TBSO Comlimentary Food Fair Invitationtbsousa.org/v11_10/docs/TBSO Complimentary Food Fair 19 March...

TBSO Comlimentary Food Fair Invitation All Dhamma Fellowships ….. On 19 th March 2017 (Sunday) Theravada Buddha Sasana Organization (TBSO) will be celebrating delicious Myanmar Food Fair Fundraising (with complimentary Burmese food and beverages donated by friends and families to all the guests) to propagate and promote the teaching of the Buddha more and more. All of you are cordially invited to participate in enjoying delicious various kinds of Food in 2017. Many thanks for your kind supporting us. *** If you want food to take away, We will sell take away items; Montletgote (Sweet deep fried glutinous scented rice), Chinpaung Kyaw (Sour Leave Dish), Gargen Pea (Steam Yellow Pea), Steam Cook Milk Fish (Ngathalaukpong), Deep Fried Yellow Pea (PeKyaw) for New Dhamma Hall generous donation as well.** Date: 19 th March 2017 (Sunday) Time: 12:00 - 4:00 PM Place: 17730 Broadway Ave, Snohomish, WA 98296 Tel: (360) 243-3468

Transcript of TBSO Comlimentary Food Fair Invitationtbsousa.org/v11_10/docs/TBSO Complimentary Food Fair 19 March...

TBSO Comlimentary Food Fair Invitation

All Dhamma Fellowships …..

On 19th March 2017 (Sunday) Theravada Buddha Sasana Organization (TBSO) will be celebrating delicious Myanmar Food Fair Fundraising (with complimentary Burmese food and beverages donated by friends and families to all the guests) to propagate and promote the teaching of the Buddha more and more. All of you are cordially invited to participate in enjoying delicious various kinds of Food in 2017. Many thanks for your kind supporting us. *** If you want food to take away, We will sell take away items; Montletgote (Sweet deep fried glutinous scented rice), Chinpaung Kyaw (Sour Leave Dish), Gargen Pea (Steam Yellow Pea), Steam Cook Milk Fish (Ngathalaukpong), Deep Fried Yellow Pea (PeKyaw) for New Dhamma Hall generous donation as well.**

Date: 19th March 2017 (Sunday)

Time: 12:00 - 4:00 PM

Place: 17730 Broadway Ave, Snohomish, WA 98296

Tel: (360) 243-3468

Complimentary Burmese Food and Beverages

(1) Daw Nyut Nyut Tin Fish gravy soup with thin rice noodle

(2) Mother Daw Nyunt Tin,

David & Kyu Zabloudil Burmese Pan Cake with sliced coconut &

almond & peanut and brown sugar

(3) U Khin Mg Kyaing + Daw Nilar Thein Thick Rice Noodle Salad with Chicken

(4) U Thaung Win + Daw Soe Soe Myint Shwegi (Cream of Wheat cake), Coconut Rice

with Chicken Curry, Tomato Paste, Bean Sprout

Pickle (5) U Khin Mg Aye + Daw Phyu Phyu San Veggie Tempura

(6) U Saw Rottot + Daw Khin May Naing Bean Rice Salad

(7) U Htet Kyan + Daw Aye Aye Swe Coconut Chicken Noodle Soup

(8) Alex Mark + Swe Swe Htet Kyan Rasmalai – Dessert

(9) U Aung Win + Daw Thet Thet Win Chai Tea

(10) Ko Myo + Ma Einzali (Mother Style – Tharketa) Tofu Salad, Chinpaung Kyaw (Sour Leave Dish),

Gargen Pea (Steam Yellow Pea), Steam Cook

Milk Fish (Ngathalaukpong), Deep Fried Yellow

Pea (PeKyaw)

(11) U Than Htet + Daw Thuzar Win Various Fruits

(12) U Khin Mg Mg + Daw Nyo Nyo Aye Water, Soft Drink, Mote-Latt-Song (Burmese


TBSO ကသလးဖစး နဗၺာနးေစပျ ဖတးၾကာလႊာ

ဓမၼမတးေဆျအေပါငး သေတားေကာငးတ႔

TBSO ေထရဝါဒ ဗဒၶသာသနာအဖျ႕သညး "၂ဝ၁၇-ခႏြစး ပထမဆ နဗၺာနးေစ စတဒသာအလႉပျ"က ဗဒၶသာသနာ

ၾကာရြညး တညးတ ပနး႔ပျာေစရနး စတးရညးသနးလြကး မတးလ(၁၉)ရကး တနဂၤေႏျေန႔တျငး ဓမၼဂဏးရညး မဟာစညး

သာသနာရပးသာေကာငးအတျငး၌ စညးကာသကးၿမကးစျာ ကငးပပလပးမညးဖစး၍ မညးသမဆ ေအာကးေဖားပပါ

ေကၽျ ေမျ လႉဒါနးမညး မနးမာအစာအစာမာက လာေရာကး စာသႏငးၾကပါေၾကာငး ေလစာစျာ ဖတးၾကာအပး


***အကယး၍ အလရြပါက Take Away (မနး႔လကးေကာကးေၾကား၊ ခဥးေပါငးေၾကား၊ ပေၾကား၊ ပ ပတး) အစာအစာမာကလညး ဓမၼာရအလႉေငျအဖစးေရာငးခေပမညးဖစးေၾကာငး သတငးေကာငးပါအပးပါသညး။***

ကသလးဖစးေကၽျ ေမျ လႉဒါနးမညး အစာအစာမာ (၁) ေဒၚညျနး႔ညျနး႔တငး မနး႔ဟငးခါ (၂) မခငးေဒၚညျနး႔တငး၊ David + Kyu Zabloudil မနးမာဘနးမနး႔ (၃) ဥခငးေမာငးၾကငး+ေဒၚနလာသနး မနး႔တသတး (၄) ဥေသာငးဝငး+ေဒၚစစမငး အနးထမငးႏြငးၾကကးသာဟငး၊ ခရမးခဥးသငပခကး၊ ပတခဥး၊

ေရႊၾကညးဆႏျငးမကငး (၅) ဥခငးေမာငးေအ +ေဒၚဖဖစ အေၾကားစ

(၆) ဥေစာရတ+ေဒၚခငးေမႏငး ပပတးထမငးသတး (၇) ဥထကးၾက+ေဒၚေအေအေဆျ အနးႏ႔ေခါကးဆျ (၈) Alex Mark + မေဆျေဆျထကးၾက မလငးမနး႔ (၉) ဥေအာငးဝငး+ေဒၚသကးသကးဝငး Chai Tea (၁ဝ) ကမ+မအဥၨလ (အေမလကးရာ-သာေကတ) တ႔ဟသတး၊ ပ ပတး၊ ပကတးေၾကား၊ ငါသေလာကးေပါငး၊

ခဥးေပါငးေၾကား (၁၁) ဥသနးထကး + ေဒၚသဇာဝငး သစးသမစ (၁၂)ဥခငးေမာငးေမာငး+ေဒၚညညေအ ေရ၊ အေအမစ၊ မနး႔လကးေဆာငး