THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking...

THE 2 WEEK RESET Guidelines, Plant-Based Recipes and Tips to help you reset and reinvigorate your January. MORE PLANTS FEEL BETTER

Transcript of THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking...

Page 1: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when


Guidelines, Plant-Based Recipes and Tips to help you reset and

reinvigorate your January.


Page 2: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when

This plan is all about making nutrition simple. It’s about nourishing your body and your gut with delicious, nutrient-rich plants so that you can start this new decade feeling healthy, strong, and with more energy to do the things you love.

This is not a punishing detox, or a diet. It’s a framework for packing in more fruit & veg, to give your microbiome the chance to recover from festive indulgence and fill your body with all the essential nutrients we need. All the recipes are plant based, and can be made gluten free.

Our philosophy is about nourishment not deprivation. A healthy relationship with food is all about balance - even chocolate and red wine have benefits! Starting with the small, simple swaps that get you more vitamins and look after your gut can start to unlock more energy, clearer skin, better memory and much more.

We hope you love it and it makes you feel amazing.

Co-Founders of FOGA

Welcome to Your 2 week reset!

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There’s a simple truth that all nutritionists agree on; the more whole plants you eat, the better you feel. There is scientific evidence that if you increase the amount and diversity of plant foods in your diet, you can increase your energy, performance, memory, skin, weight and also reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease, cancer and stroke.


There’s three of us in our nutrition relationship. You, what you eat, and your microbiome. Our guts are home to billions of little colonisers - our gut microbiome. These aren’t scary bugs, they’re essential to life. Our microbiome does most of our digestion, is responsible for about 80% of our immune system, and, it is believed, has a significant impact on our mood, energy levels, even skin and behaviour.


Plants contain unique and essential nutrients (basically food for our cells) that our bodies can’t synthesise. If we don’t get these nutrients from food sources, our bodies don’t have the tools they need to perform, and fight disease.

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Luckily, plants are also packed with good stuff for our guts - prebiotic fibre, polyphenols, enzymes and even good old water. When it comes to the microbiome, each of your little stowaways likes something different, so in order to keep things balanced, diversity is queen. Make sure everyone gets something (i.e. lots of different types of plants) and nobody gets too much of anything (i.e. not piles of white carbs every meal).


You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when most of us get more than enough. We often forget about the less sexy macros - water and fibre, and about micronutrients - vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy body. A plant-rich diet helps get more of all of these, so you can perform at your best and keep performing day in, day out.

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This is not a prescriptive day by day plan - you need flexibility in your life. Here’s what is it:

DAILY RULESThere’s 6 general rules for the next two weeks. You should be able to adhere to them year round - just be a bit more strict for the next fortnight.

FOODWe give you a framework for your food each day and some of our favourite plant-based recipes that fit within it. You choose what you want to eat. The sole aim is to get as many plants in as possible!

PLANTSHAKESPlantshakes are a great shortcut to get more whole plants in. Our 2 week reset pack is the perfect accompaniment to this plan. You can buy it at

MOVEThis isn’t a personal training plan, but it expects you to consciously move more every day. Do whatever you love, daily - yoga, running, walking, swimming, your call. You don’t have to push yourself, just don’t kid yourself.

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STRIVE FOR 3535 different fruits & vegetables per week. Your gut will

be grateful for the diversity helping restore balance.

WATCH THE CLOCKEat within a 10 hour window. It gives your gut a

chance to rest and recover. Breakfast after 9 and supper before 7 works for us.

CUT THE CAFFEINESwap out your latte for a plantshake or a mint tea. If this seems crazy daunting, just drop to 1 cup a day.

NO ADDED SUGARIf you’re craving sweet, have some fruit. It has natural

sugar as well as loads of powerful micronutrients, fibre and water.

DRINK BABY DRINK2.5 litres of water per day. AT LEAST! Your morning

plantshake will get you on your way.

APPRECIATE YOUR FOODDon’t eat at your desk or infront of the telly. Focus on

your food and chew. Really chew. Some call it mindful eating. We call it loving food.

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HYDRATION BEFORE CAFFEINATIONDrink 500ml of water as soon as you wake up. Even mild dehydration (long before you feel thirst) has a significant impact on mood, mental and physical performance. Two mugs of warm water works well if it’s chilly.

BREAKFAST LIKE A KING... LATEYou’re eating in a 10 hour window, so you’re really breaking a fast and fuelling for the day. Proper whole food is in order. During the week, choose one of our plant-packed breakfasts that you prepped the night before. When you’ve got more time at the weekend, you might want to knock up a more hearty option - you really won’t miss the bacon.

WHOLE PLANTS, BALANCED PLATEJust like any meal, breakfast is about packing in as many whole plants as possible. Aim for a palmful of whole fruit & veg (1 portion) and a source of fats (avocado, nuts or extra virgin olive oil) and something to keep you full (oats, chia or a slice of sourdough).


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You’re aiming to cut the snacks. It’s good to give your gut a bit of downtime between meals. If you’re really lagging mid-afternoon, have a plantshake. They’re two portions of fruit & veg and a great energy boost.


We’re all busy and healthy lunch can be hard. We’ve been there, having the same sandwich from Pret every day. The answer lies in a bit of preparation. You’re cooking supper, so you’ll double up (at least) and take a portion for lunch. Split the meals, so you’re not having it two days in a row and keep it interesting.

If you forget, and we know you probably will, buy the best thing you can find and boost it with a plantshake. Our two-week reset bundle at includes 14 shakes so you’ve got a few :-).

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This is not a diet. It’s not a detox. It’s a reset. It’s about packing as much good stuff in as possible. Fuelling yourself properly gives your body the best chance to detox itself and rebalance.


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Nighttime is prep time. You’ll be making a simple plant-based supper and (during the week) you’ll prep your meals for the next day.

