The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1906 …

ic + Tj Ti1 I v f < iIt i fJlI THE ADAIR CQMTY NEWS COLUMBIA KY JANUARY 17 1906 Kentucky Intelligence IN THE LEGISLATURE > The Kentucky Solons Are After tho Express Companies Frankfort Jan 11Senator Henry George is after the express companies as he thinks they have been charging exorbitant rates in this state He in ¬ troduced a bill in the senate toregn late the charges and to place said w companies under control of the state railroad commission on the same foot- ing ¬ as railroads now are At the joint session of the senate and house Judge Thomas H Payhter was declared elected United States senator to suc ¬ ceed J C S Blackburn but another ballot will be taken next Tuesday ow ¬ ing to the ambiguity in the law In the senate Senator Burnam presented a petition from W T Haskins and others asking that a high school be established in every county in the f state to be paid for by the counties Representative Claybrooke of Wash ¬ ington offered a joint resolution au ¬ t thorizing the state librarian to pur ¬ chase 400 copies of the official manu- al ¬ one to be furnished each member S of both houses each county clerk in the state the state officials and to the- e librarian of every state in the union in exchange for a copy of a similar book The first thing in the house was a joint resolution introduced by Repre ¬ 4 sentative Gabbard making the golden rod the state flower ALLEGED YEGGMEN Five Men Arrested in a Room Over a Louisville Saloon LouIsvIlle Ky Jan 11Five alleg ¬ ed yeggmen suspected by the detec- tives of being the men who blew open the safe in J H Albaughs grocery store at Shoals Ind early in the morning of January 4 securing 7440 in United States coupon bonds and 2000 in 20dollar gold pieces were arrested in a room over a saloon in this city The arrest was made by aI posse headed by Capt Thomas Maher chief of the Louisville detective de- partment ¬ Capt Maher said that h- and his men had succeeded in recov ¬ ering from the alleged yeggmen 4240 in 20dollar gold pieces and 220 in fivedollar bills The detectives sweated the suspects for several hours YORK MURDER CASE Jt NoW Rests With the JuryBasts Testimony Contradicted I r Lawrenceburg Ky Jan 11The ar ¬ gument in the William H York mur ¬ der case was concluded and the case went to the jury The defense intro ¬ duced testimony which contradicted the statements of James Bast the commonwealths star witness who said that the defendant spent Tuesday night prior to the killing with him and at which time the plan to murder James R York was consummated It was shown that the accused was at the home of Charles Baxter that night More Money For State Capitolt Frankfort Ky Jan 1LBy the re- tort of the state capitol committees filed with the two houses of the gent eral assembly it is recommended by < Frank M Andrews architect that ant 4 additional Sum of 1028125 is neces ¬ sary to complete the building for svhich the state has already appropri ¬ ated 1000000 To date there has ibeen expended about 70000 Case Continued Until Mayt London Ky Jan 11 case against Tilden House charged with burning his fathers residence in Jack son county was called in the circuitc court at McKee and continued May term An indictment was returnr ed against him for swearing on 3ils examining trialc To Discuss Good Roads Frankfort Ky Jan 11Those members of the legislature who are interested in good roads in Kentucky iwill meet in the office of Hubert Vree land commissioner of agriculture on o January 24 to discuss legislation look ¬ ing to bettering the roads of the state- s t To Stop Gambling at Owensbbro Owensboro Ky Jan llAs a re SuIt of the raid on the gambling house of the Tallyho club four of the 18 men arrested were fined and the oth ers dismissed The police say they will stop every game of chance in op Aeration in Owensboro Was Accidentally Wounded London Ky Jan 11 Oavid Bowl ¬ ing of Bush this county was shot in- c the hip with a 45caliber revolver The weapon was accidentally discharg ed while he was crossing a fence The ban lodged in his thigh inflicting a j serious woundI Will Manage An Opera House Newport Ky Jan iiDeputy City Auditor and Delinquent Tax Collector Frank Covalt this city sent his resis flttlon to Mayor Helmbold with the I statement that he had accepted a post ition to manage the Grand opera louse > M Aurora MoI Dr Renfrew Badly Burned c f Sharpsburir Ky J anLn J W J 4 ftenfrew prominent here was seriously burned about the legs M If 4 and feet He was attempting to start i t A 1re In the grate in nit room I with e jr ro enet when the oil caught fire dP f iJq T- l 1 J f tc r i 4 a iv tZ iili t ii 1 i l f r Y < W r I a = ijj iz rr BANKS SWINDLED It Is Alleged That a Number Were the Victims of Forged Municipal Bonds UTTERED BY PRIOR IT IS SAID Ail Investigation Has Been Started by the Director of the AmericanI Bankers Association With This End in View a Number of Detectives From a Private Agency Have Already Commenced I the Work in Ohio Cleveland CX Jan 13Ihe com- mIttee ¬ in charge of the investigation of the affairs of Denison Prior Co metFHdayland after the meeting an ¬ flounced that the facts disclosed jus ¬ tified them in stating that it is their belief that forgeries to the extent of several hundred thousand dollars exist and are confined to the following three issues of bonds City of Canton 0 4 per cent water works extension bonds South Sharon Pa41z per cent improvement bonds and Alpena Mich 5 per cent water works bonds Now that the accountants are be- coming more familiar with the book- keeping ¬ system the work is progress ¬ ing more rapidly and it is hoped that within a few days a definite conclu- sion ¬ can be reached Regarding the statement that forged bonds are held by 50 interior Ohio banksHR Newcomb a member of the banters committee sail that there was no justification for its being so far as the committee was concerned He added that the committees inves ¬ tigation thus far shows not more than a