The house believes that internet acces is a human right

THE HOUSE BELIEVES THAT INTERNET ACCES IS A HUMAN RIGHT - NEGATIVE TEAM Internet (kependekan dari interconnection-networking) secara harfiah ialah sistem global dari seluruh jaringan komputer yang saling terhubung menggunakan standar Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) untuk melayani miliaran pengguna di seluruh dunia. Internet merupakan jaringan komputer yang dibentuk oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat di tahun 1969, melalui proyek ARPA yang disebut ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network). Internet (short for interconnection-networking) is literally the entire global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP / IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. The Internet is a computer network established by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969, through a project called ARPANET ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency Network). Menurut Undang-Undang (UU) RI Nomor 39 tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia, Hak asasi manusia merupakan hak dasar yang secara kodrati melekat pada diri manusia, bersifat universal dan langgeng, (yang) oleh karena itu harus dilindungi, dihormati, dipertahankan, dan tidak boleh diabaikan, dikurangi, atau dirampas oleh siapapun. Hak asasi manusia adalah norma-norma internasional yang membantu untuk melindungi semua orang di mana pun dari pelanggaran politik, hukum, dan sosial yang parah. HAM adalah hak-hak yang telah dipunyai seseorang sejak ia dalam kandungan. According to the Law (UU) No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights, Human rights are basic rights bestowed by God on man, are universal and eternal, (which) should therefore be protected, respected, maintained, and should not be ignored, reduced or taken away by anyone. Human rights are international norms that help to protect all people everywhere from violations of political, legal, and social severe. Human rights are the rights of a person who has owned since he was in the womb. 65 persen responden di Jepang mengaku tidak nyaman menyampaikan pandangan pribadinya lewat dunia maya. Demikian pula dengan responden di Perancis, Jerman, Korea Selatan serta China. 65 percent of respondents in Japan claimed uncomfortable expressed his personal views through cyberspace. Similarly, respondents in France, Germany, South Korea and China. *REASON Why internet access is not a human right? There are some reason about that, among them are : 1. Not rights that come from birth If internet access is a human right, why the internet came a few years ago? Human rights are the rights of a person who has owned since he was in the womb. We can think with logically, human rights that arise when we are born. But there is a new internet some time ago. And than some people can not understand the internet. 2. Can’t get by everyone Internet access can’t be gained by everyone. If internet access is a human right, why are there who can’t enjoy their rights? For example, in 2010 the percentage of the Internet in Indonesia has reached 14% of the population. The number of internet users only about 38 million of the 240 million population. How the fate of 212 million people experiencing digital exclusion in this country? This is show that Internet access is not human rights.


Debate/Debat, Contoh, pemerintah percaya akses internet adalah hak manusi

Transcript of The house believes that internet acces is a human right

Page 1: The house believes that internet acces is a human right



Internet (kependekan dari interconnection-networking) secara harfiah ialah sistem global dari

seluruh jaringan komputer yang saling terhubung menggunakan standar Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP)

untuk melayani miliaran pengguna di seluruh dunia. Internet merupakan jaringan komputer yang

dibentuk oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat di tahun 1969, melalui proyek ARPA yang

disebut ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network).

Internet (short for interconnection-networking) is literally the entire global system

of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP /

IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. The Internet is a computer network established by

the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969, through a project called ARPANET ARPA

(Advanced Research Project Agency Network).

Menurut Undang-Undang (UU) RI Nomor 39 tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia, Hak asasi

manusia merupakan hak dasar yang secara kodrati melekat pada diri manusia, bersifat universal dan

langgeng, (yang) oleh karena itu harus dilindungi, dihormati, dipertahankan, dan tidak boleh diabaikan,

dikurangi, atau dirampas oleh siapapun. Hak asasi manusia adalah norma-norma internasional yang

membantu untuk melindungi semua orang di mana pun dari pelanggaran politik, hukum, dan sosial

yang parah. HAM adalah hak-hak yang telah dipunyai seseorang sejak ia dalam kandungan.

According to the Law (UU) No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights, Human rights are

basic rights bestowed by God on man, are universal and eternal, (which) should therefore

be protected, respected, maintained, and should not be ignored, reduced or taken away by

anyone. Human rights are international norms that help to protect all people everywhere

from violations of political, legal, and social severe. Human rights are the rights of a

person who has owned since he was in the womb.

65 persen responden di Jepang mengaku tidak nyaman menyampaikan pandangan pribadinya

lewat dunia maya. Demikian pula dengan responden di Perancis, Jerman, Korea Selatan serta China.