SUPPERThis plan includes a range of our favourite plant-based meals, from light soups and delicious curries to food for entertaining - because this plan isn’t a diet, it’s life. You can choose whatever you like the sound of from the pack, just keep it as varied as you can.

Some people find it easier to batch cook on a Sunday. Some people (like us) find taking an hour out in the evening to cook relaxing and mindful.

Remember, cook for 2-3x as many portions as you need that evening and box some up for lunch later in the week.

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SUNDAYRESET STARTS TOMORROW!make Butternut + carrot Veg Bowl, Green Soup & Soak Oats

MONDAYB’FAST - Overnight Oats & A PlantshakeLUNCH - Warm up Veg BowlSUPPER - Caponata w/ Mash

(c. 8 portions fruit & veg!)

WEDSB’FAST - fruit pot + apple + blueberriesLUNCH - Caponata w/mash SUPPER - green soup



Page 14: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when

SUNDAY B’FAST - pancakes + cashew cream. **make banana bread**LUNCH - roast courgette, beetroot + quinoa bowlSUPPER - SQUASH SALAD, ALSO MAKE SQUASH BASED SOUP FOR LUNCHES


FRIB’FAST - pb + Banana on sourdough & A plantshakeLUNCH - Green SoupSUPPER - pad thai

SATBRUNCH - Lentil Shakshuka + plantshakeLUNCH - pad thaiSUPPER - sweet potato gnocchi

THURSb’fast - Protein plantshake + oat milkLunch - Malaysian Currysupper - cauliflower + sweet potato tray bake (x2)

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TUESDAYB’FAST - fruit pot + planthakeLUNCH - courgette, beet + quinoa bowl SUPPER - VEG SOUP

WEDSB’FAST - banana bread, peanut butter + berries, + plantshakeLUNCH -spinach dosa + veg curry SUPPER - miso aubergine bowl**Remember to soak oats for brekkie


been plant powered for a week!B’FAST - banana bread, cashew cream + berries, + plantshakeLUNCH - GnoccHi from SatSUPPER - SPINACH & CHICKPEA DOSA** make fruit pot for tomorrow **

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FRIB’FAST - pb + Banana on sourdoughLUNCH - MISO AUB leftoversSUPPER - squash risotto

SATBUNCH - mushrooms, onions + spinach on toastLUNCH - Pad thai SUPPER - Lentil bolognese & VINO!

SUNDAY B’FAST - asian breakfast scrambleLUNCH - roasted veggies + KALESUPPER - lentil bolognese



B’FAST -turmeric + banana soaked oatsLUNCH - VEG SOUP FROM TUESSUPPER -butternut squash risotto

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Some of our favourite breakfasts. They’re delicious, filling and pack in the fruit & veg

this reset is all about. Prepare one in the evening during the week, or take your time at

the weekend.


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A super simple overnight recipe that we turn to regularly. Chia is surprisingly filling and your gut loves it too. This recipe packs in 4g of plant protein. Get creative with your toppings however you like it, but keep it whole plant based.



BASE • 22g chia seeds • 90ml dairy free milk (cashew or oat work best)

TOPPING IDEAS• Plantshake - whisk in half your favourite plantshake• Berries - blueberries, blackberries, raspberries. Fresh when they are in season, frozen when they aren’t.• Banana & Peanut Butter - add peanut butter for a protein boost.

1. Mix the Chia seeds and milk together in a tupperware or jam jar.2. Add your chosen toppings and stir through.3. Leave in the fridge overnight until its thick and creamy. If it’s not thick enough in the morning add more chia seeds to soak during the commute.

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The easiest, laziest breakfast that is deliciously creamy and satisfying the next morning. Enjoy cold or pop in microwave for something warm and cosy. Ready to grab and go.



BASE • 50g Oats (use gluten free oats to make it gluten free)• 100ml Favourite milk (we use almond or cashew) • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon

TOPPING IDEAS• Plantshake - stir in half your favourite a plantshake• Cashews, Cocoa Nibs & Raspberries• Cinnamon, Apple Sauce (recipe below), Hazelnuts• Pear & Blueberry with a spoon of Dairy Free Yog• Frozen Raspberries and Peanut Butter

1. The night before stir the oats, milk and cinnamon together and leave in the fridge overnight. 2. The next day add more milk if needed, and top with your chosen toppings.

APPLE SAUCE RECIPE1. Peel and slice 4 apples into quarters. 2. Cook in a saucepan with a splash of water and as much cinnamon as you like. 3. Simmer with the lid on for 15 minutes or until the apples break down into a mush. Amazing hot or cold.

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When you’re missing those scrambled eggs try this one out. It’s our go to weekend brunch.



• 2 Peppers (de-seeded + sliced)• 1 spring onion (sliced)• 1 Carrot (ribbons)• 1 Aubergine• 1 Red Chilli• 2 Garlic clove (chopped)• Thumb of Ginger• Greens - 160g steamed Broccoli, Spinach or Kale• 2 Tsp Miso paste • Tamari or Soy Sauce• 2 tsp turmeric or 1cm fresh turmeric

1. Wash, chop and prep the ingredients. 2. Squeeze all the water out of the tofu, crumble and set to one side. 3. Grab a large frying pan or wok and heat oil over medium heat. Sweat the onion, ginger, garlic and chilli 3. Add the peppers and aubergine and cook for 5 mins until soft 4. Add 2 tsp miso paste, splash of soy sauce 5. Add the crumbled tofu and cook for about a minute 6. Add the greens and stir through. Taste and add more soy sauce if needed. Serve with toasted sourdough or add leftover rice to the mix.

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A no grain, quick and simple breakfast that you can pimp with your favourite fruits, nuts and seeds .



• Handful of mixed nuts - almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts • ¼ tsp Cinnamon• 1 tsp Cocoa nibs • Handful of seasonal berries • ½ Apple or pear • 2 tbsp Dairy free Yoghurt - we love cashew or coconut. If you don’t have yoghurt you can just use your favourite milk instead.