dozen banks involved in that they are holding the spurious securities Most of this number Mr Newcomb said are prosperous financial houses in Cleveland that are well able to take care of themselves and that the sum in each case is not large The swindling of a number of Ohio banks by the use of the forged munic ¬ ipal bonds uttered by L W Prior has resulted in an investigation being Started under the direction of the Am- erican ¬ Bankers association to uncov ¬ er the entire plan of4the swindle and see if any others were connected with him in the transactions To this end a number of detectives from a private agency have already started on the work MRS CASSIE L CHADWICK The Bank Wrecker Taken To the Ohio Penitentiary To Serve a Term Columbus 0 Jan 13Mrs Cassie L Chadwick the bank wrecker and wizard of finance arrived at the peni- tentiary ¬ from Cleveland to begin a sentence of ten years for conspiracy to wreck the Citizens National bank at Oberlin O Her train was 23 min ¬ lates The woman was taken through the baggage room under the waiting room in the Union and hastily placed in a cab in he driveway and hustled off to the prison Ten policemen were sent to he station to keep the large crowd back and three policemen escorted the woman to the cab Detectives in plain- clothes were present also Mrs Chadwick was in charge of I United States Marshal Chandler and I Deputy Fleming and she was brought I o Columbus in a Pullman over the Big Four road No special arrangements were made the womans department for the reie- ption of the woman She wall be- ompelled I to sleep on a cot in the cor as the womans J 1cupied The prison officials are skeptical as to the illness of Mrs Chadwick They say that she will be treated as any other prisoner in the female depart ment They think the reports that she has heart trouble are groundless and after an examination if it is found she is able she will be put to washiiig or other heavy work if not she will be placed in the sewing department An exwoman clerk in the secretarys office of the penitentiary identified Mrs Cassie Chadwick some time after rhe arrived at the prison asS Madame Devere v WHOLESALE ROBBERY Six Men Looted a Store In East St Louis and Were Arrested I East St Louis ill Jan 1Six men drove two wagons up to the general store of Halifax Lewis knocked down John Halifax and guarded him with a knife while the store was loot ¬ ed and considerable stock loaded into the wagons The six escaped but were pursued and arrested They gave their names as James Gallagher John FitZ1ge Business Failures I New York Jan 13 Business fall ¬ ures in the United States in the week > ending January 11 number 286 against m last week 295 in the like week of 1905 Z15 In 1904 and 234 in 1903 In Canada failures for the week number I 4i5 as against 32 last week I 1t Z i p 4 I1dr t > fh fi t t too ii101J rt 1 l N < Jr i f ii tr i i j < < j t f c 4 > l i1Jrt 1 t THE KENTUCKY LEILATURiZi rwo Contestants I Houses Adjourned Until Monday I i Frankfort Jan 13Both bodies of he general assembly had short ses dons Friday and the introduction of iev bills was the feature The con est case of Barbour and Howell igainst Young dm from Bath and iowan was decided in favor of Young jy the house The case of Meng vs ariffin from Allen county was decided in favor of Griffin the sitting mem ¬ her wHo is a republican The com ¬ mittees having had no time to consid- er ¬ bills nothing could he done in the way of legislation so both branches Df the legislature djourned till Mon iay The new statehouse coTOmisoTi rs met with the senate and house committees on public buildings and discussed the needs and the proposed changes in the new capitol building but no definite steps were taken Architect Andrews will meet with the committees next week and go over the whole matter in detail as to what is best to be done and the amount neces- sary to do it FEARED POSSIBLE VIOLENCE Wife Murder Charged Against the Man Spirited Away I 13SaDlllellDuvall charge of shooting to death his Janie Duvall At the d tithe she WIfeI killed the general belief was was the victim of an accident but la- ter ¬ developments led the authorities- to believe that she was the victim of a murder plot The people in the neigh ¬ borhood where the couple lived are greatly wrought up over the tragedy S and to save the man from possible violence he was brought here Fear- ing that some one might try to take Duvall from the officers the constable spirited him away during the night Duvall after pleading not guilty was bound over to the grand jury and will be kept in jail here for safekeeping THREE HOBOES Upper Berths of a Sleeping Car Was Appropriated By Them Louisville Ky Jan 13When Jas Cole porter of the Pullman sleeper Seminole opened the car at Tenth Street station early the other morning he found three hoboes sleeping in up ¬ per berths They had disrobed and raid they had prepared for a trip to the south Private Detective Gabutt of the Lou vine Nashville road ar ¬ rested the trio A Central Police sta ¬ tion they registered as A S Romey J S Donovan and Dave Brown and said they came to Louisville from Cov ington Each is about 18 years old Judge McCann fined them 10 apiece and ordered their commitment fo GO lays if they could not furnish 200 ban I Natural Gas Is Ready Mt Sterling Ky Jan13The Cen ¬ tral Kentucky Natural Gas Co is now ready for business Within a week 150 ftomes will be using the gas from Menifee county It will probably he piped to Louisville and Cincinnati from Lexington which will be reach ¬ ed Februaryt For a Medical College Lexington Ky Jan 13 President James K Patterson of the Kentucky State college appeared before the Fayette county fiscal court and asked that body to appropriate 10000 or IState Charged With Burglary Richmond Ky Jan 13Sem Smith of Waco just discharged from the United States army and en route home from the Philippines was arrest- ed here charged with burglary While waiting for a train it is alleged he broke into the grocery of W T Ed wardsS