Sure Way English PTE Score Boosters Book


Transcript of Sure Way English PTE Score Boosters Book

Sure Way English PTE Score Boosters BookTABLE OF CONTENTS
Introduction Things you need to know Lesson 1 Let’s make a study plan
Lesson 2 How to get a high score in Real Aloud Lesson 3 Magic of Daily Practice
Lesson 4 How to handle difficult Re-tell Lecture Questions Lesson 5 Using Essay Templates
Lesson 6 How to remember long sentences Lesson 7 Avoid these mistakes in Multiple-choice Lesson 8 Right approach for Write from Dictation
Lesson 9 Get inspired by others Lesson 10 Most important step in Re-order Paragraphs
Lesson 11 Topics for Answer Short Question Lesson 12 Most important rule for Summarize Text Lesson 13 Super Tips to improve Speaking fluency
Lesson 14 What to remember in Summarize Spoken Text Lesson 15 Common sense approach in Fill in the blanks Lesson 16 How many templates to use for Describe Image
Lesson 17 Getting a good score in a week Lesson 18 Real Repeated Questions Bank Lesson 19 Grammar for a High Score
Lesson 20 How to describe very difficult images Final Thoughts One Last Thing
BEFORE WE BEGIN Things to keep in mind
Preparing for an exam like the PTE Academic can be very simple for some, but very challenging for the others!
We have seen students often get confused about the best way to prepare for the exam. PTE Academic is a newer exam compared to IELTS and TOEFL, and is therefore is always evolving. Pearson is constantly trying to make their exam and software the predictor of English language proficiency.
The problem faced by students is further compounded by the huge amount of low quality, unreliable study materials available on the Internet and sites such as YouTube. They often end of taking wrong advice, which ends up harming their score.
That is why we decided to write this book!
In this book we will share with you - Answers to a few common problems that students face when preparing for PTE and give you some proven advice on how to get a high score…FAST!
We hope you will make the most of this advice and use this as an important part of your PTE Preparation.
(When you get a chance, check out the Sure Way English Premium course With hundreds of video lectures, practice tests, full length mocks, tips, tricks, templates and lots more, it is the one sure short way of getting a high score in PTE).
We wish you great success in PTE! All the best!
Your friends @ Sure Way English
You can achieve your goal If you prepare the right way.
Each Week Hundreds of Sure Way English Premium Course students get a High PTE Score.
Now it’s your turn.
START WITH A PLAN Failing to plan, is planning to fail
You know how much planning we do even before going to a movie!
But you will be surprised to know that most people go into an exam as important as the PTE without any detailed plan! They don’t plan their study, they don’t plan their approach, all the while just hoping that somehow by luck things will go their way.
So our first piece of advice to you is: PLEASE! Don’t leave everything to luck. Do your part. Play an active role in your PTE success!
You can download a sample study plan from here - This is a 4 week plan. Download it and use it to make your own plan.
(Premium course students: Watch the lecture on planning and download other plans that best suit your situation. Depending upon your course option, you can also ask us to help you with the planning.)
So, let’s do this PTE thing smartly. Our time is precious, our money is precious…let’s not waste them.
Make sure, you make your PTE Plan today!
High score in Read Aloud Do these 3 things to get a high score!
The very first question you will face in your PTE exam is the Read Aloud! So, it’s important we make a good start.
In this lesson we will share 3 things that you can do to improve your Read Aloud score quickly.
(Premium course students: Watch the Speaking Masterclass lecture, the Method lecture and the Tips and Tricks lecture for Read Aloud to go into these in detail. Remember to get your speaking assessment done and then get expert feedback on your Read Aloud responses.)
1. Know how to handle difficult words
Not uncommon to find words that you are not familiar with. Words that look a bit too complicated. What to do with them?
Well, you just make your best guess and move on! Don’t get stuck on one word, don’t keep mumbling, don’t hesitate, don’t waste time…
Just think of a word that seems similar and shorter and speak it in the place of that difficult word. For example:
If you find this word difficult and don’t know what to do with it, just speak a simpler shorter word such as inflate in place of it.
Of course, before you do this you should try to break the difficult word into smaller parts and see if you can then pronounce it. For example:
inflammable = in + flamm + able
Remember! there is no substitute for dedicated effort. That is why in our premium courses we provide a full free vocabulary course. Going through that course will improve your vocabulary so much you will hardly find any word difficult!