1. Roughly chop the nuts into small chunks and put in the bottom of glass or tupperware. Layer with granola if you fancy.2. Wash apple or pear and then chop into smallish slices and layer on top of nuts. We leave the skin on for extra fibre.3. Spoon on the dairy free yoghurt, or splash of milk.4. Sprinkle cinnamon, cocoa nibs and berries on top.

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Fast acting yeast creates hard to digest loaves that challenge our guts. Gluten is wheat’s defense mechanism, we need to give the yeasts a chance to break it down so we can process it. Slow breads also tend to be made with fewer ingredients by people who care.

If you can, get sourdough - it matures over 48 hours making it gentler on the gut. Try spelt, rye or seed based loaves for a more delicious bread and to add more plant diversity in.

If you’re trying to avoid gluten, try alternatives to bread before you head to the gluten-free aisle. Try buckwheat pancakes (naturally gluten-free) or bake your own gluten-free loaf - heavily processed wheat alternatives aren’t going to help anyone, gluten-free or not.

Moving more doesn’t have to mean going to the gym. Choose to take the stairs instead of the lift. Hop off the tube a couple of stops early. Do a few yoga stretches in the shower.


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Let’s face it, toast is delicious. So very delicious. Choose (or make) good bread and it doesn’t have to be bad for you. We think toast can be a great vector to get more fruit & veg in, but think past the honey.

We love slathering leftover roast veg or curry onto toasted sourdough on days that we’re short on time. Follow our plant powered toast builder to help you come up with new ideas of what to put on your toast; delicious, mainly savoury combos that will boost your plant intake and fill you up.

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TOAST YOUR BREAD Keep it to 2 slices for a meal, one for a snack.

48hr Fermented Sourdough Spelt Sourdough Rye Sourdough Make your own Sourdough

SLATHER IN EVOO Extra virgin olive oil is the best, with the highest levels of antioxidants and polyphenols.

BASEGo naked with just EVOO, or add a base.

Hummus / smoked hummus Smashed avocadoBlitzed canellini beans w lemon, rosemary, salt & EVOOGreen sauce (p 54)Pesto (p 44) Rub 1/2 clove of raw garlic Marmite Mashed peas Peanut butter

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5 CRUNCHOptionally, add a little crunch with a sprinkled topping.

Smashed avocado Roasted veg Leftover curry Sauteed mushrooms, onions and spinachSauteed spinach with sundried tomatoesChopped tomatoesSliced banana Raspberry chia jam

4 DOUBLE PLANTSChoose a second plant to add on top.

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Dukka RocketToated seeds Toasted hazelnuts, wanuts Cocoa nibs

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As healthy and simple as pancakes get. These bad boys are vegan and can be made gluten free by replacing the spelt flour with a rice flour.



• 2 bananas (the browner and spottier the better)• 1 ½ tsp melted coconut oil • ¼ tsp salt • 250ml plain unsweetened almond or oat milk • 190g white spelt flour, or gluten free if avoiding gluten• 30g ground almonds • Vanilla essence• 2 tbsp chia seeds (optional to add more fibre)• 1 tsp baking powderTOPPING IDEAS• Cashew cream and berries • Peanut butter, cinnamon and grated apple

1. Mash banana in mixing bowl. 2. Add banana to blender with coconut oil & salt. Blend. 3. Add the flour and ground almonds and blend until it’s smooth and pourable. If it’s too thin add more. 4. Pour in the non dairy milk blend (a little bit at a time)6. Heat frying pan or skillet with coconut oil 7. Spoon mixture into little blobs. Wait until you can see bubbles then flip 8. Serve immediatly!

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Moving more doesn’t have to mean going to the gym. Choose to take the stairs instead of the lift. Hop off the tube a couple of stops early. Do a few yoga stretches in the shower.



CASHEW CREAM 1. Pop a large handful of plain cashews in a blender or nutribullet.2. Cover in boiling water and leave to soak for 5 minutes.3. If you like it sweet, add a drop of vanilla essence - it makes it taste sweeter without adding sugar. 3. Blend until smooth and creamy & serve.

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Sugar isn’t inherently bad - our brains actually run on glycogen! Especially in fruit with the amazing benefits of phytonutrients like antioxidants, polyphenols, and dietary fibre. Refined sugar is the one to watch, try to eliminate it during this plan and see how you feel. We shouldn’t be having more than 30g added sugar a day, which doesn’t include fruit.


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A great no added sugar breakfast loaf with hidden veggies. Made with gut healthy EVOO and walnuts. Make it as a treat at the weekend, and grab a slice and a plantshake in a rush in the week.



• 3 Bananas (the browner and spottier the better)• 75g extra virgin olive oil • 115g white spelt flour • 110 wholemail spelt flour • 3 tsp baking powder• 3 tsp cinnamon • 50g walnuts (roughly chopped)• 1 large carrot (grated)• 1 small courgette (grated)• 1/2 tsp nutmeg • 1/2 tsp lemon zest • 1 tsp vanilla essence

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius 2 Mash banana in mixing bowl. 2. Whisk together the banana with oil and vanilla essence with a blender. 3. Weigh out dry ingredients - flours, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon zest. 4. Add dry ingredients to wet and whizz together in a blender, with the carrot, courgette. 5. Add the chopped walnuts.

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6. Line a loaf tin with greased baking parchment7. Pop in oven and cook for 40 mins on 180. If the top looks like it’s burning cover with foil 8. Turn out and leave to cool before slicing and slathering in dairy free spread and peanut butter.

If you want to pimp it with some more fruit for added sweetness - add a handful (50g) of dried figs.

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This is a great one for the kids too - its delicious and cakey, but relatively low sugar and packs in a few hidden veg. Serve it with some berries to boost the nutrition.