I To Choke Off Uncle Tom Louisville Ky Jan 13 > The United Daughters of the Confederacy will pre sent memoriaP to the Kentucky legis- lature ¬ insisting that a raw be enacted preventing the presentation of the play of Uncle Tom in all towns and cities within the state Appointed County Detective Lexington KyJan 13Chief of Detectives J Walter Marshall was Fri ¬ day appointed county detective vice Capt James Wilkerson deceased Oapt Malcolm Brown of the police successorF I For Slaying the Solon London Jan 13Creed Benge was convicted in McKee for complicity in the killing of Representative J JC Howard in Clay county last spring and sentenced to serve four years Ed ¬ ward Benge is on trial for the same crime y ElectedaankPrestdent Bowling Green Ky Jan 13Rob ert Rodes jr was elected president of the Citizens National bank of this city Mr Rodes has justr retired as sheriff of this county which office he bas acceptably filled for seven years 1France and tbcitY of jParis have spent nearly 700000 this year inuen lertiJning roysJ guests c fJi S 9J11 it II Iil AIJ ff < i > jJCi rft It i t 0 jIO T t1 > I < tg > > J S II f tt r I Ji 1 V rtj vj ih Si l l DELICIOUS REFRESHING y Will give you comfort on a sweltering day When hot and weary it im ¬ parts vigor and energy 5c at soda fountains and in bottles 5c rtfr 1 P ft ij > t 4 FRENCH DEMANDS t They Have Been Ignored and Relations Between France and Venezuela Are Broken FRENCH TO FORCE RECOGNITION The Issue Is the Attack of President Castro Upon Properties and Fran ¬ chise of the Cable Co Castro Claims the Company Violated the Terms of Its Concessions in Not Laying Certain Coast Lines of Cable Paris Jan 13Though M Maubour guet the Venezuelan charge daffaires has not yet received his passports diplomatic relations between France and Venezuela are considered to have been broken off There ds no question for the present of a naval demonstra ¬ tion but there is no doubt that the French government intends to have the fullest recognition of and respect for its rights An official note issued says that al- though ¬ an ultimatum has not yet been sent to Venezuela France can not tolerate much longer President Cas ¬ tros refusal to accede to the French demands without considering the ad- visability ¬ of taking stronger means to enforce them- Washington Jan 13 Although the present breach in the diplomatic rel- ations between France and Venezuela is technically chargeable against the personality of M Taigny the French charge at Caracas the real issue as if is understood here is the attack by President Castro upon the properties and franchises of the French Cable rCo The president aserted that the ca company had lent active assist ance to the Matos rebellion There ¬ venII Ithe its concessions in not laying cer coast lines of cable and especially n crossing the island of Santo Domin ¬ go with land wires subject to frequent interruption in times of rebellion on that island The courts sustainedthe presidents view and in fact practic aly took possession of the companys offices at certain points when the theI < Alleged Insulting Note President Castro regarded this note- s insulting to his government and re ¬ fused to have anything more to do with M Taigny But the French gov¬ disputeI had followed precisely the instruc ¬ tious of his foreign office At this point Mr Russell the Amer ¬ lean minister at Caracas intervened in the interest of peace and after many patient exchanges it was be ¬ lieved that he had finally succeeded But while he induced President Cas ¬ tro to withdraw a note refusing to do business with 1t Taigny which the French government regarded asf fensive he could not prevail upon President Castro to resume his offi ¬ cial relations with the French charge The climax 1eon New Years day when the French government suppos ¬ ing that a satisfactory settlement had been reached received with the usual honors of the New Year day reception the Venezuelan minister at Paris only to learn that President Castro had re ¬ fused to do likewise for M Taigny at Caracas This omission touched the pride of the French government who felt it had been made the victim of double dealing and deceit which fact the French amba ador in Washington was not slow communicate to the state department jXMr Russell report- ed his failurerto effect a settlement thereby making himself unpopular in Caracas and then came jnptice from the French government that diplomat- ic ¬ relations with Venezuela were corn ¬ pletely severed r There is a hint of punitive measures dn the part of Fjrapce and thetition Is regarded officially as yer iirapfeasaiitwith pos ibilies of sterfous oonte9uenceLj r 1li1h 1 J t it iri I t y rijJJr l1t w f qif iiIfJ lo n F t i t0 tiS HANGE IN THE GOVERNMENT 1 EN MORALES RESIGNS PRESI ¬ DENCY OF SAN DOMINGO lice President Caceres According Tfi L the Constitution Is Now Chief Magistrate of the I CountryI San Domingo flingo Jan 13Gen Morales resig lation as president of Santo vas tendered and accepted DomingoI lay He will leave this city ihe United States gunboat > ound for Porto Rico The former resident will be accompanied by En ique Jimenes Vice President Caceres who has een acting as president since the ime Gen Morales fled from the capi al is now according to the constitu ¬ ion president of Santo Domingo The change in the government does aot imperil the negotiations for a reaty between Santo Domingo and he United States Gen Caceres is favorably inclined oward the ratification of the agree- ment ¬ reached Gen Morales it is said was recent y hidden in a cave nursing his wound 3d leg He is now helpless and in the aands of his medical attendants NEWS ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST The athletic board of the Iowa State Normal school suspended football for next year James A Suiter who was colonel of the famous 34th New York regiment died at Herkimer N Y He was 91 years old E B Jenkins Co bankers and brokers of Pittsburg announced their suspension from business The liabili- ties ¬ said to be about 100000 The strike of the printers in the news department of the Montreal Ga- zette ended when the men returned to work without conditions accepting the open shop principle- Representative McCall introduced a bill providing for publicity in connec ¬ tion with all funds used in campaigns for the election of members of the houseFebruary 15 was fixed by tht house committee on judiciary as the date for a hearing on the proposed constitu ¬ tional amendment providing for worn an sUffrage- I I Two Negroes Hanged I Kingstree S C Jan 13 Jenkins Burrows and Arthur Williams two ot the three negroes convicted of the murder of Julian Wilson a prominent citizen of Williamsburg county were hanged here Robert Scott convicted of the crime was respited for 30 days I One Killed and Five Injured Traverse City Mich Jan 13Ben ¬ jamin Robertson was killed and five friends with whom he was coasting down a steep ice coated hill were in ¬ jured when Robertsons sled crashed I with terrific momentum into a horse and cutter crossing its path IThe Sons of Confederate Veterans I Montgomery Ala Jan 13Dr Thomas 11 Owen commanderinchief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans announced that the reunion of the or- der will be held in New Orleans April 25 26 and 27 coincident with the vet ¬ erans reunion t > Convicted of Usury r Kansas City Jan 13P J Hughes a money lender was convicted of the charge of usury by a jury here J H Williamson charged that he borrowed 10 from Hughes two years ago and had p Jd41 in interest and still owed Hughes 20- Young Cprbett Knocked Out Los Angeles Cal Jan 13Aurelio Herrera of Bakersfield Cal knocked out Young Corbett in the fifth round Jat the Pacific Athletic club pavilion Henreras victory was an easy one Corbetts exhibition was disappointing Gift To University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Jan 13 Provost Har- I rison announced that the University of Pennsylvania has received the sum I Ot 50000 from Eckley Bronton Cox I jr and that the new dormitory house Will be celled the Coxe house I Hotel Damaged By Fire Montreal Jan 13A section of the Qyfirel was constructed saved the remainder ofthshotel Sil H f4i 4 p 5 SI fi f iL e fl iii i iff y 1 S I r j r 1 r1 r 1 THE COTTON ASSOCIATION The Balance of Crop of 19056 To Be Held For 15 Cents a Pound New Orleans Jan 13By unani- mous vote the cotton association adopted the report of its committee on holding recommending that the balance of the crop of 19056 be held for 15 cents a pound A joint com- mittee ¬ of bankers and farmers from each state and territory is to carry the plan into effect Cooperation with the growers of sea island cotton is pro ¬ vided for long staple cotton to be held at 24 cents New Paper For Cincinnati Cincinnati Jan 13W R Hearst of New York is making arrangements to start a morning and afternoon paper in this city to be called the Cincin ¬ nati Examiner Carloads of machin- ery ¬ for the plant have arrived in the city and options have been secured on a piece of property Marshall Fields Conoition New York Jan 13At 11 oclock Friday night the physicians attending Marshall Field of Chicagc who is ill at a hotel in this city issued the fol ¬ lowing bulletin Mr Fields condi- tion ¬ rem ins unchanged The disea has not extended He is no worse cr THE MARKETS FLOUR AND GRAIN Cincinnati Jan 12 Flour Winter pat ¬ ent 440475 do fancy 385410 do family 335360 do extra 290320 low grade 2602SO spring patent 5tt525 fancy 390410 do family 370390 rye Hour Northwestern 355t370 city 36IJ J385 Wheat No 2 red quotable at 9173 gS2c on track CornSales Yellow ear track 48c No 2 mixed track 45yc No 4 mixed track 43 ½c Oats Sales No 2 mixed track 33c RyeNo2 69ylc No 3 467c No4 5358c Barley 44150c Chicago Jan 12WheatNo 2 spring S5c No 3 82S6c No 2 red 88S9 c Corn No 2 4242c No 2 yellow 42c OatsNo2 31c No 2 white 32 ½c No 3 white 3032 4c RyeNo 2 6T 7c BarleyGood feeding 37c fair to choice malting 4449c LIVE STOCK Cincinnati Jan 12 Cattle Heavy steers choice 485 fair to good tSt2 475 butcher steers extra 475485 good to choice H1565 heifers extra 5450- ood to choice t440 cows extra F365375 good to choice Zfi360 Calves Fair to good light 75OjS choice to ex ¬ tra S25850 HogsGood to choice packers and butchers 557WJ56O mixed packers 550555 light shippers 5J > 110 lbs and less 4755oU Sheep Extra 5510 good to choice j460490 LambsExtra 790S good to choice 750T85 Chicago Jan 12Beeves 37562a cows and heifers 150ftT475 stockers and feeders 250425 Hogs Mixed and 3Qjfi nXn SheepMarket steady sheep SJSi S1fi > lambs 5JLQgS IIts the Early Bird A Franch scientist has discovered i compound that brings worms to the sur- face and makes them squirm themselves to death according to the New Yorl Telegram However we still pin eel faith to the old reliable early bird I Child Burned To Death Jackson Ky Jan 13Mabel Jett the threeyearold child of Wm Jett of this city who was badly burned by her clothing catching fire at an open grate died shortly after The child will be buried here Mrs Lucy Polk Dead Raleigh N C Jan 13A dispatch from Warrenton N C tells of the death there of Mrs Lucy E Polk the venerable widow of Col William H Polk and sisterinlaw of President Polk She was buried in Warrenton Will Charge An Admission Fecr Lexington Ky Jan llJames B fiaggfn the millionaire owner or ETI mendorf stock farm hereafter will enlarge all visitors a small aamlssioa fee ana will give the entire collections V Lexington champs j A Child Fatally Burned Owingsville Ky Jan 12In Breathitt county Mabel the 3yearold laughter of Wm Jett was fatally burned Her clothing caught fire from burnpdalmost I b Uncle Sams Loose Change All the money in the world now amounts to 112 0000000 of which 16000000000 is in gold and more than 13000000000 is in silver Of the gold nearly onefourth and of the silver more than onefifth is held by the United States the amount in both cases being more than that held By any other na tloaS v 4SS Oi of l t + j t7iJ 1 fff > J v J it 3f = 7 1

