, at .1. Madrlcal Sin ton r?Xr Ann Swinburne ; Francis Rogers Elman Carpenter 'IliLeu 75 ct. to s;.ij non at Kox Office. IIKIUSCO TIIKaTltl 41th HI., nr H uay. TWO MATINEES Mnni! Feb'. Barrere Ensemble ("h.i'nber Muslo for Wind Iptnliurnl v CLASSIC AND MODERN COMPOSITIONS Sub.St. 12. si. i'.,. Hainmn.vm'. IMIhhl. Helasco Theatre, to Recitals. ISABEL HAUSER SASLAVSKY STRING QUARTETTE i miav i: i:im.s. line, n n.B. 9 a. hlnrle .eaulMW, Sl.on, .Sots, ai Ifaenel 4 Jones. M W. d Sit, AKOI.IAN nl.l Mod. All., Her. , mt .1 SONI1 lie. to SI.M umi'it'xl EASLEY uanarem 1 IIUNNA Charlton. ixuaon r.OI.IAN HAI.I.. Mun. All.. Her. a. at .1. iirrnai ay ms si 10 u. llrllllanl Amer- ican Manacom't Contralto, GAHIER iiuaon Uailsme I'hnrles Chart Kin. . Dflfll TRV CUnm ;mc1 Ceatral "i'alar?. w.b.... wiiun i.PV Av. nrt st. rounry. rirenns. Pel stock, Noiublrds. All Ihl. n.y a nil ernlni. KtiCL-la- l rai 'Jhtblt Wed.. TiiiiM. and Prl. .See the "Happy !.?'.''' ' oaDycmi naicnine. Aamission, toe, 1 litldren, 2ic. INSTHCCTIO.N. NEW YORK New lark City. Dancing Both a is. MR. OSCAR DURYEA Tuition in Aesthetics, Dtndn and Deportment. SALONS DE DANSE, 47 W. 72d St Alsn SBK nnd lit West lJ3d Street. UALL.ROOM hClTi: toil RENTAL. 'i ti. 3tl and am Columbus. Language Hath sjeiaa, FOUNDED 117 1. KTKIIN'.N SCflOOl, OF LANGUAGES Ml Uadlson At near 7lla at, XO West 73d St. Laaruaraa taught In classes or prtestelr. Bastaess CallagM. UValuinrr " InsUtuts.Brsssasr Tti St nSIWnnn (tcnoaraahy. Bookksislni. or.t.ri. Count, Clllterlce New csutsi nstr IVINTKK KKsORTtt. NORTH CAROLINA. IpinrhuitsT -- MonTM rtnoi.iNA Ixta Centre of Winter Ufa in the Middle South 1 The only resort having Hire IB hair- - and on O hole practice Coir Course., and each up o ha highest point of excellence 'n natural condition and upkeep, celebrated among golfers everywhere. Country Club. n.0ro Acre Private Shootlnr Preserve. Trap Shooting, line Uvery of Saddle Horses. Model t)alry. T-- n. nls Courts. Splendid Ctav Tennis Courts. Frequent luumamrnts, (JooJ Auto Roads within a radius nf M miles or more. etc. 4 Splcudld lintels. 10 Cottages, llolli Inn. opens Janusry JOth: tlerkthtrt and llartartt Jan. lith. THE CAROLINA NOW OPEN. .Vo (.'onsumpftMi Htctttt-- t at flmnuril Through Pullman Serviu to Pine-hur- t' via Staboard Ar l,im run Information ,'IM:ilURST tlENKHAI, tllTII'l I'lnthurit. N. C. er LCUNAKH TUTIS lloston. Mass. Tryon, OAK HALL. 1 It VON. N. C. txirated In famous Thermal licit: beautiful mountains surrounding; private baths; electrlj lights; sun parlors: large verandas: tennis, drlvln and horseback riding: excellent cuisine. KUtiKNIi imoWNl.KL', Unnaglug Ulrcctur, (JKOKIJIA. Hotel Bon Air AUGUSTA, CA., Opn December lllh Why wit spend jour hulldavs there! Tun tlnn golf ismrses. Ix'Siillful chili linuse. escllent driving ntul mo- - torlng, fhootlug and all out dmir siioitn. Addraga C. C I RUSSr.LL,, Matnngen AMt'SEMENTfl. a BB) SL AjfU.. CONCERTS IQ.DAY ail and Hi!?. B'WAY A 1ITI1 HT. Phone Mlnvtcsant. TIIH NKNSATION Or At'DI.VII.I.i: Ml.tx Kathryn Kidder presenting her famous creation, (he character vi nans i.rne in inr ur niniiri rninicu -- rill'. WASMIIUWUMAN llf l'HIWH." CLIFF APOLLO TRIO Most Powerful Alh- - GORDON letes In the Worhl; The (lerman Orator. STEPP, ALLMAN & KING LINDEN ttarinnny tt Kun. BECKWITH RUTH RAYNOR Magnetic MMress Plalers. "tVhftt Hap. s.f Melody, pened In llcwini 4t " Adeline Franrl's time Mullrr Trio" ""DIAMOND & BRENNANSYU"' In "NlrTY NONSI'.NSP 7TII AV. A I2TH ST. Phone 6O1XI Morning. i'Aiti:wi:i.L APPKAitANci: or ADA REEVE LONDON'S (IRKATI'-H- COMnDIP..VNi:. ED. WYNN BETH STONE a i:dm. ul'sson. i imti HARRY FOX & !KftrWp In Their Well Known .Specialties. THREE KEAT0NS G0RD0Nlt MARX lnghltn'a'nags l IllanchVuloan FLORENCE ROBERTS A Players In "The Woman Interienes." ,M,M ti'd'n). has. Ncit HARLEM OPERA HOUSE ...r caisio rsirn m:c dlUli VU. OftllO VJt.l'tC. CENTURY TH EATR E said. MILS. ITAYS Chairman, takes TITANIC GREAT PROGRAMME UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE THEATRICAL MANAGERS Includes "Joy (iluom" Uiismui. il.i, Mrs, with Klsher Co., presented Mrs. Henry Harris, Win. raicrshaiu I'cillla balcony scene from "HoineoA Juliet":: Miss lllllle lliirte, Mnie. .Mmeinc. Viola Allen. Add. M.i'uhau William Collier "Plaimphlend"." John Masun, ranrls Wilson, "Delphlne Chorus. Pred Walton Prances Carnival Number from Trio from Philharmonic: Madame and her closing slth Allrirnrv "I'lnu Sea." Pdlth MatthIOII. (jladVS Hansun Kuttl tlcnls 10U) others entire choir from St. PalrlcU's UN'DI'.lt THi: DiltnCTION of n C TMi:.TItl'..2JTHSTlli:m'. MADISON AVi:. MADISON. u i',vi:NiNt:s matini:i:s sat. ::ts. m.sW THIRD TRIUMPHANT WEEK rnm .tiaillona and human conception choir nann piaing scneme darilon the performance nMCsfira thnHarhtftll and scholarly interpretation." "Keller his best Tribune Cast has. anipneii, Isohcl PRICES Hrrhcslra l.ntlre METROPOLITAN TO-NIG- HT GODOWSKY S). CJHAND 'The Ureal Pianist ,ALr1l'r,HT KK,A.!f:.H:ilv' OUCHKSTHA. Cond.. morrow Magic riulr. Destlnn, Parks. Homer, Alten: SlezaU. Ijinkow. OorlU, Grlswold. Itelss. Conductor. HerU, Wed. 7?u. lioetterdaemmeruns. rrrmstad. Homer. Pornla; HurrUn, Cirlsnuld, Oorltz. Conductor, Hem. Ihurs. Lesrant. Duchenei Caruso, Seoul, Segurol.i, Conductor. Polacco, Frl. Destlnn, llnmeri