65 percent of respondents in Japan claimed uncomfortable expressed his personal

views through cyberspace. Similarly, respondents in France, Germany, South Korea and



Why internet access is not a human right? There are some reason about that, among them are :

1. Not rights that come from birth

If internet access is a human right, why the internet came a few years ago? Human rights

are the rights of a person who has owned since he was in the womb. We can think with logically,

human rights that arise when we are born. But there is a new internet some time ago. And than

some people can not understand the internet.

2. Can’t get by everyone

Internet access can’t be gained by everyone. If internet access is a human right, why are

there who can’t enjoy their rights? For example, in 2010 the percentage of the Internet in

Indonesia has reached 14% of the population. The number of internet users only about 38

million of the 240 million population. How the fate of 212 million people experiencing digital

exclusion in this country? This is show that Internet access is not human rights.

Page 2: The house believes that internet acces is a human right

Cybercrime :

1. Carding is a crime to use computer technology to conduct transactions using someone

else's credit card that can harm both the material and non-material. In other words, online credit card


2. Cracking, Kejahatan dengan menggunakan teknologi computer yang dilakukan untuk

merusak system keamanan suatu system computer dan biasanya melakukan pencurian, tindakan

anarkis begitu merekan mendapatkan akses. Biasanya kita sering salah menafsirkan antara seorang

hacker dan cracker dimana hacker sendiri identik dengan perbuatan negative, padahal hacker adalah

orang yang senang memprogram dan percaya bahwa informasi adalah sesuatu hal yang sangat

berharga dan ada yang bersifat dapat dipublikasikan dan rahasia.Sedang Cracker identik dengan orang

yang mampu merubah suatu karakteristik dan properti sebuah program sehingga dapat digunakan dan

disebarkan sesuka hati padahal program itu merupakan program legal dan mempunyai hak cipta


3. Joy computing, yaitu pemakaian komputer orang lain tanpa izin.

4. Hacking is accessing illegally or without authorization by means of a terminal

5. The trojan horse is the manipulation of data or a program by changing the data or intsruksi

on a program, erase, add, making unaffordable, with the purpose of personal gain or others.

6. Data leakage, yaitu menyangkut pembocoran data ke luar terutama mengenai data yang

harus dirahasiakan.

7. Data diddling, yaitu suatu perbuatan yang mengubah data valid atau sah dengan cara tidak

sah, mengubah input data atau output data.

8. To frustate data communication atau penyia-nyiaan data komputer.

9. Software piracy, yaitu pembajakan software terhadap hak cipta yang dilindungi Hak atas

Kekayaan Intelektual (HaKI)

10. Cyber Espionage, Merupakan kejahatan yang memanfaatkan jaringan internet untuk

melakukan kegiatan mata-mata terhadap pihak lain, dengan memasuki sistem jaringan komputer

(computer network system) pihak sasaran. Kejahatan ini biasanya ditujukan terhadap saingan bisnis

yang dokumen ataupun data-data pentingnya tersimpan dalam suatu sistem yang

computerized.Biasaynya si penyerang menyusupkan sebuah program mata-mata yang dapat kita sebut

sebagai spyware.

11. Infringements of Privacy, Kejahatan ini ditujukan terhadap informasi seseorang yang

merupakan hal yang sangat pribadi dan rahasia. Kejahatan ini biasanya ditujukan terhadap keterangan

pribadi seseorang yang tersimpan pada formulir data pribadi yang tersimpan secara computerized, yang

apabila diketahui oleh orang lain maka dapat merugikan korban secara materil maupun immateril,

seperti nomor kartu kredit, nomor PIN ATM, cacat atau penyakit tersembunyi dan sebagainya.

12. Data Forgery, Merupakan kejahatan dengan memalsukan data pada dokumen-dokumen

penting yang tersimpan sebagai scriptless document melalui internet. Kejahatan ini biasanya ditujukan

pada dokumen-dokumen e-commerce dengan membuat seolah-olah terjadi “salah ketik” yang pada

akhirnya akan menguntungkan pelaku.

13. Unauthorized Access to Computer System and Service, Kejahatan yang dilakukan dengan

memasuki/menyusup ke dalam suatu sistem jaringan komputer secara tidak sah, tanpa izin atau tanpa

sepengetahuan dari pemilik sistem jaringan komputer yang dimasukinya. Biasanya pelaku kejahatan

(hacker) melakukannya dengan maksud sabotase ataupun pencurian informasi penting dan rahasia.

