TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A...

1fxpnnrut. VJ. MO:\TA::-:A STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY, DECE Ml3Ell Jl. 1914. Nu ml" r 1 L t tM. P OP UlAR ou1NTET is To !State Board Decides oRcttEsrRA ro ANNUftl nEBnTE PLAY M ORMO NS I GI VE PR OGRAM H LI H To Appoint A Man T HI S E VEN\ NG I Brigham Young's Tea m. As Chancellor Pr ogram at Assemb ly. - ev. G. G. Bennett Talks to t he Y. --- !Tonight at Eight O'Clock Wi ll Occu r M. Upon Relation of Civilization 'Yitl1 on1• of the games of 'lhe assemlJlY morn· the Tenth An nua l Inter class Oe- to Christianity. t3.e season h:irdly a wee-k aw:Jy, Coach ing will be furnished by the college bate in Assembly Hal l. ___ JBt.'nUil•11 hn!i lH·cn speeding up his ma- orchestra. under tl1e leadership of The regular mei-ting of the Y. ehine dnring the past week in hopes BOARD OF EDUCA T ION AT MEET! NG IN HELE A THE FO RE PART Prof. F. 0. Jaclrnon. This date had At e1'g!1t o'"lock c,·e111·n,. In f tt f ' h y OF THE WEEK DECI DES BY A >' OTE OF SEVEN TO FOUR TO EL· , o , - \I C A. ,,a:; heltl iu the main a stopr11ng le ast hrig am oung ECT A MAN TO THE OFFI CE OF CHANCEL L OR , PROVIDED BY originally been ghen to the band. but the assem bly ball will occur the te11 U1 u.iltling at 7 :rn on evening. 1iYe in t3.e gAmc> here \Yednesday eY· because tllat organization lias not been annual interclass debate. d d I R eni:1g. For so early in lhe seaso n Lhe THE LEIGHTON L AW AND CON SO L i DATE MANAGEMEN T OF F OUR ab le to practice for the p ast fe\Y 11 ues- μ'hC' meeting \\'US ad resse JY e\"". STATE EDUCAT I ONA L INISTIT U T!ON S - R EC OMMENAT IONS OF lion that is to be tile }. G. Bennett of the lt.:l)iSf'opal church. men are all shooting baskets well HEADS OF THE F OUR SC HOO LS ARt:. NOT MA DE P UB LI C. week s, due to the illness or Leader same as fo r t be Triangul<' r Debanng 'fhe newl:i. organizc>d qua.rtet. com· but their passing and han dli ng the H oward. P resident H'.unilto11 3'.'!k· le:igue, namel y: "Resolv<'d, That an >0secl of 2\lessrs. Cannon. Holt, Abell ball is miserable as was demonst r at- eel Lhe orchestra substi tu te. I all A. . tr h 11 b. 1 sE>lection. ReY. ed in the game with Lhe hig1 school The orchestra \\ill give tbei r regu· l :e r 1 pla.yed during the week. At nn adjoun1Pd meeting of the [ decisiYel y. at the re. cent elccti:.:m. 1 s J lv 11 rogra, e:-.1l vear an d ar a ·sem J . m n. · · ' I The progr am w ill be opened by a .. 1 am ah\aY::: glad to speak to the j Owing to Lbe facl that whojstatf' board of cJ1.1cation, a t C.1<' stat ej Fa'.ts to Salary. the band will g1Ye also its postponed 15010 ··on t ht?" \Vay to Kew." by Tnu:v M C :\. f. b" ization can played forward on last years cllam- house which lasted until afte r mid- l he Leigh t on b ill which was passed concert some time after th€' Christ· The frt:"shman team has . ,. . ,. . or t ts organ . 11-,ious, w.11 leave tonight for Lewiston, . - . by t he last session 1n-acticall y united t' Tb h b b ' . ke u11 war. an stan. or. th Ida!lo. ou a stock judging trip, a mg on ay Ill 1 ' a t he schools, b,}' vroviding: for the elec:- . If II . S k d d f lbmgs ht d gl t rcsoluuon was mas -.;ac:a JOn. e or C' est ra as e 'n !affirmative side of the and hat no other organization in e taYoring the election o[ a tion of a c hancellor. Howc\'er, L '!::te practising fall i u Y eYery SIDC'e e11- the order of the speaers wHI be K ns k tl _ eY- 1 change b the usual 1ineup or the team tember and particularly bard the last Collins, L ee Park and L lewellyn chool can. l \\ 1sh to 115 is e:xpec.:ted an<l Roul.iilleaux will cbcncellor of the Univer sity of Mon· bi ll prov ided for no salary fo r such t I ning on n. f ,,. "'Teat thoughts. The I 11 At th D b t and it. is cer ain lie program I The sophomore <:lass will lie reprc- . : ·, "'. Euro e has cans- the , :lGtllt forward. Corner has been\ tana, composed of tho unive r si ty at , e eceru er mee - will be unusuall y good. sented by RaymonU Cannon, s. )resent calamll. m P_ -. shifte-d tram iorward to center <.Ulcl 1r· o I th Stat colleo-e at Boze- mg last )ea1. crnd at the J une meet- This orgnnization was founded alSno,,· a,<1 Don L<·1ng11hr, ,,.b,, :"":cl men to ::;LOlJ and con!:nder i C'a1il"1'11 \\'1')1"11111b i's the guard, ISS u a .. e e - o d ing, an effo r t was made LO elect a d . - - .,..ill b th .. - !"' tl l\ l chool at Dill on an uttle O\ er two years ago. an srnce ,speak in rhe or1ler named 1'h"' men ore serioush. \\'e f'nr e ques· 1 ,,ft t·ac .. , 1111 by Bt'll ', I •ddox. '\\•ithlman, ie oru <\n s . chancello r, but it failed to carry, in h' this war a fai. l - 11 ... I th at time. nnder the ab le leade rs IP \will btlk in the ordl>I' in rebnt- To g.; a''a' to tht: 1 foundations of good ball for so ('arly in the season 1 ed by the last session or the legis1a- eH!l'. after the consolidu.tion bill h ad lt originally had all enrollment of the showing· made tonight will iudi- ur civiliz· Lion. man i:> an auimal. a:icl tho·e- is little doubt but thn.t the 1 rnre. failed to carry br an overwhelming eight, hut at present is now composed cale the ahility ol lhe two teams to A. l ot!1i ,. i ·andll's of tlw :rnimal king· l!iU-1;:; drnmpionship of .Jlontano.t will I A committee composC'd of Governor majority, the board voLetl to elect a of members. as follows: \get at the question i:l a logiral m<iu- lom ari a pa··eull) he·u·1lu;:; and prey a:rn,.in:;t at _Montana State. chancellor. First violin, G. Muse. Samuel Scott, ner ne upo11 tL.e otht.•r 111Plllhers of the Tlle game eYeniug will Stewart. Attorney GC:nernl D. l\L Ke ll y The lloard met Monday a(ter noon Paul Davidson. Hazel Coffey and l,,. T.he two teams h;.we srient tla· l;·r;..- K1ng<lom. From time man be nu.e of th1 played on the home 2.llcl ""ard G. Nye. city superintendent at 2 o'clock. epon motion of \Valter Rouhideanx: second violin. Alfred er part o( the la!<t wi tl\. ; 11 prep:iri•tg .as 01· lll" olht r 1 J11als nf the ·1oor this :::;enson and it is expe1,,:ted oi the Billings schocls, was niiroiut- Ha.rtman or Bozeman tbe board went b:berle, R. s. Jones, E. :E' . Pippinger; for rehnttal and it is safe tn tbat , u de1w1 fo his susten· that a l::irg-1.;. crowd will ue on band ed to select a snitrlblc an<l comuetent iuto executi•·e session with a view ot cello, R. A. Barne::;; flnuble hass. G. thig part of the will be tj•Jlll lnce tlJllil the earth All 'aluecomes to watch thi· local five perform for tbelru[!u 1or the rosition. \\Idle i!l.quiry expediting the work ol tiat body. L. l\hrtin; flute. M. H. Rpa11ldiT1g; spirited, om he :!rth h1uugh 111an::. labor. first time. Tbe :\tormons have one failed tlJ elicit any deli:1ite iuiurma· The an n ual r eports of the various clarinets, Ed. .lac·obs. Otto .Ratch I The main "m bl· Jim1Lf.•d o ex.bl mnsi learn 0 r tb,, f, 1 .. t o;;t fhes in Utah aad ar tiou uu lht- }$Uhject, it is UlHllTstood of the state werE" Scott·· cornet , .John Wyh e, En- to ekht. minute!=\ in length an d t he r e-- .\12'. .\1111. th1v11t:h the de- s: ,d ti) hC' rla:dng mid-season ball al- that the llassell by a \"Ote submitte d, and the b oard for the pur- gene Rapatz. \Varren Dn1mmon d; bnttals t o five in accordance the ability and :·mstenance, ruldy. of T to 4. pose of considering them decided to trombone . B. L. Currier; . drums. Geo- ru ling of the debate com mittee . Al- ·orms bimselI into tribes aud nations. 1 To Hold Special Meetin g. liold a priYatc meeting. gia Hollier; piano. Leah Hartman; fred Eberle, iiresident oi the debate \\ e tliat voorest deYelopecl G NGIL 1 It iB :.:i.lso, thal spe- Reco mm n dat io ns Un kno wn . director. F. 0. J ackson. iccmndl wm preside. The judges of r>eople. thE': weakllngs and the puny I au ci!l! meeting ot the board "\\'lll be F'ollowing the m1_•t>ting o( tbe board Prof . .Ja,..lrnon· will gi\•e a nf Ill"' co::itest will be Prof. G. L. Martin ypeS are the least ctlnl'illt:d. Jn dl'der r held some time in t'l.e spring, at .".'lOnday oigbt, 110 indication WUS made so lOS that will add much to tl1e COTI+ r.f rhe animal in dus t ry division . Pro!. - or m:-.-1.n ll1 lhE!' lie must dP\elop wbM n1 srussES BUSINESS which a report of the committ 1 t' \Yill of the recommenclatlons of the ,-ai-i- cert The program "ill ('Ompn(:P the l.J H llolst Jllinc1pal nl Uw J.a.s L•e 1 •u ca.llL•<l his :::.oul, '' hi<'ll. '' llen U lJ b(' 'l'he i::alary t he chan- ous heads of state institutions. It 1 s tnllo\\ rng ).'larch. da.n and Prof. H. M Jenni· Jev<IOJii d gl\es. the of cellar "ill he ftxed by the boanl at lolo\'-n tbc1t the State college here de- siYe. v:onbington. selection, \Yonder-Ison. o-f the 1Jiok1!::Y dcpartln"nt In ..i" .an. :\Ian lie fed and his soul this s11ecial meeting. it is understood. sires a new ('ngiuePring building; t hat land Herbert; Friml: solo. lc1,rdauce with the ruling p10 Jouri .he<l vr Ji1;, ueeori1- s bad as Fre;;hrr.an-Soohomore Debate Ma tters\ The action 01 the ho::ird came as the :\Iissoula institution is asking. for CaY;tine, Riaff, by F. o. "·aes that the judges shnll be he beast of the field. This prE-sent Ar r anged and Pla ns Are no surprise. It had been announced a fieience building and that various \\ OOfilaml Tnn, nendex; f"k1wer Snug:, l.i.>rs of the faculty. aoi:·s not bctol·en tile failure of 1 Made F or Other Work. m ad\'3.ll('C" t!lat t he board would othet institut ions are r equestr:ig b wld- T 1 inkans; solo. Berceuse. from Joce- Tbe wte-rcfa.,;;s leb.,f 1 '1s reganlql , 0 vrinCltlle of Christianity, for prohahl) mal(t.· reconunendations look- ir.gs, bu t v.hat action will be taken Iyn. Goddard. by F o .Jackson; ma.rch. lwith a gr eat deal of Interest b) the hese :irincipleb ha,·e noL l>een adopt-1 --- mg tm\ aid tb .. apporntment of a than- 1 was i ndicated at the close of the\ Bonnie Blne s. Cbnmller:- student body for it 1s t he last o! the ;:.d uni,·ersallr and by nations in Lheir The council met last :.ron· lcellor 111 ortler to h£-ad off any further mee tin g. \ It is understood, however, 1 The public has ben in\'1ted to at- contests b etween t !le t wo class-- treatment o1 each other. For man day atteruoon lO make the trnal ar effort next )ea r on the purt of thelthat. as to ap- re>nd llw::. concert and 1t IS expecte d es The this )ear \\lll b to u,·e togNher an<l. liYe well there. ran"'erucnLs lor the interclass debate consolidationists to bring up a meas- proprlutions W iil be to th e effect thal that a numhi.:r of townspeople will 'exception. l;lUf't (•:xisi a f::tith among them. A I andb lo disCUSl:i utllf'r businesl:> mat- ure to unite the th r ee state education- t he ap1nopriations fo r each school be inail of the opportuni ty Th"' freshmen and sophomores w1l l in tile- of God ters. al itLstilutions, which was defeated soiraisecl te11 per cen t. to hear nn15iC'a l organization. f"ii;·e a ioint dance atterward in tbe ra!Rcs all Dlt:'n to a higher level and A list o( the membe1·s of faculty hali and the ('ommittPes for thi s Hmk<::-; all hrothers. The principles trom whom the judges for the de bate part of t he evening's en te r tainmen t OL this 'lirisitianity cannot be 1niight be s•·k<'tl'<l was made_ ll!J, Var- Ex h1· b1· ts S eed rA GULTV PHRISTM AS TREE ha\'e pr act ical!)' perfec t ed t:ie1r ar- ed in :.iny course m the school s, men ious minot details 1:1 regatd to t he - r H I lJ f\ rangements. The dance has also b&- h · · 1 · u siness 1 1 A ruem come a part of th e annual a.fta.ir Jtet:,:: i: :==-- sho "" w Better Than Last yea r PL ANS W ELL U NnER schools . ,.Y1thout these pr i ncipl es , keepe r s. fl U fl MR. BISHOP ENTERTAIN S HIS M USIC STUDEN TS lite is a failure; study the railures of A committt>e consisting of Prof. I. history and you will find this to be 'l' . Gilruth. David St eel, and A. P a ul Committees Have Been Appoi nted the case." 'l'hom11son was appointed to mak e u p NEAR LY T HR EE HUNDRED ENT RI ES AT T HE S EE D E XPO S ITION - Plans were discussed for the jo int a. lludgCL for all fore n sic expenses fo r SAM PLE S F RO M EVER Y SEC TION OF THE ST AT E ARE EXHIB IT- T hat Will Have Charge of Af· social to be given with the Y. C. t h e comi ng year. Th e ma tter of ED- EV ERY SORT OF SEE D G ROWN MO NTA NA, E XC EPT fair-.B ig Social E vent. \ Mr. and Mrs. U. Holmes Bis hop A. a short time after the holi days, awa r ding emblems was also d isc ussed C ORN IS AB U NDA N TL Y SH OWN-E X HIBIT S WILL BE FOR· tertained Sat urday evening in hwor an( ! al so 11 lans for th e ai d to be giv en an d it was deci ded that th e matter WARDED TO PANAM A-PAC IFIC FAIR AT ' FRISC O- MEMBER S OF f lt Chris tmas I or the college students of Mr. Bishop. h died b th abo ve com SEE'D GROWER S' ASSOC IATION HOLD BANQUET. '!'he sixth annual acu y d l I preci ·• ted to th e assoc iated c hariti es in th e ir shou ld be an Y e - - tree celebration will occ ur on Urn ev· A sp lendi a111 mnc l ap •. w ork in Bozeman l his win t er. mittee al so. A r eso luti on r egarding musical program wa.s enjoyed. Mr. CORN EXPOSITION AT MILES CITY A SUCCESS t he mat ter will also be brought up at ening of December 19, n week from Bishop add ed grenUy to the \llt>-a s nre th e n ex t ineetin g of th e Student Se:i· Th is week, December 8 to 10. the from Fe r gus county an d many en tr ies tomorrow night , at se ven o'clock, in of the sel ecti ons by g'ivi ng a short ate. Seco nd Annual seed show of the from Hill a.nd Blaine counties. F. M. lhe home sci ence rooms of tbe agri- history and revie.w of eac!l number It was al so suggested that all those Montana Seed Growers ' asaociation Lawrence, s ecretary o( t he \Vestern cult ural building. To this celebration to sllow variety of the c ompositions. wh o intend to go ou t for the college was he ld in t he Maxey block on Main Montana fair b rought a magnificent are invited all the membe rs of the The first number was a quart et by de bating squ ad s hould ba nd _i; s treet. There were nearly three bun- disp lay of thr es h ed gr ains of excellent faculty, their wives and children , and Mon tan a's first Corn Exp osition was names to Al fred Eb er le, pres1 en o h qua lit y from t he counties in extreme in addition a rew outside guests. to".' Steel . The nnmpas er of thi s -n nm- t.h e council or to l. 'J'. Gilruth., debate dr ed entries, or ab out double t e num- no r th-western Montana. Missoula, Ra· The street car will make two tr ips. .. .._,.., held in Miles City, Decembe r 1 to 5. coach by Friday, December 18. If ber shown at the fi r st seed exposition . v alli, Sanders a11d Flathead. Nearer leaving Black avenue at 6:50 and ber was Pinsutt.L 'Thou gh it appea rs like a far cry fr om su ffi cient. interest is manifested de- held at Billing last year. The quality D L d J efferson and again at 7:05. This was followed by a solo b7 a cow camp LO a co rn show, yet it is a sober faq th at a sp le ndid corn show was held in th e m e tropo li s of bates may be arranged v-.;th other 1' th rain was generally bette r a t home, o ge, . ff . George Cooley. a-.. 1 o e g t d for com- M adison counties hav·e entries. Many The commjltees that h ave the a ai r ,.[ isR Lillian Axtell sang a. solo l ul-- sc hoo ls in addition to t he TTian_o ....... ar. than th at which was en ere h d ain is shown in charge are as follows: Presents, u - The tr youts for the colJege squad will petition at t he fi rs t sh ow year as was Mr s. Ri c hter, Mrs. Bur ke, Mrs. H am, 1 aby . A duet " The Angelus," by no- b Cl · tmas bol h N 'I J C n expo s1 ion 1t1 se" a· 1 bv. r Alonzo Tr uitt and occu r sho rtly aft er t e 1r 1s . a t. t e ai.. ona or enter ed at the State fair at Helena Mr s. Martin . Mr s. Currier; r efres , - E> Cus t er county, ri ght in tl1 e heart of T d M }-lamilton Ste el. . idays . exas. b'b' ' . from 2G in Septemb er of thl.s ye u.r. ments. Miss Alda. Smirt.h, Mr. an . rs. M · l"s Alberta Borthwick sank a aolo \1..-bat us ed to be Mo ntana's le admg I The re we re ex 1 1 ... 0 1 s \Vhitcomb, Mr. and Mrs . Thaler, Miss _, I c ow c ou ntry. ARE TO ties with en tr ies in the show, and this T he Seed Gr owers ' Banquet. Theda .Ton es, Mi ss Carl oLta Ford and a.nd t!l e mu sic al pro gram was a ssu r es ve ry splendid represent ation rrhe Seed gr owers had t heir meet- ro r am com· e tl w1Lb a qua rtet. "Good Nig ht ·.e-- ,,.. 11pv. a rd s or :mo sampl es of corn FEED FOOTBALL MEN a t. t.he Panama-Pacific at San Fra ncis- ing ana banqu e t. on \\' e dnesday eve1:· .. PMrg Una B. 10\·ed ,' ' bY Pinsu tti. 'rhose in the wer e en tered, and competed for th e . · b ·ng done by Mr. ing at th e Boze man hote l. At thi s mitle "ill con srnt 0 s. . qtrnrtet were Crin non. AUwr- tbousa nd do lla rs in prizes whi ch wer e c o. . The is re 1. a nd th e I time th ere were addr esses from lead- Herrick an d Mi ss Alberta Borthwick. ta Borthwick. Tra Abell a nd Alf' 1,it, b t tY three A. tkrn so n Mr. \\ h1tl oc e::bibi ts re- ing g ' r owe rs in differe nt parts or the It is pla nn ed th at th is pa rt th f'- 1- 11 1' tt . i\fiss Jun e Har tman was , Lr• offered by the Miles City chamb er of T omorr ow eve ning t e wen - hJgh qu a lity or all th e ...._ _ ti were Mr \V. v . fair sha ll be entirely u:: rhildren o. - 1 .. f tb (' footb a ll squad h vcrv cl oses L sc rutiny to state. Among lese . E TI d uring t.b e evening. comme r ce . of t he s ampl es we re n1embers o quir es t e - : Ta i bolt pr eside nt. of t..he ne wly or- me-mhcr:; or the faculty. 1'! rs. <.. •• - Aft er th e m usi c al pr ogram a. lh ely we ll matured and s!:Jo wed an intelli- will be e nte rtained by the make th e I tile sh o w, th e ganize tl, Wn rm crs' li .,ederati on ; Mr . R iley w il have ch arge of t?;nme treatPd much en,,,,,. gent aμprN'ia tio n of what goo d corn in es at a banque t in Lh e :1 ome sc ien ce At the ro ncl us1 on o ·I d a nd Patr ick Ca rney, of \\ 'n t. erloo. vice these being so lely the home-made \al D{'lkious w1·n· . ·r ·t I sa mples a.re to be r ec ea ne . h. , mea ns by their um onn1 y. room s. Th f> gir ls h ave mad e clabo. d 1l ter ed for. co ntest at pr es. 1d enl of t ile St.ate fc11 r, and ietr. se r ved. 1 L I ad what was . . . s h1p pe . to e e n . . - . . I " " P t t Kin g"· i •'. C. The first. fa<'u l tY iref' was Mr. Kenue th :\ e ean 1 al e pla ns for t he affair . Th e mv1ta- th e Pan ama-P ac ifi c cxpos1 t1 on al San to tame t lt o a o . f th 11el1l 1·11 :'i.li!"\('_v's J rn l l. 11 proved to llfi con sidered 10 he t be be$ t sam11le in · 1 _ , 1 ·b 't su mne:>r CIHle Park. 1 ires1de nl u e Lilla Hark.ins, head of lhe k Uon s th at ,, ·ere sen t ou t n. re espec1a - Fr ancisc"O a::> Mon ta na s ex 11 i . . . ' . D. \Y M so 1lta1. it wa!' decide<l to t !le show and be won the sweepsta· es St t ·Seed Gr owe rs L . J. llome geonomitR depa r tnwnt !ell in ,,,,. in th l' yello w denL class a nd made ly u:i ic\U{) . A small l eat her foot b a ll r:- ' •. r ep re- i Will iams, an n Jr alfa seed growe r from m:-lkc> it nn nnnnul nffair. Prof. F'is.h- T11esday (or Hutle whe re she wlll l . n\ i? l) ' fl ti "' Dr OJ', fo rmerI.· ..- or th e l1or tic·u l rnrnl de-. .u. o t!l e r prornin(·u t winnings. T 11s coro c ontain s th e Inv ita ti on. l 1 _ 1 th S eed show an d \\'i L ll Harl em; I. •}, K ol un e,,; _ SJH.a lc to the tlub Of WJa.t was grown i 11 C11stc::r county. Mae My ers and Ann noodson hav<' sen ec a . P f co ·n sor t of w. X. S11dc\ 1 tlh of Broa dvie w. w i n llL'f 11n.rtnwnt nf'tt-itl the part nf patron citv on ·'Wha t \\"omen·s ,·•ul1s ttn' (k· ' r lh a1£ai r The Ult' ('X c ep l lOU 0 1 ' ' . 1 · I ""J al!'a\[a at s11i n r F !\Utt• 'l h. waH (]one b.Y Pr ofessor I ge n era l c liarge o e · . _ . ra ised LO an y e-x te nt lu of th e bip, <·llJl er t 1'e pn ,.c • . . . . . . . 1 . for Home Sdeuce. 1 rom ·ual i\l r 0. ll. \Vill of Bi s·igi rl s wHJ wa il uu t he t ab le a lJ u nd n.n Llv s hown at t he th e New Yor k Land nnd lrrigci l lOll The smrl' will to A11a1<1ml<1 w.lere q[H:· ;u a rck ;..1. L . \Vilso n, couare the Miss es R uth •. Easte ru - ..i \f on tana is r ep· expos itio 1t of i\l r. F'.' 1\1 .... lJeen helrl in the hOlllC' s.n<"m·P ro01:1s .. -·11 J:.tiYer a11 ·11ltlrPss h..fo1•_' foe age,n t ro r Cu!-ilf'r ccmnty, of th e ex-1sweat, Mildr ed Ste warl, Ce tl Y\ al1ex10. t ti ·b,. "tt' 11 fliH' en tri es fr om re1 Ke, sf'e r etary of C1C' M1ssou lc. rnir. At thr• sct·ornl trel'. Prof .. duh. Sl•e will t1w11 gt• to . 1· . l . r the co ll ege bad j er an d Ada Beers t.e ('hcr. l'l'!"'1'TI P . . H bud Carb on B iCf E F' H€ n son of lh C' land d epartmen t nrnl F S r0<1leY WPJ'(' nval \ lJt"'t>l° and s111·ak to till' row- t r.;;;wn < JYlS on o , ' lb B ter ines Dawson t'ustrr. .ase , , = .... . T 8 Ji' Co w C'\l1us.es rintl mul"i1 "n,.;;: n.- II t' o111·t1· t 11'gl1 sc·hool •lnd tht" \\'o- dirN'.t. d1·1 r e of the exposi ti on , a nd I A( ter th e- harniuet. e oos I If a;1d Y1.•1lowstone cou nties. P arK uf t he North ern Pnc.·1 1c; . . r. I . "C' .... t PrPxY to0l{ e 4 .. - . , . . , l ·geJv due to hi s u1tcrl.aln t he mPn at a r ecept ion. orn . . r rot n Northern roan of IJ ar di 11 . )t r Cor l\.im; of Har( rn rorlied t iosc IH . . - duh. "'t '-Ptt·Hd Oatk w.it: suc<'f·ss "as a1 I b b r b·i:-:. uia1w ' 1 1 - 1 ltor" from k efforts. It is t he plll'JtOoe o[ t he Ao inte r es tin g program as 'ee n '.l; ,;n l anu ;. oyast qllan tilic" o( gr ai n an d a nn mher or ot 1l'l' ex 11 1 (Contlc.ued on P,1ge T wo) lnt«r r-a r< l'f th•"""" c·ha1n l wr of commerce t.o irnbli5h r ange d . [o r l111 s pa rl of t. he e\c nm¥::; from t' as<·ade a n t\ d iff(· r e nl parb of ti ll' :-1 tate. t !H, 1 11 ·oc·eelli n g!'i of tb e lir st cor n show. en t er t am mP11L

Transcript of TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A...

Page 1: TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. Nu ml" 1 L t tM. HE~RS POP UlAR ou1N

1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE VJ. MO:\TA::-:A STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY , DECE Ml3Ell Jl. 1914. Nu ml" r 1 L


ou1NTET is To !State Board Decides oRcttEsrRA ro ANNUftl nEBnTE PLAY MORMONS I GIVE PROGRAM H LI H

MAN !Ne•~a::d~~~·~e~~:~~gA1;~"~:1tia1\ To Appoint A Man orc~~ti~~;a~osr~:~:~t1~;\:~iv:•nd\ THIS EVEN\NG I Brigham Young's Tea m. As Chancellor Program at Assemb ly. -

ev. G. G. Bennett Talks to t he Y. --- !Ton ight at Eight O'Clock Wi l l Occu r M. Upon Relation of Civiliza t ion 'Yitl1 on1• of the hard1~st games of 'lhe assemlJlY progra;~. thi~ morn· the Tenth An nua l Interc las s Oe-

to Christianity. t3.e season h:irdly a wee-k aw:Jy, Coach ing will be furnished by the college bate in Assembly Hal l. ___ JBt.'nUil•11 hn!i lH·cn speeding up his ma- orchestra. under tl1e leadership of

The regular mei-ting of the Y. ehine dnring the past week in hopes BOARD O F EDUCA T ION A T MEET! NG IN HELE A THE F O RE PART Prof. F. 0. Jaclrnon. This date had At e1'g!1t o'"lock tht-~ c,·e111·n,. In f tt f ' h y OF THE WEEK DECI DES BY A >' OTE OF SEVEN TO FOUR TO EL· , o , -

\I C A. ,,a:; heltl iu the main a stopr11ng le ast hrig am oung ECT A MAN TO THE O F F ICE OF CHANCEL L OR , PROVIDED BY originally been ghen to the band. but the assem bly ball will occur the te11 U1 u.iltling at 7 :rn on Tue~day evening. 1iYe in t3.e gAmc> here \Yednesday eY· because tllat organization lias not been annua l interclass debate.

d d I R eni:1g. For so early in lhe seaso n Lhe THE LEIGHTON L AW A N D CON SO L i DAT E MANAGEMENT O F F OUR able to practice for the past fe\Y T~e 11 ues-µ'hC' meeting \\'US ad resse JY e\"". STATE EDUCAT I ONA L I N I STIT U T!ON S - R ECOMMENAT IONS OF lion t hat is to be d i~cusst.•d i~ tile }. G. Bennett of the lt.:l)iSf'opal church. men are all shooting baskets well HEADS OF THE F OUR SC HOO LS ARt:. N OT M A DE P UB LI C. weeks , due to the illness or Leader same as for t be Triangul<' r Debanng 'fhe newl:i. organizc>d qua.rtet. com· but their passing and ha ndling th e l~ou H oward. P resident H'.unilto11 3'.'!k· le:igue, namely: "Resolv<'d, That an >0secl of 2\lessrs. Cannon. Holt, Abell ball is miserable as was demonst rat- eel Lhe orchestra t~ substitu te. I all A. . tr h 11 b. 1

sE>lection. ReY. ed in the game with Lhe hig1 school The orchestra \\ill give tbei r regu· si~~~1 :~n:~~n l:e 1

~~c~i~ro: ~:~~·lri~t'.su r

1 pla.yed during the week. At nn adjoun1Pd meeting of the [ decisiYely. a t the re. cent elccti:.:m. 1 s J lv 11 rogra, e:-.1l vear and ar a ·sem J ~ . m n. · · ' I The program w ill be opened by a ..

1 am ah\aY::: glad to speak to the j Owing to Lbe facl that ~tt, whojstatf' board of cJ1.1cation, a t C.1<' st at ej ·~ Fa'.ts to P~ovi de. Salary. the band will g1Ye also its postponed 15010 ··on t ht?" \Vay to Kew." by Tnu:v

~ M C :\. f. b" ization can played forward on last years cllam- house which lasted until after mid- l he Leighton b ill which was passed concert some time after th€' Christ· iAb~11. The frt:"shman team has th~ . ,. . ,. . or t ts organ . 11-,ious, w.11 leave tonight for Lewiston, . - . by t he last session 1n-acticall y united t' Tb h b b '

. ke u11 war. an stan. or. th Ida!lo. ou a stock judging trip, a mg ~ on ay Ill 1 ' a t he schools, b,}' vroviding: for the elec:- . If II . S k d d f lbmgs ht ~1 d gl t rcsoluuon was mas -.;ac:a JOn. e orC' est ra as e 'n !affirmative side of the cJlH:~tion and hat no other organization in e Jla~sed taYoring t he e lection o[ a tion of a chancellor. Howc\'er, L'!::te practising fall i u Y eYery SIDC'e e11- the order of the speaers wHI be K ns

.· k tl _ eY- 1 change b the usual 1ineup or the team tember an d par t icularly bard the last Collins, L ee Park and Llewellyn Ln<·~. chool can. l \\ 1sh to ~pea 115 is e:xpec.:ted an<l Roul.iilleaux will pla~· cbcncellor of the Univer sity of Mon· bi ll provided for no sala r y fo r such t I ning on n. f ,,. "'Teat thoughts. The I 11 A t th D b t w~ek and it. is cer ain lie program I The sophomore <:lass will lie reprc-. : ·, "'. Euro e has cans- the , :lGtllt forward. Corner has been\ tana, composed of tho univer sit y at ~lance OI~. , e eceru er mee - will be unusually good . sented by RaymonU Cannon, ~ r s. )resent calamll. m P_ - . shifte-d tram iorward to center <.Ulcl 1r· o I th Stat colleo-e at Boze- mg last )ea1. crnd at the J une meet- This orgnnization was founded alSno,,· a,<1 Don L<·1ng11hr, ,,.b,, :"":cl men to ::;LOlJ and con!:nder thing~; i C'a1il"1'11 \\'1')1"11111b i's fi1llin~ the guard, ISS u a .. e e - o ~ d ing, an effor t was made LO elect a d . - - .,..ill

b th .. - !"' tl l\ l chool at Dillon an uttle O\ er two years ago. an srnce ,speak in rhe or1ler named 1'h"' men

ore serioush. \\'e f'nr e ques· 1,,ft t·ac .. ,1111 by Bt'll ', I •ddox. '\\•ithlman, ie oru <\n s . chancellor , but it failed to carry, in h'

1i10;:~ ~~~~:t;;;11i~,''.~' this war a fai. ~~;~nc;~os\',l~',:~gth~iete~:,:n•i~i:,7ay~~: ~~e p1Sot'ai~~c1~~~:o~:e o~e~~::: ~~11,B;:::: ~~: ~~o~·l:~.,:"c1t t~~i's ':e=~~2' h~~1~ ~~ :·1~!;th~~ J;~~:o~-a~:d th:ros::e:~I ~~l te~:li~~~glt:~ t~1:Y a~!~in:i::~~'"!~h~ l - 11 ... I th at time. nnder the able leaders IP \will btlk in the ~ame ordl>I' in rebnt-

To g.; a''a' to tht:1 foundations of good ball for so ('arly in the season 1ed by the last session or the legis1a- eH!l'. after the consolidu.tion bill h ad lt originally had all enrollment of the showing· made tonight will iudi­ur civiliz· Lion. man i:> an auimal. a:icl tho·e- is little doubt but thn.t the 1 rnre. failed to carry br an overwhelming eight, hut at present is now composed cale the ahility ol lhe two teams to

A. l ot!1i ,. i ·andll's of tlw :rnimal king· l!iU-1;:; drnmpionship of .Jlontano.t will I A committee composC'd of Governor majority, the board voLetl to elect a of t~enty members. as follows: \get at the question i:l a logiral m<iu-lom ari a pa··eull) he·u·1lu;:; and prey a:rn,.in:;t re~t at _Montana State. chancellor. First violin, G. Muse. Samuel Scott, ner ne upo11 tL.e otht.•r 111Plllhers of the Tlle game \\'edi...n~day eYeniug will Stewart. Attorney GC:nernl D. l\L Kelly The lloard met Monday a(ter noon Paul Davidson. Hazel Coffey and l,,. T.he two teams h;.we srient tla· l;·r;..-

K1ng<lom. From tarH£~ 1 time man be nu.e of th1 b~sl played on the home 2.llcl ""ard G. Nye. city superintendent at 2 o'clock. epon motion of \Valter Rouhideanx: second violin. Alfred er part o( the la!<t wi tl\. ;11 prep:iri•tg .as -~d 01· lll" olht r 1 J11als nf the ·1oor this :::;enson and it is expe1,,:ted oi the Billings schocls, was niiroiut- Ha.rtman or Bozeman tbe board went b:berle, R. s. Jones, E. :E' . Pippinger; for rehnttal and it is safe tn ~ay tbat ,\~-gdor:. , u de1w1 d~ fo his susten· that a l::irg-1.;. crowd will ue on band ed to select a snitrlblc an<l comuetent iuto executi•·e session with a view ot cello, R. A. Barne::;; flnuble hass. G. thig part of the contP~t will be tj•Jlll

lnce tlJllil the earth All 'aluecomes to watch thi· local five perform for tbelru[!u 1or the rosition. \\Idle i!l.quiry expediting the work ol tiat body. L. l\hrtin; flute. M. H. Rpa11ldiT1g; spirited, om he :!rth h1uugh 111an::. labor. first time. Tbe :\tormons have one failed tlJ elicit any deli:1ite iuiurma· The annual r eports of the various clarinets, Ed. .lac·obs. Otto .Ratch I The main f'lH?N·hP.~ "m bl· Jim1Lf.•d

o ex.bl nH~n mnsi learn 0r tb,, f,1 .. t o;;t fhes in Utah aad ar tiou uu lht- }$Uhject, it is UlHllTstood h~ads of the state institution~ werE" P~rke Scott·· cornet, .John Wyh e, En- to ekht. minute!=\ in length and the re--.\12'. .\1111. th1v11t:h the de- s: ,d ti) hC' rla:dng mid-season ball al- that the r"~olution llassell by a \"Ote submitted, and the boar d for the pur- gene Rapatz. \Varren Dn1mmond ; bnttals to five in accordance wit~ the

ability and :·mstenance, ruldy. of T to 4. pose of considering them decided to trombone. B. L. Currier; . drums. Geo- ruling of the deba te com mittee. Al-·orms bimselI into tribes aud nations.


T o Hold Special Meetin g. liold a priYatc meeting. gia Hollier; piano. Leah Hartman; fred Eberle, iiresident oi the deba te \\ e no~i<'L' tliat lht~ voorest deYelopecl G NGIL 1 It iB u~dersto~1d, :.:i.lso, thal ~ spe- Reco mm ndat io ns Un kno wn . director. F. 0. J ackson. iccmndl wm preside. The judges of r>eople. thE': weakllngs and the puny I [OREN~IG au ci!l! meeting ot the board "\\'lll be F'ollowing the m1_•t>ting o( tbe board Prof . .Ja,..lrnon· will gi\•e a ~ouple nf Ill"' co::itest will be Prof. G. L. Martin ypeS are the least ctlnl'illt:d. Jn dl'der r held some time in t'l.e spring, at .".'lOnday oigbt, 110 indication WUS made solOS that will add much to tl1e COTI+ r.f rhe animal in dus try division . Pro!.

