
SUMPLEXITY The Game of SUMPLEXITY The CulturePlex Team [email protected]



Transcript of Sumplexity

  • 1. The Game of SUMPLEXITY The CulturePlex Team [email_address]

2. TheWHATof Sumplexity ?

  • A game about answering three of the most common and apparently simple questions about CulturePlex.
  • To ponder:
  • Why apparently simple?

3. The Three Questions!

  • What is CulturePlex?
  • What do you guys do there?
  • What doYOUdo there?

4. TheWHYof Sumplexity?

  • To answer these questions.
  • The answer:
    • Short
    • Accurate
    • To the point

5. TheHOWof Sumplexity?

  • Collect
  • Collaborate
  • Communicate