Transcript of The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1906 …

Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1906 … Spirited Away I 13SaDlllellDuvall charge of shooting to death his Janie Duvall At

ic+Tj Ti1 I v




Kentucky IntelligenceIN THE LEGISLATURE


The Kentucky Solons Are After thoExpress Companies

Frankfort Jan 11Senator HenryGeorge is after the express companiesas he thinks they have been chargingexorbitant rates in this state He in¬

troduced a bill in the senate toregnlate the charges and to place said

w companies under control of the staterailroad commission on the same foot-ing


as railroads now are At the jointsession of the senate and house JudgeThomas H Payhter was declaredelected United States senator to suc ¬

ceed J C S Blackburn but anotherballot will be taken next Tuesday ow¬

ing to the ambiguity in the law Inthe senate Senator Burnam presenteda petition from W T Haskins andothers asking that a high school beestablished in every county in the

f state to be paid for by the countiesRepresentative Claybrooke of Wash ¬

ington offered a joint resolution au ¬

t thorizing the state librarian to pur¬

chase 400 copies of the official manu-al


one to be furnished each memberS of both houses each county clerk in

the state the state officials and to the-e

librarian of every state in the unionin exchange for a copy of a similarbook The first thing in the house wasa joint resolution introduced by Repre ¬

4 sentative Gabbard making the goldenrod the state flower


Five Men Arrested in a Room Over aLouisville Saloon

LouIsvIlle Ky Jan 11Five alleg ¬

ed yeggmen suspected by the detec-tives of being the men who blew openthe safe in J H Albaughs grocerystore at Shoals Ind early in themorning of January 4 securing 7440in United States coupon bonds and

2000 in 20dollar gold pieces werearrested in a room over a saloon inthis city The arrest was made by aIposse headed by Capt Thomas Maherchief of the Louisville detective de-


Capt Maher said that h-

and his men had succeeded in recov ¬

ering from the alleged yeggmen4240 in 20dollar gold pieces and 220in fivedollar bills The detectivessweated the suspects for several



Jt NoW Rests With the JuryBastsTestimony ContradictedI


Lawrenceburg Ky Jan 11The ar¬

gument in the William H York mur¬

der case was concluded and the casewent to the jury The defense intro¬

duced testimony which contradictedthe statements of James Bast thecommonwealths star witness whosaid that the defendant spent Tuesdaynight prior to the killing with himand at which time the plan to murderJames R York was consummated Itwas shown that the accused was at

the home of Charles Baxter that night

More Money For State CapitoltFrankfort Ky Jan 1LBy the re-

tort of the state capitol committeesfiled with the two houses of the genteral assembly it is recommended by

< Frank M Andrews architect that ant4 additional Sum of 1028125 is neces ¬

sary to complete the building forsvhich the state has already appropri ¬

ated 1000000 To date there hasibeen expended about 70000

Case Continued Until MaytLondon Ky Jan 11 case

against Tilden House charged withburning his fathers residence in Jackson county was called in the circuitccourt at McKee and continuedMay term An indictment was returnred against him for swearing on3ils examining trialcTo Discuss Good Roads

Frankfort Ky Jan 11Thosemembers of the legislature who areinterested in good roads in Kentuckyiwill meet in the office of Hubert Vreeland commissioner of agriculture on

o January 24 to discuss legislation look¬

ing to bettering the roads of the state-s

t To Stop Gambling at OwensbbroOwensboro Ky Jan llAs a re

SuIt of the raid on the gambling houseof the Tallyho club four of the 18

men arrested were fined and the others dismissed The police say theywill stop every game of chance in op

Aeration in Owensboro

Was Accidentally WoundedLondon Ky Jan 11 Oavid Bowl ¬

ing of Bush this county was shot in-

c the hip with a 45caliber revolverThe weapon was accidentally discharged while he was crossing a fence Theban lodged in his thigh inflicting a


serious woundIWill Manage An Opera HouseNewport Ky Jan iiDeputy City

Auditor and Delinquent Tax CollectorFrank Covalt this city sent his resisflttlon to Mayor Helmbold with the

I statement that he had accepted a postition to manage the Grand opera louse

> M Aurora MoIDr Renfrew Badly Burnedc

f Sharpsburir Ky JanLn J WJ


ftenfrew prominent herewas seriously burned about the legs

M If4 and feet He was attempting to start

i t A 1re In the grate in nit roomIwith

e jr ro enet when the oil caught fire

dPf iJq T-


1 J

f tc ri4


iv tZ iili t ii1 il f r Y <W rI a

= ijj izrr


It Is Alleged That a NumberWere the Victims of Forged

Municipal Bonds


Ail Investigation Has Been Started bythe Director of the AmericanI

Bankers Association

With This End in View a Number ofDetectives From a Private Agency

Have Already Commenced I

the Work in Ohio

Cleveland CX Jan 13Ihe com-mIttee


in charge of the investigationof the affairs of Denison Prior CometFHdayland after the meeting an ¬

flounced that the facts disclosed jus¬

tified them in stating that it is theirbelief that forgeries to the extent ofseveral hundred thousand dollars existand are confined to the following threeissues of bonds City of Canton 04 per cent water works extensionbonds South Sharon Pa41z percent improvement bonds and AlpenaMich 5 per cent water works bonds