Jorn, Well, tiorltz. llel.s. (Jrlsnold. Hltishaw. Conductor, Hertz. Sat. Mat. Fanst. Parrar. rornla; Slezak. (Illlj, llolhler Conductor. Hturanl HAHUMAN PIANO CSIII), METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Neil Afternoon AHI-LIM- The Incomparable Dancer assisted by VOI.INIM. Tlallrt and full SYMPHONY ORCIICS FHANKIt Conductor, that man clous lth Dance. Keiirouett.,,. "LaCamargo" nd "'Xft:"'" "Rabarl La Dlabia" an.fMMIsiorth of and original l.ouls XV. Furniture. and Tickets Ml cts. liiincs VS. Ho. Its. Now llox OfBcc. Mgment (JARNKfi LI.. PHILHARMONIC SOCH'.TV OP NI'.W YORK. JOSEF STMNSKY on. Tllli AF1 KRNOON AT HAPF. Symphony No. "Ironore": riRt'CH, Air "Penelope," from Odysseus: .MASSI'.NIIT, Suite "Scenes Alsaclennes": MIINDIIUSSOHN, Hzcerpts from "Midsummer Night's Dream," SOLOIST MMK. SCHUMANN HEINK Tickets cts. II.M, Office. AI'.OLIAN HAI.I, 43d Wednesday, December IB, H:15 M. "THE MESSIAH" Walter Henry Hall Conductor Orchestra. Select Choir 134 Volres. Lillian Hlsuiell, Pearl Henedlct-.lone- .. Han Beildoe. Pntnam flrlsnolil tMet. Opera House). Iknes seating Sliai. rtesericd seats,, no, On sale bos offlce, Aeolian Hall, SYMPHONY Society New York, WALTICH UAMROSCII. Condartor Aeolian 1. .'14 H. 43d tit. Ibis Afternoon ntnlgaglla. Overture "l-- a ItarutTe Chlot-zotln- ": lleethoen. "Cmperoi" Concerto Symphony No. V ftSfltoea I A L S T 0 N y X Seals els, loll Hiu Office. Helasco Theatre. Sunday Kvgs. JO. Sonata Violin Piano Dec. 15. Jau. Ill, Teb. Works llrahma, lleelhnvcn. Carpeii-tr- r. Mason, Miusrt, raterJ, Tsrtlnl. St, U.&n, t:m. Hacnsel Jones, 43l St. At:ol,lN llll.U Mon. Lie., Dec. Mil CLONZALEV I ui'ainr.T In. Itanagcii'riit U)l'IION 1'IIA 'IliN Kl'.l.r.V IIICATIti:. St.. .'.lli Air, MAT csso.i ii.i.'ilai sir. I'lllDAV Iclcelm SZUMOWSKA Sl.ui and 7ftv. ,vnw Mgt ANTON HAWVUII, lr. llmadHn) at. afkTs Week ot Dec. 2A, MAT. DAILY, II'H'AY KM Nl Plmnc i:,J I'uliimbus. CEC L ALOFTUS AI.I.X.V and M.mi llUur i.ii;m,i ik.-m.- in r.iiiin m:n, Dorothy Brenner "Frerl & Joe (satellite Dtiprcz aiiii:mii:iiu iiitouicits lltlMnft'll, MMtl.Pl'lllll. MASON & KEELER Parruell Appearnme IV OtT iMi's'i:Nii:tt im:hs rhlrrn Picks t.Mlla Allilnn. WII.LIASI hi hi: ROCK & FULTON Spectacular Song ami D.mre, 31) AV AND HiriTI ST. Phone ,V'I7 MelrO'C. Till. NAWILPON Ol IIASIIIIAI.I.. JOHN McGRAW .Miinnlngui' Inside llaseh.ill, donovan & four Mcdonald rianqs Mi in VXVI. NORTON & NICHOLSON jLote Winter InJ'.Ma'a light.- - nm.iii tiarrv iireen. lhree Parrel Mter: I.edlger. BELLE BLANCHE Iinltatloiis, phi. ".1AI.OMY J AN FRIDAY, DEC. 6, btfilns 1:30 rnicics irWAKDs) MEMORIAL Cathedral. MIt. HANII'.L rnOriMAN. TO 25TH TIME of the Melan merit. tjpr: mm. "Nolhlnr hut rood All thr cast did admirable nors Ulntie. "Extremely staged and cos. turned. Audience appreciated the acilnff."--Tlm- Theodore Roberts. Amelia fiardner. Metensnn. dnurd Slachav. Margaret !rs.Wffl e. rn r f , ..s m:i,k or "IVIAUAIVIC AMI'XKMKNTM. JOHN HAMMOND, pleasure In announcing TUB PnWOMANSf BENEFIT A N. Y. A nmellle lj nn fc a nen- - net Mai U" Alice ft by II. Mr U l.nftus lteee.i;cu. ft llh Ten I Prank Mclntvre ft his Cameron m Ith o Chorus "l.uiembourg;" Natlmuva Co In One Act Comedy An the tvlth Wl mie .M. and u Ith . -- i f KT PIIONH 67 AKULIN :is. wkdnp.sday V LW lUm h lo ine 01 inr has astonishing i m .is .sr fr Sun at A. I hi Polish . i:.NTIIti: itoriiMi'.Yi:ii. I ii. at s. at Well. at 8, Mannn H rrl. at 7). Melsterslnger. at at '!. GENEE ' M. a a 1 . II A N In reniury , genuine Nettings Mcenerj. , to a. Sir, ft at It, K. Johnston. I I'. II A j .'I. S. M to at Hoi 34 West St. P. Pull nf e, SI 75 at of Ne at :i for Piano: Hrahias, 4, an .HI at at A Recitals I . by Subscriptions. A '. V. I. fl I, .)c. ll a ill nr. . si ' al :i. IT 1 at I . ft as t) i.s i i " AMI " " i A In n on i A nf All I I In I . 18TH rnnir . sm oaii he In " ell Includes I f in t I In A In r rtf A a 1t A - - a ' ft i ineouore iiamiuon. isarsey iiraoan, Mernn and flft ntbers. 7.V.. l.l)0. I.SO. Balcony JSC. Bc. Waller), a Sc. BELASC0 TnKlTRK. West 44th St. nreulnir. a Si) Matinees lhur. ft Nat. 530. LAST 3 WEEKS DAVID HELASCO nresents FRANCES STARR In a new play by KHWAItn I.O0KK. The Case of Becky REPUBLIC IIIKslltK. Hest 4'Jd t. DAVID URLASCO ....Sole Manager evenings 8 li. Matinees Wed. A Sat. ::1S. LAST 5 WEEKS William Elliott A Daild Helasco pretest THE GOVERNORS LADY A Play In 3 acta and an epilogue la "Chlldt" by ALICE UKADI.UV. NOTE: Enfaitment potlHetly jm Jtn. 4. Stab noil for ell ptrjormtnets. THEATRES 5 caMarjmTWiMFf oecmmyoMtmowm lud Week of Ihc Scawm's hcnsalloiiHl Siio-ck- s MADAME ? The Mysterious tiiand Opera Star, uho I'ti all New York al her rcct. The Orealrsl Coloratura Soprano In Vaudeville PAT R00NEY & VAN & SCHF.NCK III NliApHV Hiiiir. MARION BENT "At the NeHsstand." SW0R & MACK The l.tmnv Apnl I... BERT LESLIE THE BEHRENS k Co. hi ihc bo renin, Musical liulertalner.'i. I in if an nn raiti;fr L0ZAN0 TK01JPE" Pcrter J. White Ainerlcan Deb'!: ft Co. In the thrilling U T0V BK0S. one art play, "Scandal ' Acrobats of Note. l91',filv The Mniisra of Wholewiiue i:nter I AdnrathAv tainmenl, Catering to the Classes KaTll ljr. ana Masses. 'Phree Hours of Solid I i:nJomeut four times dally from t 12571 JOE WEBER'S THEATRE, B'way ,29tl TO-NIG- AND i.rsi 'I'm Ice Pally, 5..HI ft ato. ni'.v'Kiii.t n. Douns ATOP OF THE WORLD IN MOTION Depleting Wonders of lh Par North Plrsl Time In T