Namun begitu, ada juga yang melakukan hanya karena merasa tertantang untuk mencoba keahliannya

Page 3: The house believes that internet acces is a human right

menembus suatu sistem yang memiliki tingkat proteksi tinggi. Kejahatan ini semakin marak dengan

berkembangnya teknologi internet/intranet.bagi yang belum pernah dengar, ketika masalah Timor

Timur sedang hangat-hangatnya dibicarakan di tingkat internasional, beberapa website milik

pemerintah RI dirusak oleh hacker.Kisah seorang mahasiswa fisipol yang ditangkap gara-gara mengacak-

acak data milik KPU.dan masih banyak contoh lainnya.

14. Cyber Sabotage and Extortion, Merupakan kejahatan yang paling mengenaskan.Kejahatan

ini dilakukan dengan membuat gangguan, perusakan atau penghancuran terhadap suatu data, program

komputer atau sistem jaringan komputer yang terhubung dengan internet. Biasanya kejahatan ini

dilakukan dengan menyusupkan suatu logic bomb, virus komputer ataupun suatu program tertentu,

sehingga data, program komputer atau sistem jaringan komputer tidak dapat digunakan, tidak berjalan

sebagaimana mestinya, atau berjalan sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh pelaku. Dalam beberapa

kasus setelah hal tersebut terjadi, maka pelaku kejahatan tersebut menawarkan diri kepada korban

untuk memperbaiki data, program komputer atau sistem jaringan komputer yang telah disabotase

tersebut, tentunya dengan bayaran tertentu. Kejahatan ini sering disebut sebagai cyber-terrorism.

15. Offense against Intellectual Property, Kejahatan ini ditujukan terhadap Hak atas Kekayaan

Intelektual yang dimiliki pihak lain di internet. Sebagai contoh adalah peniruan tampilan pada web page

suatu situs milik orang lain secara ilegal, penyiaran suatu informasi di internet yang ternyata merupakan

rahasia dagang orang lain, dan sebagainya.Dapat kita contohkan saat ini.Situs mesin pencari bing milik

microsoft yang konon di tuduh menyerupai sebuah situs milik perusahaan travel online.

16. Illegal Contents, Merupakan kejahatan dengan memasukkan data atau informasi ke

internet tentang sesuatu hal yang tidak benar, tidak etis, dan dapat dianggap melanggar hukum atau

mengganggu ketertiban umum. Sebagai contohnya adalah pemuatan suatu berita bohong atau fitnah

yang akan menghancurkan martabat atau harga diri pihak lain, hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan

pornografi atau pemuatan suatu informasi yang merupakan rahasia negara, agitasi dan propaganda

untuk melawan pemerintahan yang sah, dan sebagainya.Masih ingat dengan kasus prita mulyasari yang

sampai saat ini belum selesai.Hanya gara-gara tulisan emailnya yang sedikit merusak nama baik sebuah

institusi kesehatan swasta dia di seret ke meja hijau.


1. Pornography

Internet media provides an opportunity for people to view, download, and trade pornography.

2. Online Addiction

Addiction obviously existed before the Internet. However, due to some unique addiction to the

internet. According to the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery website (ironic), studies have shown

that more and more people around the world have become addicted to online, such as gaming,

gambling and browsing. In 2002, Elizabeth Wooley founded Online Gamers Anonymous (OLGA) to

remember his son Shawn, who committed suicide while playing games EverQuest Online.

3. Fraud

Internet is becoming one target for fraudsters to launch the action.

4. Abduction

Many cases of abduction that occur due to internet access. Most happen to children and

teenagers that did not understand the impact of the Internet itself.

5. Privacy

Internet can’t keep our privacy with good. No matter how we keep or secure it, still not safe.

Page 4: The house believes that internet acces is a human right

6. Hacking and Data Security

Someone could easily steal email or anything or data that is important, because they can get

hacknya and keeps you comfortable and safe.


Evidence to support : The name is tragedy WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks invited controversy as leaked

Afghan war documents and nearly 400,000 documents on the Iraq war in October 2010. In November

2010, WikiLeaks released U.S. diplomatic cables leak.

Among Asian countries, the level of freedom to access the internet Indonesia is ranked 4th in

the bottom of South Korea (score 32), India (score 36), and Malaysia (score 41). Among ASEAN

countries, Indonesia is ranked 2nd in the bottom of Malaysia (not free, score 41) as well as over

Thailand (not free, score 61), Vietnam (not free, score 73), and Myanmar (not free , score 88).