2. Pause at these places
Everyone will tell you that you should pause at the right place while reading. But what are these right places. Often in an exam situation under pressure one is not able to quickly understand this.
So, here’s a rule of thumb: Pause at punctuations – full stops, commas, etc. and at conjunctions – and, but, etc.
Next time, simply go with this and you will be OK!
3. Speak right – slow or fast
Students often struggle with – how fast or slow should I be?
The answer is that you need to do some work beforehand to find this out. All of us sound different at different speaking speeds. Your goal is to understand which speed makes you sound most fluent.
So do an exercise – take a few long sentences and record yourself speaking those at different speeds – slow, medium, fast. Then play it to your teacher or some friend and ask them at which speed you sound the best. That is the one you should go with.
DAILY PRACTICE Why you should do a bit everyday!
We have all heard this many times – from our school teachers, parents, well wishers…
Don’t leave everything to the last moment! Study a bit everyday.
But when it comes to PTE Academic, this is not just another piece of wisdom passed from one generation to another.
There are scientific reasons why daily practice is crucial for an exam like PTE.
Language takes time to develop! This is not an exam where you can just memorize some facts and write them down on the exam day. Your responses in the exam will develop upon how well your language abilities have developed. And, that takes time!
Even if you read everything about English language, how you speak – your tone, your pace, how you write – your choice of words, structures, etc. is something which will come from inside you. That is why you should spend at least a little time everyday. It is just like watering a plant and giving it time to grow. The growth can’t happen all in one day.
So, please make sure you take out some time, even if just 15~20 minutes to practice your core skills everyday. You will be pleased with the improvement after a few days.
Ready to put in some effort? Most Sure Way English students achieve their desired score in under 4 weeks! Don’t stop yourself from
succeeding. Join the winning team.
GONE BLANK? What if you don’t understand the lecture at all!
This is the worst case scenario! We all wish this doesn’t happen to us. But there is a chance that it might. In the exam you come to a re-tell lecture question and you are almost hundred percent unable to understand what the lecture is about! You don’t remember anything at all or if you do you only remember a few words from here and there. What to do now? The clock is ticking…time is running out… First thing: If you know that this can happen in the exam, you can prepare for it before hand and somewhat mitigate the damage. (Premium course students: To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, PLEASE follow the method steps and watch the Guided practice lectures seriously. Your goal is not to do a lot of practice questions in a hurry, your goal is to get the most out of each bit of practice.) Now what can you do to handle this situation? If you remember a couple of words then you can at least make some sentences using them. For e.g. if you only remember the words “Tokyo” and “Sushi” from the lecture. You can make some a sentence such as: The lecture is about Tokyo and Japanese cuisine such as Sushi.
It is important that you have a template in mind beforehand – you should know that you need to build an overview sentence. In the exam, don’t waste time thinking what to do. You should simply go ahead and do it! If you don’t remember anything at all then you can look at the image accompanying the lecture (or if it’s a video then whatever you remember from the video – people talking in a board room or someone giving a presentation – then its topic, etc.) and make some sentences just based on the image. Remember! You can always add a generic conclusion statement. A statement like “The lecture provides a lot of detailed information on the topic in question.” is always going to be correct! (Premium course students: Watch the lectures on templates you can use!) Those are the things which you can do if you come across a very difficult lecture or don’t remember anything at all from the lecture.
Keep them in mind and you will be reasonably OK if this happens to you!
ESSAY TEMPLATES Use the right templates for a High Score
If you struggle with writing essays, then templates can be of great help to you. Depending upon the type of essay, you will need a specific template.
You can't use the same template everywhere! Essay types?
They can be opinion, problem and solution, advantages and disadvantages, discussion and 2-part essays. For each essay type you should use a specific template. You must also understand how to apply that template to your essay topic. Otherwise you will just end up making mistakes and losing marks! Download a template for an Opinion Essay from here We are sure you will find it useful. (Premium course students: Watch lectures on all 5 essays types and the templates to use for each. You can also download the 5 templates from the Writing section.) Templates can be very useful, but you must know how and when to use them!
Don’t repeat the mistake of others – Never use a template without fully understanding it.
LONG SENTENCES Do this if you find it difficult to remember
Recently, Pearson has started putting in somewhat longer sentences in the Repeat Sentence question type.
Are you able to handle long sentences?