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, NY) 1912-12-01 [p 7].

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1912-12-01 [p 7].



A Dance for the Visitors, Be-

sides a Bound of Dinnersand Luncheons.


Fail Tournament a Double Suc-

cess A "Know Your Neigh-bor" Dinner.

Lakkwdod, N. J.. iov. SO. Knrly tlilreek the first of the holiday crowds com-

menced to gather, nnd by Wednesdaynight nil the hotels were crowded. TheThanksgiving holidays furnished the firstcontinued round of festivities of the sea-to- n

and gave occasion for tho usual num-ber of week end parties, dances, dinnersand luncheons.

Tho annual fall coif tournament at thoCountry Club was the star feature on thecalendar of outdoor sport. It proved thelargest in point of number of entrantsand the best in quality that has yet beenheld. A number of luncheons and din-ners were given at the club during theprogress of the tournament and the affairwns as much of an event socially as fromthe sportsman's standpoint.

At the laurel Houka a Thanksgivingilance was held Thursday evening whichwnH attendee) by the patrons of tho hotelami of the Iaurel-ln-the-Pln- and byirmny of the cottagers. A special musicalprogramme wus given during the day,with. Gwyllyin Miles, tho Welsh bary-tone (tinging.

I.ouis Hour I icq of Paris lectured onTuesday at tho laurel House to a com-pany of about fifty members of tho I.ake-v.oo- d

branch of tho Alliance Krancaiseon "The Cathedral of France." Follow-ing the lcture Mrs. Frank Tllford enter-tained tho members of the society at sup-per. Tho election of officers was held atthis meeting, and 'the following werechosen: President. Elbert F. Baldwin;first Mrs. Tunis O, Bergen;second t. Dr. William O.Schanffler; third WilliamA Paton; secretary. Mile. Ceyette; treas-urer. Miss Marjorie Olover; board ofadministration, Mrs. Charles LathropPack. Mrs. Elbert F. Baldwin. Mrs.Arthur E. Whitney, Mrs. W. Holand Coxand Miss Ferris.

A "know your neighbor" dinner wasciven by Charles Tack at thoCountry Club, of which he is president.The object of the entertainment was tobring the men of the town closer together.

mong his guests were Tunis O. Bergen,Lewis B. Stillwell. Elbert F. Baldwin,fir. Charles L. Mndley, William A. Paton,l rederick A. Potts, Clarence M. Roof,

rthur E. Whitney, Dr. Irwin II. Hancn,Maxwell Lester, Henry O. Walker, Jas-per Lyach, A. J. Murphy, Walter C.O'Leary. Archibald D. Davis. DavidPaton. Sheppard K. De Forest, W. WWillock and Francis D. Hoyt.

The doll show for the benefit ofthedistrict nurse fund was held Friday atthe residence of Mrs. Oeorge Kales Baker.Dolls of every nation and every slie wereon exhibit ion, and a large number of peo--p- le

attended the show. A musical pro-gramme was given under the directionof Mrs. Arthur E. Whitney, the orchestrasfrom the Laurel House and the Laurelin the Pines playing and several otherstaxing pan.

Arrangements have been completed forthe holding of the annual bazaar at AllSaints Church on Tuesday. Tho musicalprogramme is under the direction of Mrs.Walter Rush Bynner. Miss Ethel M. Wal-

ker and Miss Edith Samson.Miss Beulah Pack and Arthur N. Pack

of Williams College entertained a houseparty of ten over the week end nt La-

throp Hall.Among the funotions of the week

end was a dinner given Friday eveningat the Country Club by Lewis B. Stillwell.Covers were laid for seven.

Mrs. Oeorge J. Gould entertained ahouse party at Georgian Court over theweek end. Mr. Gould and KingdonGould have been shooting in North Caro-

lina.A dinner was given at the Laurel House

Thursday evening by William A. Pren-dergas- t,

who has been resting at the hotelfor the past two weeks.

Mrs. William B. Leeds is stopping ather residence on Madison avenue for

weeks. The Marsh cottage onForest avenue has been rented to Mrs.W B. Agnew of New York and the Dig-bro- w

cottage on Forest avenue to Mrs.William Stearns.

Now York arrivals at the hotels for theweek are;

f,aurol House George Or vis, Mrs.Eugene Yan Hchalok, Isaao Richards,Mr. and Mrs. A R. Allen. Dr. George ATaylor,Findlay 8. Douglas.W.C.SUphens,

f Mr aod Mrs. J. G. McPherson. RobertL, Redfleld, J. W. Keene, H, P. Parsons,Mrs. E. H.Huyck.

Laurel In the Pines James Barnes,Wulter Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Everett House,Mr. and Mrs. George W. Alpers. Judgeand Mrs. Otto Kempner, Dr. and Mrs.W E. Hprague, Mr. and Mrs. James H,Angelo, Charles F. Larzelere, Miss Powers.

Bartlett Inn Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Leon,n C. Walker. C. L. Morgan, Mr. and MrsC. II. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Couu,Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs.Joseph A . Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Angelo,Dr and Mrs. William Segolne. W. Hale,J. K. Burns, Mr.and Mrs. B.T. House.

Oak Court Mr. and Mrs. Walter L.Kpreckels, Miss Hester Harthlll, WilliamJ. nitchle, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Hig-gin- s,

John H. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.Cox, Mrs, H. Hugan. Mr. and Mrs. EnriqueCata, William Toomey. ,

Islington T. D. Conklin, H. G. Ross-ma- n,

Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Halon, C. H.Gravatt, Charles Johnson, T.J. Corcoran,W. H. Randall. P. F. Brophy, Mr.and Mra.J. K. Ellis. John Gardiner. C. A. Ringer,CI. W. Palmer, C. Franks, H. L. Gregory.

