The Coffee Klatch Media Kit


Transcript of The Coffee Klatch Media Kit

PowerPoint Presentation

MISSION STATEMENTThe Coffee Klatch started on a whim. I often speak and write about the isolation, stigma and confusion surrounding families of a special needs child. Many parents are on twitter sharing information, seeking support or finding a friendly ear. Twitter is where it all began. It is where I met my incredible team of moderators and hundreds of thousands of special needs parents. It is where I first created a morning chat for parents both newly diagnosed and those who have navigated the muddy waters to meet and share. It was there that it became very apparent to me that many of these parents were getting a lot of misinformation. For many, comorbidity of related disorders and the presentations in the vast difference in these disorders was impeding progress. They were struggling, overwhelmed, isolated and feeling defeated. What these parents needed was evidence based, comprehensive, cutting edge information, they needed the best of the best, they needed The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Talk Radio Network.Our guests are the most respected and renowned experts in the world. Together with my incredible team of hosts, I work to bring parents what they need to find accurate diagnosis and effective treatments.We take pride in providing interviews with the most respected and renowned experts on all aspects and types of neurobiological disorders, autism and child adolescent mental illnesses. We feature experts and celebrity advocates on all childrens disabilities both physical and emotional and spotlight International childrens foundations to share their incredible dedication and bring parents support. Our goal is to provide you, the parent, the educator, the professional with crucial information to allow you to make the most informed educated decisions for a child.My goal is to share an important message of fostering and embracing differences, putting aside labels and seeing the incredible kid behind the diagnosis. These kids are not just special in their needs but in their brilliance as well.


Check out more of our outstanding guests on our YouTube Channel

WHY CHOOSE USWith an impressive listener volume of over 800,000people, over 65,000 Twitter followers with an incredible500,000 impressionsa month, we offer a unique opportunity for you to connect with hundreds of thousands of customers and clients in the special needs community.The Coffee Klatch brand has become known for bringing the highest quality information to families and educators with special needs children. Our community is accepting, cordial and diverse. Unlike other informational shows, we are not limited by a particular diagnosis, instead we feature all disabilities and their related issues bringing crucial information to parents and educators.Our guests are the most respected experts, physicians, psychiatrists, special needs advocates and celebrities in the world. Based out of New York, we reach clinicians, educators and parents both nationally and internationally.Our social media networking coverage includes a highly followed Twitter account, Daily Twitter Newsletter, Monthly subscriber newsletter, Facebook, Itunes and YouTube.The Coffee Klatch has become known as a staple in the Special Needs Community synonymous with quality and excellence. We are proud to have been voted #1 for Special Needs by Klout and numerous other honorable recognitions for our service. We presently are #1 for special needs search on Twitter and enjoy high search recognition for special needs on Google and Bing. We are honored to have been featured in several national publications as well.With hundreds of thousands of visits to our website, the Coffee Klatch offers a direct way to reach your targeted market of parents,educators and professionals in the special needs community.




WHAT IS AN INFOPOD?An InfoPod is a fifteen minute Podcast about your product, resource, service or practice that can be placed on your website, social media feeds or blog in a player box format.

InfoPods are an exciting new way to market your business with detailed content unrestricted by social media charactersor website space. This is your fifteen minutes to let potential clients or customers learn in detail what you offer and more importantly, who you are!

Your InfoPod is also promoted on The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Talk Radio Networkfeatured once a month during a six month period at the end of one of our interviews. Additionally,your InfoPod will be added to our Twitter feed with more than 65,000 followers and 500,000 impressions a month.

Your information. Your Content. Your Infopod.