Remembering these sentences so you could correctly repeat them is a challenge. Here’s what we suggest:
Take notes but only the key words. During your practice experiment answering some questions without notes and others with notes. See which technique gives you better results.
(Premium course students: Watch the lecture on Note taking and the Masterclass on Listening to study these ideas in detail. Also make sure you follow the Methods and stick to them in the Guided Practice Lectures.)
Use your visual memory as well. Don’t simply try to remember the words, rather try to visualize the whole sentence. Think of what comes to your mind when you hear each word. We remember things much better when we have seen them!
Finally, if you only remember a few words, then just make any reasonably intelligent sounding sentence from them. For example, if you only remember:
university, exams, November
then you can speak a sentence like – “The university exams will start in November”.
This is much better than simply mumbling “university…exams…ahhh…ahmmmm… err…November…”.
Keep this things in mind and you will surely do better.
Don't give up on long sentences. You can surely remember them, just follow the right approach.
You cannot climb a mountain without adequate preparation. Don’t depend only on random luck and free advice. Benefit from our years of experience.
Achieve your goal in the next few weeks!
MULTIPLE-CHOICE Don’t do these things!
Let’s talk about the multiple-choice questions. These questions can often be tricky! Because of several reasons. Let’s see some of these!
Don’t decide in a hurry! The very first piece of advice I have for you – Do not decide in a hurry.
Sometimes, you will look at an option and think YES! This is it. However, if you don’t look at other options, you will run the risk of making a mistake. Sometimes, other options make more sense or are complete in a way that the earlier option is not. So, even if you are almost 100% sure of the correct option, do not submit your answer before checking out other options.
(Premium course students: Never skip detailed explanations in the Guided Practice lectures. Watch the Method video and the Tips and Tricks video to understand these points in more detail.)
Don’t use your own judgement! Let’s say there is a passage on the most populated countries and the question asks you to pick the most populated country. Most of you know that the most populated country in the world is China and you might jump to a conclusion and just select China from the list. But what if the passage only talks about India, Russia, Australia and Vietnam? Then the correct answer in the context is India!
Please don’t let your own judgement or opinion decide the option. You should make your selection based entirely on what is written in the passage.
Don’t get confused between correct and almost correct! This is a common pitfall!
Let’s say the passage is about coffee and it says that 98% people like coffee. If the question is – Which of the following statements about coffee is true? and the options are “Everyone likes coffee”, “Majority of people like coffee”, “A small minority likes coffee”, “No one likes coffee”, then some students will just look at everyone and think that 98% is almost everyone and select that option. But actually, 98% is a majority.
So, beware of such choices in the exam. This is another reason why you shouldn’t decide in a hurry and give equal attention to all options.
Avoid these pitfalls to score good marks in your multiple choice questions!
WRITE FROM DICTATION Type directly or not?
There is a good chance you have thought about this before! Shall I type directly into the screen or first write it down on paper and type it afterwards? This is an important question for Write from dictation. The right approach can make all the difference. And the answer is…. You have to figure this out. In our premium course, we often stress that your preparation is not just about understanding the question types and doing some questions. It is also about preparing your strategy for the exam. Exam preparation --------> Exam strategy First, try some questions with direct typing as you listen. Then try some questions with first noting down on paper and then typing. Finally, try some question with noting down some parts and remember other parts of the sentence. The approach that gives you the best results is the one you should take! Make sure you do this before the exam. Don’t go into the exam without a clear strategy. Applies not just to this but all other question types as well.
We all get discouraged sometimes.
The pressures of life, work, unsettled living situations, visas and an exam to clear on top of that! It all seems a bit too much.
It is natural to feel deflated and lose your motivation in such a case.
But don’t!
Look at your past achievements and derive inspiration from them.
Look at the achievements of others in challenging situations who achieved a great score despite all odds!
We have put together a few real student experiences for you to read and get inspired from.
Go here to read about them.
Live and work in the city of your dreams? Get a High Score in PTE with Sure Way English, and make your dreams come true! Don’t delay, don’t
hesitate. Your time is precious. Make the most of it with a Sure Way English course.
RE-TELL LECTURE Make sure do well in the most important step
They say - well begun is half done!
That means, if you make the right start, you are already half way through. Nowhere is this more important than in Re-order Paragraphs! The first step is the most important. And that step is to pick the first sentence. Picking the first step is not as difficult as you might think. (Premium course students: Watch the detailed method lecture to understand this first step and other steps in more depth.) Here’s the rule of thumb – The first sentence should be independent!