- or m:-.-1.n ll1 lhE!' lie must dP\elop wbM n1srussES BUSINESS which a report of the committ1 t' \Yill of the recommenclatlons of the ,-ai-i- cert The program "ill ('Ompn(:P the l.J H llolst Jllinc1pal nl Uw ~{:'(••Tl·

J.a.s L•e1•u ca.llL•<l his :::.oul, '' hi<'ll. '' llen U lJ b(' reccin~d. 'l'he i::alary ~f the chan- ous heads of state institutions. It 1s tnllo\\ rng numher~ ).'larch. Pro~res da.n ~chools. and Prof. H. M Jenni· Jev<IOJii d gl\es. the highe~t t:~nie of cellar "ill he ftxed by the boanl at lolo\'-n tbc1t the State college here de- siYe. v:onbington. selection, \Yonder-Ison. o-f the 1Jiok1!::Y dcpartln"nt In ..i"

.an. :\Ian mu~t lie fed and his soul this s11ecial meeting. it is understood. sires a new ('ngiuePring building; that land Herbert; ~lelodie, Friml: solo. lc1,rdauce with the ruling w~cll p10 Jouri .he<l vr Ji1;, ueeori1- s a~ bad as Fre;;hrr.an-Soohomore Debate Matters\ The action 01 the ho::ird came as the :\Iissoula institution is asking. for CaY;tine, Riaff, by F. o. Jack~on; "·aes that the judges shnll be m~m-he beast of the field. This prE-sent Ar~ Arranged and Pla ns Are no surprise. It had been announced a fieience building and that various \\ OOfilaml Tnn, nendex; f"k1wer Snug:, l.i.>rs of the faculty. ~\ar aoi:·s not bctol·en tile failure of

1 Made For Other Work. m ad\'3.ll('C" t!lat the board would othet institut ions are requestr:ig b wld- T1inkans; solo. Berceuse. from Joce- Tbe wte-rcfa.,;;s leb.,f 1 '1s reganlql

,0 vrinCltlle of Christianity, for prohahl) mal(t.· reconunendation s look- ir.gs, but v.hat action will be taken Iyn. Goddard. by F o .Jackson; ma.rch. lwith a gr eat deal of Interest b) the hese :irincipleb ha,·e noL l>een adopt-1 --- mg tm\ aid tb .. apporntment of a than- 1 was ~ot indicated at the close of the\ Bonnie Blne s. Cbnmller:- student body for it 1s the last o! the

;:.d uni,·ersallr and by nations in Lheir The ForeH~:c council met last :.ron· lcellor 111 ortler to h£-ad off any further meeting. \ It is understood, however, 1 The public has ben in\'1ted to at- contests between t!le t wo l o~er class--treatment o1 each other. For man day atteruoon lO make the trnal ar effort next )ear on the purt of thelthat. th~ reco1~1mendahous as to ap- re>nd llw::. concert and 1t IS expected es The co:ite~t this )ear \\lll b ~10 to u,·e togNher an<l. liYe well there. ran"'erucnLs lor the interclass debate consolidationists to b r in g up a meas- proprlutions W iil be to the effect thal that a numhi.:r of townspeople will 'exception . l;lUf't (•:xisi a f::tith among them. A I andb lo disCUSl:i utllf'r businesl:> mat- ure to unite the th ree state education- the ap1nopriations fo r each school be inail them~elve.s of the opportunity Th"' freshmen and sophomores w1l l bi·l~d in tile- fatlH~~Irnod of God ters. al itLstilutions, which was defeated soiraisecl te11 per cen t. to hear thi~ nn15iC'a l organization. f"ii;·e a ioint dance atterward in tbe ra!Rcs all Dlt:'n to a higher level and A list o( the membe1·s of faculty ~rill hali and the ('ommittPes for this Hmk<::-; all hrothers. The principles trom whom the judges for the deba te part of the evening's enter tainment

OL this 'lirisitianity cannot be ~blain· 1niight be s•·k<'tl'<l was made_ ll!J, Var- Exh1· b1· ts At~Second Seed rA GULTV PHRISTM AS TREE ha\'e practical!)' perfected t :ie1r ar-ed in :.iny course m the schools, men ious minot details 1:1 regatd to the - r H I lJ f\ rangements. The dance has also b&-

h · · 1 · u siness 1 1 A ruem -.~ come a part of the annual a.fta.ir

:~~,~~ Jtet:,:: :~'~;~~hesth:~, i: theirl:::'!at~f '~: ~~~ssta~~~ ~~~as tim~ :==--sho"" w Better Than Last year PLANS WELL UNnER W 1~ schools. ,.Y1thout these principles , keepers. fl U fl MR. BISHOP ENTERTAINS

HIS MUSIC STUDENTS lite is a failure; study the railures of A committt>e consisting of Prof. I. history and you will find this to be 'l'. Gilruth. David S t eel, and A. P aul Committees Have Been Appoi nted the case." 'l'hom11son was appointed to mak e u p NEAR LY T HR E E HUN DR ED EN T RI ES AT T HE S EE D EXPO S ITION -

Plans were discussed for the joint a. lludgCL fo r a ll fore nsic expenses for SAM PLES F RO M EVER Y SEC TION OF THE ST AT E ARE EXHIB IT- That Will Have Charge of Af· social to be given with the Y. ~L C. th e coming year. Th e ma tte r of ED- E V ERY SORT OF SEE D G ROWN I~~ M O NTA NA, E XC E PT fair-.B ig S ocial E vent. \ Mr. and Mrs. U. Holmes Bishop en~ A. a short time after t he hol i days, awa rding emblems was a l so disc ussed C ORN I S AB U NDAN TL Y SH OWN-E X HIBITS WILL BE F O R· tertained Saturday evening in hwor

a n (! a lso 11 lans for the ai d to be given an d it was deci ded that th e matter WARDED T O PANAM A-PAC IFIC FAIR AT ' FRISCO-MEMBER S OF f lt Christmas I or the college students of Mr. Bishop.

h died b th above com SEE'D GR OWER S' ASSOC IATION HOLD BANQUET. '!'he sixth annual acu y d l I preci·• ted to the assoc ia ted charities in the ir should be a n Y e - - tree celebration will occur on Urn ev· A splendi a111 mnc l ap •. w ork in Bozem a n l his win ter. mittee a l so. A r esolution r egarding musical program wa.s enjoyed. Mr.


the m a t ter will also be brought up at ening of December 19, n week from Bishop added grenUy to the \llt>-asnre the next ineeting o f the Student Se:i· Th is week, December 8 to 10. the from Fergus county and many entries tomorrow ni ght , at seven o'clock , in of t he selections by g'iving a short ate . Secon d Annual seed show of the from Hill a.n d B laine counties. F. M. lhe home scien ce rooms of tbe agri- history and revie.w of eac!l number

It was also suggested that all those Montana Seed Growers' asaociation Lawrence, s ecr et a ry o( the \Vestern c ul tural building. To this celebration to sllow variety of the compositions . who int end to go ou t for the college was he ld in the Maxey block on Main Montana fair brought a magnificent are invited all the members of the The first number was a quartet b y debating squ ad s hould b a nd _i; t:ei~ s treet. There were nearly three bun- display of t h resh ed g r ains of excellent faculty, their wives and children, and ~;~s'::~~::.jo:Y ~:n:o:~ ~~18;~:

Mon tana's first Corn Exposition was na m es to Alfred Ebe rle, pres1 en o h quality from the counties in extreme in addition a rew outside guests. to".' Steel. The nnmpase r of thi s -nnm-t.h e co unc il or to l. 'J'. Gilruth., debate dred entries, or a bout double t e num- north-wester n Montana. Missoula, Ra· The street car will make two tr ips. .. .._,..,

held in Miles City, December 1 to 5. coach by Friday, December 18. If ber shown a t the fi rst seed exposition . valli, Sanders a11d Flathead. Nearer leaving Black avenue at 6:50 and ber was Pinsutt.L 'Thoug h it appea r s like a far cry from suffi c ient. inter est is manifested de- held at Billing last year. The quality D L d J efferson and again at 7:05. This was followed by a solo b7 a cow cam p LO a corn sh ow , yet it is

a sobe r faq t hat a splendid corn

show was h e ld in the m etropolis of

bates may be arranged v-.;th ot h er 1' th rain .·was generally better a t home, ee~ o ge, . ff . George Cooley. a-.. 1 o e g t d for com- M adison counties hav·e entries. Many The commjltees that h ave the a ai r ,.[ isR Lillian Axt ell sang a. solo lul--

schools in addition to the TTian_o ....... a r . than that which was en er e h d ain is shown in charge are as follows: Presents, u -

The t r youts for the colJege squad will petition at the fi rst s how and't~nter~d alitm~~e a~e:ucsho~:e t.hi~r year as was Mrs . Richter, Mrs. Burke , Mrs. H am, 1aby. A du e t "The Angelus ," by no-b Cl · tmas bol h N 'I J C n expos1 ion 1t1 se" a·1 '""~ ~1·Ye:i. bv.r Alonzo T ruitt and occu r shor tly after t e 1r1s . a t. t e ai.. ona or entered at the State fair at Helena Mrs. Martin . Mr s. Currier ; r efresh· ~ , - E>

Custer county, r ight in tl1 e heart of T d M }-lamilton Steel. . idays . exas. b'b' ' . from 2G coun~ in September of thl.s ye u.r. ments. Miss Alda. Smirt.h, Mr. an . rs. M· l"s Alberta Borthwick sank a aolo \1..-bat used to be Montana's leadmg I The re wer e ex 1 1 ... 01 s \Vhitcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Thaler , Miss _,

I cow cou ntry. BOOSTERINE~ ARE TO ties wi th en tr ies in the show, and this T he Seed Growers' Banquet. Theda .Tones , Miss CarloLta Ford and a.nd t!le mus ical program was coau u~-a ssu r es very splendid represen tation rrhe Seed g rowers had t heir meet- ro r am com· etl w1Lb a qua rte t. "Good Night ·.e--

,,.. 11pv. a rd s or :mo samples of corn FEED FOOTBALL MEN a t. t.he Panama-Pacific at San Fra ncis- ing ana banqu e t. on \\'ednesday eve1:· P~of. S~~u l dlng . . Th~ PMrg Una B. 10\·ed ,' ' bY Pinsu tti. 'rhose in the were en te r ed, and competed for th e . · b ·ng done by Mr. ing at th e Bozeman hotel. At thi s mi t le "ill consrnt

0 s. . qtrnrtet we re ~tarjo ri t:1 Crin non. AUwr-

tbousand dolla rs in prizes which were c o. . The judgtn~ is re 1. 1 ~ a nd th e I time th er e were addresses from lead- H err ick an d Mi ss Alberta Borthwick. ta Borth wick. Tr an· Abell and Alf'1,it, b t tY three A.tkrn son ~nd Mr. \\ h1tloce::bibi ts re- ing g' r ower s in diffe r ent parts or the It is pl anned th at th is par t ~f th f'- a f~ 1- 11 1' tt . i\fiss Jun e Har tman was , Lr•

offered by th e Mil es City chamber of T omorrow ev ening t e wen - hJgh qu ality o r all th e ...._ _ ti w e re Mr \V. v . fai r sha ll be entirely u:: rhildren o. -1 ..

f tb (' footba ll squad h vcrv closesL scrutiny to s ta te. Amon g lese . E TI ~1•Tompa.nist during t.b e even ing. "~1 commer ce. ~'fost of the s amples were n1embers o qu ir es t e -: Ta i bolt president. of t..he newly or - me-mhcr:; or t he faculty. 1'! rs. <.. •• - After the m usical program a. l h ely well matured and s!:Jo wed an intelli- will be e nte rtaine d by the B~ster· make th e deci s10~ s. I tile sh ow, the ga ni ze tl, Wnrm crs' li.,ederation ; Mr. R iley w il have ch arge of th~ cand'.e~~ gu~::;~ing t?;nme treatPd much en,,,,,. gent aµprN'ia tion of wha t good corn ines at a banquet in Lhe :1ome scien ce At the ron clus1on o ·I d and Patrick Carney, of \\'n t.e rloo. vice these being sole ly t he home-made \al ~nent. D{'lkious rt'1nshnH·11t~ w1·n· . ·r ·t I s amples a.re to be r ec eane ~ . h. , m ea ns by t he ir um on n1 y. room s. T h f> girls have mad e clabor· . d 1l t e red for. contest a t pres.1denl o f t ile St.ate fc11 r , a nd ~10\n1 ietr. served.

1 L I ad wha t was . . . s h1p pe . to e e n . . - . . I " " P t t King"· i•'. C. The first. fa<'u ltY r h ris1ma~ iref' was Mr . Kenue th :\ e ean 1 ale plans for the affair . The mv1ta- th e Panama-Pac ific cxpos1 t1on a l San to tame a~ t lt o a o . • f th 11el1l 1·11 :'i.li!"\('_v's Jrn l l. 11 proved to llfi

considered 10 he tbe be$t sam11l e in · 1 _ , 1 ·b 't s u mne:>r CIHle Pa rk. 1ires1denl u e ~Ii!'>:: Lilla Hark.ins, head of l he k

Uon s that ,,·ere sen t ou t n.r e espec1a - F r ancisc"O a::> Mon ta na s ex 11 i . . . ' • . D . \Y M so succes~f11l 1lta1. it wa!' decide<l to t !le show and be won the sweepsta·es St t · Seed Gr ower s a~sot'lau on. L . J. llome geonomitR depa r tnwnt !ell in ,,,,. in th l' yello w denL class and made ly u:i ic\U{) . A small leath e r footba ll r:- ' • . Fsreorm11· 0A11 1 1ofo~.~~11ta~ae.is rep re- i Will iams, a n nJralfa seed grower from m:-lkc> it nn nnnnul nffair. Prof. F'is.h- T11esday (or Hutle wher e she wlll

l. n \ i? l ) ' fl ti "' Dr OJ', formerI.·..- or th e l1or tic·u lrnrnl de-. .u. o t!le r prornin(·u t winnings. T 11s cor o contain s th e Inv ita ti on. l

1 _ 1 th Seed sh o w an d \\'i Lll Harlem; I.•}, K f·~h· r ol un e,,; _ SJH.alc to the \Yoman~ tlub Of WJa.t

was grown i11 C11stc::r county. Ma e Myers and Ann noodson hav<' sen ec a . P f co ·n ev~rv sort of w. X. S11dc\ 1tlh of Broad vie w. wi n llL'f 11n.rtnwnt nf'tt-itl the part nf tilt~ patron citv on ·'Wha t \\"omen·s ,·•ul1s ttn' (k· ' r l h a1£ai r The Ult' ('X cep l lO U 0 1 ' ' . 1· I ""J al!'a\[a at s11in r ~ F !\Utt • 'l h . judgin~ waH (]one b.Y P r ofessor I general c liarge o e · . _ . ra ised LO an y e-x tent lu of th e bip, <·llJl er t 1'e pn ,.c • . . . . . . . 1 . in~ for Home Sdeuce.

1 rom A t k11~son ·ual i\l r 0 . ll. \Vill of B is·igi rl s l~1at wHJ wa il uu the tab le ~~N\.g1~\1 1;s a lJ undn.n Llv shown at the the New Yor k Land nn d lrrigci l lOll The runct1nn~ smrl' th~" fi1~t l~\e1~hro will ~o to A11a1<1ml<1 w.lere q[H:·

;u a rck ~.£D ~ l r. ;..1. L . \Vilson, coun· are the Misses R uth Cummin ~s, ~ut~11~ -0~1 ;~~i~'u •. Easter u - ..i\f on ta na is r ep· expositi o 1t of 1 ~l 11 ; i\l r. F'.' 1\1 .... ~a-,v~ lJeen h elrl in the hOlllC' s.n<"m·P ro01:1s .. -·11 J:.tiYer a11 ·11ltlrPss h..fo1•_' foe n· age,n t ro r Cu!-ilf' r ccmnty, of the ex-1sweat, Mildred Stewarl, Ce tl Y\ a lk· 1ex10. t ti ·b,. "tt' 11 fliH' en tries from r e 1Ke, sf'e retary of C1C' M1ssoulc. rnir. At thr• sct·ornl trel'. Prof .. Colili•1·:~ 1;~.1om~1:·s duh. Sl•e will t1w11 gt• to • . 1· . l . r the college b a d j er an d Ada Beer s t.e ('hcr. l'l'!"'1'TI P . . H bud Carbon B iCf E F' H€ nson of lh C' land departmen t nrnl F S r0<1leY WPJ'(' nval .Sno,~ \ lJt"'t>l° J..0 1l~e and s111·ak to till' row-

t r.;;;wn < JYlS on o , ' lb B te r ines Dawson t'ustrr. .ase , , = .... . T 8 Ji' Co w C'\l1us.es rintl mul"i1 <llllll~h'lll('llt "n,.;;: n.- II t 'o111·t1· t11'gl1 sc·hool •lnd tht" \\'o-dirN'.t. d1·1 r e of the exposi tion , a nd I A(te r th e- h a rniue t. e oos I If a;1d Y1.•1lowstone cou nties. ParK uf the No r thern Pnc.·1 1c; . . r. I . "C' .... t PrPxY to0l{ th~ e 4 • • .. -

. , . . , l ·geJv due to his u1tcrl.aln t he mPn a t a recept ion . orn • . . r rot n Nor th e rn roan of IJ ardi11 . )t r Corl\.im; of H ar ( rn rorlied t iosc IH ~Ln. . . - \""'1~1·s duh. Sh~ "'t '-Ptt·Hd Oatk w.it: 1 t~ suc<'f·ss "as a 1 ~ I b b r b·i:-:. uia1w en t rie~. ' 1 1 -1 ltor" from k efforts. It is the plll'JtOoe o[ the ~ l!! <s Ao interestin g program as 'een a.~ '.l;,;n lanu ;.om« yast qlla ntilic" o( gr ai n and a nn mher or ot 1l'l' ex 11 1 • (Contlc. ued on P,1ge T wo) lnt«r r-a r< l'f th•"""" Cit~ c·ha1n lwr of commerce t.o irnbli5h ranged . [o r l111 s pa rl o f t.he e \ c nm¥::; ~·nu·rl.:'11 from t' as<·ade r-on n~y a n t\ diff(· r enl pa r b of ti ll' :-1 ta t e.

t!H, 111·oc·eelli ng!'i of tb e lirs t corn s how. en tertam mP11L

Page 2: TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. Nu ml" 1 L t tM. HE~RS POP UlAR ou1N

THE WEEKLY EXPONENT Esr...d11isbcd J;tnuarr 1. ino.

Ou~ro\\·tb of ~l unt..'.lly }<;xponenL, i:.:s-t~blishec.J January 1, 1 '95.

I' 11.Jhsht->cl even Friday of tbe Col· J<:"'' n-.u by au editorial stat! chosen from tbC' st11dent.s of the lfontana SWlt· College of Agriculture a:id M~ chan1c Arts, Boz~man, Montana..

ultrv1ewed nutut'rous proh·ssor~ and ~ou:::ht lhl~ir bt:d in the small hours

• t!le morning many times in order that the E:q>onent would appear on :-o<.:lwrluled time. All this work ' ' itb­out a. grumbl(> and together _witb the ilht>r mcrubt:rs or the :;tart nre al· "a)~ strhing for a better \\"eek!} Ex· ponenl.

Ft•r the reasOU'15 stated abo\·e Hu· hert Stret>ts. Gordon :-;e\\ell nod JC'an

STAFF K~·lk). :ill of the F'n•s!unun cla~s. J<!dittJ r -in-C'hit>f Hobert 1' Kelley, :1~ nwrit ttit•lr nppointmt"tll on th~ t:dt· Dusme~li M<.lilRC't!f .•• C. F :\torgnn. L.1 turial swff, while Cart Ladt.-nbur.; a;;­~1;11 ,..,.~ini.; Edit~r· l,;1~i .Thom·1;s·o·~.· 'lfl ~11111t.•s the dutit'S of assistant circula-A~su~iat~ · Ftlitor K Lester Colt'>, '17 tion mana~<·r C1n·ul:Hlt>11 \tana~1t;~j~~·~ L_ ·u,~b.1. :1:l ---------.A.ti1:J1st~111~. Uusiu.·~:; )Janni.::t•r_ The Stock Judging T eam.

lf.1 rold D1ck~o11, '18 Thi:; evenrnr; two teams bearing A~:-1 l'l•~~i.· ('1rC'ulatlon )lanager . _ )lontana State. Ii colors lean:- for Lew·

l ';irJ Ladt.>Jburg. 11 iston, Idaho, to l'Dt~r a l'OllltJetitiVt" ~nl ·r·l"ollt•i;iat~. ~:PJ;~~t;:i;<'P r.rar ' 1;) «OllH'st with otllcr wesll'rn schools. Atllh:·Lll' lh1 •nrt1•r . · :

1:i ITht•: are ant L:1king w~L~ thNn bt.•il(~

.. ll. lA•slie Pdtl~rt;>\\. ,16

gnanls and jerse: ~. IH.-'lllwr are tht') <Gt,nrral Ht>portt•r.Flort>nn• :\~ig~t. 1·, ,·,·1rr'. ing a football or basketball. how-Gi 11t•rnl llc>11orlt'r ,. HO) :Stra:H.I, . C:• :icr.d l!i JI ,1 t··r HulH'rl Strt•Pts, l~ t • t•i, any tlbtincuou that tht'.'Y may G(·llt'rtl HC>!.1P rtPr .I Uonhin SP\\,:11. ts win in ihat C'Ofllt'!:'l will hoo:--t th1• C1•n1 r~I Hepnr(Pr .I Donald Kf"llt:>y, 'lS 11.tnw of :O.lontana Statt: as hh.;h ai:; nn~



The ~ifl of a. box of se lect stntioui?n wi!I ghe pleasure LO the recipient and will suggest your thougbtfulucss for many dars to •:ome. Send a box or this stationery to thP ab. ent ~Bl'. Our ~tock ~hows the latest ot design, texture ancl tint. bo,ed in n handsome manner .

LL STORE. Rose Drug







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Langohr's Greenhouses SOUTH TRACY AVENUE PHONE



.!{ridir011 or basketball Yirtory. Tbl'~\.' lt>am~ will f'nter a ~tt1d; jnd~in~ C'llll-1.E'~t ,.,~ain~t !\uch inq\tution:.:. as l"ta:\, Jdnlin. \\"a.shlngton antl Ort>gou. lt \\ill i.:i\"t"' thrm an O!lJ)(lrtunitr LO mC'a'""" l.rt' 1fk1r !->kill in tlw sdetH"e wit!~ tla·~L' 01ln-r northwe:.:.tern te;1m:-i. ln a manrwr too. it will gi,·e th(' stullt.3 !1t~

Tilo•e are wc•ll made Pi<'rnre I fmmrs and cost n:-rr lii1lr more


THE BOZEMAN MILLING COMPANY. Enh:rcd ;.1:- !il'<·v1HI class mail matter al Ho;;:t.•nmu, .:\font.1.nU.. U11tler Act o! ('ongn.'!-t!" ot ~tareh :~. lb!~ THIS HAT

Lhan the l'heap, light frames on the I markt'I. A striking illu~tration nf

The weekly Exponent is str'c.t ~, ·1t lw collt'~t· an vpportunitr to judgt" st ... tlent e-u· ("- rr.se . Its chief :n. io~·e l~t' nwthod::; ol instrnl·tion :ind :st.an-~~ ··a~~·:::t:t ~~~~sc~;:;1~~~ e:e~ccrd -·.o~ danls ol tht' '.\lont:lll<L ~a·hool An ilth· the developments 1n college affairs 11 tit 1~:1111 may be tleft-.alt"tl but it ma~ d1.1ri;ig that period and i t is intended 11t Lctt..i· t:O<.H''1cd. ~o :tlso will t·XPt'rL t'1at its influence shall be eXt""lrc fc,,r ·n .,, ht.• <1 lJig tal tor in dPddtng- a the upbuilding of M. S. C. The paper S.(\Wk judµ-ing contt•.st !JUL tlw n•asons is the result of volun-:.ary effert put r th1 ir S"l.'it'1 fcrtl• by the students who compose the h (·II by illY ll·arn:-: s1aff, rlnus w 11 s1irt·IY s,hO\\ how well a ===-=-=I ti 111 Ii :.; h1 l'!I roadtecl or n.th1·r in·

CALENDAR. .strlll 'ctl. Jh•CtllllJf'r 11 1-'rl·sltm.lll·SllJJhomor I th ttan.:.; t1at will re r.:- Ill

·d t •mtl' 1 \lonl ma 11 L1 \\ isron 11:. 't> h• en work

IS THE NEW STETSON STYL:~. In Black. Pearl Navy, Ivy C•J1ors.

We have same styles in the POPULAR $2.30 and $3.00 HATS.

WALSH'S .\1;1•:'\ r FOl-t


thl" sa\·in~ afforded hy the :.;TPat

pro1lul'ing pOWl'r of thPHallmark


I ti. A. Pease & Co. I

Jewelers and Optometrists.

ThP IL\J.T..\IAH1' :4TORI·:








ll'rlb••1 11 ''"l' hm3n·z'"'oJ ihon o1e f" I.! rd "lnC'e e~HI." in ~t>">lt mhl r I tl..111i e 1 h1 men 1an• .1 ·et.: 1ltl'li e'c'.y OllPUr,

• t"l'lllllt r l~ Pre pardo1 ~ :-.1.:ho1>l 1 11t\ to lit. lt1 r TlH:m~t.'lvt·s 111 i;t-'lu:t· d 111 1 • 1 n(''" aud it b 1 he npmion (

J>t._ ll Hr _ Ht o . .;; {'t"llH' b.lUl(o ct tbosP in cbnr_gl• !hat l!Jey \\ makt. Jt IL<Jlb, l1... ll1 i.\11' iur themseh s in t H' cn1nin1-:

lt hr ti \iu 1t. na ~tll.l.__, \'S

ch a ~huw1J1~ us ''n~ m:td1• hr ht.·r ran1 this se ~l)JI that the St hon! would .i\·(' 10 cliflJ<· 1 l\ iu l'lllenn~ the

. ·j,rth\\C-.ll'rn 1 ..,nf( ·l n Latr-r il w lS huwu t 11·tt lh1' won!J not !Je t usul1•r d. ancl th \\h01e atf\ hlll):!.

I T racy Flo1al Company


'------i -----' ExtPnsion Notes See You at The Tuxedo I·-JUsT SORT OF SAY IT WITHOUT THINKING. EH' r le E·'dt'ILS I" d dsion h~1:- lit•f' I I Hd ~ 1 Yot 1& cvlleg.-._ haskctl.iid. ,rur <1.g,o L'1•• n1llq;:1;• s.c"lt u c 1 1..h1 1n n \\ho "l'Jl TSl'lllt'd tl~ ....

'l n 1, tht: lntt~rna wual Li' 1• Stock .\fb~o1 Jn H h1 ol. 011 t w ,..,ridirun this ·how :H L l11cag1 \\'hlle ~nme> .if t'w r 1so11 l n<lu1 ht ~dty ta• ~Lall' 1 ol

I I• '"'" th~· t an Wt.': e f'X '•'rll'1H'('li ~l \\vul<.3 i.J\P bt: u Will hPl1J afl· \ it' btat Ii l1onl.! of them h d n•c·c_>iYed rnittatH't lJut LOl tor the sam1• rt'a­\ ry n,uch traimng in the sdt.>ntitlc Rons. t·ntil a Ill•\\ st·t of l"'il(':o; s ..idoiit

"""'"'''1 "~ l" .i•.poin11u,·n or 1; l'uxedo Billiard Parlors Li<·1·p11bt r Iii Ill~,

h l hrls1m.1 rncll 1 11 lir <·tor_ F s. l'tlt Jey. on;~ l"l mmlllPP !--------------·-1J_R_A_:-:_·1_i_Y ______________ , )! rei.-t oa~ 01 t.""Xh n:-iun agt._·111.·1€':-·

New Meri For The Exponent. I·' rb 11 :::: llt:ml1c1 .1 .. -all \\as :-ot•nt

- 11 • t w tlltll ll 'Jt dy ior l'tlll<iidatf' for 1 :-:11 ur.s on 1,w st.~f of r l\.'

t:'.\po1wut 'l !J Pn•shmi.•r. t·amt• or \\'1.nl 11ohh at th lt tim1 al'd u 11.-.. l· pt} Lhrec 111("' ''ho a\P \~ rk1 ll h• r I and faitln1lb ~inn• the t'arh part 1 Lhl' sdwol ~ t'ar ;.ind well merit tlwir 1·! '1 Oil ( Je SLI I

d 01 of the anlma\,.; In t!Mt c 1m· c-1 ne llll'r n~tit•:t.1011 c·.111 hope to Pllt-

h farr t.'l"S 1!1st fUtPS. In• tile .\lllt'l" lii asstit' at ion. "'ht> ol t•r m1•111l1t•rs

)f UH' l"Olll!CI t,oa ,\ ... llr n_ r (~alln

\\ho :-tltl"t't>lb llr I iI.e I\' Hydt• ·~t '.\lontm1a rrnkt'd 1hirJ tn Ameri· t•r anr \H':-:te>J""'l c·ot1lPrr•111'f' '.\I 11 t ., l 1 1 !P.Y :io;; rlin·c·ror nf 1·01·nplt t-•'\pt•ri 1 \11 chonls anti st•iod tlrst with lbt.:':-l• ~tale llld, rnd 11 all prnhahilit ent sr.u

011. and Pr .. Janws t"n•el

1 t tut 111 lw~ judgfof!. That s011la wo. pla)t.«l 111nl1•r lht" r1 It's as iau. of l;nplpi•, on ariP. C.111ada e"m '""lad..- u )!oocl n·«orcl. The lfll I the\" HO\\ 1..•x1:-t hut th1• n·snlt of Lht.' i'rof. C'oolC'Y is also drnirmun or thf'

, 111 with mon• tru n~ni.t a nil ~iradl- 1 St'i.t~un shows tlH'Y art> :dto.~l·lh~·r too 1 omnl!ttPP of tht.• ..\.nwrwau ..\s:.:m·ia call:· us mul'l1 1·x})C'l'\l;'f\('e will l'l- lax and in no way nwi.'l the reqnirP· 1011 01 !"armers ills' irntt• \\~orl\Prs on 1lo11ht1•11ly m: kt~ a \1 omler1ul rc('nrd. l111t•nts ol a ronfereuc.•(,; :irmers' insiit\ltt- l~\·turers

- n-


Steinway, Sohmer McPhail and Milton


"1 l.0,.-~· oi t 'w :stuch11t h11dy wl~o l.i..1.\t•

u··n•r had anything to do wiL1 the g.1'11cring, and w1itin,; ''' tht-. ll•'W!i

h \H•ek. littl~ n•a\izp the- ac;!l1111t

I :'\ow is Liu• timt.' 10 adjuRt t:u• Our A thletic Rules. •1lation:- It is understood thnt the D. D. SMITH Frum ma11) iarb ol th~ nortbwe:-t

a,;. wPll a::> llakot~1 <'Ollh'S the new:=;

l'rof. F. S. ( '·H.J)f:'\ \\ill addrl'::>~ 1he I athletir· tle11art1111•ut o. the c·ollr~t> is J~ouncllqi \\ omai s dub on Tut3stla'" '..-------------------------------1.1,w ''lll'kin~ on this probk•m aud lpc·emlJP!' \th, 011 ·\niat ).loutana 1:-''ork thal 1:; i11voht•d ./11,.;.t ns t:iat 'lnnta11:1·s athlctks are "rntten." wlll 111·t.•senl in a shon timt• SlJggl·:-;- diiing- for

,...ad1 wl~t•k's issnt.• comt·~ lrom lhL· • ·nnh·ron~ diarge~ are m;1de a~aiust tions fur the h...tll·rmt>nt and n'gnl~ Ilomcs. plt.•ss, work is a·.ain startl•d and each tht• 'li;;so11Ja lt•am that the majority t;on uf '.\lont,llla eollt•gl' teams. ~.\~ \\'ihe?.ux

1he n~·11t:'rn1t'nl of Co1111tn Fl'('ill Houn1 111 Jw c:nt"·:. to tu 11;1Plk1pn1e iu !he lll'O· d ('partruenl of the colleg-~ i~ C'Olllht•d 01 tlwir nll'n are prufes~ion<-1ls w:10

the rnlt·s now stand and until tht'rC' ;.::.ra m oi lw dt>ilkation of a (·onrnrnn 10: its uew:-; tu pl:H'P lJPfort• the r--.ad- an_· J ht~ int: foutl>all for that s«hool i::: ~ome readjustment, .\Ion tunas ath rs 01 Thi) Expont•nt t:'ad1 F'riday I m .t salar~ )lontana Stalt• hal"' uev lttk"s ma) lit• i·allt:>d rotten." Ill) center huiltlmg-

morning. 1-:Y'rr man on 1h~· ;,;tafT fills "'r 'lll('Slio1Hd the L·ligihilitr of tho:-e I) •. \\" J llai~~~and C. 11

PPH~i his po~itlon ynJuntarlly and no ln-11Jlarl'I"~ tht>y wen' <·t.·rtifhid b)" lh~ T he Agricultural Supplement. ·Oil \\ ll hol1l ,\ inrnwr:-' rnst1t11tP .11 hH't-'llll·nt whats' P\"(•r is helll out Ln to1u1lt:r at )li~soula tntl that was thost.• "ho apply tor positions, rx

<'t'Jll the t'X\11 ricnn• lhat tlwr nhta!ll in lltt• "riling CJf nt.•wspaJH'r slorit:'s.

.\ ,. h' vre :-t~lll•tl thrt.'l' Ill• mh1·rs of th1• dass 01 l ~ Lame> lorwanl e:ul: la-'"lt rail and werp imnh'diatt_•ly <)~· s:!.;111·d thPtr stcr t.·,. ::-i111t·f• tktt lin1e tin•: h;l\l' showu thl-'lll:->€'ht.·s to lu <Jn.wst hard \\ orkl'l':-- .t ul ha Ye ta!· •n tll actiH• intert>~t ·n t 11e "t>l­f:trt-' uf th pa11er Thi·~ h<ne ru:-:.11e<~ nt•w frot? 1 all part..; 11! !Ill' r'.tllll us.

I .. . . . . I Hound11p on DN-'em_ber 1 Ht h and 11th. cll•1·ml·d suffl<·if'Ht.

lu 0111 prol>ahility undt'r l'.11~ ru1ps I \\ llh thl· regul:1r Pd Ilion 01 lhe bx· :: ·x1st llh 111 th!:- stall' 111 rt:~ard to l'Ouent this wet.•k i:=; sE-nt the Ag:ric :J. . . . · .

I · · · · I l:L·org1' II. Cotik, I:-! i:: 1a,·int:; 11lans thlt·tk rn.1ttt-rs tbm•l' men llrt' ~L;..;1- tural Supplenwn1 The Exponent eon. r'.ir ,u~·~a11111~g ~-:~~' Tt•st.111.~ a~~-a~<·1~\· i.-. 1n1<·tlwr or not the" '"'''"i"e<I . lt1ons .. 111d 1J1eedt1:. clubs 111 (l,\ll~\1111

m11111) for th1>ir plariug .has ne\"f·rlgratulates those Jn char~e of lhis pu;- \alh)Y L "'t'TI pron. 11 «THI the l>i~ hollt•r :-eems lkati11n and ht•lit.•\·..,:-; that nothin~ vr l•) t·ome from the fac·t lhat 1h 1 .' w1~re 1

ils k111rl in the wa)· of a r tislic <trra.:1gl'­athc·rcd irom a nnmbt.•r of other 1:... 1·11t .11al quality of the articles was hxi1:-. and brot::::ht to :\lo11ta ia to "l'r got ten oul before by any depart-

lar ootl>alL 1ilt'lil or the ('Ollege. )IG11tana nit1Y ~1:..n• tlioui..:hl that l>y llit.> "make·up" of tile su11plemuut

11a~ ht•t.·11 in t·barge of f:. Lester Cole,

F~ ~UlH ~~RlnM~~ TREE (Conti11111?d !rom f>n~e Onf')

f? .. 1 _"""_=:J .. 1 ___ 1 ... 0 ... 1 ~~-J .. c=~~

~ ~w-.1homorl' in the agrll'UlLural part of ~aint :"khnlns llll~ followlng

cc :re, uutl associate t'ditor on The Yl'i\I' and Prof. llnnt>br ~tit. ioruwrt:· \\'ec..l\l:V Expo11cnt. The flh.t arnn~t'- uf the ag-rfrnlt11rnl 1•ng-i11l•1•rmg- tll•part­

! lltut 01 th·· art11'\t'S and (lits s!1ows llH'llt. <ll'lt-•d tlw part lht• Jh·'.\t Yl'ill'. .11arh1·d c1h11 ty 011 h s 11nrt a:- Wt.•ll a~ Prof. .Jom':-;, formt' ·Iy hPail of tht' A '>ettel~ cf for • to

t-i:.3 JllC~,_~:.,-

..!l.::per. .., , =-~J 1 tu:.-.-

l r:rcat d1 I or l"t'llll ~tucy o.11Hl hard 11.111')" dt •:trltllt·nt ac l'll thl.' )IUrt (If

\\Ork. P patron ~ainr Inst y1lar. ThP t.'11 '11.i llPW.., ~:n 'h•s \\1'n· all writl£'11 t'.llH"I' "a rn~Hlt> pa 1n1lnrlr t•ff1•ct­

~ tut 11hf·r:-. of l11l• at 11ty ;.111d tit., i\'t> last \'i>nr h: 1h1· llH' o: a tin 11iac1:.' -1 ht th,. di!Tt·r .. 111 li.u:"l. of Rtud: Of· "hkh \\il$ huilt ;it n111• of thl' doors. t:n•d 11 l!lt agrt«ulturnl c·our:-;t.• and II is a dPt~Jl s1 C'l"t t this ye>ar as to 1npt.rt.1nt matt('-r 1·01111 t 11 wilh \\hot\ \\II t1· 1• th s \PQ lmpona111 h s dt.>partlil('flt T le ~ix 11ag1 s an• 1 harat-tf'r. hut lht• c·o111mlllt.>e l1;t\"t> lPt llllll l·d l.ill 1. 1 11t'"~-' artid{'~ that \\ill 111 3 imwh of an mkl111~ limp, that

h a •t ·ly ·e;ul h) I.it.' hi;;h Sl'huul :-:·••ta Clau::; will lil• \\t• I ab!t' tn pla.:· turlt s and pt.oph:• of th1" slate in 1 h; Jiar• t l!l'l al

fil:tt2. /iUJM VISIBLE WRITERS •r t)tllt'r> - l.lldl'r-

.... )01 L.1-"" ,.·,· •• ct•·. '•t• ~:ilfr- l'l\.'"Ctl. •q, 11'1' •t ANYWHERE for FRE E TRI AL nr RENTE D ail"" 't!° RENT TO APPLY OM PRICE. \Vr1teo f.,r llln•lnl.tt.'1.1 l"a!.\ ·•I'.\'

ypewriter E,.,porium, {E..1. b~.! )0:!·9l l.Ue ~t.,lllll,..n

anti l'ollllllt'lltal Hakl'litP ThP Ja31. two an, ... l'Olllpar;.un·f•ly m'\\ ,n the t'ltt tl"H'al worltl anll \\ill takP th~ pla1 t•

or hard ruhber insulation Tht.• ~am·

It wi ll D;i·1 '(ou­

To be dignified . To tak1• plent~ ol

To attend t.'' t'P


Xf'1't" :-'tl'

:aei.:dul! or your plf's will he 1:st•cl for exhibition Jllil" pl1s1•s. anti also tor t(':- ing- :n tht lalicinttory

To kt>t•J a·1 1 'P en th<' bulleti n htanl.

To he re!!l1lar 11 ~ nr Ii<. !~.

INS PECTOR MILLS TO LECT U RE. ro learn tht• .. 1 ·J '!' .,,.. .. ., r,1 l'~Sl1l'l'I t 11P :1L:> o( t..~

Ex. '.\lr. )I ills, l·kt•t al i11~1·<'cwr ul tl t'

~oanl ol l·"'ir0 l 111lt'.'n\Titt·r:-;, lncat~ll A Sure cure. :n Hune. \\ill ,;In· a lt•t'tllr~ for Tl1t~ Si11rt' C' -~ll"C'tt :-1 •111 less pnwokin~. 1:1..,r rit· dub 1i11 next T•a•sclay at 11 l-nto tlw ones ,, ho t..ln tht• smot 11 ~. 1

· 111

· Oh won'· $\Orne vower ju~t l'OillJ)('l 'c·m :\lr. )Ji!\:-; is a cralluatl· of thl' l'ni· -r i c:rnt:' thPm~f·ln"s a:-o otl-iers smell

and ha:.:. ut..'C'll

t.•vtril"al lllS}ll't"lOI' in this :Hatt• ior ·1 numlwr of Yt'ars. llf' \\" 11 pPlbaLly

t. ak on dL'l'trkal ins11r:4I1('1 au l wir· 1-:: 1n·o1Jh m~ as taken llp 1H·t·ordi11~

n the lllHkrwr II rs' r11l1·s



~udan gra:-s. !hf' .:\fril'a11 \a 1 t~ of 11rghum, rt. 'cntlr in1rod111·Pcl by tlw '11i11•1l St<l11·:.:. llt>J1artn1e1it of \g:ri·

t"Ull lll'l'. pn;llli:-·es mndt ,\:.:. an irri~:tt

11 and dry land produn.•r in :).tontana.


Tl11 m1•<·h:111it-al work on lhl' publi· ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT t ~lion \•as don h~ th(· \\"cekly Cour- GETS INSULATION SAMPLES '\Ji1•r llll·11t ~ta 1 1on this pa~n Sl'il:-.On Pr. th ... puhlisht·r~ uf thl• l~'.\(lllllent, 10\11' tons or har \\'('l"(' IH11'\"C5tl•d 92 answer 111011 Christmas

probl ems. In itiate some one thi year into the pleasurable and p rof itable pastime of picture-taking. At $2 to $55 there is an Ansco fo r every p urse, person or purpose. W e are always glad to assist you

• .. J

I-The Best Possible Value~In Fountain Pens SELF. F ILLER . SAFETY TOP. NON. B REAKABL E.