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Light meals, filling meals - there’s all sorts in here. Pick your favourites and get cooking.

Remember, make at least double as you’re having it for lunch as well.


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Butternut Squash brings a warming nutty sweetness to this simple vegan risotto. We roast the seeds as well as the flesh to make a crunchy topping to sprinkle on top.



•750g Butternut Squash (Chopped). Use the bottom half with the seeds if yours is very big•1 leek•A veggie GF stock pot/cube - or about 1.1 l of your own stock•300g Risotto rice•2 Cloves of Garlic•A glass of white wine•Salt and Pepper•Olive Oil

1. Heat to oven to 190 degrees2. Wash your butternut squash (skin on) and a slice into disks. Scoop the seeds out and put the to one side for now.3. Take two of the butternut disks and chop into small cubes (we’re going to use these for decoration) and chop the remainder into large chunks. 4. Put the large chunks into a baking tray. Salt and Pepper generously, drizzle with olive oil then put into the oven for 30-40 mins (until edges start to brown)5. Put small chunks and seeds in a separate tray.

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6. Chop the leek into thin disks and crush the garlic. Bring about a litre and a half of water to the boil and add your stock pod/cube. 7. Put the small cubes into the oven for 20 mins.8. Put your frying pan on a medium heat, add some olive oil and gently fry the leek until soft. Add the crushed garlic and the rice and fry for a couple of minutes, keep stirring gently. 9. Now we get into the risotto cooking. We’re going to add liquid, stir gently and let it boil down/absorb until the risotto is quite dry, then add more liquid and repeat until the rice is cooked. Start with the wine first, with a bit of stock (which should be gently boiling on the other ring). Taste regularly to check the texture of the rice, it takes us about 15-20 minutes to get it to a perfect texture that still has a little bite. 10.Take out the butternut when the edges are browing, and put into a mixing bowl/food processor with the last of your stock (if you have loads left, 150ml or so is plenty). Blend with stock, and add to the risotto mixture.11. Tast and add seasoning as necessary.12. Serve in lovely steaming piles drizzled with oil and top with the hot cubes of butternut and roasted seeds fresh from the oven! 13. If you fancy it, you can top with a vegan cheese but it’s not neccessary

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This is a quick curry, but it’s an absolute banger. Warm comfort food full of creamy delicious flavous and loaded with plant power.

INGREDIENTSFOR THE PASTE• A thumb of Ginger• A small Onion• A piece of fresh Turmeric or a teaspoon of powder• A Garlic• 2 large red chillis• A tablespoon of oil

FOR THE CURRY• A large Onion (sliced)• Half a Fennel (sliced)• One Sweet Potato (peeled & chunked)• Two star anise• A teaspoon of Black Mustard Seeds• A stick of Cinnamon• 1 can Chickpeas• 1 can Coconut Milk • 1 tbsp Soy Sauce• 1 tsp of Marmite• 1 large bag of Kale • 1 Veg stock cube & 200 ml Water

TO SERVE• 180g Brown rice + 360ml water

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Put simply, nutrition is about giving our cells (and our microbiome) the fuel they need. Vitamins and minerals that we cannot synthesis in our bodies must come from our food if we want our bodies to perform optimally.


1. Put your rice in a pan, toast the rice briefly and then pour over the water. Cover and bring to boil, add a pinch of salt. Then let it simmer for 45 mins.2. Start by preparing the paste. Put all the ingredients in a blender/food processor (or pestle & mortar if you’re feeling strong) and blitz until smooth ish. 3. In a heavy bottomed pan, start to fry your onions and fennel with the star anise a little oil over a medium heat. Stir regularly but not constantly until they start to caramelise. We’re looking for rich golden brown. The more patient you can be, the better the curry will taste. 4. Once nicely caramelised, add your curry paste, mustard seeds and cinnamon with a bit of oil and sizzle until you can smell the spices. 5. Add the sweet potato, coconut milk, soy sauce and marmite, stock cube & water. Gently simmer for as long as you can - at least 30 minutes until the potato is cooked. 6. Add the chickpeas and kale and simmer until the kale is cooked. Remove the cinnamon and star anise if you can see them.7. Serve with the rice. - or if you’re entertaining, with a plain dosa.


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This vibrant green soup is so much more delicious than you think it will be. Full of nourishing greens that are easy on you gut and comforting. A real treat for your body.



• 1 Large Courgette• 3 Leeks (sliced)• 400g Spinach • 1 Broccoli head • 2 Garlic Cloves (chopped)• 1 handful of Coriander or parsley• 1.5 litres veg stock• Extra Virgin Olive Oil for drizzling on the top • Lightly toasted pumpkin seeds

1. Take a large deep bottomed pan, add some oil over a medium heat. Add leeks and chopped garlic and cook for 15mins, or until leeks are soft2. Add courgettes and cook for 10 mins more3. Cut broccoli into florets and add to pan with stock. Bring to the boil and then simmer for 20 mins.4. Add spinach and simmer for another 30 mins5. Take off the heat and let cool. Chop coriander or parsley and add to pan. 6 Blitz until smooth. 7. Serve with warm sourdough and a sprinkle of seeds.