Carasaljo-M- r. and Mrs. B. 0. Chetwood,MIsh K.O. Robertson, MUs Mary L. Phelps.Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Miss E. E.Kimball, Jack Kimball. Mrs. Bioknell,

Miss L. Walsh, Grlswold L. Ely, Mrs.Helen 0, Warner, Miss Warner. Mrs.

Charles H. Boas. Miss Jean E. Wilson,

John 0. Hawkins, Miss Viola Hawkins,

Miss Edith Hawking, MUg A. F. Harris.


lellorn TaklBsT Collates " Olfcers

flaring Them for Winter Occp-7- .

n.....r..K n.rmmlu. Nov. 15. AmongI'nltril States arethe'rei nit

and Mrs'ziba T. Moore of Philadelphia.Sir. Moor. U. fl.d of ''""'"JM.volt, and was witts himramualkn for a ssoona nri-uun-


Moot sre st th. Frasratl Hotrt on

the shore of the Flatts Inlet, opposite the'entrance 10 Harrington Sound, that largelandlocked sheet of water which Is beingconverted Into the only salt water fishingpreserve of Its kind In the world.

Other visitors are Mr. and Mrs. EdwardHlmpson and Mr. and Mrs. Alr.amora ofBrooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Tlckner ofMorris Park; Miss Agnes V. Flnnegan, MissMay K. MrDerniotl. II. P. Conner anil Mlaft Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. McLaughlin ofNew York city. At the American House InHamilton New York is represented by Dr.l. IMeirlrh. (I. H. w fluty and Mr. nnd Mrs,nrru reint. II. s. Uay. president or the

Hoston Slock Kichange, Is here for a month'svacation, accompanied by his daughter.I hey are st the Shore Hills Hotel on thewater side of the beach, near Ht. tleorce.Bermuda's ancient and most plcturcviuotown.

A number of cottages are being rented forthe season and more than one property InBermuda has been purchased by citizensof the United States who see In Bermudaand its climate many charms that their ownland cannot offer.

The one feature In which Bermuda excelsall other seaside resorts is Its absolutelymicontumiuutcd atmosphere. The watersupply Is the pure rain from an untaintedsky. KallltiK on clean stone roofs, fre-quently coated with coral lime wash, thewater runs iuto tanks hewn out of the solidwhite coral rock and cement lined. Carefultests reveal no impurities In this water,which each house and other residentialbuilding are compelled by law to possess.Thero are no municipal or publicly ownedwaterworks, although there has been con-siderable agitation with this object in viewduring the past year. The health of thecoloney Is closely watched over by a generalboard of health, and In addition to thiseach of the nine parishes Into which thecolony is divided possesses Its own localboard of health. Quarantine officers closelyinvestigate health conditions on board ofships coming to the islands.


First of the Motor Toarlsts Arrivebr the Capital ItUhnay.

PlNFHcnsT, N. C. Nov. so. Varied recre-ations in the open air are rounding outperfect days, utiail shooting vying withgolf, tennis, riding and motoring In popu-larity. The formal opening of the Carolinato-d- finds over a hundred guests there,some of whom came as early as Novemberti. Thanksgiving Day was observed withreligious services in the village chapel,a sweepstake golf handicap, dinner andcards at the Carolina In the evening.

Among the visitors who will remain forsome time are the ftev. Dr. and Mrs. David(Iregg. Miss Katherine Gregg, Mr. and Mrs.David Gregg. Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. W. W.Yenawine, of Manhattan.

Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Ilrlggs of East Green-wich are the first of the motor tourists tomake the journey over the capital highway.They report the roads good and the tripwas highly enjoyed by them.


Continued from Second Page.

left for a trip South. They will reside atsol West lSlst street on their return.

Announcement was made last week byMrs. Jnmes A. Moffet of "12 West Seventy-secon- d

street of the engagement of herdaughter, Miss Helen Seely Moffett, toHarold Oakley Barker. No date has beenset for the wedding.

A large reception was given on Tuesdayafternoon by Mrs. Stuart McNamaru andher mother, Mrs. Theodore K. Wood, nttheir home 495 West End avenue. Theira psrtnient wss decorated with pink rrj.cnand palms and they nere assisted In receiving by Miss Irene McNanmra of Washington, sister-in-la- of the hostess, Mrs. Al-

fred Nlmlck, Mrs. K. V. Beinecke. .Mrs.Kdwln A. Strong and Mrs. C. It. Delenmter.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Gardiner will givea reception and dance at their home,West Ninetieth street, on Thursday.

Among those who have taken tickets forthe Urge card party to b- - given by thebuterpe Club on ihursday at the Waldorf-Astori- a

are Mrs. A. H. Jamison, Mrs. T. W.T. Cook. Mrs. James Doty. Mrs. Frank PLent. Mrs, Albert Kchaefcr, Mrs. Kiln arilMarzo, Mrs. James Mornn, Mrs. WilliamCorbiu, Mrs. Mary Barker, Mrs. FlorenceFoster Jenkins, Mrs. Frank Chlpman, Mrs,Mathew Briggs, Mrs. William Miller, Mrs.Leonard Fisher, Mrs. Holmes C. Walton,and the Misses Ida Judson and Kthel Cook.Mrs. Oeorge Brand Is chairman of the affairand there will be silver prizes for each table.

Under the auspices of the New Yorkcounty branch of the L'nlted Daughtersof 1(12, State of New York, a pivot brldguand euchre party will be given at the resi-

dence of Mrs. John De Witt Warner, ikuLexington avenue, on Tuesday afternoon.Mrs. Washington L. Msnn Is chairman ofthe arrangements and assisting her areMrs. John 8. Roche and Miss Eva TylerBrophy.

The British Imperial Club, an organiza-tion of British women residing In New York,will give a large reception ut their new club-house, ion East Thirtieth street, on Saturdayafternoon. It will be the first affair givenby the club In its new home.

Mrs. James Slater will entertain thef,ennx Whist CI ub at her home,20 Fifth avenue. Among the members ofthe club are Mrs. John Kurrus, Mrs. CharlesChapman, Mrs. M. A. Poblnson. Mrs. Louts,T, II. Somervllle, Mrs. Thomas Cervante,Mrs. John Collins, Mrs. Paul Kyle and Mrs.Robert Dyas.

Mrs. Lambert Fish gave a large bridgenartv at hsr home.SOSWest Mnety-sevent- b

street, on Monday. There were nine tablessnd among the players were Mrs. HaroldBIses. Mrs. Charles Bennett, Mrs. StephenFarnum, Mrs. Frank Keery, Mrs. W. B.Schafsr. Jr.; Mrs. Fleming Dutch, Mrs.Kit ward Maxson, Mra. Charles Bussing,Mrs. M. E. Trendergast, Mrs. James PrudenWright, Mrs. Ueorge llarrlman, Mrs. JamesGleason. Mrs. Mlngel Lewis, Mrs. HenryGoffs. Mrs. Alfred Whlttaker, Mrs. UeorgeBtrauch. Mrs. llarley lanasay, Mrs. W.v.ilaar Pruden, Mrs. William Pouch. Mrs.James Black Blake, Mlsa Kvelyn Schaefer,Mrs. Addison Alien, airs. James raiterson,Mr.. Harry Itandell, Mrs. Frank Parkerand Mrs. George Jeremiah.