What does that mean really?
It means, the first sentence should not require any other sentences to complete its meaning. In other words, if someone reads this sentence, they should get a complete understanding of a concept or thing. For e.g. The Great Ocean Road is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Australia. If you read this sentence, you will get complete information about Great Ocean Road’s attraction for tourists in Australia.
However, if the sentence was: It is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Australia.
When you read this sentence, you immediately want to know – “What is it? What are you talking about?”. This sentence depends upon some other sentence to explain what it is. There you go!
You now know how to pick the first reorder paragraphs sentence.
ANSWER SHORT QUESTION What is the source of these questions?
A lot of students have this question in mind:
Where do Answer Short Questions come from?
They are worried that they might find a question on a topic they are unfamiliar with. This is a valid concern!
First things first! Don’t fear too much. They are not going to ask any scientific questions or questions that require you to know any specific detail from history or mathematical formulas, etc.
Most of the questions are on general topics. Someone who is sufficiently clued in and does not panic on hearing a question should be able to answer these questions.
Answers are nothing but words! So, in a way, the stronger your vocabulary, lesser are the chances you will find any question unfamiliar.
(Premium course students: This is another reason why you should spend time going through the FREE Vocabulary course.)
Another tip – Don’t think too much! Most often the answer is the simplest thing that comes to your mind. For example – for the question – “Which piece of furniture is most likely to be found in a bedroom?”, the answer is “a bed”. But a lot of people answer with a sofa or side table or something else that some people might have in their bedrooms.
This is a case of thinking too much! You can’t have a bedroom without a bed, but you can have a bedroom without a sofa or anything else. So, please always go with the most common sense option.
This coupled with your review of vocabulary, should make sure you are able to answer most questions!
SUMMARIZE TEXT This is the most important thing
Summarize Written text is one of the two question types in the Writing section.
It is quite a challenging task…IF…you don’t understand how to go about it.
A long passage and so many points seem to be important!
What to cover and what not to cover?
And on top of that, you have the even bigger challenge:
It should be just one sentence!
There is a lot that one needs to learn and take care of to get a high score in Summarize text.
You need to understand how to identify the key points, what to include, what to leave, how to connect the points together, how to make a good sentence etc.
(Premium course students: Watch the Summarize text Method lecture again and again till you understand each and every step. Also make sure you follow the Guided Practice lectures properly. This way you will learn all the finer points.)
But the biggest rule of thumb is this:
Do not make a sentence so complex that you end up making grammatical mistakes. Use sentence structures that you are confident about. Even 35-40 words can be good enough.
Often students put together such a long sentence that it seems like they have just put one sentence after another and only added commas! Please don’t do this.
Instead of trying to cover each and everything in that one sentence, focus on the main points and then just make a crisp sentence.
Have faith in yourself! With right guidance and preparation you can crack the PTE Academic in just a few weeks. Each week hundreds of Sure Way English students do that. You can be the
next one!
SPEAKING FLUENCY Do this for fast improvement
Which are the two biggest things that non-native speakers of English struggle with?
One is pronunciation and the other is fluency. You can tell that someone is a non- native English speaker usually by listening to how they pronounce various words and sounds. And, you can also tell that by noticing how fluent and confident they sound.
Both of these things have a big impact on your PTE score!
Let’s look at what you can do to improve your fluency and do it quickly.
(Premium course students: Watch the Speaking Masterclass lecture to understand how to improve your speaking skills.)
In the PTE you are basically talking with a computer and a computer doesn’t care who you are. It doesn’t know your background, it doesn’t know if you started preparing only last week or have been preparing for last two months!
So, the first thing that you should do is – Act confident! We are not saying that be confident, because real confidence comes with time. But you can always act confident, at least for 30~40 minutes of the Speaking test.
Even if you are not sure of some words and their pronunciation act as if you are, speak as if you don’t care if you come across as wrong! Trust me, this will make a difference.
Stop hesitating, stop the ahmms, errrsss etc.
The other thing which you can do is – Speak at a faster rate! Instead of reading two words at a time, try to read four words at a time, six words at a time and speak faster! This also helps to polish off your accent.