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This requires a bit of work but it is delicious and oh so comforting. Great for feeding your gut bacteria



GNOCCHI • 2 large Sweet Potato• 250g White Spelt Flour or Gluten free Flour • 1 Garlic Clove• Extra Virgin Olive oil • 1 bag Spinach • Tomatoes (roasted or sunblushed)PESTO • Small handful toasted walnuts (roughly 1/3 cup)• 2 tbsp Lemon juice • 1/2 cup Pumpkin seeds • 2 Garlic Cloves • 1 bunch fresh Parsley • 1 bunch fresh Basil • A pinch of Salt

1. Preheat oven to 200 celsius. Poke a few holes in sweet potates and bake them for 30-40 mins until tender. Take out of oven, cut in half and leave to cool 2. Make the pesto while it’s cooking. Blitz the ingredients together in blender, taste and add more salt/ oil if needed. 3. Combine salt and spelt flour in a bowl. Make a well in the middle. 3. Peel the skin off your potatoes and combine with the flour until it forms a dough. This is messy and best done with your hands. Keep adding flour until the dough is

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no longer sticky and can be rolled. 4. Once it’s fully combined, cut the dough in half. 5. Flour the kitchen surface and roll out into a log 6. Cut the dough into 1 inch pieces. Dust each piece in flour to ensure it’s dry and not sticky around the edges.7. Use the back of your fork to press little grooves into your gnocci.8. Bring a deep pot of salted water to the boil. Place each gnocchi in there a few at a time, when they float to the surface give them another 30secs and then remove them 9. In a frying pan, add the tomatoes and garlic to some oil and fry. Add the spinach to the pan for a minute until it is lightly wilted.10. Add cooked gnocchi to the pan - you want to lightly toast the outside of the gnocchi, add the pesto and stir around on the heat to make sure it’s all combined and serve while it’s hot!

Try to eat within an 10 hour window. It gives your microbiome a break, and they really need a rest - ya know! A balanced healthy microbiome means more energy, more immunity, more sex - ok maybe a bit far, but you hear us.


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Soups are an excellent option for this reset. They’re a great way to pack in more veg, a warming treat on a winter’s day and really easy to reheat.

The best soup is one you make with some good stock and the veg that you have in your fridge. Leftover roasted vegetables are a good place to start - they’re packed with flavour and it’s a great way to stop them going to waste.

Our soup builder is meant to help you put together a hearty soup. Follow through stage by stage and play. There’s no rules, just a guide.

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Butternut Squash Sweet Potato PotatoCarrot Parsnip Broccoli





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BasePrep all 3 and sweat with a little oil until soft

1 onion or leek2 sticks of celery2 carrots

Herbs & SpicesChoose one, choose a few. Sizzle with the base until you can smell the aromas.

A few sprigs of thymeA couple of sprigs of rosemary10 sage leaves3 bay leavesCumin seeds (1 tbsp)Coriander seeds (1 tbsp)Mustard seeds (1 tbsp)Dried chilli flakes (1 tbsp)

The BodyAbout 800g of one of these. Peeled. Chopped. Add to the base, cover with vegetable stock and simmer for 40 mins.

Page 51: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when

SeedsCoconut YoghurtToasted NutsTahiniChopped HerbsOlive Oil, Salt & Pepper




The BackupWash and chop a couple of handfuls. Add and simmer for 5 mins.

BroccoliPeasBroad BeansAsparagusSpinach

The BulkIf you like it smooth, blitz your soup with a hand blender. Then, and this is optional, if you need a more filling soup add a couple of handfuls to warm through just before serving.

Cooked PastaCooked QuinoaCooked Brown RiceCooked Rice NoodlesDrained beans or lentils

TOPPINGSTo finish, top with one of:


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Page 53: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when

Try to eat within an 10 hour window. It gives your microbiome a break, and they really need a rest - ya know! A balanced healthy microbiome means more energy, more immunity, more sex - ok maybe a bit far, but you hear us.


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Who doesn’t love thai food? It’s so refreshing and light. This is our extra veggie version of the classic. The trick is to have everything chopped and ready before starting to cook



•200g Flat Rice Noodles•Tofu (optional)•1 Fennel Bulb•2 carrots, peeled•Handful of green beans (cut diagonally)•1/2 broccoli •2 cloves of garlic finely chopped •Juice of 1 Lime plus the zest and another for serving•1 red chilli (de-seeded) •3 Tspn Tamarind Paste•3 Tbsp tamari/soy sauce•2 Tbsp Miso paste•Peanut butter (optional if nut allergies)

1. Prep everything: Finely slice the fennel, carrot into ribbons with peeler, beans, broccoli and garlic.2. Fill your saucepan with water and bring to the boil. 3. Add the tamarind paste, the juice of your lime, the tamari, miso paste and peanut butter (if using) to a small saucepan/frying pan and warm gently until it melts together.4.Put a little oil into the wok on a high heat, add the ingredients in the follwing order, leaving a couple of minutes between each: fennel, tofu, broccoli, carrot beans, garlic.

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to wilt.6.Put your noodles into the boiling water for a minute then drain and add to the wok and mix well7. Heap generously on a plate and finish with a slice of lime and the grated zest of a lime.

TOP TIPSEating more plants means you eat less meat. That’s a good thing for various reasons - nutrition, environment, ethics... If you want to go back to it after the plan, that’s cool - just keep up the efforts to get as much plant power in as possible.

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Page 56: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when

Butternut Squash Sweet Potato PotatoCarrot Parsnip Broccoli


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Chopped veg in a baking tray isn’t normally something we get excited about, but this time it’s different.



VEG• 1 head of Broccoli• 1 head Cauliflower• 2 fresh beetroots• ½ a butternut squash• 50g of Quinoa• 2 Red Onions• ½ a Red Chilli• Smoked PaprikaGREEN SAUCE• 2 tsp Garlic Paste • 60g Capers• 2 tbsp Olive Oil • 60g Cashews

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. 2. Chop butternut and beetroot into cubes the size of a thumb, scoop out seeds and keep to one side 4. Place on a baking tray - try not to crowd them together - season generously with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil and pop in the oven.5. Prep broccoli by cutting off the florets, and deseedand chop the chilli. Cut the lemon into slices the same size as you would use in a gin & tonic.6. Break off the leaves and florets of cauliflower and put both into a third baking tray.