68% of the world's population, around 5 billion people, still disconnected from the internet.

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In modern time, who does not have a social networking account such as facebook and twitter?

I think you all of here, have it. And than, what is the meaning of social networking website? Social

networking websites is a web-based service that allows users to create profiles, see the list of available

users, and invite or accept a friend to join the site.

Social networking websites can be defined as a social structures consisting of individual

elements or the organization to which this network showed the way in which they relate to the

similarity of sociality, ranging from those that are known in everyday life to the family.


Social networking websites have some type, among them are facebook, twitter,

MySpace,Friendster,and many others.


There are some reason why teachers not allowed to interacting with students via social

networking websites, among them are :

1. Ineffective communication.

Communication in social networking websites will raise discomfort between the teachers and

student. They will feel not comfortable to share something to his/her teachers via social networking


2. The student have not a brave to ask something to teachers in direct.

If teachers interact with students via social networking websites, so students can ask something with

their teacher. So that, the brave of students to ask in direct will be less.


Social networking websites can give us the bad impact, among them are :

1. Cybercrime

As the development of technology, crime also developed. In Internet world, a crime known as

Cyber crime. Cybercrime is very diverse. Among them are carding, hacking, cracking, phishing, and


2. Debilitating and lower sensitivity

The meaning of decreased sensitivity here is the reduced level of sympathy and empathy for

person to real world. With social networking, one tends to forget the real world and drowned in the

cyberspace. Stretch and ignore something that happens around them and prefer to pay attention to

something that happened in cyberspace.

3. Cause of Maag disease

Addiction of social networking websites can mark by many place for internet access, such as

cafe. This is show that technology advances. But, this advance have an impact on our health. People

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who are too long in front of computers tend to forget to eat. This thing can lead the serious disease.

The disease is most common in people who are addicted to the internet is maag.

4. Make the people, especially the student be lazy to study

Student will feel lazy to study, and more choose to play the social networking websites than study.

This is can make the mark of student be low or people can leave their work to stay in front of



Many ways and places you can do, especially for teacher to interact with students other than via

social networking sites, such as at school. They can directly interact. Even they can interact with face

to face.

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Social networking websites is a web-based service that allows users to create profiles, see the

list of available users, and invite or accept a friend to join the site.

Social networking websites can be defined as a social structures consisting of individual

elements or the organization to which this network showed the way in which they relate to the

similarity of sociality, ranging from those that are known in everyday life to the family.

In Indonesia itself, many people use social networking websites. Base on Socialbakers,

43.523.740 people use facebook, and the twitter users reach about 20 million people.


- Facebook : social network which was launched in February 2004 made by Mark Zuckerberg. Users can

add people as friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to

notify friends about themselves.

- Twitter : a social networking and microblogging service created by Jack Dorsey, and operated by

Twitter Inc., that enables its users to send and read other user messages called tweets.

- MySpace : MySpace is a social networking website. Its headquarters are in Beverly Hills, California

where shares an office building with direct owner, News Corp. Digital Media, owned by

News Corporation.


There some reason why teachers use social networking websites to interacting with student, among

them are :

1. To know nearer about the students.

Maybe, at schools we can’t know nearer about the students. But, in social networking website,

we can know it. They can share their problem about his/her family or about his/her schools.

2. To help teacher in teach a lesson or we can exchange the idea with other teacher or student.

Maybe, many of social networking website can’t give something, such as education. But, not

all social networking websites like that. Social networking websites can give us the education, not

only as an entertainment. For the example, we can access in That social

networking website create by e-Indonesia Initiatives Forum. It looks like Facebook, but this user use

social networking like "facebook" is to exchange materials from elementary school through high

school. There are a special team to choose good material to see/share for students and teachers. So,

students can learn from that social networking website beside at schools.


The advantages of social networking websites is make us easier to interact with people from all

over the world at a cost that is cheaper than using the telephone and then we can get information


Besides that, social networking websites make a benefit in the education, among them are :

1. As a facilities to make a community of education.

In social networking website, we can make a community which can discuss about the lesson. Or

the community that share about education.

2. As a media for student to submit their homework.

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The student can submit their homework with send their homework to teachers. They can do

that with send via e-mail.


1. As media information dissemination.

Information up to date is easily spread through social networking sites. Within a few minutes

after the incident, we have been able to enjoy information. It is very benefit for us as human beings

living in the digital era like this. Horizon of the world seemed to be in touch of our fingers.