PRICE, $1 .50.


I PH I LL! ~i~~~~~?:~,~~~;E

l the r 'l t.ild11~ \\erk il'a\,s for Thi l'ii·nri ,·I flPtl:trtnwnt has rr- ·. altt•J' i.lant ~. \\hL'l1 1hf• nop lt Elf. ThL :rnpph llll"Ut ~hows l'.ial l'f' rt-ti a numbPr of sampll?.s of in- ,\nS 1rrlgn1111, ancl upwards 11f one llin 'A~l-{ics" do lhing~ rinht whton "Hlntion from ,111P C'ontinf'nlal Fin"' t1111 011 dr.'· la1111. in pradicall~ 1h0 tht') ~t.1n anti lt·an~ not lung u11llOn<' <'nmpnny. The lnsulatin~ maH·riab F; lllP g-rowin.;::- pt.•riod. Thl' hay 11ro-t m,1kn tht"' lllH.krtaklng a Sll<Tess. ;"1r8 \llkllnizecl zb1·e. naix-.lite Dilecto lllll'l'd \\<lS of guod qunlit).

ThC' E:'l.p('rinwnt Staiion has aln·ady 1------------------------- ------ ,11111Thared a quantll) of sl~P•J for IH'Xt

Attention, Students'. \\-t.• h1.Yf' a nire ac;sortme rn of ~mall F'oldcrs :~nd Folios in In e~t styles.

Just right to e\<'hnnge wilb y011r classmatt'S.


The Schlechten Studio 12 South Black A ''Paue.

SN' on ·s plnnlinJ: . and re..;t~ an• ,o he mudf• in a large 111111tb<'r of pli! 'f's in

I thf' stalf' If the <'rop prO\'f'~ as ';du, nhle as 1he fir~t rest~ indiratC'. 1 i~

a Yaluahle nd<!ition to tht• list <1( 1lr~

f The Rtudent rounril nt thE> l"ni\'rrs­lty of ~ll ch lgnn has arrangPr! wit h lhE' mnnagemen L of thf?o )1arnnrd Mlrt'et

I vaude\'i llc housf" to hav(' three 1ree ~ hows during tht.\ u11h·en~itJ yea r

in your selection.


Page 3: TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. Nu ml" 1 L t tM. HE~RS POP UlAR ou1N


A Thing Of Beauty Is A Joy Forever LYRIC CHRISTMAS POST CARDS T hat is what the boys say of the Su its we sell them. 15 CENTS PER DOZEN. If your Suit don't f it and please you, what is the use of getting

a tailored Suit. ALSO A VARIED STOCK OF OTHER CHRISTMAS TOKENS But don't wory about not gettin ;.i a fit,-leave that to us f or we





THAN YOU EARN. X-mas Hosiery For



I from Mississippi' '

'll £ollege notes \I WHAT IS THE \\ In 5 Parts I ATTRACTION? 1 - ALSO-

We have a complete line of SILK


the Xmas Bo.< es.

For living, clothes and pleasure.­bank the rest a1. our Savings De­partment weekly,

As your account begins to in­crease you will find pleasure In saving more each year. President Hamilton returned on

\\"ednesday afternoo:i from l~e meet-ing of the stale board of education Sport Writer For Spokane Paper Asks In Helena. This Question of Missoula and

Then Tells Some H is tory .


Ladies S iik Hose .75c. to $1.50 4% Interest paid on Savings.

Men's S ilk Hose 50c Gallatin Trust & Savings BANK

1mas ·esent

I 'I lwr<• "111

W, heton: the rush ~trats You dance m the l get much hetter select1ons, d.nd enrng

-U- ' bfl a I rep-"Shorthorn" 1 drill hall tomorrow ev-

- ::-

\\'hat is the magnet that lured vet-I eran football l>d1eruoths from sma ll colleges and large ones a ll over tbe Coal, Wood

and Kindling


HOSE. ft get waited on better. The y \\" c A. at their regular we!:;t and mttlllle west, lo pla!· football LET US SHOW YOU .

\'e ha\·e a fine lint" of rrs FOil ~!E:'\.

meeting- ye~. rday afternoon listened at .:\1 is::;oula this ~eason ·~ J. ;--: . Cul- I 111·al'lic'al 10 a Christmas story hY :\trs. H. J. H'r the sport.ti write r for the Spokane

I 811okesman-H.e,·iew, doesn't lea Ye 320 W. MAIN ST.

:ome in and look them over.

ru :- 1 ~e nght.., and the

'"el. 1f it is from Hullo-y "· tll lt t.s all rou need to know


toes for Work or






Better Shoes.


l'unnini::harn ~liss .'.\1adeli:-ie Phillips I ~aug a ::;olo. n:~1cb to l~e im;1~ination in answer ing :: t.us 11ue~t1on ..

The .Junior ~irh taldng llome Sci­ence t•11lt·r1a. iPd Prt-sident Hamilton. '.\1i ·s Hnrlons, ~lr. ;m<l ::\trs H. )1. .~enni..:lJtl. '.\liss Ford. and ::\1r. nnd ::\.rs. IJ H Swingle at a turkey dtnner last Friday (,,·ening in the Home sci· dlCt) l OOWS.


In rq~ard to lht• article the Cou rier ] soys . ll must have cost the men who ·put UJJ" for the t~au1 at ~1is­so11la a pretty sum but they doubtles s rC'el it was '' orth it I

lt ''ill be an interet'tin~ study in sport~ l·Volution to ~ce how Jong l\li• ­~oula will he abl<" to 1mrsue th~ tac­tics or 1his ye~1r and get away wl t!l

'.\:bs 11 rk f.., er ncll thl-' mem- 1 t Tht·ir:-: i~ apt. to be a team of ou t,1 h r o. h<•r ~umb.,, sl'11oul da;;;s last Jaws another y_.ar. as there is noth-

8u.turday afternoon n the- home c:;ci· OlC ooms Fancy work occupied

lb lnn~<·r J)art of thl" tim1 na ity rd rt ::;hJUI:' ts \\l't" H·f\ crl.


r1e- to tt.:n1pt <·onft·r"'ll<'P team..: to llat-\ th• a ~thool whost standards arl! such 1s to llf'rm artkll's likP the following I t go 111notieed and unch:illcng-t:>cl. [

The article from l~tc Spokeman Re· . Is T) tar n. r lOlJ'' ::on of .'.\lt~SOU• \ ~·W I~ as follO\\S

11.1, 11rE--..Jlkl1t of tl1t:' ~Late Fl·c!t't'<ition The University of :\lontana will not of ·women's clubs. who was the guest i pl~ \ff ad1rabs1on into the north­( f [1ean t u1 ,l. lk 1,ck 11.llt uf the Wt>St colkgl con(l·rerJt'<~ wht.•n tlle del­imt: :-:.he '" ~ in thl' ('\ ~· r urne1I to li..;.au s .t 1nr t ie;r annual conv"'n

• iii::. ouJ.1 1~1:-t Tw2·~da) by way of tIM1 in the J .avenport hotel tornorrc.w J;l.lth \\ h~ re ~lit' will spent a :;..h<,rt 1[ternoo11. t Ill 'Tis wc:Jl

-:: :\Io11ta11a might ~Ia' e an embarrass _v thf nu:eting of the ~1rrs auxil- n~ time au,,n .. riug s•·me questions

ian to th<: \Yomt. n f'lub~ last Salur- that would Ue !ired at them by Johnny

Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co.


Jack Spart, tho' very fat


VVas ahvay3 shaved '}.u~te c~c~~~1. The 1·t.d:>:....£ oat. e a~we.ys u .. ed

Tb" fr.c.cc' ':;.EM Dt.;,~,.S (EE \E!

Sold by Owenhouse Hardware Co. tla) drtl•rnoon in tht> Grain room ot tll UallJliu \"allP~ club, ::\lolhl: Allen and Marso. Riddell ga"Ye practical 1lemonstrations on ho\\ to sPt the table

J',e ,dl'r. Bel> llarmon and Pink GrH­lith. lnlauU Empir.:: coa<:hee-; whose teams ha\'t.' felt tlle brutal hPt:l ut" her \northwest which miµ;ht u~e him, as THE GRIND. ~110-pound "r111gt·r8" on t~cir :l~ck.s I Gonza~a ;Jays ··preps" . ":\Iontana em· Tl v (:all him a grind Uecause hf' tor a luncheon and for a formal <li11-


(Wei3hed on County Scates. )


THERMOMETER. malies everybody want to get awa:; from the heat. But when the cold weather romes e\·erybody wants all the heat he can get. You'\lget plenty or it if :on have a good pile of our coal in your cellar. lt is the clean. fret" burning kind tha.t gives the most heat with the lf.'ai.;t coal. Beller orde':' today and haY it off your mind.



Under National Dank of Gallatin Valley.

College Students a Specialty.

X-mas Coming I

uer and how to st-n·c these meal:;, :'-lis .June Hartman of the faculty

ilnnng the last SC'ason. Pink dtdn t isaric'S slipJled into ~pokane, got 1e. most of H1e da) atHl iiif;ht nitl· l.t(·IHI his neck. but h~ took au Gu<'rin's ear Prettr soon Bill came ~~~d;:snot. a lllixer. so Uoes not enju, WATCHES $5.00 and up awful jolt in the midriff. The best lwck to Harmon and asked what Gon- RINGS $1.00 to $50.00 al:-;o gave l wo piano s:Jlo~ Id d t glS. ta • Ueing with the ho)':'> after :-:nppE r. '" It 3' BARBER SHOP. --:+-

-------------· / The men o[ the ireshman. cla:i'S h~1d a mC:'eting last Friday evening to dis-

his Idaho team cou o was o re · 1zaga rot•ld do to counteract ).Ion :-ia s . . . CHAINS, LOCKETS and CHARMS ter a 0-U tie. .ff r. . The girls laugh at him instead of \\Itl1 THIMBLES 35c to $5.00

lo e him so he does not i;o with tht>m It Was Not Coaching. . ··xothing doing," was Harmon's curt . . . - IP FOUNTAIN PENS $1.25 up




\ I <'U:.::; the 1JL•l5tiou ol n. basl\etball team. C. t'. Holt was l~lected manager and ail who have ever done any work along these lines were 1--.ged to get

:\o disputing the tremendous dnv· re Iv Bill hopped lo ;\lontana, w:iere In the class room he th111ks of the .' 6racelets1 Brooches and Cuff Links. ing: strength or the .'.\luntana team, th~ _<.limate is said to be much finer merely as a part of the natural sui tui:l<l you. T!le miral:le lies in-where and 1.•ollege folks are said to be much rounding:;. , College Jewelry in Many

Off. \

nmercial National Bank. TAL STOCK $1sa,ooo.

"LwS and PROFiTS ... $250.00.


ELINE PHILLIPS. 307 South Central.


P I A N 0-V 0 I C E. iree years study in Berlin.

. EITZ, M. D.,

• ftoom l, Michigan Bldg.

Telephone 45;,.




ditl .:\lontana get 'em? F'or )ear~ M~n- more open-hearted-also easier of re- Ilis JJeople have alw~ys had a fixc:I tana teams ba,~e been l•asy piC'kIJ.g t:~r strictions. The simple fact that the I purpose ahead , to which ~hey strug Idaho and "' S. C. Gonzaga te~ms J university doesn't teach grammar aucl glc.>d with every atom ot streng~:L - ::- t.d. ri. vastly inft'.rior to the ~ash mg, beginning algebra to :-;uit Bill's :ieeds: His. father had brought u~> .~ 1~ 1 :~


Cut Glass and China, 25r

L. E. GAGE The ,J. !\._ M. M. club was entertab~ i·luck.' at-'.gregauon :;o well drilled by seems lo have been not muc~ of alrarn1ly, and has had t~ \\Olk eai l) ed with a ~lumber party at the home Hai mon th is last year> ha Ye geuer~l- worn to lhe Montana authorities. I and la le to keep the cb1!Uren l'iothed Jeweler & Registered Optometrist. of '.\liss .Janellt! Lund Friday evening Jy mar:agetl to trim them. Coach H ell· · Got Washington Stars. \and fed. His mother has ah\ nys had Phono 380 Red .

.'.\tay Clark, ,fop Kountz, ~Lary ~oble, ioo:.llall <·ritics i:l thh; city that Sa\\' n . . 1 ·tar ceived but lit le edurauon '' lule) oung

Those present were ?\ t ildrc>d 8tt~wart, man was at ).[ontana last year anJ. The Keeran and \'ance, former "\Y. lthe desire to learn: .but ~s. sh.e re-, . s. c men. \a nee m particu ar, a s . . . C . 1 . Ada Beerstecher and .Janelle Lund. lhis LVillll 1>lay could s~~ 11ttle .to t~-lwith He:ider's team of 1 ~13 , also lis- and has little ume to 1ea .· 110\\, H'I

The Keseke dub was entertained ::\lonlana·s weak moYements. tened to the ~lissou a 111

e .. an. r site has, by her enthusiasm. burned With our Power and Machinery

::- c.licau.:• remarablP coa.c.11ng ::;kill m . 1 1 . d moYed I dC'Sires are kept smolde1 mg. Uut

. . ove r to the more salubt 1ous c tme. . . 'Id. 1 )ionday afternoon al 4 o'<'lork tea in ::\la11ifP~tlY thC're is somelh111g back It's awful mudch in the Palouse. any- into the m111ds of be1 _chi ten l \C Equipped Plant we are doinJ clean-Miss :\lap :\Tyers' room at Hamilton cl the> ;;;udden aJqlcaran(·e of a team of 1 · amhilion to llecome ''ell educated ~all \'t LPran Ud1emoths, who didn't need how Cnh·ersity or men. ::- an) <;oach. Clark, 8 '·erett and Tht\ grind used to walk se,·eral 1·11e Slmrla'.' ntter:ioon program at Tempted Guerin-He Fell. \\~as~lington end, with Dobie'::; team h 1 1 · t 1 Har ... H ..... h:ill w~<; in c11~\r•!e of the - hf' Bill t;ncrin h1cide:1t is s till two year s and an all-northwest high miles to the A~::r b:~~;o gt:~du~~:~

ing Better.

Let Us Do Your Work . school end and teammate of Guerin\ <•,·ery day. ::\[i::cst•..; Laura 'I a Igo. Huth Cummings, l'resh IO the rnindR of Spokanf' rf'ad- : I g when l3ill there, he taught a school two Yt.-.UI'~ c· D w k I, :\l J v d l 111 1911, came a·rll:lll n I - '!'I tty ye or 's F'l'·re1<e ll1·w;tt and ·ran<'£'~ . an e_ rs. Bill didn't han~ gra es enoug l h. [ tie I>icking in ::\lissou- and saved <'very cent po~s1blt'. len 'lr Patti p .\if'. ·ecley of the f.1culty irom 1-:v(:r<'tt high sc·hool to enter any 1 wrote 1111 0 1

• he \\t•nt away 10 college.>. \\'Idle Lhc.>re, I ..:i' 1·icd thr- <·,,rra Tauuhaus{ r ancl ('(,J1ft.·1t•nc-P l'Olkge, but he hacl plnyt'd la town_ . . b bl.""' ha~ done his utmost to ll•arn his Phone asn Blk. Hotel Annex. ::\Iis.i ~O!'lna K:.imna•r(·r 11Jayed sekc- his four '<'ars for E,·erctt, and was Fh!as an~ m~squ!l.os are sau.l to e \ 1"8 !3 0118 well. He will neYer he> a lion from il. l><•Wf1 fo,n1 :..uest:; Wl'l'I' i!i< li Ible for furthe:r duty there. He '"ery aunoymg 111 E\erett. c;reat man in the moner-mnkln~ . ::\!is~eH n('~Se Daw<:~. ::\Jidp;e Cline . . la· ,·ame to Gonzae.a, l~e stro:igest non- Bk1•11til'al ones ma) look nt uage 222 s1..•nse. hut he will UeconH.> a lh~Pll j O~·egon _is to h~~·e a. ne~··. ,Admi~;t· nPllf' Lund, (''IJC'le Taylor, Jose>phi:ie conft•rence college al the lime in the of tlle Hll l S11nuldiug Guide !'or a '-'l'holar and thus fulfill ihe ambitions trallon bu1ldlng. lhe "ork rn_ al.re, .Y ~-\.ountz, Zada Sales, .:\liss J·,lorenct~ look. at Yance in the \\·. B. C. lineup .. f his mo1ht•r- ·hi~ only sweetheart undl·r way and whrn the l>u1ldmg is . Hallbitt and .-\lfr{'(t .. ,~. d at 11 .u.:.t' 210 o[ t~te J9t:t guide for 0

· f . . 1 a tin"" 1 completed It will he one ot the finest \\"ullin, .\linnn· ---- ~ ![is idf'al h> 1wr f'C'tton .111 .e' ri ,,.. in the we:;t The co>:.t is $100.uOll, El.H:•rle. fJ k_J _/;J---;1z.) . a look at Clark in a t;ilmonr Doble lessons. \\·hen 1 1P exam111at1on \Intl- .. · ,.L(J(J ~ / CJl ~ !. -:'< f' jcri:.t..j ••rs l'Ome hack, thP other studE"nT:,> \ "'·.:tl~ __ ndcl1t.10nal repairs to the exteut '--/~1... Tl...,CL;Jc.., I l!.i r £. From Missouri, Minnesota. with eurllng li11. ('all hun a. g-riud 1°[ ~tJ , OOO .

t'C 1 i_J t!ut luok at :;Oilll nw1c ptctUH'S in Hut lhis prnof of hb abiliO' hrinl.':> ~ \ ,-----------------.

ltnc Spaul<lmg <:u1des. 1 pas:-:inp; git-am of happine:-'s to th1 Pag<' 34l:i of the U1l2 guide shows a tirc-(1 fC'aturl's of "till' :r;rind." HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS I familiar faco in the back row or the lie ha~ nen•r had an t•n ... y time,

Ex=Students ~ '.\1ili~ E\'el)n Boyl<', ex-'lti is 1.:ontlu­

Phone 97 Blk. pd lo hPr :1ome in J l;.\\TC with ~carll·t 111 t';{(~ S/\r1'URDAY E;VF1~n 7G PC)ST

1,\·urtli<·rn Xormal an<l ln<lutitrial rnd hl' does not know that he.> l'Ollld DISPLAYED THIS WEEK suwol. Aln'nile11, S. D. l lc~nwmbcr t·njoy ~oinJ;{ 10 danees and 8hows. He I lhat hig ;t:!U-pound h;.lilhr~t·d l:1~1in1~ j does not know the jo,Y ?f \~•ttin~ .il'S AT GOLDEN RULE STORE.



fe\ er - ii-

\\·ord has Uet'll rcct~ivcd in tltit: cit) i of lhf> marriag-c of >.liR!'i 1 lileve 8wen I 6on a sun1m~r student at the c:ollcge

Block. land who it:·gi:--wred _th.is f,all as.•. jun· Story ior In t~" Jlonw 8c1<·n1 e coutoe, to

" nt I \\'ard B. Cole on Thursday' ).;oveIJl.-1

vms 1 and

,JG Blk. Bozeman, mO • . I' t I her 2ti_ Mr. Cole 1s L.ea(·bmg at ·~1. Ben· ion_ The good ,,.18hes of the ~x­pon~1.t ~P ,, 1th tilt.• n<•wl:- murriPJ

1 couple. C. DAWES TEOPATHIC PIIYSJ C IA1' .ud residence, Martin Blk, 237 Main St.; Phone 371 Blk.

n, Montana.

- !:-

.::ii.:..l .hd 1. corne into ou1· store and s;'1ln:ci1;ie t11is bea utifu.1

'->....0 1inc of"~ CHRI<.~TMAS &-NEW YEAR

[~I ~~;:;~

Born. on Saturday, December 5, at llillin gs , t o Dr. and ~lrs. LOuis Al­lard, a Caughler. Both Mr. and Mrs. I Allard are ex-s tudents at lhe college. being members of the c lass of 19!.'. Mr.. Allard was. for'."erly Miss Har· I ~==9 ri et T3orpe of this city .

o.,.t.,t••ttc,..,J .ll~ly

~~ll s: .. ·~:'?fJ ···*'"''· E. D E Ai : - II-

'EOPATH!v PHYSICIAN Mrs. w. E. Uaddox, ex '15, rormer­ly Miss Edith Breneman ot t.his city, ls visiting for a few days with h r

Montana. parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L Br enP.:-

Michigan Building.

1 man.

i:o"~ o~r ,.. . , 1'·• "· ., .._...,. .. co-

6allatin Drug Co.

uu·kil'. Hentz. TIH.•rc he rn. I tett) sons go until exnmrnatwn ·lune \\"e are sh0\\ iag m:u. iie\\ 'c·1 told 111 Uakota. drJ.\\s near nnd then ·cramming." lib

I I \ in Puro Linen hand emhroidt.•nll l't.ige 1-;'IJ of t!H• Hll:i g111de li~d'::> an- only n•crNltion i~ 1.·001ba~~· where li.' ollwr familiar fa('(· :\o. 20 Ill. the ~e-C's mc-n strlli:!~l!ng to ,, m. stylt.·~·.-narrcw, medium and "idP Carlt•to:i <•olle~c plinncsotaL group i~ J lere's to the ~rind, unpopular hem lloth in plain and nssoned lubelrd llobenson. The greatest ope1.1 I unloYal.Jle .. l'.ut ." ~thal .. ~in.· th';.Hll.\' I colors; also rullcd ed~c nnd crct '1· tide! l'll!.l:;l' I' the northwest en•r sa"· earnest! l n1,·prsll) \ti~souiian ct edge in color~. Our dispb) b I 0,,~·u i·ui·ng lo "Fat" Ilali r, also must I ·" s ff grl·at •r th:.tn (•\·pr. ha\'e lhou~ht a change of dimate Men Vote for u rage.

il t' \fen students at th <' t•nivcr!'lit) cl' ~~~~H~:~a li\~S ful1;u:~o~~~cdceos1:s~n~\1:,~: ::\lis~·ouri in a straw vott.~ ri'<.'C'lltl) l.adi1.:s Hand Embroftlt·rrd Hand-


book tak "'' sl•O'' "<l tl1at 2HX out of thE' rlO!I k 11 r r 0 oc to $1 :-,o Page 272 or the same ye~r· the wer .. ~ in ra;or o; giving the right of rrr i <' s, ram - ... spring:> the last s lrnw . Re mem er Ladies Jlnnd Emllroidcred Ini tial I Ulii -pound full-back, Burris, whose suffrage to women. plunging bucks riddle d the light Go:i- Handkerc hie fs . 20c to 3~c each. zaga line? H e re h e is, No. li, in .the NOTICE! ' ·li ssouri Military Acadenl.Y, Me xico. 1 \ a 't Will t:10se who have or know o lM O.} gTOUl), Burris. or course, can f second hnnd ('"aps and gowns for sale be blamed tor wanting lo get out o

1>1ense notify the Senior cap and gown }!loooun. .


nol.: Coods-3 nnd. 6 lo box 29c 'O $1.:iO

Chambers·Fisher Co. Fl·on1 Everett and from Pullman ts committee? I

not ouch a long jump, but !rom Mis·' HAMILTON STEEL. !!Onrl, from Minnesota, from ~outh I FLORENCE GRAY. L--------------~ Dakot..'l.- .. it.'s· a tong way to go_ j

Page 4: TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. Nu ml" 1 L t tM. HE~RS POP UlAR ou1N


~p~~~O~E~F~O~Ull~========::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::::::=:=::::ll=====~=O=~=·T=A==N~A==S=T=A=T=E==C=O=L=L=:E6-E-,_---:==========-============r,=-=======================================================:::l 1 Yacht Club

~~Lu_! I

Laundry Company


Gallatin Sal: ... d Dr('i;Ring' a very deliciou.;.;' and :\Pfl€'tizl

r('lish for told mt•at and ~;dad.

1 oz. R{)(.tlf', 11<'r dozen $1 1.i

I G. R MILBURN, College Agent.

Called ror and l't·livered. Pihl .. E 79 R 'l.

111 oz nott1C', p£'r dozen S2.~.'". C'n.ch

I Thos. H. Rea & Co. t•eouU lo 'lnne

l fOI'" l <l J.o IS " 0\\ ti

~ I h 8 • • , li I uor PHONE 24.

,, ,.,, ht \\


COME: IN AND TRY US. 'I ~·"~ 1 I 1s. h \\ ( '"r a hof!' '-------------------------------! ba Cl lJ tll p};i

throul!h. due to 1!11

t'w m m et s ol till' Thru Fori, The Arcade Billiard Parlor BEST BARBER SHOP IN TOWN.

~r ('(:t 0 l "111<'1

l1oc I 01 n m nt


~ \\ ·1

"ill t 1k1• h:111 n i o the firH g:nme


THE S.S. S. CLUB IS VERY HO"t'\C'l". a ,l'l.l wa pl.1yt 1 \\!Ill

the l of" hr t;tr.wk j t(~.n~ Jll I ~~ .------------~

PLEASANTLY ENTERTAINED lh local hig.h ~diool \\"t.'<hwsii:t) lf rm:i1111 s a n·limu nr~ pml"li4.'P u

he s. ~ !". duh was tnh rLuned th \loruwns ,, 0 \\ :11 appear un IH'" mo _1It·n~anlly last Saturdur after·:~< L'lll' \Yednesday

r 1P ~ Qch JlHl,;111g l 11::. "m i...-a\t.. I aci n nt Hamilto:1 hall h:i. ttit· '.\Ii::is 1~s - ;:-rom rrO\\ "or Le\' 1 ... 10 ,, t !do. wlwre I· mma Ta) tor, ~la<" '.\I:n.'rs, nnd E\ a- Sclift.' "as kl'Jtt for a ''hilt• hut

II '' ::t 'om1•1·tL' with '"ca ~ or o1h lPt'll KPnnard. Tllt.• um_P \\ t~ s1wn_t c:t11 too mouotonow TlH.' tir~t half

\\"Ith 1-li<'l' it !... 1:inl t n collt~µ:;(' c· l'l if't•l ~lll'l.' tli:u .. not .iTt.l> \\ ll r:.er a" a\ hr't <.'ollu's in his tlill'<'llon "81hk·

t'r a~ the name iu1111ies. b ot1e or tilt• ~muotht .. ~t 1111·11 011 1he fl(lor .1 d hi:- l.'lrnrnl·tt·rh>til' h:i.1tllin~ of tlw b.tll

a place on tht~ qniott t 1or _ . , ,

1 ht 111 Uf'Ptllt• \\Ork. Lnte 111 till' altf't· t'luhil tli rt)-thrl'l' to st•\t'll for fh

1 o It g-1 5 nt lht• :-.:01t1 t r.~\ ~ \ noon tbt'" ~it>::_. ls \\ erC' est·o1-tt>l1 w lltt' c olli•g .us aihl tit• ::.-t•<:ond half J'I"O·

ci11d1es h m.

w<:k slum T~l' shO\>, ' I t a I 11 ori::s of one 01 the ~irls \\hcrt..• ,1 "ll'~~t.'d to mtH.>fl'<'n points hefort.• th( 1, Jl 11 Id durtn" tht~ c:i.r' t 0 t b t'fttll' 11 ° 111 tlH• '"amc> <'Omlng on \\·ed1l!'sda~· I

- ::-

, l t" • ~mall l'!trbtma~ ree, e.w i . h1 "h ~l hool \H'lt' nlllt.• lo find 1he Roul11'd","•',,. ,,.,·11 1•1·011,·1lll' holcl <lO\''" lhl month. 111•1 0\\1111? to lll fool anti lumllliltt>d '"tOO\l n the (t.•nter ot the! g "' men' 1 di~Pns1• h \\<Is po' t 101wt~ anti I t.1hlt CrouJH.•d nrouud the tree "ere 1111g. -::- Lott':::. job at forward. Rutty b sh0w· ''Ill tukt• pl.i. 1• from tli• 1t1'1 ot thb Jtlt·~ents lt•r ~al'h uf tht.• mcmbt;;r::;;I ing some !!OOd form in the 1rnme of 1 1.1!' ,qtl~ th; con

1m.1:11l that tht.• gtfl ~houlcl Tills "a<; the tir"'t t·oniest lh<' rol in_gkf'lhall and n litllt:l l'03.l' 1 ng and J c I J •<:;c lrn-.: t>ngng-<'d 111 0tlls1de of tho'-'•"' :\ft(>r jurlg ni;: at Lo'\' i:-tC.\\ r. t l.€' . o., not be opened till Christmas t!\ c. TJ.e I '. 1 l ~trin,. whi<.'h wrrt>. 111·acrkt• "ill mnk<' him C'Lgihle for

leg• of A!!" i 1;•1ltltrl' team, cnnsii:-tlll~ rt freshmC'nts c-arried out still turther wlth tht> secOJ t .. • g . _ .1

a regular job. • · 11 d \f 1 I ott as a f.!"<'neral rul<". rnr more 111te1 t•s · r•i J·.11 :"\ol,le. J. B. or l'I', - · · · • . · j hl' ~-olor :-:cbemt ot re<.l nnd gn·en. I: - ::-c .\. \\"hipJ It• and Ott"' n"tch "ill 111iz. - ::- The tlr$t :.:amP of thr rJns~ sl'rit. rocC<'d 1 'h' Intern ll on<!l Lin~-

s 1 k F:xpn~l1ion '' hlch l..: 1ow ~oing on .1 Portia d ()rp r "Sbort· horn' t<'nm. mndt• up llf Bil1 Flubr, .Tt <;;p l\.L>JlnNh. Hull!. (' nn) Join• \t 1rr ~ .1 d "'a: r n Hr1 ' te "il1 judge onl~ <lt IC" !' o1i\n Fit'le 'fr '.\fnr in ( r 'fr t I rid~ .. 11 lCCOnl·

Winter Has Just Set In


\[I' I rrirk otit lltll th( ml!eting t!1 s W(e!;. h) 111troducing Mrf=. H. P. !'t' d nz of tht• Bu2ema.1 \\·omari's

c '), \'\h1 :- "'"'·knD\\Il to l great r .lll" oL tile :..: Is.

".ikomb. •drn ,·ts for ihe last thn" was pla)·ed off Tut. ,;c;ay afternoon. Yt>:trs hl'l,J down the jol.J at rPntPr, is tlw ~Pninrs and :"lo11homort?~ Ur'ng- t•1e I ~ho" Ing sOlllt.' rr·al form at g'nard 1 111rinc·1pals in thP a'T1ir ThP l-'l'niors' :-;pitc of lhP fact that he ha~ a \\l•ak onl)' t.•m11ha~ize1l 1ht· faC'l that they 1 k CP from .rn iujun· n•cc·iYf"d a , ,, \\Cl'l' out for c•ellar honnr-.. Tl·e Inst da)s hal k 1H'<'o\ll. of tile 5:Core ~ns t•1irtv-t r P.

-::- 11 t rt't for th lower cJass men.

C'ott er th p n it orwat\1 nf h -II-Mrs. Seidlitz told in a mc•sl in "t 11,1 t t ,, 0 ) ears. hi's ht-t.·n <.:.hiftC'd to Toda) .1n1l tomorrow "ill sf'<' "'omc

e"l uo '' ) the ~tory of the open. 1hr crntPI' or tht floor Cot is no1 n101r 0 th c as ~.1mv-. ~!ht S!..lhO .\1 ~lr\$. Seh.lhl:4 "" at 1 f' jt1h 1ov.f'\t r, ~ he p ~- lOIC'~ .. t look goud ftr the to

h~ !\11<! Flori::•;c B 11 D· 11 1 a iositinn 'l ~chol s.t haskflt· 0!1 houg th ' l \e t c a<.:Ult , \\ho 1 l.H"t.d s lh'· a I. \ u .. nnl h s J a-.kd shoot .1g earn o n E'f'l. oth I 1 be Vktrola "or :\tr "3 <l- is b f<ature of ht...: Jlla)ing. -p n~ lnlH .. u 1r E."' I

II- -::-In Oll Ho1rne~, t':le t rling- quar· 01 r w1 . don Lo g t tl'e g 1 ba k c t'ie l liege el ,·eu, the \\'edue.,cJ.t'\ n1g t .::-\1 t 01 b i l J,~ I olk~· ~... one of the Uest ft00r men 1 1r ~ 11111 or ht :-P son. b It it

. ,~ a "ondt•rful kna('k of "frcez ne; ,tll k110\\ ''hi.it tlw c·0llt .c.e h.n~ tl11'1



$3.00 to $:25.00




CREEK COALS. Your trade v.·m be appreciated 0Iiposite Court Hou5e. Phone 20..



A.G. McKEY, THE PRINTE:R . 107 West Main Street.

Which remind< you t110t you will reed

t't> t hn Pn:'r JlLlY<·d he.... Otto " prolial1J~· lJC' one o the llc·st You I Clar;1... c nncl his snnpp'.\ pai;:.tiing has eH"I'\ 11111;.;. 101uB to u. strong- organ- ·




Chavey & Jacobs, Proprietors.

P opular Priced Stoce for Men.



Cab Se.-vice Day and Night. College Parties a Specialty.

Phone 230.



Phone 57 Blk. · Bozeman, Mont.


It you want the beet see D. H. BUDD.

n .oi.. ·il )1 nts concern in~ the football bam1uet Saturday night. .i

1·andy sale to be given by the Y. ". C. A. this morning was a:inounced.

t•aore tha1 once roused h's team-11 lt1on f 011 t C' lUth Get out rnll

i 1 es tro.11 Pf::lt.'eful slumbers. ~e rnto tt. ootlu hec ion antl l!elp -:! lH I a11 IOP

Loll is nt pn~<..:.PJll tilling thP other the season.

Develoment Of The Departments Of Montana Experiment Station

1 l ht 11e r

" ll

fi st Din ~ wr of Ii

t ed o tlw po:-.i ti on llH. nt lws b€'l n 1 nlarc-ed and an a::-::sistant Hi<ll"'tl.

.· mong the- men making 1111 the tirs s a•'f 01 l·':qwrimenl ~talion was Prof. Lutllt'r Fo. ll·r, \\ 10 \\as t.·lel'lt.d to the poRitfon 01 ag-rkulturali::;t and lH·t nbt In June, l~!'lli, Prof. Fostt•r re8li..:nell and l,rc( Frauk nPac·h \\as rh.•(led a:,; agrfcnl 11ralist and irrigation 1'ng-ineer fk rehigtwd in t~'.1~ and Prof. R. ~. Show was l'iectl'd as asgistant ag-ric11l­turist lo .June, HIOO, lie was made agriculturist. In .In!), l!ln:!, he re~igned and was i::ul:ceedecl hy Proi F H. Lintie 1d. who commenced work Oct0ber. 1:1112. It will he noted ull tht• agricnllural work of the Station was carried on hy one man. Soon after thit; , l1owe\·er. ·the work or the department bC'e:an to didde. In ll1e spring of HIO:l, ~Ir. \Y. J Elliott was mado assistant dairyman. In June, 190·1, Prof. A. Atkinson was made assista.nt agronomist. In June, 1906, these men were raised to heads of departments, and Prof. R. \V. Clark was elected as hPad of Lhe Animal Husban dry department, commenl'ing work January 1st, J90i.

f' ... E'tl lll

• r t VO

Ill his t tll(

thl St .. t1on ta al > cllil .l II \\Ork \\aS Ht\\ ma1 \ tkpa t11 en ot h • ~tat1on

111g1·~ lll hf! \\Ork OU'IHTltl durirlg thP next few 'Pars, and tht· pa:-.t )t•ar l'rof. II :\IunJti<.'k ''as PllKni!Pd a111l madt:i bt«td pf .111 ::tgrkul1ural 1.·n· J;iiwering th·partnwnt.

\York 11 botany ~rn.rt€'d with th"' hPI:"inning of thei Station, Prnf. F'oster being '1rrri<'nlt11rist and bota.n­irt. In St"Jltt"mher, 1 ~96, Dr. E. \" \\"ilcox was C'n· g:lg£'d a~ biologist. He reRigned a year nnd n ha.JC later. In the spring or 1S9S two departments Wf're started in biology, with Prof. J. "" Blankinship as bota.nhit and R A. C'ool<"Y a.s £'ntomologisl In the t;ummer or 1905, Dr. Rlnnkinship resigned and Prof. Cooley was mnde heitd or the biology department. ~c>xt year an assistirnt in bot.any and hacterlolog-)' was engn~ed. viz: Dean(' B. Swingle. From the be­ginning the depnrtment has grown to tile pres.ent position, with four men in the Station work.


Central Avcue. Phone 300 Red. 1 I

\\'ork with pou ltry bas been carried on bv the "'tation ever sin('e its organizalion, as a part ~r the work of the agricultu ri st. In 1908. )Jr. \Y. F'. St'hOf)pe was engaged as assistant pou ltryman and In 1913 the work was made a department. with Prof. Schoppe in charge.

As at present organized, therefore, the work ol the agriculturist has been cllvicl~d into thr<'e depart· mems, viz: Animal Huobandry, with tllree nl('ll Agronomy, wi1h eight men, and Poultry, with on,• man in <.'h'.trge






On tlw lirst staff of thp F:x11eriment Stillion was 11r. \\·. I.. \\"illlams, vet1.·rinarian. He rt:'signed in ~t·ptember, 1~9lJ. The MOii< building now used IJv lh« t:>lt·c·lrkal f•ngineering was built for a \"l'tf'rinar~­li11ilrling- This work was <.1ha:outinu1.·d for some 1~ '·C'a ·s, lJut ''a:-; again tak1·n u11 i11 I !lfHl. "hPn 1 >r \\ • J. Taylor was el£-<-1Pd ns yc_.u•rinarlan. 111• rehigih'il iu. 1!1)~. and Ur. JI. \\'t•kh \\as appoi1111 1d to 1 L' \",11.'<illC)".





- '


Flint=Lynn Lumber Co., Phones: ,

The Weather May Be Cold But I Our Lunches Are Hot



Montana State College of Agriculture

and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Ch·il. Elee'trical an d Mechanical Engineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Horti· cultur al , Home Economics, lnduslrfal Chemistn Economic Biology, l\l usie: and Art.

BeautlCul grounds, commodious buildings, com· plete wood and iron ~bops , extensive laboratoriee, model kitchen and sewing rooms. mu1lc and art studfo.




I ~L l the rt .l 011 "hY so 11an~ iwo-1 I 1• "' u o the! l' ins1m h sJrnp.. I I l·,.., 111 IS.

\.nr. hf'r dt·i artmt>nt ~·a1 ll·d ,,·ith tJ1(> ~t:Hit1n " 0 .., t int l r <. lu Ill stn. of \\hie. h ni. 1~ \\ Tra JI ~t I

\\a~ thC" h1·:irl A11 assist,tn cl:1 n ,st ~tr K Burki \'a~ •I) !11t 11 In }~!02. JI!', fr:q•Jta~1·n lt•Sij.'1l1•d II; ' h 1•1H3 a111l Prof. \'. '' < h1·.~m11t \\ilS ~ lJH 1Il1f'tl

h 4 d _,' 1h d1~pn1 lmt?ni. ll• "f"H •u+·rl iu 1 it-; l' d > o I·. B l:if ''as a1ha.11M1 10 tad d t. c1, .lr

Speaking of the- horticultural posslbllilies or the

stat<: we are apt to think only of oppcrtunitie~ in commercial orcharding. During the past few years this ha.~ been the most talked of phase of honicul­ltlre. esppcially in th east. So mu('!i has it been

lalk<'d of thnt borticulturalists, student!-i anrl thr puhlk lll gt~lll1 ral hn'"e almost forg:ottt"ll that thPrc

an• ollH l1r.rs of horticultural work whic·h nffc1 oppcrtuuitirs for t·mplo)ment or n Ji:t)inc: inn ·I· 111 1 -111 < r 1imt.~ and monc.•y, Se' era! of our mouutnin \"<illf')'s arf' \\~•ll udaJ•tPd 10 c·ommPn:ial fruit g-nrn rni:;-. In iht" . ..;p St'<'linns or thl' ~tatt- thl'l"P arp 0111•or I " i s. t.·s1u·1· all~ for thu~c with hortit·ult J ,d

t.IJ •.i! or l l':-iP willir1g tn inform thPms h-1 I w or 1 )1'

us all\ .1 h•nd-..