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7. Chop the red onions into chunks, add the onion and butternut squash seeds to the tray, season, and sprinkle with a little smoked paprika. Pop into oven at same time as broccoli (after 25mins)7. Start cooking your quinoa. Put it into a small pan and cover with water to the thickness of your little finger above the quinoa. Put a lid on, bring to the boil then bring the heat down to a simmer and leave it for about 25 minutes.8. Now make the sauce. Peel half a lemon, chop into thin slices and pan fry with olive oil for 1 min. Blitz lemony oil with 2tsp lemon juice, garlic paste, parsley, capers, cashew nuts and olive oil in blender.9. Take everything out of the oven once the butternut has had 45 mins, and they’re all caramelising at the edges. Take the quinoa off the heat as soon as it has boiled dry and is cooked. 9. Mix the whole lot together in a serving dish and drizzle with sauce

Bioavailabilty. In laymans terms, bioavailability means that the nutrition in natural foods, like plants, is more readily available to our bodies when it comes from the natural source as opposed to a synthetic extract or supplement. Eating plants, rather than popping pills means we get more out of it, and we get to enjoy eating it too. Win win.


SeedsCoconut YoghurtToasted NutsTahiniChopped HerbsOlive Oil, Salt & Pepper

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If miso aubergine is on the menu, we’re ordering miso aubergine. It’s absolutely delicious and if you use live miso, it’s full of probiotics, great for your gut!



FOR THE MISO AUBERGINE1 Aubergine 50g fresh miso 1 tbsp of Soy1 tbsp of mirin (or white wine)A little finger of ginger, finely chopped (or 1 tsp of ginger puree)

FOR THE BASE250g of Kale 2 Peppers 1 cup Brown Rice/ Red rice Spring onions1 large red chilli20g of Dried Wakame (available in lots of supermarkets - if you can't get it, cavolo nero would work instead, just cook in the same pan with a little more water)100g of Tenderstem Broccoli

1. Preheat the oven to 180. 2. Cover the rice with double the amount of water. Put the lid on the pan, and bring to the boil. When boiling, turn it down to a simmer and leave for 40 mins (or until all the water has been absorbed), leaving the lid on the whole time.

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3. Mix the miso, ginger, soy and mirin into a thick paste. 4. Cut the aubergine in half length ways and criss-cross it so there’s some nice grooves to catch the marinade. Rub the paste over the aubergine - into all the cracks - cover with foil and bake for 25 minutes. Keep a little paste back for dressing. 5. Remove the foil and bake for a further 20 minutes.6. Soak the wakame in hot water (follow the instructions on the pack) until its soft. Deseed and slice the chilli and chop the spring onion. 7. Steam the broccoli for 5 mins in a little boiling water. 8. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the leftover paste to make a dressing. If you like it spicey, add some chopped chilli to the dressing. 9. Assemble your bowl. Mix the rice, brocolli nd wakame, and stir through your dressing. Top with a piece of aubergine each and sprinkle with chilli and spring onion to taste.

Miso is made from fermented soy beans, which means it’s a natural probiotic. It’s full of good bacteria that colonise our guts and help maintain balance. Look for the fresh one (in the fridge) rather than the pasteurised one on the shelves for maximum benefits.


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This dish is warm but fresh, quick but luxurious, indulgent but healthy, but most importantly it’s delicious and easily adapted to whatever you have in the fridge. A super simple one pot supper or brunch



• 1 Onion• 1 Yellow Pepper• 1 tin Chopped Tomatoes (400g)• 1 sachet of Cooked Lentils (250g) – we used Green & Puy• 1 Avocado• Zest of half a Lemon• 50g Sundried Tomatoes• 2 Cloves of Garlic• Dried Thyme and Rosemary• Chilli Powder• Salt & Pepper

1. Chop the onion and pepper into strips and crush the garlic. 2. Put shallow wide bottomed pan or skillet onto a medium heat, add a decent glug of olive oil and add the onion and peppers. Fry for a minute or so before adding the garlic.4. Add about 100ml of water to the pan and cover. Cook for about 5 minutes. 5. Once the veg are soft, add the tomatoes, balsamic, half a teaspoon of each of the herbs and chilli (if you like), and the lemon zest.

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6. Season generously and taste – add more balsamic or salt if you think you need it. 7. Turn the heat down to a simmer and cook for about five minutes.8. Add the lentils to the tomato mix and stir. Taste again and add anything you think it needs. 9. Simmer for another 6-7 mins.10. Slice the avocado and the sundried tomatoes. Lay the avocado on top then scatter with sundried tomato. Season generously and drizzle with olive oil, and/or a dollop of plant-based yoghurt before serving.

SERVE WITH (If needed)Brown rice Sourdough bread

You can pimp dishes like this with whatever you have in the fridge - throw in a courgette, extra peppers, peas or some spinach at the end. Another way of switching it up is to use leeks or celery instead of onions, and slice up some carrots into tiny chunks and sweat them with the onions . Make it work for you and your life!


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A rustic Sicillian aubergine stew, Caponata is a delicious dish full of bold punchy flavours. For those days you want something warm and hearty, but not too heavy.



• 2 Aubergines• 1 Small red onion• 5 large ripe tomatoes• Handful green Olives • 1 teaspoon Oregano• 1 Carton/Tin (400g) Italian chopped tomatoes• A palmful of chopped almonds or pine kernals (optional)• 2 dessert spoons of red wine vinegar (white wine is fine if you have some open)•2 tablespoons salted capers (not essential)•Olive Oil

• 1 Red Pepper• 1 Courgette• Olive Oil• 3 cloves of garlic

1. Cut the aubergine and courgette into large chunks and toss in bowl with 1 tablespoon salt. Peel and finely chop the onion, then peel and chop the garlic into chunks. 2. Drain the capers and remove the olive stones. Roughly chop the tomatoes. 3. We’re going to steam the aubergine - trust us , it’s the best way of cooking them. Bring a pan of water to the boil, place steamer over the top(or colander if you don’t have one) with aubergines in. Steam for 10 mins, or until they are soft and tender, then set to one side.