Final tip – every day for 15~20 minutes, sit quietly with your eyes closed and imagine that you are already in the country that you want to be in – for e.g. Australia or USA, whatever your intended destination is. Imagine you are there are and you are going about a normal day there. Going to a coffee shop, ordering a coffee, making small talk with your colleagues or speaking in front of an audience. Simply close your eyes and imagine! Give your mind the message that you have confidence in your abilities. And, it will flow through.
Little daily practice, goes a long way!
SUMMARIZE SPOKEN TEXT How to know what is important
There are two main challenges in a summarize spoken text question –
First: What is important? and Second: How to remember it!
If one can do this then writing the summary is the simpler part.
Most people fail in this because they fail at the very first step - They are just not able to figure out what is important!
There are some simple rules for this:
(Premium course students: Must watch the detailed methods lecture to understand this in detail.)
People Places Events Connecting words
are important. Try to catch them.
Repeated words indicate that they are important.
What this means is:
When you are listening to the audio, try to pick out words of these categories and put them in your notes. In the end write your summary based on these words and what you understand overall about the topic.
(Premium course students: Watch the lecture on connecting words. Also important for writing essays.)
So, next time when you are attempting a summarize spoken text question, try to listen for these kinds of words.
These are the ones that are important and ones you should incorporate in your response.
FILL IN THE BLANKS Follow the Easy Common Sense Approach
Reading is a section where strong core skills – grammar and vocabulary, play an especially important role. In questions like fill in the blanks, if you know the grammar rules and have a good vocabulary, you can more easily pick the right word to fill in.
Here is the thing though:
What if you can’t pick the right option based on grammar or vocabulary? Or if you are confused between couple of options.
(Premium course students: MUST spend time on your FREE vocabulary and grammar courses. Even if you spend just a few days brushing up your concepts, it will help a lot in the end.)
Then what you do – you use the common-sense approach!
Common sense approach is about asking the right questions to bring out the right answer. What you do is:
Take one word from the options, put it in the blanks and ask yourself if it fits in the overall context of the sentence.
Does it make sense? Does it add something to the meaning of the rest of the sentence?
For example:
Dogs _____.
And the options are: fly, run, people. Then if you look at the words one by one – fly doesn’t make sense. Run makes sense because Dogs are living beings and living beings do something… Run is something that can be done. That is why it is the correct option. For the same reason people is the wrong option.
So, remember! Don’t panic if you find some difficult fill in the blanks questions. One by one substitution and taking the common-sense approach will make sure you are able to answer.
Focus on your goal! And give it your one hundred percent. Don’t leave anything to chance. That is how you succeed! Give it your best shot with Sure Way English.
DESCRIBE IMAGE How many templates do you really need
If you have been preparing for PTE for a while, you have obviously thought about templates. Maybe, you even use a couple of templates for describing your images or essays.
We have some questions for you:
How many templates do you have? Do you know how many templates you should have?
If your answer is 1, 2 or even 3 templates, then I am sorry to say, you are very ill prepared!
Do you also know which template to use in which situation?
A template by definition means something that can be used again and again. To make this possible a template often has generic common sentences and response elements. When you try to use the same structure for all types of image, your answer never comes out as good as it can be!
That is why you don’t need one template for Describe Image! You need one template for each kind of Describe Image questions!
(Premium course students: Please downloads all 9 Describe Image templates and also watch the 9 corresponding lectures to understand how and when to use each template.)
Your images can be of various types:
Bar graphs, Line graphs, charts, photos, diagrams, etc.
You need one template for each of these types. This way your responses will have a much larger variety and the computer software will never be able to cut marks for using the same template again and again.
GOOD SCORE IN SHORT TIME Can you really get a High Score in a Week?
PTE Academic is not just another school or university exam. It is something which will have a lasting impact on your life. It is necessary for your visa application, that is why getting a good PTE score becomes a top priority for most. Many a times people don’t have sufficient time to prepare – could be because the skills assessment is expiring or the current visa needs a renewal – but they need to clear the exam and get the required score ASAP, often in a week or so. So, is a week enough time? The long answer is – It depends on your current English skill and the score requirement!
But the short and more hopeful answer is – It might be possible :) See, sometimes all you need is to get a jump of 5 or 10 points. This can be done easily by fixing the sections that you are struggling with. For example – just writing your essay somewhat better can make all the difference, or knowing how to speak for maximum impact can get you to your goal! (Premium course students: On that note, make sure you don’t miss a single Method Lecture or any Concepts, Tips and Tricks or Templates lecture.) In a nutshell, you don’t always need months and months to prepare (of course, if you have that much time, nothing like it!), sometimes you just need some fine tuning, some tips, tricks and expert guidance.