The ~illson Co

·~ "I

• e \ ll

•lm1 tht· he I c

.. c,

n~ it

Th ·11 lhl'il' H!""' olhl'r lin·· of ho1 .. irult ral \\Oik. 11 SOl!lt> St l'I iOIIS Of Ju· !'i.IUu• not ('Onsidl'l'l'll t'Olll· Tllll"l'Ja] Inti! ~TO" in r u•t·ulillt •, fruit Illa)' tl~ Jirofl

1h gr >Wll for !ht homi marh't :\1ttll\ of our mar J.. Is <·1 ltl l•t• hit• rs 1pbil \.\ilh frf"s.h \t'~t't l1Jt.s

•I a1 a 1110. o tlH 1.udu 1•r In th \"!l'i 1t' 11' 1na1n of 010· la":.::~·r fl wus gnenho11E>tS m.untaine.d in << 111nt.1 t n \\Itlt H ... •·l 1)11' g,lrdt ns 1u n1sh a l•rnti Jh) .. an I 111' 1111 l 1pation Jor tht1Q1• "ho '' h 1 1

p·;.1 11 t t l e \£' lits \\ork .\1111 limdl , , r1 'OJ"l 1 1r·h:n1ls rn1l inrP hum g-1 t11 tH:i a. 11 1·on Ir l t h· ::ilth .i111I hnpp1Ut ~ of )ffl!L'.tl 1


I -- - - _j

Who's Going To Win The Class Series \\'hilt· c 1 111 1 ,. that Llt.':-.;.tuin, t is not 110 e to lh' loh' \\ ·t rf' t na\ •• I 1a1 St IT CLE.\S Et> .\~ll 111u-:s~1'~L) b t."'

un l!t 1 • hi.l\t.' 'l .11d1 :\lunt" t·r t.·all for It.

COLLE.GE PRES It will be made to look like new

By Toi> floor Aggie Bldg. C, C.

Page 5: TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. Nu ml" 1 L t tM. HE~RS POP UlAR ou1N

Expnnent. Volum~ I 'umber I


Agricultural Work Extended.

DI l{f'.'\(; ll.t' n1r nt fiHal Yt>~1r LIH· .('~ll-~·.:·"· c .\i.:,ri< 11tun h~::-c. 1 r• au d au exlt ,1i-;1on

ll\ ~.t 11 r.nd , lr.!:.:.dy ~ub--La11t1al J.ro·,rl•ss

uni:::: t11 • 11 lll~HiL• 11 1.r.,;a111z111l..:" 11 permanent

"1 .. 11 l11n l'll I. '1111• 1•n·s~nt staff i:id Jth s

.,, ~ l 'ool1 :- • d n <'tor ot l•xt1·nsion sl•n It\'; :'\I. I.

\\"iJ:.,o1 , !j a 1• h·a.th·r ot t·u11111y agri1·11l111ns s l'arl

JI !'1 tr <.u F+·n;11s t•n11nt) agricultnri'."t; .I (' Ta)

or >a\\~on <OLlllt) agri<11J1111 st, IL .\. Bla11chard ,

1 ~,.. .•<i ni.;r.c rl uriH. UNl. II Cc< k. nall.1Lin 1.·11unt)

~n ult irl .... t. t !1 t" , I.., llal!"L"ll, )lbsoula c·oun) a!4-

ur r. J·, ).J llillm.111, C1,1 :- sJit•dulist: \\' .J

flJ 111 \L' :-t1wk s 11e( ~1 st, h .• Hht" .. illf.' .l1·1lsl·ll

iomP t < •romks s!Wt m' st, 11 B l a1111011, fa 11 t I

\ sfH c1lb A.o.:;H.t.1 II F\a11s, h11)s' and

h 1 r ti :.\I 1 1 ha lhak•. ""f'CT1 t 1n,

'1 \ \ I' 111 knt- \ pr1•"' r1 t.1r\. l.u111st• II



< H

xt 11-..101 .... t r

Ccunty F::trm Demonstrators

\ .1~ l it -.! l• \II " Olll lh:1 1lJ1 ll

th t 1t l P\ UI:' Oil M f\ t• l1\ tht'i

ii-. ' t p1 r o-.. ot tr ou;:il t 1 u•a,' "ill th1·

'l I tr ·1 11 r ,incl lllilll' liatt 11 11 st \" 1._1 hi

1 1nu 1 1~ ol 111or111 11011 arul ~ u' di f.11111

~ '"t'.'( 1 Pd r• 1 nt re t 1' ol .t (I Ht ll

Thi:-: t11111 s -.pt··11

t t:>I It Ill t·~.1r ti

nal g, ht· J_s ll omc1t 011 of t oop•·r

n, 11 ark~ iul=! or lnrm r1 11111 :-:

1' ll \ tC,'il Ill .. , il!"fif llll ;il k }II\\ I

t x 11 r rn , r1 1t t \\ irk 11 a l l<' c .1'

a la c1· ~·a JP 'J'IH s; t nu 1 \ 1111 11 a ·l· (•Jll

Prlll\r h, tilt ext1·11s1111 11 v ,..1111 of

ult 11al C1 lit- P ctH1l th1 ntlit·" ot 1,arrn 'Ian

a~ llJ( 11t a· \\ a .... hin_ on. UT l1·r tht· dlrt-'< i1'1t 'I llH·

fc> lllt.' i ad1 -.:ha n1:; t " f'X ,•11:-P 11 b 1·XJ't·1 t'd

t at ti~ < JlltHh s wllPrt• This :-1 .. , i t· ·s ·1·1u!Prt 11 will

a\ t f ' ' .... to' 1ra1n•1H :irio1~ a'l 1 ro\ llP au ollic-t•

1 1 1 I earing- il101 1 01h nl ol 111 .. 101:1\ 111~1

Encouragirg Live Stock Produ:tion.

H• Ji I' stnc:k in1l1.-:1 ·r ol '1un1ana \\<IS 0111- cf

(' fir t o 1'•~11m1• .Uft-;tl ilnp11rt:ln•'t'. This i" a

1·rn 1 ·kahlt- 1• 11 1rnl liYe ~tcC'k ·pojon, and Jirp sto· h

\\ 111 l 1 11r u1 n1 111 fal'tor in 1h,. pf rma11Pnt ae:ri

n dt~\+~!01,m1111 o thP "'ate Ir i~ titting,

t1H1 "orP 1!;11 l Tilt· group of staTt:> s1w iaJig1s who

cl al " h •Jar 1·r • 11 !' c,... p:-> soils. hort

(Conttnued on Page Six)

The College A ids Dairy

Development in Montana

TllE Jain deYelopnH·nt ha> maole ,·cry rapi.d

:-irides duriug rP('l·nt Yl'ars Jtl all part~ ot

tht• w<-rld and PSlJECially is this trne 111

the Cnited ~tales. As an important form

ot h11slJ•1ndrY. it:-; re<'urds date batk to LJI'e·

hi-..wri< tirn< s. J lo'' evt-r, ilfJpli<:ation 01 tbe

mod+~rn sl'ierwf'~ Jias practi('a!ly rt>volutionizcd the

nwthod:-: of opc•ration. )l<,dern dairy hu~IJandry re·

1 n-s1·nt~ a n•1 y i111enRiq_ .. form of a!?;ricul111n" and

is pr:te·Lke<l moH f'Xlensh"Ply, a11d has r£•aC'hetl its

tiiidH s1 dt•\"f'lo11men1 in lllP older settled ~fl1..·Lio11~ uf

1 tw ( onntry lJairy husbandry dt:>ab with IJoth lhl"'

J'rcdnf'lion and man11fal't11re; c·on~e11uently it 11tH

.dmira 11) 111'0 en~r.r syol1>m of farmiu!?.

Tht> srn1e nf :\Iontana, with its natural aclaptation

to 1hP Ji\·<· stoc::k intlustr). and Its rapidly incrc·asing

111q111Ja1i1m. is rl1·!->Li11<·d co LeC'ome a ~rea1 dairy <.:t'n·

It'!' \\"itll 1brsf> Jac·ts in 'iew the Collf'g:e has pro·

Yii11 d 1 nurses ot ill:-'ll'llc·tion in the modern 11h~tl1nds

of milk prod11<·tion, selPninn. lePdiug, c·arr and man­

' g1 11u·1it ol dairy t·aule.

ThP ('ollegt-i mail11aim; a dairy. \\hkh is t·q11ipJH:'d

i.i•h moclf•rn appliauc·P!i for thP C'are and handling:

rif milk and c·n am. and for thl' manufac·1 •irp of hut­

llo'r " l'f·..:1•, and frozen prod11c·ts. ThP farm dairy

1uorn is pro\·iflt·d with hand separators of !he lead·

'.ng 111ak1·s, trmrering ,-~us, ripene>rs . thurns, work­

Pn, print1•rs, an<l a11 the nf>c·es~ar.r impli·nH·llts for

1'1(• 111a1111f;11·1nn or trnttPr and c·heei-;e on The farm.

(Continued on Page Six )


Director of Extens ion W or k.

The Agricultural College. By J. M. Hamilton. President .

T Ill·: 01u• distin1lly IHg nlO\"l'llH.'nt in educa­

tion ."hich iias l-.IH«·l'fdl'tl in lilt' last twent)

lht' \"1 ~1rs. is that ol agri<-ultural edncaLion.

Vit'ly y1 <11':-i a~o the bt•.td1uing of an ill!;ricul­

t111 al { 1lll~~1· !1all 1.Jr<'n madt• in :\1 it'hlg-an and a n~r.\

IL\\ olht- r :-il:.llt·H. hut tht~Y w<•rt• ~can·cl) tieginuings.

·1 ht> me' ''ll!t>nt for agrfrulrnral t>ducati.>n has been

alinris1 "holly in ta'X ~upportPd institutions. and the

l nit..·d ~latt s gon·r11mt·nt has bN·:1 tht• 1iioneer and

ll .t<kr in ih :-;uppon Tht1 stntes wen." driven to the

s11p111.i t ol tlh· agrh·ulrnral C'Ol\e2e large!) hu·au:;e of

t!h~ limi1s plac I'd upon thP <'XJlf ndttun' of federal


This :.•n· l 11at.1.al mr,\Pmer.t lui- a.g:ricu.luual

1r:lhi·ts \\as l3.11n1·:11•cl hy 1i1r Fi1,il :\lorrill Act

of Cnn~ress (If .Inly

.! 1 "112, \\ hH h Ill: dt•

--:1·:"lt of l;~!hl

lo 1 ·1 ~t -l qua!

t o ·~n.(IMI a ( r l' s

I( r 1 ul'lt st·na1or

111 I rl'lll"t·sPn~all\"t'

11 c·rucn~s This

!:1 ml ''as to ht• sold

an l t '' Pl'lH'+'f'ds in·

lei TlH• illlPr·

t·~ 1 tl1 ri\ t'd tlwn·

I 1 Ill. !Ogllh1 r \\1\~

tl 1 n 111 lrom u11soltl

J, 1.11 must lll uspd

!or 1'tt-' sup1 u1·t anfi

111ainlt'lli.IIH • nf (' ,1.

It :.:.ts \\hen· the lt·a I·

ill~ C'hjt;>1·t shall l.J1~

t o t ea l' h s 11 1· h

t .. !.1 lit:-: o! It ar.1ill1..

~ s an n·latP!l lo ae:·

r1l Uillirt• and tht>

nit< hani" an-.:. iu or·

111 r lo pro111ott-> th1•

I h1 1 al and \ f'u(·t ieal

1•(llltdt on of thP in

d11~trial ll;,1ss,..:::. in

lhP "l'\t•ral 1111r~11its

and 11rol"l·ssions nl·

lifr " B)· t'.iis A• l,

~IH.1!1Ht a<"n~ IO '.\"hir'h

·.u on11 ~l<Tt ~ w1 rP

acid eel hy the (:;na hi

in~ At t nt i "'~'. :..:0111·

of this hind ca:t ht'

~old tor lf'::s tlwn

tt:n tlollar~ 111·r atrt'.

an(.} up 10 date tht:>

J>ri<'e has a n:·raged

about ~ l!Ulfl. lneluU­

ed in these grants is

a:-..nnn <1<-rEs ot tin twr land in t!le west end o[ the

state that will bl'•·nmp q•r.\· \"<lfualJle. At lhe cJo,:(>

<Jf the la:;L lt>deral tisl'al year .. Ju;w :30, 19J.l, then•

had hH:·n :sold :~o.:):-.1 a<·rt•s and tlw JiP rm anent fund

an10m1ft'd 10 :il!l,71~.oo. This land is sold on thl'

in~tallml'1ll plan and a c·on~iderabll· amounl remain·

f<l IDJaid. Tht· stalls werc.> n.·ry ~low to ('{.01<> tu liH' a~si~

tan<·e- of the <'Ollttg-P:5 toundl·d on tbb land grant.

Jn sc. q•ral :.-tatPH t~1e land granl \'."llS give:t to pri.

\alt' instlllltions, in some it was used to e:1dow stc1te

uniH•rsitie~; ''bill' in more t!i.an half of Lhe stales,

sq1aratf' colh•g-e~ Wl'rt' e:5tablisbed. One cause of

the slO\\ pro~n·ss being made was that there wa~

nail\" no ~d('n'·e ol' agrirulttll'l' to teaC'h. To remedy

thi:-:.· in l'.'\'7 <·ongrt>s:-; 11a~sed the I latch Act. which

makn; an annual apprOIJriation ol' ~l ;;,utlll.00 for ex·

1wrime1ital wo1 k jn agrkult1ne. T~e Hatch Act r~

st11lt>d ia the building up of au ai::,ricultural e:q1en

111c·11t ~la lion iu eat h statt>, moi;tlJ in C'onaecUou with

ll 1 Jan<! grant ('011C'gt:i. To put life inio Lhe move­

mi llt fer ;1g-ric·ullural t·dul'atiun and to slimulaie

thi· . ..;tau.•s tu gi\1• 11 linantial ~upµon. Congre;o;s

pa:-si•d ti'~ SP1·cnd ~lorrill Ac·l, whkh makl'S an a:t·

Fighting the Plant Diseases.

T ll 1·: StatioJ work Ill bota11y and b.atteriology

'.1as l.J<t·n 1,ri11eipally along thn•e lineo ·{'OI·

lN lions witll SllPCinl rPfl'rl'll('l' to N.'OllOIUIC.'

1 lanlR, in,risti .. atiuns with 11h1nt. d1s~·ast>s and

.... tllllit•s OI i\ISl"'Jli(·al injnry lO \"P~t'tal!Oll. .

. l·h•; amw ol tl1P 11romint'IH'P ol thl' lh I:' sw< k_ 111·

tlmilrv in :\ t ontana. nl11<·h allC'11tio11 ha~ hl'l'll g1H"ll

to. tb~• plants pois11nn11s to :;tcwk. Thet"e l~c.t\"C bl"l'll

. I' I wilil rPlu·t·1w1· 10 th1.•ir g1,,•oi.;-raph1<"al ancl

:~~~~1~a I t1is1 ril1111 ion a IHI t lll'ir poisouou~ pro~wri ies

Onp S\.('('i<s or le.co. l\\(I OI larkslJlll", two ol dp;.~th

i· una~. one of wa!Pl' lwmi<H'k, and i11n11y ol l11p11ll'

haYt> lwt n l<Jlll\il o lw "t•sponsihle> for llt'a\'~ lossP!"

:-=onw allt'lllkll hns IH'<'ll gi\"('11 to \\(•c-ds. i'SIH'<l

ally 1J1P l<lll\\et•fl and IH'llfl."('l'P~~. .

111 tlw inn·s1ig111io11 ol pl:1nt tlhwasi'S tlu· t1 1•!il

h• l'P s :-;o IHrl!<· that il ";1!" il<>1~111t·d hest to ta_kc_ ll!I

fir I th+' di:-:c·a~P!-i of fruits anfl lalPr thost' ol h1.o·ld

a.Ill 1.<Jrfil'll ITCIJ ~.

!Cl pt ar an1l <1J!1'1(•

l•:spPC'!al atlf ntion has l.H..>Pn g!Yell

hlighl. app\p ~-calJ. 1nllar rot and

;ipplt• l'allk1 r _ .

TIH· s!11tli1 :-; ot pn·Ji;1rd tlbt>asC's ha~c· .no\\ 111~1.

J!,l't'SS('d far l'llOllC'h 10 [ll'l'lllit 0111" lH'g\lllllllg' \\Oil\

on 11c alo, alfa fa and ll:t:\ ilist>HSP~. ., ..

In tilt' fi1•\d of ho1<111y a111l b:wtPnnlo~u thP g1.i1w11

l1as i~s1a<l public·at c111s 11111'11 ilw ~11hjf't'f nf stock

poisoning- plalll~. natiYP ~ra!:\Sl'i:i, ran-wpp11, appl:'

~.c·ab, IJ!iµ;ht and o1l1PI' ordrnnl itisPa~es and_ f1111~1-

C'id(~i:;. and a h11l11..•1ln en one phaHr of ar~emcal 111·

JHl'Y is nearly complete.

1111al ('i.!Sh :iJJpropri~llion out or tht> l'nilecl :::itate~

1r1:>:i,..11ry of :!.:-i,Ooturn ... lO bc.• a1111lil-'cl only to 111strl\('·

lion 111 a,?;ril 11\tul'('. t'.tp medtani{· arts, the l·:nglish

language. &IHI the rnrious 1Jrand1es of mathemull·

( .. 1, 1•h:- ~kal. n; turaJ illld e<·onomic, . ..;<.'it~n<'e with sJH"'·

1·rnl rt:>fc rf' :-t·e lO their application in the in<lustri<.~~

01 li!P and to tht~ taC'ilitie::; for ~au·h in~truetion."

·1 h(' U!'t• ul th(' L'ni lld ~t<.itt"'S novcrnment funds

b :-trinl~ limitl~d, w~H lht'r deriYed lrom th~ land

i:1 ant or nt~h appropriatiom; :-.:o tJOrtion of tbf'se

tunds slnll he used Uire(·lly {IJ' indirtc t ly !'or the

1111rd·ase, ( renion. pnsenation or rppair oI an!

buildin!?;'." 'J he~ !->tatfl mu!-it Hec·1 au<l mai:11a1n all

liuilclings, pay the so.larit's of all sut•h admini:->tra·

tiw• olli<'t"rf> as tlw fll'P8idf'llt, Sf'C'l'Ptan" stenop;ra11h


H~. el<' IL must 11ro.

\"idp thl· ~leat. light,

l'urnitun·. watPr and

janitor spnic· at\fl

Jli.1.\ !or thp station·

er), 11rin1 in~ an<I

tra\"t>!ing t·\pt>nses.

'I ht• t'Pd1 ral funds

l"<11l ht- 11:-iHI 0.11~ 10

pa~ U'ill'hl:'I s Hild

1111) Pqll IJlllPt~t

Thf' Aclarns At'l

1.1 1!+ .. t; douhlt·d l :I:'

amm;nt of 1 lw Ex·

Jh ri11u•111 ~tatwn

tum!. and the :'\1:.>l~·on

Alll(.'IHll1l1;l1l 01 1!1111

11i<I tht· sanw for the

\ 1 lll·gl' t11ncl. so t:1at

th+-> ~tation now rt"'·

1\ins ~::o.HIH1.111\ an·

11ua11~· and tht-> Col­

li i:,t-. ~.:-1ll.H n.1111 from

thP l"nitl:'tl Statls

~1n·t-ir11nw It. Folio\\

ill,!!. lljl thp p:1lic} 01

lt'dt•ral aid to a~ri­

('11lt11nd t>duf·ation.

011 :\lay ~. 1!111 Con-

:.! rt SS \HlSSt>d thl'

\ mlth-U Vf'r At· t

"111d1 ap1irnpnatt;-;

~111,11110.110 lO cal'h

datt- for f':\ll·n;o;ion

\\'( 1 k in agrkullure

a 111 honw t'('t1nomit!:'

·1 his 1u11d will in·

t n ast• at t'.1e rate 111

nh.:rnt . :l.unu.uo .\ t·ar for )f,1ntana

11ntil in st'\'t'll years

il will reach a rnaAi·

mum ot $~~11.1100.uu.

1 his ft111d. 1ogt tllt>I' with what the ~tate ('ctD acid LO

it. will IH' U!"(·rl thron~hont thf:' stale to ~i,·e instrU('·

ticn to t\lP rarm1·1~ nnrl thPir ramiliE's. ~uvh has

Ill c·n tlw t>'·olminn ot' thl• wonderful system ol' Land

Cram <'OllP~l·~. which i:-; makin~ such 11henomenal

I rogre!:'s. Tlw last rf'port of the l'nited States Com­

mi!'sioner 01 1-:dul·ntion :-;Jrnw::> that tlw.\· em11loyed

r.:-.x2 hslrut•tors <111d 111,·estigaton; and enrolled ~2.·

7:~2 !:\tudent:-' T:w samt> r~pDn show::; that the Land

Ciranl C'oll~~LS han' a totc.1\ ot' $12~1.fri3,Ml7 worth o(

pro11crt.\ a1 cl, intluding the Experiment slatio11~ had

an in<·ome for JHt:: of '27.tHIO,l2:i.nn.

011 Felnuciry l•i. 1...,H;!, the LPgislature iia~~ed an

A<'t l stablishing the Land Grant College for :\lontana

at Bozeman. From a small begi:rning of two teach­

~rs and a ff'\\ ~tudents, iL luts gro\\ n to its present

proporticns. Tlw a~ri('111tural de1iarune11hi have one

1if t i'l' () .. st 1. qt.ipments in t !ll· :· orlh \\ \.':5t. Tlw E'"ll·

rcllmt:>nt in agriculture> i~ i1wre<.1sing rapidly, ha\·

ing llH"l'l'as<'ll :)1: per te:1L sinl'e one year ago. Thl"

lilto.il'l~ o! tl:.t t·oll ·~t' is hrig:ht. Th> 1110\'t'llll'llt

for agril·11lt11ral Pduc·ation will iu{'l'et\Se as nen'r

bPfon• in tlw nt>:\1 fP\\ yt>an; and our (·ollt"gl~ will

share i:1 this grt>at forward mo,ement.

Farming With Limited Rainfall

0 :-\I•: of the mnst. important .Jl•.·n1.>l~1.11x.· l.'011·

fn ntin{!. thC' dry land f;U'llll'I' lh <·atl'll·

irig nnd c .. >11s1;"ning lh1,:1 hmitl'd r.irnfall

for thr sllt('d:.~tul ~rowing 01 t·rn11;o;. !"or

tl.t· past t'ihht Jt'ar:-i, the ckparlm~nl has bct'n

in,estig:aiing Lh<· \\Uf('I' rt:q11in•nwnt of plants, :inti

mt'ans of eon!-.t•nln~ tlw stnn1 ralnlall The l'l'_s1'.hs

ol 1hP \\ :1rk show th<\I IOI' i'\'l'r) itwh of pr~1'1Jllt:I

tJOll. ii ii 1. mid hP rnadP :n;1ilahlt-. lllHl u11liz1·t.I b~

p lanl::;, tlwrt· \\Ollid IJP a sutli<'ie111 amonut tc:.pro

<•II<'(• aliout ~1:! huslwb ol wlwat i:t·r <H'!'P. I h~b.

\\"ith tlit' ;i\i•r;icP a11n11;1I rni11t't\\l of 1.:-1.:-1 in· ht~:-. tor

ilw ~llllt), lll':trly forp· husht·ls Jll!I' Hl'l'1's 1·1wld Iii•

ohtaini·tl. 'I ht' i':\lll"l'it-111·1· 111 dry !anti f;1rmt>1> <~s

\\I'll ns thP /'t'Slllls 01 1''llt'l'i11wnts. shim thal It 1:-:

i ·c1 pt ssililt· to attain s11i h Ptlil·11·1w) \\·l~Prt> tltt'.

!:incl i~· i·im!inuous ly C'!'oppt•il, lt•:-:s than rnw·tounh ot

tht> a11111wl (ll'<'l'ipil:lliOll b llSt'tl hy tht• <'l'0\1, <llld

rill'('!) P"'l'l'llS OllP-hlllf lllldt>I' t'Olldilions Of S\lll!ll\t'I'·.

followin~. Sill(''' thP lu:"s nf a l't'rtain ::unount ol

watt r 1 :in not hP pn•\'l'Tltt•cl tllt· 111r1tl<'r must 111ak1

list' (I tlH !~t· \'l':l('fii·+·s whkh will n 1d11n• tilt• los:-: 10

il lllillilllUlll

Thr t'h~ht Yl'ars· in\1•st1g:a1io11 on tlw inoi:-'t11.n

prohh.•m indit·atPs Tilt' <"nrdinnl points to '.'E' ('01t.s11l

1 It'd in t·on:;i•ning 1lw 111oist11n~ a1v a:-; lt)il~rns

H(>c\111 t.' los:; hr tran~piration. re<lm·p loss h~ <>rap

oration pre' t>nt runoff fallow systt~m or nlll'l'llHtf•

tallow, or rotate intertilled rrop with C'er .. als.


Experiment Station of Montana.

T llE . .\gric·ultura l r:xp..;>rilllt>lll ~l<1liol\ w:1~

l!-.ta.bli~hed at Bozpmau by At·t. of thp :::\tat1•

Lf:'g"l~lcttur(' in th~ spring ot l "!·~:~ (;;.11.

l;.1ti11 t·ounty donated JMI ~HTe:-< of la11t1 as

iLl t':\}J(·rilllt'llli·I rar11t. T 1W ,,;uppt)ft for th•· l·~X·

11erimt·11l ~t::itio11 work wa::; lrmn the I latch

An, I ass"d hy the l ·nited ~lat es rune,1·1--s~, )tarch,

l\Si. which gave :;1:-1,onu per YP<lr lo e<ll'h ~lalt> ''lo

rondun original resear..:hes or Yt>ri1·y experimt"llt!-..

Jn )lar<'h. J!l\IC. the t·. S. Coogrt~~s s11pJJli11w11ted

t hb dona1 Ion to the state by 1 ht• pa,;s.1ge ut t llt'

Atla111s A<'t. giving an adtlitional 1.),non 1wr ~·ea1

"to IJP applied only to payin!-{ the ll"-'"''s"a ~· CX·

pt>nses of l'Olld1lf'ti11g original reM .. archt·~ or f•xper1

lllt=-nls bearing 1lirN 1ly on tlw a~rirul111rnl lndustr)

!luring tllf' 11a~t 12 ye:i.rs thf' siatP ha~ npplt

mE>nH·d then• f1111ds and E-stahlblw<I n1h·sta1 ions 11

,·ario11~ 11ans of th1· s1a1p 1'0011PratJvP tllTall!.:~

men1s havt• abn hP~'ll t'lll•'l't 11 into \\ ith , 11 l =""

I Pl a11mu11 of . .\_gri1·11l111rt>, .11111 with prhate part1P:s

that h.1n:• still furllwr iune.1:-1 d thP inuds f 1 l~l

l"llitmal i11\·ts1iga1ions. For tla• c11rrr11t y, ar aho111

~J 1·1.1,ft is rtra1\:1hlP lrom JI :-.ot (1·~ 'or lhts \\orl,

To C'<11T) on lht· work 1JI th· t·:x111:.~rimPn! ::-:1atio11

, Jar.:.(' llllllliJ{'r Of :-Jil'rialists ill'f> I ll1!U~f rJ Jllo~t Of

\\horn gi\',· nil tl11·1r ti mt• to inY<·:-ill-ation

Thi· :::-·utio11 sail' lor thi~ ~ 1 ar 1·011s!,..fs ol 1h1· fc·

!1.win~ I er~ons. \\ 110 ha\·p rt•t'Pl\t·d !heir 1rai11i11~ u

s1 n P lltt 1·11 nr Pi!;!.hte1·n rlifl1'rPnt 1·01lPl!f'~ and 11n1

\ t I ~iii+ S

F H. 1.·nlil'id. J:. S. A dirtClor, H A. C'oo:r:-

11. ~<·, <~·110111C,J i.::1:-:r, . .\ lrn ii Atk 11:-on. :\I ~- aJ?,rn

nm:s: . animal hu~bandmi n J·:dn111nd Hnrke,

B. ::-> •• <'iwm!st a11cl 11wt1 orolo~bt. I t>an n S\\ in \1

.\I S., lJctaniH and l1a1..tP1iolmdst ti. l: \\'hi 1J P I\

~ .. h<"rtinllturi~ ; Ho\\;uiJ \\.(•!• !1 ll. \'. :\I \Plorin­

arian, \\"m. F S1bq1p• n. ~ (I 1ltr\111t11, H E

,\lurdo1·k. :\I 1..: .. a_griC'11l111ral 1·n~in1 t·r; .I B. ~Pbon,

s1qH•ri1trf·ncl1111 of dP1w,11 •r.i 1011 !arms. Hi.-uht>n :\I

Pinc kllf•)' B S, A :\[., H"~is1a111 1 hemi!'t; I.. F

(:il'st k1·r. U S .. as..;btant tU?;r1~1·on•is1. l~·'r·il:-:) H I·:

)h rrb. r.. ~ as:-istar1t botani:-:t and .1 tp1 idog s .

I H l'arkPr, B. Re a~si,:t·rn1 ~lllOIHOln~ist. r. (' Stai ri,•µ;. B ~ .• as-.: :-;1ant horl1<·111! Jri:-t, H. R l>o;J.

der;1h~P. n S. a~si.~tant animal hus!Jamlma::i. G E

Srnirh, ll. A Sc 'lssis1;•11, ,. 1·mi~f F I. Curril•r n s. il"~;:-it8l'I farm lllUI -'l:'lllf>Jll. n ,,. \\"hill I k. n

(Contrnued on Page Six)

Experiments are Made

On Domestic Livestock

E.-.PEHl:\11•:'.\TS with \h·e:;u.t·k re<'t'l\"t'd early

altt•ntion 1ro111 thP Ex11t>riment station

Bnlktin :-.:um brr ;{ wa:-: on Pi_g Fi't din!!,,

ti~· l'roft>ssor F'ostPr it wa:-: rt'all)· a c>om­

Jlilauon ol nsults lrorn othEr ~tauons adapteci

to :\.o.ttaua leeding stuff~. Bul\etrn :..:o. 14 ret·orde I

the n·sult~ oi lhe first l'X{lt-rimt'nt with live stock,

'iz .. pi~~- It was dated April. I "i97. The expN·imen1

was <·ondu<'ted and the r~pon wrilttll by Prof Beadt.

Srnce that time a lar~e 11:1mber ol t>xperiment~ have

bPen c·ondut ted with hog::;. sheep. Sleers. dairy cat

tit>. and horsl s. Tht:> 1Ts111!s h<ne ch.'arly shown

lhat \ivesw('!.; ol all kind~ (·an IJe 1>rolitabl) ft•d 011

Lhe :\lontana farm and with 'loarnna foliders. Six

lrnll'-'lins rt>eording a large numbL·r 01 exr).E>riments

"ith hog~. and one l'ir<'ular on hog 1uanagt•ment ha' i.>

lwen publbhed The t:emand f11r thest> bnllt>t111s

ha:; ht'en :-;11c~1 ti.lat lhl'Y art> now out of 1iri:n. Till'

drl'nl: r on hog mana~ement, with another on [ef'd

ing- anti rnarkt'ling ho~s. ~con to lit• issued l'ron1 th1;·

(Jre:,;~. gi\·t·~ •l Yf'n complett" :-.um111arr of lhe •x1~·r ·

ml"nt:-. Our t':\J1erit'111·e with hogs :;ho"~ th1.:m to

he 1 n1· CJf tilt' mo:-;1 prolitablt• kinds ot li\f> ~111c1, to

ktep on tht• farm

A lwrd o[ grade dairy cows ha~ l.Jt't'tl kept on

the ~talC> farm !'or the past t'leYe11 yi.-ars and l are­

ful n•,·onl has l>t•en mctdt .. 01 l~wir 1n·oductiu11. In

I ~101 a ~mall 11un· hrl·d hl•nl 01 I lolHt·in:-; 1110 :1!1tltht>r

or ./('t'Sl;',\'S Wt:>rt' JlHIThas(•d Thl· 1•rod11ce \'t•CP!'d ot

all thtlsf' ('llws ~how:;; that :\lon1ana fn<ldrr!-\ an .. • well

;11l:q11Pd 10 l't·o:10111k milk prndnnion For thost" wh11

(·an sl°lt'l"l <1 •.1 (/nd 1·ow ancl ;,n• JJrt· i;ut.>tl to ~\·t' thL•ir

Uilrt•111i1ti11g tllllt• and .1ltt:'llli11n clt•n1:rnd1 II by lwr L

t·llahll' ht>r lO hf' 111lf" or thl' 11111:-il 11rohtahl kintb ot

stc;t·k on '.~t· 1·1rm

(Continued on Page Six)


D irector of Experiment Station .

Page 6: TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. Nu ml" 1 L t tM. HE~RS POP UlAR ou1N



H E. MURDOCK Professor of Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural Engineering

011) b , a 'l'u fol rn in,; 1.: l! t~1 ll p11 1auon ·ro1r l IOU

t ll t ~ ,pert. i....:e u Jrh. n pop­

ent ~ uilc tie tnt.r Jst.• rn rural nt _hm t' ill llt ~111 ll

ouU ~ltl 1lo1hl1ig, uu:e t le Hlf£l r

u t 111 " \nd bow arc tht.• I Jt1 to j){ 1 \Ji.I~ ft1Ql}

r 1u ll ;~qul.ll.llt md t c ! 1fe .1r derl\ 1_111

t-1.: In 11.l of tla world is (' JU Jllt.r 01 lha.lJl•

JS 1 lt t d

.,.. p} Y tr l cC g~l.lllt" l f OU l.J •1 :l·~Fll I· :\l'Y

LhP '' urld ~tlJ>l _,1 l lilt' ton l ht.. f ll 0'' ltlb di~t. 1:-:slt. ll vf

1 ig (. JltJU e lhi JCPr II~ " ii 1U1-

1 ext<' lt hu'' t ?c o.::ricult 11".tl 1 1;..:..u

Farm Machinery and Farm Motors.

J h 6(\ 11f Jah1.. r ~ v 1g, nrncbiuer)' 111tl t.lc\k1·s n tie f.trm 11.1 111 tht. llC'me \\ill hl1lp the r 11ru.l

populat 11 p.miae a. f:l"P.tll?r n.moJ.lllt of tilt· lt.'t'C·~~I·

tits 01 lift l-"·r 1wrsu11 un th.._. i. rm. Tb.;.,. t__•qui1mieut \\ u c.: .l r1.:pn_•:stc c a 'a Uc [ O\ tr u 1e .. H.l a 11uarter billion t101 ru·"' lu 1 (il J, shot: tl be well antl })roper}) d~sig~ed, 01 t.:'T l1 c.. rn<l lrt•d for. 111 ordt.:r to be

Y.t desig.1ttl. t:tl d~ig11t•r slu uld know the n.·quird­

uu uts t 11a" w , bl..' i>Lit Cl•O:l tlw mac:hiut: a.nd the t·o11dlto11 unt!t·r \\lu~ ll ~ "ill work. Ju orJcr to bo Jlropcr•) ... pt•r lt>tl Hl ired "vr, lhP 011t__ralUr ~bonlJ u 1J1 t:-lu.ud om." !lat the J1J lllc111le~ of Jt•:,;ig:u n.ml

t 1ll' r lat u o: tho \ul'iuut> a ·1 .\ l'!ilkc ... · counw iii larrn lllUL' _11rn I'\' 1.111d form motor:.- that ha::; for ns lim the.~ c f ·1·1•a r, pr1lJH:·r u:-u, arn.1 vropt.•r sl'lt'ction

f this \'u. l 11111 ll t o[ L'l.J.UiJlllll' lt \\ill (._:(llJtribUtL' LO·

\\Ill" J. L'lf l.1 DC\

Rura1 Architecture.

1 he '·• Jt' IJ lfl bu ldiug 1::; aU1 ut liYl Ulllt_·~

\,dut} of the uplt>lllel\t) and mae:hiui:-rr. T~l\.!

1l'Tt~ 'du< fr m 1100 t HiliJ n•pl"l':-'-'ll~~ nu a nu ii iti r a t f about ~30t•,uuO.OL111 anti th s 11 14 rnt ) w <X .1r ' l \\PT thaJ the lctu~d lt'arlr t'XPL'ndltur, ) " u 01 Jit 01 tl!1· <lq1ri:cfat1uu. Ont•

11 l:- Lu• to 'is1t •Ut• n cou i1un1uc:-> a Jd ~l't:' thl' lot:a· t t 1n 1rnp1 1g n.ud ur ugtillt: t of .. nm lalilJlllg::;,

Ute .1r "' ct a. 111 ·11 the- iw·ouH::lit·nt urrant,;e· nit lt ft 1e JOUSt·~. barn . \\t lls, 1.:lL' .• Lo Ue conYiuc.:cd that ! 11 I archilt"• t ir has '>urn grc:HJy ne~kctt'li. It lft uin om u:h a tlUi.: lion f ~1wndi11g· 111un.: rno11l')

n t l >l: diugs as fl , uf t•tl ll'i.ltiun, a.s a prOfH:l'l) d bll ~~ l !l \\l'li n rn11i;t·d liu lcli11g w J nut JH'<..:l'S·

lrii) ( ~t lllJ) llJOft', UH.I 8U11it•llllll'~ if :;, thuu a •vor1.\ u 1g 1eU o l• oi tbt • am' cap<.H' t>


lrrtgatlol" and Drainage.

·" t• ta c UJJ'il1 f4ll

JIL d, a 1d

i..h '- nlt\;cJ :::.::tJ.t• ·s JS a itl uUd Jll.'L'<l::> '' ltt r w ._,r due~ crop~. Tht;. r~st

r th c r 0 u11s rlods d droui;ht

u[ r• ps 1. au lit.: a\ l'l'tcd ill .t t.: 15€ Of ~l ii€ Ct'lll ll

• 1 u ~ lt ued ll>1 vc lt.:an:i 1>01..;.t Jti,OOl,·

l l l 1 I l' lH [o \\ bvw thu laud of the

s lU t r \ d~ foou llld doth 1g. There

0 J

f u lit~ !1 1l jcmautl oue JS Uy 't! lUll\1t,,1n ruu.l tbr other 1s IJ) ro·

" a 1d d In.nils ·~ irrigation n lll nc rt::-; n~, e ain'aU~ b0en

ld t (_ hau<lling of this

d wu\.d c n\er owe of tile e!:l


11 be1 c:A ted l \t

\\~it 1 1 pn_ per h.lUll

J)t,.~I l( t l)l). t.• I. d CQ1lld

• I!. 1t n \\.lllr now l l'd.

oJ\Jng irr 1 t JI d dr • HU.£t• I toil. I [ b1111 .. "t.C• l\td lJ.\· i":'XpE'r1·

<l l tl l ll lC'tl ~Ullts llt:t:iar•u..c l of

SUl:;.!!Jl OU Jllt•thOt!S of

1 a ~vn, linh: I ' Rll O ll f " 1lt•r TuJUirt•cl

il:-;, thL ht:'.:ol lhlll'

l>\.llpll.!:!: 1:;1

Jrrt;n 11 d a1d to tl1ai1u•l

'' ldu .:o a1d ma11J thc·r i;:rl ult nn ('~1:tinet n~ cfopa.rt·

(' i.l to f Ulsh :ouc l J:iformatiou.