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Miso is made from fermented soy beans, which means it’s a natural probiotic. It’s full of good bacteria that colonise our guts and help maintain balance. Look for the fresh one (in the fridge) rather than the pasteurised one on the shelves for maximum benefits.

• 1 Red Pepper• 1 Courgette• Olive Oil• 3 cloves of garlic


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4. Get a large pan, pour in a couple of lugs of olive oil, and place on the heat. Add your onions and garlic and cook until golden (5 mins). 5. Throw in drained capers, oliver and vinegar. When the smell of vinegar has eased (i.e. it has evaporated), add the fresh and tinned tomatoes and simmer for 15-20 mins or until tender. 6. Add the aubergine to the mix and stir around to coat them in the flavours. 7. Taste before serving and season if you need to with salt, black pepper and a little more vinegar. Drizzle with some good olive oil and serve

Serve with mashed potato, sourdough or polenta.

Look after your gut! More and more reserach is coming out about the links between gut health and disease, and mental health. If you have IBS, or bowel disease you need to be careful about introducing lots of fibre in one go. Fibre is a superfood and is essential for gut health but it can cause gas and bloating if you suddenly change your diet. We love Dr Megan Rossi and Dr Tim Spector for gut research and tips


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When we first started eating more of a plant-based diet, the hardest thing was coming up with meals that weren’t trying to replace mea. Veggie sausages and mash - no thanks, no matter how hard you try, grilled aubergine will never successfully pretend to be steak.

Our solution was veg bowls. They’re our way of creating balanced, delicious, filling meals that aren’t trying to replace meat and aren’t missing anything.

The builder is meant to help you put together a great combo and pack in a wide range of plants.

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Pick a BaseTake one handful of one per person.

Cooked quinoaCooked brown riceCooked chickpeasCooked lentils

Two Hearty Veg.Choose two and add a palmful of each per person, chopped, peeled and cooked.

Roasted Squash Roasted courgetteAvocadoRoasted leeksRoasted sweet potatoRoasted beetrootsTomatoesRoasted peppers

GREENSAdd a palmful of one of:

Raw SpinachSteamed Cavalo nero Shredded spring greensBaked kaleSteamed brocolli

You can pimp dishes like this with whatever you have in the fridge - throw in a courgette, extra peppers, peas or some spinach at the end. Another way of switching it up is to use leeks or celery instead of onions, and slice up some carrots into tiny chunks and sweat them with the onions . Make it work for you and your life!

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CRUNCHTexture is everything.

Chopped nutsToasted seedsSprouted peasLightly fried breadcrumbs

The DressingShake up a dressing - choose one of the following and add to two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and shake.

1 tbsp of balsamic vinegar, a tsp of mustardA chopped shallot, a crushed clove of garlic a tbsp of lemon juiceA tbsp of miso (look for fresh miso in the fridge) and a tsp of vinegarA tsp of maple, a tsp of cinnamon and a twist of lemon


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A hearty winter salad with a balance of veg, protein, carbs and fats.



• 1 Squash (butternut is great)• 500g Kale, Spinach or Cabbage cut into strips• A tin of chickpeas (drained)• Dried cranberries• 30g Pistachios (without shells and chopped if you can be bothered!)• 1 lemon• 2 tbspn of olive oil• 240g Brown rice, wild rice, red rice

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius.2. In a large pan, cover the rice with double the amount of water and bring to the boil. Once boiling, turn the heat down to a simmer and leave for 30 mins with the lid on. Don’t take the lid off until the water has all be absorbred.3. While the rice is cooking, chop squash in half, remove the seeds (keep them) and then slice into chunks.4. Place on a baking tray - try not to crowd them together - season generously with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil and pop in the oven for 25 mins

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with seeds to one side.7. Using a vegetable peeler, remove the zest from the lemon and slice into thin strips. Add to the oil and put on a very low heat until you can smell the essential oils being released.8. Add the pistachios, cranberries, chickpeas and chopped greens and cook until wilted.9. Mix the rice, squash and greens together. Serve with a sprinkle of the squash seeds and a squeeze of lemon juice.


Generally, the brighter and darker the colour, the better. Vibrant colouring means high levels of polyphenols - potent antioxidants that keep free radicals at bay helping us look younger and feel more energetic.

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This is our version of a traditional Dosa - the delicious vegan, gluten free pancake that is a South Indian favourite. It’s usually fermented for days but we found a shortcut!



TOAST•1 cup Rice Flour•1 cup Chickpea Flour•1/2 a dessert spoon Garam Masala•SaltFILLING•1 can of Cooked Chickpeas•1 large onion•Spinach•1 dessert spoon Garam Masala•½ a dessert spoon coriander seeds•½ a dessert spoon fennel seeds

1. The night before - put the flours, Garam Masala, and a large pinch of salt into a large mixing bowl. 2. Add two cups of water and mix until smooth. Cover lightly and leave in a cool place overnight3. The day of - chop the onion finely. Put a pan onto a medium heat, add a generous glug of oil and gently fry your spices for a minute or so.4. Add the onions to the spices and cook gently until the onions are lovely and caramelised. 5. Add the Chickpeas with some water from the can. Cook for about 5 mins/ unit they squish under spoon.

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7. Crush some of the Chickpeas, so you start to have a mix that comes together but still has texture. 8. Now you have a choice, either rinse the spinach and add to the Chickpeas to wilt, or save it and add directly to the Dosa later where it will be a bit less wilted. Your call, but we saved it till later. 9.Take the Chickpeas off the heat and turn to the Dosa. 8. Put a large pan onto a medium-high heat. Check your batter, it may have separated in which case you will need to mix it again. It will be quite runny. 9. Scoop a ladle of batter into the centre of the pan. Working smoothly but quickly, spiral the batter out from the centre, pushing it with the underside of the ladle. 10. Place a handful of spinach on one side of the Dosa and top with a scoop of your chickpea mix. When the Dosa starts to rise away from the pan at the edges, fold it onto itself. It will come free easily when it’s cooked. 11. Serve immediately, folded in half or quarters, while it’s still lovely and crunchy!