Mrs. George W. ilanna of 6t West Forty-sixt- h

street will entertain at bridge onWednesday at Delmoulco'a.

Dr. and Mrs. Adolph H. Hundelson of17:1 Madison avenue celebrated the tenthanniversary of their marriage last Sunday.Thev gave a reception In the afternoonand in the evening there was a musicals,followed by a supper.

Among the guests were Dr. H, Shechter,Dr. snd Mrs1 Isldor Frledlander, Dr. Herbert Ilentwlch, King s Couiinel, of LondonDr. and Mrs, Alexander Man. Mrs. H

Haskell of Montreal and Mrs. M. Tamarklnof Ulpzlg. Germany.

A roller skating party was given lastTiiSMiuy evening at the Metropolitan Itlukby the young women of the t'otttt Guild,a charitable orgaiilrullon connected Willithe churf h of th Itedeemer on West Forty-fourt- h

street. Among thoee preH-- nt wereMrs, George Frank, Mrs. Francis Armstrong ,

Mrs, llnbert tlrnhmn, Mr. Arthur Belluwcs,and the MIsh 'leua lluhra, Anna llohrs,Alice Wonilerllng, Funics Brady, AnnaTobln, Flnienco Henn, Alice Aduma, Annallobenbeig, I'.UIe Hellnlnkcl, AinanduBecker, Blanche Bryan, Minerva Robinson,Helen Gallagher and flsrtrud Gordon,




Visitors At Anbury TurkNew 9100,000



IM'ojrressivo and DemocraticMcetings Scheduled for

Next Month.

AsBUnr Park, N. J.. Nov. 30. Thenovelty of swimming in warniod saltwater whilo snowflakes mantled theboardwalk was enjoyed by a portion ofAnbury Park's Thanksgiving visitors.Hundreds of guests from the ColemanHouse, Metropolitan, Marlborough, GrandAvenue nnd houses of lesser Importancewho had taken advantage) of AsburyPark'B announced policy of lecomlng awinter resort spent tho holiday in suchn delightful manner that many bookingswere made for week ends In December.

The city's fine new SIOO.OuO natatoriumon tho boardwalk, which has beenequipped for all the year business, hadits big tiled swimming pool filled witha crowd summerllke In proportions,while hundreds utilized the private baths.The medicinal effect of salt water Islargely responsible for the regular patron-age of the pool and baths, the tonic effectof salt air and salt water being very Im-

portant factors in the success of the"rest cure," but at holiday times manyenter the pool for the Hake of the exerciseand as a diversion.

The city's public grounds commission,for the purpose of encouraging the Cole-

man House and the Metropolitan inkeeping thee) hoetelrles open all the year,has decorated the boardwalk with fes-

toons af incandescents and providedseveral comfortable ocean observatories,all of them heated, equipped with rockingchairs, and one, on tho pier, has a liberalsupply of current literature.

Two excellent theatres, a sightseeingauto to Ijikewood. golf and bowling arediversions offered every day to hotelguests. Many miscellaneous entertain-ments of a high class will be providedduring the winter season by local organ-izations,

At tlx; Metropolitan Hotel last eveningthe Saturday Club inaugurated the firstof a scries of six public musicales. Thosewho npjcared were Joseph Piwarello.pianist, of New York; Mrs. F. E. Furring-to- n

of Yonkers, who demonstrated "Char-acteristic Elements of French Music";Ethelyn Mora, whistler, and ArthurParker, violinist, of Asbury Park.

Boardwalk strollers this week weregreeted with the announcement thatArthur Pryor and his band have beenengaged to furnish the nuiMC all nextseason at the Arcade nnd that Pryor'aorchestra would bo ut the Casino, wherethe two organizations would be consoli-dated for tho Sunday afternoon and eve-ning erformances. Negotiations are nowlanding with Mr. Pryor to play at theCasino Easter Saturday and Sunday.A series of first class week end attractionsfrom that period to the commencement ofthe regular summer programme on Me-

morial Day Is now being arranged forPreparations are being made at the

Metropolitan Hotel to banquet the Progresses of the State on December r.Quite a RHthennR of leaders is expectedand Theodore has been Invitedto attend. At the Coleman House onDecember 11 the Democratic State executive committee will have a jollificationdinner.

Asbury Park has been selected as thenext meeting place of the National W.C. T. U Although th" seb'dons will notbegin until October St next a meetingof the county members has been calledat this place on January 13 to arrangefor a proRrnmme of entertainment.Other conventions recently booked arethose of the New Jersey Sunday SchoolAssociation, the New Jersey DentulSociety, the Master Painters and Decora-tors, the Grand Encampment I. 0. O. F.and the Grand Council, Royal Arcanum.

Recont arrivals at the Metropolitanfrom New York include: W. I).

Victor Schrenkeiser, Mrs. W. J.Campbell, Mrs. C. Lipp.Mrs. M.Schmidt,H. A. Wiley, Ernest Thompson Seton,W. W. Hill, J. Jennings, James C. Field,C. C. Burger, Mr. and Mra. J. II. Noe,Henry Steinbach, L. Baer, Miss 1). Baer.

New York arrivals at the ColemanHouse: J. J. McCabe and family, H.Willard Johnson, William H. Archlbold,George Everson, C. Mills, Joseph H.Tooker, Mrs. M. Cullen, John P. Kin-

ney, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Donnelly, ThomasLlndeman, J. N. Hulihan, O. II. Lider-ma- n,

Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Tull.Arrivals at the Marlborough: Mr. and

Mrs. A. II. Kingsland, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Phelan, J. T. Stanley, Thomas D.Mackay, J. J. I each, Miss Hogan, MissS. Flynn, O. B. Yale, Mr. and Mra. G.Fox, E. N. Curtis, O. Woelker, LoydEvans.



FLORIDA "TOff.MtasrT iakl


"KsK (.'out." l.ledmr-llroathsOces- i

snd His rsmous Orsih. OI'KN JAN.Oolf ( hoist, ons ot th belt eotirttt Is th.South), Tennis, Motorlns, llor.etxek .a

llathlni. riihtni. ritlm. Iiml.tin offlM.UM liroEdtMtT, Nw York, or"ft.b Ub. rnmi.1 I'fsttron fi.w York. WM B. SENHKTllansfor. Snnnurr Mtnu.rsl

Tho Mount Wathlnilon.BKBTTO.N WOODS. N. U.


The San CarlosOne tilocb from Pay snd business district: 76

room, wttn priiaii oains nrsi rurni.nrii in cur,KM upward per day. V. N. tlltNKV, Prop.

FORT DALLAS IIOTKI,.llnilrr new mana(enient, Central location,

One block from lis) . Iliumlnr water In all rooms,.Superior table and while Mrrvlre, Hales W.W perday up. K. - UKCKAR.



Fltmous For Its Htalthful ClimateA. V.. DICK, Proprietor

Opca December to April lltfe3 Golf Courses, Tennis,Riding. Driving, Hunting

Fer lllittrttid Bmkttt inj lutttmtlimAUmt New Vrk Otrlct. UM IrMiwsr



Country Mfe Within a HalfI'onr or the (irand Ctntral.



t.anrfnr t'arlt. Hronittllr, N. V.