Continued on Page Six\

The School rllt' :-'d1ool uf .\t::IU u 1111"1' h<.a.:o 11'1' II 11t'I ii

purptlsi• tlh' traiurni.; 11! 1h1 ~01111~1·r :.:1•11• nll'•'ll 11. s 11 •1 ~1 \\a~ that tlh• t1•rm ·1.11111 ut.:.' '' 111 lllt';IH a

11 1C'a~t1rt• and a p101ito1hlt• ~011n·p of 1w,i1111· 1.u_lit

thau tlw 11111ch dr•·adt d dr11dct->r.' a~ tlwui.:,ht vt_ .1 pr•., nT >ludt of 1111• 11~1nn·til111 b or a pr.H·1u;.il tL<Lflll"(' ;\llll th•• ,.:!•11h•nt b hnHti.:ht 111111 a• tua\. c0\


t. 1 \\ ih t1w prnlJ\t-m~ nlllllt•111·d \\\111 farm lit'. l'ht• lrnir:-;1· t>\.tt·nd~ 1hrow.:h 1hn·1• .\1·ars ot :--l\

111 rnfh~ ,.·1c·h :tlld 1·onw:-- 111 !ht "1111t~r f'i':\Hlll \\ h• •t

lh•· , 11 ,u~ ,,,,pJt. c;111 l•t' p:in·cl 110111 aim \\n1· .. utl1•111:-. m11 .. 1 h;n l'1)f 1fl Tl'lt•' lO lhi:-- tOll ~I

l I • ii ith ~r tit 11: 1:-- l'ijlli\;tlt•llt, 11tht:rWISl'

Ii•\ b,tlJ Ji1 11 (jllil"• .J Ul l·J"'~ Ill t'lltr lt"" 1'\:tllllll·

,'ion 1 r ::,,\l" ~arlsl.1 '11r_, t•\11lt-11n· •n thP .:ol'ltool

1nuc ial !wt lw~ .1r1• • tpaltk of 1·;t• P H!.;" 1111 th1·

, 11 rk y 11111 ~ 111t n ~l ~dH~ o( U:!l' a111l 11\"t·r w I

lit> ;ulm 1 1•tl ro tht' 1111ll"Sl' '' lw11t ha\lllJ:. compld1•tl tll•• 1·1ch1h ;!rat11• 111 tl11· 1•11hlic ~t"hnol, pnl\-11lt'tl tlw~ It t\1' had ,..0111t-' pr:h·til'<ll f'\Jll'ri1'1t1.·t• upon !lit' i:irm

11111 JH 1 ·:-:~ a fair 1·om1111m ~1·hool pducatlon 'I ho:-01•

\\ho sa11f·11'rnril.' t·omp\l•lt' Ill' 1·ours1• \\ill lit' ~i\l'll

di11lo111a~. ~1ud1•ut:- in this n111r:-o\• han· the lll'i\"lh·~t' of

1 ud) h1g a motlt•rn dair) in npt•rat Ion nd11tli11g

''\!"-;, 1 ilw IH'!-<l lff1•t•ds ol clalry l'iLltlt•, a 1·ompll1ll'

,0 ullp daut. nu1tai111m: hrt·t>d~ ll11s.trati111.~ ,.:-;Jli't'·

1al\v 1!11 111·:-t ln.\'it1t.: ~trains aud rnarkd fo\\ l~ mn1l ,•rn. g-1._, 11 ,rntl 1 ii lahorat ll'it'~: 11101h'rn tarrn llllild

11 i.:-s rnJ linrns. \\ith pure hrl•tl lhr ~tot'I'-: tht~ l'X·

llf'f'illlf'll ut11n1 farm. :.:rn·nhoUH'.:o ant1 ord1:11'1b IH• 1 1n..:t• 1 hllP!.!ll'<li. dtdlllntl an1l phy~1l·al lahor·

n1o1i1•:-, and thr \\..ll 1•1111ip111·1l w1wil and iron ~h11p:. o( !ht• f'IH!lllt't'l'lll~ cit') Urllllt'lll T lt' 1111·tho1J~ i·JU·

Jlll')"f>1l .in' part tal Thi' nstru1· ion is s11ppktnl'lll

f•d \\llh q·;:ulilt' in th1· lahor;11orit>~. tilt' dairy, th1~ rnclw ·cJ!O lht• 1!l't-·1•nlw11~1'S, and with ht• h1•nlR. As fur as 11r:w1il'ahh'. ,-isi1s arp al~o rna<11• to otht•r

fanns and ill•rd~ in tlw nl'ighhnrhnrnl Tht' \tl ·it•t\ of nnimals i11d11ch-li 1111011 tlw farm

1 1) 1 1n~s amplt.• (1pport11nit.\· to St'(' thl' ntrions dis· 1 i •1•s. inju il':-;., etc , t'llL'Oll11Tt>n•d in Inrm animals. 111 tlw ,, 1, rinary bnl\tling tht•rC' 1~ pr0Yid1·d a l'1111i1• niom, \\h1••1• s ck :ind i11j11n•1l .rnimals ;.tr1' trl'<llt'tl.

HI 1ht· Lttlt'!H .... ::::h l'll 'l•r> ht'UPlit:-: of hi·:->•• dt ..

A Rapid Growth. Tht> ~.·lwo of .\i.. 1 ·1 h;.\s lit en grat111

rnaktn~ ii~ \\;.l~ .o iht· a lt•ntiou 01 tit• farm hn.•·:-o f 'lt1u :ma. hut tlnrin:!" h1• Jia:-;.! two y1 1 ar~ it Ii'~

1,,pulb :.:.au11•d 111 Jll't'~lit:.t' Tilt· att1•111l<Hlt e for 111

Jilt" 1~11 ~t'ar will !Jt' ttll ilH'l'l'il='t' ol :H It asl I~ 'l"'

·1·111 11\ 1·1' la-:1 ~ t'ar ThP 1·u11rs1• ot :-.Ind) has IH n 1•vi:-;.t'tl s11 fllur II lllt'l't' c·llmplt·tPl.'· nh't.'l:- thl' ~a-1.,Js

lll tht• .:ol 1clt·llt ;11111 l"iaims Ids illll'rest to ·1 ;:.>''1•;\'t'r tl1·i:.1·1·1 than iol'mt~rly, a111\ 1·t11·h stnth·nt h~·t·om<•s a htltl:-olt·r for 1h1• st·hool l 'nd1•r thi:•~r- l'i1T1;111~: ·1111·l :-:, 11L•\t ~Par \\ill liuuhtl"~'s ~1·t> a ~.11 p1•r <'l•l\I 'lt'l• l~"

\~·r 11\t· pr1·~1·nt y~ !I

All Parts of the State Represented. J'h II j... 110 II' ll'll!OI 11 !ht• :--tall• llltlt"I' !1•11 "l'·

Sl'lll lli\l' of all l:l't'"' lll lhl sL 11 than is t~w $L'hoo1 of \:..r!t uhurt• Thb y •'<ii' thl'l't'! art> ei~ht hny~ t'Il·

rnlhil r1·0111 Ha,·aJli t·uun y 111 tl1t' t'\frL'lllt· ~1111tl1\\t·~1

(\\n frum Lincoln (·Otlllt~- 1n lhl• northwf•st, <\lld 0:11·

of Agriculture fn m ~h. ritl.iu 1 1 t\ 111 t 11• llur'h usl nd ~"'''ral from r Ji ,. l 11 ~ 1: llH :--1 111 I\\ 1·:,;t 1.1•\\ b :rnd

l I.irk \\It I t'll l•'Pn ... e11t.11 \t':--, \t>;ul:- thr• <OUllllf'~ If tilt ~ il •.• :-' l1•tLI ;\II .ilso b1•_ginni~1i.; 10 I'( 1111~

frut 1

lli 11111 11 \\ \ n111111t! a111l altm.;1·\ t1·r sl·\-lnl ~t. (1•s

alt' n pr Nt It d rht fn'.ln\\illt.:: i~ 1111• t•nrollntt·ll

\1.\ 1llt111T 1 ..

l.t•\\1~ and 1 l.1r\\. II, Ha\a Ii."· (;:1lhtt111 1;; l'.irk , 1-'l'n:.1 :-- 1, l '" ;pit•. • l';1rlin11, I, Tt'lOll, :t . l "I

ti·r,.:ou lust• r .• , llii.: lfol!J :: Ho:->1 lnd. :!. Fla ll! .HI, ::'.; I 1t 11. _: ~1ilh\,I 1•1' :.!. \1:1 ''son. :!. llill.

Tii11lt· I laitw :-;~uu!. 1~. l~t'<l\f'rh1 ad :-;11\1'' H11\\

ti ~:,"11tla 1. I 1 ;11· • ul•111, llliu• ~- .'\"" .l1•r:-:1·~·.

"\o.tli t ( 1i111 ~I Lllll \lid )O\\it +·adl :(\1 Hilt'

rt' 11• :-. ll .11 \I', \\ 111 t \\"\o: 1i11~ h.i~ I\\\). and t'11PHf\

1, !" ''· In·, d. Montana Seed Grcwers' Association Meda ls.

Thi' >tn11!:111;> :-'• 1 d 1;r rn1•r:-.' a:-.sonation ofl1·1s a l!olo 1111 lal o tli1• In ~I :.?.raiu j1Hll.{1'. 1\lul a :-;ih1·r

11 it·d;d to th1• ~1·1·1111d hf"! lo lit• lit>tM·mlnt•<l h_,. a :--1ud1·111·:- g1al11 Ju<h.:iui.:- t·onfi'~I. Tlw l'Olltt·st is tu l1t• C'lllldllt'lt•d hy th! llH'IUh1•rs of tht• .\~TOllOlll) de·

11artna•11t oi thl' .\10111an:1 Stall' l'oJlpg~>.

Scholarships for Stock Judging.

Th·• >lo11t;11:.1 ~1,\11' l'nll1·t:.1• ol 'q..:rk11lt1ir1• ancl \!1·ch:t11i1 \rts ollt·rs a thn·l"~' i.ll'S sd1olar:--hip ill ht ~i h11ol n( \gri J111r• to lht- l?it1111t~ut makiw.:: 111

11 ,i.:h "' J\1 r:q:,. c 1 1 in jud~in~ dr1 r.v catll•·, h1·f• t :Ith• J1ol~1 ~ }It t• llltJ :--\\Ill!'. \ l\\0-\"(';1r Sl'h<•l:l.l

!"h I \\ 111• ~r\• "l 10 !ht OU• lllilklll:.:; !ht• llP\f Jiic:l

"""t s1·or1 1 1d l ollt"'' .1r s• holiu~h1p to tlu• ll1 uak 11:.: I 111• I ]I ii hlc1 I "I t 01'+' ThP~I ~diolar.:oh

ar 11011 I a:1:-iP1,1li]1 .u1d 1·x1·11~1· th1• hol1 1•r from

,,, 1n.~ .111y I 1it1on nr ft 1 s

Th e Summers' Silver Trophy, ll:1rr~ I •. :-;u111mt·1~ of I ·t· t'1•llt·~P Yi~-w ~11_1,-,,

Y.-'arm. !Jr, 1•1i1' o[ p1 r1·llrt·d ~lwnhnni:-o, off Pr~ a l•1«111tifnt ... il\1•1 ro)'h_,. to tlu· ~ind1·11t of tllP S<·l1onl

or A!!nc·ttltnr<• '' 1n mnkt'~ tla• hi~IH s-l a\"r-ral!•' n j1uk1rn:; th1· li\t• t·b:o-'.'o<'=-' of s10l'k !\;.dry rartlt·, hef'f ea th'. hor:.-.t's. ~ht·i·p awl s\\ i111· Tht• rrn!1lu JC!,..,

l1l' \\Ou tlirt''' im1's in s\IC'l"t'~sinn lwforP it 111•.-·1111, ~ tht> J'l'l'llli\n+•lll )11'0)'•'1'1) O( lhP (l\\'HPI' ]1 t h-t» W 11

111•r 1·:vh ~t·:H ~hall holcl it 1mtil 1he n.-.,; ·al


Open•ng the Wa y to Opportuni t y.

Tht ~1..}10111 11f \~rind1 It•• l'•·al)) nJ ·I~ 1 .

o oppor1t111lt~ tn 1·\f"' ho' \\ 10 ~ p,.nw~t .111 J 1lili !!.1•111 i11 hi:-- :--111dh-, r. 1cl i11 1 h \\Ork offl"rt•t1. Thi

foundation 1 1. 111 nt" 1 f ,\ ~1 h nt fi ... k110\\ f•d~t! 111

agril'11!111r1 art' l':-:-1•111,al tn a pru1wr 1111erpn•ra1wn

ot' till' l11•st •trlil"IPs 111 .u~rk11l111n:I\ jl111rnrlis and hnnks. 'I '.k rarm1·r "ho dot·~ not 111;1k1 int(•lJig-Put usl.'

of ~111'11 s-1111tTt·~ of infur111<11io11. i11:-;pirat nn :rntl a:-;~i=-t

a111 P, 1·an11ot hn111• lo 1111·1•1 11101lt-rn d1•111;.rnds and

t·ompPtt• ~IH'l't'~~fu\b· "Ith thos1• "ho llo Tht> dt•·

mancl 1or \ar~inc. d('fUl'•'~ 01 t'XJl(•rt :-:erdl"i' l:1 farm· ing- upt•ratiuns np1·11s lht• \\<l_\ for mnny as1· i'lg

you11i.:: 111<>11. who. f lht>\ haY.• ·1 ~ounU foundation of ktwwlf"dg1• upou \\ hit-h In huild. ('an tJ1_1\·(>Jop lht'l11·

SL'h " thromd1 1 l• r \\ork ;.111d \\lll i1r .... n•"'o; .\t Yarioll~ t mf•:-o duri11::. tht~ ) Par, t'of' attC'ntion of stu· 1kn1s b f·a\lt d to :.;pt_·da fiPlcl~ uf opportunity which

:trt• lt•g-itllll:lll'lY Ollt·n O fhf'lll


Investigations Carried Out At The Poultry Plant

l'ht· 111111 try 1llant ot the Expcrinwnt Stat on, \\J1 Iii tmt·l~ six ac:ns ur ground. with t\\o l:Jri;t.· LlJ!ldi11gs a11li 1·oluus h1111:-;t•,,, b Oil\• or thl· bL'!) 11 111i11Jittl 1·ol11•g;t· pht111~ in the \\C~t. Souw liJ.:lit 111llt•J't•u1 hr1>t•1b ol lH·1.s and HroHt.l' 1_11rkt'.\ s arr

\t'Jit lt.)l)llt li_1u ahogt'th1•r, 1101 l'OUntin~ young stot·k

\1111 llK l 11• pn,lilt·m:-. "ltfrh hll\ L' l11·t·11 lllidt·r in \l'~lfg.11 1111, lut•t-•ding, fl>l·liin!.! aucl inn1hatio11 haH

OC't: 1)'11 ti till' Ille st lmporr,rnt plan• 'l'ht• i11e•that1on

111 nlJlt·m h,\S Jt'l'H l'arrit>d 011 in L'U-O!lt'!'a! inn "it 1 lht> dit·mb'ry dt>[1:1 1u11·11t !or ~('\1·ral )t•a s, :lllll al hough S(11llt progrc~~ h.1~ h1·1•u 11i:1tlt• 11 0 tlt•tin ti· f••ports 1in:\ ,-. ln·t·n puhli~ht'1l

Ex.H.•ri111t·11t~ n frt•d111c: layiui.: h1·11:-: ha\'P i·\.lt•utl

t I o\ 1: 1h1• !;1~1 lhl• Yt-ar~ and as a l't~~ull of 1 1 11 ~ \{'sflc.ation. r.it101i:... t·ons1sung 1·n1in• 0

\ ul .'luri 1rn g ·own ~rai11:. ha\-t' l11'<>1l wo1·k1•1l Ulll. n1id fouiul

11 he f·\ rt'llll'l)" sntisf;w1u1 .\

1' H1 l·\.Pt•r11t1t·111:-; in hrf'l•dit1K fur high q.~g pro •lilt t 1on ha' l' l11•t·n t·arrit·d on \\ ith hiµ;ld.\' fiat i~fa(· lnry 1·1·~11\t!-<. Trap nt·st~ haY1• hL·t·n u~1·d <11111 a 11

'l'lllil k.l'P of t•a1· 1 Uircl's 1irnd111·1in11 during 111 r

i·n11n 111• \ ~YSlL'ut of mass sl'IPction has 111•1·11 }lr ll' in·c1, antl o1:ly !he lui.,::hf·ST la:'--<'r a ·p llS(-•d ns

lirPedi ~-- Hy thi:-; mdhocl of hrPt·dmg-, t hi• <"~J;" Jll"o1l11l· ion of th1· Jlork has ht·t·n lne ·"a:o-1·d rirul s Hur· \1-,n P.al .:o•ac111ry r1~c<1rls olitainL·<l. llnri111::: lu• \1ar \\}1 Ji Just do~t<tl OOt• P«n or thir1y-on1• \\' 1itf' i.,:g ! t• n ht·lls h1·ril~t' 1~0 t·it~s. a. p ·n of hn·ntr four Hnrnu Lt·,!'.!"horn pullets, a\erng-t•d 1~2 eggs, a

pt.>n or ro111·1p1·n llarn:d l'ly1110111h Hul'li. ht·ll!" a\t•t'

ilg(•d \:.!11 ~·gi.,;s, :lll1l th1• hight>~f indi\ itlual, a \\"hih•

l.q.:,hurn 1111\i1 11 1:1,·c·d :!11H "ggs ill ni:w aud nne-hulr lllOllt h:;.

P11ri11~ r~'n·111 ~ 1·ars. il hns lit•t•n tlt1..' aim oi thf'

lkpart111t•nt to lirini.: lh1• JI• 01•lt• th1·uu~htH1l tlw st<Hi· i11to L'ins1•1· to11t h \\ ith tht• wur\ "hkh wp nn.• doing,


:11 111 to ,l "'l 11 li 11ldlng 1111 th1 p111tltry imluslr> of

lilt' ~l.1ti This Iii' 11g a1Tn111plblwd thl'tlu~h hul lt·I 11s, 1 In ula , h) l'on1·spo 1Hl1•1w1• uull through 1h1•

'11101 al' org;111\zalln11s. pankulnrly th(· ~t ur

lloa ti 'r l'oti.try I l11:-l1a11clr~. oi \\hi< h •!1t• ht•a1l uf thi 1!t • ar'11ll'11t s uo\\ chairman.

Thi· puq1nE-1 !t•r \\hkh lh1s hoard \\as or:.::ani ed four )t•ars a:.!.c1. ht·rn ... to pro1111i1t• th" 11onlh',· ii I ' tn \\,thin tlu• tat+'. mak1• 111 t•:-; 11•<.ta ~· lii·~1 1~~~:~ on.::,0111izatiou lhro11~h \\ hkh 10 l'l«ll'h the PPOP!c



Head of t he Agronomy Department

Horticultural Department

~OUll' of our rurmt..·r::; arc HL.t im.:litt1.•d o l11t1k

11p1111 ht11 w11lt 1 al prod11c-<-', .= .H: 1 as fruits, 'l'g\.'lahle-; .i11l !rt·< s, a:; a BeC't'~.;i<.11')- J11"otl11ct 01 th~ farm. They

art• lnt:-o) making 111ow y, and lwr ll'llitural i.:rops

~l'O\\ n IJIOll hP farm do not l.J1·i11g in ~o mud1 ill cash at 'he end of the :\_·a!"Oll thl•)- ~inl}il)- mak.1.: f:.rm Ille 1110rt• l•njoya!Jle and thl• fam ly morC'

hi nllh.'. Othl'rs l1<1n! a lie~1re to grow tlle~c, hut a ·l' atraid 01 lailure and lailures arc mon• 1·osth 111 this tl1a11 in oth1.·r kiud::;: of farm work. .

Tilt.• honi<'ultur~1l dt..•11c.irtmt·nt. of the Ex1wrimt:11t.. ~1.Hio11 has a.tt\'llll't\.'tl to llemom:trate th(~ po::o~ibi,

1t11•s 111 honw-ordiard.ug, home-gardening aud ornc.· nH 11tal ~artlt·11i11g upou the :Jlon aua farm. In our t·\.tH:rl1111 ntal urchan.l \\e have tll"terml 1ed \\bal \i:lrldi•·~ u. Ir ut t.:uJ1 Ue grown aud how thL»Y cau l.1t!

lil'"t gro" IL l'ra1.: ka.lly t:Yt!rY fanut'r i.1 the ~rnt1•

Illa) IH:H a pror1al le 11uwc--on·hartl aud small fruit ~ard1'11. lu t e orchard mauy Yari .. ties lH ;.q.plc:-. :-- Hilt• pluus, dwrries a:al lJl'Urs may ))e ~rown in

almost any ~wt.·1 iou of the state. 111 the small-lruit ~ardr·11 t n• most im1>ortaut point in l:Ultur~ is "m tt:r prol ·c1ion l{a:,11hL•rri•_'s, blackherrie~. l'Ul"!'allls.

c:oosclJt>rri1·s autl :otrawbtrries may be gru\\ n in any

~t·( lion ell thL• .:-tat" \\ht-re lh'.'i'L.' is l'nuugh lavorahle :\lllll111t·r Wt«llht-r nut! rnoisu re lO grow g:ood ~rain.

\\'ht·l't' tht \\ iutt>r~ are ~evert:• the bush frilit~ ar\.1

ht·llt dO\\ 11 tn iht.• cround and C'O\"l'l't'd witl1 a J ttil' l·:~rth fht• :--l ·a whl·rrit·s shoultl ht• g1n·u a J1i..:I ro\ +·ri1u~ ot' ~traw aft Pr tflc grouutl frt.:t?Zt ;:-;..

Th" g.1rtlen t•\ 1 1..Tilll1.•nl~ Lin·e yieldul 111111.-h tlat (,l "1\ut>. 1Jorlt a::; to 'ht· variHit•:; and muthod~ ot

n11t ll't' In m;.rny :C.\.'t.:llons ul tht.' ~talc the d11t>f

dillkultY i:- tht• ~ho1 t gruwilig Sl.'3:-<0u . 1u tlit> tat l' of this the ~t;uiou ha,- dt•mo11~tratt-d that tomarcws

l'<!ll lil' :=:: 1·uw11 prolita!tly \\ bert' tht"l'l' i~ thrt•t• mont11

11( l'Olllinur11s gnn\ in~ Wt-athel' wt hout tro!"• Th.,.; l:as i't'l 11 mad•· p11:-:-;.;h\e hy :-;l•lt·L'l n~ 1-'<lrly \ arit<li\·s

hy trial. liy \\ol"ki11g- out µ-coil methods ol l'llltun.• a111l h~ tlt'\'clupin~ a :-:.~ ::.tem of pnmin!!;. This data

i r~·ad_\ for puhlit';l'illn anll \\ II h· •n-ailabl· hl'tor" ~lll'llli.;:

I· 'l·t·l'lml'll 111 \\o:·k a t!H" homt· ~1a 1io 1 a1 111 in

ntht·r 1 ar1 ~ of rh1' ~!aft• has gj\ t'' a Ii~ t>f hanlv t c-1·=- and orn"11111 nta1 1l;.1nts. E\t'l'Y larm~ard ma. ha' l' l ~ ~he! l r lit .r autl ""''pry farm honw may ti~· 111at!t mnn l1t11111 liKP 1~ 11 a11nng- lht:"'t• hard.- rrt'\'S a111l :-;hr ·l1s.


l·'"t)ll • v t-~ • :--tautl1 101111 1he f111w ion oi thi~ 1h J .!Plllt 111 :-- to ;....ht' in~tr 1t cit>11 in horut·nltuait.·

lhP !.:.l'l\t' :11 11 ·1-m lit> n:::; 11:-ot.d to t•mhral·t• tht.· m~n· pp~· aJil'.l• s•1J.j, Cls Of fr,Iit growi11g. \'t:'::!;l•!ahll"i-:ar-

tlt•ll1til!, lancls. llJ 1t' ~anil-11i11~ antl tloric•1ltur1•. Fir .. 1

ltt• tlt·pan11H·llt l'111llribat\.'::; to th1.• i11Hittllin11 as a "l~nli'. 11wr1• pankularly to :1!.!l'il'11ltur .. anti homt•

''l'h·1~c 1 " h.'- ollf"riu_g ~t'lll'rat L'Ollr~p~ in plant pro;i-11:.:::1 flou. 11rchartli11i.:. 'l't;L labll ... l::'ardt•nim:: aml llorl· t llltur\• lion (' 1tillll't' IHH.1rally lit>ab with pla111:-­.u1d honi1lilt11ral training- hl'lps 11:-: to ~TO\\ tht· 11

( I~\ r l 11' lo 1st thPm to bt.•tlt'I' adrantai:::e. .:\l;;

i\ll 1nL·id1•!1 al 11an ul Ollt.•s tOllt>gt' t•c.i11·atil)ll "t' lt•t•l 'hat it is \\Ol'Ll1 ''hilt~ Ft't'lin~ tha1 tht.•rt• 'art> :tlso 0 l'. 0 ~'llilltlit•s for thnst.• "ilh ~Pt'<'i:tl 110rtil'lllt 11r ti t •1111 11ig. a ioul' Yt·ar l'u11r~p i~ 011tllllt'd !01 tho""t' \\ho \\lsh to t•nter th·s lit.•ld Thb nrnr·:t> is dt•

"" 1 ~ 1 1t'il to !!ht~ a 1.wo1l fountlation in :;1·11·1n·t• a1u hon11· 11ilu 't•. a id to 11• stutl1•1u:-: to t•n11•r :-;p1•dal rh•11~ nf thb \\<lrl.,.


l"llt ,.;lalt' g-r .. in lahorarory wa~ t•stahl1:-:h\.•d nt

lht> >lontana t'\.Jlt•ri11w11 t stntwn b) tht l:lt:; ltigisla

1_1r1• ·1 ht• w11rk of lht-. lahora tory l'O\"l·r:-; two tli~linct fll'lds. Fir:-:t 10 study the ClllllJ)lbitttin, ntillin~ nnd

~ 1 n·:11t-maldng- 1111alllit>s of I ht' tYp1·.:o of \\ ht•at ~nm Q

111. thl' '_11rio11~ Sl't'lllllls nf t'h sl llt' Tin• n•lati\t'

prh 1' paid 1ur l bu~ht'I l f "ih'J.t d .. Pl'IHis, of 1.·mu·st•.

o1_1 11.s nu•! n;.: '_ah1( • in h r ''tinls. ''H lh 1• amount ti! !Jn Ii -~ratlt• _llonr wh h 111 ht• Jlrntlal't •d and tht• :!.tl;q1tahiJ\l ) Cl( fh:'lt f Ill" IO hrt•atJ lll:tk Jtg,

T1 -t:-- \\ II hl· rn,,, on a la q~t· n111111Jl·J' ol new

'"_:1nt· t11 s h1·11u.:. J!l"0\\11 u11 tht• t.'\.Pt·rin1t•11t.1I fii!hl~. 1 e~ts ar•• 110 " 111 ili.i:: uiatlt.• or samph·s of "lwat S('·

i·1'.'.1·d tru111 \ trlll\ls P<trts ot th1..• ~talP Tht·st' rt·sults

"1 1 11

'' l 0111 '.r ti '' llh tlW:->t• from t -.•sfs nn wiwat !.. rn'' 11 in Pt ht r stalt•s t ht• ohjt•(· t hE"il11.t t11 ~e~uru ~ara II n11 "h:ch n uniform sy~ll'lll of g rad ing- ot .111111,111 .... "li1•al:-- i·a i ht• ha~t't.i.

It, f'i t·o11d 1"1·atur1• ol lhP lnhoratory is to tc~t tht 1 tl l!rai11:-; for \lu .. r &"n11i11atin~ quali l\ anti

iuno. 'I ht• \:Lllh• oi th!::; Wt•rk llt't·ds no con~meut. Ji J)"'ott·• l th 1 • farn11-r as \\ell as tht.• St>t'dsman.

I 111r111l! lilt• first trn mo11th~. !!,;:,;1i sample-~ Wt.'rt'

kstt·.1.l as 1'l1ll1J 1ari>d " th 1.::!nn tL·st1•tl 11t :\litllll'SOtn

II, fir l ~··i1r tlwir "ll'il I~'' \\Us ,11 furn', thu s shO\\·

I I ... !ht• lfll').:.t 'd!')•• tht• iar·nC'rs 01,111 dt>Hll'r~ or .\101.t.11\;\ ar1• making of t !it.· laboratory,

Page 7: TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. Nu ml" 1 L t tM. HE~RS POP UlAR ou1N

DZEMAN, MONTANA, DEC. 11, 1\ll.j.


\laU('l I.Tl H.\L Sl l'PLJ· \H '\'I


L• Ler Colt 17

y 11 ,\IH'll 'J.,

I\ ~lrHHJ ·1;

Ed l(Jr

l'h.1 lt•i; A \\'~11p.ilt• ·1.)

J I lo1iald Kl•lk) 'J \

llub~n =-'tn.·rl::) I~


For t.111 111aj1 1 ) ol l .t· artidc:-. 111 Lin• .J~ric1ll·

ral ·l! &h· J11t LIP n•adl· :-; arc n<ll·llt1<l to th1·

111lw1:-. ol ttit· q.~rkultural 1aculty au!.l tl11~ t•'.\.pt•n

·11 l ~u.. t ( ll sLa ll ul I h~ eollPge. The \\ ork du1w Uy

e Slt ·JI'• lilt Hl ~UJH (:Ollti1~lt.•d 1,,;!.lidl) iu l:lt..• a..-.:<l;;'llJh·

H~ ut Lia 1oat• rial i1ruo( n·adi:11.:, and the mt-dtun •.

I Ill.i 1~ llJI of lb(• 1n1111·r. 'l h·• Nii tor " she:._.; to

• r1·~s h s rcgl'l'lti that sOJUt-' ot the- an.kl~::) that

~rt. Llll"lll-Cl Ill _jfld to IH' Olililtt·d l,)l•C<lll:·c 01 l~t..·

k ol a. t in t :~ s111>11 u111•11t. I'h+-- e<litr r al"o

~in tu xh ~-d h1:- aJII re<" .nwu to the ExvoueuL •

pen1 -.1011 to add th s ~iJ 1 .. ilellli"nt to th.it µa11Pr

Tl!B EU!TU!l.


fu 1111..:!t ~h tit: t: ... tc-t.:tJ\eDt.::.~ Of ~Ulllall \..'Ddt:'a\'"ur,

:..l:' tb 'e ' llO~t cut ( eve y una of llumau

I .t tb kL'not1... t\\enti1•th centur) 11rogrcsl:i.

d l. lll h·n\ tc 1 pl) th ::. vri::ici{llt.• tu tho agri·

J.Jl 1 l.~ of t l c:otmtry anli tu dt tt.·r111i1H what i11.~:to1::;

uk fc,r t11.: Je ec:s of taruung as a husiue~s 1;.·nter

-.,o t (_ purpose Jl firm manar;t"me 1t uvesug...i


\\ Jt Lli~ rlung iu 1111:..id, two lh1Ls ol rt.~:-;earc.:h

l\ e b1 t.•r> t"tartf'tl at the EXlJCr 1lt.'ll itat •• 1 dunug

w last J•·ar viz. farm ::-u1\ey " rk and cost aL·­


I he forn ::: 1Jn ~ \\ o ·k while bar ly :;tarted, bas

rt·ady ) ielde<l re~liib nd dbclo:s( U lJUsllless prin­

p! s \\l.!11·a, 1' lJUl 111 pr'1ctiu: ou the tarws of the

ate, \\(...Ult! add eucrmuu:sl~ t0 LLte agrh.:ultural

\:a h. ] ::- line of '' ork lla;:; ns lt:, purµo::>e tue

arc 1iu:; out of t 1e JUO:-l lJtotit.able a ms 111 a rtg1ou

td lid n111n1...s Uy l·arc ul stud~ just how tltcsti

rms ddlt.r trow otht.'l'" fa.l'L11~ iu tilt. .. rt.•gion Llut ariJ

~~ }trofit.t!Jle.. Jl Cilll lJ~ reaJil) :-'l.:€11 that Wht.ll

e lla\ e :,ecured n <·orl!s irt1lll seVl..'ral tUou::;anu

trms in the state, iL will <.:ouslltute data tllat will

iwmt:i ~el) valual>l..: ..

The c:o:_.;t a('couut ni,; \\Vlk h; ca1T1e<l on JU co­

, .. ratiuu with rarlllt-rs in tilt: staLL· lJail) recc..rds

re ma<lt.• ot all labor u~eu o:t the farm, all 1.:a:s~

•cei1JL::. aut.I. t:'.\~i~nst:s and all Ieed fed to annual::;,

.. t.bc ~ud ol the yt-ar, thh; ghes a ba:-;b tor dt!Li.:rm-

1 mg tll~ cost 01 every vroduct and the prolit irow

't->l"Y e11tl'r1Jri::;e. lt is also ot grt::"at \ alue lu show-

1; the di::;trilrntiun o[ lallur on Lhe tanu and ::mg­

t·sting c..:rop1ii1,g ::))'Ht:'tll:-; lbat \\ill I.Jest llllliztJ all

r Uw farrn resoun~ ..



'J he ~tat1 uf ...\lo11rnua is destined tu bt:come on~

f the gIPCit•..:st li\1.:Sto(·k ce:ilers in the country. lier

eundlebs 1Jrairies1 rich wountaia valleys and lor­

M co\ er1·ll mountaius furnil:>h au almndance of ex­

dl~nL gra~~. pun~ ~parkli:1g water and good shelter

•f .tll k•r <i. 0 1 lirc::;tock. 'J 3e moderate climate and

1u11da11t:e ol tt c<l make it au ideal stock raising

01111t1 :. 1··or wany ,years i>ast, the open ranges of

~wte ba\'1: supported immense nuwber::; of cat­

•: hor~l::> ~tnd ::;beep with but little effort and less

ompet1tiu11 1.,n the part 01 tbe livestock men. It is

nly si11ce much o[ t!le l>~:-.L agriculLUral land bas

E tn takf':t up and the stoi.:.k lla\'e been confined to

ma.lier art::H::i that the tarlll1.::rs ha\·e fel t the need

t <1pplyi11g moU~ru, scieutitic methods to the live­

ttJ< k i11dustr:y. Courses of Instruction ..

'J !lt :'\Iuutaua Su.tte college \\as 11uit k LO recognize

lit! 11te<ls o. tile stockmeu, and iu uccor<lauce, bas

iauntd and offered a course ul training to mcet their

etds in a way that will b<' ot the grcaL1.:st l:ierv1ce

o the stale.

·1 he anin.al indu::>tr) Ue11artwent is wade up ot

he di\·ision ol animal 3usl>andry, dairy husl.Jaudry,

1·111ltr.Y bu!.-iU;.indry c1~d \'eterinary s<:i<:HC:(', The r:ours­

~ oft{_·red uudt-r tbestJ heads are designtd lO gi ,-e lie ~tudc11t~ ,u rnsighL inLo the scieu(-e 01 Jin:stock

1roduction, tu iamiha.rize themselves wit:t tbe char­

cttristic::_.., ada11t.ali1Jity and utilil)' of thl:! \'arious

Jiet>t.ls and cla~s~s o[ farm animals.. AlsJ LO give

hem a vra<"l1<·al krnrn ledge ot the underlying JJrinct·

Jles ot livestock br1,ed111µ .. lt·f'ding a:Hl management.

Equipment at Hand.

The: mod<'ra method~ of iustruc·tion in agriculture,

1ot only dPal with the sf'"it•ntilic 11hase of the live­

;toc:k industry, I.Jut thp sL,HiPlll:-i an~ 1'rought into

10:->I' COllUH_.t with the COJl('l'Cli· 1-lf!l•<'illll·JIH an d are

~inm acrnal 11raetice in s1 l c1 ti:1g, hun11\111g and Judg.

HK thf' animal:-" in lh<' ring F r th l"i purpo;;c, the

·olh.g<' own::; an<l main tains n large 11u111h(-'r of tbc

,f.oHlin~ brf'eds of live~ tocJ\ w3ich arc available fo1


~\n,ung till se iirt'<--<ls are Pe r ch« ron horses, purt.:

1lf-·d Jl<•rer01c1~1 Shorthor11 an d A:1gus ca.ttle, a tine

,1·rrf of p11n· lff1·d .llTt\~Y a11d nw .. rniwy cattle, BPrk

,hin•, Poland C'hlna, l hiroe unil Yo rkshire swine, aut.1

'ttswold. Jtn1111Jon1lh l 1-111d :-:hropshin • sheep.

'1 lw !in ~lt1ck 11s1 d in tilt-' PXperi111en ta.I work ol

h .. sta t ion u rp :: !so a \';:11 lal.Jlt• !'or study and olT<•r

bany pratl!C'al dt•rnon:--trfl ions ill ret·ding and man·

~1~1· m1 .. :1t for th t· stt1tlt-11 t :; ol thh; dt•Jiartment

·1 hl· u11imai:-> an· hou:;ed 111 ;1 nulllbl-'I'" of comfort-

1hl1· ..:tahh-s o l m·11lt-r11 plan n11 d eo nstr11c tlo11 , w!lich


ur ni:h l111• r;tnch·nts L110\\ l<.-'d....,t .. of Wl'il t_•qlli ppe<l farm

111ihh11gs. 'J he• tiort->1 .. barn Is a two-sto ry, lrnm e

JI Ile.: Ill \\ ith , , !Jt;; lur twdYt' Lor>.11 .\l .,o rl" t1,

a111•·r;-· an I 1·nr ri:1,ct' roo111s with nddl1 ic·n.tl r:q·udty

1hon· for on<• hu1Hlrefl tons of hay

ThP dairy barn Is a tW(}-StOrL frame struC'lure

i,i t 't two WPll lighh·rl \\in~s PXL("JH.ling to one sidP;

ne "ing ii; used to accommodale the d ai r y cows;


thi othf'r for brt·f:'ding stuck, young stock a:id calves

lkt\\~·en 111 .. 1wu \\iugs, an· l<!cat~ll two s.ilos anll ~

l'lol'k .j11d~i11g pa' illiou to leC-'t sc1uar e, iuto which

l 11' •1111rnab are llrought fur den1onstration and judg-

1r. .1n1rposr.s for th1...• stud<•nts in liY~::ilO<.:k work. Tbe

ma1.1 haru provi<lPs ho'.\ l'lalls and stora.ge room

101 ft-Hl. :\·ith hay abovt'.. In addition t!lcre are a lso

.111 t·XJ1\·r1mt·n_tal stol·k ham, a fct.d storage barn,

l. 1 ·t·J1 barn, 1'.1gµ;c-'.y, \ t:ti.-rinary building and rioulLry

( .:-;ts. all ot w h1ch ar .. mod Pis o( their parti<-ular


\ ll of. the l\'l~StoC'k and t'tJlllJllllt.>llt is accessabl<?

and furn1sht·s- thP ::;tndt'nls t·xct:Iknt OJIJ>Ortunity to

,, i <~1111 tam1Jiar '' th tllL' t}'J1f:'s aud c:lasscs of l~e

lt·adi 1 ~ !Jrct_ds. tO!..:Pth~_·r with tht...• modt·r•1 metbo<ls

l•f IO<·h rnanng ~na·11t.


Hi gardh ss Lf v.11 'thl·r .ruit growing has bPt.>n

oi-t nl 1 lh 11r ni:t. w n111Et admit tlwt tiJ('re will pro­

hahb lit i't-\\l'I'" on-hards plankd in Cit' JH•xt fhl•

1·1.n .. th 11 in tht ~amp number or yt>ars just past ..