GET A BIG ADVANTAGE Real Repeated Questions Banks
This simple piece of advice can give you the biggest edge in your PTE exam.
As you know already, PTE is a computer based test. A computer can only do what it has been programed for! Which means – All the questions including your essays, summaries, describe images…and all others are fed into the computer beforehand. The software then picks some questions from the pool and gives to you during the exam.
This is the reason why knowing the repeated and already asked questions is a BIG ADVANTAGE! Because there is a good chance those questions will COME AGAIN in your exam.
We have tied up with the leading Real PTE Questions Bank – Super PTE to bring a special offer for you!
All FREE and Premium students of Sure Way English PTE Course can get their question bank at 50% OFF! Just follow this link to grab your Repeated Questions Bank.
Remember this is an exclusive offer, only for the Sure Way English students!
So make the most of it. This has the potential to lift your score by 5, 10 or even 15 points.
GRAMMAR Do you need a good grammar for a high score?
Is it really necessary to have a good grammar to achieve a high score in PTE? This is a tricky question. If you think logically, a building can be strong only if it has a strong foundation. Going by this, a good understanding of English grammar is necessary for good overall English ability. (Premium course students: Spend some time on the FREE Grammar course that is included as a part of your PTE course).
Now on the other hand, if you look around, a large number of people who seem to have very good English language skills, don’t have a solid formal understanding of the grammar rules. This is because we also learn English language naturally by being in an English- speaking environment. A child doesn’t need to learn grammar rules! We all are fluent in our native languages without knowing all the grammar rules of our language. PTE score depends on your understanding of the question types, how well you satisfy the criteria and also on your understanding of the core concepts.
So you might not need a solid grammar to get an average score, but having a good grasp will certainly help you improve your score and also make you more confident overall. Top three most important topics from the perspective of PTE Academic are:
Parts of speech
If you can spend some time brushing up these grammar areas, it will definitely reflect in your score!
DESCRIBE IMAGE How to handle an image which is very complex
Describe Image question type in PTE can be very easy for some and very difficult for others.
How is it for you? Which kind of describe image questions do you find the most difficult? Is it the bar graphs, images, system diagrams, charts, photos, process diagrams or something else?
(Premium course students: Watch all 9 lectures on the 9 image types. Understand how to answer them and which template to use for them)
Most students panic when they see an image that looks too complex or seems like it has a lot of data. The immediate thought that goes into their mind is – “Where to start?”, “Where to look first?”,…
Relax! There is no need to feel like this. This is not a test of your analytical abilities! This is a test mainly of your speaking skills! So, don’t worry about getting every drop of information out of an image. You just need enough to frame a response.
Most of what you need to speak is right in front of you! The title of the image, the type of the image, whatever is visible in the image just frame it in simple sentences.
Do not think about making complex judgements or conclusions! Keep things simple.
Always keep some standard sentences ready, such as:
"This image provides a lot of useful information on the topic under consideration."
You can use these standard sentences when nothing else comes to your mind!
So, to sum up:
Focus on speaking!
It is alright if your response doesn't capture all the key information. Don't let one difficult question demoralize you. You can always make up in the next question!
REMEMBER THIS Lessons we learned from thousands of students
We have helped thousands of students achieve their score goal through our courses. From them we have learned some very important lessons about success, that we now want to share with you.
Don’t do things half heartedly
Our most successful students are those who give their 100%. They make a plan and they follow it. They don’t expect miracles, they simply work hard and follow a step by step method to achieve their goals.
Don’t be short sighted
Being short sighted means to only think of the near term. An exam like PTE or IELTS is about your long term future. Some students who depend upon free materials from here and there often end up taking the exam many times! Just see how much money they waste on their fees again and again. If only they had thought about long term and taken a proper course or learning resource the first time. A small investment today, can save you so much time and money in future.
Don’t hesitate
Those who don’t step out of their home, never reach anywhere. Just browsing the internet, going from one video on YouTube to another, doing a bit of this and a bit of that, won’t get you anywhere. Take a decisive action. Start your PTE Preparation journey properly.
Get started on your journey to success, with the No. 1 PTE Preparation course, online or offline. Every week
hundreds of our students achieve a 65+ or 79+. It’s your turn now!