Laac lilaaa.

Th Meat Attractive Oaiintry HetslArtlacsnt ta New York City- -

Garden CityHotel

GARDEN CITY. L. I.' Siaolal Wlntir Rat.Oa ft the mntt tirluslve country hotels

In Amf rlra.Gnlarrcd and lmprorod-capac- ltr

doublitd thu y ar. A combination nt rountrrlife and metropolitan notrl tutury retdomfouad. Krrry outdoor and Indoor amuta-ntrn- t.

U mile from Now York, rroqu.nlrlrrtrlo train f rvlce. St minutes.

Writ for Illustrated booklet aid rataa.

J. J. LANNIN CO.. Propt.


The Mitt Unique Cluntrj Club in America

WoodlandCountry Club


Midway betweenLakewood and Atlantic City

In Hie heart of I.OOOxmare milesof Plnr I'oreal Ith the lr Temprr-at- e

Atinosphereof North Carolina.I!mr attrartlon of Forfl and

Strram All Outdoor Sports, tiolf, Trnnl.rlc. and Indoor Amusfmrnt... A larremodern. uh.lantliilly built Cluhlioute nrtmnunimim nultr. and prliatr haths. Ural

Koiilhrtu I'ooktnc, llarhdor( Itibhoutc eparatr.

Cluh Mrmbcro Ihroiifhout t'nltd Statranil Cmiada. The moit Altrartlio ClubPlan rrr tlf lnl for thr brnrnt of Urm-brr- s.

Abolutrlj- - nrw. unique and Inn- to lhoe who qiiallf Tor particu

lrns. etc.. ddrrsTHE SECRETARY

New York Offlcr. .Sull- - 430. Marhrldte nidr..llroadsav cor. 3lih .St. Tel. tirrrlrj' MM.

Asburj rark.

Spend an


Holiday at North Jersey'aBest Winter Resort.

Excellent Hotel Accommodations$3 a day, American Plan.

40 Boarding Houses Always Open,Weekly rate $8 to $15.

SALT WATER POOLand Baths Open All the Year.

Two Miles of Boardwalk, HeatedSun Parlors and Ocean

Observatory.Golf. Fishinr Theatres.

Fineat Motor Roads.

For information send stamp to900 Boardwalk.

Atlaatlo C117.

tVarlboTOudbienMiitATLANTIC CITT, N. J.

Jailab Whin (ions (.oinpany.


1 Homilfnii IIJLCllllll iv i a


BERMUDAReopen December 9, 1912,

for the Winter season,after having been ren-ovated and Improved.

New York Office, 389 5th Ave.Management of Wm. A. BARRON.

Also Summer,Crawford Hoiis.

Crawford Notch, N. H.

Spend the Winter Where theOleanders Bloom.

Krfrjr ronvrnlcnce of a tlrtt-rla- r modernHotel. t'nsurpasMd iilUlnr. I'lneH tenniscourts In the Islands, rroquet, ilrlMnc, salllnt,bathlnr. Nplendld ualli.

(In tne ltlhlncN. unposlto ItamlllonItootns lartr, light anil iilry. Murroundln(in nio .lum-iii- r in tH'rniuua. itair. nuisireasonable for ervlce and accommodation"..K. II. CAKLISI.I Hamilton, llerrauda.

Hotel Fraecatlni'RMIIIlA'S IDKAI.I.Y I.Ol'4THI HOTPI

On Ilarrlnctim Sound Kith the ocean liJ yardsaway. All outside rooms Willi nnd llhnui baths.Hot and cold fresh unci sea water liathn In thehouse. Finest awlmmlnar, canoeing; and Millingun llftrrinsion nuumi. itivhio livrr. Alurrrran plan, best table In llerrauda. Write for book'let sud lermil to AIXINO PI'.NISTON, I'rasratlIlermuda. Postage A rents.


Homes for the WinterSO elegant placet to choose from

in all parts of Bermuda.Sites Beautiful. rurntshlnsjs Complete,

Surroundings Sanitary.

rrlces Most Seasonable

rilKO'K A. IT II IT K. Hamilton. Bernaada.Cable Addrr.s Ileal lljlalc. rotltf It reari.

Charming-- Bermuda CottageW CSTUKIIi:. In the cltv of llainlltiin. Sl.'ii.i r,,r

sea.on of seven months. Piilly furnished, Pourbrdrnnins, parlor, llhiary. tllntnit roum,, pnnlry, llomatrr, acetylene gas, uppernnu inner vriuiiaii5tii inu ships, inw lis, scrvnnisroomg. Fifty otjier furnished cottages, su loim. Mis tiltOSVIINOU TL'CKISIl. Hamilton.nereMiils, Postsg" r rents. '



Carntf it Hall SYMPHONYFriday Eva.. PHOTO

Daa.l3,atli30 tre'nilnDRAMA

r. w. urn 'HUT!.: rTKti'N iKtorornnrr.Hs or photo pi.asthit'.rFix-i.- in natural color


Pilgrim's Progress!NTi:iti'iti;T i;t n

Russian Symphony OrchestraMOIIKST ALTHCMCLLR. Condartor

Till 'Ml' KM'M'IAM.Y ADAfn'MtYmt Tlllisriur.cT iiv moiih.vt'IHM.kii

llrkrts. .Vc tnll.M), llutcn, SI2 and IIS. onMl at lion Oilier Thurs. lire. MM. Maliorit'ri mini from lntc. Addrr MOC'll-sTirrri'-

i' ( ii., n t:nt i:ib ml


Violin Thars.Aft.ata- -

Recital Dec.

YSAYEIn a Wonderful Programme

Seats iiotr on .sir at Ho nfflie. chlrkerlnc1'iann, Mana(emrnt 11. 1;. Jimnston.

ORATORIOlarlety af New Tark

Founded l Or. I.tofld Dtmrtirli In lf,iCondueior: President

Leals Kaemsaealch Aadran carnaglaCarneile Hill. withN.Y flymphonrDee. 3. 1. II. nrcbestra.Cholr nf M

I'ror.sslonal renalElijahHesereed Stats, tncr. caoru ofTor. to : 00. JOT Trained Voices.

Ut.s Florence Blail'. .Soprano; Ulss MsrcsrrtEeyes, Contrslto; Mr, Paul AltliousrTeaori Ur. Clareace WhltehlU. Bass.

CARNEOIE HAM.. (Hot Offlce Open

Tn.MIAUT atW 1 VI Ht.lO.

NEWMANTDllfCI Til Ji:i'iMt'('oi"r,icw!.1 im ikL 1 rikno and Mi'tlon rictures.


Carnegie Hall, Frl. Aft., Utr, Oth, at .T.r.RNKST

SCHELLINGpiano hi:uti..Tickets 7- Sim, SI.W, .ui. noir at Ifall.

Met. Wolfnohn Il'ircnu. STIMNWAY PIANO.matinici: ur nc.w misic.

AKOI,lN II M. I,. Wed.. Dec. II, at .1.

Madrlcal Sin ton r?XrAnn Swinburne ; Francis Rogers

Elman Carpenter'IliLeu 75 ct. to s;.ij non at Kox Office.