\\'• mu:n \\ail U11til mt-thnds of selling ha\·e been

llllJH 11 \ttl l t'Ut_,J a \\;1'' as to 1ns11n• lwtler ditHri­

htHion nl 1111til our pc.•ople acquire tht.> habit of

<.11l11g Ill< rt> fr Iii But clops thi:;. indkate tbat the

f~elcJ for lllL'U tr:iirH:d in hortkulturc !las been re­

:-;trit tl·d U11 the t·outrary, the demanU for these

lllt·n ~1wu\ci in<::r•·a. 1..• ThPr1· is money inYe~tt.·d in

the onhard trnsit;C'ss and the man wi th lrai:iing

c·omOin.._,d wtth t?XJl(:riC'Bl"t' will come Dl'3rt.'st making

1hi~ 1IJH·!-;t1111·11t JmY. lt t;:1u hardly bt.• expected that

~ll('h posnious will pay larl!e ~nlaril's to graduatt.>S

whP h.,re bad 110 c:q1f'rit_·lJ<.'l'. 11ortic.-u1tural graclu­

::ir1 ~ havt• n ~0111C' sta.e~ fo11111l n·ady employment

11 h ~h s<· ~ ~ 1.1~ tPaciw1 :- of agriculrnre. This is

arl 1< thirl.\' trut· in tho.:-1• st;1tl'g Wht>rc a~ricnlture is

<'ql:Jr"d. 'I h1 .l thl'l"P an· 011portuniti\'S 111 commer­

l I wc;rk. \\'orking "Jth trees and vel!etables is a

p~r-as.:nt brant'h of farm work an<l offers as large,

1f 111 l I rgt.·r rHtlrHl' ror time a:id monPy inYested

tlmn a11) otlH·t !inf' of !arm work.



\-f'ry f1•" agril'"t1lturaJ sdiools atteJUilt to

;. Vt' a lllll cour~P in ,-P!rrinary work That

lt'ft to tht- \'t.'lPrinary l'olif·ges. \\'e try

lo t•mpbasizt.~ tlH·se thn·e tbi:1gs: Prt·rention, tliag-

111 s.:-", an<l ··lir~t aid"' trt..l<tllllt•nt. Prt>Yention is first

aud Ill( st i11ll1on.inl. :'llany a ltt.·ad ol stock could

la ... ~a\-t.•d ii t•\1·ry raucht::r kne\\." Of Lhe simple pre­

\t tlll\e lllt.->thodi.;. that are at his command How

many ~tc1c.·kllk11 lost.:' money C'\'t:r.r year from black­

It·~. milk re\'t'r, azoturia, hog c~ulera, and oLher pre­

n 11tahlt• dbt•as1~:-c '! I li;q.:.nosis, or fi:lding out wha t

aib a si<'k auinwl, is c\JUallJ· important .. 'fo know

\\ Ll'll lo call ;\ H'lt'riuarian nnd when not to; to

disti11g-u1~h l•etWt.f;'n hlundl·r.s a:ld distemper; to re­

t o~niz~ hng cholera at a glanc1•; to be sure \\ betht!r

a hor~e ha~ llll<'umouia or a bad case of t~e heaves.

Tht.·re arc a h1111<lrt'U bool\::; on the markt:t describing

treatments for ntrious diseases but few of us kno"

wltHher tu give a sick horse th~ treatment for brain

It' er, or the treatment tor colic.

Firt'>t aid treau11nn \\'e try to show students,

by work on a<"tual ta:H.'!), the first t3i::ig to do in

any l'erious injury or gra\·e skkness, until th e near­

l'~t Yt!ttirinarian <.:an reath the case; how to handle

1.Jad wire cuts. pneumonia cases, e tc .. , etc.

'/la• studt:-nt who ~ets a fairly good grasp or these

thrl'e 11oiut:-;. when he becom<'s a stock-owner, will

!ta\ e ~mall Yt'lt:rinary llilh; and few fu:Jerals among

his sto<·k. liitt'11i~l·nt supt'nision of the nealLb of farm

.. n1mab is a IH;•ay~· Wt>ight on the profit s ide of the

iarm 1Jalanc:P.



'J lw opportunitks for traiucd Lllcu in eYery line

Wt'l't! Ile\'t·r grt·au·r. Es11~t.:ially il:i this true in the

Ii\ £·sto<"k lit.•ld. Each yPar the agricultural colleges

of tnt• country turn out an army of J·oung men,

equi1111t'd with tedtnkal training. Yet, e\·en before

tht>Y gt·l t~1eir diploma~. ma:1y ol t..bl'lll lt..•ave to ans­

wt·r the call to po:;1tions ot re:i(JOnsibilitJ·.. Jl would

<.1J>J1t.·ar that the market for college trained wen would

bt~ 1100<.l~d. YH, ne\\ and raritid tit..~lds iu the rapidly

cit' l-101,iug 11,·estoC'k industry are cons tantly calling

!'o r 111en of training and ability.

1n n. (.;t·nt ) t"ars a largt· pcrc.:e:1t.age of college grad­

uatl s ill animal rndu:stry ha'e iound t he st rongest

•IJIJ•t•al and l;1rg1 st 01111onun1tits t'or n•al service upon

rht> honw fanu. Th i~ is a Yery e1u.:011raging sign

amJ the lwst prooi of F'rankli11'":; old :-;;,1yin~ Lhal ··a

plowman on hi:-; knl·f:'~ is higlwr than a g~ntlemau

1111 his lt'gs.."' ludet~d, thf• lilling of :>Oil iti BO\\ recog

niz(•<J aH 110 lo11gl.•r bPn+-'<t<-h tlle dignil;r of tbe best

l·ol11•gt· trained man.

The fi<~ld of college t.' xt,(:nslon ls Jusl beglnnini;

l lJ 01wn 1111 :rn11a•r1rns n•ry 1~romi~ing a\'"enues tor

the.• lin·1->10('k t-;J11·l"inlibt, a11d clost..·Iy allied witb it is

tl1P lo<·nl c.:ounty <''-!Wit. Both of tlwsu fields offer

in1111c111:1t· posoibilillt's .. 1t a ff ords the lin•stock spe­

cialist an oppon1111ity to make erery farm a labora·

wry aud prn;Pnts a wonderful c~1ancc fur real SPr·

\'itc aud de\·l' lopnk11t.

Agrkulturnl jourualism is :still another line that

oner~ 11111c:l1 lo the widc·awake studPnt in the way

of 1·nlie;ldt·nl11g a11<.1 Plltl'rta1n111g humanity. Th<'l'C>

.... ;wt 1 plwH· of nto<ll•rn agriculrnre that is not

n·a1 hpcl Ll1ro11gh llW t·olllllllJR of the prl'S~, and CS·

t·< ially i~ this tnw 01 till' lin·s!O<.:k 11Hlustry .. Ev­

l n Jar111 jou111al ol au~· repull' emh·avors to t'Stah·

11 .. h :1 stn·nA lin'slO('k ll<'1>:1rtme11t..

·1111... rapid L·'.\tt .. 11sion ot di\'l•rslfiC'd farming has

11:; 1<11· a lar;..:.1 1 dPrnand for J>Ul"l.'brcd livestO<' k, and

s' 1111 d Ji\1 st11d~ lln·l•litTl'i Thi s work is boun d to

1;1 \l lar!-\t'IY to t 11 .. eolll'i!.'-' lrained men who :·wve

;1 k110\\ lt·d~1· <.1nd skill i.l tliP undu·Jylng princi11ks

111' a111mal hn t.·d1ug.

'I ht· voung 111a!' with :1s11irations [o r fu rther at­

t;.iJ1111<·11~ oilong- aJ! r il'ttltnral lim·s anti a desire to

P\c-t'J, will t111d a truinin;..:. in an11nl iHdu::;try O:ll.' that

"ill t>n11g lum 11110 \ital relatioushn with en~ry

important pha st· of a~ric'ultnrt.\ and an <.1ssL~t well

wortb biti be:; t cn·un to attain.


I he in:structio;.iat work in soib is divi<lt·d into

thr1:-L• l·our~+:>s , :'Oil ph:·sh-!i, ~OJI h:rtility anJ soil

mantU.:.l'l11t·nt. Thi·::;; ... :illbjl:ds are taken up in the

ordf'!'" lllt>ntioncd, which is the loc;kal ordt>r, in that

e 11 <"i1 11n·1i<-1 l'"l s tlw ::-Ludent lo more readily undurstand

th<.-' suhjec:l \\ hich tollow::.. The work is couducted

by means 01 J, cturc:,;, assi~ncd readings and Jabora­

t~ry work. Jn the laboratory, lbE..' stuilent famllarizes

h1111sC'lf with the methods oi conducting e'.\l.>erimt~nls

and snrnt.• m the properties of soils.

Soil Physics

The J 1 h~ i:;ics of soils is the lir~t suhjt_·c.:t which

the sludf>nt tak es Uj). T:i1s sul>jl'Cl is r~·lly a little

broader than th e 11amc indicates, for in this course

tl~P studt>nt h; lan111iarizl'd "nb the origin, lll"tbod!;

ol 111 rniaL1011, and c:las:s11itatiou of soib, in addition

lO tht.: Jihy~ic;....J 11ro1H.:rtif,;s of ::>Oil:i, Uc lt.•arns that

tla·n_. an· two gt":tC'ral classrs of soil forming com•li­

tuent~ .. l :1p inorgank which b deri\·ed from r oi:ks

anti mrntrals. ~i ud th e organic, which is formf'd from

th e th taYed remains of t>lants aud animals

Tlu· ways in which all ~oil::; arc cla:;siilt.•d are

lh1.. n lakn1 up a nd tbc stu<lt>11t becouws famili<1r wnh

~lit• c-barat·Le ri f.\ t ies of t•ac!1 of the~e and Ull~ir use­

tuhF->s~ Thes~ c:laf.\sitkations arc 1hree in mtmher

and ar~ eac.·h l.Jased on different charat•teristics as

lollows; UeoJogical, on method of lormation tr>;.:.

t11r<il 011 tc~ture of the soi l, whicb means size ~f t~e

soil Prtrticle~; a.nd agricultu r al. which is based 011

tlw 'ytles or ~oil <ll"cOnlin~ to agricultural usa~ei:i.

In UH· sr,udy of Lhe Jib) si<.:al properties of soils

l~e n·lalion of dillcrl'nt soil:,> Lo moisture, heat, and au· ar\.' c-onsidered. .:\loiature is the most important

Jrorn the :;tand11oi:it o[ :\lo11ta11a condi tions , and

lh<·n tore n·(·ein~s tbc> most atten tion.. The princi­

plt•s i11\'ohtd in tlit.• rH\:'llti1111 of water and the

llH·thod~ in J•raCti<:e in this state are studied. The

u:-;i• ol till-' mukh !or co:1s('niug moisture is s tudied

from llit> ::;taodpoint or eflit-l"JH'Y. nnd lhe mc:thotb

employed for mai:ltaining it b)' meaus of tillag~.

111 •. ~wclcm:::; nre taught to Lal<e :ioil samples in the

lielll and llgure the pu·ct-nt of mol:-ture prest>nt. T'.1e

pc;niou or this moisture which is aYailable to plants

is abo determined.

The subjtcts of Irrigation and drainage are stud­

ied. and the Sllld~nt learns to apply t~e i1rinciples

learned in the physics or soils.

Soil Fertilit y.

Thf' subkn of soil fertility Is taken up w:ien

the studt .. nt has a k now ledge of the physics of soils.

rh e C'O tHlit ions of procluctheuess and the plant food

Pit.'lll(·Ttts arc fir~t ronsidered .. The student finds

that 11f the lt-n elements essential to plant grow th

0:11.' four ar" a11t to Uecome deficient in wost soils,

and that t:wse fou r are nitrogen, potassium, phos-

11 horns and <:alcium. Calcium is not so apt to be­

cornt detident as the first three.. Studies a re made

or PXJl(• r imen ts at the old experiment stations, and

the influent:~ of continuous cropping-, crop rotation •

and the use of fertilizers is noted for differe:i.t soHs ..

Thl- poi llt is brought out Lhat :\Iontana soils a r e apt

to 1l: lO\\ in organic matter and hence In nitrogen ..

I ,p h,rms and sources ol fertilizt:rs are studied, aud

s1 1r'dal t·m11!lasis i ~ 11lal'ed on the care and use

ol !arm manure ..

Soil Management.

\\'"hC'n th e sludent has bl'come familiar with the

1 igin ~ nd ph) sital properties of soils and the prin­

t iilt ~ of ferlilit) he is rc>ady to make a Jurther

~ lhly ol the managemeut of :iOils.. In thi s course,

Llit> UH•t!1otli.. of management of dilit:renL soils are

:-.t•1died, aud spetial ernpnasis is placed on alkalT

:-. 1•ils, as thh; tYPe of :soil is n·ry common in sewi­

' rid regions, a::id ls apl to ocuir in connection with

ii ri~ali<·ll. The origin. occ:urrc>uce, anti mt>lhods of

Pradiu11iu1. of d k1:1li are studied in detail, and the

nops lie::;t adapted to this type or soil are <.lisc11ssed.

'I his <:our::::;e Is 1ntendt•d to help the studen t make

<1 1ira .. t 1cal a11plilatiou of tbe knowled_l..{e !1e hab gain­

t·1J in Lhr other t·ourst_·S in ~oils.

-- -------




Annin, J as. T ., B . S. 1n Agronomy 1911 ..

Sintt:> graduation ha:::; dt.•\'Oll'd part ot hi~ time

to the ma11a~t.·lllPlll of bill fatla·r·s land holdings

near ('olurnbns. and two years ago Ut•1·a m e owner

of the ·· c oJuml.Ju s :\ews,·· which he nuw edit.s .

Bancroft , Raym on d, B .. S. in Horticulture 1911.

Since ~raduatiou he has l>een fruit a:1J orchard

ins11ecl0r tor Yellowstone count)', located at Btl·

lings, .:\tont.

Bell, J as. C ... 8 .. S. 1n Agronomy 1911.

J las been su 11erintt ncknt or a large fn11L farm

in th e Uittt·r Root rnlle)", Wtlh lJO:iLOIIice at Uarl.JY.

.l\lonl., ever since graduation.

B les~lng, Jn o., 8 .. S . in Horticulture 1912.

EngagHI in JH'ill't :l'"al hortkulturc Jh ar \ "it tor ,


Bla nkenship, E. V., B. S. in Agronomy 1897.

Following general tanning an<l swck raisin~ in

th e Gall<-itin \·allt.•Y - ~Jr 13Jaukenship is one ol

t~1e Uesl k:10w11 farnwrs in the Gallatin, bas n•p­

re::wnkd this county in the ~late legisl:uure anu

iH a lt11.ult.->r in his communit)·.

Cook, Geo., B. S . in Horticulture 1912.

J111n1edi11tdy following graduntion, :\Ir Cook farm­

t_·d l<T on(• ~Pason in the Gallatin va lh•y. an d was

thl.'n appoint 1·J to position of superi1lle:1dent of

a Jar,!?,t..' farm near llrt.•gson Springs, '\lont. Ile bl~­

l·ana~ co1111l'clPd with the t:olkge in thf;' spr 111g llf

1~111, and is now t·ounty ac:1 kulturist 1or Gullatm

tcnnty, w ith his a1ldrtss at Bozt·man

Donaldson, N. C., 8 .. S .. in Agronomy 1912.

Jmmt•di atl·h· l'ollowillg ~1-.1duation \\Us a11pointt>d

:~s a:-:sistant in grain m,·estigalions, n.•1lre;:;t:nli11g

tht· l ' nill·<I Stall's dt•partmt..·nt of agTi1·ultun~. at

1 lw dry larmmg ~t<ttion, )locl'asin, Moul Uou­

aldson is rapitlb lwt·omi:lg well known as one

0 1 the ~on·rnnwu t's grt1in authoritit·~.

Gardiner, H enry C ... B . S. in Agriculture 1903.

\ lltr g ratl11a1i on. llol'tor Gnnlin~ r completed his

work and ,:,rall11at~·cl in H'll.'rinan· mNlidne in Chi.

c·:igo. I le tlHl!l 1>racticed for se\'era l y('ars at

Hozt.•man, and built the spl<.·ndid Yeteriai-H)' hos­

pital in that town :\(;'V('rnl Yt'ars ugu, l~e be­

<·a nw to11111'{'Li'd \\ith the htnd department of t~e

Anaconda Copper ~lining company at Anaconda,

.\[out~, awl is n~1w ht<!.d of tbe laud departmeut

~l l~H:i corporatwu. L"lldt.·r l>octor Gudiner·s d.

iecllou, l'.\U:•usivc land impro\'ellleuts ba\e b~~~

undt:rtakt'n, and mu1,;h land around the Ci t)· ot

Anaconda, tL1rmt.·rl) \'t'r) low in producth·e:ies::J

ha:i ~een_ hrou!;l.il into a \'aluablu condition. Dex::

tor .Gard1:ier Im~ developpd Ont· of the most C:\.·

tl·nsive and ,.aluahlc dairy hprds Ill tht: Wt"~lt'l'll

Hattis, lOr Lhe Anac·onda company,

Gordon , F red E ., B. S. in Agronomy 1913.