2. As a means to develop skills and social.

Hone technical and social skills is a requirement that must be met in order to survive and be in

the balance of competition in the modern era like today. This is very important, there is no age limit,

everyone needs to progress.

3. Expanding the network of friends.

By using social networks, we can communicate with anyone, even with people we do not know

though from different corners of the world. This advantage can we use to add insight, exchange ideas,

get to know each other and the cultural characteristics of each region, etc.. It can also hone one's

ability to speak. For example, learning English by using call or video call facilities available on social

networking sites.

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Las Vegas is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Nevada and the county seat of Clark


Las Vegas is a state in the United States that has the exclusive authority and freedom for all

citizens to do whatever it pleases. Maybe, many people think why we should follow Las Vegas? I think a

simple reason because Las Vegas save a million beauty and easy. So we can imitate the system.

So in terms of what we should imitate? Not the negative, but we take the positive of Las Vegas.

Such as :

- The transportation.

Las Vegas has a good transportation. Las Vegas has a subway that can be used to surround the


- Security

City of Las Vegas is famous for its hotels at an affordable rate to stay, food was cheap and 24

hour security. We that coming to Las Vegas will continue to feel safe even ride the bus in the middle of

the night because the city is safe.

As noted in the Guinness Book of Records, 2000 Las Vegas located in the State of Nevada, USA,

to gain an income of Rp 72 trillion. In that year, visited by 35 million Las Vegas visitors.


Beside save a million beauty and easy, Las Vegas also give the comfortable and good facilities

for visitors. So, the visitors feel enjoy to stay in Las Vegas.

If you go to Las Vegas, there are some things you can do and place you can visit, among them


1. Go to the 18b Arts District in downtown Las Vegas every Friday in the first week, and you will

find some sort of celebration decorated with performances by street musicians, graffiti artists, and

other creative artists. It's time to enjoy the arts festival in the evening that ornate songs, festive bazaar

and a lot of the food in most developing arts district in the center of Sin City.

2. The Neon Museum was built as a form of tribute to the romance between Las vegas with

colorful florescent tube is being renovated and will be open again around the end of the year. But if

you're good at wooing, you can go and enjoy the fields most glowing neon carcass documentation, and

is also one of the most romantic places in the city.

3. For a challenge, you can enjoy the expanse of sandstone cliffs of Red Rock Canyon was

amazing. Sand dunes and hidden waterfalls is the perfect place to enjoy the beauty of nature, and many

miles meter path you can choose a field trip a wonderful afternoon. If you want to feel the sensation of

adrealin rush upstairs, just try Stratosphere SkyJump, the highest freefall.

4. The Venetian

Venetian atmosphere actually appear. Travelers who come to ride the gondola down the

"canals" that is.

5. Luxor

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Atmosphere of the Middle East was in Las Vegas. The tourists can enjoy the tourist attractions

in Egypt. The visitor can watch a movie about how to make a pyramid.

So, Las Vegas was worthy of the epithet miniature world.

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Las Vegas is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Nevada and the county seat of Clark


Las Vegas is a state in the United States that has the exclusive authority and freedom for all

citizens to do whatever it pleases.

Maybe when heard the name of Las Vegas, it occurred to us one of the songs Rhoma Irama,

namely Judi. Las Vegas is also famous gambling city. Everyone who comes to Las Vegas would be

tempted to try it and eventually will become addicted. Nothing else can be enjoyed in Las Vegas besides

gambling. It may sound a negative thing but that's a fact. City of Las Vegas is truly the city of gambling,

starting from the airport to enter the waiting room there is a Jackpot.


There are some reason why we shouldn’t follow Las Vegas, among them are:

1. Too easy to find negative things in Las Vegas, such as gambling.

Many places that facilitate gambling, ranging from airports alone is filled with a lot of gambling.

2. Las Vegas city full of glitzy entertainment.

Las Vegas is full of sparkling entertainment. Its people like not sleeping. Easy to get something

that can hurt us.


If we follow Las Vegas, there are some bad impact that will get, among them are :

1. Cause a bad image for the country

If there is a country that follows Las Vegas, it will damage the image of the country itself.

2. Make people become lazy

People will be lazy, preferring to do things they like.

I think we shouldn’t follow the Las Vegas. In Indonesia itself, there is a city like Las Vegas. That is

Yogyakarta. In Yogyakarta there are many local attractions to be enjoyed as Yogyakarta is a city of

culture. So, we don’t need to follow the Las Vegas.