Now that the accountants are be-coming more familiar with the book-


system the work is progress ¬

ing more rapidly and it is hoped thatwithin a few days a definite conclu-sion


can be reachedRegarding the statement that forged

bonds are held by 50 interior Ohio

banksHR Newcomb a member ofthe banters committee sail that therewas no justification for its being sofar as the committee was concernedHe added that the committees inves ¬

tigation thus far shows not more thana dozen banks involved in that theyare holding the spurious securities

Most of this number Mr Newcombsaid are prosperous financial housesin Cleveland that are well able to takecare of themselves and that the sumin each case is not large

The swindling of a number of Ohiobanks by the use of the forged munic ¬

ipal bonds uttered by L W Prior hasresulted in an investigation beingStarted under the direction of the Am-


Bankers association to uncov ¬

er the entire plan of4the swindle andsee if any others were connected withhim in the transactions To this enda number of detectives from a privateagency have already started on thework


The Bank Wrecker Taken To the OhioPenitentiary To Serve a Term

Columbus 0 Jan 13Mrs CassieL Chadwick the bank wrecker andwizard of finance arrived at the peni-tentiary


from Cleveland to begin asentence of ten years for conspiracyto wreck the Citizens National bankat Oberlin O Her train was 23 min ¬

lates The woman was takenthrough the baggage room under the

waiting room in the Unionand hastily placed in a cab in

he driveway and hustled off to theprison Ten policemen were sent tohe station to keep the large crowd

back and three policemen escorted thewoman to the cab Detectives in plain-clothes were present also

Mrs Chadwick was in charge ofI

United States Marshal Chandler and I

Deputy Fleming and she was broughtI

o Columbus in a Pullman over the BigFour road

No special arrangements were madethe womans department for the reie-

ption of the woman She wall be-ompelled


to sleep on a cot in the coras the womans J1cupied

The prison officials are skeptical asto the illness of Mrs Chadwick Theysay that she will be treated as anyother prisoner in the female department They think the reports that shehas heart trouble are groundless andafter an examination if it is found sheis able she will be put to washiiig orother heavy work if not she will beplaced in the sewing department

An exwoman clerk in the secretarysoffice of the penitentiary identifiedMrs Cassie Chadwick some time afterrhe arrived at the prison asS MadameDevere v


Six Men Looted a Store In East StLouis and Were Arrested


East St Louis ill Jan 1Six mendrove two wagons up to the generalstore of Halifax Lewis knockeddown John Halifax and guarded himwith a knife while the store was loot ¬

ed and considerable stock loaded intothe wagons The six escaped but werepursued and arrested They gavetheir names as James Gallagher John

FitZ1geBusiness Failures I

New York Jan 13 Business fall¬

ures in the United States in the week >

ending January 11 number 286 againstm last week 295 in the like week of1905 Z15 In 1904 and 234 in 1903 InCanada failures for the week number

I4i5 as against 32 last week


1t Z i p 4I1dr t >

fh fi tt tooii101J rt 1 l N <Jri f iitr i i j <

< j t fc 4 > l i1Jrt

1 t


rwo Contestants I

Houses Adjourned Until Monday I


Frankfort Jan 13Both bodies ofhe general assembly had short sesdons Friday and the introduction ofiev bills was the feature The conest case of Barbour and Howelligainst Young dm from Bath andiowan was decided in favor of Youngjy the house The case of Meng vsariffin from Allen county was decidedin favor of Griffin the sitting mem ¬

her wHo is a republican The com ¬

mittees having had no time to consid-er


bills nothing could he done in theway of legislation so both branchesDf the legislature djourned till Moniay The new statehouse coTOmisoTirs met with the senate and house

committees on public buildings anddiscussed the needs and the proposedchanges in the new capitol buildingbut no definite steps were takenArchitect Andrews will meet with thecommittees next week and go over thewhole matter in detail as to what isbest to be done and the amount neces-sary to do it


Wife Murder Charged Against theMan Spirited Away I

13SaDlllellDuvallcharge of shooting to death hisJanie Duvall At the dtithe sheWIfeIkilled the general belief waswas the victim of an accident but la-


developments led the authorities-to believe that she was the victim of amurder plot The people in the neigh ¬

borhood where the couple lived aregreatly wrought up over the tragedy S

and to save the man from possibleviolence he was brought here Fear-ing that some one might try to takeDuvall from the officers the constablespirited him away during the nightDuvall after pleading not guilty wasbound over to the grand jury and willbe kept in jail here for safekeeping


Upper Berths of a Sleeping Car WasAppropriated By Them

Louisville Ky Jan 13When JasCole porter of the Pullman sleeper

Seminole opened the car at TenthStreet station early the other morninghe found three hoboes sleeping in up¬

per berths They had disrobed andraid they had prepared for a trip tothe south Private Detective Gabuttof the Lou vine Nashville road ar¬

rested the trio A Central Police sta¬

tion they registered as A S RomeyJ S Donovan and Dave Brown andsaid they came to Louisville from Covington Each is about 18 years oldJudge McCann fined them 10 apieceand ordered their commitment fo GO

lays if they could not furnish 200

ban I

Natural Gas Is ReadyMt Sterling Ky Jan13The Cen¬

tral Kentucky Natural Gas Co is nowready for business Within a week150 ftomes will be using the gas fromMenifee county It will probably hepiped to Louisville and Cincinnatifrom Lexington which will be reach ¬

ed FebruarytFor a Medical College

Lexington Ky Jan 13 PresidentJames K Patterson of the KentuckyState college appeared before theFayette county fiscal court and askedthat body to appropriate 10000 or

IStateCharged With BurglaryRichmond Ky Jan 13Sem Smith

of Waco just discharged from theUnited States army and en routehome from the Philippines was arrest-ed here charged with burglary Whilewaiting for a train it is alleged hebroke into the grocery of W T EdwardsS I