H~cam" assistant to Uoctor Gardmcr iu hlo work

~·1.t.h Lh.e Ana{ ow.la c.:uuipauy, immediately altt· r

gr~utunuun, and has lit•e11 idcntili~d \\ilh the Yt·n·

~~~~1.1s1n~ la11d a1HI f;,rm clevclovrnenll::> :siut·e tha-t

Ha~son, Chas .. L. , 8 .. S Ill Agronomy, 1914.

. llt'nt. tl1e SlllllllllT (ollow111g gra<.lualion in d1argl'

uJ lrng,it.011 stn~iu~ tor lilt..· l"nitt•d Stat~:; goveru·

J11i.-11l, around B11ling:-;, :\lout. Commencing )\u\

c.->m.~~r .1. be. took UfJ the work .1i:s t·ounty agr-kul·

lmlst lor '.\l11'~0t1la l'"Olllll) ;\loi .orna

Hodgskts!;, John E .. 8 .. S. in Agronom y 1912.

M .. S. in Agronomy 1913.

!-'inc: graduation has Leen looking alter i.Ue ex­

tt•ns1ve r1..1rm interest!) of his father nea.r Choteau

:\lontana. 1

H odgski ~s, Wm. L. 1 8. S. 1n Agronomy 1914.

1s working 111 as::;ociation w.tb his brothPr and

falbf.;r on Lheir lari,c arm~ lll'ar ('bott.•alJ, ...\lout.

Lein ard, F ord B., 8_ S .. in Agronomy, 1914,

I ~as been t:mpJoycU in the land department of the

:\ortbern PilCilic Rail\,ay c.:ompauy during tbe

~ummer, and ha!ii also tiled ou a homestead north

ol :\lilt's Cilr, in Cust(·r count:;, ...\-loutaua.

Millegan, Guy J .. , B. S. in Agronomy 1912.

Took up a homC':stt'ad aml abo pun.:haset.1 sontti

land ntiar :\lillega:1 :\lnntana. "here he is still

following gt·ncr·iJ farn1ing ind stock raising ..

Mill~gan.' Homer D., 8 . S .. in A nima l Industry 1914.

l • arm mg ;.iud stock raising 1war :'llillegau .. 1n Cas­

cade county, :\[ontana.. ~lr. :\lillegan spent two

~11011th_~ o~ the fall oi ln-t. bt'lting somt:! she~p

lllH.'Sllgauon work or'!a:ilzed at tht! Experirueut

station ..

Morgan, Geo .. W .. , B. S .in Agronomy 1912.

Immediatt'ly a[tt..•r graduation became a:iSistant

iu the o!Tiq· o( Forage lm·estigatiOU:i a( the Unit­

c.·d ::;lat ... ::; l>.Jpart111ent of Agriculture, lot·atf::d at

Akron, Colorado. :\t'xt year :ie was tra:isft'rrert

Lu Lhe office at lJry Laud Agriculture, and bas

chan~e o[ the dr.Y land rotation studies at tht!

C..10\crnm1;>nt Ex11eriment :::.:itation near Huntley,


l\\ c,.-ri s. Elwood. B. S .. in Ag ronomy 1909.

l:\l·r since graduation has blen cu:rncl·tt."1 with

tile J-_;XJJt'l"lhlP~:t ~tatiou at l:.01.t..wan, Ill tlie c 1ria""­

i1.· oi .-\ ssiswnc Botanbt and Bacteriologi.st.

Schumacher. Freder ick W .. B .. S. in Agronomy, 1914.

\\'as em11luyed in the L"uited ~tales Forestn ser·

vit'e during the summer und spent two mon~hs m

tarm management studie:-. at li1e E:\periment sta­

uon <luring the prt:!ient !all. Rec.·c:llly went Lu

Oregon to undertake work thert: ..

Seamans, Arthur, B . S .. in Agronomy, 1913.

r :1e lir.:-t year alter gralluatit.m, he was conneclt>d

with the Biology departme:it and lhc Grain lahor­

ator~ al the E.:\pt'rimeut ::>Wtion at l3ozemau. Iu

lhl· spring ot UIU, he was appointed assbtanl

in dry laud agriculture at the Uon•ruml:!ut Ex11cri­

ment Station at Akron. Colorado.

Shovel!, Wm. L., 8 .. S. 1n Horticulture, 1912.

Sinn..> graduatwu bas been worki:1g as Hortkul­

tttr~d in:-;pt..•ctor for the llitlt'r Root l rrigatiou c:um­

pau), with his addrt.ss ell Hamilton, )loot..

Soper. Jos., B .. S .. in H orti culture, 1913.

\\"as employed iu t:1e Grain Iabor-• .ttory for tlw

Jina )'ear Hiter graduation, aud j:_.; llO\\ in agricul­

tural work In California ..

Spain, Ma rvin, B. S. in Agronomy, 1911.

JnJmedialely t'ollowing graduation, b~ became

ton nl-'U t'd \\ith the l"111te<l States Deparuue:ut 01

...\gricullllrt! as a::;si:itunt iu dry land agricultnrt3

at th~ lluntlc) E'.\pcrimt>nl :Hatio:i .. lie then

til t'lH on" semt:Slt•r in graduate ::.'tudy at the lJni·

Ytrsny ui Wisconsin, and spent une year as sup­

erin tt.'tHlt:'lll or tit.~ld i1lots at the Experiment Sta­

tiou Ill Bozt!man. ls ;ww ~lOUH~~teadiug Ut-ar 8;rnd

S11riug::;, iu Custer county, ~lunlana ..

St=ain, Wh itfield, 8. S. in Agronomy 1909.

\\'as ~ststaut in <ln· land agrieulture- u connec­

Liou \\ ith the :'llo:Hana E:'Lp~·rimt>nt :il<.lllon tile

lir.:;;l )'l'ar allt..·r graduation. llti tht:u bt:c.tmc

manager of a larg~ farm near Deer Lodge. 1',or

l he past Lhree years bas l>t-l.'U manag,ing large

ranch intere::; ts in the north<'rn part or Gallatin

count), with ~is addrt.':::o.s at Uelgrade ..

Spragg 1 Frank A., B. S. in Agriculture 1902.

-'ow holds po::.;itiun u( tarm t.:OilJS plauL 1.Jret..•de1

tor the l~xperimem :slatiou at Lan~iug. :\Ir 8pra.t:;;.

di<l graduate work in :\lichig;m and was ~rantt l1

the dt.•grce of )lastt:'r or Science. He is one ot

the wc>IJ-knuw n .-\mf!rican workers along gt':u·th.:

lines ..

Tayl or, John C .. , 8 .. S. in Agronomy 1912.

ti(lt'llt tht: y11ar following graduation ou hi~ Calh­

l·J"s !arm 111..'<\r Chinook 1 .\Ima.. Iu the svriug ot

1\114 wa~ ;1p11<1inti.:d as «ounLy ay,riullturist to

l>aw~oll lOUuty, \\i t ~1 bis l>OtilOffice addrt's::; at

\\'ibau:'I.. :\lont. Ta) lor i~ rn11idly coru111g to b~

n•eogniz\•d .ls ont• o tilt• lt:adi:Jg farm authon­

til·S in t•aswrn .\lomana

Wharton, Jno .. C .. , 8. S. in Agronomy 1913.

SillCt' graduation ha~ b1•t'n engagl.'d in tho stock

1J11siness in tlH' HiK !!oh· l 1111tn. '' th hraci1p1 r

u·rs at \\'"isUom, :'llo:1l.

Willey, Leroy C .. B . S .. In Agronomy 1913.

l lo ld H thP position of assistant in dry la.:id J.-.1 l

l'L11tur1..• IC!I' lilt' l'nitt.•d ~tall'S Ut>11artni.._11t of \g

t·ultun, lon1ll!d at ..\rdH·r, \\'"yolll1ng.


.-\ Jt•\\ y1>ars ng11. a 'i'l'") :Ht 1ldnl..!; ~ton apJH'.>nred

on a ~i~n-hoard h1>sid1 ont• ol lht.• railw;us le I 1g

1 o a largp 1•;:1s11·r11 <' tr IL n•;.ul, "\\ ht·'('\ e 'ou F 'ml

a llollar You Fintl a Y.u1kt·<· .rnd lhe \a..1kt·1

t suall~ l:t·!~ Tu· Pollar:· Th~ qut·.stioll tha• ar.Jse

11 th1• wunl or l'' <'n fl'<Hh·r \\as, 'ht\\'" 1..hd lw mau­

r>!..:t• 10 ;.:,t•l i t " Tht· :-;hon :-o;wn· Ill t ro1lowed sho"­

rcl how tht· '.':t·w En~land f.1nncr rnd dlsc·nered the

dair) l"tl\\ as .t SJWf'1 fic factor lll rt.>storing ete )•JS(

·t-nility of tht~ ahnndo11Pd farm, und ho\\ .l pcrman·

Ult ;111<l proJi tahh system of fartllill~ could lJe built

u11 by modern dairy methods.

Page 8: TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. Nu ml" 1 L t tM. HE~RS POP UlAR ou1N



The Problems Of The Chemistry Department

rlH- t'h1·111l~lr.' il•·1wn111<.·.1l durilig 1:11' 1msl LWl'll l\ )1'a:..; hato th•!ll r.1 ialil• w irk in !>Ohiu~ ab:.;l!.·a1.:1_ ."r, hi• rns and r1 a1lv·11win;- tla.• !anuing indu:Hr) t1l_ ~h1· .. tat•· Pnrrn:::. i1u11er~r d .\ s 111111.:h mi5<'t•llaut:nU:-;

\\ork ha.I lo Ii•· ilonr·, -..11i:h, for 111:-:ll:UH:l" as ih~ anul' ~b l '' .tt+>r o•· don11,·~t i iilld !Ji ikr LI~""'· coals tor ~ht fu1 I ' l 11~ c1a,\':s. '11r makini: lirkk a.11.1 l't-'· JlJP)lt. ·111d +·\·~n nti111 ra]:; (()!" lht• }lft;"l'IOllS llll'l<.dS. . .\slfl1 :'.r ,iu tlll~ 1111s<·1·lh1111•01J:-< \\-1.ll"k. w ddt ~;l:all.' handi( ,1p11~·d tllf' di part1L11 !1L. it lrn1I IL" w1•1l-ddm•·11 prohl•·lll~

·111,_ rl••p:-1iuu1~u1 worhi·d ;.;1•Yt·rnl ~·-'ars tu r\L'lllOll-~trat•• "-- •h<> l•''''fllt' o :'il•111L111;1 ·1ntJ 10 th~· nwnu­f,1ct11rE"r~ Pl l1(·t'l ~u-ar tlial :-;u:.::.r lHTl:.'.' lll lu;.::.lwr f.11Aur tunteUI iind pllritY i·ottld lw gl'n\\ 1 111 ~L'\ t:·ral dilTL·l'1·11t Int l 1 1·~

At lh1 t ';le b1 iii 1i.utt11Llll w~1:; nt -ry111.: ii11 it~ !'." 1g,1r lwd jn\·t::·:Hit. 1i1 l"'. It wns also 1m1I~1ng t1. stud) Jf alkali su1l::; ot thl' ~mu•. Tlw \\ork. dnll.1 '

111 y.llo\\:;lOH( yaJll::':r 1''(1v·d \tr~ \alualJJ,• ~.or lt l"t \ealt·tl to 1111 k\1".:t!C<tt!lr:-0 !lit ori;.., u nt o:dka!I .111d h{l\\ it tiad ;H 1 111ulultJ in thl nil. \\-ilh 1 11s k , \\it J~ 1 1 1e pro Jl..-m a:-; to liuw tht.: land should ht· ciiJt;\at~ I and 1.·n 1pt?d \\a:- :.111ipl1tu:d ;;rf•tttl'. 'l bf' l\DO\Ylcclct. whi1 1.J. tl11 t ir11h"r g~1iUl'1l from Llus 1u\e::otigc:i1iuu 1~11!.Pthcr '' ih thl' ad\'-"llt oi thl! ::;uear L1•t·! t '"to1 y llft\ a.lU1 Yel'U\\ "lout: 'all!::!~ what 1l h; tod ~. . Ul'ion. tht.: enadnwnt <1f tlk :-.Late and 1wllo1rnl 111 r

1 !1)on I \\:-,tin:-. d1· artmenL dic1 a \aluablt! "ork

n 111 tlyz. f: tll• rn'" it;.< t 11' uotl ::-tu s s.h1J• J~<l iutu !1, :.-t<.1 e. I hL ill\\' !lgatiun ::;b•..lWl.'d liJ::H tllc rn;iJorn~ ol 1 ann1~U goo<l~ \\l'1·1;. uf illl rnw1ior qual· Jt\. l:J g!J a llik a (•<l W l :'I ) ll\t1:;C •l l::i ;,:- }Jor l', ~a lf'\ ct wnzoit lc.t1:' ·1 b1 puhlh.: •Liou 01 thl· r ~llll i of tl 1s l'''t~tlgatio1 11pt""H1:d the l')"t't> Ol the flt J, .dt ·:; BJ Ill m. tlc 1t mud.1 Iianlt.'r tor th~ :;: ll n , tn ,1 :St er 1 1 rn t:!'lor :;011d~. lt was thi ~1 r 1 \\trk, "l rl o. 11\ a. fi:w •.·•tl'lt::lii::- l1 1a<l·

<.'1 w b l nt d ~f~1r '$. 1\}1id1 marh.• po::;:-.iUl\· th!! cl

"' OI

•. I rt t.. c ),

} UJ :-! Ill- \)Id ;,1\\S.

l ( d1"' 1Ilf tlle pulllu llJ1,n 1 ti d a11 1tht..•r ,.Ldualllt> 1i0c·1"

t. ll'a11 ,uni

1.J s1 1t .!:'l' l <! e y, t \ th lkal: -::ah,,; llavo 1 1..: 111 n l nml r•1 ·tluu<.I c(•IJH.'lll m-cui.ii~cl the tt.; JOI' I l l I I.le dL' arl It:' tl ~ l 1t'l' h)r lllOl'l'

l\\U \l r-; J ~· E'"" ilt l1f thl::> ;ll\t•..;! :lliOI \II! \\ ) lt.::...;en th1;: 11:-1 l 1( l))FJit • l•H~ '\II Ll'JHI l ilH tla"'t:' its 1_·c11n;U11ljl·

t 011 1 e " ~ i "ab dhtr,l:t:- ''ill lJt' ohlig:L·tl t•·Ult'lll in thdr con-

ni-tu TliiH wil' n,ikj a helter i:;.railc o\ n 111cn:lt• n d oue tha1 1w 1. a s<.1Yiu::,. 01 thonl<.cUltls 11f do\· 1ars

\ ~t1t\y n[ t\H l llit.:al 1.:hau~eS W 1i<:ll t<.1ke pl;1C'e ill ol'"ll::iilittl! t·!un~r and rn digL·-;l bility \\hen Lt'd Ln t•:1tLh>, ha~ _wt bee11 O\t.·rloukL·ll ll) lh1:.• 1.kvar1meU1 Holli phas1's of l!.is 21ro11lt:11 ,1r1:: iJI grt'al impona.111:.·~ w tilt• fet:.•ll ~t·. Uuri.1g the t'llsW11~ uf clon•r Ul<.lll) d1t•mkal c:.t:111gl's wke 11lace. ThP:51! changes dt:::.;uuy TlH sug.an:., h-~~t·n tlw per ceut ot :-tnn:l!, lirt':l.k 1111 a >orUon oi the 11rvtein::,; nto ~impler compounds and dt>nl-'a~e tht.' pl'r c·1.·ut of t!'lldt.· fibn·. Tlw rt'.';tll!s nf t'1i::; e-x11erimt>ut will l.Jt3 turnell to pratli· cal u .;~: hy t 1e c:ir\·f l ft·;.·tkr, wht:.·n lw call'Ulates th\· t.·tl:-t 1..tf PIISiliug hi:; ·lll\er and il::> t't'di:1g Yahit•.

SiL:t·e J~'t:-i the 1l,.11annw11t ha~ keJJl a lail'ly com.­fdt•t.eo uwtN1rrilngk:il r ·l"nrJ and ::>iw·e l:.J!IU It llas <.;O-OJlf.'f<.llltl Hh t~te l S. w1~a1licr bureau. It ha::. ju:;t puhlisht.•tl a. Uullet.in A H.l· 1urt on :.romana Cli· UlUli.'

Tlh' dt.•lJa 'lJlll· it ba:. ota~r 11rubh~ms in prot!re!js "hfrh '' :u prme equ:illy a~ Yalnable to th..: imblie. One or lheH ls a study ui artilkia\ inculiatiuu H this prohlt·m cun bt.:~ c::trried to cl Sll{'l.'f':Sst'nl i~~U1!, it will 111~·n11 much to thti~e t'llgaged in the po11l1ry in· dmar~

rht i!;fluenc'.1"' whie!1 di1frrn111 metlwd~ of l'.l'OllJ1it1g and cultin.nlon lHl.\1~ uu. tlh: o.sidatiou of org:ank ma.ttL·I' i:1 tht. ~011, ts a 1)rublen1 now in 1irogre:::;s and

tu \\ hit-h w II i1r1irt" 10 LL· a grL·a.t help to the arml'r ill di'lt>l'llliuing the hest metholls of rot.at.ion

:-1.1 that the penna1ieut Lertilits n1n~ b~ maiuta.ml"tl \ ,.,111<ly of th1• l'allSt':; 111 iufc.-rtilt"· soil~ i:;; slill anotlL-

1.;r inihll'lll '\llkh j. ... rt--'<·t"iYiug mnclJ of the di>11ar1-1111 ut's tlmt>. This iu\"~'st1g<11ion is a contiuualio:-i of 11 fl alkali soil imilJll:"m already n.tcntiouet.l. L11l ia ex• ·1tth~Q :-( 1::: to iJJ\('~ligatr c.1ther cam.;e~ fur :soil ~l•'!'ility,

_\1111\llg thl'.' nther call~l ti, thr• llL3 PU\"lllH'lli bai::; dis· u,1;r1;.·tJ that lack 01 h 1m11~. or in other w11nls, fre~h

1 i.: lll <. marli·r s :\ lln·it.ng: ·a<:tt)I' ul pla:n growth in mnc·!i 01 our l:ra'Y typr> 01 soil.

. -bile 1.rom th~ \\Ol'k nlre1dy 1ut11tiOn€cl, am! Ule . t ca! r• su la r 11tain1.tl, rhP dt'P<.\l tn11:•nt llas a:1d

~ cJ, tot1n..:: 1HJ I vf ~I Ill(' aidi 1g tJlht.:·r clP11arttn('Ub rt ~, l\·illg th 1r rt·~l~anh p1·<1iJl!c'11l:o;..

PROFESSOR G. L. MARTIN Act1n3 Head of Animal Industry Department.


To right. M. J. Lott. c. A. Whipple. "· c. Boit-:h. Edward Nobie. J E. Border.

Students' Stockjudging Teams at the State College

\ ~Jih•lltlid f1·nl 11'1' ill l lllllh'I' ' I \: lr-adl1:,.:: Ji\ f•.:tnd, :>\tel\\ i \ 1~r tlH' (•llil n i:) i·pmw·tltir1 lir{'st11d> jnd!=--'i!~g l1y ~r11dl· 1 1 1 :: fr;im 1'·t' .\' rii·ultu 1-.1i Cl1llpgc...·~. T\·:lms an: nirnatl~ 1:.·n111J 1l 1

11 f the 1111 ll, ,eit'ct1·1' Jrom thl' a·[\·~tta·l•d ji:dg 1 clas.:t~ [ i"' a ,j_;:nal 1lt.tinr !or a!lY ndun rL•p1-c...-•·pnt hi::> t'('lltt'1!'.t• t•ll n stocl, ju1l~i11~ 1C'~101 a1·(.·(1mtllisbmt~11t \\hkli I~ :il\\.c)S point 'li 10 \\ i1dt~t~ in :11t1:"1' lih·

The Value of Preparation. Jn pn•p<: ·ing for tl!e~1' l.Olltt>::>{~, th~ vla8t:f'S \l!'>llil

h , isif 11um1..·rou~ ~llwk rarms where;- rbPY HJ,l i~::>Jwl rhe anininl~ Q\\twd Uy lla~ Urf'el\t>l', an(l n.lmP ramtlinr with tht• ~y,..km of managem,•1 l'l"t!l·Tkt"li 011 1lw t';irm. \nwn·\·f'r po~sillle, 1111 l"la:ses y ..;n th~ d.iffen•nt n~ric·u1t11ral lair~. whi( .ill\ird:--; 1lw oppor11111Jt~ 01 st•eing the lll':->t animal" nt' il.w t111111111111ity, sho\\'n in c·omtHAililm. By tllf'1 h1~ 111,. ~10clrn1en at honw. a.nd at thl' fairs, lw :'1\l(h'lll"' l1t•l'O!lll" familiar wit it 1h,.• ,,·nrJ, hP fl:.." dont~ tow,lnl;-; thP 1mpro\'C'llll'nr of li\'(:os1nt'l.;: and hl·

lOUW :tt1jd:1.nt1'll l\i! I 1111 1'\l'r~ ]:l' p1ol1l1111:-> \\hicl1 vo111'rn111 lit: !Ul'klll:lll

TlH si· 1-ouli "l 110 1rnl~ 111 lit:: !h" colil.'~•· a11•l ,_ 10('\;: 111 a 11 111111 r1·lario11-.;1Li11. !tut arc 1it' ::! ·t·:~t \alt1 1

0 1h1• :-.I 1dP!ll <lS 'I I!.

Choosing the Team.

The f;i 1 1.0l \\hith t"!t1t.~r into tlH ~~ll.'t'lii1n of <1 !-.Udt:>tH tt:.'<ltll. alt unt only per:->.onalitY. hti.~11 sd1nh1r ~hip a nil proli<:i1•11c,:~· ill j111l'!i11g aninwl:-.. hut i l:P aiiitufl., or Pa1·h nl<lll {o\\ard hb f(·l\o'Y ~tudent. lu~ l·ompe1i1ors nnd 1lie in titntlc11 ,,·hich lw r tirl'st·11ts. Al ilif' :-d1oob from whkh !l'.L' ~·1111IL•IH 1t..•au1~ an' :3-L'Ul. iL i~ 1lie amhltion of r·n'rY stutit:'ll in animal i 11 ciu!itn w muke lt1e 1eam. From rbe 1l11ie he l'llt<-'r.s J~il' tir~t ~fo{'k judg:inl! c!a~:;., ht· worh:s t'ailht'u\ly with tht.~ hO\H.' of n't1l'f',..,l,Uti1t~ hi1' im:ri1 .. rion ~L)Jll •• tinw d11ri11~ Iii;::; t"t•llP~e l"tHt'Pl". ft is a mark of wi~tlom :ltJ!l 1c1rr ... sigh1 in n s111fk1n "·llo Parly call'h\ :j the renl spiri1 of fri1·ndlv <11nq11" il on a111l i. prompt Pd ii~ I ht· I I'll\ .. Ill '! j\·l In l·\1 t•l.

The College Has An Agricultural Faculty Of Unusual Strength

FREDERIC B. LINFIELD. Dean of the College of Agriculture.

1:. H. L111lh•Jd, dP<l!I uf thl• l'ullt~g{;' of Agricultnre. auL\ dirE-dor ot th€' e.spt>ritnt>lll station \\as born in Twillin::aat£·'. :\"ewt"tnndlan<l in l~1iti. lJi!:> lather mmed to Onrnrio, t'<1J1:1(1a. iJ1 1(-;i.; nnd settlt>tl WiLh his fumily 011 a 1;irm Illar r:11dent':1 on tht• slior~s o( La.kt> llnron. Her"" llirt'ctur Linlield gn:•·w to 11.Hl.H· hood ;tnd ret·(~i\"Ld hb pithlil' ancl high gcbool train­ing. The surnme1· ~to>a:-"011s and so1.ue ye:irs atler quittiug high ~\ ilool \\'cl"t' SJ!t>Ht 0:1 his wi:it'r··s fol'lll.

ln t::ie fidl ot lS f he ~tarted utttrntling tlw lln· tal'io .-\grk11lturn) ·oll~!!.€', and gr:uhwwcl i11 1-s!l l hi .Jn1111<1ry or tht• Jtl·xt Yt·:ir. ::;Oml· three \\;..'t·•ks \\eTc S\ll"tll 1P1·t11ri11;::. :u Farn.ers' lnstJlllte lllt·t'tiu~s, afl~'I' which Tilt~ r1 s1 ul the winter alltl t.:arly s1 rin• was ~I t'1lt ;i1 tlw l"ni\ t.~r:::>i1y of \\.is('0:1sin in Jio~t f,;r:td· :ntt• wor\\ in dairying- nnd lall·r In ::;omt· 1,;n..11 i:rics in Unwrio JH"t-'"J1Hri11~ fl•r instruuion ''nrk w h a t ra n·Jin):!. liu ir.\· ill Ontario. The sc:.t::..on or I s~1 > ;;u1t.1 pan of ts!l;l "ci~ ~w·111 in this work a:11l in lhf w ll· ter ot 1:-.~•2-:, iu l·"'urni.·rl:i' lnHituu~ \\Ol'k ~rnd s in­su111:.to1· in tht:" I .airy ~~·!11101 ~u thL· t>nt~r \.::!.ri­l·11ltur:Ll l'(1Jll·~t:· ln thl' spring or 1::-.~1:: he 3((" 1lt.•d :i pusnu 11 with the 1 t;ih -\~rkultuml i:.~olli·:.:e :-ta ·t-

111'!: tht·ri:· ~t"l1l('l\JiJll' 1 ut 1lt;1t ~ear aud hL•ill!::: 1!ac1•d in tharg1• Pl till' lin,~1uck aud dairy work. SeYt~n )1 .. ars latt·I' he \n\~ m:1tle ht>aU ot t~tP ill?.rkultul"t\l tlf'patllllt~llt of !ht:'. cOll1·:..t· 1:1 tile t'all o( JHU:!, he n si~111 d t, t-·unH· to \\OTll.:111.1 ·l" h1>,\d of tin• ai.;rk11l­u1r;I\ ch4 11:11 t111L·nt (lf thi· 11ilh•:.!t· and :'\tat ion J~ig! t UHrn1lis latt>l IH· \\<Is H1i.1de aniug din:·ttor :)l tl.le f.~xperinw11t :>Iation. lJin·ctt.r l•~ortii?r lll'ilig away 011 lc··a\·e ol ,1\J..;t•nc·f• T'.le next YL'<:li'. 1:1111 ht' was JlH\dl' rlirF.·l·tnr qf the i·'X.JWrillll'lll station. Ont• yc;1r U!!O tlle pu~t ~u111111Pr, 1111:), lh3 wao: mark• 1h•;1:1 01 tht.> l'ol· ll'i!e 11f .-\c:ri• 1l1nn' in tht· 8tatv l'.Olli.!ge.

.\lL·llllwr. S01 kt~ fnr l1ro111otion of Agrit•ulnn·~ll :-:it:il'lH-e.

!· . .\\ "r .1 f·JJt s1<1ri•111 .11 .\nws a11t1 )!rad11au•tl in t·lc t:t;rnnr1m~ t•ours1" u1uh·r l'l"ol P G Hnlllen. ill this J\t ... ~1Tlllitt1l, in 1~1111 lnlllll'<llalt.•\y rnl\owiug !!t"<ld\lu­tiu.1. he.- took th~· positinn ul a~s.i:-lant agTcmnmist in thl' .\luu1;111u ~t;1l· 1 t•llL'!-4{~ autl ~·.sp1.::rlme11t :,;latinn. Tilt• t11l\t \\ 111!.:; .\{ ,.1.r ht· \\;1s m;.11lt t•nit't.·ssor or agl'.l· 11nnl\ ind 11.1 h1 Id hi:'i pn .... ition ~111l:I:.' thal tinw

Jl1· _\tliln:-1:n :;pl ttl t'w (·l11le~e yea.r l~q I 1~ in ~r.11111:1 e slutl~ .it l"ur1 di 1uir~'1:-;it.v. ~llld graduated r 111 that u-.;1it il 1 \\"th 1h1 ~I. ~. dt~l'<:t~ 111 pln111.

hrt•·d1J1!:,. ;rnd pll,:-io\o:.:~. \\'hilt•, t l'ornL'll. lH· wa:; dt 1 t•.'<l a,.; <l mv111lwr ot tht.:• Bucil ty of th1:.• ~igm,1 Xi ;1nd holds 111t 111l11 r~l11p th1 Anu:•rinlll Ai:;:'c...)t 1atinu tm· thi ·\d\· 111t111...t\t 1..t ~t· 1·nce. 111e \!lit ric·11n t}ene l Ii~ -w1h1' u tl tli .\nu•r'

ORVILLE B. WHIPPLE. Professor o-t Horticulture.

l'111t~:'st11 U It \\'lnpph• n·(·<hld lt1:". untle1~r<1tlu· lh' \\Lil", 1 t :• K.i •-..a ~l<ill- \;;ril-ultural t'Ol\t>ge,

1 he 'nl}O\\ mg: ~( lwol ~ l'Hl' \\<\.:' :;pellt 11 :::r:nl , tt• w1 r ;H tht' :'l\a-..:::;acl111s1 tis _\i::ric...u1t11r;tl (·ullt.·,..l' 111 ~1;·11wmh .... r. l!H1:i. l·L• w,1:-: ti• 1 ttd ln lllP JH ll n or ;1~~i~tat1l in l10nk11lture

t 1 :11· Volo1 tdo .\!.. Lt 1lu.ral 1·ollt'g1.• -\.1.tt"r ":)['t>lld­tug 81;.•\ f'll 111 111ths I thL~ 1,.. l f'l!t' lt'a(:h111~ lit w is a11-pui.1t( J 11dcl h• rtk11lt11n:-it 11f the t'X\l~·rim1·ut sta­uu.i 'Hit} plai nl in diart,:L.' U[ u. braudl OI lbt• ::>liltlllll ''urk k1111w11 a,. \\"1 ,.t,·rn '.:"Jupt;• F'ruit lll\"Pstigation, \\ ith nl"J ll 1 ~ l <1talltl Ji lll'{ilJll, l'ol11r:1do. 111;• L:a1111..~ tu .\[n111e:111a n l'1u!1 as 111 ad t)! 1111 1h .. 11artmeut or ~inrl't llwn·

HOWARD WELCH . Professor of Veterinary Science .

J Ju ,\·anl ,,. !t·h, pro({ s~or or \ t'lt!riuar} ~:>t·i1•ll('1' Hild 't'lc•rinnriau to lilt' l''>ill'J'illit'IH stalhlll \\a~ bul'll 111 1 S\:! in l'onnt·t.·tkllt ~tnd S\lt:'l1! his 1.. .. arl)' lile tllcre. H" Hll1\eJ to .\lkhigan and riually to :'lll!":--0111'1 In :\le111h11· .. hsociution for 1he Adn1nt'l'llll'lll of l\~1.-1.

F . S. COOLEY. Director of College Extension Service.

I\ rn ''' ~1111ilt'tland . .\IHs:-;a( hu::>t'.'its, l\1;~1 iirall11· ~1t1•tl .\las:u<'11u$Mts AJ:!;rk11\1ural l' .1:1·~1·, 1:-.\\. A . ..; 1s1:~111 agric:nlturbt, llatf"\1 l•:xpt°'\'lllll'!lt S1atiuu 1:-..:-.~1

:."111a-•ri11t1•111!1·nl. :'11'.ls!->a("h\IE ·Us A!!;rit·1uu1;il l'L'lif'gt> far111. l\!IL'.J\!•I. A.;:;;h.aa•H Proft:-:sor ol A!!.Tkul 11n>, :'IT:is~acil11:-;L"1 ~ .-\~1·in1\111rai ('uill'g€'. l'>\l;{.[!ltl"I _.\('t-ing l'r r ~ i-;or oi Agrintlrn1·p, :\lns~al'!1th"'"'l l .\g-l"ir·11l· ll•ral l'o\11>g-1·. I"-!•"'; Slu111~rint mh·n1 01 .\ltl111.111a l•':t1mv1 I11::1ilu1t>:-, 1 1 1111-1~111 Jr ·t·t·for 0 , .\~iki·I· 1ural l·:x•pnston ~enic c :\lont:ina ~t:ll1 1 ('olil'J.:•' \If\ 1

ALFRED ATKINSON. Professor of Agronomy.

\]Jrt:(l All\111son prnte~:-.or 1i\ .\~ni:HJlll) wns horn a11d r ·;.;1,il 011 :1 (\t11adia11 fC1rn1. in th1.,, Prll\"illce 111 U.i ·'ri" Afltl' spt>ntlin~ two Yl'<ll'S in the li•·ld \\Ot\~ ut t 1

1• -\~ronom_,. TIPJiarunent of thp 1)111nrh• },gr ('\,]l ral c-ollt·i:;P at l;m•l\1h, he e11tvrt.·d tlwt im;t1tt1-1 t.11 h th1.' to 11 ol }911:L Al tlh' r·lo:-;e of the junior ~1·:~t. P .. 011·,...~or Atkinson \\as Plt>("!c>il ;is HS::ilstnnt •., ... 1L•llr.;l!:l"t in cl111rgt.· of licltl wot•k, at the Iowa

1:1 l\~f,, ll<·l\iilg cni11plt·Tpd his hi~h ~cht10\ work, lit> 1•11t~r•·U lhL' I 111,·l'1·~1t~ or .\lissouri. and n'u"h·.:d 1!1t· d1·~n·t· of \, 11 in 11111:?. 11\~ thf'n ~:lli.t•n•li thl' a~n1·ultur. 1 tollr::it', Hit a1 whl]p ;11·1i11!! as a..;~isHtnt m 1h1• 'l.1.1c.lln~o dl-'p:1rtmL·llt. and ~radn;1tl·d iu U11t1i, willl llu• dq.:,n l' o1 n. H . .-\.. Ill thP r:ill Pl l'.Hlli ht:> \\l'lll tu C't11'!11-•ll as <1:-:sbt;.1111 111 th~ Jlh)sioJ(.)gy dl'· Pal'tnit•:1t 111 th•• \"t'lt.·l'ill<tl'Y t't)l\1 g~" r1•m;d11iug tilt l"\' 1l1n,-1· .1~·;1rs. n 1·1·i\·l11~ lhl• (kg;n 1..1 u! ll \' ~I in 1~10'.1 ;Ill(! :dsr1 the...· \\"hlli' ~d1nl;.11·shq1 prlZf'

lie• c;1tnl~ t11 i•ct\) 1n1111 l'lHlll'il to lloZf'lllilll whrn~ l. 1• t--"11µ;n,l.!.1'J in 11rnt·\k( ' \t·1t'n .an nwdil'i1w 11n11l l'1t:L \\l1P11 lw 1·:·t11p 111 \lo11ta11:1 ;s1al1• l·!•\le~ 1 ·. Ur. \\"d1li li;t" l1L'tll dt·pul.\ :-t:t\1' rt!~ri11;1rl:111 t.•\t"r sitH'l' his a Tt\al 111 .\io·11a11a. nicat anti mi!li. in~JwL·\or ot' l:o;i·.1·m1,n, !!1 11!1 to 11!\"J 111·· ~id ... nt pf ;\Joni 1na \·l·ter-111:•n :1:--stH·1u1it-11 1~11:: 1::. a11t1 J!l'P::;ldt>nt of tl1t· s1atn h• :!l"d Ir\{ k)"llli\n I \ltll\illl l'~, J'.11;{.

If, \\11~ t·l11'lt·tl 111 his pn•svnt pn ... i1it111 \\iL 1 1111 l'tl\1 1 ·:.:1 1rtd 1·\l 1•ri1111·11t ~I tit.Ill 111 !hp S\ll"ill!!. Ill 1'1 ~

G. L. MARTIN . Acting Head Animal Industry Department.

Assi£tant Professor of Dairy Husbandry.

(: I. "\Ill rt111 l'f·11•i\ t 11 li1- d1>gr1•1 :-\t.dl· t•o\h•g1•, _\.11n•s, lu\\tl, 111 l~JIJ\,

lrom ll1l' Iowa I ht• 10110,\ ing

The Enton10logists Are Assisting The Farmer~

1111 t''.\-·r·l\!·111 a111h1i1ity 1• is ,.,..,1i111a1t.•tl t\i;1t \0 \)1,-1 (at nl tll+· \aht• •f l 1H· farn 111ud11cb n Lht' l·11itf ~utlt :-> i-,; Ir ~t :111n11all~ tl1r011t:?,h tla• dP-~Lruc Uc \\ n 11.ght Ji~· i11,.:,1 ct l'f"'I:-. ·;·his ;11111111uts t1) al.Ml\ ;o;\,11t1,1 1111 1110 l't>r nn11u111. :.\h•11!<11l<I';.; sharl· in thb 11>1 b ahont 1.1 11rnport1on w h1•r 1 ontrlh1ttio11 to ~ I l ! al l'l"lll' nl tlit• i.:01111tr~.

lt ll' t:H· 1 J't•\"illl'P ol till' slntv l'lltOUICl\iti~L to s. 1 nn inli r111atic.i1 n p..1rili11.g 1h .. se 1-rop du~t.rnytc·r~ at. wnrh 1111t n•llJf'(lit ~ or 1111•:,ns t~f prl'\'~~nt.Jn.g; the lo 1or 1]1(· h1lit111 of 1h"" fonlll'I'. !ruit grower and !::.ar

·1 hl• \\111k tn .\l11llt;111a 11:.t~ !11•t•Jl or~ul1.i:t.t'U a:i p111~n1-d on a lirt ;1!1 ha~ds. It ls nit"'!'~;.iry to he ab t 11 a 1111i11u·i1l,..,. notl{·P tu g.ht" inloruw.lion rl~e:ariUn :111~ OJ!I' OI t1Jut1::>Hl1ds o! illM't"l.S, \\'t.• Ul't' oft€'H CH ll'° 111c1 w ght> i11lt,rn1a1ion n·g.:1nli11Q. harmle~s ::>JH:·•·t \\ hkh :.tn• s11sp1 c ted ul doing dama~t..' • ..\<Tordiugl d11ri11g lbt"' .\1_an; t'tnt th•·' Ex1n·riuwnt ~nation bJa llt•1 11 iu t xis11·n<·p \\"t• have 1i111lt up a.n offit-e and la 1 t.rn10n ~)~H1:1ll. Unr information tor the J)U bh 1:1_;111 .. :; maiui)· from thrl'e :-;ourl"t-ti 111 he devartmen· ml!nl'IY, nur notes aml record~. tht.' i;1:;ecl tollecti~ nnd tht• i111bli,.lu:;-tl rcconb 01 what oibers buve lean. t>d al.Jnm in~t 1 l...' in l:-i(' ltbn1ry. Jf the vre::>ent ento. mul< 1'!.i~t an cl all of hi:.; assistants were to l>e sudden!, rernm l'd ut.l1ers wh11 huYe 1.H:ien trained in Uli!'; brancJ of :>cit•nn· could 1·0111c in ~Ltd cotttinue the wo with little trouble.

TlH· inst'"l l l"Oll~(·tio11::; are :,-;y~tr.>rna1.1<.:ally arrang in tahin~ ts anrl al"l' tb"' aceumulations or )"t" a,n . .\bout !11,1111t1 spl·~illklls Hre in lhe:.>l' cahinets. l"Ollf'l I it;U is <..1De or lht> ll~st in the WeH t.llld is OJ ~.:TL·at y 1Ii1€' to the tar111~rs of ).lont.ana. It is u a~ a rt:! 1·1..-ul"e nilkction Uy lhe offil'e force u.:1d t1i gr1·at ~enh:t~ in ans\\ 1·ring prom11tly lett.ers <I 11111uiry 1 tt eiYed tro1u <.1ll JJan:::: of tlie !:itaLe.

Th1.:· library i!'- mu1lc up of bool.:::.: and pam~J.let ;u111 it: tlir· r1-:-:.11lt nl e1'forts in thi::c; th ... 1omH.iing uf tht:' inl:)titutiou.

\\ 11 thi~ e11uipment of reconb, spedmens \)1'1·1,:--. 1h1 , 1 L1m10\t'g.is1. bas Uet>;l o[ great pra.ct. ca :--ll\'h(~ t11 1::w ~Wle. At one timi:> ai1d unotber man; i: ~1·n l' :-is t:' a dan:c.erou:::; nnrnre ~an~ aripem·q; :11 tlll· ... l.'lt <•Jill thrhtttlled to du much rlarnti t;l 1:r<1-.-ho11·1 \.;\\ ti.11.t. "<il1:-; t,f:",

~e,·erul time:;. become \ery ahui has looked into the:>e outbreak!

lt 1u• .\1. t ~p: l•~ Wt·l'f:' present and recommended cfft.·c t\\e 1ie<rno: t'or their cuutrol. Tbt>re haYe U at lt'ast t \\ o s•-"L ions outbreaks or tllt:' Army Cutworm a i1t::-t that ha:-; 11e-e11 more injurious in :.\Ion 1l1an in .in~ otht:•r srnte The life history o! thb tu;.;· ct ln·~ lwu1 wl1rktt.1 ll\lt :1ert! and control meas ur1,; r .... c um mended. ·1 hf>rt' ('an be but little doub th.,t ]Jq,1 be of tht• 111turmu1io11 1.i1b\ishe<l (rom t.fil l:.:~1·1,riml'nt :-;tution n·~<1rc!L1g this u11e iu:-;ect m any tlH 1;-: ntl::; ul dnlla1 :-: ha ~·L~ lh.'t·ll sa n•<l lu the !'armer: tit' ,\ln11t1.1na.

Inn ot ton1l work lu\::- lwen <lune ou several applf m~ec...·1::;. "I ill· ( dJln~ )l{Jth \\;.\~ s1udiul in 11le west 1.·r11 I .tr' 1.1\ 1l~t· sUtP Hl au imporrant h11llt'tin i~ ~llt'li ll'11 ~tar~: ~o. t'o11trol e.\]Jl"rimems haYe b 111ad1~ "ith \·arkn .... oth;."r fr1dt mseu::; amoug- whici:: may ht· n ent onf'd the Bli~ler-miLt' of penr .mil a1 pie an cl tl!t· \ l.1·,_;l+.·1" :~: f- l1 ~(alt<. ~l\L·n t.11 tlw i1L~t.:: 11f til'[d tTllps. :rnch as the su~ar

tt.'l. J·Ot:t\1) :ind a!i. 11<1 while ~onw of tht:" mtist in. I• 11 t<Hit wo1 \.: ha~ hl'eu on in~ects aliening grains.

\lau.1· t • ..... l ub oi lt"tters abnut iws1.s, giY in.-. n1Pt ,o.~s or contrulting rhell\ in re11ly to nquirie l!~l\t· heP11 wrill1 1 11 to farmers. thus plntiu~ the in !'ormath'll jn~l "hPrt.:• 1,..; most neetle11 l111tl a\l•)Jll om rht 11~a1 d li11lh·lin 1 a~1',..; haYt' hePn publi~b1.·d 1!11 111 !!.1nnin1( cf this wtirk in )lontaua.

\1·:.i bl' hacl lh:\r~~ of tilt..' l·re.imery department::; o. st \Pnil tit' !ht· bt~t.:' 11ro1l11c-P. l'tm1t1anlt'i. o( Omobt aiid ~int1x l'it). In .1chiitfon. his experience co,·ers ~t \ ~·ral ol tlh· lar;::e prcdnt·e ('LllU\)UUies or Oma.be tlH• , .1st and 1uidd\1. \\e~L Prc..."Yious to his arri Ya i11 i~m:~ma11 last .\lay. ht: wah [or lour a:-id one-hal ~l;Jr:-;. prot1~:.:.c1· ot' <l.iit·yiitF! at the .:\"or1h Pakma .l&i ri1 1Iturcd 1 0111. g1,:; at F:_irgo.

H. E. MUR DOCK. Profeseor of Agricultural Engineer ing in the Colleg'

~nd Agricultural Eng ineer in tl1e Experi-ment Stat ion..

H1·~·pt · io>d l"11111 tp and hi~h sdt•lOJ f•tlucathm ir U!Jlo. Ur;,1t\11nted lrom tht' l"lli\"d'8ity of Coloradd i 1 1!1111;, rec·P1\·i11g thP d1:•µrP'2' of Dal'helC'lr of Sc ienet m .\1Pt hankul t'ngim·l'ring. Pllrslletl ~raduate worl 111 t'it.• l'nin·r~it~· 11f lllinoi~. rect'iring cre<lit for i' 111 1hv l ni\Prsit~ of l'olorndo, where lilt"" merhani ' t nl 1·1n!in1·1T111i::. O··~r~·e was e:ran(l'li in l!ln.~ and tbr ci\ ii t'"t~illet nng th ~n=-~· in J~li l. Took agrh-ultura

{Continued on Page F ive.)

PROFESSOR 0. B. WHIPPLE Head of the Horticultural Department.

Page 9: TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. Nu ml" 1 L t tM. HE~RS POP UlAR ou1N


Building Development At Station Since 1894

Ill· IH:-. 11ildi11g I l("!•d Otl !Ill' lOl11~ ~i'ULll , ts h1· !Hkk hu ld11l~ 110\\ 11 ... ,.iJ IJ\ ld1 !0~1c al

iii• JU lllll'fll II \\~l:-0 lrn1lt h t 111 tlHl " fir·;i :-; j

a!"' a d\\1·11111..: hnus1· fnr th1• rli1t'1 • r al:'i \\1 II a~ 11 1 aud .1h( 1.1 rn 1•:- 11t t Ex 1 tr Tilt 11 :-;·a HI

/ lh ::,r1·q1lt0Hs•.., alla1 l d \\1 ·1· 1·n l'lt rJ. 11111• in l~Ulfi a11d 1111 olhl-'I' 11 1'11 J

Jn ''.l-1 u g"lil Iii\ Pl ~\IHI\\ I:'.\. illtd ll f fill OI th1· vn•-..pJ) Lli1·, b.tnl 111 ll \\ lorlll::l llH· ll llltHl p.irt ot ht• 11~c1 ) 111i\diug. lw111C' 1110\f' I 10 it 1·n t••11 :-. Ti.: n 1 :111::. l>urin~ du· :-11111 ~t 31' :t har-11 \\H"' • Tt c 1•d (1 r , 1ttl" a.IHI Jior~·· .. ;11 11 -.Jt\,.i "I a 1(1111 nu I II sl I II\ th1· )'Jt':--Plll hnlSI' h;ll"ll 111

'111; t \ h n·rno\• I iii\ '"il )1110 t\\O <i 1:- .l d It \1•r 11: 10 thP Jll'l"'t'lll hull :-.r11 <1


·1 hi.; farm hl1Us1· JIU\\ k11n" l as a < lub IH1l.~1· \\a t' ·,·cted 111 l\'11,, ~.\."a-on :-htli \\,1:- abo 1 re1 t11L II( llJIYlIIC llH.,• ti of t!J• j•:J:->t \\ill.~ of t \f pn.:SViLl Jat ~ b.1 n root il' 110\\ a 11art if h1• 1111 --1·11t illllllt'fll('lll sht•(l.

f' IP \ lwu ll ,ll JalioratUl ~ \\a~ t.:'"4..0 tl d Ill ) \~Ii .-\. r, sc i ition of tliJ:; l>ulldii1g is g1Ye11 in tht_> Fo11rth \.uu 1al He11ort of till Ex11criuwnt :-'tatiun

'I e oldt r pans or tr11• t1r1 •·u 1011ltry L iilclit1J.?.::; " 1 t• 1·n·< rt·d in 1 \~!~ ~1 ht~' \\ 1 re alhlctl to in l~Hl5, "ht 11 the· i11g build 1g ". s cred d. It is Licsi rihl•d 111 ht· T\\••lf 1 h A1111ual H.t•pc•rt In 1!1111 thl' 1Ju1ld 11~ \\ th t othc: :- atH 111 ubatnr <:•liar \\a~ ar.llhd, and

il1L<." t It n :-e\ l·ral 1 olon) huus1·s ha\·(' lit·1·n pro· \lll€d

f Lt hU .J Ilg <l f(":-.tlll U:->t•d !J) tlh• \"f•{(:'l"illal'.\ dt•pan 11·11 \< b 1 1 1s old 1n huil1H11~ J1 r 11~ ~H•:!

n l \\ il a:. :-lltl• 1rn 11 l!.111'.I. \I 1 n 1 \as rf'a -1ug1 d fu1 IH 'dt_'ri11a1 \ worl\:.

r 1• d. n tia 1 .l d t P C'"'"at1;.1 ) \\ t: rl C'r c f'<I 111 1g11;i a111l ~111.t, .u1il tlw pii.:-gt·r) \\ 1:-> Clll'tr 1tt•l

t.' 1 om st>\f'rol

1aru \\a" Prtt."(d barns In 1:1 11.

: awl thl'

I e C• ll al Lli d fl 'l11;~.

~ri ot tJe i upllllh'lll -..ht U "1~ tlH wn;t \\i!Lg iu lJlO, ;.i:td the

g U (I 3

I" le ai.:ric, t1raJ hnildilll?; \\a~ COlllJlll'lt•rl ti: t ll'

t'll•l of 1!111-... f1, 0 1oor:. \\t•rt· lKCUJll ·d J,, th1• Ex pt.•rmwut ~1<1tio11 ollkt•::; and th1 a::n1· i1 m 1l "orR, anll tht• t 1ird lloor h~ tl11• hum~ t.t 1 nonw ~ tl1·p t t· mt nt A 'ha ti111t: ii 11ro\ 1lt•d ample r0om for th 1"

\1ork h111 \\ith 1he i..:rO\\th in numl l'I":) of tlw a~ri· ult 1ral ~t111lent:-:. alld ih1 i11l· ~ast• 111 th1 \\t>rt' ng

for<'e 01 tht• E:q1t•ri11w111 ~tation, nllll tlw Extl"'nsion <J 1~partmdlt i i!' HO\\ t ro\11lt•1l. Tltt ~rt·1·nhousPs at1.idit·d to thi:- hnil<ling- ''ere ('relltcl 111 1~'11. ThP :11ui 1·111t11ral h11ildi11l:; anci the !!Tet'nlHlll!=-PS compan~ f.norahly '' i1h ~irnilar h11il<ling~ pre)\ ir!Pd H an~ 1\ 1·~l··rn C'nJIP~fl

Publications Issued By Experiment Station

The lla1ch Act, {'Slahlbhing Lhe <:x11erimeut sta­tions in tilt yariou:- ~tafes, rt."c111irecl amnng its l)fO­Yisiunl:i 11:P pri111ing- and distributing 01 the rt·:..;u\t~ of thP l'XPt'rimf'nl:-'. At lt'ast tuur lrnlletins, in< lud­ilig tht' anmwl rt>Jl(•rt. were required t'n.d1 ~ear. tuun~h 1 hey JH:'t·d not IJ~ primed at any slated time, hut ,, he11e,·er mat Prial was rPacly for puhlkation.

Early iu tilt' work l\\O l)JH-'~ ot publication \\Pl'l

prc•11art•11. 011P g:a\ 1• the rt'sul!s 01 the ex11erinwn1~ a H.11he1 thtr \\as a 1 omp1\ation of infor111;1tio11 based pa. tly 0 11 ex111:.·rilllt>t1b and partly on - tiuly and oh pnarion of ia<.:t:; ~lea11i cl from other 1n1ldica1ions and Ire m tlw t·XJH·riuH·\ ~ ol suc·<·Ps!-llnl rarnwrs. "'ithiu t'ip 11a.,.;t two years we lwn' made two 8Pries 0 1 lh• :--P 1111blkations, 1·alling thP ret'.Ol'd of tlw expPri­nwilf~, 1,·hieh may co\"el h11t a small part of the agrkullural 1q1i1· n•1c1 rrP1l to, a bulletin. The tom­Jiilatiou, "hkh may he l inn an<l pracri<·al pn~i:i1·nt­a1iO!I of a wpk, is kl10\\ll as a circu la r. SilH'(' its ur_.:;mization, thP Experinit·J1t ~uuion lia . .; 1111lllishetl $1' lmlll-lil!:--. :W a111111al repo11 and .Jo ci rcular~. :\lall' 1Jf thP hulit'tin~ art:' JJo\\ ou1 ot print. 1h<> t"ili11.on pri1 .. 1·d h;ning all bt..'t..'ll disposHl of.