IIKIUSCO TIIKaTltl 41th HI., nr H uay.TWO MATINEES Mnni! Feb'.

Barrere Ensemble("h.i'nber Muslo for Wind Iptnliurnl v

CLASSIC AND MODERN COMPOSITIONSSub.St. 12. si. i'.,. Hainmn.vm'. IMIhhl.

Helasco Theatre, to Recitals.ISABEL HAUSER

SASLAVSKY STRING QUARTETTEi miav i: i:im.s. line, n n.B. 9 a. hlnrle .eaulMW,Sl.on, .Sots, ai Ifaenel 4 Jones. M W. d Sit,

AKOI.IAN nl.l Mod. All., Her. , mt .1SONI1 lie. to SI.Mumi'it'xl EASLEY uanarem 1


r.OI.IAN HAI.I.. Mun. All.. Her. a. at .1.iirrnai ay ms si 10 u.llrllllanl Amer-ican Manacom't

Contralto, GAHIER iiuaonUailsme I'hnrles Chart Kin.

.Dflfll TRV CUnm ;mc1 Ceatral "i'alar?.w.b.... wiiun i.PV Av. nrt st.rounry. rirenns. Pel stock, Noiublrds. AllIhl. n.y a nil ernlni. KtiCL-la- l rai'Jhtblt Wed.. TiiiiM. and Prl. .See the "Happy!.?'.''' ' oaDycmi naicnine. Aamission, toe,1 litldren, 2ic.


NEW YORK New lark City.

Dancing Both a is.

MR. OSCAR DURYEATuition in Aesthetics,

Dtndn and Deportment.

SALONS DE DANSE, 47 W. 72d StAlsn SBK nnd lit West lJ3d Street.

UALL.ROOM hClTi: toil RENTAL.'i ti. 3tl and am Columbus.

Language Hath sjeiaa,


Ml Uadlson At near 7lla at,XO West 73d St.

Laaruaraa taught In classes or prtestelr.Bastaess CallagM.

UValuinrr " InsUtuts.Brsssasr Tti StnSIWnnn (tcnoaraahy. Bookksislni. or.t.ri.

Count, Clllterlce New csutsi nstrIVINTKK KKsORTtt.


IpinrhuitsT-- MonTM rtnoi.iNA

Ixta Centre of WinterUfa in the Middle South

1 The only resort having Hire IBhair- - and on O hole practice CoirCourse., and each up o hahighest point of excellence 'n naturalcondition and upkeep, celebratedamong golfers everywhere. CountryClub. n.0ro Acre Private ShootlnrPreserve. Trap Shooting, line Uveryof Saddle Horses. Model t)alry. T-- n.

nls Courts. Splendid Ctav TennisCourts. Frequent luumamrnts, (JooJAuto Roads within a radius nf Mmiles or more. etc. 4 Splcudld lintels.10 Cottages, llolli Inn. opens JanusryJOth: tlerkthtrt and llartartt Jan. lith.


.Vo (.'onsumpftMi Htctttt-- tat flmnuril

Through Pullman Serviu to Pine-hur- t'

via Staboard Ar l,imrun Information

,'IM:ilURST tlENKHAI, tllTII'lI'lnthurit. N. C.

er LCUNAKH TUTISlloston. Mass.


OAK HALL. 1 It VON. N. C.txirated In famous Thermal licit: beautiful

mountains surrounding; private baths; electrljlights; sun parlors: large verandas: tennis, drlvlnand horseback riding: excellent cuisine. KUtiKNIiimoWNl.KL', Unnaglug Ulrcctur,


Hotel Bon AirAUGUSTA, CA.,

Opn December lllh Why wit spend jourhulldavs there! Tun tlnn golf ismrses.Ix'Siillful chili linuse. escllent driving ntul mo- -torlng, fhootlug and all out dmir siioitn.Addraga C. C I RUSSr.LL,, Matnngen


a BB) SL AjfU..

CONCERTS IQ.DAY ail and Hi!?.

B'WAY A 1ITI1 HT. Phone Mlnvtcsant.TIIH NKNSATION Or At'DI.VII.I.i: Ml.tx

Kathryn Kidderpresenting her famous creation, (he character

vi nans i.rne in inr ur niniiri rninicu--rill'. WASMIIUWUMAN llf l'HIWH."

CLIFF APOLLO TRIOMost Powerful Alh- -

GORDON letes In the Worhl;

The (lerman Orator. STEPP, ALLMAN& KINGLINDEN ttarinnny tt Kun.

BECKWITH RUTH RAYNORMagnetic MMress Plalers. "tVhftt Hap.

s.f Melody, pened In llcwini 4t "

Adeline Franrl's time Mullrr Trio"""DIAMOND & BRENNANSYU"'


7TII AV. A I2TH ST. Phone 6O1XI Morning.

i'Aiti:wi:i.L APPKAitANci: or


ED. WYNN BETH STONEa i:dm. ul'sson. i imti

HARRY FOX & !KftrWpIn Their Well Known .Specialties.


lnghltn'a'nags l IllanchVuloan

FLORENCE ROBERTSA Players In "The Woman Interienes."





HARLEM OPERA HOUSE...r caisio rsirn m:cdlUli VU. OftllO VJt.l'tC.



MILS. ITAYS Chairman, takes


GREAT PROGRAMME UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE THEATRICAL MANAGERSIncludes "Joy (iluom" Uiismui. il.i, Mrs, withKlsher Co., presented Mrs. Henry Harris, Win. raicrshaiu I'cillla balconyscene from "HoineoA Juliet"::Miss lllllle lliirte, Mnie. .Mmeinc. Viola Allen. Add. M.i'uhau

William Collier "Plaimphlend"." John Masun, ranrls Wilson,"Delphlne Chorus. Pred Walton Prances Carnival Number from

Trio from Philharmonic: Madame and her closingslth Allrirnrv "I'lnu Sea." Pdlth MatthIOII. (jladVS Hansun Kuttl tlcnls

10U) others entire choir from St. PalrlcU'sUN'DI'.lt THi: DiltnCTION of

n C TMi:.TItl'..2JTHSTlli:m'. MADISON AVi:. MADISON.u i',vi:NiNt:s matini:i:s sat. ::ts.


THIRD TRIUMPHANT WEEKrnm .tiaillona and human conception

choir nann piaing scnemedarilon the performance

nMCsfira thnHarhtftlland scholarly interpretation.""Keller his best



IsohclPRICES Hrrhcslra



HT GODOWSKYS). CJHAND 'The Ureal Pianist

,ALr1l'r,HT KK,A.!f:.H:ilv'

OUCHKSTHA. Cond..morrow Magic riulr. Destlnn,

Parks. Homer, Alten: SlezaU. Ijinkow. OorlU,Grlswold. Itelss. Conductor. HerU,

Wed. 7?u. lioetterdaemmeruns. rrrmstad.Homer. Pornla; HurrUn, Cirlsnuld, Oorltz.Conductor, Hem.

Ihurs. Lesrant. DucheneiCaruso, Seoul, Segurol.i, Conductor. Polacco,

Frl. Destlnn, llnmeriJorn, Well, tiorltz. llel.s. (Jrlsnold. Hltishaw.Conductor, Hertz.