To Choke Off Uncle TomLouisville Ky Jan 13> The United

Daughters of the Confederacy will present memoriaP to the Kentucky legis-


insisting that a raw be enactedpreventing the presentation of theplay of Uncle Tom in all towns andcities within the state

Appointed County DetectiveLexington KyJan 13Chief of

Detectives J Walter Marshall was Fri¬

day appointed county detective viceCapt James Wilkerson deceasedOapt Malcolm Brown of the police


For Slaying the SolonLondon Jan 13Creed Benge was

convicted in McKee for complicity inthe killing of Representative J JCHoward in Clay county last springand sentenced to serve four years Ed ¬

ward Benge is on trial for the samecrime y

ElectedaankPrestdentBowling Green Ky Jan 13Rob

ert Rodes jr was elected presidentof the Citizens National bank of thiscity Mr Rodes has justr retired assheriff of this county which office hebas acceptably filled for seven years

1France and tbcitY of jParis havespent nearly 700000 this year inuenlertiJning roysJ guests

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Will give you comfort on a swelteringday When hot and weary it im¬

parts vigor and energy

5c at soda fountains and in bottles 5crtfr 1 P ft ij

> t 4


They Have Been Ignored andRelations Between France and

Venezuela Are Broken


The Issue Is the Attack of PresidentCastro Upon Properties and Fran¬

chise of the Cable Co

Castro Claims the Company Violatedthe Terms of Its Concessions in

Not Laying Certain CoastLines of Cable

Paris Jan 13Though M Maubourguet the Venezuelan charge daffaireshas not yet received his passportsdiplomatic relations between Franceand Venezuela are considered to havebeen broken off There ds no questionfor the present of a naval demonstra ¬

tion but there is no doubt that theFrench government intends to havethe fullest recognition of and respectfor its rights

An official note issued says that al-


an ultimatum has not yet beensent to Venezuela France can nottolerate much longer President Cas ¬

tros refusal to accede to the Frenchdemands without considering the ad-visability


of taking stronger means toenforce them-

Washington Jan 13 Although thepresent breach in the diplomatic rel-ations between France and Venezuelais technically chargeable against thepersonality of M Taigny the Frenchcharge at Caracas the real issue as ifis understood here is the attack byPresident Castro upon the propertiesand franchises of the French Cable

rCo The president aserted that the cacompany had lent active assist

ance to the Matos rebellion There ¬venIIIthe its concessions in not laying cercoast lines of cable and especially

n crossing the island of Santo Domin¬

go with land wires subject to frequentinterruption in times of rebellion onthat island The courts sustainedthepresidents view and in fact practicaly took possession of the companysoffices at certain points when thetheI< Alleged Insulting Note

President Castro regarded this note-s insulting to his government and re ¬

fused to have anything more to dowith M Taigny But the French gov¬disputeIhad followed precisely the instruc ¬

tious of his foreign officeAt this point Mr Russell the Amer ¬

lean minister at Caracas intervenedin the interest of peace and aftermany patient exchanges it was be¬

lieved that he had finally succeededBut while he induced President Cas¬

tro to withdraw a note refusing to dobusiness with 1t Taigny which theFrench government regarded asffensive he could not prevail uponPresident Castro to resume his offi ¬

cial relations with the French chargeThe climax 1eon New Years daywhen the French government suppos ¬

ing that a satisfactory settlement hadbeen reached received with the usualhonors of the New Year day receptionthe Venezuelan minister at Paris onlyto learn that President Castro had re¬

fused to do likewise for M Taigny atCaracas This omission touched thepride of the French government whofelt it had been made the victim ofdouble dealing and deceit which factthe French amba ador in Washingtonwas not slow communicate to thestate department jXMr Russell report-ed his failurerto effect a settlementthereby making himself unpopular inCaracas and then came jnptice fromthe French government that diplomat-ic


relations with Venezuela were corn ¬

pletely severed r There is a hint ofpunitive measures dn the part ofFjrapce and thetition Is regardedofficially as yer iirapfeasaiitwith posibilies of sterfous oonte9uenceLj

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lice President Caceres According TfiL the Constitution Is Now Chief

Magistrate of theI CountryISan Domingo

flingo Jan 13Gen Morales resiglation as president of Santovas tendered and accepted DomingoIlay He will leave this cityihe United States gunboat>ound for Porto Rico The formerresident will be accompanied by Enique JimenesVice President Caceres who has

een acting as president since theime Gen Morales fled from the capial is now according to the constitu ¬

ion president of Santo DomingoThe change in the government does

aot imperil the negotiations for areaty between Santo Domingo andhe United States

Gen Caceres is favorably inclinedoward the ratification of the agree-ment


reachedGen Morales it is said was recent

y hidden in a cave nursing his wound3d leg He is now helpless and in theaands of his medical attendants


The athletic board of the Iowa StateNormal school suspended football fornext year

James A Suiter who was colonel ofthe famous 34th New York regimentdied at Herkimer N Y He was 91years old

E B Jenkins Co bankers andbrokers of Pittsburg announced theirsuspension from business The liabili-ties


said to be about 100000The strike of the printers in the

news department of the Montreal Ga-

zette ended when the men returned towork without conditions accepting theopen shop principle-

Representative McCall introduced abill providing for publicity in connec ¬

tion with all funds used in campaignsfor the election of members of thehouseFebruary

15 was fixed by tht housecommittee on judiciary as the date fora hearing on the proposed constitu ¬

tional amendment providing for wornan sUffrage-


I Two Negroes HangedI Kingstree S C Jan 13 JenkinsBurrows and Arthur Williams two otthe three negroes convicted of themurder of Julian Wilson a prominentcitizen of Williamsburg county werehanged here Robert Scott convictedof the crime was respited for 30 days