Thf' Exri·rime11t Statio11 ha:- l\\o nu·tho<ls 01 li:--ll'ihnt111);!; t111•:.:e bulletins and dr<·nlars. First. h~ till' 1 er11w1w111 11u:1.illn~ li~t. All~ p1•rsou in !hP stalP mav lia\1• hb or ht•r nanit> plan•d 011 this lb1 aml uu: lrnJl1•t i11s an cl c·irc:ular" arP st>lll 10 them when ~sut·iJ. \\ itl1011t furthPr trouhlP on th1•ir part. ThPl'e

an• 110\\ on•r 1:~.000 names on this 111aili11g- list. Tn 11 11 • !-'••< onll plaN•, when tla Station is ready to s1·IHl

11 1 a11~ })11\ll't n or c-ir<'ular, nolkl' b seut to 11w pn·~·~ of tilt.· st;1tP !'ailing atlenlio11 to the puhlka· ums, which arr fre>e to any person interl!sled. Last

,.l'rll' 0,er 1n.:-.1111 111Jl1Ptins and rirc-11lars wen• ~Pill s1wdal n~11ue::;ts.


Professo r of Veterinary Science



Top Row (to right1-W. J. Hartman, Carl H. Peters on. M. L. Wilson , R. A. Blanchard, J . C. Taylo r . C. L. Hant:en. G. H. Cook. Bottom row (to right)-F . S. C ooley. director: H. B. Cannon, F. B . Linf1eld.

College Agricultural Faculty Is Of Unusual Strength (Con tinued fro m Page Four )

\\Ork al the l nher~H) ol T\llnnis in 1~1 t an<l IH12. \\ <t:- iu:->tnh.:tor 111 th. oretkal and apJllil·d mt.:chan-

t th ,.l\IH'l'"JtY or JJ\i1wh; [rom HlOli to UH:t, t '-tt l't tht.• y nr 1~1n7 ·11:-... when lhe till~ of Instructor 11 ~l11u1t· 11at and ~anltan En~rnceri:1g was !J.1_·ld at t 1:11 1n~ututiun.

I r lg t w sttlllllh'r ol 1 :+tni. was It•\ t>lman on 1 1•n·l1111.rwn railroad sut H~Y wr tht.• H.ocJ.;y i\Ioun-1 111 Hail\\ a) <:nm 0 a11~. ~ummer ui Hlui, was with 111, 11.li11lf:'na111·1 or "aY part~ nn the Sall Lake di\"iS· inu OJ till' Suutht'fll Pact tic compa:1y; summf"r of urn~ "Orktrl \\ith the l 111YL'r::-ily ot Illinois Engineering Exlu·rillH·ut slaliou summ~r o[ 1911 and 1!11~·. trav· , 11·11 a1 d 11~11 l·1t•d irric:atton works in the mountai:t st lt•s.

1 uri11 i.q:~ ancl 1~14 \\3S irrt.i:::ation t;:Dgineer in th1· 1·11it•·<l ::'.itatf-s dtjpartlllt·nt of agri('Uiturt' in c3arge 1 I ork in Kausa:; in 1!11:{, and i:l :-\c\"ada during the

I"" 1 art ot 1~11 l. <lllJ. in Colorado during the sum­mt·t' ol 1~t11 1 luil ehar~e of tht a:.!.ricultural en­!!:ilH 1·ri11~ work in the l'ni\·ersity of :\evada in sec· nud ... ellH'stt'r. l!tl I. Aiil1ointPd to pre:;ent positiou, • \ i:USI. 1 ~l} I.

\i l rn lit.~r o( tht.• l-'1Jt:it>tY ror the Promotion of l·~:1-:..1ll1 ... ri11;: E1l11C'atio1

:\lt·mlwr of tht> ..\mt.·rkan Sol·iety of Agl'icultural 1·:11cit1t:'~r~.

)lc·tllht>r 111 Tan Ht w L'i. the llonorary engi111..•er· int: trJtt•rnit~

WILLIAM 0. WHITCOMB. Assistant P rofe£sor of Agronomy.

\\". o \Yhitromh, :issi,...tant proft>ssor of agronomy, W'lS horn in l'nH), :\111 t~l l>nkota. 1:1 the fall 01 t !H1:l, lw entt.'n•<l ti~'' :\(Jrth Dakota Agricultural pre· 1mratory <ll·tiartnwnt. and ;.iftPr LWO year·~ pre11ara­wry we rk and four ,\car:-;· college "ork, was grad· uatt>d trolll thal iul'>titutiou with the lkgn~ ot D. ~.A.

J)i1T(·tl)· after ~raduation. :\Ir. \\"hitcomb bl•gan \\ork wilh thl• I nilt>d ~tati•s dt"!larrnwut of ag;n­c ulturt>, s1.e11din~ the !'-11111nwr!'> at \\'illislon, :\orth Jlal•Oli.i, anrl the \\lilt\ rs at \\"aH~1i11~to:1. D. C. At \\'1l11:;;Lo1;, h1 \\as in d1ar!.!.L •f trop rotation and b10-ph~ :-;iull iU\t·"'tig1itiou, and iu \\"ashiugtun the time \\as ~pt.11l in worl,im.: 1111 d<1ta gathered in the sum· 111t.r. In thC' tall ol l!lll, ''orh: fol' llis master's tle­gn·e \\as t1·11lt·r1ak1·11 al Corill'll uni\crsity, in 11lant hn·Pdin;..:. anti plan I 11h~ :-,iolo~.'. Tht.> d{·g-rl'e or :\l. ~ ..\. ,1, s c·onfPrr111 l.>y t~Hlt 111:-.titlllion in l!H:t In .January, l!IJ:L )Jr \\"hitcnmb took up lh<.> wurk or hi:- JI!'{ ~(·Ill position, tirsl iHi in:".tructor and now a~ a~si.'.'itant prolt :-.~t..r of a~ronomy.

WILLIAM F . SCHOPPE. Assistant Professor of P oultry Husbandry.

\\" F ~"11<'J1Jft~ .c,1 ad11;1tt.>d l'rom tlw l .1h·ersilY of \l:tini· 1n 1:111i. JI<· w,1s with the H.hode Island t_•X· J't·rinu:nt :;tation trom .\\ll!Ust, 1~101 ltntil June, 190~.

--ec·otHI a~sistan1 in 1 harg(• or co·oJ)eratiYe experl· lllP!lts. l'OIHlll( tt-d by th1· <.-x1wrin11•11t i:;tation on a \arg1· p<1ultr~ pl:1nt; al:iO assisting in the research work ht>ill2: <'<11HllH·11~d on bla<"k·l11•111l 1Jb1·ase ou uu·· kpvs r•rom .lwH•, l!IOS, until ScptemUer, 1911, at th~ ~[ontana e:xp~'l·imt·nt station as aRsistunt. in diarg-P of tht• 11011\tr.1· ,,·ork. 8eplemher, 1911, to .July, 1:11:~. as~istant 1irofessor al tbe Unhen;ity ot ~laiut• in C'harJ.!.<' of all <'ollege and l'Xtension work in poultry husl>andr)". July, Hll:J, to date, prof('ssor ol poultry hnshandry at )l<1.1tana ::Halt• collego anll (•:\perill"t·ut statiou.

DR. E. H . RILEY. Assista11t professor of Ani mal Industry.

GraduatPd 111 a,griculturP at the University ol \linni·twta 111 1:111:; \\' s appoinlt..•d a~sistanl 11rol"t·s­so r ol animal husbandry of lhe Oklahoma A~ricul· t11ral anJ :,\1Pf"ha:liC'~ college tho same year. In 1901 h1· was ,11111oi111ed prinl'1pal of the Oltlahoma School 1.r a:.·1 i1 11 tun· in adlii1 Ion to \Jeing assistant in ani· 111 ,d Ji11sl1:1udry. Ju l~HH; he "·as a11poin ted scientific a~:-ist:i11t iu :- nimal h11shan<lry in the i.lt.•partm1::.it or ;ii;rit'ull11rt>, liurt•au of animal 111 rl11sll'Y 1 \\"ashin~lon, I 1 (' In 1!!111 h(' wns 11rnnwl1·d lo position of animal husliaiidman 111 char~w or animal brel'dini; luvesli· g->tio:is in 1:w sao1P dl·parlnwnl. 111 Ulll he rcce.i\"ed ihi ili·~l°I'(' of \Tlt·riuary ml'dicinc•, in George \\ash­ington l'ni\'Prsil~. \Ya~hing:ton. U. C. li e came. t o .\lon l:t11a as \ l•ltTlnaricm to thl' Stallion RegislrUll(~ll 1:o;irrl in l!ll:L a position \\hich h1.• now hold s, 1:1 nddllioll 111 liiti Jll'PSPlll c-ol\P~e work, lo which he w;i;o, appoiu11·d tllf' 111·1 .il'lll )'('31'.

JOHN H . H O LST. Principal of the School of Agriculture.

.J II ll ol~t. tht~ pn•st·nt prinl'ipal of th e Scho.ol uf r\gric.ulturc, \\US rai:3ed on a farm in cen tral Mis~

8u11ri. I le grafluatt•d from the Yersailh:s Academic .111d Sormal lnsti1ut1> and lau~ht in rural schools [or three y(·ars. lie (•11tt.•red ;lew:-;p;•per work and rose lrom ·prinwr·s dt.·vil" to tra\eling n·oresentatl\e ot onp ot the leading ~t. Louis dailit.·:). lle th1.:u re­t1· i1t:d tu i.:ollq;e and gr<tdualt_•d wilh honors rrom lloop< r lnstnutf'. and was elened head of that iw;ti­tiilion. whit:h poi-ition he held fur two )ears. He ·, si~ LH d to c.·onie w )lmnana Lt !~IOU. Here bl· "as t·di!or o( tile lJillCJn Tl'ibuue for one year, <tud cluriug IJH· t-Xciling c;am11aigu 01 U!UU. lie then taugJ.t in Idaho lur ~ix year~. sen{·d on Lh e stale course ot study l'ommittee and rcl·ein·d the Idaho Life Dip­lo111a.

Jn 1~!01, he was deC'tt·d principal at \'ie;tor, ~lon­Lann, a:i.d lwre in a littlt.• town or !es::; than three hundred inlrnbitaut~. ~e built Ul>. during six years, a modl·l sc:lwol with 1irunoun<.:ed conununity lt>ader­:.l11p. A few thing~ which he accomplil"hed. Jn ­l"!'Pasetl the l•nrolhHe!lt froru IJI tu 322, the tt·ac~-111.~ fol't'e from 3 to ti; built up a. hi~h ::;chool to the .11 <·rf.>dltl:'cl 1is1 and with an aUl't:dance of tiU; tn­('I urai.:.t·d s('hool a:ltl home gan.lens ant.I au annual luwer shO\\, built cl li!W brit k school building with

hut Oil•' diss~11t111g 'ot<• on t:lt> l.>ond issue>; t>stah· Jbhcd a school t'a,·111g::; Uank in 1:110, built the Ii· !Jrary 1rom uothin~ lO I.u11u ,·olnnws, urganizl•tl and prt.•sidC'd O\er a c:ouatr intersdwJa . .;tic a::;sodaliou; l u11s<Jli1la terl the surrounding dbtriu ... -.; "ith \'ictur; mm nu 1h·d a s11pPnbt <l Ji la) ~rouucl; ~leld school .. x!nllits. introdm·l•d <U.!rKulture into th.c course of ..uul~: prm Hh·d a u ai11i11g c-h.1ss 111 the senior year of hi.!"h sc·hool Lor thost• who dl'sired to teach in tilt .. rural sch1,ol ~rn!l11Utl"1l li-1 from tbe eig:'.lth ~rndt• and had ;J:-.. in hi.i..:h sdrnol al the do::-e ul his work.

EDWIN LOVEJOY CURRIER. Assistant Professor of Farm Management.

Entt n·rl 1h1 1 .\;t·llr;isl,a s(.':1101 o[ A~rkulture in tht• !all (·L I ~·11;J and ~1 aduat(-'(I frum that institution Jll _.\pril. l'Ht7 111 1'•11!1, he entt'l"t'd the l "niq·rsil) OC .'.\t hras, a, {·Ollt:'!-!t· ot at..:ritultu1v, actin.~ a::; stu<lent as,.;isl;t11t iu tht.• soil Jahoratorit.-'s until hi::> ~raduation Ill 1'.IJ'.?

lluri.1g tLt.• ~ummer 01 l~tlLJ ht.• S!>t'llt some Lim t.• 111 tOI U.!.!raphil' JU~1J>Jl11\;,!; lllldt'I' Lhc dirllLiOD O[ tbt:' ~lhraska Citulc~tcal suney. T~u .. • sumntt:r 01 1911 \\as s11Plll iu a:)sbling in an :igric.;ultural suney or the c·o1 n ht:lt sl.~tn•. under thl-' l'nited States tll'[IUI t· nH~ut u l ugriu1ll11rt>, Ollite of !arm manaV,('llH?,nl. Lpc.n graduation lie ell'~ 1•1Jll'd Hll aj1po1;1tlll€1ll Ill til t.• Si.lllH~ oll tce in t><JUiJ1!1H'J1L studil~. Later, he again t> IHer('U till' l'nirer.-;ity of :\t. lir .. ska and madt) rl'~lstration tor an adYaun·d lkgret:' )ll. l'urril'I' also spent some tm1e :ts an a:-:s1~tant in till' [arm mana:H•me-nt de­parlllH'llL at th~1t i:istituti(lll. lit• l'Olllllll'll<.:e<l \\Ork in tht• )lontana l' \\ lt.ri111e:1t ~tation in \lay, 1~113, as assistant 111 lilt 111 111c-wa~en1ent and thiJ JIU::-.il ~ummt?r was a~::;btunl J>l'Oll'~sor of lnrn1 manag(•HHmt.

)f1· Currier i:s a uwml>t·r ot Ai..:ada, the .\lasonic soda! fralt.'l'llit.r, and Alpha Zt•tc.i, t:ie bnaorary agri· 1·11lt11ral lrat..-rnil~

C. C. STARRING. Inst ruc tor in Horticulture.

)lr l'. ('. Starring., inst r ut·tor iu tht: dt>paruu~nt ot honi< u\t11rl!, i8 a ~raduat1..~ OL the South Dakota . \ c;rit:u ltural <:Ollt.•ge. Alter grat.lutttion, ht' s11eut one yC:'ar as imHructor in hortknlture at the Cnlversily or Jtlaho, thl•n one year with th~ Lewiston La:tll ano \\":H1·1· compan)· on t!wir famous Lcwiston-Clark~ton orc:h<1rd 1rac;ts~ Olll' ~Par in graduate work at tho orc~gon .A gric:uhural collegt::, and for th~ pns t two ) t>ais ha~ Ut•l'll in the t'lllJ>loy of the Ore~on Experi­ment statio 11 Jluring Lh l':_..;c t\\o lCar8, he ha:) been l(;tall'd at I loud H.in•r, Un~go:i, i11Ye:•ti~ati11g horli· {·11ltural 1iruhlemti.

J. B. NELSON. Superintendent of Demonstratio11 Work.

l•:ntt'n•tl t'tah .\ gric11ltural c•illq:,e l'."i !HI. Com· Jllt'lt Ii hi~ ~OJ)llOll\<lrl' ) par. Jn d1an:.1~ o\" {'Xlwrim1•11-tal plots, I tah J ~x11t•rinn.1 11t station, 1-..~::..1~111:! Jn <·hur~~' ol" ctn land d\1 t1H111strntion farms, l tall, 1~)tl~· 1!111:.. Assbtant a~rtJ!lU!llist, l"tah E:-.pt-ri1111·11t s ta · tion. 1~0:-1-\:11 .. i. :-iupl•ri.1te11t!PnL dn land dt•monstra· 1ion farms. ~l1111t11na l'Xpt•ri111r11t s ta tion, l!HHi-Ul\:L 111 l'hargE• of ll t>lli (':q:1•ri11H'lll!i, )\onlana t:'XJit•ri nwnt Mla 1i o11, I 'II I

L . F. GIESEKER. Assistant Agronomist ..

L. F' c:ii•si·k~·r, Tl. s. )!. s., in a~rkultun'. ll. s.

( Conti nued on P age Six)

Agricultural Club Of Montana State

Thf-' . \ i.:1'.~·11111.,ll l'i11l1 \\as 11ri..:.a11111·1l 11 '.\o\PJU ht• , l'IU'> With ~Tr Elwood )(orris, who is HU\\ a. n 1 nilh'r ut tlw l·::-..1•1•rirn1•11l ~tation :-.t.-H, ns pr~·~t-1lt· 1t. .\ II :-.t11ilr11h; \\ho are l'f'..,1 .... lt>l't.d in an) ol tht.• four :n·ar n nrst s 111 ag-ri('t11T11rp nn.• t"ii~1hle ror rnem-1 r:-hip.

·1 hi' 1 l>jt>i l:-. 01 th1• . .\c;rk11l111r1d dnlJ an• to d.evel­OJI in its l11L•mlll r-. a hr.iarh·r ;q1pn·<·1atinn ul" tht• dif-11 n·nt liliP:'. c I ; c,ri~·uit11raJ inH·s ii:ation and prac· lkt• and lo t·11t·nnr<1,Lt+> a spirit ol goo<l fl'llowsbip aHH•llC. tlw 111e111lwr. 01 Tht• 1ll!l"il'llitUral dln~ion ot 11:~· ('1111'.l· A\011~ \\llh tllPsl' objPn:; b abo the dt-:->i l"I' to dt.•\"1-'IOJ! the Jllll.Jllc- Sllt'ak !IC. at,illlil'S t lht> cluh lllPIHbt·r:-o.

In fHltillin~ irs purpo:".1•. tlw (•lub has bPl'll dt.•H·l· ll\fl .. d i1•to n ~ort 01 a 1ll·rary "11·il'!::> Thl' pr11gram~ arl." J?;:iY(•:t alnH st entirl'Jy by tlw dub mt.·rnlwrs, \\ith an 01 u1:-io1:al adrln :".:". hy :-- imt• fac:ult\· Illt!lllb~r or sorne olher 1iroll's-;ional or 11rac·tiral 11gric11lturisl.

'I hL· IWlll lits 01 the duh art· thrc,i· fold ln pre· i1aring CJ•· talks, the studt·tH lear11~ to rl.:'.lll l'orrtcilr and i:lu·lligpntly tho::;,e things whil'h are important to him In 1if·liH·ri11g 111-. talk lw lt·arn~ to thlnk logic·ally ancl s11<>ak easil.v ln•tnri• a )!;athering. Ou the \\'holt>. from 3i,.;, O'' 11 topic and tho,;e of others, be galn:) knnwl1;-dµ:« and ae<Jtlirf's a d"'-'Jler intf'r~::>t in thinj.!s pertaining to agriculture.

f:1 {"Oflll('111011 with tht· club, there is an Agric 11-tnrnl Book Society. in whith • ny agricultural slll· d1·nt may bt•come a ~to<·kholdf'r upon the pa) me1 t 01 a :--mall ff'l•. T'lls society sf'ciires and has on :;alt all tht hooks and laboratory su11111iPs. al n.•dl1ced pric·Ps. 'J he socil'ly (urtlwrmort>- flpC'lares :-oub,.;,Uu· tial di\iil1·rnls to ils !'-fO<"kllr1lclf'rR at the e111l of ~·al'h yPar

ARlfli ... from thPst:' thiugs, the Ae.ricultural cluo l(>IHb il:i lll<tll·rial ud moral support to thOsl~ or~an· izations and actintit'S \\ hil'!l lend to 'boost' the c-ollee;e and c·reatt• that fra.lt•rnal and upbuildin; ~pirit so clomilwnt at ) I S. <'.

TRACY H. ABELL President of Agricultural Club

Importance Of College Farm Management Wark

\\'ifhin thl• h1··t t.lt'ctJt·. lurmill~ ha<" changed f•·om a. sllp~llol1 t.n1!.'itlt:' "t'. at whil'h a:1) on~ witll 11knt\ of tihysital strl:'\\~lh i·(mhl sm·cc-ed. to a pro­t "~i~n that re iu1res nut <'Iii) the ahilitY to do l.a.nl "ork, l.rnt also kt·t•U hu~i111•:::-s judg1~ent aIHl 11owc'r of organiza1 illH. The nH11 ('rn farm I~ ·~ l'~n~ pli·x thin!!, lllli\ tlh.• mUliL'rn t;u mer. to ht'. mos :-uc ncsful must h<Ht' a hroa1l kncwlt>dge ot l~h' rn .• llY l:ictoi s upon "hid1 tl•t' ~·m c· '-'S ol his hn~llll' " de­Jlt:'Ub. Tu gi\e the sllltl(•tH tn1ining :-.10•1g hest· lilll'i:'- anti t·Halik him lP t.r.i.:-..rnile his !;nm :'.O thal the dilh•re111 factors ma) \\Ork to~1•th1.:"r ''i'h ~n·.tll• dl1c i~i:,~y, i:-. tht• 1nirpos1_• of tht> farm mana~"·111ent rOUl':.-il'S gin·n 111 tlw 1·olh:-\!t•. So111t.~ of tht> fa('tor:-. "ith w h i<:h tilt> l'otffSt' (.h•ah- ''ill ht,· clis<·tl:-:-.t•d undt>r st'paral t' hC'atlin~s.

T ype of Farming . Ont.• of the Iii ~t things for a youn!; !armer o

tlcl'ide is ,, hat opt:> of wrmil\!?; lw shall carry t,n, or. m otlwr Wl1rds, "hat kind ot iirudnt·ts ht.~ i~ go· ing to nti:)l'. It is :)0111t:>timt·~ tho11g.ht th<.lt thb_ t~mg dl'l·E'nds lar~t.'IY upou tlie pt.•r:".onal Jikps or thsllkt.'.S 01 tht> farmer. As a. matter ot tact personal h ,e or dislike:". play a \"NY :..;mall J)3. ·t :;\lost ot u~ l·.m l• arn 10 lillt' work if ii yit•hh. gorHl res 11ts.

College Work in Farm M 1nagement. Till' produl'ts that ma) !Jc rai:-<ell lll any n•g,on

art' alJ::;olutl'iy limited b) t.•('Onomit: l'Oll!lilions. Bome o[ the more imponant factor~ cunct>rnP<l are

l'limate and soil, tra1.;-;portation, dbtann· to mar· kl't. markt.'t dt>ma:1d nnd s1111ply, rPlation to com pt"lill~ typt·S. stutll'nts an' tau~ht to a..rnlyze tlwsl' t1wtor:) and rt•('Og-ni1.t~ 1lle etfrc·t that tlll'~ \\lll hll\'c> npon dilfr · t'lll t_qws of farming- in thl'ir rpgiun.

M. L. WILSON Director of County Agent Work

Page 10: TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. · 1fxpnnrut. VOLU~lE J. MO:\TA::-:A STATE CO LLEGE, FR IDAY , D ECE Ml3E ll Jl. 1914. Nu ml" 1 L t tM. HE~RS POP UlAR ou1N



Agricultural Work Extended .

( Jlt Ir

(Continued from Pag e One) ullrY etl: l.n·~l JCk

nn· , ,. 11 l n 1dt>rat1011. 1

,. do ,..,ird.·rs l'artlcul:tr J"•·Ut OIL ..; UO\\ p.ud t t l . •

aud dl~t•a ··~ of Olk < ho'era 11 "'' itu hc11.1 lt_'s.~ Jtl~S :lounue 'oh1·, o1 it ill. ~'' llllP It·\ r-r ;tlld rntlu

tt11..•: In '10~1 • uul c·o1um<1 <~Ult> dl~.t·i~~t-·:s:. l''\I~:~~~:: g rnd d1mon tratill!! pn \t·nt \P m•a tns .. ~

\a •oUS )H.:t ,dlSlS \\Ill COi IJ~nll~! \\lb C:U\llll.\ ,li-:;1i

11 i~!s \\hf•ti y;urk ~1g ID t•1e f'ITitu1:- ur tlw lall~·1 Service n Horne Economics.

T')1 home <<nnon.: C'" ... ('<a t, :\li:-:s Katlwnn~ J1•1uw11, ,tnn hn·d l..lfl ,,1t 1 'a ial>h• countr~

' 1wh111~ XIH rit•IH ~ JI+ r \Hrk ,1' to

demon::ir it ol:" in hom .. t' oil·

01 ;m·r , 1 t! rondlto 111 hi''' m rue 11 n lll

omll s r t tu• p11rpc1~

1 hn r o ht nu ' t'h hLi tC' Farm Management Surveys

1-~urm tfll 1, 11 1) s l' l!t"' .tl'1· a rn n~ t lf' ne\\rr 11:<)· In t )t twltl of .i~"'ICll LUP llE>re 1... }(11

b ~i:· r 11 ~ leld_ or wreal-'t J farr•.i tmsin1·:':'. tiut

11 1 c m profi , u:- labor Horn<· as it s t1·rm1 (l. th:tl

th ot•wc1 sou~ht Ii n l'·111IICHJ 0111 f'n:m ·"11li j(•ll('Y :'ll!..'l'-

IS u grul .i P. r .\I , 1i~r~1i ..\!!' icultural Colh·gt.

gnd at• '' rk Curut.11 bu,., hall 1-'0llH! 1 1 I•tpa t 1t.•11t of .\erl1 \. ·, 11url

t 'a it ~ 0 111.lU:' 11\ 1111• h 1 rr t h tent\ lnt.;.uirh :s. I "

d ,, ..,r lrn t>x 1.1 • u< • •I 111 1rt1, 11:-t r ' orKt

C o era• "'tn.

11 f()

'·'Ill 11 I e i p:o


to tl11

I lJsh

'-'11111 101·

Hl l XJI rl

·1n l

' 1- ll ('ITS 11[

l c

s 1 o t 'e IJ '' f't-'I :--: I 1•1 trar t

s .11 th I"! 1p 01 na t ~11 1•qnal


Continued from Page T wo)

Country Highways.

he t• t f Ui M.:t :- 111!?.11. ht 1. nlt'r :-.: tilt'

o t.• \ l lll\ iuH d n he co.tlillon of 1 he 11~ub

ii 1 li 111 lini ,,. lLJl p indp11 ~ oi oad onstri1c

t c. ~ d rv 1 ru linter lcc: h b~..,.ng mor(' i~l'oph·

t :- r butt.'d throughout lhe c1 u11try w~w c:an appr~

I< t the et •11omr of h:.n n;- tbt roach- Wt.:11 built and

Wf•ll n :i LJned ;10d \\ho knO\~ "ht>n a eul\"t·n or a

brid~e pul n WE.·ll or wht•ll a nont."-too-~<.:rupulou~

t·ou;Hy off ·r ;1s ~lig-hl~d the road work for Jll'f­

soual bl 1iufi :s, " II <-on tribute mattn·ially to t~(> i;:lli· c enrY of tht high" a.rs and ll !,!hway t-onstrut.:tlou

.i"hl Ill lnteUailC'l· Lil t 10 country.

Farm Water Supply and Sanitation. (;mt'rUHl'fll t.\ en,; bare t>S!lmated that thl• aYer·

ai:;l' 1rm( rs "lit• httf» more than cl l' J. of watl•r

pu t.Li~ :'hP '' i11 ca1 r:Y the "atl'r from Wl'I :.:. or

s11r 1gs for h ehold imrpo~""· and then <·:nn· out

tic "\\ast• \\illt r to 01 1te t ·e UoorJ ant. ~\ rotbl'r·

\at' c JIUall' ,,. , she" th.1t tht:- to~t of this" a~tt>-d

energy uld Jln '• l \\alt: ..;11p1·b· :.:.y~t"'IU rn le:'S than th t 'Pnr, l<l ·ry t 1e nt re~t on the in·

\t~ llllt t but t~e for let .. cf tod; v n('t'il tlw s.t•nkt·~

cf ll &.:.r tu .1 ui.::ln er to dt·siJ.:.u t~1e iud vid.unt

"att t: I 1) ind sew. ge < ~vo~al :-:yHem~.

c en Hie farm1 ra sho1 ld knnw somt~ or thP

r111c 1'" ! t Jf:!. ('11~rnt 1·r1nf! o[ thi:· farm. All t•ngin.

1 rs \\Orhwg for ru1 1 di t In-; should ha\e 1 k:iowl·

th ~1~ni u tura.I r <J Jirem('nb plac·Pd upon

f> 01 b lgr tult ral studeut who 1,..

be l ll"l Ur-t OD in the lilll'A

to hi!.., wb 1( ·or the :-tu·

k !l 0:1-ine.t rlu;::: tor the I d <'• J(' llOft• ~fll'-

College Agricultural Faculty 1s of Unusual Strength.

(Continued frorn Page F ive)

'\i·liri~ka c 1 \t r~1t~ J~w' 1;r~t11:,1tt stJtli.'11t In ~oil;.;, :'\t hr 1.., 1 i1:1 ,., , tl1 11 ..... Js.!;1111 and ,1:-:,;1:-ta. t in

d· 11 rtrtl• of ~, '"'· .:\1 h "'h. 1 "p1 nnl• ll :-.tatlu1 u 111~. 'I \ :.:..,..i~tnt ,1:.:: mo1 1i~t \f, ntana e:q ... rim1' 1t

,..UJ 0 1111 11. on h•:i\t-', ah,..1•111• 1 •'tU :\I11111a1a

:\ "rur: t ,..1 11111• tttl 1 c;r 11!1 .alt• st 1u ut 111

j 1 I [ Hiii tit ..:1 I hll lh ~\ ( llrl!t 1 111\ l:-<LtY,

til~l. \I~ 111 1;.:l'l 1 r1~ ('ont lll1'E"r,.,1t~.

!OJ \It 111h1 r nt ~:i:.11:a \.

M. L. W' L SON. State Leader of County Agriculturists .

)J L. \\ ilbnn, :.:.W.tt· lt~:uh·r i1f ern111t~- acrkllltur·

hh iu tht· t·.\lfll~ir.:.n 1'•·nil1 ''H" rabid on a:1 Iowa

1nrm, , nd grHh111tL·d rem till' fn\\il ~tall' n11ll';..:.e at

.\Ult:'::-, ill 111H, l 'uring- h i.; Junior and s(•11it1r y1.:ar...:

0 it £t :t1HI tl.•• yt>Ur 10111.rn· 11~ l!'ratlua11un. ).Ir

\\ii" 1 .ll { d ,1,... a..;~btant to I !'ol. I'. L; lh ldt'Il in t n ~l d , and 1 "\l 1~.1 I' h«irk iu lo\\ a. :-\iun!

' ,1l t lh_, l 1. !1 ::-: l<tr'llt'd l11 tlH' ,.l \ t ,f '\1•l11.1~kil Ir lhr1 l \t .II> ,u11l ,;::- hl' n Tl )lu 11 lllh .... ILt't' l'IJU

It t ,.. b. 1,ratt.uu f<llll t.·'.<l.p1·1i<>fl(t' 11 )l111tau:i

on •1~ r 11 1 .. 1·•1 n .. lu t .., <.if the 'I.th. For l\\o

\c 1r:-- h1 \a:- r C" u:-:,1..' ( tilt• lh .. ·mn11 .. trll 1 n Ta

t 1~ ,n t •• ~ttn1 )le 11t.1n.l. w:ts l01 Ill\ 11::::.. 1 J 1t

ft l u tt· c· 11ut.' fl r one ' , ,tr an11 "• ~ l'l rn11! 1 11 ~n; ... rat. !t.uil'r of tOlllll) ,1;.:.r t' 111r·~ ~ 1 1•11 l


L1vet ~eek S;:ecialist in the Extension Service. 11r \ 1; .1 llurtman. lln~1 (•k filtTialbt in lht~

t. \t1 11,;\011 ~vrnn. wa:.:. bc1r11 ll"Ur Turnnl 1. t < -

tarw. t'·,nada I It• ;..T('l.tlll.lll il trorn tht• 't'l1·rtu,1ry

mecliutl t'UlUH'!' oi tilt:' ·111ronto 1lllll l"hita~o ' ter· 11•'1 1') 1111..·llk,i! t.:Olh J;t !< wtlh tlit.• dt•gri t· of I). \" .\l.,

a 11 from tht• Unta i1 A:..:nt ult ira l'<Jllt,.!1· ;1t t.;u~ lph

1\it 1lw ~.:' A.C.::.!.fq .\~t<1 lW>H'3r,.' 1 ratth\•.ht.'

tiJhd tl11• 11 :.:.1ttt1ll 01 ,.1at1• ''-''Prluer all in tht~ ~tat1..•

of ~<-rt t l ..ii" lina f11r cillt )Par, 1uJ lht'a r••t11n1e•

1' 1ll1:t.1..111a 1 aull •le It I ,1:; n·t1"1·i11;.\ria11 to !ht• ~tal·

J11in H··~ ::-tra•wu hc·1rd t 6 .\lntnau • Later h\ pur

clia:.:.1•d c t:alh•lln 'al1t') 1an11 and tit'\'ott·,J him:".l:'I!

111 the lll<tll ;t lllt'lll <~f th~ uut.l hr to k up hb lffl''S­

t'ILl '' ork.

College Aids Dairy Development.

(Co nt inued fro m Page Onel

rht.• t'ollt•:-;e c:rt·3llJHY lS t-'fjUi\l{lt'd W th ;_, Stearn

l 1 lt>r m11l a li\'L-' hor:-ot• po'' t!r t-'i~ ·t lt.: mowr. \\ h

f 1 ·ni;.;hl s 1ot ''al fl" :,;it·am aut1 110Wl'I' for Lhe t'I r

::. "fou of tht• n_·~1m rip1 nt·r,.., c:ooh·r:.:. :-.:1t1rtt~I':.:., l r

1\0l'kl'f"' ce cn.•ani pln111, to~1..·lh1,_•r \\ith h rn nor 1•11 ·1i11111 111 1ecl'~t>a:") fllr tbt• 1un.r. lfot·

1'1 ft'r ancl 1ruz1.:u _1r 1<lu1 ts 111 an \JJ 'tHfat•

man f1dnn•d iiroduc·t:,;, to;..!l.' ht.•1 "rh ot'u.:r 1•

llll-11 11t->u!ssar~ 111 tr )'rt•11nratiu11 of clnin I' d !or 1he markl"l.

.. -\ larg1· rt1<•111 b d,..o Jl'o\ Jtlt'd 1or hl m 1n

tnr1• or 1la·t:s1• 111 1h( h ..... ~t1111·t1t1 ho a lnr.t:1• cur

rcom, lwr" tlw dh t'St' ..; r P1'tlo'tl, d 1qu ti. pararti , 1

ll'lmmPd 1·at kL·tl anti oth4•n\ 1,..1. 11rt·J1nn·tl tor markt.•'

111 ;11!1Lt;11:1, th(·rp l~ :1 l l:1 ~ ro 111 tor i11strud10n 1

I uq111,.p:s a Bel ,1 T •,.t u~ 1hor;i o ~ \\ h1d1 j., \ l )

thorou~hl.\ ""!JllipJ•t>d \\l1h tt- tllfT11 1·11 1~ 11 0 1

Halwcick t',.lt·r". a11d h1 1t1 e -.. ) g .1. t\ 1 1

111 .. lf'Sl ug t•f 1llilk. t' -,_'!.Ill Ji1 11

11 ! • .f.k.m 111 K, li11tt1·r·11 k, \\h(

cs(> t'oud1 ·1:-• I .11111 lr!Zf"ll lfU-

r lt-> 1! liP ,..(hi oJ aim:.:. to r \-. 111!;tr 11·11011 (01

T o righ t-G.


Assistar·t rn Animal Husbandry. J{ H 111 J1l1 rith.~· a i.:1 ttluat•. nl th+" I-\ 111:--as Staie

..\:!TH 11lt11r I (llllt.,:.. l'll~. s a 114'\\ lll:I I Oil l)i'

[l't: r.1 lilt\ \hr :..:r,1 I 1 •• t1011 a· 111<.lll8-ed n. li\t .. , 1 1 \111 r Jh· > 11 Kar 1..:, ~olll~ fn•m ~ ,.., IOI 'o t 1. I \, 1 1 \ t f 'eh ask;1, ,1s ~·

- --·mi 1• 1 dnrn di rn n :\I I d1l1 r J~1 II k lip h,. tJ1i1 t•-. id 111-. t>l.Jl PIL,

< 1oh1 r I '•l t


Superintendent of Grain Laboratcr•es. ~Ill" Ii ,.1 h nhlit :-1 Jj uls 1tl \\ d11ta,

h. 11 :.:.a:.:.. :i!t 11d1 ii th1· \\'11 !11ta hL ... :h :.:.dinol. g,·,nl11nr-

1 ~ iii 1~'"' \\ t nl to1 Fa rn1onnt c·ol!t>gP out' :-·1 ur. t 11 11 t. h:a1:~- ,,.. S{ .11• .-\:..r;c 11Jrural t·ollegl". Srem

tl·11• \tar., 1 .1n t.tklll~ th1· :..:1.llt'ral :-.ll€'iln' {·0111s~·.

nd ,, we 1al zit.~ i•1 mill:ul! 111111 ~i .. :. w11i k t:r~!tlll

ti tJ trcm h..111:.:.a ..... \ t' 11 .1u11r 1:11 t

1 111w to \11 l •a. i11 ~t'Jllell:h(·r. l~!Jj, to take

I ii ~t Ir t ,. :--:tdlt_ (.ra 11 ahor to!) \\hkh Wo.lS L':-.:•

(, b ..;flt 11 ii) 1)1 I q,• '!-!! SIJ.I


St~te Cr~ani:?.er of Boys' and Gir ls ' Clubs.

fintluat , L1"\ll, f111 llurl 1 ll ira. ~dt1•ol lo \\"0-

l,r,1d ,111 ~ 11!1 <olh't-'. ''11 I'• ..;1-:.. il!Cl ( t\ork 1 a:...1 (•11l111r.-, \la..;.,;al'hJ,.•·tT.s

A ... it 1lt .11 1 1t·..:1 l~t rntll 1111 \t..•r:.:.it:·. l "ni\·1-rslt) 1,r I 1101~.

F\ t:lJSiolL t 1r11!1,\ r l 11iY1·r:.:.i1y oi Ill tnis Ill ai.::·

1 111 l ll'C> aT1d d••lll1 I ( s lt·111·e 111 rural :--cho 11~, 1!'1 I·

~ I\ l. \11 1!31l<t Stal1 ( !Jt>:.1 ll.1ze11 .111. '1011ta.ia, S1•1J.

t 111!11 r 1 lll


Hon~e Science Lecturer 1n Exter. s 1on S ervice

\1 '!~ Jui-., ti. ~01111 :-' t 111 •' k1·1un·r 11 ti 1 t \tt·n

:-11 n ... , "' n~ l cm1,... fr Ill :\c rih llakota ~ht.: b ,1

i:r 1duat. t 1t• '\ 11 t J 1 hula .\.i..:.rit rnral n1lll·:.:.1•

Lei tr :.:.lw ! ol-. r 11l11tttt '' c r at tlH· l n'\'t->l':-.:ity vt llin1118 wht:n• :-.:ht• rt 1· I\ tl th• 1lt·,.!rt'l' oi )111:-.:tt·r

of ::-·, i1 I\( In 11 111'

'ta ·,.. « r t'\.J 1 r 1 111 11mi1 ... _ ~1h· ha!S :1~ ti :-<t'\'t,.•ral

ti·ac ti11g aml. it!"! l' t;' work.

ib :.:.tUd('fl S, Ill l Piii) \11 !h.• "l' "l\n• o( llWtlt'Tll tfoir.\

i"g, hut iH thl• 111·1 t;tl tira~ tin• ot ma11ufanuring all

k 11cb oi dui•·) 1•r1Jd1H'ts. 1•r1·parlu~ hem ior e:xhl·

hit ion" n11d ma ·kc·t, and dist ihut n~ thl' !'iOJlle Tlw

di tn•1ucl for 1 rogr1·s~J\f' \llllll!: lllt'll anti wonh'u l!i

•he ' lir:-· lli•ltl ~ \ 1 n E'll(·ouraging. i111l1..•t>fl It ~

the }llau of th1 cit 11artmP 11 to nff'e-r a t+.-chnkal trniu-

~- \\ cb" 1 "I flt 1hi "tJlkllt tP rntet tl.H' ...;ro\\-11:.. n ed


Experiments are Made 111 Live Stock.

(Continued from P age Onel

'I ht kt·1li11µ ot sh, Pp ou tla f.1nu bas also rt'­

t·t•i\t>d ILIUC'h I tlt•\ t111:r tl11r {l\.(lt'ikll('(' h0(':-< tl) Hem

tl:at sh1 l 1 11 t h 111.itlt' 'en protitahlt~ on tht 1nn

and lht C'\pf'I' l'llt· 11[ rnn ' nf 1h. r~1r1t11>rs n1nlln11s lhi!' I 'II<' 11~ 011

.\\, ·.:1111a .is iu t 1t 11nf.l ,lJ11l wm ) .._ t u~ain ~row .-tr~1 11ul1c1i:; n !'>,(t"fs 1111 tlt• ·a.11.:;-1• 1·onntn- . \\hit-h

:.:.1 Ol I ht fott1 It] I 11 tlw r. I IL Talt• '.\lo11ln1;a t>:XJ1t:t•.

H t,.. :sho\\ t 1, t ... 1·r~ c·,,~ LH' a~ t·tt.•nomi(:allv fed Pll t 1 .\r ltlt ma f;i rn 111ll '' th .\lont .. u13 ft•l·1.l.s a:-;

th1·' < 111 " in tli1 c rn bt It


J oh n Mur ray, W F. Flu hr, T ho mas Gra y.


Experiment Station of Montana

( Co nt inued from Page One )

:" s111•t•ri11tt..·rHl1..1il ~r;.liu laliora1or~ E . .I. t l uinu, H. ~. ;i .... !'iJS(Hlll dh'n1i:.:.1. o~car Tr~(,.;\ t'll, assbtaut Ulll·

1ral l111sUat·dnwn .Joe U \loq!an. B. ;:-; ;l;:;:-;1 -::. tant :..: r .1ih lab: ra1op

T he Equipment for Experime n t Station W ork.

Tht t•q11ipnh•11t of ti1P E xperiment ~ tat ion ma.•

lw rlivi!l1·d inrn t\to (h1~:-;1::·s ; lirst 1ht~ la n d and hui,d·

ll:l!:-; \\Ilic h Jll'll\ i1!P !ht• laboratory t"JHt c·1• tor its wol"k and, :-t•<'olld, lilt' f;tt'ilitit•:-. for tlnin~ ThP \\or k

i1: th• :'t' htllora1orh·..;.,

Tht• l.~111tl rnu ti>U hy tlw l•~ :\ l1t-1ri nwu1 ~i:uiou f.,

'-"'1.cl. p:1rtl~ for 1·\.perinw11t:-; in lht• gr.1 w ing- of grain.

tc.1·a~1· autl r• 111 <·ro11~ hy tht• agronomy 1lq1ar1nwn1,

i11 1111~ ...:rot\i11.: of ln1it~ \t..'~t·tahl.P,; and orna11w111ul

tn·1·" ar11l shruh:.:. ·~ llw horlir nl!ure d1•J1<1rl n11-nt,

and 111 prln1di11g c-ra n autl fonlg1· Im liP I.ht• :-.:'m·k

l-1·111 fur t-'l>p1·ri111t·111:tl 1111riu ~t->:s

A t Bozt.'llHlll 1hf'IP art' ·l•H • <H'l'I;':.:. ot I.and all Ull•h'"

irril:a1i11n T iu· Fon Ellis farm about four milt· ...

1•;1st 11f thp ( 'oJJ..,l{e pnn·i<lts a s1..·l·tio n of dry l and

l"nr 1lry ia r mi n g- !'itUdiPs a 61'C'tio11 of dry la n d is

aq1llah!t• near )l ot·c·:"'in. in F'Prg-11..;. (·01111t~ On tlw l l1111!1Py irr igation projel'l, at O s borut->. i~ ! •ill ant'~ 1 1 l<'1Hl. p:i rt ,y l1f'low anll pan ly a hon_~ th" clitr·h

'' hl•rp ~E:' IW ra l CTOII stu di (•s an· lit.'ing l'i.llT I'll on.

and 1war l'onallis in H.;nalli <·ot1nty i:-; '.:!n a1"JI' of

i1T'J.!a1t·d la n d Ll:.:.l•tl for honicultura l st11cl1t·!'i unit·

In 1cldi1ion IO 1hb, ten111orary u:.:.t' has "··1·11 h<~d ilunni..: tl11• past ~·t>ar l:f 'u a~TE'::: llt'<tr F{t1unu 't ~·

oulri ('n11111' ::?11 \<'rt.•:.:. t1P:1r Eureka l ~in{·ol1: re 1111,·:

I) av1·1 s !J1 1r t:la~go" \-all(•y 1·11\lnl) 111 H'rJf•:.:. 11 .,: 1r

r \' 11 1;rid!.! s, )1 disnn (Ollnl\·, an 1t 2:-, ni·n·g near

\\ h;.111\, \\" l1a1 \ (Ollnt~ :ill 11:.:.1.•d fur £'.;f•IH'ral (TO)l

tlld:1 ~ ila. lt .1 IO tit !'ijH'l' .11 l.Ot'ality.

Thi farm lJ11ildil1Ls an tht' l d 1ora111r1t·:.:. IOI ·ar • Hl..! 011 ft· ·1a II )lh<l:.:.t·s ot t 1t.' ~ - ;111011 we rk. jr1ttit

1lally thp \\1! k w11' 11,·e .~1 1c-k Tht•J't· :u1 on tb,·

<"o:lr>L1• !"11rm. a tlniry ba111 ,lw\ cc st ~12.11oe1, n luJt·,..,.

t n ha c·o:.:.1 ~ · •.n1-11. a ~tt.'1r ffoµdiu~ br.rn 1 h:.11 ('(_hi

~ •. u11r. b· I :-lird..; tha1 C'O:'t $1.n11u, a she1·p lnrn 111.11

1 ns 1 -: 1.1 lH, a pige:~ry thai fQSt ~ 2 .111111, im\llP!ll' nr

~lll•tls I • 1n·1 $."1.H011_ n g-ranary tha1 C"• :'t ~:~.111111,

an 011lrr.\ h111lrl111e:~ 1 1at r·on .1hom {:L111111. A tlH

Ft n FU-~ -ii ll1 ait· l·11i1Ji11g:' thar cn,.1 ,1!i(ili. :-' l n•td

a1:11111 T 11• :-11L l'o( it ion,.. n qi.rions ,,a11,; of! 1r ... ·tat~ art· 111: It! ·c . ..: thnt cn:-:t ~Jose 10 ~:?n.rnM

'f l:t· ,. 11.t ~P hmltlin:::s. part:' of which art' Ul-'t'd

01· 1'\.1t f1w 11 l1htlrn:orits. art• rh"' .t - 1·iC'11lt •al

1111 iol.i11_ 11.t hi1 11 :.y b111ldim::. the rhembtn build·

11~. n111l tl.11• YPlPrinary tn11 tlllll! Tht·"'t' ,UJJding ...

co~ alio11t ~t:.!· Oo htir e;.;:- lhJn 011E-lo1..r'h 01

IH·rn nn li't d lJ.' th(' ExJ1d'ifllc•nt S 1atio11 .

Tih• l:tlu nrnry er 11ipnH1111 ro11s1~ts of tt"> ,, c1]:.:.

<1.1. cl l1t1jdl-'mt11 t:- for d(1ing: 1 h(' fiC'lcl, on hard a11 J g •

d1 11 \\erk tl11 liH·~toc·k the lahora1or) faf'il tlF!;. •• nil I ht n111:-1 m s11t eimens

ThP F'l>J•1•rlmp111 Stntio11 h~i:.:. a \ ,_. y lOIUJ t :i:;f'f

1.i lOc 1 I~ ;u11I imph'Illl..'nr:.:. tor nl! 1h1· , n• 15 - 1iils

C'' \\or~ c41rr!rd on in rJ.~ tiPl.il. tr lilt thp Jiff' 11 at!Pll n111l .... t'l11•1~ CIC 1'11· la·11l to Ti!(' thr 1,1 c H·I

1 <11 in.: 01 !la lt'Pll iur the l ,-e i'tol·k

·111 llH· ... 1 1 k 1 a 11~ owut<l hy the Colli ::P, :-.-1 ,II fi\3 a' 11• ft r l'"\Jlt"l"illlt.'Hlal ~\HI.\. ('Of!!'.' ,..h of nliutll 11 1 lu a of nu1le ~~. hO!-,.\ :.:.. 100 ,..h 1 ..,1 , 1 • 0

Tiu• l'i11·tn11·1.11. IJiolo~ic al. 't.'h. .. riuar:-. horticultural

:rnd ag1 O!!Ull1.' lahoratorit"s art." YE'ry "t>ll rqliiJiped

tor <arr.• fl!-! u1 the work Tbt• ~1n·c:iaJ Jaborator­

i~·,. an--. lht;' :.:.oil~ lalloratory, the gr(.'t'Uhuu:.:.t:-.:. the e.ra;11 aut! :-;Pul 1esti1h.r labornrory , equi p ped for mill·

111:.:; and haldn!:! \\ l1eat anti for !e::;tlng the g-i•rmin·

atit•n :11ul purity or ~111 ::;eed~; the e n tomological lab·

f1ratory, antl tht• in:H:'t't C'01Jectio11,;. t h e battPrioloa-i·

('al lal 101atury. an<l the \' ery L'Otnplete ht.>rhnrium,

\\lilt 101i\- thous'.111(} !SJle(·imPn~.

Tht• d1t·m utl la!Joratories are ,-t·n eompletel)

'<111ippt>d for making complete anaJ;·.$is of ~oil~. \\ah r lTOp:-:., and animal s _ antl animal produl'ts.


t• 11rnhl.Pm of t he l'.:xperimeut :::.wt ion. is 10

lu kP 1111 -,. t'fliC'lt'nt and profitable t:1e work of the far111. hy l:t'ttin:: all lht> iniorma1ion po~ible ahout

th~· !!ro\\th, th q•l.011rnet1t aud prodnction of thC' th•ld .11itl 11rd1ard c op,; and nil c l a::. :-< p,; of l h e stOl'k nn th1 1.1rm.

llr11adl:- ~Jlt-llki11g- the E x perimt>nt ~ lation "Ork

1~· (lf 1hrt't kinds til's t , how 10 iiroduu' lan.rt-'r u·up:.:.

ol ht' h·r cp1al :- or 10 pro<lrn:e <rop s more l.:'nmom·

it'ally. sp( Ollll. how to )lrOl('<.·t t h e lh•ld ('ro11:.:. and

11\-t• s11 1\·k ol 1h~· farm from di s t>ast> and p£':.:.t:-. \\llll'li_

1111pa1r or tll's!r(1y their 'alue or rt•1lllt'E:' t it>ir yit>ld,

11tl Ill rd, ho\\ ttl nn:mniz.t." 1he lantit>rs· husilll'S!'

::111<1 markl"t his lTOJ1s so a~ to ~t't ior 111111 lilt..• lan:1::,;t It_.:- ... lil1 lahor i11eomP. This laflt.'1' di\ ,,..ion of tht

\\ orh. i,.. 11 \\. hut prnmist s m11d1 for :u::;rkult 1r~tl .t• \cllt't'Jllt."llt


Ass tstant Professor of Poultry Husbandr)'.