Sat. Mat. Fanst. Parrar. rornla; Slezak.(Illlj, llolhler Conductor. Hturanl




The Incomparable Dancerassisted by VOI.INIM. Tlallrt and fullSYMPHONY ORCIICSFHANKIt Conductor, that man clous lth

Dance.Keiirouett.,,. "LaCamargo"nd "'Xft:"'" "Rabarl La Dlabia"an.fMMIsiorth of and original l.ouls

XV. Furniture. andTickets Ml cts. liiincs VS. Ho. Its.

Now llox OfBcc. Mgment




HAPF. Symphony No. "Ironore": riRt'CH,Air "Penelope," from Odysseus: .MASSI'.NIIT,Suite "Scenes Alsaclennes": MIINDIIUSSOHN,Hzcerpts from "Midsummer Night's Dream,"


SCHUMANN HEINKTickets cts. II.M, Office.

AI'.OLIAN HAI.I, 43dWednesday, December IB, H:15 M.

"THE MESSIAH"Walter Henry Hall Conductor

Orchestra.Select Choir 134 Volres.

Lillian Hlsuiell, Pearl Henedlct-.lone- .. HanBeildoe. Pntnam flrlsnolil tMet. Opera House).Iknes seating Sliai. rtesericd seats,,

no, On sale bos offlce, Aeolian Hall,

SYMPHONYSociety New York,

WALTICH UAMROSCII. CondartorAeolian 1. .'14 H. 43d tit.Ibis Afternoon

ntnlgaglla. Overture "l-- a ItarutTe Chlot-zotln- ":

lleethoen. "Cmperoi" ConcertoSymphony No.

V ftSfltoea I A L S T 0 N yX Seals els, loll Hiu Office.

Helasco Theatre. Sunday Kvgs. JO.Sonata Violin

PianoDec. 15. Jau. Ill,

Teb.Works llrahma,lleelhnvcn. Carpeii-tr- r.

Mason, Miusrt,raterJ, Tsrtlnl.

St, U.&n, t:m. HacnselJones, 43l St.

At:ol,lN llll.U Mon. Lie., Dec. Mil

CLONZALEVI ui'ainr.TIn. Itanagcii'riit U)l'IION 1'IIA 'IliN Kl'.l.r.V IIICATIti:. St.. .'.lli Air,MAT csso.i ii.i.'ilai sir.I'lllDAV

Iclcelm SZUMOWSKASl.ui and 7ftv.,vnw Mgt ANTON HAWVUII, lr. llmadHn)

at. afkTs

Week ot Dec. 2A, MAT. DAILY,

II'H'AY KM Nl Plmnc i:,J I'uliimbus.

CEC L ALOFTUSAI.I.X.V and M.mi llUur

i.ii;m,i ik.-m.- in r.iiiin m:n,

Dorothy Brenner "Frerl& Joe (satellite Dtiprcz

aiiii:mii:iiu iiitouicitslltlMnft'll, MMtl.Pl'lllll.

MASON & KEELERParruell Appearnme IV OtT

iMi's'i:Nii:tt im:hsrhlrrn Picks t.Mlla Allilnn.WII.LIASI hi hi:ROCK & FULTON

Spectacular Song ami D.mre,

31) AV AND HiriTI ST. Phone ,V'I7 MelrO'C.Till. NAWILPON Ol IIASIIIIAI.I..

JOHN McGRAW.Miinnlngui' Inside llaseh.ill,

donovan & fourMcdonald rianqsMi in VXVI.

NORTON & NICHOLSONjLote Winter InJ'.Ma'a light.- -

nm.iii tiarrv iireen.lhree Parrel Mter: I.edlger.

BELLE BLANCHEIinltatloiis,

phi.".1AI.OMY J AN

FRIDAY, DEC. 6, btfilns 1:30



Cathedral.MIt. HANII'.L rnOriMAN.

TO 25TH TIMEof the Melan


tjpr: mm. "Nolhlnrhut rood

Allthr cast did admirable

nors Ulntie."Extremely staged and cos.turned. Audience appreciated theacilnff."--Tlm-

Theodore Roberts. Amelia fiardner.Metensnn. dnurd Slachav. Margaret

!rs.Wffle. r n r f , ..s m:i,k or"IVIAUAIVIC


JOHN HAMMOND, pleasure In announcing TUB



A nmellle lj nn fc a nen-- net Mai U" Aliceft by II. Mr U l.nftus

lteee.i;cu.ft llh Ten I Prank Mclntvre ft his

Cameron m Ith o Chorus"l.uiembourg;" Natlmuva Co In One Act Comedy

An the tvlth Wl mie .M.and u Ith


--i f KT PIIONH 67

AKULIN :is. wkdnp.sday

V LW lUm

hlo ine 01 inrhas astonishing

i m .is .sr fr Sun



hi Polish .

i:.NTIIti: itoriiMi'.Yi:ii.I ii. at s.


at 8, Mannn H rrl.

at 7). Melsterslnger.


at '!.


M. a a1 . II A N



genuineNettings Mcenerj. ,

to a. Sir, ftat It, K. Johnston.

I I'. II A



M to at Hoi

34 West St.P.


e,SI 75 at


Neat :i

for Piano: Hrahias, 4,

an .HI at


Recitals I



Subscriptions. A'. V.

I. fl

I,.)c. ll

a ill nr.. si

' al :i.IT1

at I .


as t)i.s i i


AMI ""i


In n on



nf All I






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ineouore iiamiuon. isarsey iiraoan,Mernn and flft ntbers.

7.V.. l.l)0. I.SO. Balcony JSC. Bc.Waller), a Sc.

BELASC0TnKlTRK. West 44th St.

nreulnir. a Si) Matinees lhur. ft Nat. 530.



STARRIn a new play by KHWAItn I.O0KK.

The Case of Becky

REPUBLICIIIKslltK. Hest 4'Jd t.

DAVID URLASCO ....Sole Managerevenings 8 li. Matinees Wed. A Sat. ::1S.

LAST 5 WEEKSWilliam Elliott A Daild Helasco pretest


LADYA Play In 3 acta and an epilogue la "Chlldt"

by ALICE UKADI.UV.NOTE: Enfaitment potlHetly jm Jtn. 4.

Stab noil for ell ptrjormtnets.



lud Week of Ihc Scawm's hcnsalloiiHl Siio-ck- s

MADAME ?The Mysterious tiiand Opera Star, uho I'ti

all New York al her rcct. The OrealrslColoratura Soprano In Vaudeville


"At the NeHsstand." SW0R & MACKThe l.tmnv Apnl I...

BERT LESLIE THE BEHRENSk Co. hi ihc bo renin, Musical liulertalner.'i.

I in ifan nn raiti;fr L0ZAN0 TK01JPE"Pcrter J. White Ainerlcan Deb'!:ft Co. In the thrilling U T0V art play, "Scandal ' Acrobats of Note.

l91',filv The Mniisra of Wholewiiue i:nterI AdnrathAv tainmenl, Catering to the Classes

KaTll ljr. ana Masses. 'Phree Hours of SolidI i:nJomeut four times dally fromt 12571


'I'm Ice Pally, 5..HI ft'.v'Kiii.t n. Douns


IN MOTIONDepleting Wonders of lhPar North Plrsl Time In T