One Killed and Five InjuredTraverse City Mich Jan 13Ben ¬

jamin Robertson was killed and fivefriends with whom he was coastingdown a steep ice coated hill were in¬

jured when Robertsons sled crashedI with terrific momentum into a horseand cutter crossing its path

IThe Sons of Confederate VeteransI Montgomery Ala Jan 13DrThomas 11 Owen commanderinchiefof the Sons of Confederate Veteransannounced that the reunion of the or-der will be held in New Orleans April25 26 and 27 coincident with the vet¬

erans reunion

t > Convicted of Usuryr Kansas City Jan 13P J Hughesa money lender was convicted of thecharge of usury by a jury here J HWilliamson charged that he borrowed

10 from Hughes two years ago andhad p Jd41 in interest and still owedHughes 20-

Young Cprbett Knocked OutLos Angeles Cal Jan 13Aurelio

Herrera of Bakersfield Cal knockedout Young Corbett in the fifth round

Jat the Pacific Athletic club pavilionHenreras victory was an easy oneCorbetts exhibition was disappointing

Gift To University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia Jan 13 Provost Har-

I rison announced that the Universityof Pennsylvania has received the sum


Ot 50000 from Eckley Bronton CoxI jr and that the new dormitory houseWill be celled the Coxe house

I Hotel Damaged By FireMontreal Jan 13A section of theQyfirel

was constructed saved the remainderofthshotel

Sil H f4i4p5 SI fif


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The Balance of Crop of 19056 To BeHeld For 15 Cents a Pound

New Orleans Jan 13By unani-mous vote the cotton associationadopted the report of its committeeon holding recommending that thebalance of the crop of 19056 be heldfor 15 cents a pound A joint com-


of bankers and farmers fromeach state and territory is to carrythe plan into effect Cooperation withthe growers of sea island cotton is pro ¬

vided for long staple cotton to be heldat 24 cents

New Paper For CincinnatiCincinnati Jan 13W R Hearst

of New York is making arrangementsto start a morning and afternoon paperin this city to be called the Cincin ¬

nati Examiner Carloads of machin-ery


for the plant have arrived in thecity and options have been secured ona piece of property

Marshall Fields ConoitionNew York Jan 13At 11 oclock

Friday night the physicians attendingMarshall Field of Chicagc who is illat a hotel in this city issued the fol¬

lowing bulletin Mr Fields condi-tion


rem ins unchanged The diseahas not extended He is no worse


FLOUR AND GRAINCincinnati Jan 12 Flour Winter pat¬

ent 440475 do fancy 385410 dofamily 335360 do extra 290320 lowgrade 2602SO spring patent 5tt525fancy 390410 do family 370390 ryeHour Northwestern 355t370 city 36IJJ385 Wheat No 2 red quotable at 9173gS2c on track CornSales Yellow eartrack 48c No 2 mixed track 45yc No4 mixed track 43 ½c Oats Sales No 2mixed track 33c RyeNo2 69ylcNo 3 467c No4 5358c Barley44150cChicago Jan 12WheatNo 2 springS5c No 3 82S6c No 2 red 88S9 cCorn No 2 4242c No 2 yellow42c OatsNo2 31c No 2 white32 ½c No 3 white 3032 4c RyeNo 26T 7c BarleyGood feeding 37c fairto choice malting 4449c

LIVE STOCKCincinnati Jan 12 Cattle Heavy

steers choice 485 fair to good tSt2475 butcher steers extra 475485 goodto choice H1565 heifers extra 5450-

ood to choice t440 cows extraF365375 good to choice Zfi360 CalvesFair to good light 75OjS choice to ex ¬

tra S25850 HogsGood to choicepackers and butchers 557WJ56O mixedpackers 550555 light shippers 5J> 110 lbs and less 4755oUSheep Extra 5510 good to choicej460490 LambsExtra 790S good tochoice 750T85

Chicago Jan 12Beeves 37562acows and heifers 150ftT475 stockers andfeeders 250425 Hogs Mixed and3QjfinXn SheepMarket steady sheep SJSiS1fi > lambs 5JLQgS

IIts the Early BirdA Franch scientist has discovered i

compound that brings worms to the sur-face and makes them squirm themselvesto death according to the New YorlTelegram However we still pin eelfaith to the old reliable early bird


Child Burned To DeathJackson Ky Jan 13Mabel Jett

the threeyearold child of Wm Jettof this city who was badly burned byher clothing catching fire at an opengrate died shortly after The childwill be buried here

Mrs Lucy Polk DeadRaleigh N C Jan 13A dispatch

from Warrenton N C tells of thedeath there of Mrs Lucy E Polk thevenerable widow of Col William HPolk and sisterinlaw of PresidentPolk She was buried in Warrenton

Will Charge An Admission FecrLexington Ky Jan llJames B

fiaggfn the millionaire owner or ETI

mendorf stock farm hereafter willenlarge all visitors a small aamlssioafee ana will give the entire collectionsV Lexington champs j

A Child Fatally BurnedOwingsville Ky Jan 12In

Breathitt county Mabel the 3yearoldlaughter of Wm Jett was fatallyburned Her clothing caught fire from


bUncle Sams Loose Change

All the money in the world nowamounts to 112 0000000 of which16000000000 is in gold and more than13000000000 is in silver Of the goldnearly onefourth and of the silver morethan onefifth is held by the UnitedStates the amount in both cases beingmore than that held By any other natloaS v

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