Dosas are a nutritious side to any curry or stew, they also work as a protein packed snack. Chickpeas are a great source of protein, fibre, B vitamins, magnesium and potassium. They also have a low glycemic index which means they help manage blood sugar levels.


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This is not really a meal! It’s a great side, or and a handy addition to veg bowls, curries or salads to add some protein.



• 500g Tinned Chickpeas• 1 Tbsp Garam Masala • 1 Tbsp Ground Cumin• 2 Tsp Chilli Flakes• 2 Tbsp Maple Syrup • Juice of 1 Lemon• Olive Oil

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celsius. 2. Drain the Chickpeas and place them on a baking tray 3. Sprinkle with Cumin, Chilli, Paprika, Salt & Pepper. Then drizzle over the maple syrup, lemon juice and olive oil. Stir well to ensure everything is coated 4. Bake for 45mins, until the chickpeas are crunchy,. 5. Add these to bowls and salads as a additional protein, or sprinkle on soups to add a bit of crunch.

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Creamy and cosy soup with cashews for added protein. This is a great example of a simple but powerful veg soup that is easy to digest. A great one if you have a sensitive gut.



1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. 2. Cut the butternut in half, season generously with salt and pepper, drizzle each with 1 tablespoon olive oil, and place them flesh side down on a baking sheet.3. Bake until browned and tender, about 35 minutes.4. While that cooks, cover the raw cashews with 250ml boiling water and let sit for at least 30 minutes.5. In a large pot, heat a couple tablespoons of oil over medium heat.

When the squash is cooked, let it cool slightly, then

• Long neck of medium Butternut Squash• 1 handful raw Cashews• 1 Onion (chopped)• 2 Cloves garlic (crushed)• 2 tsp freGh Thyme leaves• 250ml Vegetable Stock• Pinch of Salt• Pepper

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6. Add the onion, garlic, thyme, and a pinch of salt. Let that cook for about 10 minutes until softened and fragrant.7. When the squash is cooked, let it cool slightly, then scrape out the flesh of 1 half and add it to saucepan. 8. Add the cooked squash, sautéed onion mixture, and the cashews and their soaking liquid to a blender. 9. Carefully pulse, then slowly pour in the vegetable stock and blend until smooth. 10. Return the mixture to the pot, bring to a boil, and simmer gently for about 10 minutes. 11. Taste for seasoning and add salt and pepper if desired.

TOP TIPSYou might want to make this at the same time as you make a Squash Salad - use half the butternut for one, and half for the other. That way your efforts go further!

Page 82: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when

Dosas are a nutritious side to any curry or stew, they also work as a protein packed snack. Chickpeas are a great source of protein, fibre, B vitamins, magnesium and potassium. They also have a low glycemic index which means they help manage blood sugar levels.

Dosas are a nutritious side to any curry or stew, or as a nutritous snack. Chickpeas are a great source of protein, fibre, B vitamins, magnesium and potassium. They also have a low glycemic index which means they help manage blood sugar levels.

Dosas are a nutritious side to any curry or stew, or as a nutritous snack. Chickpeas are a great source of protein, fibre, B vitamins, magnesium and potassium. They also have a low glycemic index which means they help manage blood sugar levels.

Dosas are a nutritious side to any curry or stew, or as a nutritous snack. Chickpeas are a great source of protein, fibre, B vitamins, magnesium and potassium. They also have a low glycemic index which means they help manage blood sugar levels.

Page 83: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when


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• 3 Carrots• 3 stalks of Celery• 2 tins of Tomatoes • 200g Tomato Puree • 500g Lentils• 300g of Mushrooms of choice• 175g Sundried Tomatoes• 2 tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar• 3 Cloves of Garlic (crushed) • 2 tsp of Marmite

• Brown Rice, Pasta or Potato to serve

1. Peel and dice the carrots and chop the celery and fry on a medium heat until soft. 2. Add the thyme, garlic, balsamic, marmite sundried tomatos and lentils to the pan and toast for a couple of minutes before adding the tomato puree, tins of tomatoes and 450ml boiling water 3. Simmer for at least 1 hour, checking every so often to check it doesn’t catch on the bottom4. Taste it regularly - does it need some more salt (marmit), maybe acidity (balsamic) - balance is everything here.

The original comfort food gets a makeover. Delicious stirred through pasta, rice or on its own. I fyou’re new to lentils, maybe work your way up to this one ;)

Page 84: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when


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5. While its cooking, chop the mushrooms into chunks and fry them in a little oil in a frying pan with some salt. Don’t move them around too much, you want some colour. 6. Before serving, add the mushrooms to the lentils and mix together.

Serve with warm mashed potato (use olive oil and a tsp of dijon mustard for creamy delicious potato) orpasta.


There’s a couple of nutrients that can’t be found in plants - B12 and vitamin E. Marmite is a handy source of B12 and adds a rich umami flavour to stews and marinades. Interestingly, herbivoius animals actually get B12 from the soil they consume - we literally clean it off our food!

Page 85: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when

We can’t wait to hear how you get on. Keep us up to date with #FOGA2WEEKS.

If you haven’t already, you can buy our 14 day reset pack to accompany this plan at It’s 14 shakes for £35 - that’s one for every day of the plan.


Page 86: THE 2 WEEK RESET · MACROS, MICROS You might have heard people talk about macros - usually tracking their carbs, fats and proteins. We’ve all become obsessed with protein, when


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4 Cambridge South CB22 3FG